Create Database Test

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// create database test


//connect to the database


//create table EMP


`emp_no` INT( 4 ) PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL ,
`emp_name` VARCHAR( 25 ) NULL ,
`degisnation` CHAR( 4 ) NULL ,
`joining_date` DATE NULL ,
`salary` DECIMAL( 7, 2 ) NULL ,
`dept_no` INT( 2 ) NULL ,

// create table DEPT


`dept_no` INT( 2 ) PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
`dept_name` VARCHAR( 25 ) NULL,
`budget` DECIMAL( 15, 2 ) NULL ,
`manager` VARCHAR( 25 ) NULL ,

// insert data to table DEPT

INSERT INTO `dept` (`dept_no`, `dept_name`, `budget`, `manager`) VALUES

(1, 'development', '6543210.00', 'R Pain'),
(2, 'testing', '35550.00', 'S Nanda'),
(3, 'support', '876540.50', 'Y'),
(4, 'r&d', '2543210.00', 'X'),
(5, 'training', '976540.50', 'T');

// insert data to table EMP

INSERT INTO `emp` (`emp_no`, `emp_name`, `degisnation`, `joining_date`, `salary`,

`dept_no`) VALUES
(256, 'Y', 'PM', '1980-11-08', '15650.50', 3),
(458, 'Swati', 'ASE', '2000-01-21', '4200.00', 2),
(1000, 'Rajarshi Sankar Pain', 'ASE', '2011-02-21', '2619.00', 5),
(1002, 'Suman Dutta', 'ASE', '2011-01-04', '2619.00', 5),
(1234, 'Rajesh Kumar', 'ITA', '2004-01-04', '4555.00', 1),
(1665, 'T', 'PM', '1985-11-29', '16550.00', 5),
(2548, 'Kundan', 'ITA', '1881-05-18', '8600.00', 3),
(2589, 'Tina Das', 'STL', '1981-01-04', '13000.00', 4),
(3651, 'Krishna Iyer', 'TL', '1991-01-17', '9543.00', 2),
(4514, 'R Pain', 'PM', '1995-08-25', '16550.00', 1),
(5632, 'KK', 'CEO', '1970-01-13', '55000.00', 4),
(7789, 'Paresh Mukherjee ', 'STL', '1981-01-28', '12550.00', 1),
(8521, 'X', 'PM', '1998-12-12', '14500.00', 4),
(9854, 'S Nanda', 'PM', '1990-01-15', '18000.00', 2);

1. Display each employee’s name and date of joining.

Ans: Select emp_name,joining_date from EMP;

2. Display employees earning more than Rs.5,000. Label the column name “Employee”.
Ans: Select emp_name as Employee from EMP where salary>5000;

3. Display all employee names and employee numbers in the alphabetical order of names.
Ans: select emp_no,emp_name from EMP order by emp_name ASC;

4. Display all employee names containing the letter “S”.

Ans: select emp_name from EMP where emp_name like ‘s%’;

5. Display the employees hired in 1981.

Ans: select * from EMP where joining_date like ‘ 1981%’;
6. Display the minimum and maximum salary.
Ans: select MAX(salary) as Max_Salary,MIN(salary) as Min_Salary from EMP;

7. Display the list of employees along with their department name and its manager.

Ans: select EMP.emp_name as Employee,DEPT.dept_name as Deperment ,DEPT.manager as Manager from

EMP,DEPT where EMP.dept_no=DEPT.dept_no;

8. Display the number of different employees listed for each department.

Ans: select DEPT.dept_name as Department,count(emp_name) as Total_Employee from DEPT,EMP where

DEPT.dept_no=EMP.dept_no group by DEPT.dept_name;

9. Delete the records of all the employees hired in 1981 from EMP table.
Ans: delete from EMP where joining_date like ‘1981%’;

10. Update the salary of all the employees to Rs. 10,000.

Ans: update EMP set salary=10000;

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