Chapt 26

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Chapter 26

1. The thin envelope of life that surrounds the earth's surface is called the:
A) atmosphere
B) biosphere
C) lithosphere
D) hydrosphere
E) ecosystem

2. A collection of organisms together with their physical and chemical factors are called
A) atmosphere
B) biosphere
C) lithosphere
D) hydrosphere
E) ecosystem

3. The terrestrial realm of the biosphere is distributed into particular climatic regions
A) niches
B) habitats
C) populations
D) communities
E) biomes

4. A group of organisms of the same species within a community is called a/an:

A) niche
B) habitat
C) population
D) community
E) biome

5. The overall role that a species serves in a community is its:

A) niche
B) habitat
C) population
D) community
E) biome

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6. The physical location in the environment to which an organism has adapted is its:
A) niche
B) habitat
C) population
D) community
E) biome

7. Which trophic level forms the base of a food chain?

A) primary consumers
B) quarternary consumers
C) secondary consumers
D) primary producers
E) tertiary consumers

8. Which is mismatched:
A) parasitism – one organism benefits and the other receives no benefit
B) competition – one organism gives off substances that inhibit or kill other
C) predator – seeks out and ingests live prey
D) scavengers – feed on live to dead cells and wastes
E) omnivores – feed on plants and flesh

9. Carbon dioxide (CO2 ) is:

A) removed from the atmosphere during photosynthesis
B) a source of carbon
C) returned to the atmosphere during respiration and fermentation
D) used by marine organisms to make limestone for their hard shells
E) all of the choices are correct

10. The energy of photons is converted into chemical energy during:

A) ammonification
B) nitrogen fixation
C) photosynthesis
D) nitrification
E) denitrification

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11. The conversion of gaseous nitrogen (N 2 ) to ammonia (NH4 +) occurs during:
A) ammonification
B) nitrogen fixation
C) photosynthesis
D) nitrification
E) denitrification

12. The oxidation of ammonia (NH4 +) to nitrate (NO3 -) is called:

A) ammonification
B) nitrogen fixation
C) photosynthesis
D) nitrification
E) denitrification

13. The conversion of nitrate (NO3 -) to nitrogen gas (N 2 ) is called:

A) ammonification
B) nitrogen fixation
C) photosynthesis
D) nitrification
E) denitrification

14. Which of the following is a nitrogen fixing microbe that also photosynthesizes?
A) Rhizobium
B) Nitrobacter
C) Pseudomonas
D) Nostoc
E) Azotobacter

15. Which of the following is a nitrifying microbe?

A) Rhizobium
B) Nitrobacter
C) Pseudomonas
D) Nostoc
E) Azotobacter

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16. Which of the following can carry out denitrification to completion?
A) Rhizobium
B) Nitrobacter
C) Pseudomonas
D) Nostoc
E) Azotobacter

17. Which organism is a nitrogen fixing symbiont of legumes?

A) Rhizobium
B) Nitrobacter
C) Pseudomonas
D) Nostoc
E) Azotobacter

18. Thiobacillus thiooxidans is found in an environmental sample. Which of the following

should then apply to this sample?
A) contains lithotrophs
B) probably obtained from mining drainage
C) very acidic
D) contains microbes that oxidize sulfur to sulfates
E) all of the choices are correct

19. Which of the following is incorrect about photosynthesis?

A) the light-dependent reactions require chlorophyll and light energy
B) in oxygenic photosynthesis, photolysis is the source of O2
C) the light- independent reactions produce ATP and NADPH
D) CO2 is required in the light- independent reactions
E) photosynthetic pigments function to absorb light

20. Lichens have all the following characteristics except :

A) leguminous plants
B) a complex symbiotic relationship
C) early colonizers of rocks
D) important to the development of soil
E) an association of a fungus and a green alga or cyanobacterium

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21. Using microbes to break down or remove toxic wastes in water and soil is called:
A) decomposition
B) synergism
C) mineralization
D) bioremediation
E) recycling

22. The sediment in a lake, composed of organic debris and mud, is termed the:
A) photic zone
B) benthic zone
C) profundal zone
D) littoral zone
E) limnetic zone

23. All of the following pertain to red tides except:

A) due to overgrowth of red algae in water
B) due to overgrowth of toxin-producing dinoflagellates
C) cause paralytic shellfish poisoning
D) involve toxin concentrating in shellfish
E) humans can become ill from eating the shellfish

24. Eutrophication:
A) encourages heavy surface algal blooms
B) can block the O2 supply to the lake
C) occurs when there are excess nutrients in aquatic ecosystems
D) causes massive die-off of fish and invertebrates
E) all of the choices are correct

25. Potable water is:

A) contaminated
B) polluted
C) safe to drink
D) foul testing
E) none of the choices are correct

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26. Indictor bacteria are:
A) coliforms
B) enterococci
C) evidence of fecal contamination
D) used in water quality tests
E) all of the choices are correct

27. Analysis of a water sample by a series of presumptive, confirmatory, and completed

tests that help establish an estimate of coliform numbers in the water is called:
A) membrane filter method
B) most probable number (MPN) procedure
C) standard plate count
D) coliform determination test
E) none of the choices are correct

28. Which is the first step in water purification?

A) chlorination
B) aeration and settling
C) sedimentation
D) storage
E) filtration

29. Water moves through sand beds and activated charcoal in this step of water purification:
A) chlorination
B) aeration and settling
C) sedimentation
D) storage
E) filtration

30. The yeast used in making bread, beer, and wine is:
A) Saccharomyces cerevisiae
B) Leuconostoc mesenteroides
C) Streptococcus lactis and Lactobacillus
D) Propionibacterium
E) Spirulina

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31. These bacteria ferment milk lactose, producing acids that curdle the milk:
A) Saccharomyces cerevisiae
B) Leuconostoc mesenteroides
C) Streptococcus lactis and Lactobacillus
D) Propionibacterium
E) Spirulina

32. This organism is used to initiate the fermentation of cabbage to make sauerkraut:
A) Saccharomyces cerevisiae
B) Leuconostoc mesenteroides
C) Streptococcus lactis and Lactobacillus
D) Propionibacterium
E) Spirulina

33. This organism is used to make Swiss cheese:

A) Saccharomyces cerevisiae
B) Leuconostoc mesenteroides
C) Streptococcus lactis and Lactobacillus
D) Propionibacterium
E) Spirulina

34. What is made by adding Streptococcus thermophilus and Lactobacillus bulgaricus to

A) kefir
B) cheese
C) sour cream
D) tofu
E) yogurt

35. Which step in making beer involves sprouting and softening the barley to release
amylases to act on starch, and proteases to digest protein?
A) preparing a mash
B) malting
C) aging
D) wort is boiled with hops
E) fermentation

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36. All of the following are foodborne pathogens except:
A) Salmonella
B) Campylobacter
C) Streptococcus
D) Clostridium
E) Staphylococcus aureus

37. Preservation of food to limit microbial survival and growth includes:

A) high temperature and pressure
B) pasteurization
C) refrigeration and freezing
D) irradiation
E) all of the choices are correct

38. Which is not used as a chemical preservative in food?

A) antibiotics
B) organic acids
C) sulfite
D) ethylene and propylene oxide gases
E) salt

39. Bacillus thuringiensis:

A) causes food poisoning
B) is a biopesticide
C) is used in cheese- making
D) is a microorganism used as food
E) all of the choices are correct

40. Living or dead organisms that occupy an organism's habitat are called biotic factors.
A) True
B) False

41. The primary role of producers is the recycling of nutrients in an ecosystem.

A) True
B) False

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42. The combustion of fossil fuels, such as coal, oil, and gas, have contributed to the steady
increase in atmosphere CO2 gas over the last 25 years.
A) True
B) False

43. Phytoplankton is composed of protozoa and small invertebrates.

A) True
B) False

44. Mycorrhizae are the mutualistic relationship between fungi and the roots of certain
A) True
B) False

45. In the secondary phase of water treatment, organic matter undergoes biodegradation by
a diverse mix of bacteria, algae, and protozoa.
A) True
B) False

46. Rennin is added to cheese to help preserve it.

A) True
B) False

47. In batch fermentation, substrate is added continuously and the product is siphoned off
throughout the run.
A) True
B) False

48. The science called microbial _____ studies interactions between microbes and their
environment and how those interactions affect the earth.

49. Organisms that inhabit soil or water and breakdown and absorb the organic matter of
dead organisms are called _____.

50. Carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide are believed to be _____
gases that could disrupt the temperature balance of the earth.

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51. The slowly decaying organic litter from plant and animal tissues that is found in the soil
is called _____.

52. An _____ is the term for a deep groundwater source.

53. An _____ is a region where the river meets the sea.

54. _____ is a floating, surface microbial community that drifts with the currents and

55. A food _____ results from ingestion of exotoxin secreted by bacterial cells growing in
the food.

56. A food _____ results from ingestion of whole microbial cells that target the intestine.

57. A _____ is a device used for growing mass fermenting cultures.

58. Discuss the specific effects caused by the runoff of organic industrial waste into a
freshwater stream.

59. Discuss and give several examples of the use of microbes in bioremediation and

60. Compare and contrast the starting materials, processing steps, and microbes used in
brewing beer and making wine.

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