Contracts - Attack Outline Excellent
Contracts - Attack Outline Excellent
Contracts - Attack Outline Excellent
Factors to consider:
1. Express reservation of the right to not be bound absent a writing
2. Whether there has been partial performance of the K
3. Whether all terms of alleged K have been formed
4. Whether the agmt at issue is the type usually committed to a writing if consummated
Objective Theory
• What would a R person understand was meant by a communication? (the plain, usual meaning of the words)
• Ex. Lucy v. Zehmer (Zehmer writes that will sell his land to Lucy for $50K, then refuses performance.)
Did Zehmer really assent to the deal? Lucy had reason to believe the communication was genuine; Zehmer not so
drunk that he couldn't discuss details, deal discussed 40 minutes, Zehmer wrote 2 drafts, Mrs. Zehmer signed also,
Zehmer let Lucy take the paper w/ him; HELD: Court ordered conveyance of the land to Lucy
Subjective Theory
• What does the person understand was meant by a communication? “Meeting of the minds”
• A true meeting of the minds in the subjective sense is too restrictive in the modern reality of business transactions
• Courts prefer to find assent in objective manifestations of intent
o Words
o Conduct
2 common law principles derived from the tension btwn objective and subjective derivation of K
1. Absent expressed intent that no K shall exist, even informal or oral mutual assent btwn the parties to exchange acts or
promises is sufficient to create a K
2. To avoid obligation of a binding K at least one party must express intent to not be bound before execution of a written
• Ex. Winston v. Mediafare
o 4 factors to help determine if parties intended to be bound
Definition of an offer:
Restmt §24: “An offer is the manifestation of willingness to enter into a bargain, so made as to justify another person in understanding that
his assent to that bargain is invited and will conclude it.”
Acceptance by performance
• Restmt §54:
o If offer invites acceptance by performance, no notice is required unless the offer specifies that it is.
o Ever-Tite Roofing v. Green: “…becomes binding on start of performance. Court located start of performance at loading of men &
material, before revocation communicated to Ever-Tite: Binding)
o If offeree has reason to believe that offeror has no adequate means of learning of his performance, Kual duty of offeror is
discharged unless:
Due diligence to communicate acceptance
Offeror learns of the performance in a R time
Offer doesn’t require notification (explicit or implicit waiver)
Carlill v. Carbolic smoke (court finds that Carbolic waived notice)
b. An order or other offer to buy goods invites acceptance by promise to ship or the prompt shipment of conforming or non-
conforming goods. If non-conforming, the shipment does not indicate acceptance if the seller seasonably notifies the buyer that it is
offered only as an accommodation.
i. Ex. Corinthian v. Lederle Labs: (shipment of non-conforming goods ≠ acceptance because there was notice that it
was offered as an accommodation only)
(2) If beginning performance would be acceptance, an offeror who is not notified of the acceptance in R time
may treat the offer as lapsed.
Acceptance of goods occurs when after a R opportunity to inspect the buyer signifies to the seller that they are conforming, or if they are non-
conforming, he will accept them despite nonconformity
Silent Acceptance____________________
2-207(3) – The effect of mutual performance when no K is formed by the parties’ writings
1. Was there conduct that recognized the existence of a K?
o Yes – keep going
o No – No K formed
2. Do the terms of the writings agree?
o Yes – Terms are included in the K
o No – Conflicting Terms are knocked-out and replaced w/ gap-fillers from the UCC
• Terms are material if their inclusion would result in “surprise or hardship if incorporated w/o the express awareness of the other party”
• Jx split concerning the materiality of arbitration clauses
• Typical “material alterations”:
o Clauses negating standard warranties of merchantability or fitness where such a warranty would normally apply
o Clause requiring guaranty of 90% or 100% deliveries in an industry where the custom is greater quantity leeway
o Requirement that complaints be made in a shorter than R or customary time
A clause will probably not be deemed “material” if it falls w/in normal trade practice parameters, because that is not “surprising” to a
party operating in the trade.
Definition of a Merchant__________
UCC 2-104: A merchant is a person who deals in goods of the kind or otherwise by his occupation holds himself out as having knowledge or
particular skill of the practices or goods involved in the transaction. A party could be deemed a merchant if he employs a broker or intermediary as
his agent and the intermediary possesses such knowledge or skill
unjust enrichment
quasi K
implied in law K
quantum meruit
Even if no K was formed, the law implies a K so that the party in breach may be made to pay some money that would be unjust for him to keep
1. Gratuitousness
Was the service/product given as a gift? Did the donor expect or want to be paid?
2. Officiousness
Did the Donee want the service?
Requests the service?
i. Can't be forced to pay for a service or item if it was given deliberately but w/o request of the Donee
b. Was it an emergency situation?
0. Professionals who render service in emergencies can seek restitution for their time and energy expended
• Ex. Cotnam v. Wisdom (Dr. stops at scene of an accident, patient must pay for his services even though he was unconscious)
But, if he wasn’t a doctor, his stopping is presumed to be gratuituous (he by profession does not provide medical care, so
expectation of remuneration is absent. Unless the services performed are excessively expensive or burdensome as to require
compensation to prevent injustice.
• Callano v. Oakwood park (Ct. says Callano should pursue his claim against pendergast, and restitution is a last-ditch effort if there is no
other way to prevent injustice)
• Pyeatte v. Pyeatte (Restitution usually denied in marital context, no recovery for services as housewife)
o Express agmt
o Extraordinary/unilateral effort by one spouse
o Benefit has inured only to the other at the time of the dissolution of the marriage
CA has bright-line rule: no recovery if the expense is more than 10 years old; benefits deemed to have accrued to the marriage by
General policy against recovery in restitution suits arising out of a sexual relationship
Restmt §71
• Bargained-for exchange
• Of promise for return promise or performance
• Performance may consist of: An act other than a promise; forbearance from a legal right (Hamer v. Sidway); Creation, modification, or
destruction of a legal relationship
• Performance or return promise may be given to promisor or some 3rd party, may be given by promisee or 3rd party.
Quid pro quo; Something of value exchanged for something of value
Courts don’t normally inquire into the adequacy of consideration, unless there is an obviously nominal exchange (i.e. $1000 for a book
worth <$1
Ex. Fiege v. Boehm (Rule from Restmt §74: forbearance from rights not possessed but believed in good faith to be possessed is consideration)
• P forbears from pressing bastardy claim in exchange for money support. D wasn’t actually the father, but P’s good faith makes the
exchange valid
Promissory Estoppel_________________
Restmt §90
• A promise, which the promisor should reasonably expect to induce action or forbearance by the promisee or 3rd party, and does induce such
action or forbearance is binding if injustice can only be avoided through enforcement
4-Part Test:
o 4-part test:
1. Was there a promise?
1. Look to the language, was it specific? Uncertain?
2. Should the promisor have reasonably expected the other party to rely?
1. "Inducement"
2. Analyzed in the totality of the circumstances
3. Was there actual reliance?
1. Could be in the form of either forbearance or affirmative action
a. If yes, was it R under the circumstances?
4. Can injustice only be avoided by enforcement?
1. Will the reliance, if not compensated, cause an injustice to the relying party?
Ex. Ricketts c. Scothorn (Grandpa promises 2K to gdaughter “so you don’t have to work.”)
• No consideration for the promise of money, it was a gratuity; court could have found that her quitting her job was consideration, but the
language was “so you “can” quit.)
• Enforced because she was induced to change her position in reliance on the promised gift, and it was his intention and desire that she do so.
o Was it R for her to do so? She was making $500/year as book keeper, but 6% interest on $2000 is only $120/year.
Ex. Feinberg v. Pfeiffer
• Where recovery was denied due to a lack of consideration, Feinberg can recover under promissory estoppel because she relied reasonably
on the promise by retiring
Ex. Cohen v. Cowles Media Co. (Staffer for Gov. spilled dirt on candidate to a reporter, who had promised confidentiality, but newspaper printed his
name, staffer was fired.
• US S.Ct. finds agmt must be enforced to prevent injustice. Cohen relied on the industry standard of protecting the anonymity of sources, to
his detriment
Ex. Vastoler v. American Can Co (Vastoler took promotion, relying on promise of greater pension benefits)
• Rule: absorbance of stress and anxiety of higher position could be a detriment
Ex. D&G Stout v. Bacardi (D&G [General] started negotiating to be acquired by a larger liquor distributor. Knowing this, Bacardi promised to stay
w/ General as its exclusive distributor (month-to month agmt, at-will). In reliance on promise, General turns down an offer. Bacardi w/draws.
General forced to accept lower offer due to compromised bargaining position.
• Bacardi must pay difference in purchase price, because D&G stout relied reasonably on the promise in turning down the higher offer.
Past performance cannot be consideration for a present or future promise because it was, by definition, not bargained-for.
o Ex. Feinberg v. Pfeiffer Co. (P worked for D, D gave her raise and pension "in recognition" of past good work)
• Past services not consideration because she didn't bargain to do it in exchange for the Co's promise
• P's continued service also not consideration b/c she didn't bargain to give up the right to work at some point in
exchange for the promised pension
o Ex. Mills v. Wyman (D's son fell ill, P cared for him; later D promised money to P for cost of care, didn't pay)
• P's performance was not bargained-for in exchange for D's promise to pay
• If nothing paid/promised, leaves execution of it to the conscience of the promisor
• Moral Obligation to pay is BY ITSELF not enough to establish legally enforceable K
o Ex. Webb v. McGowin (P falls w/, redirects block to not fall on Boss. P paralyzed, D promised to pay)
• Consideration valid even though promise made after the fact
• During lifetime McGowin did pay on his promise, amount paid not so much as to be ridiculous
• Moral obligation to pay does establish enforceable K if Pr received a Material Benefit
Not all courts follow the "Material Benefit Rule"
• CA. DOES NOT; still uses Wyman rule, but may be leaning toward the Material Benefit Rule
• Restmt 2nd §86 has not been adopted by many states, most favor (1) Wyman rule or the (2) the
Material Benefit Rule (judicial liberalization)
Exceptions to the Moral Obligation rule (K formed in exceptions; in Wyman, no K)
• Promise to pay a debt on which the Statute of Limitations has run.
• Promise made as a minor enforceable when promisor becomes an adult
• Promise made after start of bankruptcy proceedings to pay a dischargeable debt
o Rewards - must know of the offer of an award in order to claim it, otherwise performance not bargained-for
• Ex. Kirksey v. Kirskey (Presumption of gratuity, not clear that the 60 mile move was bargained-for…no consideration)
o But, she may have a reliance claim
Illusory Promises________________
• Restmt §77
A promise is not consideration if the promisor reserves a choid of alternative performances unless:
a. Each of the alternatives would be consideration by itself
b. Or
c. There appears to be a substantial possibility that events will eliminate the alternatives that would not be consideration before the
promisor’s choice of action is made.
o Ex. Strong v. Sheffield (Wife signs promissory note, payable at once; owner of note agrees not to request payment "until such
time as I want my money." Fails to collect for 2 years. Consideration?
• No consideration. Even though he waited 2 years to collect, that period was not bargained-for.
• The words of his promise make it illusory, meaning he was not really giving up any right; could ask for the money the
next week, day, or moment, at his whim.
If one party is not bound then neither is
o Ex. Mattei v. Hopper (P makes deal w/ D, D will sell land so P can develop it as long as P makes $1K deposit and is satisfied w/
deal w/in 120 days. D reneges, argues that satisfaction clause made the promise illusory.)
• Not illusory, and thus the promise was consideration
Standard of satisfaction is in "fancy, taste, or judgment" is subjective "good faith standard"
• This one applies
Standard of satisfaction in commercial judgment is the objective "R man standard"
• Requirements Ks
o Ex. Eastern Airlines v. Gulf Oil Co. (K that Gulf will supply fuel as required, not a specific amount)
• UCC rule 2-306(1): Requirements Ks will be upheld, and not illusory, as long as there is a good faith effort and the
amount required is not disproportionate to any stated estimate
• Court may refuse to enforce a K if doing so would bankrupt one company
• Exclusive agmts
o Wood v. Lucy, Lady Duff-Gordon (P and D enter exclusive agmt for P to market D's name using his "best efforts." D then makes
agmt w/ Sears. Breach of K? Was there Consideration?)
• Yes, consideration. She did not retain the right to make any endorsements of her own, court constructs a good faith
standard for evaluating his promise
• Best efforts obligation UCC §2-306(2)
Shrink/Click-wrap Ks_________
• Hill v. Gateway
• Customer's ordered computer, dissatisfied w/ its performance they sued. Sought to distinguish from ProCD
because the box did not notify that there were additional terms enclosed
• Held on appeal for D; P had opportunity to return the computer, and the fact that it didn't created a K w/ the
terms included
Pre-Kual Liability
Failed Negotiations
Promise relied on can give rise to liability, if it was R
Ex. Hoffman v. Red Owl
Tribune 1 agmts: Fully formed, but parties have agreed to memorialize them formally
Tribune 2 agmts: Some terms are complete and parties make a separate agmt to continue negotiating in good faith
K w/ independent consideration to continue negotiations in good faith
Channel Home Centers v. Grossman
May not be able to ultimately reach an agmt on all terms, but is obliged to negotiate in good faith
Main Purpose Doctrine: Removes agmts from the statute of frauds if the assumption of a debt was to benefit oneself, rather than to benefit the
original debtor
Mental Infirmity
Presumption of capacity for people of majority age
If a person is
4. Unable to act reasonably in relation to the transaction AND
5. Other party has reason to know of his condition
He incurs voidable duties
Drug or Alcohol abuse: Intoxication severe enough to impair capacity will be apparent to the other party, and exploitation by the other
party can be inferred
o R degree of resistance required before capitulation
o Threat must be to life, limb, or legit business interest; must be wrongful; it is never duress to threaten to exercise a legal right
A promise obtained by duress is not enforceable and money or property transferred will be disgorged
Undue Influence
• “overbargaining” in a relationship of trust
• 7 typical factors: Disadvantageous timing, location, absence of advisors, urgency, emphasis on bad consequences of delay,
pressured party outnumbered, stmts that there is no time to consult outside advisors
• Unfair bargaining positions (procedural unconscionability)
• Resulting in unfair or oppressive terms (Substantive unconscionability)
UCC 2-716: SP may be decreed when the goods are unique or in “other proper circumstances”
“other proper circumstances” means when there is little certainty as to damages, alternate perform may be difficult to procure w/ $$
damages, or there is likelihood that damage award might not be collected
CISG: A court has discretion to order SP, but does not have to if its home jurisdiction would not under similar circumstances (In practice,
injured parties get to elect what they want)
Expectation Damages
(Loss in value (AKA profit)) + (Other Loss) – (Cost Avoided) – (Loss avoided)
Try to put the person where he would have been if he’d gotten full performance
Reliance damages
Try to put the party back where he was before he relied to his detriment
No recovery of lost profits, but can recover costs incurred in R reliance (planned advertising, building supplies, etc.)
Self explanatory