Treasury Auction Results: Tendered Accepted
Treasury Auction Results: Tendered Accepted
Treasury Auction Results: Tendered Accepted
Interest Rate 2%
High Yield1 2.041%
Allotted at High 29.85%
Price 99.806052
Accrued Interest per $1,000 None
Tendered Accepted
Competitive $103,877,275,000 $34,938,970,000
Noncompetitive $61,114,000 $61,114,000
FIMA (Noncompetitive) $0 $0
Subtotal4 $103,938,389,000 $35,000,084,0005
Tendered Accepted
Primary Dealer6 $69,995,000,000 $15,875,000,000
Direct Bidder7 $13,372,000,000 $3,358,745,000
Indirect Bidder8 $20,510,275,000 $15,705,225,000
Total Competitive $103,877,275,000 $34,938,970,000
1 5
All tenders at lower yields were accepted in full. Awards to combined Treasury Direct systems = $40,657,000.
2 6
50% of the amount of accepted competitive tenders was tendered at or below Primary dealers as submitters bidding for their own house accounts.
that yield. 7
Non-Primary dealer submitters bidding for their own house accounts.
3 8
5% of the amount of accepted competitive tenders was tendered at or below Customers placing competitive bids through a direct submitter, including
that yield. Foreign and International Monetary Authorities placing bids through the
4 Federal Reserve Bank of New York.
Bid-to-Cover Ratio: $103,938,389,000/$35,000,084,000 = 2.97