MMM336 - Compute Fluid Dynamics

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Department of Mechanical Materials & Manufacturing Engineering Compilation of Lecture notes on MMM 336 (Stage 3 Year 2001-2002) Delivered by Dr D C Swatles Computational Fluid Dynamics Syllabus Finite diference treatment of Laplace's equation Discretsation equation & boundary condition ‘Systems of linear equation Upwinding and mumerical diffusion ‘Trajectories, streamlines, ineompresibilty, continunity equation Stream fictions for 2-D incompressible flow, rotational flow Navier’s Stoke equation, Pressure Poisson Plane Poisculle flow, inviscid flow Turbulence modeling 0. Finite volume method ‘This notes belongs to Sam Wang Yptuwsles Men, Graven ce (ffm ef) LT comachic = fein pe Ble ee) (et ewkt rote Diewhled Civpsed 1 conv bb batie wot Newawe —{ loselde Ll vE ~ kee SU Woes eaty tl en | > «1 valu ae et © la deter Th wedi (omit) te 3 Bae Jagenk ThA da scant ctl, cht iar «Sone ea Reledy ebeme fe eoegg wo & i uro tee bedenned a shu ~ Ty i, #{ Tr lett eT if oes Jeg hery fac clos | Debstin Pt sey: ee 38) satay Bir)? Pay relat oa, os-kKl HS) 4S hy trike Sy, $2, 4 Reha) + ck VT | forsale cguebare -1 (+k 97) [Poogs Bass eX hols eS FORM ees koGt fone Boj Deda fj o¥ BB hy +7 ORD dy r0 Loplows AA foe typ) Bahar [pny Dba rhs) t ol fe) "qs UE ~kKor Vetus! heo Akt ly eave ite olffrs ee yt wa 7 Sy fo” Fp CPi dpey thin +09) a ore Corton ee et [vet ~ KeT) 9 fj = 82 [pryj-2g* His) ' tip Gy rAj tbe) alt 2 ig Goat ong) “2 )lbagr + Syitt)©O teke O50 A Biaj~ Bion) ~ Bien) Paps “Pye = 0 Be ccelorleaet Tekin To ee VEW=O — trtud 0 vxlvs) _ 7 a LA £9) sb tet uv? og L bin — [ein fla Sop: 20 _ Tepes L tarhae (Alagus _ - _ A XG u (Ket) LR @edt Mean)enrpenvutpe 2 Medtacl = lageanginn Arteta _ v _ \ Heki)e)- even AE Cer prev? + e7_ bedwny ARrads eu cod eft de . Hr wve ep I - te seg = wee _ iB chev] Lege ’s Mabe — _ _ lacrposubult {St lox) 7 pou) =-epe gee _ _ Rt + uveso : Century = _ __ ge hews ew - : — cress bike — - Leena —_ Ht wvy E74 + 0 yee + t%4 to _ _ i Dike frebtg ji ; — _ spy pus Teens Foe Canara Fel deonmeet ue polertel se el te Sule Ele is vector Week READE we vot teh fh Ge eg gts Cee le be Guoeht ekithyrhe of Gyz) | Dive seme, iK Mee dv veg = GR +dR tke) Grud) AI9 we re Leaf Goede + Foye )pt hloy 2d . Ccatn sl) dP = 7 + 3h 2th Lepliton epee 929.9 adn eda 13s 6442) = du(vy J T chao aud in Set | ——— awl y= Vxve 17 oF Lfeitiisn | coed of vee fad on tuedlin fk =) 4 io vob B (eel FJ. A 28, BPO + fe a wv V tsk wlouky Gath aXb = (ai be- 4s be JA + (gb) > 4.99 Ib + (a, by ano, Jk axbs £ thew hace (ae) 16 archeconel 1 ous ulus VOY) we, wwe mt Sy Move! a LAP be ony prin® om serfie 9 Cty 2)2K Then goad g , ayslooteel ot Py is norerel 4 whe oi P Dut grok WR Va gotsbulle| emf = [axel CSD ee Gea we texk = i ab) reg oblowr woet ctee A at v tt) as t in i nPows of ae Bigg bane Ae oe ve = 3 kan vs Yaaig A dplsapuck 2D. Some Bava It ag sy Ae de et wrt Z- aes [on GE Belek EB) ke ae) (uted 2 = Lez Flots tantebind 12.5.0. tatgushure innsod fs 9% (VP) 22 ln pleted teen on opi le ke lee eT | Pofentat foneks apy Lepage MMM336: COMPUTATIONAL FLUID DYNAMICS FORMULA SHEET © The Operator V grade ve = (# dpu = Vu = $e + Se + fs ji jk | cuwlu = Vxu = wats godu = Vu = ge Dua 58 Vx(¥9) = 0 (any), V-(Vxu) = 0 (anyu) * The Operator V? « Taylor Series flet+h) = f(z) + ade) + PPA) + f(xth) = f(x) + beVFe) + F(h-V)P FE) * The Divergence Theorem Region R with surface S and outwardly directed unit normal n. Vector-valued function F(x) = (Fil) , Fal) , Fa(x)) f° Fav = fn PaA n-F = component of F in the direction of n * The Convection-Diffusion Equation Scalar quantity ¢ (amount per unit volume) in flow with velocity u satisfies a6 ; @ = 7va qa) where q is the flux vector for ¢, A typical model for q (no sources/sinks) is q = ud — DVS Equation (1) then becomes a6 Boe + DV% i Ve (us) + DVS « Finite-Difference Approximations fz) = + O(k) — forward-difference Sila) = + O(h) — dackward-difference Bf) = Blfle+h) - Fe-A)] + O(h®) — central-difference sral-difference Efe) = B[Ae+A) -2/) + fle—A)] + 01%") ¢ Thomas’ Algorithm dw a by hh dy up 2 by fs dy uy 5 bs Iyer dye Une faa baat Ih dy hs by a= dy B= by ” n= Baldy sev + L-U Decomposition Ag = Ll-Uen=b (A=L-U) =Lly b (forward substitution for y) where Un =y (backward substitution for 2) «© Successive-Over-Relaxation (SOR) 8) wen) 2) = -w)) + wil where #{"*) is the Gauss-Seidel estimate. « Material (Lagrangian) Derivative D a myo R TRY « Rate Of Strain And Vorticity vu + u(sth) =u + he =u t+ he(D+W) + + D = 4(Vu + Wu") heW = foxh + Continuity Equation 7 + Ve(pu) = 0 or * Stream Function & Potential Function ¢ ( 86 Be, =Vxu_ vorticity ay _ a8 dy or do ag 822° Bes. * Navier-Stokes Equation a 2, ges) + Ve(amn) = —Vp + wV'n + pg conservative form © Reynolds Number (v= w/e) * Pressure Poisson Equation Taking the divergence of the Navier-Stokes Equation (p = go constant) gives bu; Bus V?p = -pVu:VuT = ~0 Die * Laplace’s Equation: Finite-Difference Boundary Conditions (2D) Side Nodes OOO = 2628 o ® ” @ @-@ 2+ ab <28 o @ as hated + 2038 ® = -26238 - ase =26xat - 2620 @ ” @-@ = xy + The SIMPLE Algorithm Let pl) and ul) denote the pressure and velocity at time t,. The pressure plt#2) and velocity u*) at the next time-point ty: = ty + 6t should satisfy veut) = 9 and i 1 + Jot —w@] + v- (uterus) = 2 pt pv vu bg (3 Let p* be an approximation top), and use this in the momentum equation to compute an approximation u* to ul**!), Specifically let u* satisfy =u] + ¥- (ou) = Ee evVu eg (3) Subtracting (3) from (2) gives Ly 4 v-(atentel ant) = Loy sv © 3 where wet pH) pt and jeglecting the V- and V? terms in (4) we obtain veut SV mo? « The Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes Equation D PD: = -VB + wr + pg + V- (=p) * Boussinesq Model —pu = -3pkI + pr(Va+ va") * Turbulent Kinetic Energy Equation D 6 Sk = =z +t = = — 2 + v¥ ne (3 ve Pp D + Vek where P= weed 3 (Va = Vu) D= = we Cormpetefnal Flat Pi serrer om 24/4/01» S atslurd> Beirea ter, stl. De 1 Pte. | Dr Suan ¢ fe Fapr ) fey oD Honakey (2 B= velo Presb <5 Patty Pore chysle > Beers dire - = Fic a Tet 2 An wterlietice tb CFO enh Ua. Wess D bs i Mask’ Dpfetinse witticd~ a Comanread Puke Slusm pollo - SimMPLE es (aban ka © J Flaca VS iy: Geta bst = gel genueteep ie sat_persble By ata o Baned cro Syinaua Laafehi. fans K. Mame heey esol sage £_lwor beeches (cane |) plies Na = Coral Lee lope i fon fle slat obler hy yk 4 Conte aiden = Sun eV - e co heoge, ; L isto Ray few ly th Wit tiie fo fade h (2s Mtewbeds bet ij TPR 1 Ls male des | tgs. uaa — jaf — Tt ene We oe rourelos Aa intradackis, The fui eligrul Gslune ethane) HK Veesteen kW = Prulale setery Corratet ob Flt, Moston A Flat Fic Kombil . DA Ander, e Geatn Meade fe sor oy 2/ioe__ fiiyticok tole - Olean fomelofin., trea 4 eesett = thor bole. "(Fe ses ae”, nnd sovalthany ) Prine , Th WD test Uiffusisa Lcondacten ) a Ea - Z_ insulated. =] Fs =G=6 | 1 oe * iR | ' - ae _ we ECat) > huet enmrgy Slough (Sin) g (xt) = Aho (Has) © left te opt (3/2) Pe o Enzegyy in at tie + & Efe t) 2 egy in Roof te t+ 8t & Sore) & (x, +10) F; Ag 2l€G,tet)-EG v0] wa —4 Baw, flew etfo ess me Pt & poy t) St Sisuply f= at f Raewer (uefa) St & glue fut) Pt & AE + [and 2 eerh eo] it = 8 Egunty Ad [e(ert)~ cine) =f 9 (xr tet) git | So wt fx ,§t Yo blend tart good zap v in bei | Hep 7 = UE Pe yy 1 t =: Xe ~7 gq (ee paded 9 tating Forier's baw (alte Fes low qe ke a7 gece aff Tan cat aw Goad owe eofor Grit Bored CEQ ~ Ye Procertors 2 lation date. ope. © sinner 1 leah) od. baacloy Coro cobrulaben Boab flems ferseylon Cenelite firtenty bat ba my. apa on the Vegi) daha © Spey gynl_ hetcedgntcce i l ~ Re Sfrwterrdl 0 wucetretrel | geby Lessuse jf Tele cote Tambien atl ne tay topest on gilbe euery, Be clans colle ef tevtdle "gh = Ging, eesvalig tonal b a Gard 5s CPO Sth % Pf tofer - & fd _peapets wel, Lat pups laut cyt pipend tele Uy = Susy —plagiel dadals be be ecet ~ Lepatss “0 Torbatiat™ - if c Leahy - Ah y Spe dh Er odalh L evulielt, = Speelfs hrateneliy “ = Beuncting ondBeim es , de aA (ee doves he flit dose 2h audit fo horas Syee bp dpe” g ~ balla ing be who wih 0 putt ol Sit Marefleal — penlly ee, ashe Merb — sham! ~ Safution 4 bodly tan lip” 2yn tou ittesry = Wout cr f = hen. g “deh Yolen ftiry or dlr Silat beady i 2 Gate row Raoult; (Pet De ) Ie plete avec’ = phate veakior Talal ndepedel faved cbsondigeh= Sabet ehhchg | een rgull voy Bx cnpligse_wal vite_vern bf “wfaplread proedehn! toile J Grewal! yohor an be dig de Vlbd "oul fe! Gieat “ued ears» (pet) = ~&(-Ket ) Peleg, > Seto T e 7 pun eff) (29 haat equation Triticl emotions T(j0) = F(x) pitn -funelia- Bavrclae, Condbtinn %20 aly of x= fy D Spreffy ithe twp 05 Toe): £(t) gues facto. DQ Searfg tant fete Chineintet ) 29 (ot)= «9% (ot) + 9 lt) gan favcbeen r , @_conyetian flux ensrant_) ba x reratar ab fferaince qe KE (ot) a eM Tort) = Tent] week Type = ol 39 caren Zz Bouncing Coelho 2/ lofor Lipid tino UProreluk) +o « Lnwarn all Convestive Flex (wiuiet ) ses 3 gles) 6 Tet) = KE Mot) = -yf Moye)-2] (0 Hal Couetios = Iifesimn fpuctine Ld feack 4. lt pan a fled stl wafer fonaleat —yebatly 1) along ea! tele py Ls A QK2u fy) =. Fy thy Tea u the lgpsbi, chsurbig conservation 4 teal im Ros sactl, Ui se E&e) > = 4 Gt) oO pon He dip 6 the nll for glow ~ at defeat yom 4 OQ wt E:p eT . 7 eth Rp ae J < Se: -kWT) + = pra bik torwecsion ah lasia. 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Diagrams should indicate co-ordinate axes, and origin of co-ordinate system. 2 The report should include a statement. of the differential equation to be solved, ie, Laplace's equation, 9 47° UF mt dt =o pips LephtS AO> 8 The discretized version of Laplace’s equation 4dig — Picag — Pity ~ Fig — should be quoted, with a note that this is valid because de = dy. 4 Tf equations are written in matrix form then ordering to reduced bandwidth should be considered (or at least mentioned). 5 The Gauss-Seidel scheme for the given problem should be stated precisely; including superscripts (k +1), (). 6 State explicitly the initial values 6. 7 The method for ‘constructing’ contours (linear interpolation) should be men- tione Contours must intersect solid boundaries perpendicularly. {pees 1-5) & 9 Comments should include observations that (a) Solution not converged after 5 iterations (b) Numerical results are not very accurate due to coarse grid. (c) Numerical solution does not satisfy’ the physical boundary condition at the inlet. (48) ‘This is not simply because of the grid size, and the number of iterations. It is also due to the fact that the mathematical boundary condition does not enforce the physical boundary condition (me only specify one com- ponent ofthe fux), and that the geometry influences the solution af the inlet. ‘To achieve the physical boundary condition it is probably necessary to set the inlet further ‘upstream’ of the contraction/bend in the flow. 10 Explain fully the method for approximating the temperature gradient at the internal point. Central differences (and possible averaging of temperature values at boundary nodes) BASIC FLUID DYNAMICS ‘This course is mainly concerned with how to solve numerically various equations used to model fluid dynamics. However it is important to have some feel for the physics behind these equations, and this section outlines some of the fundamental ideas as well as the basic equations needed. ‘There is a lot of material here, Do not expect to understand it all at once! We shall refer to this material throughout the course, and familiarity with the ideas, notation and equations should follow with time. CONTENTS Trajectories and Streamlines ‘The Material (or Lagrangian) Derivative Incompressibility ‘The Continuity Equation Stream Functions for Two-Dimensional Incompressible Flow Irrotational Flow Boundary Conditions The Navier-Stokes Equation ‘The Reynolds Number ‘The Pressure Poisson Equation Plane Poiseuille Flow Inviscid Flow Euler’s Equation Boundary Conditions Bernoulli’s Theorem FURTHER READING Lighthill J: An Informal Introduction To Theoretical Fluid Dynamics, Ch. 1, 2, 8 (Oxford University Press 1986). ‘Tannehill JC, Anderson DA, Pletcher RH: Computational Fluid Dynamics and Heat Transfer, Ch. 5 (Taylor & Francis 1997, Hemisphere Publishing 1984) Versteeg HK, Malalasekera W: An Introduction To Computational Fluid Dynamics, Ch. 2 (Longman 1995). TRAJECTORIES AND STREAMLINES Imagine an “infinitely small” blob of fluid ~ a fluid-point. The trajectory of this fluid-point is the path that it traces out as it moves in the fow. xe) Xt) teajectory ‘The velocity of the fluid-point at the point x at time ¢ is, by definition, u(x,t). So, if we let X(t) = (Xi, Xe Xs) denote the co-ordinates of a fluid-point at time ¢ then Gx = u(X(¢),t) A streamline is a line in the flow to which u is a tangent at each point. lst) ulas,t) streamline. ult: In general streamlines and trajectories are not she same. However if the flow is steady, that is u = u(x), then they do coincide. If p(x,t) denotes the density of the fluid at the point x at time t then pu defines the mass flux, This describes the rate at which mass is being transported by the flow. Since this flux vector is tangential to streamlines it follows that there is no mass transport across streamlines. Aegan fs fox soviys whe''y 2 rake uhals mee A sper by Bs THE MATERIAL (or LAGRANGIAN) DERIVATIVE Let (x,t) denote the density of the fluid at the point x at time t. Then a g denotes the rate of change of p(x,t) with respect to ¢ (x fixed) 4p/At describes the rate at which we see the density changing if we “stend in the flow” at the fixed point x, and watch the fluid flow past us, We now ask the question, what would be rate of change of density that we would see if, instead of standing still, we were travelling with the fluid as a luid-point? ‘To answer this question, let X(t) = (%G , Xo, Xo) denote the trajectory of the fluid- point that we are following. Remember then that ox) = u(X(), 0) (a) At time { the density of our fluid-point is (X(¢), ) and, using the chain rule, the time rate of change of this is d _ 4 aX 9 dX, aX, a GAR 2) = FiA0Kst) + SP ole) + S2 oR i) + FP 5 (Kt) Using (1) to replace dX,/dt with u,(X, t) this thon becomes (dropping the arguments X and ton the right-hand side) a By Bg yy Bg yy HX), = + “Fey + "Oe, + “8 Oe5 This can be written using vector notation ad _ a : Bl = Be FIPS Legros dicate pla ton 1 It is conventional to write Dp/ Dt instead of dp/dt. So = a + u-Ve [Pais is called the material derivative, (or Lagrangian devivative) ofp. Tt gives [the rate of change of p along the trajectory of a fluid-point, We can write this as so that we have the interpretation D_a@ \ moet on pletion: called the material derivative operator. We can coastuct the material derivative of any quantity associated with the flow. For example, if p denotes the pressure then D ap me = Re te denotes the rate of change of pressure along a fluid-point trajectory. Similarly Du/ Dt denotes the rate of change of the velocity as we move with the flow; this is just the acceleration of the fluid-point. Note that this is a vector quantity; D/Dt acts on each component of u. ae = (Gee aes Be) INCOMPRESSIBILITY A flow is said to be incompressible if the volume of any fluid-element (blob of fluid) remains constant as it moves in the flow: Volume = V Pe. -v time = time = te By definition, a finid-element always contains the same fluid and so must have a constant mass. Therefore the average density of a fluid-element in an incompress- ible flow is constant. A fluid-point is an infinitely small fluid-element. So in an incompressible flow the density of a fluid-point remains constant. In other words the rate of change of the density along a fiuid-point trajectory is zero: DD. _ op _ pe = HT ve = 0 for an incompressible flow THE CONTINUITY EQUATION The continuity equation is a statement of conservation of mass, Consider a fixed but arbitrary region of space R with surface S within a fluid flow. The rate of change of the mass in R is ale = [ew and this must equal the rate at which mass is flowing into across the surface S. ‘The mass flux is given by,pu and so the mass flow rate into is given by f where n is the outwardly directed unit normal at each point on the surface & (hence the negative siga) as pu dA Fated 4 aloesfes om tale sung “the ee mp Using the Divergence Theorem bonne t -Jn-puda = 4 fv-tpujav & 3 heer erfene be wae oY So the mass balance in R becomes a“ { bys fay Ee, eo Gly Joo” Bow Therefore, since R is arbitrary ge teouel) = 4 t eo on or the contin equation | Using the fact that (exercise) | Ve (pu) = u-Ve + pV-u (product rule) wwe can write the continuity equation as | » gue P wide + pv 0 ~ ~ ~~ D Biron fOv = 9 imps If the flow is incompressible then Dp/Dt = 0 and so Veu=0 for an incompressible flow not eguntions Ho sales ate Hoge STREAM FUNCTIONS FOR TWO-DIMENSIONAL FLOWS In this section we consider « steacly, incompressible, two-dimensional fluid flow. Let u(x) denote the velocity at the point x in the flow. We will use the notation x = (&,y) (instead of (1,22). and u = (u,v) (instead of (1. ta). Tf the flow is incompressible Sj? = s&qt for (almost) any function U(x, y) and therefore ae) _ 2.(28) Ox \ dy dy \ Oz Cece rong thy eudhe Comparing this with the incompressibility condition we anticipate the existence of a function J such that ae ap ua nd ve -2 dy Oe ‘The function ¥ is called a stream function, if we know # then we know w and v. To appreciate the connection between stream functions and streamlines we con- sider the gradient function of us: _ (a8 ae v= (2.3) ‘This vector points in the divection of the maximum rate of increase of y, and is perpendicular to the lines on which ¥ is constant (the stream function contours). Stree Aarere ” ¥ ” bles laa’ yen ao yj wy . v va wy “1 pres (35) woreamte sivas tos I 4 4 ge ule) pause Noting that | | _ (ab Oe { vou = (65) ( we see that Vy is also perpendicular to u. We conclude that the contours of w are the streamlines of u IRROTATIONAL FLOW A flow is said to be irrotational if the vorticity w is zero everywhere. That is Vxeu =0 Viscous forces tend to generate vorticity at ow boundaries (vortex shedding) and so irrotational flows aze usually also inviscid. Now for any function (x) we havg the result [exercise 1.11] OO hat Vx(Ve) = 0 wien suggests the existence of a function ¢ such that u = Vo The function ¢ is called a potential function, if we know ¢ then we know u. The surfaces 4 = constant, (lines in 2-D) are called equipotential surfaces (ines) Since V¢ and therefore u is perpendicular to these surfaces it follows that streamlines and_equipotential surlaces Cross each oller at Tight angles. Ir the case of two- dimensio: ompressible, izrotational How the stzeam function contours and the equipotential lines cross at right-angles oy ap constant $e constant streamtine. Now for an incompressible flow 0 if the flow is also irrotational and we write u = V¢ then we see that v-(¥d) = We = 0 ‘This shows that the potential function 9 must satisfy Laplace’s equation. We will use Laplace's equation for potential functions later in the course to illustrate the numerical solution of pde’s using fnite-difference methods (section 6) Having determined ¢ from this equation (and appropriate boundary conditions) we then Know u and from this the pressure p can be determined from the pressure Poisson equation (see later). BOUNDARY CONDITIONS The boundary conditions that we attach to our @uid transport equations can usually. be classified into three types (1) Physical (2) Inlet and Outlet (3) Symmetry In addition to these there are often other contraints that must be met, and that provide a check on the accuracy of numerical solutions. In pipe flow. for example, there must be an overall mass balance between the inflow and the outflow. During the course we shall study examples that illustrate each type of condition Physical Boundary Conditions ‘These give conditions at physical boundaries of the flo 5 pipe walls, turbine blades, aerofoil surfaces ete. The most fundamental condition concerns the fluid velocity at such a surface. We argue that, due to the effect of viscosity, the fluid in contact with the surface must be moving with the velocity w of the surface. laurface = OW the no-slip condition Some codes (FLUENT for example) also specify a zero pressure gradient at physical surfaces. Inlet And Outlet Boundary Conditions ‘The correct specification of inlet and outlet boundary conditions is crucial to the formulation of models for fluid dynamics. It is not possible to be too specific about these conditions as they depend upon the problem under consideration, but they are usually based upon some physically plausible assumptions. However we must be careful that these boundary conditions are sufficient to produce a well-posed mathematical /numerical problem. Consider the following example At the inlet we usually specify the fluid velocity profile. Some codes (FLUENT for example) allow the pressure to be prescribed instead. It is incorrect to impose both the velocity and the pressure. The outlet is usually assumed to be sufficiently down-stream of disturbances (con- tractions etc) that the flow at this point is fully developed. So there is a zero velocity gradient in the axial direction, Ju/dx = 0. at this point. 10 Symmetry Boundary Conditions I the geometry of the flow possesses natural symmetry thea we can make use of this to reduce the computational domain and the aumber calculations that are needed. Consider the following example y ‘We expect the flow to be symmetric about the centerline, the Oy axis, and so we only need to solve for the flow on one side of this dividing line, which then becomes asymmetry boundary. We must attach corresponding boundary conditions to this line which reflect the symmetrical nature of the flow: [f we write u = (u,v) then, for = 0, we have u We will also have a symmetry condition for the pressure, namely & ae THE NAVIER-STOKES EQUATIO’ C.L.M.H. Navier ca. 1822 G.G. Stokes 1819-1903 The continuity equation is a mathematical statement of the physical law of conservation of mass; the equation was derived by considering mass balance in an arbitrary region R. In a similar way, by considering a momentum balance, we can derive an equation which represents Newton's Second Law. Although the details of the derivation of this momentum equation are not necessary for this course, they are given as supplementary material at the end of this section. SS If the flow is incompressible (V-u = 0), and the fluid Newtonian (this is an “ordinary” fluid in which the shear stresses depend linearly on the rate of strain tensor D) then the momentum equation takes the form a glu) + VY -(euu) -Vp + hVu + pg the Navier-Stokes equation (conservative form) Note that there are three equations here; one for each component of the momentum. (Por this reason some texts refer to the Navier-Stokes equations). “Conservative” xfer to the fact that thsi the form of the equation obtained using only the idea of conservation of momentum. An alternative form can be obtaine by making use of the continuity equation as well, to show that the left-hand side of the Navier-Stokes equation can be written as pDu/Dt. So another way of writing the Navier-Stokes equation is ion Bubs aperke D 2, et = Vp + xVa + pg Each term in this equation has a precise physical interpretation: ‘The left-hand side describes th rate of change of momentum per unit volume along a fuid-point trajectory. This is balanced by the three terms on the right-hand side. —Vp represents the force per unit volume due to the pressure gradient. #V?u describes the rate of exchange of momentum per unit volume due to viscous effects, Note that this term involves the Laplacian operator V?. The effect of viscosity is to “diffuse” momentum. Pg represents the gravitational force per unit volume, ‘lf me interpret the pressure p as the excess pressure then we can omit the grav [tational term from the equation. Dividing through the Navier-Stokes equation by p we get 1 = 5 Vp + vVu + aP g where v = p/p is called the kinematic viscosity. 2 THE REYNOLDS NUMBE) By scaling the variables in the Navier-Stokes equation we are able to identify a non-dimensional parameter which plays an important role in the study of fluid dynamics. In the Navier-Stokes equation a a gen) + V- (pau) -Vp + pV7u + pg we introduce-charasteristic_length-“and velocity scales Z and U, and then a. corre- sponding time scale T = L/U. We also introduce a characteristic density po, and then define non-dimensional independent variables and dependent: variables 1 = ne? f ‘We also define a non-dimensional gravitational acceleration & = of g. Jn terms of these variables the Navier-Stokes equation takes the non-dimensional form, (for simplicity we omit the ~ a Zou) + V-(pun) = —Vp + ps where po L UL Re = = Ub wat ee Ee (ea) is called the Reynolds number (0. Reynolds 1842-1912) ‘This non-dimensional parameter quantifies the relative significance of convective and diffusive features of the flow: As the Reynolds number increases convective effects dominate, and the stabilizing nature of the diffusive term -:V?u decreases. This observation is often used to account for the onset of turbulence when Re reaches acertain critical value. ates Nat t Vite L Pele oat desta, 13 using dengan of Memnabun an THE PRESSURE POISSON EQUATION 4,7 ./ In an incompressible flow the velocity u must satisfy Vu =0 wee tisbally cout lin simply, while the momentum equation is the Navier-Stokes equation a = (3x bu va) = -Vp + uVu + og If the density is constant, then these four equations involve four unknowa functions, the components of u and the pressure p. In practice, when trying to solve these equations numerically, t is often convenient to Introduce another equation that relates the pressure to the velocity. ‘This is the Pressure Poisson equation which is gbtsined by taking the divergence of the momentum (Navier-Stokes) equation, and then using the incompressibility condition to simplify the result. Taking the divergence of the Navier-Stokes equation we get aru v- [o($u + es) =v rr + pu + oe| With p = po constant this can be written as o(tae + Ve (u vs) = -V- (Vp) + uV-(Wu) + mV-g Pts Making use of the incompressibility condition, we obtain a a Vege = GlFa) = 0 ¥-(u-Vu) Clee vu: vat Ba; Bz; v-(Ve) = V’p v-(Vu) = V(9-u) veg =o and substituting these results into (2) gives go gue Vip = -poVu: Tul the pressure Poisson equation rT This is a Poisson type pde for the pressure (at least it would be if the right-hand side, i.e. u, were known). Like the steady-state heat equation (Laplace’s equation) this equation is elliptic, and a corresponding boundary condition for p must be imposed at each boundary point of the computational domain. Note the “double doi” notation, which indicates a double sum, over both i and j: ‘We multiply each component of Vu with the corresponding component of Vu" and then add up the results (a, sort of dot product for matrices). So, for example, for a two-dimensional flow, x = (x,y), u = (u,v) au Be ae ae as 3s + ae ay vu = vu = Bu oe ae ge ay 8 as 8y and we get Vu: VuT = 5 PL. POISEUILLE FLOW Consider a two-dimensional, steady flow between two infinite flat plates as shown. 2 MITITITTTTTT ITT AIT ITT Assuming that u = (u,0), and that the flow is incompressible we then have Ou Veusod a =o Therefore u is independent of x and we may write u = u(y). The time independent Navier-Stokes equation u-Vu = -Vp + 4V*u where p is the excess pressure then gives Pw op a te and 0 a ‘The second of these implies that p is independent of y, and the first of these can then be written, ey qj a. & ly’ dz ‘The left-hand side of this equation is independent of z and the right-hand side is independent of y. We conclude that both sides must equal the same constant value. Denoting the constant pressure gradient dp/dz by p' we can integrate this equation for u, and using the no-slip boundary conditions u(:th) = 0, this gives Bone 2 card (#-y) (parabolic profile) ‘To establish the value of p’ we assume that we know the volume (area) flow rate Q defined by nn a Q = fut = -Efty- ae] = so that a 3 = 2B, Sh ves dx 2h indicating how the pressure decreases linearly with 2 16 flees egestin of ation COD 701103) Sets retain 2 eg Ye Let (vv) INVISCID FLOW Euler’s Equation (L. Euler 1707-1783) In some flows, notably gas flows, viscous effects are often negligble and we can, to a, good approximation, set w= 0. We refer to such flows as inviscid. With w= 0 the Navier-Stokes equation reduces to a an) + V-(puu) = —Vp + pg Buler’s equation Flows that are inviscid are often compressible. In this course, however, we will consider only incompressible flow. Boundary Conditions Since we have neglected viscous effects we can no longer impose no-slip ondary conditions on the flow at a physical boundary. However, if the physical boundary ig impervious to the fluid, so that there is no low across the boundary, then clearly the finid velocity at the boundary must be tangential to the surface, so u-n = 0, where n is normal to the surface, It follows that the surface represents streamlines of the flow. In two-dimensional flows, where we can introduce stream functions, a physical boundary must be a stream function contour. "The second-order viscous term ,V?u in the Navier-Stokes equation makes that equation parabolic (time dependent form) or elliptic (time independent form). ‘The removal of this term in the Euler equation makes that equation, hyperbolic This has a radical effect on the correct form of boundary conditions. ‘The situation is complicated; consideration must be given to the characteristics of the equation. Bernoulli’s Theorem (D. Bernoulli 1700-1782) For a steady, constant density (p = po); inviscid flow Euless equation can be written u-Vu = -Vpt + g where p* = p/po (kinematic pressure). Using the identity u-[u-Vu} = u-V (Zu?) we then have wV(w) =u - Ve" +8] Now let us assume that gravitational acceleration is constant, and that it is acting in the negative za (or 2) direction so that g = (0,0, —g). We can then write Eales eye -V(92) ) og-eps piv —O 2) hare tual grnky goog 72 80 that D (WIV= Zolvv)-vecony) O&O e + ga) “PHEW = Z9(uv)-eveCony) Oa ko(e)egrz = Vx(guv) OMe usek ale )ids tgte- Hs eG (ph + duh + gz) = 0 7 Lvstren)de Mt Getoay} 82 Defining AB awalyr) ageeso or, rearranging, e WV gn © cntliat Ho= pi + hw? + gz Jegee ‘ wwe see that VH is perpendicular to u. Therefore VH must be perpendicular to the Micmalites, We folldwe that i! is constant along streamalins, (watch are the same as the fluid-point trajectories since the flow is steady). This result, which is known as Bernoulli’s Theorem, can be considered an energy balance, relating the kinetic and potential energies (per unit mass) to the work done on a fluid point. ‘We can omit the gravity term in HT if we interpret p as the excess pressure. Tt follows that as this pressure decreases along a streamline the speed of the fiuid must increase. luaserd ietonpraehle Mat Bt eas colt pe bree R Mawson Flot woelnwn 18 Frudensie oh per t Repair vk ed Ht tre + Og ¥ Lu R ) Sele the. ~ Rm =k 15 fyfo 2 thie F wre WS % >» O--Th + eg Shot picbhn (9s Pay it ( ? ore Ns > e&us-vlpeppt a oP) x OP icp sin = - op. ao Va Ge ev) FRR VED " Ww oy . 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Partin Fy esoacboeg A does cut woorke pont Mhe vtehe syrcfusnee Grd ek a0, D2 ake (oie a conte & Mfc | i [ET he CO yee | 2 egpanpetan belly : t Pes — Athens hfe a _— OU orter upeomelnn + Bane baw shane _ 2 Qurale shee. wat P whe Drs. Pelests Pao Peer few Boud on cqact Solute B smpl D vow de ays { T, - RCT Tp) R00 ut * Tp > 10 RoR wR) SEU IF sede ho smnrhanr 2 Bune Scheme, wkaasteara ipeviad snepolaboon Banh te” whe Stren boo I Te Ww © ECW 46% 43%) duns prot eee sele drsselonabges pw compat tine ~ erplieks yt roe apes sndoack puiid Gr Hog ew ge oy eres need tong pettg FY brane aeessa/es UNIVERSITY OF NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE SEMESTER 2, 0/01 ‘COMPUTATIONAL FLIMD Dynes ‘Troe alone — 1 our ‘i mars can be elcid tthe olin of psi. ‘This examination rpc: 08 of he eal nme ets module ‘The MAGES Female et able, esse] pworating £ rarer 4: (0) Use Ter See eps ta die the saad frvac, ‘aka and ral Eieifernce ppreitons Jia ths ene dite appeteaton toed, India sey he nde of hee nec apprnteon, soi bow thes ager at alow fom the Tylon ‘epee. 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TERY T(x 0,0) * Tw D hear trswefer ey 6 (Ten) « . - recvsenge fe Typ Onl te ty espe! sehae cowtted rm aunt ‘vate foe bo uhh, eo eg HE (aly), ). Cowal Thay doe Eto - Es ie Neos cIalie Syn Spek Gees oa) 2 -Tp rey expend, ee Lay akg ug ay yok alo Wa = TS th Se, QS ah well Coe sip contin) ay 20 | ue MS. eye oo ae vt 2 Gh 3B +a (ve, ov) _ fe ° eye bay Bote Jey eB) ate pry . 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PAP OR ae Jpee-n 24 $2 pedien a apeeh aut oH oem ooKE pH eae wut SOT] cam pores] somo mae coments] yy oe 65 SH 66.61 “Was munyr ea ar we cama] aR aren | ea oun vee poms 2 aus oee yan ORREENIONG ONHIADVIGNVA 9 SRGLVA “WOINVIGHA i INIRLIVEC ‘ONREENIONG ONTILLOVEANWIN @ SIVELY “WOINVEDEM dO INIIEVESG Nodn STISVOMAN 40 ALISEAAINA, NAL SNALNOdn TISYOMAN JO KUSHEAINA _j sono wing] (esse ga} 2 aoe oo a 78 7 aaa ony 01 wonremposddy ,y sopz0 we uyeigo 02 (=) oR aim sompaog dz, poe Aly, 207 suoysuedxo soutos ropa, NOK as, jowoype Smypuyadn rops0-e1y ¥ oy paredarod ou9MpSs YOTAO ‘np Suzen Jo softoquwapesip puv soBerueape amy ame yeAA “wONENT -poidde yQIAd ay Jo amyeu sAVpeNb oy EA WorDouI—O TT qh Jo apIOaT to PrOMTITOD “sUIETDS YOIND 97} UE pos se () (ze + uot MEE = 3b souras 2046 ew 44 apou 7 =2b = LH 2 ye 9 3009 reg Yf-erg ‘uf 27 mM sporonmo ps ayy fouoxstammp-amo @ Jo 4red sixdap pam “F “ug ose /seeruni) feqeour 21] -prrmog Byn0[]95 919 BAH 0} UorTENbs soHoIg-TOLADNL OMT 7) gant Nog Apuors v saoms ¢ 2 foyer] oy woprenbs (@ 0 = ia woenbe ogy yo voryerordaoyar peorshyd v at (2) “e. {ose/seenuneri] [Mint336/386] S. (©) Show shat uu = UWF aad een by averaging the jokes equation, derive the Reynolds averaged Navier- (ANS) ea! Identify the Reynolds stress term in this equation, and give a brief physical interpretation of this term. (8 marks] (b) Figure 5 depicts a constant density, ow in a two-dimensional duct. ly developed, turbulent figure 5 We assume that the mean pressure P is a function of both and y, whilst the mean velocity W is axially directed and depends only on y, that is =(uy),0,0) @=w=0) We further assume that where each component of this matrix (tensor) varies with y Show that, under these assumptions, the y-component of the RANS equation reduces to oda Zvegve = 0. ® oy 6 faavt336/386] essible velocity feld hat satisos Laplace's equation provided the flow is irvotational. Explain the connection between the streamlines of wand the contours of [2 marks} (b) Figure 2 depicts an incompressible irrotational low through figure 2 Both the inflow and outflow velocity profiles are uniform and to the w-axis with w= (0,0). late appropriate boundary con: [23 marks} [Turn over s3n0 wing] ‘ajcrepeae st yaoqs InELAT OSH 2, “aqnpomt sr 205 quamissasse peyo} arf Jo 940E stasoudar uoRyeCuTEx SI ‘euonsanb YynO4t OF paummbas ax ssamsuy smo ft ~ panorte ate, SOINWNAG GINTd IVNOLLWLNAWOO 20/T002 ‘2 WALSAWAS ANAL NON QTLSVOMAN JO ALISUIAINA lose/seennurs) [MMm336/386] 1. (a) Use the Divergence Theorem to derive the convection-diffusion = -Vub + DV 1) gy (as measured by the fiold u, State any [10 marks} (b) Figure 1 shows part of gas-solid interface in 2 heat ex- changer: ‘The solid is maintained at-a constant temperature, the gas flows over the s |, > 0, and temperature 4 ue gas ‘solid figure 1 Diseretize the convection-diffusion equation for ¢; using a orward-difference for 04/4, first-order upwinding for the convection term, and a second-order central: for the fasion term (take dx = dy). So obtain an x diference scheme giving ff) = d(zi.yjtesi) in terms of nodal values of ¢ at 1 te. At y=0 the following boundary condition is proposed an = B(o-8) where q is the heat flux face y = 0 (directed into Use this boundary condition to modify your ex difference scheme in a form suitable for boundary nodes. (15 marks} By integrating equation (4) and using the boundary condition Ve =0 at y= 0 show that Op/Gz is independent of y. the s-component of the RANS equation is om, a (att 2s £(a a) = 0. Hence deduce that the effective shear stress varies linearly wi [17 marks} END OF PAPER 1

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