WANTA - Mandamus Petition

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INTHE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT | [=== voutuerastenn pisratcrorvincimia [oS TLED sp] {ww 20207 | Civil ActionNo. |: 5.ev GOL “3 BRP ! LEE E. WANTA, LEO E. WANTA, AMBASSADOR AMGRions Une. | LEO WANTA (individually and as sole and exelusive shareholder of AMERITRUST Groupe, Ine, ‘Commonwealth of Virginia registered ‘comporaton) Petitioner, HENRY M. PAULSON, JR. SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY, UNITED STATES TREASURY, and ROBERT M. KIMMIT DEPUTY SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY UNITED STATES TREASURY, and JAMES K. WILKINSON ‘CHIEF OF STAFF UNITED STATES TREASURY, and MICHAEL CHERTOFF SECRETARY DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY, and ALBERTO R. GONZALES ‘ATTORNEY GENERAL UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF RICHMOND DIRECTOR AND/OR MANAGER OF OPERATIONS RICHMOND, VIRGINIA Respondents, ee PETITION FOR A WRIT OF MANDAMUS AND OTHER EXTRAORDINARY RELIEF TT A. PARTIES 1. LEEE. WANTA, LEO E. WANTA, AMBASSADOR. LEO WANTA, 15516 Falmouth Street Suite 108 Richmond, Virginia 23230 Petitioner 2, Henry M Paulson, J. Seeretary ofthe Treasury 1500 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W Washington, D.C. 20220 "Respondent 3. Robert M. Kimmit, Deputy Seeretary of the Treasury 1500 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W ‘Washington, D.C. 20220 Respondent 4. James R. Wilkinson (Chief of Stat United States Treasury 1500 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W ‘Washiagion, D.C. 20220 Respondent 5. Michael Chertoft Secretary of Homeland Security ‘Washington, D. C. Respondent 6 Alberto R. Gonzales “Attorney General United States Department of Justice ‘950 Pennsylvania Avenue N.W. ‘Washington, D.C. 20530-0001 Respondent 7. Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond. 701 East Byrd Street Richmond, Virginia 23219 Respondent 'B, JURISDICTION ‘The United States District Cout for the Eastern District of Virginia has jurisdiction over the subject matter ofthis cause of action pursuant to the provisions of Title 28 United States Code, Chapter 85, Section 1361 (mandamus), Title 28 United ‘States Code, Chapter 85, Section 1331, and Title 28 United States Code, Chapter 85, ‘Section 1332... C. VENUE 2. Venue is proper in this Court pursuant to Title 28 United States Code, (Chapter 87, Section 1391, and Tile 28 United States Code Chapter 87, Section 1396. D, STATEMENT OF CLAIM 3. Mandamus is regarded as an extraordinary writ reserved for special situations. ‘Among its ordinary preconditions are thatthe agency or ficial have acted (o failed to ‘ct in disregard of a clear lege duty and that there be no adequate conventional means ‘for review. Inre Bhewnter Network & Ocean Advocates, 234 F.3d 1305, 1315 (D.C. Ci. 2000); Telecoram, Research & Action Ci, v. ECC, 750 F.2d 70, 78 (D.C. Cir. 1984), ‘Mandamus will be granted if the Petitioner shows “{1) the presence of novel and significant questions of law; 2) the inadequacy of other available remedies; and (3) the presence ofa lagal issue whooe resolution will aid in the administration of jstice”, see In +e United States, 10 F-3d 229 at 931, 933 (2d Cit. 1993). 4. Petitioner fas attempted to access monies that were transfered through imternational bank monetary clearing systems 10 financial institutions located in the United States of America, The remitting party was the People's Republic of China, People’s Bank. ‘The remitting party designated that the transferred funds were forthe sole and exclusive use and benefit of Petitioner. The foreign entity that originted the ‘inward remittance designated Petitioner assole and exclusive recipient forthe transferred ‘money/financal instruments. respective of efforts proffered by Petitioner and/or agents and representatives of Petitioner, private and public individuals and entities, prevent Petitioner ftom exercising Petitioner's legal right tothe use, transfer and unrestricted ablliy to ftely disburse suid financial assets. ‘The acts and/or omissions to act by named and unnamed Respondents Drevent the Petitioner (and others wo are ancillary to this cause of action) from paying their respective tax liabilities to both Sate and Federal taxing authorities. ‘5. Upon best information and belie the organizations, entities, departments and individuals that prevent andor restit Petitioner's lawful access to stid money and securities include but are not necessarily limited to the following: 6 constitute a ‘Seoretary of the Treasury ‘Atiomey General ofthe United States of America Bank of America IP. Morgan Chase CITIBANKICITIGROUP/ NYC including but not limited to Mr. Charles ©. Prince CITIGROUP Chief Executive Officer Goldman Sachs, et al including but not Limited to past and preseat ‘management and executive officers and members of the Board of Directors. United States Department of the Treasury including but not limited to Secretary Paulson, Deputy Secretary Kirnmit end other known and/or "unknown parties working directly or under contract with the United States Department of the Treasury. ‘Seeretary Chertoff, Department of Homeland Security and other known ‘andor unknown parties working directly or under contract withthe United ‘States Department of Homeland Security, One or more known andor unknown “compliance officers” that act iretly and/or under contract with private bank and/or security brokerage firms to observe rules and regulations ofthe United States Department of the Treasury andor other USG investigative and reporting entities. Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond Virginia ‘Upon test information and belief Respondent acts andlor fifures to act Violation of the Securities Acts of 1933 and 1934 (as amended in 1970), the ‘Bank Privacy Act and other non specified banking regulations. 7. Reasonable action has been taken by Petitioner to obtain an explanation andlor under what authority Respondents are not permitting Petitioner to have access to ‘the foreign transfered private business financial assets referenced herein. Despite written notice and request for a response the named pasts avoid their legal obligations In furtherance ofthis Petition forthe esuance of @ Writ of Mandamus Petitioner directs this Courts attention tothe letters and other communications that have been collectively ‘marked es Exhibits A attached hereto and all of which documents, letters and ‘memorandum are incorporated herein by this reference as ifthe same were set ou in their entirety inthe body ofthis Petition. 8, The material, substantive and immediate financial loss to the Petitioner resulng from loss of financial benefit can not adequately be addressed in conventions! judicial proceedings. In one or more instances parties in position of knowledge, that can ‘confirm the representations regarding interference in private business dealings, between Petitioner and third parties, have been placed at risk of physical harm by individuals representing to be fiduciaries of one or more ofthe Respondents. Additionally, the acts ‘and actions of the Respondents prevent immediate payment of Federal taxes in the ‘amount of $1.575 trilion dollars into the United States Treasury. E, BACKGROUND 9. On or about April 15, 2003 the Honorsble Gerald Bruce Lee, in ease number 02 1363-A filed in the United States District Court for the Eastem District of Virginia, issued an Order and Memorandum of Opinion forthe referenced numbered case. AS part ‘of the Order and Memorandum ofthe Court (in the referenced case) the Court stated that ‘the Plaintiff (inthe referenced ease) should pursue liquidation of corporations, recovery of financial assets and pay all required taxes in accordance withthe law. 10, Petitioner initiated contact with numerous third parties, including United States lected, nominated, appointed and career employees plus foreign countries, for the purpose of recovering financial assets, 11, Upon best information and belief in December of 2005 and January 2006, ‘Secretary Snow (Secretary of the Treasury at the time) and Chairman Greenspan (Chairman ofthe Federal Reserve atthe time) traveled tothe People’s Republic of China. “The Chinese required confirmation of Petitioner’ signature to facilitate cooperation of the Chinese in completing the transfer of financial assets referenced herein. ‘Upon best information and belief Soow/Greenspan determined thet Chinese officials ad the ability and willingness to cooperate with Petitioner in the recovery and transfer of substantial financial assets that had been in the care custody and contro ofthe (Chinese for an extended perio of time, 12, Premised on the representations of Secretary Snow and Chairman Greenspan the legal services of Troutman Sanders, LLP and Jenkens & Gilchrist Parker Chapin, LLP, (atomey’s) were used to complete the preparation and administer the execution of agreements and documents referred to collectively as “settlement documents". The {following is a compilation of the significant parties that are represented as either obligors and/or beneficiaries ofthe settlement documents: ‘+ Petitioner Wanta identified inthis Petition. ‘+ Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), (including but not fimited to ‘Land Baroa/Xen0) ‘© National Security Agency (NSA) ‘© Department of Homeland Security ‘* Director of National Intelligence ‘+ United States State Department ‘¢ United States Department of the Treasury ‘© United States Department of Defense ‘+ The White House ,incuding but not limited to the Offices of the President and Vice President + CBAC. Ine. (Mr-William Bonney Sr.) + China (PRO), France, Great Britain, Germany and other foreign ‘ations participating under one or more international “Protocol” including but not limited to the Reagan-Mitterrand Protocol sgreements. ‘+ Others of intrest not intentionally omitted as pat ofthis Petition, ‘he entirety of the financial assets mentioned in the settement: documents prepared by the above mentioned atiomeys concerns approximately $27 Trion United ‘States Dollars in value. The portion attributable and payable to the Petitioner is $4.5 ‘rilion United States Dollars. 13, In May of 2006 the People's Republic of China caused a fee and ‘unrestricted transfer of $4.5 Trillion United States Dollars through international bank fund transfer filities to an account at Bank of Americ located in Richmond, Virginia. ‘The designated beneficiary ofthe transferred funds from the People's Republic of China ‘was Petitioner herein, This transfer was made by the People’s Republic of China solely and exclusively asa requirement under the mentioned settlement agreement, 14. Upon best information and belief between the dates of July 31* to August 2° of 2006 the United States Department ofthe Treasury, without authorization of ether the remitting party of the receiving party removed the People's of Republic of China transfered financial assets from Bank of America Richmond, Virginia to an eccount in ‘the name of Goldman Sachs at CITIBank New York, New York as the beneficiary holder of the monies transfered by the Peoples Republic of China referenced above. This “Chip” (Clearing House Interbank Payment) transfor was facilitated ffom Virginia ‘domiciled banks to New York domiciled banks via the Federal Reserve Bank Richmond, ‘The Chip transfer did not remove the name of Petitioner asthe intended recipient ofthe transferred money from the People's Republic of China, The transfer to the Goldman ‘Sachs et.al. account at CTTTBank puta lawles restriction thatthe funds were not to be released to Petitioner without the authorization of United States Treasury, At or about the time ofthe unauthorized transfer mentioned in this paragraph 14 Petitioner protested the alleged right of “entitlement” by Secretary Paulson and to facilitate protest of right of ‘ownership under the “Securities Acts” accounts were opened in the name of AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc at Morgan Stanley, fiduciary client account at CITIBank/NYC to receive iret deposit transfer of Petitioner funds fom Goldman Sachs. 15, The Petitioner has been contacted by “Compliance Officers” that are contract employees of the Uniled States Department of the Treasury that the transfer records of the United States Department of the Treasury and the recipient (past and present holder ofthe funds transfered to Petitioner by the People’s Republic of China) reflect thatthe accounts opened to receive the financial assets are tagged and coded for the benefit of Petitioner. Access to the tagged and coded accounts requires lawless authorization to be proved in writing by Secretary Paulson, To date Sceretary Paulson rofuses to provide the required written authorization to the compliance officers. In ‘Addition one or more compliance officer (referenced herein) has been contacted by Secret Service Agents who have advised the compliance officers that the “White House” ‘ordered thatthe compliance officers cease and desist fom communicating in any manner with Petitioner. 16. Upon best information and belief the compliance officers mentioned in paragraph 15, have been in contact with law enforcement officers representing the Central Inteligence Agency and the United States Department of Defense. These mentioned law enforcement officers confirm that the information provided by the compliance officers is true and correct and that upon best information and belief the “order” preventing Secretary Paulson from releasing the “tagged and coded” finds that are the sole and exclusive property of the Petitioner have been either lawiessly and Individually controlled by Secretary Paulson and/or restricted through direct participation by other United States of America elected and/or nominated officials. 17. Upon best information and belief Troutman Sanders, LLP and Jenkens & Gilchrist Parker Chapin, LLP, seeking. legal recourse on behalf of C.BLLC. Ine. (Me.Wiliam Bonney Sr.) and the People's Republic of China obtained an Order to Show ‘Cause Why a Weit of Mandamus Should Not Be Issued ffom the United States Supreme Court signed by Justice Ginsberg, The People's Republic of China, as a foreign ‘aovernment, invoked the origina jurisdiction authority of the United States Supreme ‘Court to obtain the document signed by Justice Ginsberg. Upon further best information and belief the responding partis to the action fled in the United States Supreme Court ‘are exercising any and all assumed defenses to ward off the issuance of the Writ of ‘Mandamus. 18, The Unied States Department of Justice and/or any agency or investigative tutorty contacted ins refused to esis Petitioner in the collection of lawl funds. Said partes efise such assistance inespetve that there is lear and undisputed evidence that tne subject finds are identified in oficial United States government agency documents ss ting the sole and exclusive property of Petitioner. As of the date ofthe Sing ofthis Petition, al requests for payment of lwful fonds has been ignored by any and al elected nd nominated public officials that have the implied aed apparent authority to complete all requirements of the settlement documents. 19. Petitioner individually and as sole and exclusive controlling shareholder of ‘AmeriTnist Groupe, Ine certifies as follows: ‘The Petitioner has personaly had conversations with one or more officials at the United States Department of the Treasury and said officials confirm the sequence of events concerning inward remittance of subject funds from the People's Republic of (China and inter-bank transfor within the United States ‘+ Petitioner confirms tht he hs personal knowledge about the “Claims and Background” set out in this Petition and verifies upon penalty of perjury thatthe same are true and correct, ‘+ Petitioner has filly and completely reviewed the content of this Petition and certifies by swom affidavit attached hereto that the “Statement of Claim and Background” are true and correct. 20. Upon best information and belief “Respondent” individuals, agencies, public, private, nominated and/or elected have knowingly, overly, covertly and with specific intent conspired together to defraud Petitioner. The individual and/or conspiratorial acts amount to & violation of the Securities Acts of 1933 and 1934 (as ‘amended in 1970), the Bank Privacy Act, the Organized Crime Control Act of 1970, specticely RICO and applicable international and national money laundering restrictions. In addition it is further the mentioned Respondent's acting individually and/or “acting in concert” violite Petitioners rights under the provisions of H.R. 3723 as the same pertains to private business transactions being protected under both private and criminal penis. Reasonable action has been taken by the Petitioner in an attempt to obtain explanation andlor under what authority Respondents are not following the “Rule of Law” and permiting access by Petitioner to the financial accounts referenced herein. Despite continued written notice and request for a response the named parties continue to avoid legal obligations and continue to commit covert and/or overt acts in furtherance of their knowing and purposeful violation of the statutory references mentioned hereinabove. In furtherance of this Petition for the issuance of a Writ of Mandamus Petitioners direct this Courts attention tothe leters and other communications that have been marked as Exhibits A, B and C attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference as ifthe same were set out in their entirety in the body ofthis Petition. F. CONCLUSION 21, The “Statement of Clim and Background” demonstrate, “(1) the presence of ‘novel and significant questions of law; (2) the inadequacy of other available remedies; and (3) the presence of a legal issue whose resolution will aid inthe administration of Justice” G. REQUEST FOR RELIEF 10 1. Emergency consideration ofthis Petition with an expedited response time {for Respondents to respond to this Petition and an expedited time forthe Court to hear the ‘merits ofthis matter. 2. ‘Such other and further relief asthe Court deems just and proper to protect the Constitutional protected rights of the Petitioner. ont lS ces 32. TEBE WANTA, LEO E, WANTA, AMBASSADOR LEO WANTA, ” Pro Se_ 18516 Falmouth Street, ‘Suite 108 Richmond, Virginia 23230 Petitioner Telefon: B14 495 9218 Telefix: 202 330 5116 n AFFIDAVIT ‘The undersigned, being filly advised by counsel ofthe seriousness of the claim of ‘making false statements to a Court and being fully apprised of the consequences for committing perjury (andthe associated penalis), hereby make the following statements ‘conceming the Petition for Writ of Mandamus bein filed on my behalf, by my counsel, in the United States District Court forthe Eastem District of Virginia: L 2. ‘Lam more than twenty-one years of age and I am a citizen of the United States of America, For an extended period of time I am functioning as a representative, investigator, contract employee andlor facilitator of one oF more asignments that were either executed and/or performed at the direction and/or under the supervision of one or more persons and/or agencies that were accountable to the Executive Offices of the United States government. 3. During most recent thre to five years I have been attempting to coordinate ‘the epatriating of substantive financial resources from foreign locations to the United States and cause the tax payments owed on the patted funds to be ‘aid to the United States Treasury. I have substantially completed the stated ‘objective task withthe assistance of one or more foreign sources. . Thave read the entirety of the Petition for Writ of Mandamus prepared by my altormey's. I confirm that Ihave personally directed communications with the banks, security firms, the United States Department of the Treasury (including ‘one or more individual partes associated with the Treasury that are named as Respondents) and other entities mentioned in the Petition. 5. [have personally confirmed that the financial assets sent by the People’s Republic of China were received by Bank of America in Richmond, Virginia and that upon best information and belief the subject financial asets were “‘gged” in my name and transmittal instructions by the People's Republic of ‘China directed that the same be paid to me without offtet or delay. - I have been personally advised by agents and/or contract regulation compliance workers, that are accountable to the United States Department of, the Treasury, that release of funds sent by the People's Republic of China for ‘ptyment to me is being restricted and/or blocked by one or more partes. 7. The exact party and/or parties that are restricting and/or blocking payment of ‘nancial assets to ray designated accounts isnot known absolutely. 8 Upon best information and belief the United States Department of the ‘Treasury has the power and authority to direct release of the funds for my unrestricted use. 9, Despite continued demand for release of financial assets (that were transmitted by the People's Republic of China) for payment to me personally the demands are ignored and are not rebuked by any responsive ‘communication, 10.1 fave been personally informed by parties, that have the authority to release the block on funds leveraged against recipient banking accounts established in sy name, thet directives have been received from known and unknown partes that have the affect of negating my ability to have free and unrestricted access to financial assets that are “tagged” solely and exclusively in my name. IN WITNESS WHEREOF | am causing the above set vit to be notarized and _swom with fll recogpitiag ofthe penalty of perjury this day of June 2007. Tee E. Wana, Leo E. Wants and Ambassador Leo E. Wanta County of Arpaio 4 State of Wisconsin (On this Hay of June 2007 the above named individual, bei petonally known tome, speared before adler being tly sworn gs te sbove Av wy atti mest eeaS — * EXHBIT A R Fran P11 a oy. 63 2007 e247 PL C . AmeriTrust Groupe, inc. tet Yh resarr ‘Teephonalans: (81 455-6218 Lee Fosaman Grapes FAX COVER TO: The Honorable, Richard B. Cheney Vice President of the United States The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue N.W. Washington, D.C., USA 20800 ce: ‘The Honorable, Henry M. Paulson, Jr. Secretary of The Treasury VIA: (202) 456-7044; (202) 622-6464; (202) 622-0073, TEMS): 1) immediate Inward Remittance of Financial Settlement Funds Dated 3 May 2007 CC: Lee E. Wanta, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer yor a MAY 2007 FAX COVER PAGE 1 OF 4 Fron Pit reer. + oy. 63 2007 exer Fe AmeriTrust Groupe, inc. Lz ‘oes of Tag Tsou “Tetproneins: (01 408-218 Focsinie (a) asb-asd Ret Enc 1) Moya Stanay & Co, ne. compart seciieeacoount oordhaos or rust Groupe, ine. dated 14 August 2006 ‘Re: lmmediate tnward Remitance of Financial Settement Funds Dear si: ls beer bought th tendon he refereed agreed upon Franc! ‘Satiemort payment of Four Pot Five Tllion United Sates Dollars ($4,500,000,000,000.00USDotiars) i sl on account wthin the United Sates Treasury ‘Account of JPMORGAN CHASE Custodial Account at CITIBANK with the beneficial ‘onnership of Loo E. Wanda /Lee E: Warta, Further, tis firm i adveod thet the ‘esignmant to AmadTrust Groupe inc a all in il force, por Intructins to Secretary ‘lenry M: Pauison, dr. on 14 August 2008, a 9. ‘Addiional, the above referenced Satement Funds have been kept unlawluly “ff ho books” while Secretary Paulson, etal at your drection, hes ulltzed the Four Point Eight Tilo United States Dotars pus ($4,800,000,000,000.00USDoliars), diverted ‘rom the Bank of England on March 20 March 30" 2007, i an attempt to place sald finde en the books before sufhertzing raloosa tothe lawiul AmerfTrust Groupe, Ine- wer .Y 2007 PAGE 10F2 MA se Facto. + roy 207 iar FS sof Tha Treasure “elegonala (010 as-c218 ‘a7 Went Soot En, PA Foca! (01) 405-4483 “Today, this fim was advived that a refunding, in the form of new lssue unsubontinated debt cbigstions, wil be used to recover the ‘nle-approprated” Bank of England funds aforomentoned ‘Accordingly, with respect, this eter hereby advises and instructs you, 28 Vico ‘Preakdont ofthe United Siaios of America, to inmodially issue the autherzalion and {nwardremitance ofthe unlawfully held Four Pont Five Trllon United States Dollars (34,500,000,000,000-20U8Doliare} ine. dated 14 Auguet 2008, (Ce The Honorable, George W. Bush, Present of The Untied States of America ie ‘AmertTrust Groupe, ‘Me. Willam Bonney Sr, C.8.1.C. Corporation, BOLDCAP LIMITED, INC. ‘Thomes E. Henry, Atomoy At Law pacc2or2 4" Enck 1) Morgan Stanley & Co,, Inc. corporate secures account coordinates For AmastT eat Groupe, ‘3MAY 2007 racna: awe 03 2007 e2:cemn_Pe AmeriTrust Groupe, inc. ttc hg Tesune Tego: rg azceate Sorter Set Foci aes Poona 8c2 Ret: Morgan Staney & Co, Ine. corporate secures sccount coordinates for ‘AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc, dated 14 August 2008 (MORGAN STANLEY: WIRE INSTRUCTIONS Beneficiary: AMERITRUST GROUPE, INC. Federal EIN: 20-3966865, Bonk: (Ctbank NYC ABA 021 000 089 ‘Account Name: For Benefit of Morgen Staniey DW inc. Stanley DW Ine. Fingndia Center Plaza Three, 6° Floor sersey Cly, NJOT311 Beneficiary Account| 40811172 For Further CmatTo: 601095086734 santa, La 6 bee — <0 " ‘Michael C. Cotirell, 1.5 tate Executive Vice President and Treasurer ‘AmertTrast Groupe, In. (14 auaust 2008) EncLt ‘SMAY 2007 PAGE AOF 4 FeR-S-2007 102 FRM TOS KORY secs? worse Pa wy ‘Thomas E. Henry ‘gas 2007 Morne Gg Bash ona Rit Ceny Pretdarof e Ule Steof Amica VenPrnieof Unie Sse orem Avaie NW. Tit Piva ous {ero ee NW, {tn Peay Ame NW. Webingon De: 2500 Watingns, De 2500 ‘Attoney United States nl imesip Division onal Ofte ‘inal tone 350 Remap vem Fedral Brac meena ‘teat armnay Gone 1 Bi teow Bale Webi, 6 0 ‘3 enya Ave Wadingan DE. USA 205001 icon Or ale Natio Sp town Bese Ofer Melon Sper ftom Heer te ns Wahoos Dc aosaste Watuagen Das a108 HooanbeHey A Wasan Me Oe exe ay rs ogc bt hayoentione ex Be Soran eet ‘Wading Des 0500 ‘Wain De 200.001 Re: Circumvention and avoidance, by pubic (USC) and private indvihulentes sting ‘individual, jolly andl inconpincy with ter that legally rest endo erie withthe ‘ured recipient's (Leo E. Wants E. Want, ArnecTrt Crop, Ic) abit otk posse snd have ccs to lawl depose monies andlor foal nme, ‘Dear Me. Presid, Mi. Vice Preset, Madame Spe and Genoperanas: ‘Mulplecommuniaoos bave been dnc to law ethos agencies, vesigative buemst ‘nu pares ented with enforcing the ple mules, lava and regulations ofthis pet non. My client’ specfc purpose in weting to the Fedral Buran of lveigation ed ther aw eftceent ‘era we tomar aati rns od rept those of eka agen ‘hfocng the “lama of he lnc”. Spec coal ss have boon deinented and patparacrs ‘ented spre cramneatons, 3106 Bout 79% Servet Omaha, Nebensha 68194 ‘ete s0asiacoet ‘Cams a0a-690-0000 ree soo-eis.sera Sao. atts enon ‘Themanboq 20aGbetmailcom NB Atty. 11819 FPR-S-2007 s0:20" FROUDE HRY seaasse0s7 rosrasraeieas oa ach rcpt ofthis leer is avare da he overt aa commited in farernce ofthe rina) ‘xtmpiseconpincy tht has bom ieatifed by my cents vest the immediate pment of $1575 Tllon Dollars io the Utd Stes Treauy. The eno legimat pape ta juries ‘the commiaion of eininl acts by USC ofl ht Samages do blights each American ‘Caz. The slf motivated ate ft Ket erininl perpetrate sapped imei. ‘The criminal cts cmplined of by my clint ae comoborated ane abjct fo prof vrai by soveal paca The mentioned winescs bold poslioas of euhorty whee he ‘efor thy of represents St and ‘Tone intance we have ben advised at 2 ‘nominated “Secretary” of patel USG Depatent dete Gt his staff oat «wna tt the wines shoud sein Gm assing my cons The mentioned witnes wa advised ht fare ‘0 comply wid fhe deco given bythe nomimed “Serer” would edt a Ge wits bing subjeced the vial wh of ho eatety of the “Pats Ac”. ‘The claims mac by mycin a not velo mado and ar not profed premised on deans induced by delusional euphoria Thave been ansured by my cents at ovideary coatimmatien ‘that vere th common ofthe aloe cies, by ths named ‘isan avalabe cn the“‘ome fon Should someting eccdenlly rei he abiy tows cly sored mail My clients have advacd tat spproptis “pag endow” will be honored upon reeipt sad tho metered “Banca setiement, wil be assumed ta your fale to at w towing and Inenonal vlan aad brogtion of the law. This mater requis your inmedse wtenien and imperention of ‘cmectve action 1 enable mitigation ofa very volt ination with to penn of erios impact ‘onthe global economy andthe subiliy ofthe Und Sas Dollar in the word mat ‘sited Stes Department of Treamry via cine: 200-622-6464 and 20222-0073 Mr, Chee 0. Prince (Chit Ener Officer INGROUP, Ine. (CITIGROUP Center 153 Bat 53 Set ‘New Yeu, New Yedk 10022 (CITIGROUP Global Asti Maney Landing Asenon: Pana fhnson 399 Pak Avene ‘Now York, New Yok 10083 rem macamnsnntiomm SS SSS eee: a Syn ne ytten tes pps min ze Pee soosiesors Cae Ay. nao Many eaiais Ce: fae tow. Cecuge W) Rosie 7 Qew *se-\40% Z. exeuor wes Par sno worm (FT ‘amd eromeen by way of ection mio nadon connie sniction an needa contay to th “Rule of Law” end in diet circamventon ofthe agreed wpon banca agrocaeats, ‘The United Sates Deparment of the Treasury, eter wintry andor in conspiracy with others ‘Quorn ec unkown, i efising to flow the “Ral of Law" and complete Ream Cligtoes ‘egotted and approved by all concemes paces and pars of interest inthe rfeensod CR") pen oer ae tele of Le Un Se Department of the Treamay endowed andor wongflly fllowed by ages moder ‘ployee of CITIGROUP. is futher remaably blioved tat tae United Stats Department of ‘Treaty and CITIGROUP, acing in concer and wit fil kurodgo atthe fens rooms, sxe ety crass elgg eo WesLas Warm ta Ascstras Oe ee ‘wg er he Set car ae mmr se ‘te ti wet fonda rece ‘eso vnaton of th ews mater ropes your insane nave se ‘que signin of e vay vote sti nit > pons of unin Ingest key pomp. ‘Siocendy yous, ‘Thomas E Henry, Fae. = Jan, 22 2007 2101 AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc. R fe of Tg Teaser Tetptooanns: 10 assez — Us eh eet Feats ig asoaes FAX COVER To: ‘The Honorable, Robert M. Kimenitt Deputy Secretary of The Treasury foe of he Treseurer ‘Department of The Treasury ‘1500 Penneytvania Avenue, NW ‘Washington, D.C., USA 20220 CC: The Honorable, Harold Damelin, Esq. Inspector General USS. Department of The Treasury VA: (202) 622-6464; (202) 622-0073 TEMG): 1) Instructions regarding Economic Receipt of the Agreed Upon Financial Settlement regarding Ambassador Leo E. Wanta / Lee E.Wanta and AmesiTrust Groupe, Inc. ‘22JANUARY 2007 PAGE 1 0F 6 CC: Lee E. Wanta, Chaiman and Chief Executive Officer eA reer: Jon, 22 a7 east Fe Fax: (202) 622-6464; (202) 622-0073 Via Ret Enct 1) Morgan Sane & Co. ne. compara secure account exocnats ‘Trust Groupe, Ine. dated 14 August 2008 Re: Instructions regarding Economic Receipt ofthe Agreed Upon Financial Settement regarding Ambassador Leo E. Wanta/ Lee E, Wanta and Amer Trust Groupe, inc. Dear Mr. Deputy Secretary: “Ambassodor Lao E. Wanta / Loe E. Wanta ard this corportion have waited for Mr, Paulson, as Secretary ofthe Treasury, to fll his fuciary responsbiftes and implement and order the exeeuifon of the necessary auorizallons and codes to ‘tans fo the Morgan Stanley Seouries Account coordinales submitted on 15. December 2008, 18 October 2008, and 14 August 2008 — to no ava. “This corporation has been exhised that the Agreed Upon Financial Sattement of Four Poin Five Tilon Urited States Dollar ($4 500,000,000,000.00USDotars) are sl at {the coordinates via Socretary Paulson and hr. James R. Wikinson at The Bank Of New ‘York (NYC) contrary to the sald fiduciary instructions ofthe Chinese Government, ota. {or dalvery to Ambassador Leo E. Wania, eta. “Thi rm le also aware thatthe fue ony await ral ranamital to the above referenced ‘Secu coordina fom your office. Pease advise, via telophone (®14-8743257) (oF via facsimile (814-453-4453) of the delivery time today for said release. zaman 207 nce Zh — reer Jan, 22 2o07 ea1a 2° (eof The Treasurer TetphomalaN 010 4550218 ‘157 West enee Ee, PA Paodmde (1) ass Re: Instructions regarding Economic Receipt ofthe Agreed Upon Financial Setilement regarding Ambassador Leo E. Wanta /Lee E. Wanta and AmediTrust Groupe, Ine. trate fac cal ebject ow oluore to nina Proeection “Thank you for your cooperation in this mater. Regerds, ‘AmediTrust Groupe, Ine. Enc 1) Morgan Stanley & Co, ne, corporee securities account coordinates ‘or AmeriTrust Groupe, In. dalad 14 August 2008 2) 18 December 2008 later to The Honorable, Henry M. Paulson, J. Ce: The Honorable, George W. Bush, President of The United States of America His Exxetiney, Zhou Werzhong, Ambassador ofthe People's Repubic of ‘China ‘AmeriTrust Groupe, ine. ‘Thomas E, Henry, E3q. (Me. Witlam Bonney, 8. C.B.LC. Corporation Me. Thomas J: Melite a ment reno Jan, 22 207 02:14 PS AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc. uy feof Tag Tans Telophanais (19 asba2t8 Stor vi 7 oot mine: 8) 45-4489 ‘ho, Pooopara 10802 Ret, Morgen Stanley & Co,, Ine. corporate secures account coordinates for ‘AmeriTrust Groupe, in, dated 14 August 2006 MORGAN STANLEY: WIRE INSTRUCTIONS Beneticiary: AMERSTRUST GROUPE, INC. Federal EIN: 203886855 Bane Cttiberk NYC. BA (21 000 089 ‘Account Name: For Benoft of Morgen Stanley DW ine. ‘Morgan Stanley DW tne. Harborside Fingncial Center Plaza Three, 6 Floor Jersey City, NJO731t For Further CreditTe: 601095086734 (14 august 2008) PAGE OF 1 ‘22 JANUARY 2007 yos/2007 14:58 sexro9ea09 camwony pase ove Thomas E. Henry we Jaoay 9, 2007 Ms James R. Wilbon Chiefor att ‘Unie States Deprun of the Treasry 1500 Peanytvania Avene Washington, D.C. 20220 ‘VIA FACSIMILE: 202-622-6464 and 202-622-0073 Ree Apparent Czcumvenion and Avoidance of Ageed Upon Financial Sextement regarding Lao WanovLeeB, Wane and AmerTwst Groupe, ine. Dear. Wilkins | etcpate tat you are aware hat several ltrs eve been sent tothe Ofce of the President and ‘Vive resident ofthe Unie States of Ametica, Socrenry Pauison, United Sates Deparmet of the ‘Treamry, Ambnssadr Negropots, prnent USG agcacics, th Unit Since Congres nd other fernign tnd domeste concerned parties exresing concen ed disway inthe file of relevant arco follow the Tue of Law" in egal ote referenced male. 1a has bean brought fo our ateton that you se eter knowingly andlor unwitingy aiding and beting in thvarting the compleion sod shin of agreed wpon tems and condons fr the ‘ereced stlement To est in your underaanding of he sxoumese of this mater and ‘miiia> the epetvenese of eter comenncatons Iam staching previous alec lier eat © ected and Senate confsred pris. “The spocfc purpose of his letra o coin notification to you in wing tht fre o comply _wth ers and condons ofthe agrod vpn stdement continues a volaion ofthe Soutien Acts (0 1953, 1954 an the Organized Crime Cont Act of 1970, specifically RICO. Aéditcaally, {you ae edvied of HR 3723 that srmmnuily provides tht coeporae business activ is pcected {oder the Koonomic and Hoda Baploage Lave of the United Stes of America sod the Intentional Eeonemis Comamnty. A re pes oft Serr Pan ede pcr enh cont terenned stlement agement funds located at Goldman Seca, ct al, (CHIPS) account ‘wih CHTIBANE NYC. His bbve hat Serary Pan, lao ois oh of fc wen ‘Seeing poten in your Cabinet wih eponutliy to the United States Depertest of the 1138 south 790 net Gea, nabs 6124 ‘role; 400-614-2087 ‘Guts 402-680-0608 “Pm 900-418-5079 Cato. Ay. 8008 ‘themesiog 220@hetmmaitoom EAM. 13819 sea7snco09 camwonv pace om ere? snomnzn VY “Treasry, le avoiding his legal gd etialobigatons to complete th transfer ofthe referenced seilementagremeot finds and apparent fvocoga rive busines relaonship with is pocvions Ccmployer, Tis confit of ibtest pion and Secrmry Pansoa's former reaonship with ‘GoLinian Sachs provides the fonnidable tal forthe amerion of « wioation ofthe Secuies Acts ‘0d Organized Crime Control Ac of 1970-1 as now been confined tht fe being advised of he ‘concer with Goldman Sache scilement monies have Deen tated witout egal muorization © ‘Siemate Sansa inctnsios. The only logical eoochsion tht can be drawn ig tbat ich ‘maneavers ee only completed to frei aed stmt to crcimvent the real inet ofthe parties trying to qosh this octet. “This mater requires your immediate itrveton and dieion t enable mignon of a very ‘ole sinaton wth te poteatl of serow impact onthe global economy. The pica in tis ‘ater continnally refi thei allogancs to the United States of America and speciclly the lice ofthe President of the Untied Ses. ‘Sineeely yours, “Menbersof the Unied Stes Lanet Garon /xe PS.7The “Agency? hes approurd these Finereiel srransaakion a5 ntl pred, , ‘Thomas E. Henry Jessa 4, 2007 Honorable Richard B. Cheney, ‘Vico President, Unled States of Ameren ‘White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avene NW ‘Wasingtan D.C. 20500, “Tracsmited vi fis, email atachnens snd Uni Stats mal. ‘Rez Apparent Ckouvetion and Avoidance of Aged Upon Fiwncal Scent repding Loo E We LevE, Wants unl AmsiTrnt Grope, as, ‘Dear Me. Vice President: Sate diy. eae ‘Tecmeamny seagaetenllomm = Attys LIED enw mmm of ‘American participants in this piv business tansadon have rosived communication fom may Soreign aad domestic peties complaining ofthe manner in which te completion ofthis seemeal |g bag thwated by aom-pary pecpant, This mafer requires your immediate atetion CCoutinal iotreace could peialyProdace a very volte station with penal of exous ‘nest nth el cm. Te pps hl mm tly tion hk ages {te nied Stes of Arent xb total comment to fly comply with the “Ble of Law end side by to fl exe ofthe tems ad condos of heated epoemes, Siren ‘Director, Cena Agency, Genel Michal V. Hayden Ielgene Foriga oud local setement participants Marae ofthe Uited Stats Congress December 30, 2006 ‘Dear Ambassador Negroponte: 1am etching xcopy ofa leer recently sent wo President Bush. Tho atcha ete ws fth the ‘conclton reched by several concemed paties tying fo undestnd the flare of USG patie to ‘comple th agred upon Garcia soem, Th ubtive saa x the referenced nna ‘stn es tyre OY your fen sd che pd USG fin (CA wd NEA. SETS, Pata by to jos pace dso avis epen ‘Tho winced lei fr your review, equated comments mn suggestions. Your input to place the ‘eansaction back on course woul be moet apres. As yo we ware mary fhrgn public and ‘eta ners (Geman, rane, Chin, Englund endothe) concemed th hs tancaction ‘llig and no apart eso being ofa fi th dy. There are corent ramos at Germany ia questioning the intent and reason Gt Sect Pulsn ie alling completion of required wa. {doesnot pee far feed prof ht continued ely could have impact on the US Deller ‘and ich impact has det impleaton cantonal scary. ‘Thre le continual enon, afr sumeons flan rpresenations inthe past, ht all would bo compliod by Jmuary 4, 2067. Toppers at ay take te nterveaton of You fice asrare ‘hat l dos ct al ot and il 1 complete once apn. Your conidrte tention tothe mates _aresed ln ts tar would be mat proce. ee 125 sous 700 tent oman brat 68126 ‘tot 4006142087 atu 400-600-0800 “Pum s00-41e-s073 ‘Tromaatey soaghetmaticom MEANY. #1819 Thongs E. Henry wy December 28,2006 lonoible George W. Ba. President, United Stats of America ‘White Bouse 1600 Penayivania Avene ‘Washingioo, D.C. 20220 ‘Traaited va email smachment nd United Sues ai. ‘Re: Apparent Croumvention and Avoidance of Agreed Upon Financial Setdementmegarting Leo E. Went/Lee E Wants and Ame Trt Groupe, le. ‘Dear Preset: ‘American and reign intcests, (Poth ia the pubic and peiaie soir) ola) in. your ‘tminsotion re paragon agenda contay to the “Ble of Lan” endindret cieumvenion of the agred upon element. ‘The Honomble Henry M. Paulo, Jr, United Shes Deparment of the Treamay, i ether mately andor in conspiracy wits thers (nova ad urznown) refsing to follow he “Rade of Law” md ‘inal cbligtions nepotited aad approved by all conceed pres tod (On December 15,2006 Secremry Paulson was vie! in weitng that har to comply with ems ‘md conitions ofthe agreed upon setlementconstnes a volation ofthe Seoes Acs of 1933, 1934 andthe Orgmizd Crime Conta! Actof 1970, specially RLC.O, Addins, Secretary ‘Paulson vas advised of HLR. 3723 hat sumsanily provides hat corpoto busines activity is ‘roeced under the Economic and taut! Espionage Laws ofthe United States of America and ‘he Inezational Eennomie Cons. AD concemed pais re swe that Saontar Panioo, under his pemooal signa, bas coral ‘over referenced setiementagrerent fans oid at Goldman Seciy ol, (CHLLPS) scoot with CTTTBANK NYC. Itis belived tat Secremry Paulson, ln voation of his oath of offce when scepting a postion in your Cabinet with vespocsiity to the Unied Sates Department of the ‘Trea, is tvoidng his lea aod ethical ciiatons to complete the mani of foo mzeced 1125 both 798 Streat Omaha, Nebrastn 69126 ule s02-s142987 ‘Cats a0a-e00-0600 Pox 200-410-6979 Ene. Ay ossaoe ‘Themed Aeagheteatloom ME Attys wlBID 2 Pan? Decora 28,2000 ‘tenn ogee fins nd praying pi bss toni vis pos ‘employer. "Tis conflict of lterest postion and Secretary Paulson's former relationship with ‘clic sats pvr fob he etm of vo Sx at san Organiza Crime Contd Actof 1970. ‘his mater reqies yout immediate iomsvenion and dreon to enable midguton of a very ‘vol lation wit he potential of eons inpect onthe lotel economy. The pincial ois ‘ater continally reef ther ellegiance to te United Sites of America nd spctcally tho ‘fle of he President ofthe Untied Ste. ‘Sincerely yours, “Tomas (Ce: President George W. Bush J: psdons@titchosne go ‘Vi President Chaney ak Feil ‘Anieeatr Losi, Woes Dendy ‘Michal C, Cote pikeme/Amen rn Deo 15 06 O4:55p Aabessader Leo E Uanea 10054917301295, Faw no. Jan. 22 2007 east Pe AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc. format? een Pecan = cine ‘To: Thel ja. Pautson, Je. . Sree mr - a 7 Emmacr ep cateewt moo et Erct 1) Men Gray & Ca, ne. irae cin scm oot » for AmarTrust Groupe, Inc. dated 14 August 2008 a Rater looeveoon womtng Keone Rect of be ‘natal Semteere org sohenentnr tao EW cv ta Samet rope Daw Soom: eerste mtonanae ance trent em ac ie aes fees esanarat ten meareneavan epee cease eae Sareea ‘aetanoun ron eye econ ears oon anette sSteianaasoor aa 8 vowtta/ Late KeNTAANe sae ‘enone (Nc. ~ REMAN UNDER YOUR PERSONAL SIONATURE AND OOD LSCTSE AT (GOLDMAN SACHS, etl, (:11P:8) ACCOUNT WITHIN GTTBANI YS ‘TREASURER OF THIS FIRM, MICHAEL C. COTTRELL MS. | ee EERE MAEMO RO RENEE TS DECEMBER 2008 PAGE 102 [kp rooasdt iets "Fe "4p er gigaeas wag pial td \Re:PurternatrucSous reguiting Boohortc Recapt of the Agrood Upon, "Tinaecia Getionent rgaring Asupaseeder Lao E, Wants Lee E- Wants (Sed ane iust Groupe, MOUNT, OF THE AFORESAID FUNDS, AND VERIFICATION OF SAID PAYMENT ‘AMjnO M05 FOS MORGWN STANLEY SECURITIES ACCOUNT (REF: ENC). ‘Enck 1) Morgan Stroy & Ca Ine. corporate eecrtinn account connie (or Areca Groped 14 August 2008 oe [ATAT Yaboo! Mal somam@podigy net Page of y . Y¥azr0O Lan, Pit Clee Window Wed, 25 oe 2006 12:88:08 0700 (POT) ‘rom: “Ambasrader Lo Warn” sanjcs AT ee. UsDear Coo Tx Lou of USA, Vi, Pema and Tor“ Tancas Andean ‘Antnsader , “Ambassador , “Delonate coheed sing cansmeeyuserony o> IMMEDIATE PAYMENT TO USA. PA.NY.VA ‘The Honorable, Tomury Sseestary Henry M Paulaon.c. Washington Informational Dts, 2 of Friday, 29% September 2008 4..As tothe apgregste LEWATG™] amount of USDolars Four Polnt Five Tilo US Federal Court duly {coved Financial Satismant tbe reconced wih be Conmorweat of Uigia, USA auhoring te tate {ix venue Pre-Payment by Anerrust Groupe, ne. the amount ef USDotors 270,000,000,000.00.. a wales, the US Department ofthe Treasury Pre-Payment Corporate Tax Revenue Payment, valued at UUsoaiars 1575,000,00,00000 iil, wih monthly cebursals ereatr, InBe:-AmorfTrust Groupe, ne, Richmond, Va, USA 23219, Federal. EIN Number: 20-seea5s isin State Comoraon identation Number : 0817454 - 4 YRS Pageant ot Ton ototon 1 to mediately receive 1 Sa Doane lumber: 3020986606500! to Immediately 2.As o the Conmonwesh of Penneyiaria, Pennsytvani Investments, inc. the Jot Venture Operasons {between ATG-Pil] table reclpts, that wil be sat-aede” by thelr Cororats Present Michal ¢ Cottal M.S... wil be ready avalabl atthe current cate rovenve ixation base [0.3%] win 7-10 days upon the ‘Ameifest Groupe, fc, ecanemic recip of above nentoned Financial Setiemont, i urlawiy Slayod ‘hin Goliman Sacha/GhtBant, a Gey acknowledged wiin our US Deparment of to Trae, ot ‘3. Aso the Empire State of Now Yor, Si (8) Financial Inethdions wil be raneacSng each banking dayiweck: a ‘mastive acing programme sschoduieg, creating New York sale rveruscolacton inte setlement range ‘t USbetore 7,600 000, 000,0t 100,068000,.0.00 pa exon and every ening day ase radng ‘grammes ae ited under cur ont Ventre Agreements, referencing US Hove of Representatives, H.R. 4. knmedatly relate * etaside* alocaions as proviouly auboized to certain nation, pursue tothe Fagan Protocols forth = The Honorable, George W Bush. Jt Groat he reason ‘Washington, Bc, USA 20500-0001 ‘hgpifus. £819 sai. yahoo.com/ym/ShowL etter box~lnboxMsgld=360_180829318 21820... 10/25/06 Frew. = ct, 19 2006 10:40nH PI AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc. ‘ome fT Treasurer “elaphaniANs 14 455-021 S57 West tet Focainie 2) 4840] TReqo Mary ‘ar | 1 F924 3606 [9-29-2006 4000 ‘Repo Invesment 3 | 3] 09-29-2006 | 10-02-2006 000) 1 Actions based on know balnocs are reported as dollars and listed here as N/A. ‘Action tht refer wo extmated balances ae based om percenaget 21 The Term Investment Option (110) isa progam that allows Treasury to place & \ ‘orion of its excess operating finds directly with TTL daposiaris for ase period of {Se ata rts of interest detomsined through a cmpettive bidding proces For adéitcoal inferation please vst wr fs ens eon. 31 The Repurchase Agrooment (Repo) Progam i lot progam tht allows Treasury to porn of ia exons opting funds eat wit TTA. doposiaien ough & Fintan respi ins aton sec open mn kaa Fron fei rr 1 roy 4 007 esas PL AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc. ‘omen of Tog Treasure “etephos Sisv va? Sree Paani: te Pennoni 12502 ete aseaate paises FAX COVER TO: The Honorable, George W. Bush President ofthe United States ‘The White House 1800 Pennsylvania Avenue NW. Washington, D.C., USA 20500 ce: ‘The Honorable, Henry M. Paulson, Jr Secretary of The Treasury (202) 456-1907; (202) 456-7044; (202) 622-6484; (202) 622-0073 TEM(S): 1) Immediate Inward Remittance of Financial Settlement Funds Dated 14 May 2007 2) ENCL: 1) Morgan Stanley & Co,, Inc. corporate securities account ‘Coordinates for AmerTrust Groupe, Inc. Dated 14 AUGUST 2007 Moe CC: Lee &. Wanta, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer sx ‘44 may 2007 FAX COVER PAGE 4 OF § AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc. ‘mon of Tg Tessar ‘Tolpnonmias: 10 aas.248 ‘Soran? Set Feconae ot aso he, Ponape 8502 oo Date: 14 May 2007 To: The Honorable, George W. Bush rodent of the United States ‘The White House 16001 Avenue NAW. Wastingion,D.C., USA 20500 (Ce: The Honorable, Henry M. Paison, J. ‘Secretary of The Treesury Via Fac (202) 466-1907 Inthermstier of The Agreed Upon Financial Setement of Four Point Five Tilion tatoo Dols ($4 500, 000,000,000. 00USDoler)reparaing ‘Ambassador Loo E. Werta /Lee &. Warta and ‘AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc. Ret, nck: 1) Morgan Stanly & Co,, nc. corporate socurties account coordinates for ‘AmerTrust Groupe, ine. datod 14 August 2008 Re: Immediate Inward Remitance of Financial Setdement Funds Doar Siz {thas boon brought to tis fm’ eteniton the referenced agreed upon Financial Sattlement payment of Four Poi Five Trlfon United States Dollars {4,500,000 000,000.C0USDolas) is etil on account wihin the United States ‘Treaaury Account of JPMORGAN CHASE Custodial Account at CITIBANK with tho beneficial nership of Leo E. Warta Lee E. Wanta. Further, his fim is acvised that the assignment to AmerTrust Groupe, Inc. ls til in fi force, per instructions to ‘Soorelary Horry M. Paulson, Jon 14 August 2008, et e0q, Adétonaly, the above referenced Settement Funds have been kept unlawfully “oft tho books” while Vice President Cheney and Secretary Paulson, otal, at your ‘rection, has ulilzed the Four Pont Eight Trillon United Stats Datars plus {(§4,800,000,000,000.00USDotes), diverted from the Bank of England on March 29 — Maren 30" 2007 in an ater to place said funds “on tha books” before authorizing ‘eloase to the ll AmertTrust Groupe, Ine. secures account at Morgan Stanioy & ‘Go, ine. coordinates (End 1). ‘saMay 2007 PAGE10F 3 se Presa, ny 14 oor as:2em rs (Ome of The Treasures Teepegnaws: gro assez ‘5 vest Sete, PA Facto: (61) 43-485 Re: Immediate Inward Remitance of Financial Settlement Funds ‘On hay 3, this frm was ackised that a retunding inthe form of new issue ‘unsubordnatod debt obligations / Traxx exchange traded funds via Deutsche Bank, wil be used to recover tha “misappropriated” Berk of England funds in a futher uae ‘atlomet to delay the authorized release ofthe aforementioned Setlomert Funds and {hereby couse futher delay andlor the provertion of payment —by Loo (Lee) E. Wants ‘ AmpertTrust Groupe, nc. — of payable taxes of One Point Five Seven Five Tin United States Doars ($1,578,000, 000,000.00USDollae) to the Treasury ofthe United States of America (or as directed by the Office of the Prealdont of The United States of America). Further, this im was notified between 5:00 pm EDT May 12, 2007 and 2:00 pm EDT ‘May "4, 2007 that he allowing events occurred: (1) that a Global Federal Resorvo ‘System shutdown was placed nto effec, et 100 am EDT May 13, 2007, to coordinate {te movement of funds to make the aforementioned payments, 0.9. Bark of England ofthe stolen “product rom Her Majesty, and the payment to Ambassador {20 War, et (2) at (of bon (2) Govermrt Accounts ha bean geno he *Aguniios and DOD percent ~~ NO funds have bee tested the previously noted AmertTrust Groupe, Inc. account (Ref: Enc! 1), per your ‘agreement of May, June and July 2008 with Ambassador Leo E. Want, eta. Finaly, we were shocked and surprised fo read the ltr rom the Federal Bureau of Tvetigation, dated Apr 30, 2007, that they wl nol eecose th fedarl employee that {ie reeponeiBe forte Tile 16, sasions 4, 38, and 1070, t so, fraudulent crimes ‘against Ambessedor Loo (Leo) E: Wanta /AmerTrust Groupe, ine. and Her Majesty, et at ‘Accordingly, with respect, his lotr hereby advises and instructs you, a8 The Prealdent of the United States of america, per your oath of Office, to immediatly 14 May 2007 paceaors |_ 5 — Fs ‘hy of te brn Traneacion, proce tov ober mater fact of aad sue ie eer. to Criminal Prosecution. ao Enct: 1) Morgan Stanley &.Co, Inc. corporale secures account coordinates For AmorTrust Groupe, Inc. dtd 14 August 2008 j i i i i Groupe, ne ‘Mr Wise Bonney Sr, C.B1.C, Comraton, BOLDCAP LIMITED, INC. ane Bar ‘Thomas & Hey, Aomay At Law ‘Me Thomas J Mehl. wnat monrors ak Fre et Fa 10. ay 14 2007 os:z7 PS AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc. ‘Otten of rm Tessier Toleghonaians Harve? Sree Posie he Pannen 10502 Rot: Morgan Stanley & Co, In. corporate secures sccount coordinates for “AmerTTrust Groupe, inc, dated 14 August 2008. AMERETRUST GROUPE, INC. masossess Bane Ctbenc ve ak 021 000088 econ Name: For Bono of Megan Stanley DW. Morgan Staney OW he. Praca ie Pca Jersey City, Nu 07311 Beneiay Aocant 40811172 For Further Credit To: 601096086734 ‘AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc. ea. tts (, JEP FV -2002 Michael C. Cote, MS. Director Executive Vice President and Treasurer ‘AmeriTrust Groupe, Ie. (14 auausr 2006) ENOL 1 ‘4may 2007 PAGE SOF 6 US Department o ute @ ana aE April 30, 2007 Me, thomas 2. Henry, ids south 750" Sereae Omaha, Nebraska 60136 Dear Me. Henry: toils Lettiee;” dated Miren’ %6, “2007; "ko Dia YOtTs ‘oteite gf Profeasional Reeponeibiiicy, was referred to the tricia Processing Unit (1#b), internal Tavestigations section (ate), EXepection ivieson (ong0)" Bhr, Por sesisee ee ToT Es ne FRY entity responsible for’ investigating sliegations of eocieus slaconduct or Eriminal activity onthe gare oF For emckonees 3p your letter you allege that several privace and public atfiliseed inaividiale antventitios have coneineusle Sonspired, both individually and Jointly, co prevent yooe Eiiente, eo &. Nanta/tee E- Wanta, Aweritrust Groupe’ tnc., from Deing able eo cxercise theit legal ‘ight to the unregiriceed ere Exandter, “and Gisbursenent of monies that wore’ exenaseries righ international bank clggring syetens 9 Financial ingtiturions in the United srates Yor the sie’ eed enthuses! and benefit of your client The purpose of this letter ie to advise you since your Somcespondence: dose oF include. sny allegations sf’ serious iaconduct, on the part of any FBI employee, no further ection Will be’ taken by IPU/INSD regarding this matter.

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