Sri Parasara Samhita Hanuman Charitram Vol1

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HEISEI ARI IOC IR AA TOR FOR KK 'This Book is Published with the financial assistance of TIRUMALA TIRUPATHI DEVASTHANAMS Under their Scheme Aid to publish religious books, FOO A SOR EN AIR HOOK BOR AE IK FOR SACK RR OR IAC A af IO PR A HOR A IOS HEI AI ICH IKK NS His Holiness Jagadguru SRI SIVA CHIDANANDA BHARATHI SWAMI SRI SIDDHESWARI PEETADHIPATI COURTALLAM.627 £02 Tamilnadu FO a EY i Date 6—5-—1997 Parasara Samhitha is a master piece on Hanu- man authored by the great Rishi Parasara. It is an encyclopedea on Hanuman. Hanuman cannot be considered as a legendery hero of Ramayana in Threthayuga. Hanuman is considered to be Chiran- jivi and the future Brahma i. e., creator. Parasara Samhitha is divided into several chapters, each dealing with specific result oriented Anustanam. He being the Bhavishyath Brahma, everybody should worship him for attaining all mundane results, while simultaneously trying to attain Moksha. The Parasara Samhitha text is not avail- able in common market as it néeds reprint. If the Parasara Samhitha is transliterated in to Nagara Lipi, it will be useful to all in India and atsoin abroad. The Parasara Samhitha needs a vide circu- iv lation all over the world, not only by translitera- ting in to their mother tongues, but also a faithful translation of the same in their respective mother tongues, Chiranjeevi Annadanam Chidambara Sastry is adventurous in his thoughts and deeds. He is able to realise the results with his unending energies and tenacity. Latest adventure is the publication of Parasara Samhitha in Nagaralipi, He has already got this printed and showed me inloose printed forms which is to be brought in to a book shape. He needs encouragement, in all reapecis, Tbless him to release this book as early as possible and further by invoking the Benign Grace of Sri Rajarajeswari Ambal, the presiding Diety of Sri Sidheswari Peetham. With Narayana smrithis, Sri Siva Chidananda Bharathi Swami ‘Tarka Vedanta Samrat. ‘Nyaya Vedanta Snstra Ratnakara’ ‘Sastva Nidhi’, ‘Tarka Vedaniacharya’, ‘Darsanacharyn’, ‘Maha Mahopadhyaye’, ‘Recipient of president's honour’ weet wageaies ating atest aaial Areg \ thst raat Paceat afer agent: uarar ergedaare sit geet each amar OMT ATHATUTT Bot ener are Tayeurd aesferdale, ast eaaat ararera often “aerae dfgar” waraea aa rey area sates ngs aTTETTITT saraaaa a adaaat Ufgnrgioas qasacay arrer- at aeag coifere af ore mete agaarfa 1 rq arsst me, Ter oration, wngaasgrafuertata: warehr facet tgies cola 1 anfattaargarter gysrgtiea? areedia: ger | marsh areraa rgat equa eae arias arent ag PRO waTE aA TeRaT ATE Tela? aefaars wear 1 Paarae ariler ugtad, Caaaet sarat aatararat wa gfe agit. age aaa faaaartt gt frafear fasmarer aaaareT TH aeAsarEATA WV EVVO nagecies arfnay areal * Prof. 8. B. Raghunathacharya Vice-Chancellor Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidyapeetha (DEEMED UNIVERSITY) TIRUPATI-517 507 (A. P.) Date 1410-1996 Dear Dr. Chidambara Sasiry I Thank you very much for sending the books “PARASARA SAMHITA” and other works, wri- tien by you. I sincerely approciate the efforts put in by you in bringing out the books, which are clear and com. plete in all aspects. I feel reading your books is rather a mental pleasure than a mental effort With regards. yours sincerely, (8. B. RAGHUNATHACHARYA) “Vedantha $ iromani’ ‘Vedantha Visarada’ ‘Vidvan’ Dr. P. SRIRAMACHANDRUDU M. A, Ph, D. (Skt) M. A. (English) M.A. (Hind!) Recipient of Prasident’s Certificate ef Honour Professor of Sanskrit, O, U. (Rtd,) Hyderabad-600 016 There are millions of devotees of the Lord Hanu man through out India who assert with full confi- dence that they have had the experience of the Lords’ grace, in various ways on different occass- ions. As a wellknown Sloka says Hanuman bestows on his devotees, who mererly remember him rare gifts such as intelligenoe, strength, fame, courege, fearlessness, good health, agility and skill in spea- king. While the Ramayana of Valmiki is the only source of information about the greatness of Hanu- man for many people there is a very important work, Parasara Samhita in fifty chapters (Patalas) completely devoted to describe the life-story, explo- ita and the greatness of Hanuman. This work which is in the form of a dialogue between Parasara and Maitreya deals with various methods of worship of Hanuman (Tantras], Mantras and Yantras and many auxillary subjects connected with them, in detail, in different chapters. According to this Samhita Hanuman who is free from death is going 4o be the croator in the nost Kalpa. viii This work in the form of palm-leaf manuscripts has boen zealously guarded by sum persons, in their houses, asa valuable possession inherited from their ancestors, some of them using itfor their personal purposes but many of them just keeping itaga sacred thing, nol knowing even the contents. ' Tt is by the untiring efforts, over two or three dacades, of Sri Annadinam Chidambara Sastry who has taken it as his Jife's mission to bring this great work 40 light for the use of all those who are interested and also for the ben-fit of the poste- rity thatit is now being published, perheps for the firsttime, in Devanagari script. Rut for the constant efforts of Sri Sastry to pursuade the owners of the manuscripts to allow him io study themit would not have been possible to publish this werk which isa major step in giving a filip to the great cult of Hanuman. Sri Sastry has got nine temples of Hanuman, wilh nine different Murties, asdeseribed in the Samhita, insvalled in them. Tam sure tbat many devotees of Hanuman will be benefeted by studying this Samhita and receive the grace of the Lord Hauuman by worship. ping him strictly in accordance with the rules laid down in this work. 18+5-1997 Yours Hyderabad P. Sri Ramachandrudu Iga, feraee’ gegaifis aro ttre: rand Faracae aries meTae gage froszea afeonaar feat ocean qesaraat-7 Wa? aeqrrata gfe aaereghr aff AarawT ware. caterer sginet oyferaa: 1 atat sqfa: sfeales, vareT ¢ saa qa 1 ave eafasafrage fey ace aa: gugte ‘earn ferafrad: fafiqsaarar faar qefe qraat areata fet afte: ceengrarren: ager aris avafaft art waaa agra cast af wear varhear Ble ae Wier age ceipat ea aguiafe amat frat qeqaestst, ae OH Jou arenas | atanacar faa: aa aaa aarfe eaTHT fax agperin frag: ate aq at safeoudthe Fase: gaa aguaitg fafeata 4 Fer agAT UAE aI adag afer Caley ge afgarat are ein afaans afinaaee faregerema reat: weitfa wea ofeaftema fafed vali 1 nferat. wider sada wy: fegaq fafaee fearera geste omer aad oarfe 1 AAT “ale wah af sraft” gfe qaagarte aqua: afeafamt aeara at agafefad aa aeatarafasate 1 qa aerator Sto arktaaat: wena dager afog ut afeatermat a aglTaIT ugafate asa Saitshr daa . art mer. otra Fe dare erat | mercer fay cate gore ats fafa fea gern: | arena safe aque: afer ays afage faface ta 1 Paesttfaa gga: afer Aararver arse ofteqreg agua aftgee © gaat | UN SAAT aT wad: arare gfae | war uAt tanger od: gfe geay aT garry faagar alafeta ¢ fad aaa t 'S2a ated gegaas' ef cara Qe aor afin ‘ort araafr sasat ge aed gfrer at” ef arta maa aq caarT gat arvarfines fast geared: rea aia aedttateer st efal wate aeayaaifid yostee egasata era Tey - ‘Ha ad naa - fasopris cerry ad tant at - aafaoy farang |

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