Korado Tech Param Radik Klasik VK Vku VKL VKM

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Radik Klasik, Radik vk, Radik vku, Radik vkl

Type 10 Type 11 Type 20

Type 10 VK Type 11 VK Type 20 VK
Type 10 VKL Type 11 VKL Type 20 VKU
Height H [mm] 300 400 500 600 900 300 400 500 600 900 300 400 500 600 900
Standard heat output [W/m] 330 423 514 604 875 549 708 858 1002 1394 838 978 1398

Temperature exponent n [-] 1,3319 1,3193 1,3068 1,2942 1,3083 1,3156 1,3140 1,3123 1,3107 1,3206 1,3005 1,3014 1,3548

KT c0 0,01983700 1,29050000 0,01407200 1,34220000 0,05138300 1,28720000

b c1 0,81190000 0,00003492 0,94200000 -0,00004407 0,73450000 0,00005091

Radiator weight [kg/m] 6,38 8,40 10,41 12,43 19,20 10,42 14,15 17,87 21,60 32,80 21,47 25,70 38,70

Watter volume [l/m] 1,9 2,3 2,7 3,1 4,3 1,9 2,3 2,7 3,1 4,3 5,1 5,8 8,3
2 -5 -5 -4
Flow coefficient AT [m ] 6,5 x 10 (DN 15) 6,5 x 10 (DN 15) 1,0 x 10 (DN 15)

Resistance coefficient ξT [-] 19,0 (DN 15) 19,0 (DN 15) 8,5 (DN 15)

Stated values for the flow coefficient AT and the coefficient of resistance ξT apply only to the model RADIK KLASIK.

Radik VKm

Type 10 VKM Type 11 VKM Type 20 VKM

Height H [mm] 300 400 500 600 900 300 400 500 600 900 300 400 500 600 900
Standard heat output [W/m] 375 476 572 665 922 533 683 831 979 1432 934 1080 1502

Temperature exponent n [-] 1,2945 1,3013 1,3081 1,3149 1,3331 1,2583 1,2772 1,2962 1,3151 1,3291 1,3093 1,3160 1,3456

KT c0 0,01616400 1,32460000 0,03737600 1,27140000 0,05474000 1,30360000

b c1 0,85720000 -0,00001748 0,79480000 0,00004924 0,73930000 0,00002583

Radiator weight [kg/m] 6,90 8,77 10,63 12,50 18,50 10,29 13,48 16,67 19,86 31,00 21,50 25,42 37,50

Watter volume [l/m] 1,9 2,3 2,7 3,1 4,5 1,9 2,3 2,7 3,1 4,5 5,3 6,2 8,7

Radik Plan klasik, Radik Plan vk, Radik Plan vkl

 Type 11 PLAN  Type 21 PLAN  Type 22 PLAN  Type 33 PLAN

 Type 11 PLAN VK  Type 21 PLAN VK  Type 22 PLAN VK  Type 33 PLAN VK
 Type 11 PLAN VKL  Type 21 PLAN VKL  Type 22 PLAN VKL  Type 33 PLAN VKL
Height H [mm] 300 400 500 600 900 300 400 500 600 900 300 400 500 600 900 300 400 500 600 900
Standard heat output
[W/m] 533 678 818 953 1337 727 896 1060 1222 1711 948 1187 1414 1631 2243 1337 1689 2022 2341 3231

Temperature 1,2683 1,2683 1,2682 1,2682 1,3015

1,2683 1,2683 1,2682 1,2682 1,3015 1,3098 1,3145
1,3098 1,3145 1,3192 1,3239 1,3455
1,3192 1,3239 1,3455 1,3141
1,3141 1,3174 1,3208
1,3174 1,3208 1,3241 1,3314 1,3284 1,3252
1,3241 1,3314 1,3284 1,3252 1,3219 1,3187 1,3565
1,3219 1,3187 1,3565
exponent n [-]
KT c0 0,02916400 1,28020000 0,11665000 1,28640000 0,06239700 1,32230000 0,06322600 1,34170000

b c1 0,84290000 -0,00000253 0,63580000 0,00006698 0,78080000 0,00000157 0,82820000 -0,00001160

13,33 14,53 15,73 16,93 26,80 18,20 23,87 29,53 35,20 54,60 21,00 27,57 34,13 40,70 64,40 30,40 39,70 49,00 58,30 92,75
Radiator weight
13,33 14,53 15,73 16,93 26,80 18,20 23,87 29,53 35,20 54,60 21,00 27,57 34,13 40,70 64,40 30,40 39,70 49,00 58,30 92,75
[kg/m] 1,9 2,3 2,7 3,1 4,3 3,7 4,4 5,1 5,8 8,3 3,7 4,4 5,1 5,8 8,4 5,3 6,4 7,6 8,7 12,6

Watter volume [l/m] 1,9 2,3 2,7 3,1 4,3 3,7 4,4 5,1 5,8 8,3 3,7 4,4 5,1 5,8 8,4 5,3 6,4 7,6 8,7 12,6

Flow coefficient -5 -4 -4 -4
2 6,5 x 10 (DN 15) 1,0 x 10 (DN 15) 1,0 x 10 (DN 15) 1,18 x 10 (DN 15)
AT [m ]
19,0 (DN 15) 8,5 (DN 15) 8,5 (DN 15) 5,8 (DN 15)
coefficient ξT [-]
Stated values for the flow coefficient AT and the coefficient of resistance ξT apply only to the model RADIK PLAN KLASIK.

b (c0+c1·H)
Characteristic equation: Ф = KT ·H ·∆T
50 The company reserves the right to make technical changes.
Radik Klasik, Radik vk, Radik vku

Type 21 Type 22 Type 33

Type 21 VK Type 22 VK Type 33 VK
Type 21 VKU Type 22 VKU Type 33 VKU
Height H [mm] 300 400 500 600 900 300 400 500 600 900 300 400 500 600 900
Standard heat output [W/m] 745 937 1117 1288 1754 966 1216 1452 1679 2313 1379 1738 2079 2406 3328

Temperature exponent n [-] 1,3197 1,3238 1,3278 1,3319 1,3578 1,3297 1,3316 1,3334 1,3353 1,3574 1,2977 1,3129 1,3282 1,3434 1,3626
KT c0 0,03399300 1,35050000 0,05120200 1,34380000 0,07428700 1,33630000

b c1 0,83090000 -0,00002395 0,80550000 -0,00000514 0,80730000 -0,00000262

Radiator weight [kg/m] 15,60 20,57 25,53 30,50 47,00 18,40 24,37 30,33 36,30 56,30 27,70 36,83 45,97 55,10 84,50

Watter volume [l/m] 3,7 4,4 5,1 5,8 8,3 3,7 4,4 5,1 5,8 8,4 5,3 6,4 7,6 8,7 12,6
2 -4 -4 -4
Flow coefficient AT [m ] 1,0 x 10 (DN 15) 1,0 x 10 (DN 15) 1,18 x 10 (DN 15)

Resistance coefficient ξT [-] 8,5 (DN 15) 8,5 (DN 15) 5,8 (DN 15)

Radik vkm

Type 21 VKM Type 22 VKM Type 33 VKM

Height H [mm] 300 400 500 600 900 300 400 500 600 900 300 400 500 600 900
Standard heat output [W/m] 748 937 1118 1294 1802 950 1204 1447 1680 2335 1331 1716 2075 2411 3286

Temperature exponent n [-] 1,3135 1,3259 1,3384 1,3508 1,3791 1,2985 1,3122 1,3260 1,3397 1,3609 1,3190 1,3273 1,3357 1,3440 1,3708
KT c0 0,05250800 1,33530000 0,04268400 1,33820000 0,02273700 1,39030000

b c1 0,75670000 0,00002048 0,83910000 -0,00000944 0,98690000 -0,00007695

Radiator weight [kg/m] 15,50 20,22 24,94 29,67 45,17 17,90 23,60 29,30 35,00 54,00 26,20 34,70 43,20 51,70 80,75

Watter volume [l/m] 3,7 4,5 5,3 6,2 8,7 3,7 4,5 5,3 6,2 8,9 5,4 6,7 8,0 9,3 13,0

Radik combi vk

Type 22

Height H [mm] 500 600

Standard heat output [W/m] 1411 1646

Temperature exponent n [-] 1,2981 1,3085

KT c0 15,43760 1,31477

b c1 0,87128 -0,01226

Radiator weight [kg/m] 30,80 36,90

Watter volume [l/m] 6,2 7,1

b (c0+c1·H)
Characteristic equation: Ф = KT ·H ·∆T
The company reserves the right to make technical changes. 51

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