Lab 1
Lab 1
Course: EE 5516
Date: 10/14/08
1. Objective
This lab is designed to demonstrate the operation of the Ethernet network. The
simulation in this lab will help you examine the performance of the Ethernet network
2. Overview
The Ethernet is a working example of the more general Carrier Sense, Multiple
Access with Collision Detect (CSMA/CD) local area network technology. The
Ethernet is a multiple-access network, meaning that a set of nodes sends and receives
In this lab you will set up an Ethernet with 30 nodes connected via a coaxial link
in a bus topology. The coaxial link is operating at a data rate of 10 Mbps. You will
study how the throughput of the network is affected by the network load as well as
3. Procedure
Figure 1 Topology of an Ethernet network
4. Further Readings
the technical and business communities. Detailed information about the Ethernet
The Ethernet MAC model provided with OPNET implements the carrier sensing,
IEEE 8-2.3u, and IEEE 802.3z Standard. Explicit modeling is performed for all
features other than serialization of bit transfers to and from the physical layer. The
You can configure port-based VLANs on all generic bridge and switch models,
and on any vendor-specific models that support this technology. Ethernet link models
allow you to simulate point-to-point trunk links; a single trunk link can carry traffic
for multiple VLANs as specified by IEEE 802.1q. To configure a VLAN, set the
the VLAN. You can assign VLAN identifiers to specific port numbers in the VLAN
Port Configuration Table. (To find a link’s port numbers, use Link Interfaces on the
Edit Attributes (Advanced) dialog box.) Note that you can assign only one VLAN
identifier to a specific port. However, multiple ports can belong to the same VLAN.
Guru/Release 9.1 The Ethernet models also support Fast EtherChannel technology.
This allows multiple Ethernet point-to-point links to be bundled into one logical
full-duplex channel of up to 800 Mbps (for Fast Ethernet) or 8000 Mbps (for Gigabit
Ethernet). You can use a Fast EtherChannel or Gigabit EtherChannel link in place of
support flow-based balancing of traffic, and are useful for upgrading bottleneck links
in Ethernet LAN networks. Note—You can only use EtherChannel links when
Ethernet is running in full-duplex mode. The Ethernet models can be deployed either
gigabit ethernet) configuration. The following list itemizes the main differences
• Connections from the MAC processes to the hub are via duplex point-to-point
• Collision Detection in the hub configuration is handled by the hub, rather than
individual MAC processes.
5. Questions
5.1 Explain the graph we received in the simulation that shows the relationship
between the received (throughput) and sent (load) packets. Why does the
throughput drop when the load is either very low or very high?
When the received packets are less than 600, the received packets and the
sent packets are positive related, the sent packets will increase according to the
sent packets. And then this relation will become less. When number of the sent
unchanged. When it is over 1100, number of the received packets will decrease
5.2 Create three duplicates of the simulation scenario implemented in this lab.
Interarrival Time attribute of the Packet Generation Arguments for all nodes
(make sure to check Apply Changes to Selected Objects while editing the
In all the above new scenarios, open the Configure Simulation dialog box
and from the Object Attributes delete the multiple-value attribute (the only
attribute shown in the list). Choose the following statistic for node 0: Ethcoax →
Collision Count. Make sure that the following global statistic is chosen: Global
Run the simulation for all three new scenarios. Get two graphs: one to
compare node 0’s collision counts in these three scenarios and the other graph
to compare the received traffic from the three scenarios. Explain the graphs and
comment on the results. (Note: To compare results you need to select Compare
Results from the Results menu after the simulation run is done.)
See Figure 3, it shows the conditions of the smaller number of exponential with
the larger number of collision count. As the exponential is smaller, the times of
sending packets are larger than before. At the same time, numerous other machines
See Figure 4, it shows that at the beginning, CoaxQ2a with exponential = 0.1 has
the lowest traffic received speed. However, when the load becomes heavier, the
speed goes up. And the highest point of curve Coax_2c is at the beginning. But the
speed drops a little as the traffic load becomes heavier. The curve of Coax_Q2b with
the value of exponential = 0.05 keeps rising all the time, and it reaches its highest
These three curves show that different exponential will affect the efficiency of
5.3 To study the effect of the number of stations on Ethernet segment
in Question 2. Name the new scenario Coax_Q3. In the new scenario, remove
the oddnumbered nodes, a total of 15 nodes (node 1, node 3, , and node 29).
Run the simulation for the new scenario. Create a graph that compares node
0’s collision counts in scenarios Coax_Q2c and Coax_Q3. Explain the graph
will make fewer collisions, so we can see in Figure 6, that the Collision Count
with more nodes is larger.
5.4 In the simulation a packet size of 1024 bytes is used (Note: Each Ethernet
packet can contain up to 1500 bytes of data). To study the effect of the packet
the Coax_Q2c scenario, which you created in Question 2. Name the new
scenario Coax_Q4. In the new scenario use a packet size of 512 bytes (for all
nodes). For both Coax_Q2c and Coax_Q4 scenarios, choose the following
Figure 7 shows the traffic received speed. The network with smaller packets
(constant 512bytes) has smaller speed at the beginning. However, with the time goes
by, the speed maintains a certain value, which is bigger than the network (Coax_Q2c)
with larger packets. This is because of the difference of the packet number. With
more packets to be sent, the time efficiency becomes worse. So it is smaller when the
load of network is light. As the network load is rising, the network with more sending
packets will be more efficient. It is because the smaller size packet will make the