Herbalife Opportunity Meeting: Why Herbalife? Why Now?
Herbalife Opportunity Meeting: Why Herbalife? Why Now?
Why Herbalife?
Why Now?
Herbalife International
• Established in 1980
• In business for 30
• > 60 million clients
Mark Hughes -
• 73 countries
Founder • $3.5 Billion in 2007
• Industry leader
• NYSE Listed
Michael O. Johnson
• CEO - Herbalife
Dec. 16, 2004
International Herbalife goes
• Former President of public (NYSE)
Walt Disney
• Increased Sales from
$1.6 B to $3.5B in 2 yrs
• Accomplished tri-athlete
Herbalife International - Nutrition Advisory Board
Louis Ignarro, Ph.D – Nobel Laureate (NO - Niteworks)
Nutrition and Scientific Advisory Boards
Mark Hughes
Cellular & Molecular
Nutrition Lab on
U.C.L.A. Campus
Chairman’s Club –
al t h ers
s on Br o
Sisters Realtors YOU!
Nurses Teachers
it r es s es
Business E er s/ W a
xecutives Wa it
r s ts
om s/ dads Cashiers
t -hom e m
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