Structure and Writing in English - Worksheet - Noun

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The document discusses different types of nouns such as common nouns, proper nouns, collective nouns, compound nouns, and abstract nouns. It also covers exercises to identify nouns, distinguish between different types of nouns, and convert between singular and plural forms.

Some examples of different types of nouns discussed include common nouns like 'girl' and proper nouns like 'Friday'. Collective nouns include terms like 'band' and 'family'. Compound nouns are formed by combining two words like 'bookstore'.

Some exercises covered in the document include identifying and underlining nouns in sentences, distinguishing between common and proper nouns, identifying collective nouns, forming compound nouns, and choosing material/mass nouns.

Worksheet Name: __________________________

Structure and Writing in English ID: _________________________

Topic: Noun Group: _________________________

Exercise 1: Nouns

Read the sentences below and underline the nouns.

1. The bird flew up into the tree.

2. The car stopped at the garage for petrol.

3. His older brother won the first prize in a competition.

4. Mr. Smart is staying at the Hilton in Birmingham on next Friday

5. Carl went to Disneyland in Paris for two days at half-term.

Exercise 2: Common Nouns and Proper Nouns

Read the words below, and then write ‘C’ in front of the common nouns and write ‘P’ in front
of the proper nouns.

Friday hero Christmas king

document Catherine the Great girl April

Bugs Bunny church book Mao Zedong

author Ford Motor Company England radio

Saddam Hussein Virginia city December

Harley Davidson zoo Olive Garden Holiday Inn

ship newspaper motorcycle Nefertiti

farm female holiday sea

Black Sea statue painting Mona Lisa

World War II Agatha Christie forest winter

sickness My Best Bodyguard Aunt Sally flu

Structure and Writing in English – Worksheet – Noun 1

Exercise 3: Collective Nouns

Underline the collective noun.

1. The band played my favorite songs 6. He buys a bouquet of flowers for his mother.

2. I’m happy to be a part of this family. 7. Our nation is free and we are happy.

3. A herd of elephants just passed by. 8. Our job is to keep the audience happy.

4. We bough a bunch of grapes from the market. 9. I have a new pair of shoes.

5. An army of people ran the marathon race. 10. Your team won the championship.

Exercise 4: Compound Noun

Match a word in A with a word in B to make a new noun.
1. town park Write the new words.
2. railway way 1. Town center
3. traffic agent 2. _____________________________________
4. book center 3. _____________________________________
5. bus office 4. _____________________________________
6. motor station 5. _____________________________________
7. department port 6. _____________________________________
8. travel store 7. _____________________________________
9. ticket shop 8. _____________________________________
10. rush lights 9. _____________________________________
11. air hour 10. _____________________________________

Exercise 5: Material/ Mass Nouns

Structure and Writing in English – Worksheet – Noun 2

Choose the Material/ Mass nouns.
1. Suchart has a farm. He grows potatoes, beans, wheat and fruits. He also has pigs, cows and
chickens. He sells a good quality of pork, beef and eggs at the market everyday. His organs
give the sweetest juice. Everyone loves Suchart’s products.
2. Jenny wants to have sesame, salt, shampoo and rice from the grocery store. It’s winter now, so
she also needs to buy a bottle of body lotion. She will bake a loaf of bread, but she doesn’t
have the ingredients. She needs two bags of flour, a kilo of sugar, three tablespoons of yeast
and a carton of milk.
3. The employer will change the employees’ uniform. Now, it’s cotton and nylon. They new one
will be silk, wool and fur.

Exercise 6: Abstract Nouns

Choose the Abstract nouns.

1. Joe loves music. His dream is to have a concert. The audience will love it.
2. Send them my love and best regards.
3. Sarah has great taste in fashion.
4. Joseph saves a drowning puppy. His bravery amazed the fishermen standing on the dock.
5. Education is growth. To have a successful life, students should keep searching for knowledge.

Exercise 7: Noun-Equivalent
Choose the Noun-Equivalent.

1. Suda enjoys reading cartoon books. To read them, she must finish her homework.
2. No one can understand why she cried.
3. Sleeping, studying, eating and playing are what we do everyday.
4. I have no where to go. Can I play with you this morning? Playing with you is fun.
5. The good should be praised.
6. Ted doesn’t know how to solve his problem. He needs help.
7. Tida is rich. The rich must help the society.
8. I know what he wants. He wants me to teach him to swim. He doesn’t know how to swim.
9. We should practice on listening, speaking, reading and writing in English.
10. Please tell me how I can get to the US embassy?
Exercise 8: Functions of noun

Structure and Writing in English – Worksheet – Noun 3

Underline nouns and identify their functions in each sentence.

1. The jury found the defendant guilty.

jury = subject defendant = direct object    guilty = objective complement 

2.  What is Joe doing on his birthday?

3.  On the day after tomorrow, we will hand Jerry the keys to his new car.
4.  The screen on my monitor seems dull.
5.  The committee elected McKenzie its new chairman.
6.  Smith is a good friend to Jones.
7.  In the driveway sat two old cars.
8.  My cousin, Jerry, prides himself on his collection of ancient marbles.
9.  Gerard may be nice, but he is also my enemy.
10. The Great Gatsby is my favorite novel by Fitzgerald.

Exercise 9: Singular/Plural
Convert each singular noun to plural, and each plural noun to singular. Check word
meanings in your dictionary.
singular plural meaning singular plural meaning

1) power ___________ _____________ (20) church __________ _______________

_ _ _
(2) icon (21) gallery ______________
(3) dish ___________ _____________ (22) dragon __________ ______________
(4) theory ___________ _ (23) daisy _ ______________
___________ _____________ __________
_ _
_____________ __________
_ _
(5) song ___________ _____________ (24) cabinet __________ ______________
(6) nose ___________ _ (25) professional _ ______________
(7) wall ___________ _____________ (26) compute r __________ ______________
(8) critic ___________ _ (27) elephant _ ______________
(9) library ___________ _____________ (28) kiss __________ ______________
(10) match ___________ _ (29) bus _ ______________
_____________ __________
_ _
_____________ __________
_ _
_____________ __________
_ _

Structure and Writing in English – Worksheet – Noun 4

(11) book ___________ _____________ (30) fruit __________ ______________
(12) novel ___________ _ (31) staple _ ______________
(13) boy ___________ _____________ (32) hex __________ ______________
(14) pencil ___________ _____________ (33) try _ ______________
(15) box ___________ _ (34) tax __________ ______________
(16) horse ___________ _____________ (35) file _ ______________
(17) girl ___________ _ (36) star __________ ______________
(18) lily ___________ _____________ (37) trolley _ ______________
(19) enemy ___________ _ (38) pane __________ ______________
_____________ _
_ __________
_____________ _
_ __________
_____________ _
_ __________
_____________ _
_ __________
Exercise 10: Subject - Verb Agreement
Choose the correct answer.

1. Each of us ________ to give a report. (plan / plans)

2. Several of these books ________ brand new. (look/ looks)
3. The president and host ________ guests at the door. (greet/ greets)
4. The parking pass and the ticket ________ on the desk. (lie/ lies)
5. The Joneses or the Grays ________ to move this month. (plan / plans)
6. Neither the book nor the tapes ________ returned. (was/ were)
7. The number of errors ________ small.
8. A number of the power lines ________ down because of the wind. (is / are)
9. The council ________ in favor of athletic activities. (is / are)
10. The group of administrative assistants ________ meeting in the board room. (is / are
11. There ________ one runway at the small airport. (is / are)
12. The camp counselor, as well as the boys, ________ swimming. (is / are)
13. Mathematics ________difficult for some students who have been out of school for a few
years. (is / are)
14. C. B. Jones is the one who ________ the paintings. (do/ does)

Structure and Writing in English – Worksheet – Noun 5

15. Only one of the executives ________ attending. (is / are)
16. All coworkers but Dave ________ to be here for the in-service. (is / are)
17. Our CEO, together with board members, ________ all employees. (hire/ hires)
18. Attending the seminar ________ accountants from Wisconsin. . (is / are)
19. Neither the assistant nor the managers ________ the invoice number. (has/ have)
20. ________either of the Web sites working? (is / are)

Structure and Writing in English – Worksheet – Noun 6

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