Mass Accelerator: Theory of Operation

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Mass Accelerator
This device will accelerate a mass shown as a
100-gram aluminum ring to ballistic velocities. It
provides an excellent out side action
demonstration of electro kinetics requiring
qualified adult supervision. A video clip may be
seen on web site showing
the project vaporizing an object on impact. The
project requires experience in the handling of
high voltage, high-energy devices.

Construction requires a working High Energy

Pulser along with the assembly of the launcher
and mass projectiles. It is shown using energy
storage capacitors currently available on the
surplus market. These values may be altered
within limits to allow use of available capacitors
that the builder may have on hand.

Theory of Operation

A circular non-magnetic ring (projectile) is placed on to a flat can cake shaped coil. A high-energy storage
capacitor is discharged into this coil producing a high current pulse. This pulse is coupled with the projectile
inducing an opposing magnetic field providing a moment of force accelerating the object.

Setup and Operation

1. Verify a properly operating High Energy Pulser system.

2. Assemble the capacitor bank and safety discharge probe as shown fig 4-1. This probe is
connected directly across the storage capacitors and is used to verify they are fully discharged
before going into the circuit to make adjustments. Use #12 wire for all discharge connections. The
capacitors shown are 32 mfd at 4.5 Kv and were those used in our lab. Other values obtainable
may be used but we cannot guarantee full performance.

3. Assemble the accelerator as shown.

Fig 4-2 and 4-3 requires more fabricating but will tolerate energies up to 2000 Joules.
Fig 4-4 is simpler but cannot exceed 1000 Joules without breaking up.

4. Position accelerator coil assembly to desired location noting direction of the projectile as it is
accelerated along the flyway tube. Velocities can be reached that can break glass and do dam
age to objects that are directly and individually struck. Caution as projectile can also cause injury.

5. You may use a flyway tube of at least several meters with a retaining stop at its end. This prevents the
projectile from flying off and automatically resets it position for the next launch as it returns back to the original
position by the force of gravity.

6. Preset controls reference fig 3-6 in HEP90 plans.

Information Unlimited
EMAIL: [email protected]
PO Box 716, Amherst, NH 03031
Tel: 603 - 673 - 6493/4730 Fax: 603 - 672 - 5406 Web: ©2003
Voltage control switch R8/S2 ------ FCCW (OFF)
High voltage power switch S4 ---- DOWN (OFF)
Charging switch S1 ------------------ Must be Pressed to Activate Charging Action.

7. Plug into 115 vac and turn on voltage control to verify both LED lamps coming on:

Red lamp LA1 indicates system in “on” state”

Green or yellow lamp LA2 comes on but extinguishes in the charge cycle and comes on when
preset voltage level is reached indicating system is ready to “fire”

Turn voltage control switch R8/S2 off and unplug once the above is verified.

8. Set charge voltage control to setting of 2500 volts as marked on panel. Plug unit into 115vac and turn on
high voltage power switch.

9. Depress *charge switch (green or yellow lamp nows goes off) and note increasing volt age on panel
voltmeter reading indicating energy storage capacitors are charging. Allow to charge to preset voltage as
set in step 6. Note lamp now turning on when set level is reached, indicating that system is ready to fire.

Note you may bypass the voltage control settings by turning full cw and manually setting the
charge voltage to the desired value as indicated on meter.

10. Verify overhead clearance for higher voltages over 2500! Repeat at setting of 3000 and up to 4000
volts. Note that system energy varies as the square of the increased voltage. Example: Projectile kinetic
energy will increase by 9 when voltage in increased from 1000 to 3000!!

Note: Continued operation at over 3000 volts eventually will mechanically weaken coil and erode
spark switch. Do not go over 2500 volts setting as marked on knob except for experimenting! System
may be test fired up to 5000 volts for experimental research but will require continual maintenance of coil
and cleaning of spark switch electrodes. Always increase in 500-volt increments to verify system integrity.
Use an externally calibrated meter connected across the energy storage capacitors to verify panel meter
calibration from time to time.

Note: The spark gap is factory set at .1” for operation at 2kv to 3kv. Lower voltage operation may require
decreasing the gap for reliable triggering. Operation over 3kv will require widening to prevent premature
triggering. You may have to tweak the gap by loosening one of the Allen set screws for your particular range of
operation. Spark switch may prematurely fire if dirty or improperly gapped. DANGE R!! Unplug and
discharge energy storage capacitors before making any adjustments!

DANGE R!! If system uses a PUSH ON / PUSH OFF charging switch, it will automatically recharge
capacitor bank after firing. Basic units use a “push on” switch for the charging switch as charging
always requires switch to be depressed providing safer operation at the cost of convenience.

Red lamp (LA1) indicates system in “on” state”

Green or yellow lamp (LA2) comes on but extinguishes in the charge cycle and comes on when preset
voltage level is reached indicating system is ready to “fire”

Information Unlimited
EMAIL: [email protected]
PO Box 716, Amherst, NH 03031
Tel: 603 - 673 - 6493/4730 Fax: 603 - 672 - 5406 Web: ©2003

Fig 4-1 System setup for Mass Accelerator

Capacitor storage


Accelerator Safety discharge probe


Black lead
Red lead Attempt to keep discharge leads as
short and direct as possible to
minimize stray inductance

115vac grounded

three wire cord

+ +



High energy pulser from chapter 3-3


Information Unlimited
EMAIL: [email protected]
PO Box 716, Amherst, NH 03031
Tel: 603 - 673 - 6493/4730 Fax: 603 - 672 - 5406 Web: ©2003

Fig 4-2 Accelerator up 2000 Joules

1. Fabricate the BASE section from a 7 x

7" piece of 3/4" plywood. Cut corners to
form an octagonal shape.
Note: The objective is to get the
aluminum PROJECTILE as close to the
2. Fabricate the FLYWAY from a 12" piece
COIL as possible. This improves
of 2" PVC tubing.
energy coupling between the COIL and
PROJECTILE and limits reactive
3. Cut out an approximate diameter hole in
impedance. You therefore must
center of BASE section to provide a very
compromise system integrity in regards
tight fit to the FLYWAY tube.
to strength verses electro to mechanical
4. Fabricate the BAFFLE sections by efficiency. The COIL will want to break
cutting out a 5" diameter disc from a 1/4" its position forcing outwards due to
piece of polycarbonate (lexan). Cut out a 2 magnetic reactionary forces. This effect
1/16" hole from the exact center to form a becomes a serious problem with
ring. Cut in half to form two sections. energys over 1000 Joules. You may
want to form a 1/8" layer over the top at
5. Wind a coil of 30 turns of #12 in fifteen the expense of system efficiency.
layers of 2 turns each. Finished coil must Start at a low energy level and increase
be in a tight pancake configuration. You noting any cracking or deformation of
may have to make up a temporary bobbin COIL assembly.
jig for this step . Hold together with tape
etc. NOTE: You may eliminate the
6. Attach the two BAFFLE halves to the BAFFLES and the epoxy fill if system
BASE using 8 brass wood screws located energy is kept below 1000 Joules. A
as shown. 1/16" thick x 7" diameter polycarbonate
retaining disc with a clearance hole for
7. Drill a .1" clearance hole for the inner the FLYWAY tube can be used to hold
lead of the COIL assembly. The space the COIL in place. Use screws to
between the BAFFLE sections can be used attach to BASE.
for routing out the outer lead of the COIL.

8. Place COIL section into cavity routing PROJECTILE is an aluminum ring

the leads as shown. COIL section should fabbed to a 41" to 5" OD X 2 1 "ID X
nest into cavity and be positioned flat. 2 16
3 " thickness. PROJECTILE should
9. Seal all points that can leak as epoxy match the size of the COIL face
must be carefully poured over the COIL assembly and nest into the cavity. It
forming a 1 /16" layer on top. should move freely on the FLYWAY

Information Unlimited
EMAIL: [email protected]
PO Box 716, Amherst, NH 03031
Tel: 603 - 673 - 6493/4730 Fax: 603 - 672 - 5406 Web: ©2003

Fig 4-3 Alternate cavity assembly for higher powered accelerators


Information Unlimited
EMAIL: [email protected]
PO Box 716, Amherst, NH 03031
Tel: 603 - 673 - 6493/4730 Fax: 603 - 672 - 5406 Web: ©2003

Fig 4-4 Simple accelerator for up to 1000 Joules

PROJECTILE is an aluminum ring fabbed to a 412"

1 3
to 5" OD X 2 16 "ID X 16 " thickness. PROJECTILE
should match the size of the COIL face assembly
and nest into the cavity. It should move freely on
the FLYWAY tube

16"piece of plastic between
projectile and coil

Information Unlimited
EMAIL: [email protected]
PO Box 716, Amherst, NH 03031
Tel: 603 - 673 - 6493/4730 Fax: 603 - 672 - 5406 Web: ©2003

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