Registration IEEE
Registration IEEE
Registration form
1. Name:________________________________
3. Address:____________________________________________________________________________________________
____________________________________ City _________ Pincode: ___________
5. Are you IEEE member? (yes/no)_______. If yes specify the membership no.______________.
6. Draft details:
Date: Signature:
1. Certificates would be given to all the participants.
2. The completely filled form and DD should be sent to below given postal address.
3. Please mention your contact number on mailing envelope.
4. For any queries email us at, or contact at +91-9950685829, +91-9928875310.
5. Last date of receiving of complete form is 20 February 2011.
Mailing address:
Mithilesh Kumar,
Deputy Counselor, IEEE-MTTS SBC
Electronics Engineering Department, Rajasthan Technical University,
Akelgarh, RawatBhata Road, Kota (Rajasthan)-324010