2010 AP English Language and Composition Free Response Questions Sample Responses-Q2

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The letter discusses slavery and argues against it by appealing to Jefferson's own views on liberty and equality.

Banneker argues against slavery by appealing to Jefferson's role in drafting the Declaration of Independence and his stated beliefs about the equality of all men. He also points out the hypocrisy of Jefferson owning slaves while believing in these ideals.

Banneker appeals to Jefferson's sense of morality and justice by reminding him of the injustice of slavery that he saw and spoke against. He urges Jefferson to apply the same compassion to all people regardless of race.


Question 2

(Suggested time-40 minutes. This question counts for one-third of the total essay section score.)

Benjamin Banneker, the son of former slaves, was a farmer, astronomer, mathematician, surveyor, and author. In
1791 he wrote to Thomas Jefferson, framer of the Declaration of Independence and secretary of state to President
George Washington. Read the following excerpt from the letter and write an essay that analyzes how Banneker uses
rhetorical strategies to argue against slavery.

Sir, suff~rl me to recall to your mind that time in valuation of liberty and the free possession of those
which the arms and tyranny of the British Crown were 30 blessings to which you were entitled by nature; but,
exerted with every powerful effort in order to reduce sir, how pitiable is it to reflect that although you were
Line you to a State of Servitude, look back I entreat you on so fully convinced of the benevolence of the Father of
5 the variety of dangers to which you were exposed; mankind and of his equal and impartial distribution of
reflect on that time in which every human aid those rights and privileges which he had conferred
appeared unavailable, and in which even hope and 35 upon them, that you should at the same time
fortitude wore the aspect of inability to the conflict counteract his mercies in detaining by fraud and
and you cannot but be led to a serious and grateful violence so numerous a part of my brethren under
10 sense of your miraculous and providential groaning captivity and cruel oppression, that you
preservation; you cannot but acknowledge that the should at the same time be found guilty of that most
present freedom and tranquility which you enjoy you 40 criminal act which you professedly detested in others
have mercifully received and that it is the pecular with respect to yourselves.
blessing of Heaven. Sir, I suppose that your knowledge of the situation
15 This sir, was a time in which you clearly saw into of my brethren is too extensive to need a recital here;
the injustice of a state of slavery and in which you had neither shall I presume to prescribe methods by
just apprehensions of the horrors of its condition, it 45 which they may be relieved, otherwise than by
was now, sir, that your abhorrence thereof was so recommending to you and all others to wean
excited, that you publickly held forth this true and yourselves from those narrow prejudices which you
20 valuable doctrine, which is worthy to be recorded and have imbibed with respect to them and as Job2
remembered in all succeeding ages. "We hold these proposed to his friends, "put your souls in their souls
truths to be self-evident, that all men are created 50 stead," thus shall your hearts be enlarged with
equal, and that they are endowed by their creator with kindness and benevolence towards them, and thus
certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, shall you need neither the direction of myself or
25 liberty and the pursuit of happiness." others, in what manner to proceed herein.
Here, sir, was a time in which your tender feelings
for yourselves had engaged you thus to declare, you 2 In the Bible. Job is a righteous man who endures much suffering.
were then impressed with proper ideas of the great

1 allow

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Question 2

General Directions: This scoring guide will be useful for most of the papers you read. If it seems inappropriate for a specific paper, ask
your Table Leader for assistance. Always show your Table Leader books that seem to have no response or that contain responses that seem
unrelated to the question. Do not assign a score of 0 or - without this consultation.
Your score should reflect your judgment of the paper's quality as a whole. Remember that students had only 40 minutes to read and
write; the paper, therefore, is not a finished product and should not be judged by standards appropriate for an out-of-class assignment.
Evaluate the paper as a draft, making certain to reward students for what they do well.
All papers, even those scored 8 or 9, may contain occasional lapses in analysis, prose style, or mechanics. Such features should enter into
your holistic evaluation of a paper's overall quality. In no case should you score a paper with many distracting errors in grammar and
mechanics higher than a 2.

9 Papers earning a score of 9 meet the criteria for 8 papers and, in addition, are especially sophisticated in their argument,
thorough in their development, or impressive in their control of language.

8 Effective
Papers earning a score of 8 effectively analyze* how Banneker uses rhetorical strategies to argue against slavery. They develop their
analysis with evidence and explanations that are appropriate and convincing, referring to the passage explicitly or implicitly. The prose
demonstrates a consistent ability to control a wide range of the elements of effective writing but is not necessarily flawless.

7 Papers earning a score of 7 fit the description of 6 papers but provide more complete explanation, more thorough development,
or a more mature prose style.

6 Adequate
Papers earning a score of 6 adequately analyze how Banneker uses rhetorical strategies to argue against slavery. They develop their
analysis with evidence and explanations that are appropriate and sufficient, referring to the passage explicitly or implicitly. The writing
may contain lapses in diction or syntax, but generally the prose is clear.

5 Papers earning a score of 5 analyze how Banneker uses rhetorical strategies to argue against slavery. The evidence or explanations used
may be uneven, inconsistent, or limited. The writing may contain lapses in diction or syntax, but it usually conveys the writer's ideas.

4 Inadequate
Papers earning a score of 4 inadequately analyze how Banneker uses rhetorical strategies to argue against slavery. These papers may
misunderstand the passage, misrepresent the strategies Banneker uses or may analyze these strategies inaccurately. The evidence or
explanations used may be inappropriate, insufficient, or less convincing. The prose generally conveys the writer's ideas but may be less
consistent in controlling the elements of effective writing.

3 Papers earning a score of3 meet the criteria for a score of 4 but demonstrate less success in analyzing Banneker's use of
rhetorical strategies to argue against slavery. They are less perceptive in their understanding of the passage or Banneker's
strategies, or the explanation or examples may be particularly limited or simplistic. The papers may show less maturity in control
of writing.

2 Little Success
Papers earning a score of2 demonstrate little success in analyzing how Banneker uses rhetorical strategies to argue against slavery. These
papers may misunderstand the prompt, misread the passage, fail to analyze the strategies Banneker uses, or substitute a simpler task by
responding to the prompt tangentially with unrelated, inaccurate, or inappropriate explanation. The prose often demonstrates consistent
weaknesses in writing, such as grammatical problems, a lack of development or organization, or a lack of control.

1 Papers earning a score of 1 meet the criteria for a score of2 but are undeveloped, especially simplistic in their explanation, or
weak in their control of language.

o Indicates an on-topic response that receives no credit, such as one that merely repeats the prompt.
Indicates a blank response or one that is completely off topic.

* For the purposes of scoring, analysis refers to identifying features of a text and explaining how the author uses these to develop the
meaning or to achieve a particular effect or purpose.
D\ I Q 2

.. .
~ ~< ~rite in the box the number of the question you are answering
on this page as it is designated in the exam. '---. _

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\-3\ o.n.· this page as it is designated in the exam.
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,.- z ]_ \\J \ I Write in the box the number of the question you are
on this page as it is designated in the exam.

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~ W-(}-..~ Q.<t,.llih.\ ~ \ 1M 0 <,w w hi \...Q. 0ll.! n I \'\ ~ ~ \G-.\le..& --thR t- ~
c.Cl n ~ roUte d -pt (),¥€.r~. \n fu \ P, ~~ -t--kr to ~(j VV\. 0.-2.

"Jf-Q..:ffQ..(I\Go) R~njll...mi() 73a..nfllb.c ~v~ D ..-% oJnllt-

3 N .8 WtU(lJd~) tN~ h¥-pO~,i8'a-- ) W"'-I\~ \l.s~U\ll.~
J-J:.k~() 0 -\-{) ~~ ~ \o..\J~J'~"
"BQ.hl'\t\~r 0VuS\ tN . \H-M;c vAlli ~ &\rClO% u~
DE T>~r S~ 0 lfi ~ rll GO) 0..8 Li 11 ~ Jf--Lfft-n~ Gn -Ia r=e (' QI/
:Bu. ti mg i,o!Mn If fN. cJ....y m8 6vhri -l-V ro...hYJY of +hL:BtI hZh-
Crown wt.K" t~-£.r-\€.c9. w',\-\1 -l\Jt:r~ 1>c~rN\ ~.:ffo{+-
i 0 0 reM"( -kJ rt.& \J C9.- \.p'l\ ! -to (L. 8\o..,1.Q <3 f- :kr v\ .w &.L. ))
=nil Ex \J 2-Q. .. r S C Y) \ t'\ ~C:J\.A-\ 0 r>
crL-f.-! \5> ~~ ? () \}.J~. r f'v \ h ~~ CUl ~
it far~. b -tN_ L€9-.~r 1:kJfu\:o Vl ( 1 6 .£eL.l m (\fV>'L.~
(1[0 unoQ. hi rn J BtvtQJl..~ VL~ +ko... I (J~ b\J \- 01- \i\ m <l ~&

iu ]) J rti<RQ VV\ c

'From +\\9..rtl13~nnttlr \(l\)Vlcho~ 'O~ =\·lJV<J

~n SR-- ( V *·,v~ vse. ~ 0·[ 12lX-raAltt{ 8\-r \J ~+\J yJt TN-. Ie ('~ 4- tJ

b-3 !If! '3 0 Y1 I,· i'D.. (111C4~~

I ( iYl tv Irli t.h -l\)lr~ b \) th (k h

ttJ (9,. (L 'P-~~ ~ol \) n (l:v 0- \ \ (l bt ~l Q. n ~ 1\ I l vJ \ \ \ t. \1 l-\i~Y\ y\.~ V----'Jl~-

OJ'\. & JO (~ \1- \) &J- W 6( ~ +W... Q ~ Ve. ~ t- <r J i vl4 j' ( ,- +vJ +()
J-w foh/lir.+6 1
\ T IU . &Q-CPld \.l~ Q lIm o£ r1~ h t o...:P~rJ
kj In 11-1 n.ca- on I,'m.. '1 t.Vi fu II ~ O\J CO-\') hOI;:; \, ~

Write (n the bo~ ~e nU~berof.the question yo~ are answering'\l
~ tl/s page as It IS desIgnated I n the exam. "/J .
I :L
Co n-hn u i Yl %= on Iim__ j i ~ f -H7 1/ ~ ou ~lX..1111 0 t~ I B o:tb
of +.N~. u&Q. 3 oj i>~ca.1\~i s \ r \J ~to ~. o...K. h'\i.0--~ + -\--()
~Vhb"f\7---L OSI& ~o\JY\<!
how. ~ ~9jvd. lbi. -f\n±
-t.vvt'?\t\JJJn~~ fu 6u£kriYl~ md-vct&: \JV\_<llr BrifiSh
1lL[t. I t!.rLd- lli ':?8-- e..o M U sg .Y.-hL ~ hlL ~ rLR S & ~f-----
IllIA heL\> VI V\Q~ 0 ~Jkrg °11 h1 LJ ~± fu I i /Ii VI n~
tu r ttn J- g=fa.J~. of fr-&Jo m a

T~ N-A V6-r/l~m.llb b~1)\(lS % o.\V I wf~ ~trSOVli}iQcJioY)

II S f1vJ i fl+ (} +Iv.. -In J"I &·H ~ 0 f 0.. S; -\Q...\Q.. ~ 0 'O.)J tr '{) ) ) I tU1 d
us-t/3 5+roV1~ \ , \ {\ \ ) Y \ :) ~ -kJ -tmp~6-BfL.t, 1h ~
a..w/ul Z+o.-k of gl(lvtf~)wCl-r&B\\U h o ( ( o r( li'V 1 . l. F f)
tVLDl <&hhor~O('L (11m \iJ .. 'BQ,)\n~ OJ:: 1Mh ~y~~1
=B.&SCl () \ S w r i H n '0 \vL +1\9. ':Dzu o...r oJ--\ 0 n Q t
111 d.J.;p ~t1 &!:n c;. I S 12 ~ C. \ £ i <:..oJ l.1}= -+~ f()..( + --rho \- w Y\ T\ e 11 3
..::t:h!o ttufl-Id-\'j of oj! hiWO iLnd.- tAb ( \ fjH & +lwf ~
born w;+h ~ II I iJ: I lLl2tr-Ko 0J1cf. +u pvrsu ft_·......;:;o_f _

hlL PPj 1'\ 0~ S.1)

1+ k\.l<lS :B o.Q nilear 1& ch a:lt q. t<l *= 1YI) t8.. $:f~lStJ n lS
aw 0 wo r<t~ +hD--1- ltd-- ~ h\ ~ . ~ IrrOl'\ ~ &+- 0--, ~ \l n\9Jl
In 'Po,,('(}, ~rA?h 3 J 13M 112 ttY :- RO\OtS Q\!+ ±YtCk--t- :{if"f:Rrson
ltV (' ~ \-L 1~R l ,d or d,,~ ~ <1-. t( 8 \ 0 \J ~ 1 ) -\{) 1M Cr CJ vJ ~ l 1, v±-
I'D VI aI '; ttl a H~r: "~ h.\ S <i W 1') 8 \<l\J e...0 0 I h. I i V\..l D1... }
J j O-..nNRg c b~%\r0\' U<61Vl % in\l~:ck&. ~ },e.l1knc l
r'H-r\lUIJrl wl-m II h.ovJ '¥\\-\(\..,\\\-l \'i:, I t p ' ",' Norh\.oJ~~
+N.. Sthkr1lk lJ,j()u\cl-.. \it e..()i'\HY\jt.kd ~o ~~ ~ow ~o..rt\.tt

l I
. ~ II
\/ Write in the box the number of the question you are
on this page as it is designated in the exam.
f<O :Hut+ ~lSQn ha~ Sl{j.ve.~ wk.Lh ~ QY\AJ.. WfO\-t
SO e+f\)I1~ In -kvor of }r-U.-&tJV¥l. 13u\- \\1\ ~~)
DCln V\.~\C~1 ,irs+- br} n J S \)12 ~fAr£Q n l S w r l' + f Yl.~ ~ J

+Am hi'S 810Vl- ownl "t'0 ]MrubY='s ~±lnH g+ rlle .hrd.-

~ I q h -r S =Je JAr & 0 n t ~ w rI H Y l} o..-b 0\l t -q vtJ e1 t 6-\-r\ 15\1-1-i'o'n
of ri'Jhts b'l Vl(u"n~ I t {o , d iR r in W 2.Zri+trl<:.L
lhl h \Y j \ - \ lr Q m(\fQ;,S tnL b'l ~ o~nb "1, t)f- L:P-fu~t n l 3
1 U J:( 0 n S tb a + tYl-U rXl,-----,m.,-=-==-orl.L. . .'-~.- - 'QJ=.:. . . . : :=t(l: . . ; . .JL -><:I? _

\0 +hL lo-&-\-- iO£()"~f~0J) 1 ) o "o n lh r \j~a oJ\\¥ lsoiiQ Y 1

lV\ h~ 1Y IN hJ.-t\ tv... INri-k ~ lJ v~·s\Jm.l --\-tl -yrl-'aer\'e.Q...)\ ..
~\, D A\.\\ *.c <L-t-\Qn 8\nOO=\-b~ fu W()('&-~ l O-fLci mat.L.~ + hi,
(5.e n..f£ 'n.Q 2 I £/0 v.J in fA- mel n yu',r th.aJ-: O' howe MAxu W
~ ~
Me.! Ht!!'lQ-Ih ... HI a ~i'\L tQ.mcU~ w\<.,nt Ii- wQ.S

+n-Y=()IJ~\to\t+ --\'k~ 'V':Hi ~ tAtq)UANl

b u t 1Ll(,!l<i'V\~
_13 Q..../1 YlJ leu iS hat h 't-rn~ fa Q-.f'\~~gf ~::fN~ 0 n
f't.iA-l/yj I M.. i,s J\Jg-\- 1=f ~ \ Y\~ ~ ~1 h\ VV\. ttl a.. Q,-\- If

-Ad hL. fS do i I't~ +h.t & k\j ~l V1 -tt (1\ %- 0 vi-

w KD..--\- .~~. bJ~ 'tH'l=- "\Ui ~,N--(g '\><i in-H. 0\)+ ro olo..-~
In eJl1& ~ B ~ -&JA-r 80 0 co.:n (.J.- h-l. 0-- +r v{. krt/i'-tvtr
tn £reuhm untIl k!- IdS hiJ' sl(),.IJ~:3 §-,-O~f _
Wlite i~~~~ l'be number of the question you ~~g .;;l.
on 1;l1is:rtge a4it is designated in the exam. l~' 1...- _

"~B~kr~ is hkj l +0 ~~k.r ,s fo I2 e AH / ~f, II rl1 &&;/ ~/11(Y1

~lAer~ IRfkc fo ~ -""je,fl&nor? {},fuI G-e-«Je w<'?ht';7io{}t he
~tq 1Y)4iYI&+ Ir!t£ very · I+rs ~/lf hi] J?&l ,.~ M S~ frl tVZ&Y;

LlJIJ· ~lemr1 1wLe, iI- fl)lVtfU/ker~ ®jt-e IS ~ I$l q, pm'1/~/>~

~~~U~Y'11 auJ. ailuSi'bm.
13m!'1flt IYt ~11~ persM,Hr& nallll'''e/ by ~hJ ".,. cie &ee
--r~~~1vJ ~·f itw& Nom~ & t..Jh.-et, !j.fJ(/ we I'e f/tf,'fkd by /lAfv~. '/
Th;? IS %'J.{ tv shew ftuf ~ f4.,'np eMu ~ !Zdvce I tV7d ~
:laiJY/l vJJu.f /3 B.revtI.d. ~, ~ au+bs- fA ($0 SM "LiJeo/1 ~vrre I ~
-fkv; ~ r1af'rl3w rye-ill Jr" egg w~ "C1, ~) IJ ~ /jII1~keJ l.U; fI, f"es,.oeei- -/D
~ 1/ 11/15 s~ M he ()J(J.ff/t5 ff!Jfk to see ~~ An-Lf?f/~

.. r 1 ~
() s petflg I ~ c/i1e 'Ni'd-e I Ywf~& trI/+sI'J.R. ~~ L<N,'1 fy ~~
+0 ~ ac Ckp1eJ. lfi,~ I ) U£r\ w~.' k ~ \ I TJz us ~Iu I ( pvc £u-rls
k ()'\ I~£l IdfJ{. ~,~ aILfi be/lfkD!et?~ to~ ~ . r 7

Partlllel/5f~ 13 ofk.t1 tJU 10 CApture i

'Me ('f;))v~ tc!i&zf,''M
a C£[#(n r{lltQJ ~Il () works. rh0,~ fk CftK ;/1 M e Ie -Her ~
roia.I'I-'Yl 1kl n-t/6P:, /Ie l/)ef) +k (!.y)+ fat'{}{J1Vh -Iv ~fC¥ ~
fe.JJ.1Rf .r5- a&~8rl b;; sa If:" \~Re.p/e 0{- flu" {- -h'rvLe, "r] vJh,&1 ed!Py

.M V rvlM a,'J I!L~ v{)etVa~I(L!i.e (Ili1J ,If[ wh;tkJ ~ h.Dee f'Drklvl--(.. w

i,U )(Ia fu ospeck '" ~fI~ l.Ire8 pantlte/tsyn ~-a/Yl /4.0 6 /2

-fhL pe- ((AJt¥ h ~ gfa1irLo l' Y011 Wrl() f- hv+.k Le I- :Jou Cs. 01- bvi- I • • (141

(). cJ;. (veIN IMig, +irlAt ~ 1{?reJm t fke.k., 130ftr tko.n f I.c.r 0 r ~m&hn,
I • I 'I

W'f, iJ'RJ. 90 {he, CfAk w-:tA revvteAktj if /1.()f£z.~ eke, -Hzofe very
{?QR2, .
( .".
~f.,hDU( QbDW- ~ J'li"ua;KC!Qj r-cdb4c 10.w [Q,td:...---'_
bctClL abnwt- 1+ bk lAJankol ,daAre1J fb JhPJ CW1c;i
ihm L\l OJ C{; OJI. ,
_ _ _ _ _·--=--1ht~Tht\L of Ban~f ldfw
Q.( . I~"'D v~'. . ' ~ C0t . ' (),. 1-

_~e.WI_ eJf~\'1 . V\~~\) f\a -kL-tj Q;na. }k' to N.- Sm-:£{

·-Jh,v'eCliO~i\ 10< ~~ J:e(f'f\t.d to VlLLue/ Cl pfAv1 f
--tbeJ N uJ Mk d O.ctrlro-wd) Qnd-.~~(",,--)J-_ _
~J ~ (M-f~ his tune
flli/t'0/fe' OlAf
__Ptlnhlw a.lIb U{a1 a pwutUL .r~fu/0
Th ~. Q L( !l rW 'i(\-iY1r;. Glen
POI n r a],J-- l? _ ~
.. - __ ••.._•. .....__,_._._...L..-
~ .~~_~. , . _ ._ _ . .__ .._. _... .. _ _ .••
~ .
~. _.. __ ..__ '~ . .__ 4"'.•
'_""""",~ _

(/?~ I A r ~ ~ 11 t--
Write in the box the number ofthe question you are answering
on thIS page as It IS desIgnated In the exam.

,?,~~h, 'iJ ~. JaJy)t. ~ J. (~

DnL V\W.t o.ppfbXlmakMj !... ~ia1 {(1 Ih
1 t~CV\ D~\Q'!f
lAh-th'fNJ} txlMj [(Va) [ljVJ,row
[NOI Q . WlkJjlY rN.iM~c4i .rwtic!Jy ~ CiJltJJe1j)VJ ~
0 U F D )n} cWf)~t ftCUJrA1;. Willi CbYhfDL{J!l@t~
_ _~~,[~)Yh...:.-L..pLn~ f'!fWflrlCf£) ~ lAJJj aPtL
__ -PJq
----'~tu_,.." bls .l[eQ~ fu PIC~ !1(J Dh@y
rn n lJ fact!. le~ terni -(DUne ()jj;)
_ _NJoed pew k rea~ 'IV) ~. (tbfcrj
.,SlalrfA /4 V1aiJAi .~~ ~.'
,rtf~ed, , ' .
_ _--,-- 1:Y:hjillnIVl ~/ Wd[~ul _
_ ~l})~f[le.dLtcafed tir¥uo Wto lASeD. VUJ trnatdJ_
0Arv! rbeho ccJ Jhoiq'jeJ fp UNWfJj b1r ptil Vlt -
D t-- - \!1 t w L1hb.ut J~~. h-le, lAW Ct.
_~0f2-iim,\)t CUId m ly ~ri b Snp Jl(J)J£M/J
C1Yv! .r~ VY) blift ~ (j)6bibwktl '10 '-/hcJ I
Write in the box the number of the question you are answerin(\
on this page as it is designated in the exam. ~ ~ '--
I J- ---'

tl1 thlJ' }e11er- to Itf[BdolJtb&n: Cz~ ~hyreJ-?r7a:1 J'P-ck~·pr" t1~,r

ItrlCi.h is 5pe~Ic~~ o~+' C,Cjc."hJ+ fJ1t6yy L..-'/'j1, P~J'f/Y/l) Q,z,d q i-ev'7 frof&J/'19J.;c!
f011&, l.,vtjr /}' 0 h:'.f';T7,cc I JJhft?cJ'( q 1r;J~B lv,·tb C; /1i.t1l ?7h t etj.,! 0-<-O:~..p~r.,.J'
tl1 Iltr.f ?-/ /3Cfhht~/cecll~(7Je[ 0e D~~L~P9h 0Crhkpeteb;~ertJ~t~4
~Lvrr1eh b~·tI~)JJt;JTe{'fe;70n _.(thE M /i 5I t we4,o)tl-j1eSf? tl<-.-tbf "/.7
Ixo 5'e!+t>h df?h+f "thc.±c,IIInf!h 9ff Cf'1'{c*',J t!.'!0,."I, Citlj t!:J.cz i"t,e-I q~c'f-td.Qb..:<rI hy
-the/r-- C/73c fq;- ~/4h L'le~fr;.lb L.r.h e:,!,PhchJfJ rlfJhfJ J 'l/1c-}- Q)41,;jh~{f1T?JSe c,/(O I/R i


tht;·t hcu} elrtxt1111hcJ 'fslcelJ c;l--<;y-FroM i7 r}"1 ~ He /of"-1-4ilI/ op }-JI?j' J~t7hfY! 41 J'

ht'LS'-e, h J +.Illht,ly d/ F?<1, :10 b

';1 fJi-.. ' e,. d Jc~.j'e And by fIyo 811 d {;if:·Pw .fto ty
I ?

ht? IS S/~t-/05 • 11~/C4?A /1'7.:"7 p!/~ CJ£..' C,f'-7~ rbed1.tif'C! (J']Yh rjc'--teJ

+Crr~ I -kJ God tt, J?7~17 c; // o-p., P,1.1 b4-1- }1cj- iJ h.t;rj- tzt;] jJ!p/l.'-j- 1(., ~-rz,,~r
le-mr. 9,6 'TO)LJ h..JJ'" '~h(lr f/ ° ,+
4 y f}L ' J04 '/4 t'17 I

- - - - - - - - 1 f-
Write in the box the number of the question you are answering
on this page as it is designated in the exam. a

~ .\W .- "m:V-\-'O\l/, 0; -ViAJL u.s ncroe Gffle,-c [c:.o.05


0r~ -C:\f\~.,C·9..'D~,6. C,~ ~ J Q..1.-Q.'\ - \ 'n C L \ \'D\~) -e:Ve..a

'rn0~On 1=(\ C., \-e.-\\·e:.C \0·[\ \ , \ to 'v0\\ \6 ':::X 1 JC \-rY \\ vl fu n -

~-tVrec) ..\-CR\'hS o.-'\:x)l;\ 'a C \lA ,) \)\C'~ fQ\-Vyf\f CAOC\ 0; \\30..r5
v-e-~,(--~. \J\c..\-e m S c-=> f \--\1\\ ~ -\-("'~«) eo .\: £ \ \--lJ c \ A- , CJ 0 ' ~ Aro

~Y\ \ ffi ~Y)eu-e.. ~ffi(Jsk\=~ S: G
'9(\\..\(\ 0
\Y "'!),\l. \..Jv-exe CO~C.ift'.-{.,JW,

\o~\·e(\, C'N')Q\ \40 ~ \tE:C\6 \:0 ~ \6C\f\M\~-e·C\Cb \~ \-\ c:r

~-e:- \..:fQ e..s Cd\\C~\QO -\-D -e.x..~-C-<;:D<a '0 'CO Q:<\@-E::rro --\c ne:~
\-\e... \;fE \cC O \..Y c>'("' c\,"::> \ \.\h e. \\J CQA-L>C\ I( ) \ \ \) \0 \e f\C t j
\.\ c...'ue-<\'t
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S?-o\, \-'\r\D:ts ~.\J)Dr\=) S1A6- \lCx'>=£. Q.Lb.{L;\-\~C \, fe 6\ttC

\VUL\'€..,~. )0.t~l cab\. ~r-L ~ 5">~~ L+- ~6..~n (-1-

\~·ue. CAC\c\ \:4 ,Q \l
lDC>U\c-\. ~f'\"\ ~ ('u1). 'v)\>± ~\.r ~ d ~

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