General Recruitment Process in BPO
General Recruitment Process in BPO
General Recruitment Process in BPO
If you are going for a voice-based call centre job, then how
you communicate is very important. Focus on brushing up
your grammar, pronunciation, pace and tone. Also, research
the company you plan to interview; this will show you are
serious about working there. Intonation is a fancy word that
basically means 'putting emotion into voice'.
1. Self Introduction
2. Aptitude Test
3. Telephonic Interview
4. Typing Skills
5. Talk on a topic/ Group discussion
6. HR
These are the main interview rounds in call center and BPO
companies follow, there will be small changes between the
companies. Let us see each round one by one.
6. HR:
It is the last round for a BPO interview. In this round
the HR will ask you about your qualification and your
aptitude to work in his company , like a general information
and you should show your caliber in front of the HR. If you
can convince, you will get offer letter from that company.