Project On Times of India

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Submitted By:

M.B.A. Sem III

Submitted To

Department of Business

True learning is born out of experience and observation practical experience is one of the best
types of leanings that one can remember throughout the life. After II semesters in learning
theoretical aspects of administration and management, the day come to apply these in
corporate world in content of modern industrial enterprise that has to go through its different
terminal to achieve that corporate goals. The main object of practical training is to develop
practical knowledge and experience and awareness about industrial environment and business
practices in the student as a supplement to theoretical studies of administration and
management in specific area like HRM. It increases the skill, ability and attitude of a student
to perform specific job in industrial environment.

Fortunately, I got golden opportunity to visit and complete my six week training at THE
TIMES OF INDIA. Here, I got chance to see the functioning HRD departments and imbibe a
lot learning of the subjects.

THE TIMES OF INDIA is a wide Organization producing News papers, the main products
include Times of India, Economic Times, Radio Mirchi etc. It has developed in many fields.
Today guess is a legend in the world of business and organisation at a home and abroad.

Through this acknowledgement, I express my sincere gratitude towards all those people who
have helped me in the preparation of this project, which has been learning experience.

I appreciate the co-operation by the management and staff of ‘ THE TIMES OF INDIA’ for
having given me the opportunity to training in their office.

I would like to thanks the Head Of the Department Dr. A.Kumar , the faculty , the librarian
and the administrative staff of Department of Business Administration, Bhavnagar University,
Bhavnagar, for their support.

Finally, I express my sincere thanks to Mr.Ashok Solanki and Mr. Hemant PatelWho guided
me through out the project and gave me Valuable suggestion and encouragement.

Sr. No. Contents Page No.

1 Preface
2 Acknowledgement
3 Declaration

4 Introduction of the Organisation

5 Performance Appraisal

6 Objective of Performance Appraisal

7 Steps of Performance Appraisal

8 Process of Performance Appraisal

9 Challenges of Performance Appraisal

10 Analysis of Questionnaire

11 Conclusion

12 Bibliography
The first edition appears on November 3, 1838 known as "The Bombay Times and Journal of
Commerce".later to be known as “The Times of India “.

The first edition appears on November 3, 1838 known as "The Bombay Times and Journal of
Commerce". The issue is published twice a week. Dr. J.E. Brennan the first editor also
Secretary of the Chamber of Commerce. Rs 30/- is the annual subscription.


The newspaper experiences proprietary changes and Dr. George Brit appointed editor.


Shareholders decide to increase the share capital and the paper converted into a daily


Telegraph Services opens up in India shortly afterwards, the paper

signs an agreement with Reuters for raising news coverage and
lowering subscritption rates. That old tie was renewed in 2006 with
the pact between TIMESNOW & Reuters

Editor Robert Knight amalgamates The Bombay Times, Bombay Standard and
Bombay Telegraph & Courier to form 'The Times of India' and gives it a national


The Times of India Weekly edition launched.The

Times of India weekly edition launched, to meet the
need for a weekend paper. This later came to be
known as the Illustrated Weekly of India in 1923.The
Times of India Weekly edition launched.


Editor Henry Curwen buys TOI in partnership with Charles Kane.


Following the death of Henry Curwen, T. J.

Bennett becomes the editor and enters into a
partnership with F.M. Coleman to form a joint
stock company - Bennett, Colemen & Co. Ltd.

The paper moves in to its current office opposite CST. It
started out at the Parsi Bazar and then moved on to
Churchgate where things got so bad that editor Bennett had
to complete his editorial elsewhere after the ceiling fan
collapsed in his room.

Editor Stanley Reed revolutionises news production by
extending the deadline to midnight. Until then any news
that came in after 5pm was held over for the next day.
TOI's first price war under editor Stanley Reed: price cut
from 4 annas to 1 anna; circulation rises 5 times.


Evening News of India launched


The Times Of India Illustrated Weekly renamedThe Illustrated

Weekly Of India


The Column "Bombay 100 Years ago" published


The Column "Bombay 100 Years ago" published First movie review published


First time news items appeared on the front page


For the first time the paper transfers to Indian ownership. Seth Ramakrishna Dalmia
buys out Bennett, Coleman & Co.Ltd. for Rs. 2 crores.

Sahu Jain Group become the owners of the company. Shanti Prasad Jain is the first Chairman
of the group


 Navbharat Times launched

 The TOI Crest changes from the

lions to elephants

 Dharmayug, Hindi weekly

pictorial magazine launched

 Frank Moraes succeeded Ivor Jehu to become the first Indian editor (1950-57)R K
Laxman’s common man cartoon starts.


Filmfare- first film magazine in English launched

Femina- first women’s magazine in English launched


The Economic Times launched


Maharashtra Times launched

Femina Miss India contest started.
Printing of The Times of India from Kandivili Press in Mumbai.


Times of India completes 150 years.

Special stamp released by P &


BBC features Times of India among

world's six great newspapers

1 994
Bombay Times, the sassy colour supplement that
chronicles the changing lifestyle mores of a
globalising city is launched.


Times of India carry its first colour photograph. Times of India crosses 1 million mark
in circulation.


BCCL enters into music market with Times Music.

1999 launched

BCCL enters music retailing business with Planet M and radio broadcasting business with
Radio Mirchi


TOI crosses the 2 million mark in circulation.


TOI goes all color and storms Delhi by being

"Number One"


President APJ Abdul Kalam visits TOI to

inaugurate Times Foundation
Television business launched with the launch
of a lifestyle and entertainment channel called ZOOME Paper
launchedTimescape- the Times Group Intranet launched. Launch of the
jobs portal Times Jobs pioneered the concept of job fairs in India, branded as

‘Big Leap’.

 MT – Largest read Marathi Newspaper in Mumbai – IRS


 TOI – Goes daily full colour

 Mumbai Mirror launched

 - Launched in August - re-launched as

 in December 2006.


TIMES NOW – TV News Channel launched

ET – first newspaper available on cell phone

Mumbai Mirror – Afternoon edition launched
Offers Mumbai Mirror or Maharashtra Times as complimentary
copy with TOI at a price of Rs.4/- TOI – The only English
language daily to feature among the top 10 with a readership of 131.4
lakhs- IRS Survey by Hansa ResearchTimes Group MD, Mr Vineet
Jain awarded the scroll of honour for being the new age media guru - Hero Honda Indian TV
Academy AwardsTimescape the Times Group Intranet
portal re-launched - now powered by SAP Netweaver
BCCL goes live on SAP –
launched in October 2006 targets the Online Real Estate Space Smart Hire – launched April
2006, is witnessing stupendous growth with its focus on providing organisations with end-to-
end recruitment solutions. – The World’s Only Global Ad Booking Engine -
Relaunched in August 2006With intensive R&D, the Net-2-Print classifieds booking system was created and imbued with AI (artificial intelligence) that assisted users
through the entire process of Creating, Booking & Paying for their Print Classified Ads, all
from the comfort of their desktop.

 TOI – the Indian Corporate Elite’s No. 1 newspaper - A CNielsen Report

 What’s Hot- a new weekly magazine delivered free with TOI on every Friday

 Times Group bags 5 gold and 1 silver at the ABBY Awards

 TOI prints 2 city editions., one at 11pm and second 12.30 am

 BCCL wins SAP ACE 2007 Awards for Customer Excellence in the best media sector
implementation The Economic Times- Gujarati Edition launched

 Good Life World - launched April 2007is the future of Internet in India, the concept of
‘Click & Brick’ is just the right impetus the Online Industry needs, as users are either
to busy to log on to the net for their personal needs or are not savvy enough and need
help. The Good Life World Centre allows users to access the services offered by
Times Business Solutions’ portals from the Centre and make offline payments for
online services, thus ensuring ease of access and complete financial security.

Businesses are in:

Publications,Finance,Music,Retailing,Media,Radio,Internet products,Events, Charitable
“Mission of “TIMES OF INDIA”:

“The Times of India Group is the aggregator of content in any form in

the infotainment Industry. We collect & sell content to right target

The Mantra



 To empower the reader to live the life of their dreams.

 To facilitate better decision.
 To provoke Thought
 Global Experience.
 Love for the community
 Adopt the Reader’s worldwide view.
 Liberate the mind
 Cheerfulness in the circus of life.

We grow at this stage because:


Performance Appraisal


Performance Appraisal is the process of obtaining, analyzing

and recording information about the relative worth of an
employee. The focus of the performance appraisal is measuring
and improving the actual performance of the employee and
also the future potential of the employee. Its aim is to measure
what an employee does.

According to Flippo, a prominent personality in the field of

Human Resource, “performance appraisal is the systematic,
periodic and an impartial rating of an employee’s excellence in
the matters pertaining to his present job and his potential for a
better job." Performance appraisal is a systematic way of
reviewing and assessing the performance of an employee
during a given period of time and planning for his future.

It is a powerful tool to calibrate, refine and reward the

performance of the employee. It helps to analyze his
achievements and evaluate his contribution towards the
achievements of the overall organizational goals.

By focusing the attention on performance, performance

appraisal goes to the heart of personnel management and
reflects the management’s interest in the progress of the


• To review the performance of the employees over a given

period of time.

• To judge the gap between the actual and the desired


• To help the management in exercising organizational


• Helps to strengthen the relationship and communication

between superior – subordinates and management –
• To diagnose the strengths and weaknesses of the
individuals so as to identify the training and development
needs of the future.

• To provide feedback to the employees regarding their past


• Provide information to assist in the other personal

decisions in the organization.

• Provide clarity of the expectations and responsibilities of

the functions to be performed by the employees.

• To judge the effectiveness of the other human resource

functions of the organization such as recruitment,
selection, training and development.

• To reduce the grievances of the employees.

Process of Performance Appraisal


The first step in the process of performance appraisal is the

setting up of the standards which will be used to as the base to
compare the actual performance of the employees. This step
requires setting the criteria to judge the performance of the
employees as successful or unsuccessful and the degrees of
their contribution to the organizational goals and objectives.
The standards set should be clear, easily understandable and in
measurable terms. In case the performance of the employee
cannot be measured, great care should be taken to describe
the standards.

Once set, it is the responsibility of the management to

communicate the standards to all the employees of the
organization. The employees should be informed and the
standards should be clearly explained to the. This will help
them to understand their roles and to know what exactly is
expected from them. The standards should also be
communicated to the appraisers or the evaluators and if
required, the standards can also be modified at this stage itself
according to the relevant feedback from the employees or the


The most difficult part of the performance appraisal process is

measuring the actual performance of the employees that is the
work done by the employees during the specified period of
time. It is a continuous process which involves monitoring the
performance throughout the year. This stage requires the
careful selection of the appropriate techniques of
measurement, taking care that personal bias does not affect
the outcome of the process and providing assistance rather
than interfering in an employees work.

The actual performance is compared with the desired or the

standard performance. The comparison tells the deviations in
the performance of the employees from the standards set. The
result can show the actual performance being more than the
desired performance or, the actual performance being less than
the desired performance depicting a negative deviation in the
organizational performance. It includes recalling, evaluating
and analysis of data related to the employees’ performance.


The result of the appraisal is communicated and discussed with

the employees on one-to-one basis. The focus of this discussion
is on communication and listening. The results, the problems
and the possible solutions are discussed with the aim of
problem solving and reaching consensus. The feedback should
be given with a positive attitude as this can have an effect on
the employees’ future performance. The purpose of the
meeting should be to solve the problems faced and motivate
the employees to perform better.


The last step of the process is to take decisions which can be

taken either to improve the performance of the employees,
take the required corrective actions, or the related HR decisions
like rewards, promotions, demotions, transfers etc.

Challenges of Performance Appraisal:

In order to make a performance appraisal system effective and

successful, an organization comes across various challenges
and problems. The main challenges involved in the
performance appraisal process are:

 Determining the evaluation criteria

Identification of the appraisal criteria is one of the biggest
problems faced by the top management. The performance
data to be considered for evaluation should be carefully
selected. For the purpose of evaluation, the criteria
selected should be in quantifiable or measurable terms

 Create a rating instrument

The purpose of the performance appraisal process is to
judge the performance of the employees rather than the
employee. The focus of the system should be on the
development of the employees of the organization.

 Lack of competence
Top management should choose the raters or the
evaluators carefully. They should have the required
expertise and the knowledge to decide the criteria
accurately. They should have the experience and the
necessary training to carry out the appraisal process

 Errors in rating and evaluation

Many errors based on the personal bias like stereotyping,
halo effect (i.e. one trait influencing the evaluator’s rating
for all other traits) etc. may creep in the appraisal process.
Therefore the ratter should exercise objectivity and
fairness in evaluating and rating the performance of the

 Resistance
The appraisal process may face resistance from the
employees and the trade unions for the fear of negative
ratings. Therefore, the employees should be
communicated and clearly explained the purpose as well
the process of appraisal. The standards should be clearly
communicated and every employee should be made
aware that what exactly is expected from him/her.

Purpose of Performance Appraisal:

Performance Appraisal is being practiced in 90% of the
organizations worldwide. Self-appraisal and potential appraisal
also form a part of the performance appraisal processes.

Typically, Performance Appraisal is aimed at:

 To review the performance of the employees over a given

period of time.
 To judge the gap between the actual and the desired

 To help the management in exercising organizational


 To diagnose the training and development needs of the


 Provide information to assist in the HR decisions like

promotions, transfers etc.

 Provide clarity of the expectations and responsibilities of

the functions to be performed by the employees.

 To judge the effectiveness of the other human resource

functions of the organization such as recruitment,
selection, training and development.

 To reduce the grievances of the employees.

 Helps to strengthen the relationship and communication

between superior – subordinates and management –




The purpose of conducting a Performance Appraisal is to review
and evaluate the performance of an executive/journalist on


 To inform the appraisee of his/her relative performance in

terms of targets and Key Result Areas(KRA)
 To encourage meaningful and transparent communication
between the appraiser and appraisee.
 To identify the training need for development.

 The date and time for the appraisal interview has to be fixed
well in advance by mutual consent between the appraiser
and the appraisee to allow for adequate preparation.
 A separate self-evaluation form has to be filled by every
executive/journalist on contract prior to the appraisal
interview and submitted to the appraiser. After the form is
filled, the appraiser should then proceed with the appraisal
 During the appraisal interview the appraiser first do a Target
based review for the appraisee and he should appraise the
appraisee on the important parameters that have been
 The appraiser should explain to the appraisee why he/she
has been given a particular score against a particular
parameter and point out the appraisee’s strength’s and
 The targets for the next year should be retained by the
Department Head for mid-term review.
 The completed self-evaluation forms/performance appraisal
forms of every executive/journalist on contract in Mumbai
and Delhi should be sent to the respective HRD departments
at Mumbai & Delhi.
 The appraisee should keep a copy of his/her self-evaluation
and performance appraisal form and note the areas for


Scores/ Rating Definition

High Flier/Outstanding Employee who truly
(5) achieves outstanding
success in the given targets
and accomplishes much
more than the expected
tasks with efficiency and
effectiveness. Research
indicates that only 1% of the
total employee population
belongs to this category.

Employees whose
Average Weighted score-
(A) range from 4.7 to 5
Regularly Exceeds (4) Employee who exceeds the
requirements of the job. It
gives an indication that the
person is prepared
sufficiently for a higher
classified job. Research
indicates that only about
15% of the total employee
population belongs to this

Employees whose
Average Weighted Score–
(A) range from 4.2 to
4.69 are Regularly
Meets Requirement (3) This rating is to be given to
the employee who has the
requisite qualities to
perform the present job with
efficiency. Research
indicates that 73% of the
total employee population
belongs to this category.

Employees whose
Average Weighted Score-
(A) range from 3.6 to
4.19 are Meeting
Occasionally Meets (2) Employee whose
performance is adversely
affected due to the lack of
qualities required to perform
in his current job. This is an
indication that the person
needs to be trained and
developed sufficiently to
orient him towards good

Employees whose
Average Weighted Score
–(A) range from 3 to 3.59
are Meeting occasionally.
Fails To Meet (1) This rating means totally
unacceptable performance
over a period of time.
Inspite of all efforts in
training and development
the employee continues to
demonstrate lack of
qualities to perform the job.

Employees whose Average

Weighted Score – (A)
range from 0 to 2.99 are
Failing to meet.

(It is recommended that the appraisee uses this form prior to

his/her interview in-order to help her/him to think about the job
she/he does.)

 Describe in specific your job description in the company?


 What parts of the job do you feel you do well?


 What parts of the job do you have difficulties with, and are
there any obstacles which have caused you particular



 What were your main accomplishments during the
Appraisal year?


 Do you consider yourself fit for a higher position in the

company? If yes, describe the kind of work you are
equipped to do.


 What kind of training will equip you to perform better?

Specify courses and development need areas.


 Would you like to handle any assignments and do you

desire a job rotation, transfer to any other
function/department etc. to enhance your career?



 Please indicate the enabling and hindering factors which

influence your performance.
Enabling Factors Hindering Factors

 Are there any other points, which you would like to raise at
your appraisal?


 Overall Appraisal of Performance:

(Kindly rate your overall performance)

Scores (S) to be used for rating actual performance

High Flier/ Regularl Meets Occasionally Fails

Outstandin y Requirement Meets to
g Exceeds s meet
5 4 3 2 1

Name: Name:

Signature: Signature:

Date: Date:


Name: Employee Department:

Designation: Date of Joining: Age:

Please identify Please identify Please indicate

your Work Goals the Key the target dates
Performance by which KPA’S
Areas (KPA’s) would be
Please tell us about the areas in which you need training
to achieve your work goals

Signature(Appraiser) ……………

Date …………… Date



Please indicate the progress made regarding

achieving your Key Performance Areas-Whether
they are complete/ongoing/incomplete and cite the
reasons where appropriate.
Signature (Appraiser)……………

Date …………... Date


Performance Appraisal Ratings & Redesignation


Sr. No Compan Pay HR Branch Employe

y Roll ID Empl. e Name
No No

Departm Present Recommen Year of Performa

ent Designat ded last nce
ion Redesigna Rating



In order to facilitate the process we have listed down few steps

which are to be followed while collating the training data:

STEP 1: As a continuing process of Performance Management

Process, the training needs have to be identified from the
Performance Appraisal forms. The data has to be collated by
the Department Heads of the respective branch and given to
the Branch Head in the format “Training need identification
STEP 2: We have classified the training needs into 4 categories,
title code and title type is mentioned below:

1001Information Technology
2001Managerial Effectiveness Programme
3001Function Specific Programme
4001Training by Experts

Training needs identified should match with the job profile

mentioned in the PA form. In view of the above, please analyse
whether the training needs identified are actually required to
increase the competence & skill of the individual and would
continue towards effective performance of the assigned task.

STEP 3: The Department Head to eliminate the training

programmes which are not of very important nature and
prioritise the identified training needs as per the requirement of
the department and branch.

STEP 4: Also classify the identified training programmes which

can be conducted internally and externally.

STEP 5: The training codes and sub-codes have to be identified

after analysing the descriptions mentioned in the “Training
code chart”. For example: The training type identified is
‘Information Technology’ and the training title name is ‘MS
Office’. Therefore, in training need identification under the
column training code and sub-code the entry will be 1001 and
1001 respectively.

STEP 6: ‘Training calendar’ will be designed and implemented

by the Branch HR/Personnel Head in consultation with the
Branch Head.Kindly note that under the (Training Code-2001)-
“Managerial Effectiveness Programme” we are having the
following training titles:

(Sub Code-2001) Managing (Sub Code-2002) Managing

Self includes the following People includes the
module for the rank of following module for the
Executives to Asst. rank of Dy. Manager to Chief
Manager: Manager:

• Goal Setting & Career • Principle Centered

Planning Leadership
• Lateral Thinking • Listening Skills
• Communication Skills • Performance
• Presentation Skills Management Skills

• Time Management • Coaching & Mentoring

• Assertiveness • Team Building &

• Transactional Analysis Conflict Management

• Interviewing Skills
• Counselling Skills
• Counselling Skills
• Seven Habits of Highly
Effective People • Abnormal & Normal
• Art of Living & Stress Psychology
Management • Emotional Intelligence
(Sub Code-2003) Managing
Business & Strategy
includes the following
module for the rank above
Chief Manager:

• Business Policy
• Strategic Management
• Marketing
• Operations Research
• Finance for Non-
• HR for Non-HR


Training Type of Sub-Code Training Need Title

Code Training
1001 Information 1001 MS Office/Windows
1002 Internet Tools
1003 Oracle
1004 QurakXpress
1005 Adobe/Corel Draw
1006 Design and Layout
1007 Design and Graphics
1008 Operations System
1009 Ingres/Informix/Sysba
1010 Java/Perl/Cgi
1111 Others

2001 MGR 2001 Managing Self

2002 Managing People
2003 Managing Business &
2004 Others

3001 Function 3001 Selling Skills &

Specific Marketing Concepts
3002 Industrial Relations &
Labour laws
3003 Materials
Management &
3004 Financial
3005 Taxation
3006 Customer Relations
3007 Brand Management
3008 Fire Risk Management
& Electrical Skills
3009 Research
3010 Writing Skills
3111 Foundation Course for
3112 Others

4001 Training by 4001 International

Experts Accounting
4002 Forex/ Futures/Swaps
4003 Capital Market
4004 Marketing/Media/
4005 Macro/Micro
4006 Security and
4007 Others


Sr No. Company Pay Roll ID HR EMPL. Branch

No. NO


Employ Departme Prese Recommend Year of Performan

ee nt nt ed Last ce Rating
Name Desig Redesignati Redesig
natio on nation


1) Self-Assessment

All Appraises will make a Self-Assessment of their own

performance and fill in the following information in the
Performance Assessment Worksheet:

Sl. Term Description


1. Key Result Area These are critical functions of a

(KRA) job. Performance with respect to
defined KRAs lead to distinct
contributions/ outcomes towards
organizational objectives.

2. Measure(s) These are yardsticks for

evaluating the extent of
performance with respect to a
KRA. A particular KRA may
have more than one Measure.

3. Performance This is a specific goal

Standard corresponding to the Measure
of a KRA and should preferably
be realistic, achievable and time-

4 Weightage(%) This demonstrates the relative

. importance of the KRA in terms
of the priority and effort and
should add up to 100%. The
minimum Waightage is 10%

5 Extent of Over-/ To what extent the

. Under- Performance Standards were
achievement (with met and description about the
elaboration) causes of /factors responsible for
Over/ Under-Achievement.

2) Performance Assessment Discussion

This candid discussion between the Appraiser and the

Appraisee on the latter’s performance during the year should
focus on the following aspects:

• Demonstration of the extent of performance by the

employee in the objective terms.
• Identifying the key drivers and facilitators for
• Reviewing and discussing performance bottlenecks and
making plans to overcome them.
• Planning of KRAs, Measures and Performance
Standards for the next year.

3) Assessment by Appraiser

Post discussion with the employees, the Appraiser will fill in

the following information:
Comments of This will include specific observations/
Appraiser remarks relevant to the Assessment of
the Appraisee, or any other Job-related

Assessed Level The Performance Level of an

Appraisee for each of his/her KRAs as
well as the Overall Performance( for
the Job as a whole) will be as per table

Definition of Level

Assessed Description of Typical %

Level Level Achievement KRA Performance Overall Performance

of Results

Performance exceeds

Expectation, consistently

DE Demonstrates Greater than Achieving challenging and Overall performance exceeds all

Excellence 120% Stretch goals and meets Job expectations and is “visible”
Industry/ organizational Across the organization.

Standards of excellence.

EE Exceeds Between Performance exceeds Overall Performance exceeds all

Expectations 100% to 120% Expectations in all respects. Job expectations and is “visible”

Across the Department/

Function/ Location.

ME Meets Between Performance meets Overall Performance

Expectations 85% to 100% Expectations. Demonstrated meets all job


NI Needs Less than Performance only partially Overall Performance only

Improvement 85% Meets expectations and Partially meets job expectations

Needs improvement. And improvement is needed.

SME Short of Poor or Performance demonstrated Overall performance

Minimum Insignificant Falls short of minimum Demonstrated falls short of

Expectations Results Expectations. Minimum job expectations.

4) Performance Review

The Appraiser will forward the Worksheet duly assessed and

completed by him/her to the Reviewer (the immediate
supervisor of the Appraiser) for his/her review and validation.
Based on discussion with the Reviewer, the Assessed Level
of Overall Performance for the employee will be
documented in the Worksheet (based on the guidelines in
the above table).
The reviewer and the appraiser shall document their overall
comments relating to the assessment of employee and sign
off at respective places in the worksheet.

5) Performance Calibration Process

After the completion of performance review, the Overall

Performance as assessed will be taken through the
Performance Calibration Process by the Functional Directors.
This process would aim at reviewing performance levels
across the functional area and apply necessary changes in
line with structured guidelines, if any.

Performance level Distribution guidelines:


% of 10% 25% 50% 10% 5%


6) Feedback to Appraisee

Post calibration process, the Assessed Level of Overall

Performance will be communicated to the Appraisee by the
Appraiser. The Appraisee writes down his impressions and
views (including those regarding the objectivity of the
process), signs off the worksheet and hands it over back to
the Appraiser. The Appraiser then forwards the Worksheet to
the Functional Head.


(A) Identifying Key Behavior Areas and their Desired


The Appraisee should fill in the following information in

consultation with the Appraiser and HR Managers.

Sl. Term Description

1 Key Behavior These are the behaviors that are
Area required by an individual

To perform his/her job effectively.

2 Desired Level of This is the proficiency with which

Behavior the Key Behavior is

Required to be demonstrated by the

job-holder for performing his/her job
(B) Demonstration of Key Behaviors by Appraisee

Appraisees provide Examples of Demonstration of Key

Behavior (with reference to the Desired Level of Behavior)
for each of the Key Behavior Areas. These Examples (may be
Critical Incident) would always have to be work-related and
would be determinants of their Proficiency Level (explained
below) on the applicable Key Behavior Areas.

(C) Development Review

Post filling in the Examples of Demonstrated Behavior, the

Appraisee and the Appraiser candidly discusses the following :

1. The Frequency of demonstration of a Behavior by the

Appraisee, as well as the Proficiency with which it is
demonstrated over a defined period of time.
2. Development Support required by the Appraisee to take
on higher/ wider roles within the next year.
3. Training Needs of the Appraisee that need to be
addressed within the next year.

Post discussion with the Appraisee, the Appraiser will fill in the
following information in the Worksheet:

Sl. Term Description

Assessed This describes the Proficiency with
Proficiency which the Key Behavior
1 Level is demonstrated by the appraisee as
per the Proficiency Level Table
given below.

Specific These are any specific Development

Development and Training Needs for the
Appraisee, to be addressed during the
And Training
next one year.

Proficiency Level Table

Proficiency Description

More than Demonstrated Desired Level of Key

desired Behavior with Expected Consistency for
Current Job and Additionally
Demonstrates Key Behavior at Higher
Level (s) than desired on some occasions.

As desired (A) Demonstrates Desired Level of Key

Behaviors with Expected Consistency for
Current Job.

Less than Does Not Demonstrate Desired Level of

desired Behavior with Expected Consistency for
Current Job.

The Appraiser signs off and forwards the document to the

Appraisee for his/her comments and sign-off. Post this, the
Appraisee forwards the Worksheet to the concerned HR
Manager. The Proficiency Level is communicated the Functional
Director. This data will form an important parameter for
Progression / Re-designation decisions.






Number of Years of Service at

Times of India:


Note: This questionnaire would be kept as confidential

document as it’s for Survey Purpose, and would not be
revealed to Times of India Management.

Q.1 What type of Performance Appraisal system exists in your


Confidential Report

EPRF [Employee Performance Appraisal Review Form]

DOPA [Development Oriented Performance Appraisal]

Q. 2 To what extent do you think that performance appraisal is necessary

for efficient functioning of the organization?
Very much necessary

Some what necessary

Not at all necessary

Q. 3 What according to you should be the objective of a performance

appraisal? [Assign ranks as per your priority]

To improve job satisfaction

To prevent grievance

To assist in career planning

Assist management in promotion, transfer and development

Reveal areas where training is needed

Q. 4 Is the Self-evaluation forms self-sufficient?

Very much sufficient

Moderately sufficient

Not at all sufficient

Q.5 Do you think that the existing performance appraisal system


enables you to find out the areas of furthers improvement?

Strongly agree

Neither Agree nor Disagree


Strongly Disagree

Q. 6 How far is the performance appraisal system influential in

determining training needs?

Strongly influential

Some what influential

Not at all influential

Q.7 Career Planning and job rotation being an essential part of

performance appraisal, to what extent is they fulfilled at Times of

Strongly fulfilled

Some what fulfilled

Not at all fulfilled

Q. 8 Do you think that external factors that affect your performance are
accounted for?



Q. 9 How far is the present performance appraisal system influential in

keeping high motivational level?

Strongly influential

Somewhat influential
Not at all influential

Q. 10 Do you think that you are perfectly being evaluated by the present
performance appraisal system?



Q. 11 If you have answered NO to the previous question then what do you

think is the best facet that could evaluate you?

Q. 12 What do you think apart from PDCA [Plan-Do-Check-Act] is needed,

so that it would keep your performance at its best?

Q. 13 Do you think there exist a fine combination of Centralized Policy

decisions and Decentralized Operating decisions at Times of India?

Strongly agree


Neither Agree nor Disagree


Strongly Disagree
Q. 14 Job and role clarity plays a vital role in individuals performance, how
clearly are these two defined at Times of India?

Very much clear

Moderately clear

Not at all clear

Q. 15 Do you think there exist a transparent performance appraisal

system at Times of India?



Q. 16 How far is the performance appraisal system armed with an efficient

feedback system to assist you in improving performance?


Very good



Q. 17 Recently, performance appraisal has been undertaken at Times of
India, how was your experience and what changes would you like to

Analysis of Questionnaire

Classification of Respondent

Male 18
Female 7
Total 25
Above diagram shows the classification of respondent. Out of 25 persons, 18
are males and 7 are females. And percentage wise classifications are shown in
following diagram.

Q-1 What type of performance appraisal system exit in your

Confidential Report 0
EPRF (Employee Performance 23
Appraisal Review Form)
DOPA (Development Oriented 2
Performance Appraisal)

Above diagram shows Which type of performance appraisal

system exit in Times of India. Here, out of 25 persons 23 says
EPRF and 2 says DOPA. And percentage wise classifications are shown in
following diagram.
Q-2 To What extent do you think that performance appraisal
system is important for efficient functioning of the

Important 9
Very Important 16
Not Important 0

Above diagram shows to What extent do you think that

performance appraisal system is important for efficient
functioning of the organisation. Here, out of 25 persons 9 says
Important and 16 says Very important. And percentage wise
classifications are shown in following diagram.
Q-3 Is the Self-evaluation form self-sufficient?

Sufficient 15
Insufficient 1
Needs Improvement 9
Total 25
Above diagram shows is the Self-evaluation form self-sufficient. Here,
out of 25 persons 15 says Sufficient, 1 says Insufficient and 9
says needs improvement. And percentage wise classifications are shown
in following diagram.

Q-4 Do you think that external factors that affect your performance
are accounted and Considered during the Performance Appraisal?

Yes 18
No 7
Total 25
Above diagram shows the external factors that affect your performance
are accounted and Considered during the Performance Appraisal. Here, out of
25 persons 18 says Yes and 7 says No. And percentage wise
classifications are shown in following diagram.

Q-7 Apart from the performance appraisal system, are there any other factors
that help to fulfil the above objective?

Yes 6

No 19
Q-8 Do you think, the past performance behavioural records and critical
incident are considered during the performance appraisal?

Not Considered 3
Considered but not adequately 11
Adequately considered while making decisions 11
Total 25
Q-9 How far is the present performance appraisal system influential in keeping
high Motivational level?

Strongly influential 9
Somewhat influential 12
Not influential 3
Leads to stress 1
Total 25
Q-10 Do you think that you are perfectly evaluated by the present appraisal

Yes 18
No 7
Total 25
Q-11 How do you find the behaviour of the appraiser at the time of Appraisal

Fair & justified 15

Motivating 5
Comforting & Supportive 5
Biased 0
Stressful 0
Total 25

Q-12 Is the system at TOI adequately justifies your potential through job
rotations and other tools?
Yes 19
No 6
Total 25

Q-13 Do you think the performance appraisal system adequately appraises the
potential of employee?
Yes 20
No 5
Total 25

Q-14 Job and role clarity plays a vital role in individuals performance, how
clearly are these two defined at TIMES Group?

Very much clear 15

Moderately Clear 9
Not at all clear 1
Total 25

Q-15 Do you think there exist a transparent performance appraisal system at

times group?

Yes 22
No 3
Total 25
Q-16 How Far is the performance appraisal system armed with an efficient
feedback system to assist you in improving performance?

Excellent 6
Very Good 4
Good 9
Fair 5
Poor 1
Total 25
Q-17 Recently performance appraisal has been undertaken at Times Of India,
how was your experience and what changes would you like to suggest?

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