Meaning and Nature of Culture
Meaning and Nature of Culture
Meaning and Nature of Culture
Culture too changes with time. The society that developed the culture is
not a fixed body of people. Newgenerations are being brought into it and some
new members from other cultures are beingassimilated. With the increased
The changes in culture are however not rapid and never drastic. The changes
reflect the movefrom old ideas to the new and also acceptance of ground realities
only be gradual.
The word culture or the concept itself is flexible and can be stretched to cover
legitimate for us to take up study ofsubcultures of this Eastern culture like the
“Indian immigrants” can also be recognized and studied, aslong as the group is
culture can beviewed as a “blessing” and a preserve of values, heritage, arts and
The main vehicles of culture are the family and the religious institutions where
the individualis “taught” much of the ideas, beliefs etc., that from the culture. This
learning cultural blues begins early in life largely through social interactions
thinking and feeling. Someof the core cultural values that have been passed
Culture is Shared by a firmly large group of human beings living in organized
societies and works as a linking force. Generally, common religion and language
arethe critical elements that the American pop culture is being shared by a large
because they are gratifying. Culture offers order, direction and guides societies in
physiological,personal and social needs and due to these reasons people feel
others but they do change gradually and continuously. These changes, however,
maybe very slow in some cultures while others may be more dynamic and
receptive tochanges. Since cultures are not static and change rapidly or slowly in
marketers point ofview. For example, traditionally the role of women in India was
looked after household dutiesand bore children. In urban India, at least, the role
this, dual income households are emerging, with smaller families and increased
buying power. This has thrown up several, and important, opportunities to
Such cultural changes in India can be directlyattributed to the influence of
cultures and media influence, which emphasize freedom and equality to women.
Culture can divided into two distinct components.
Influence of Culture on consumer behavior
While there are a large number of areas where the individual is conditioned by
his culture, forour study we will focus on certain areas where his consumer
why Italian gentry in Toronto or Indianladies in San Francisco are shopping for
silks and why custom dictated elaborate dressesunsuitable for the local and
prevailing climate are purchased all the year round, by ethnic groups.
Housing people of a certain class brought up in the western culture may view the
house as a
caste to protect their privacy whereas persons in the same class brought up in
interacting with kith and kin.Such cultural influences affect the choice of location,
material, construction and décor of thehouses the consumer buys and this has to