1.3 Understanding the Discuss the structure of the nose A student is able to : Nose-hidung
sense of smell and the position of the sensory o identify the structure of the Sensory cells-sel deria
cells using models, charts, nose
computer software and other o identify the position of the
teaching aids sensory cells in the detection
of smell
2 1.4 Understanding the Carry out activities to detect the A student is able to : Bitter-pahit
11.1.10 sense of taste different areas of the tongue that o identify different area of the Salty-masin
- respond to different tastes tongue that response to Sour-masam
15.1.10 Carry out activities to find how different taste Sweet-manis
taste is related to smell o relate the sense of taste with Taste-rasa
the sense of smell Tongue-lidah
1.5 Understanding the Observe and identify the A student is able to : Cochlea-koklea
sense of hearing structure of the human ear o identify the structure of the Ear-telinga
Discuss the function of each part human ear Ear drum-gegendang
of the ear o explain the function of the telinga
Discuss the hearing mechanism different parts of the ear
o describe how we hear
3 1.6 Understanding the Examine the cow’s eye or model A student is able to :
18.1.10 sense of sight of a human eye o identify the structure of the
- Collect information on structure human eye
22.1.10 and function of each part of the o explain the function of
eye different parts of the eye
Discuss how we see o describe how we see
1.7 Understanding light Carry out activities to study : A student is able to : Density-ketumpatan
and sight a)reflection of light o describe the properties of light Medium-perantaraan
b)refraction of light between two i.e. reflection and refraction Reflection-pantulan
mediums of different density o state the various defects of Refraction-pembiasan
Collect information about the vision Astigmatism-
types of vision and the o explain ways to correct vision astigmatisme
contribution/use of technology to defects Blind spot-bintik buta
rectify them o state and give examples of the Long sightedness-rabun
Carry out activities to show what limitation of sight dekat
short/long sightedness are and o connect stereoscopic and Monocular vision-
how to correct them monocular visions with the penglihatan monokular
Discuss what astigmatism is and Optical illusion-ilusi
its correction optik
4 1.8 Understanding Carry out activities to investigate A student is able to :
23.1.10 sound and hearing o describe the properties of
- a)the production of sound sound
b)the requirement of medium for o explain the reflection and
sound to travel absorption of sound
c)the reflection and absorption of o explain the defects of hearing
sound o explain ways of rectifying the
Collect information about defects in hearing
a)the defects of hearing o state the limitation of hearing
Discuss the limitations of o state the device used to
hearing and ways to improving it overcome the limitations of
Carry out activities to investigate hearing
the need for stereophonic o explain stereophonic hearing
hearing in determining the
direction of sound
5 1.9 Understanding the Carry out experiments to A student is able to :
1.2.10 stimuli and responses investigate and identify : o state the stimuli that cause
- in plants a)stimuli detected by plants responses in plant
5.2.10 b)the parts of plants sensitive to o identify the parts of plants
specific stimulus. sensitive to specific stimulus
Discuss in what ways the o relate the response in plants to
response of plants towards their survival
stimuli are important for their
Week Learning Objectives Suggested Learning Activities Learning Outcomes Vocabulary
6 2.1 Analyzing the Discuss the classes of food i.e. A student is able to : Fats-lemak
8.2.10 classes of food carbohydrate, protein, fats, o explain through examples the Fibre-pelawas
- vitamins, minerals, fibre and classes of food Potassium-kalium
12.2.10 water and state their functions o state the function of each class Starch-kanji
Carry out activities to test for food Sodium-natrium
starch (iodine solution),glucose o test for starch, glucose,
(Benedict solution),protein protein and fats
(Millon’s reagent) and
fats(alcohol-emulsion test)
Week Learning Objectives Suggested Learning Activities Learning Outcomes Vocabulary
12 4.1 Analyzing the Carry out a field work to study A student is able to : Community-komuniti
29.3.10 interdependence among species, habitat, population, o state what species, population Ecosystem-ekosistem
- living organism community in ecosystem and community are Environment-
2.4.10 Carry out a discussion on o state what habitat and persekitaran
interdependence among living ecosystem are Habitat-habitat
organisms and the environment o identify various habitats in Interdependence-saling
to create a balanced ecosystem one ecosystem bersandaran
o explain through examples the Predict-meramal
interdependence among living Population-populasi
organisms and the Species-spesies
environment to create a
balanced ecosystem
4.2 Evaluating the Collect and interpret data on the A student is able to : Advantage-kebaikan
interaction between types of interactions between o list the types of interaction Biological control-
organisms living organisms as follows : between living organisms kawalan biologi
a)prey-predator o explain with examples the Competition-
b)symbiosis: commensalism, interactions between living persaingan
mutualism and parasitism e.g. organisms Disadvantage-
remora and shark, algae and o justify the importance of keburukan
fungi, tapeworm and man interaction between living Interaction-interaksi
c)competition organisms and the Parasitism-parasitisme
Conduct an activity to show the environment Pest-perosak
importance of the interaction o explain through examples the Prey-predator-mangsa
between organisms and the advantages and disadvantages pemangsa
environment of biological control in Regulate-mengawal
Discuss the advantages of regulating the number of pest Symbiosis-simbiosis
biological control in regulating in certain areas
the numbers of pests in certain
13 4.3 Synthesizing food Collect and interpret data on the A student is able to : Balance in nature-
5.4.10 web producer, consumer, decomposer o explain what producers, keseimbangan alam
- and pyramid of numbers consumers and decomposers Consumer-pengguna
9.4.10 Construct a food web from a few are Decomposer-pengurai
food chains and identify the o combine a few food chains to Food web-siratan
producer, consumer and construct a food web makanan
decomposer o identify the produce, Primary consumer-
Discuss the energy flow in the consumer and decomposer in pengguna primer
food web constructed a food web Producer-pengeluar
Conduct a game to show the o construct a pyramid number Pyramid number-
effects of an increase or decrease from a food chain piramid nombor
in the number of organisms in a o relate the food web and the Secondary consumer-
pyramid number pyramid number to energy pengguna sekunder
Discuss the consequences if a o predict the consequences if a Tertiary consumer-
component of living organisms pengguna tertier
certain component of living
in an ecosystem is missing organisms in the ecosystem is
14 4.4 Analyzing Carry out discussion on what A student is able to : Balanced ecosystem-
12.4.10 photosynthesis photosynthesis is o state what photosynthesis is ekosistem seimbang
- Carry out experiments to o state the factors required for Oxygen cycle-kitar
16.4.10 determine the factors needed for photosynthesis oksigen
photosynthesis i.e. carbon o state the products of Carbon cycle-kitar
dioxide, water, light and photosynthesis karbon
chlorophyll o control the variables that are Photosynthesis-
Discuss the importance of required for photosynthesis fotosintesis
photosynthesis in maintaining a o explain the role of
balanced ecosystem photosynthesis in maintaining
Discuss the carbon and oxygen balanced ecosystem
15 4.5 Evaluating the Collect and interpret data on the A student is able to : Conservation-
19.4.10 importance of conservation and preservation of o explain what conservation and pemuliharaan
- conservation and living organisms preservation are Reserve forest-hutan
23.4.10 preservation of living Carry out a field work in a o explain the steps taken to simpan
organisms natural forest reserve(wetlands, preserve and conserve living Highland forest-hutan
highland forest or tropical organisms tanah tinggi
rainforest) or an animal o justify the importance of Indigenous people-
sanctuary to study the conservation and preservation orang asli
conservation and preservation of of living organisms Preservation-
living organisms o support activities organized pemeliharaan
Carry out a discussion on how by various parties to preserve Sanctuary-santuari
the improvement in science and and conserve the living Tropical rainforest-
technology helps in the organisms hutan hujan tropika
conservation and preservation of Wetland-tanah bencah/
living organisms lembap
Run a campaign to stress on the
importance of conservation and
Carry out a role play involving
the parties concerned in solving
problems related to the
conservation and preservation of
living organisms
4.6 Evaluating the role Carry out a brainstorming A student is able to : Acid rain-hujan asid
of man in maintaining session to discuss the o explain the effects of human Brainstorming-
the balance in nature environmental issues affecting activities on the balance in sumbangsaran
the balance in nature and how to nature Climate change-
solve them o describe how man solves perubahan iklim
Carry out a discussion to justify problems related to the Deforestation-
that man needs a stable and environment penebangan hutan
productive ecosystem to o justify that human need a Excessive-berlebihan
ascertain a harmonious life stable, productive and Land overuse-
balanced ecosystem penggunaan tanah yang
tidak terkawal
Green house effect-
kesan rumah hijau
Over fishing-
penangkapan ikan yang
tidak terkawal
Solid waste
pengurusan sisa pepejal
Species extinction-
kepupusan spesies
Week Learning Objectives Suggested Learning Activities Learning Outcomes Vocabulary
16 5.1 Analyzing the Carry out activities to determine A student is able to : Boiling point-takat
26.4.10 physical characteristics the following : o state the meaning of the didih
- of water a)the freezing point of water freezing point of water Freezing point-takat
30.4.10 b)the boiling point of water o state the meaning of the beku
Carry out an activity to observe boiling point of water Impurities-bendasing
the effects of impurities on the o describe the physical Inference-inferens
physical characteristics of water characteristics of water Physical
o explain through examples the characteristics-ciri-ciri
effects of impurities on the fizikal
physical characteristics of
5.2 Analyzing the Carry out an electrolysis to A student is able to: Anode-anod
composition of water determine the ratio of hydrogen o state that water is a compound Cathode-katod
to oxygen in a molecule of water made up of two elements Composition-komposisi
(hydrogen and oxygen) Ionic theory-teori ionik
o state the ratio of hydrogen and Electrolysis-elektrolisis
oxygen in one molecule of Discharge-terhasil
Carry out experiments to Solute-zat pelarut
determine the factors affecting Solution-larutan
the rate of dissolving : Solvent-pelarut
a)temperature Universal solvent-
b)rate of stirring pelarut universal
c)size of solute particle Volume of solvent-
Discuss the importance of water isipadu pelarut
as a universal solvent in life
Gather information on the
application of organic solvents in
daily life
21-22 5.5 Analyzing acid and Carry out activities to study : A student is able to : Active metal-logam
14.6.10 alkali a)the properties of acid in terms o identify the properties of acid aktif
- of pH value, taste, corrosive and alkali Alkaline substance-
18.6.10 nature, effect on litmus paper, o state that acid and alkali only bahan beralkali
reaction with metals such as show their properties in the Concentration-
magnesium and zinc presence of water kepekatan
b)the characteristics of alkali in o explain through examples the Concentrated acid-asid
terms of pH value, taste, pekat
corrosive nature, effect on litmus definition of acid and alkali in Concentrated alkali-
paper everyday life alkali pekat
Carry out a discussion to define o state the uses of acid and Corrosive-mengkakis
acid and alkali operationally alkali in daily life Dilute acid-asid cair
Carry out activities to determine o explain the meaning of Dilute alkali-alkali cair
the acidic and alkaline neutralization process Equation in words-
substances in daily life o explain through examples the persamaan perkataan
Gather information on the usage uses of neutralization in daily Hydrochloric acid-asid
of acid and alkali in everyday life hidroklorik
life such as in agricultural and Litmus paper-kertas
industry litmus
Discuss on the meaning of Metal-logam
neutralization Neutralization-
Carry out an activity to show peneutralan
neutralization using Operational definition-
hydrochloric acid and sodium definisi secara operasi
hydroxide of the same Potassium-kalium
concentration Sodium-natrium
Discuss the application Sodium hydroxide-
neutralization in daily life i.e. natrium hidroksida
using shampoo and conditioner
and treatment of insect bites
23-24 5.6 Analyzing the Visit a water purification site A student is able to : Boiling-pendidihan
28.6.10 methods of water Brainstorm on the following : o list the natural sources of Chlorination-
- purification a)natural resources of water water pengklorinan
9.7.10 b)the reasons for water o state the reasons for water Distillation-
purification purification penyulingan
Discuss the various types of o describe the various methods Filtration-penurasan
water purification such as of water purification Natural resources-
filtration, boiling, chlorination o compare the strengths and sumber semula jadi
and distillation weaknesses of the various Water purification site-
Pupils present their findings to methods of water purification loji pembersihan air
discuss the strengths and
weaknesses of the various
methods of water purification
5.7 Analyzing the Make a visit to a water A student is able to : Domestic uses-
water supply system processing plant to study the o describe how the water supply penggunaan domestik
25 water supply system and stages system works Usage of water-
12.7.10 involved in water purification o explain ways to save water oenggunaan air
- Discuss the ways to save water Water supply system-
16.7.10 Do a project on how much water sistem bekalan air
the average household uses
5.8 Understanding the Collect and interpret data on A student is able to : Construction-
preservation of water types of water pollutants which o give examples of water pembinaan
quality include : pollutants Deforestation-
a)industrial waste such as o explain the effects of water penebangan hutan
chemical and radioactive pollution on living things Domestic waste-bahan
residues o explain ways to control water buangan domestik
b)domestic waste such as pollution Fertilizer-baja
garbage and sewage o explain ways to preserve Garbage-sampah-sarap
c)chemicals from the agricultural water and its quality Industrial waste-bahan
activities such as fertilizers and buangan industri
pesticides Pesticide-pestisid
d)salutation caused by Preservation-
construction and deforestation pemeliharaan
e)accidental spillage from Radioactive residue-
tankers sisa radioaktif
Conduct discussion on the effect Sewage-sisa/bahan
of water pollution on living kumbahan
things Water pollutant-bahan
Generate ideas on ways to pencemar air
control water pollution
Week Learning Objectives Suggested Learning Activities Learning Outcomes Vocabulary
26 6.1 Understanding air Carry out an activity to discuss A student is able to : Air pressure-tekanan
19.7.10 pressure the kinetic theory of gases o explain the existence of air udara
- Carry out an activity to show pressure with reference to the Appliances-peralatan
23.7.10 that air exerts pressure Kinetic Theory Existence-kewujudan
Carry out activities to show the o explain the factors affecting Temperature-suhu
factors affecting air pressure i.e. air pressure Volume-isipadu
volume and temperature
6.2 Applying the Collect and interpret data on A student is able to : Syringe-picagari
principle of air pressure appliances that use the principle o explain with examples things Siphon-sifon
in daily life of air pressure that use the principle of air Spray-penyembur
Gather information and discuss pressure Drinking straw-
the application of air pressure in o generate ideas to solve penyedut minuman
syringe, siphon, spraying pump problems using the principle Blockage-tersumbat
and drinking straw of air pressure Gas under high
Discuss ways of using the o relate the safety measures pressure-gas di bawah
principle of air pressure to solve taken when using gas under tekanan tinggi
daily problems such as blockage high pressure
in sinks and pouring condensed Safety measure-langkah
milk from a can keselamatan
Gather information on how a gas
under high pressure works
Discuss the precautions taken
when using gas under high
Week Learning Objectives Suggested Learning Activities Learning Outcomes Vocabulary
27 7.1 Understanding Carry out activities to show A student is able to : Electrostatic force-daya
26.7.10 force pushing and pulling are forces o state that a force is a push or a elektrostatik
- Carry out activities to show the pull Frictional force-daya
30.7.10 effects of force i.e. change in o explain the effects of forces geseran
shape, position, speed and o explain the various types of Gravitational force-
direction forces daya graviti
Carry out activities to show Magnetic force-daya
different types of forces i.e. magnetik
frictional, gravitational, Speed-kelajuan
electrostatic and magnetic force
7.2 Understanding the Discuss the unit of force and the A student is able to : Magnitude-magnitud
measurement of force principle of a spring balance o state the unit of force Spring balance-neraca
Carry out activity to measure the o explain how a spring balance spring
magnitude of forces works
o measure the magnitude of
2.8.10 Focused Standardised Test 2
29 7.3 Application of Discuss with examples to show A student is able to : Existence-kewujudan
9.8.10 frictional force the existence of frictional force o explain with examples the Surface-permukaan
- Carry out activities to identify existence of frictional force
13.8.10 the direction of frictional force o state the direction and the
and measure the magnitude of magnitude of frictional force
the force o carry out an experiment to
Carry out an experiment to show show how different types of
how different types of surfaces surfaces affects frictional
affects the magnitude of force
frictional force o explain the advantages and
Gather information and discuss disadvantages of friction
the advantages and o explain ways to increase
disadvantages of friction friction
Carry out activities on ways to : o explain ways to reduce
a)increase friction friction
b)reduce friction
Discuss the application of o explain with examples the
increasing and decreasing application of friction in daily
friction in our daily life life
30 7.4 Application of Discuss with examples to show A student is able to : Distance-jarak
16.8.10 work work is done when an object is o explain with examples how Work-kerja
- moved by a force work is done
20.8.10 Carry out activities to determine o state the unit of work
the work done by using : o calculate the work done
Work(J) = Force(N) ×
7.6 Analyzing the Create an activity i.e. drawing a A student is able to : Sketch-lakaran
importance of force in poster, sketching or acting to o describe how life will be if
life show how life would be without force does not exist
8.2 Understanding the Carry out field work to study A student is able to :
support systems in various support systems in plants o explain the various support
plants Carry out activities to classify systems in woody and non-
plants based on their support woody plants
33 8.3 Appreciating the Discuss issues i.e. : A student is able to : Beached whale-paus
13.9.10 support system in a)inability the whales to move o justify the importance of the yang terdampar di
- living things back to sea after being washed support system to living pantai
17.9.10 ashore things Crippled-tempang