Chapt 3

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Chapter 3.

Problem Solutions

1. A photon and a particle have the same wavelength. Can anything be said about how their
linear momenta compare? About how the photon's energy compares with the particle's total
energy? About how the photon’s energy compares with the particle's kinetic energy?
From Equation (3.1), any particle’s wavelength is determined by its momentum, and hence particles
with the same wavelength have the same momenta. With a common momentum p, the photon’s
energy is pc, and the particle’s energy is ( pc )2 + (mc 2 )2 , which is necessarily greater than pc for a
massive particle. The particle’s kinetic energy is

(pc )2 + (mc 2 )
K = E − mc 2 = − mc 2
For low values of p (p<<mc for a nonrelativistic massive particle), the kinetic energy is K ≈ p2/2m,
which is necessarily less than pc. For a relativistic massive particle, K ≈ pc – mc2, and K is less than
the photon energy. The kinetic energy of a massive particle will always be less than pc, as can be
seen by using E = (pc)2 + (mc2)2 to obtain
( pc )2 − K 2 = 2Kmc 2.

Inha University Department of Physics

Chapter 3. Problem Solutions

3. Find the de Broglie wavelength of a 1.0-mg grain of sand blown by the wind at a speed of 20 m/s.
For this nonrelativistic case,
h 6.63 × 10−34 J ⋅ s
λ= = −
= 3.3 × 10− 29 m;
mv (1.0 × 10 kg)(20 m/s)

quantum effects certainly would not be noticed for such an object.

5. By what percentage will a nonrelativistle calculation of the de Broglie wavelength of a 100-keV

electron be in error?
Because the de Broglie wavelength depends only on the electron's momentum, the percentage error
in the wavelength will be the same as the percentage error in the reciprocal of the momentum, with
the nonrelativistic calculation giving the higher wavelength due to a lower calculated momentum.
The nonrelativistic momentum is
pnr = 2mK = 2( 9.1 × 10−31 kg)(100 × 103 eV)(1.6 × 10-19 J/eV)
= 1.71 × 10− 22 kg ⋅ m /s,
and the relativistic momentum is

pr =
(K + mc ) − (mc )
2 2 2 2
= ( 0.100 + (0.511)2 MeV /c = 1.79 × 10− 22 kg ⋅ m/s,

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Chapter 3. Problem Solutions

keeping extra figures in the intermediate calculations. The percentage error in the computed de
Broglie wavelength is then
(h / pnr ) − (h / pr ) pr − pnr 1.79 − 1.71
= = = 4.8 % .
h / pr pnr 1.71

7. The atomic spacing in rock salt, NaCl, is 0.282 nm. Find the kinetic energy (in eV) of a neutron
with a de Broglie wavelength of 0.282 nm. Is a relativistic calculation needed? Such neutrons
can be used to study crystal structure.
A nonrelativistic calculation gives
p 2 (hc /λ )2 (hc )2 (1.24 × 10−6 eV ⋅ m) 2
K = = = = = 1.03 × 10− 3 eV
2m 2mc 2
2mc λ2 2
2(939.6 × 10 eV)(0.282 × 10 m)
6 - 9 2

(Note that in the above calculation, multiplication of numerator and denominator by c2 and use of
the product hc in terms of electronvolts avoided further unit conversion.) This energy is much less
than the neutron's rest energy, and so the nonrelativistic calculation is completely valid.

Inha University Department of Physics

Chapter 3. Problem Solutions

9. Green light has a wavelength of about 550 nm. Through what potential difference must an
electron be accelerated to have this wavelength?
A nonrelativistic calculation gives
p 2 (hc / λ )2 (hc ) 2 (1.24 × 10− 6 eV ⋅ m) 2 −6
K = = = = = 5. 0 × 10 eV,
2m 2mc 2 2(mc 2 )λ2 2( 511 × 103 eV)(550 × 10- 9 m) 2
so the electron would have to be accelerated through a potential difference of 5.0 x 10-6 V = 5.0 µV.
Note that the kinetic energy is very small compared to the electron rest energy, so the nonrelativistic
calculation is valid. (In the above calculation, multiplication of numerator and denominator by c2 and
use of the product he in terms of electronvolts avoided further unit conversion.)

11. Show that if the total energy of a moving particle greatly exceeds its rest energy, its de Broglie
wavelength is nearly the same as the wavelength of a photon with the same total energy.
If E2 = (pc)2 + (mc2)2 >> (mc2)2, then pc >> mc2 and E ≈ pc. For a photon with the same energy,
E = pc, so the momentum of such a particle would be nearly the same as a photon with the same
energy, and so the de Broglie wavelengths would be the same.

Inha University Department of Physics

Chapter 3. Problem Solutions

13. An electron and a proton have the same velocity Compare the wavelengths and the phase and
group velocities of their de Broglie waves.
For massive particles of the same speed, relativistic or nonrelativistic, the momentum will be
proportional to the mass, and so the de Broglie wavelength will be inversely proportional to the
mass; the electron will have the longer wavelength by a factor of (mp/me) = 1838. From Equation
(3.3) the particles have the same phase velocity and from Equation (3.16) they have the same
group velocity.

15. Verify the statement in the text that, if the phase velocity is the same for all wavelengths of
a certain wave phenomenon (that is, there is no dispersion), the group and phase velocities
are the same.
Suppose that the phase velocity is independent of wavelength, and hence independent of the wave
number k; then, from Equation (3.3), the phase velocity vp = (ω/k) = u, a constant. It follows that
because ω = uk,

vg = = u = v p.

Inha University Department of Physics

Chapter 3. Problem Solutions

17. The phase velocity of ocean waves is gλ / 2π , where g is the acceleration of gravity. Find
the group velocity of ocean waves
The phase velocity may be expressed in terms of the wave number k = 2π/λ as
ω g
vp = = , or ω = gk or ω 2 = gk.
k k
Finding the group velocity by differentiating ω(k) with respect to k,
dω 1 1 1 g 1ω 1
vg = = g = = = v p.
dk 2 k 2 k 2k 2
Using implicit differentiation in the formula for ω2(k),

2ω = 2ωv g = g ,
g gk ω2 ω 1
so that v g = = = = = vp,
2ω 2ωk 2ωk 2k 2
the same result. For those more comfortable with calculus, the dispersion relation may be expressed as
2 ln(ω ) = ln(k ) + ln(g ),
dω dk 1ω 1
from which 2 = , and v g = = v p.
ω k 2k 2

Inha University Department of Physics

Chapter 3. Problem Solutions

19. Find the phase and group velocities of the de Broglie waves of an electron whose kinetic energy
is 500 keV.
【Sol】 1 K + mc 2 500 + 511
For a kinetic energy of 500 keV, γ = = 2
= = 1.978.
1 − v /c
2 2 mc 511
Solving for v,
v = c 1 − (1/γ )2 = c 1 − (1/1.978)2 = 0.863c ,
and from Equation (3.16), vg = v = 0.863c. The phase velocity is then vp = c2 /vg = 1.16 c.

21. (a) Show that the phase velocity of the de Broglie waves of a particle of mass m and de Broglie
wavelength λ is given by
 mc λ 
vp = c 1 +  
 h 
(b) Compare the phase and group velocities of an electron whose de Broglie wavelength is
exactly 1 x 10-13 m.
(a) Two equivalent methods will be presented here. Both will assume the validity of Equation
(3.16), in that vg = v.
First: Express the wavelength x in terms of vg,
h h h v g2
λ= = = 1− 2.
p mv g γ mv g c

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Multiplying by mvg, squaring and solving for vg2 gives
h 2   mλc  2 
vg =
= c 1 + 
  .
( λm ) + (h /c )
2 2 2
  h  
Taking the square root and using Equation (3.3), vp = c2/vg, gives the desired result.
Second: Consider the particle energy in terms of vp = c2 lvg;
E 2 = ( pc )2 + mc 2 ( )2
γ mc 2
( )
2 2
(mc 2 )2 2
 hc 
( )2
=   + mc 2 .
1−c 2
/v 2p  λ 
Dividing by (mc2)2leads to
c2 1
1− 2 = , so that
v p 1 + h 2 /(mc λ )2
c2 1 h 2 (mcλ )2 1
− 1 = = = ,
vp 1 + h /(mcλ )
2 2
h (mcλ ) + 1 1 + (mcλ ) /h
2 2 2 2

which is an equivalent statement of the desired result.

It should be noted that in the first method presented above could be used to find λ in terms of vp
directly, and in the second method the energy could be found in terms of vg. The final result is, or
course, the same.

Inha University Department of Physics

(b) Using the result of part (a),
 (9.1 × 10− 31 kg)(3.0 × 108 m/s)(1.0 × 10-13 m) 
v p = c 1 +  −34
 = 1.00085c ,

 6.63 × 10 J⋅s 
and vg = c2/vp = 0.99915c.
For a calculational shortcut, write the result of part (a) as
2 2
 mc 2λ   (511 × 103 eV)(1.00 × 10-13 m) 
v p = c 1 +   = c 1+ 
  −
 = 1.00085c .

 hc   1.24 × 10 eV ⋅ m

In both of the above answers, the statement that the de Broglie wavelength is “exactly” 10-13 m
means that the answers can be given to any desired precision.

23. What effect on the scattering angle in the Davisson-Germer experiment does increasing the
electron energy have?
Increasing the electron energy increases the electron's momentum, and hence decreases the electron's
de Broglie wavelength. From Equation (2.13), a smaller de Broglie wavelength results in a smaller
scattering angle.

Inha University Department of Physics

Chapter 3. Problem Solutions

25. In Sec. 3.5 it was mentioned that the energy of an electron entering a crystal increase, which
reduces its de Broglie wavelength. Consider a beam of 54-eV electrons directed at a nickel
target. The potential energy of an electron that enters the target changes by 26 eV. (a) Compare
the electron speeds outside and inside the target. (b) Compare the respective de Broglie

(a) For the given energies, a nonrelativistic calculation is sufficient;
2K 2( 54 eV)(1.60 × 10-19 J/eV)
v = = − 31
= 4.36 m/s
m 9.1 × 10 kg
outside the crystal, and (from a similar calculation, with K = 80 eV), v = 5.30 x 106 m/s inside the
crystal (keeping an extra significant figure in both calculations).
(b) With the speeds found in part (a), the de Brogile wavelengths are found from
h h 6.63 × 10− 34 J ⋅ s
λ= = = −
= 1.67 × 10−10 m,
p mv ( 9.11 × 10 kg)(4.36 × 10 m/s)
31 6

or 0.167 nm outside the crystal, with a similar calculation giving 0.137 nm inside the crystal.

Inha University Department of Physics

Chapter 3. Problem Solutions

27. Obtain an expression for the energy levels (in MeV) of a neutron confined to a one-dimensional
box 1.00 x 10 -14 m wide. What is the neutron's minimum energy? (The diameter of an atomic
nucleus is of this order of magnitude.)
From Equation (3.18),
h2 (6.63 × 10−34 J ⋅ s) 2
En = n 2
=n 2
= n 2 3.28 × 10−13 J = n 2 20.5 MeV.
8mL 2 8(1.67 × 10− 27 kg)(1.00 × 10-14 m) 2
The minimum energy, corresponding to n = 1, is 20.5 MeV

29. A proton in a one-dimensional box has an energy of 400 keV in its first excited state. How
wide is the box?

The first excited state corresponds to n = 2 in Equation (3.18). Solving for the width L,

h2 ( 6.63 × 10− 34 J ⋅ s) 2
L =n =2
8mE 2 8(1.67 × 10− 27 kg)(400 × 103 eV)(1.60 × 10-19 J/eV)
= 4.53 × 10−14 m = 45.3 fm.

Inha University Department of Physics

Chapter 3. Problem Solutions

31. The atoms in a solid possess a certain minimum zero-point energy even at 0 K, while no such
restriction holds for the molecules in an ideal gas. Use the uncertainty principle to explain these
Each atom in a solid is limited to a certain definite region of space - otherwise the assembly of atoms
would not be a solid. The uncertainty in position of each atom is therefore finite, and its momentum
and hence energy cannot be zero. The position of an ideal-gas molecule is not restricted, so the
uncertainty in its position is effectively infinite and its momentum and hence energy can be zero.

33. The position and momentum of a 1.00-keV electron are simultaneously determined. If its
position is located to within 0.100 nm, what is the percentage of uncertainty in its momentum?
The percentage uncertainty in the electron's momentum will be at least
∆p h h hc
= = =
p 4πp∆x 4π∆x 2mK 4π∆x 2(mc )2 K
(1.24 × 10− 6 eV ⋅ m)
= = 3.1 × 10− 2 = 3.1 %.
4π (1.00 × 10−10 m) 2(511 × 103 eV)(1.00 × 103 eV)
Note that in the above calculation, conversion of the mass of the electron into its energy equivalent in
electronvolts is purely optional; converting the kinetic energy into joules and using h = 6.626 x 10-34
J·s will of course give the same percentage uncertainty.

Inha University Department of Physics

Chapter 3. Problem Solutions
35. How accurately can the position of a proton with v << c be determined without giving it more
than 1.00 keV of kinetic energy?
The proton will need to move a minimum distance
v∆t ≥ v ,
where v can be taken to be
2K 2 ∆E
v = = , so that
m m
2K h h hc
v ∆t = = =
m 4π∆E 2π 2mK 2π 2(mc 2 )K
1.24 × 10−6 eV ⋅ m
= = 1.44 × 10−13 m = 0.144 pm.
2π 2( 938 × 106 MeV)(1.00 × 103 eV)
(See note to the solution to Problem 3-33 above).
The result for the product v∆t may be recognized as v∆t ≥ h/2πp; this is not inconsistent with
Equation (3.21), ∆x ∆p ≥ h/4π . In the current problem, ∆E was taken to be the (maximum) kinetic

( )
energy of the proton. In such a situation,
∆ p2 p
∆E = = 2 ∆p = 2v∆p,
m m
which is consistent with the previous result.

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37. A marine radar operating at a frequency of 9400 MHz emits groups of electromagnetic waves
0.0800 µs in duration. The time needed for the reflections of these groups to return indicates
the distance to a target. (a) Find the length of each group and the number of waves it contains.
(b) What is the approximate minimum bandwidth (that is, spread of frequencies) the radar
receiver must be able to process?
(a) The length of each group is
c∆t = (3.0 × 108 m/s)(8.0 × 10-5 s) = 24 m.
The number of waves in each group is the pulse duration divided by the wave period, which is the
pulse duration multiplied by the frequency,
(8.0 × 10− 8 s)(4900 × 106 Hz) = 752 waves.
(b) The bandwidth is the reciprocal of the pulse duration,

(8.0 × 10−8 s)-1 = 12.5 MHz.

Inha University Department of Physics

Chapter 3. Problem Solutions
39. The frequency of oscillation of a harmonic oscillator of mass m and spring constant C is
ν = C /m / 2π . The energy of the oscillator is E = p2/2m + Cx2/2, where p is its
momentum when its displacement from the equilibrium position is x. In classical physics
the minimum energy of the oscillator is Emin = 0. Use the uncertainty principle to find an
expression for E in terms of x only and show that the minimum energy is actually Emin =
hν/2 by setting dE/dx = 0 and solving for Emin .
To use the uncertainty principle, make the identification of p with ∆p and x with ∆x, so that
p = h/ (4πx), and
 h 2  1 C  2
E = E ( x ) =  2  2 +   x .
 8π m  x 2
Differentiating with respect to x and setting E = 0,
 h2  1
−  2  3 + Cx = 0,
which is solved for  4π m  x
x2 = .
2π mC
Substution of this value into E(x) gives
 h 2  2π mC   C  h  h C hν
E min =  2   +   = = .
 8π m  h   2  2π mC  2π m 2

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