Pump and Hydraulic Calculation

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Pump and Hydraulic Calculation hm

η hyd =
Total Static Head (h, m) is different elevation Overall Efficiency (ηo) is the ration of theory power
between suction head and delivery head. with actual power.
h = hd ± hs Ptheory γQh m
ηo = =
Pactual P
γ =Specific Weight = gρ (N/m3)
P = Drive power (W)

Energy Equation (Bernouli’s Equation)

P1 V2 P V2
+ Z 1 + 1 + h p − hL = 2 + Z 2 + 2
γ 2g γ 2g

Suction Head (hs, m) is elevation different from Where

minimum possibility of water surface level to center P1 = Pressure from 1st reference point (Pa)
line of suction pump. (- when reference point higher P2 = Pressure from 2nd reference point (Pa)
than suction pump, + when reference point lower than Z1 = water level from 1st reference point (m)
suction pump) Z2 = water level from 2nd reference point (m)
Discharge Head or Delivery Head (hd, m) is V1 = Decreasing velocity of 1st reference point (m/s)
elevation different from maximum possibility of water V2 = Increasing velocity of 2nd reference point (m/s)
surface level to center line of discharge pump. hP = Power receiving from pump (m)
Absolute Static Head (h, m) hL = Power lose from piping and fitting (m)
Pas ( pa )
has = (if either size of 1st reference or 2nd reference are
ρg larger than 10 times of pipe diameter, V1 and V2 can be
Net Head (hnet, m) is power in term of water height.
Manometric Head (hm, m) is actual head which pump Net Head (hnet, m) under Bernouli’s equation is the
can create, by checking thought pressure gauge. following.
Pout − Pin P P  V 2 V 2 
hm = h p =  2 − 1  + ( Z 2 − Z1 ) +  2 − 1  + hL
γ γ   2g 2g 
Which, normally hm < h
Net Positive Suction Pressure (NPSH) is the net
Hydraulic Power (HP, W) is the theory power for
suction pressure after minus suction loss and vapour
liquid transportation.
HP = ρghQ
NPSH consist of NPSHA and NPSHR
Q = Flow Rate (m3/s)
Break Power or Shaft Power (BP, W) is power input
to pump which related with pump efficiency (ηp)
BP =
Drive Power (DP, W) is power input to motor drive NPSHA (available net positive suction head, m) can be
which related with motor efficiency (ηD) calculated from the actual location.
DP =
Hydraulic Efficiency (ηhyd) or Manometric Efficiency
(ηmano) is the ratio of actual head with theory head.
P1 V2 P
NPSH = + ( Z 1 − Z 2 ) − 2 − hL − V
γ γ

1st reference point is bigger than suction pipe more
than 10 times, V1 = 0 m/s and
P2 must more than Pv to protect cavitation (P2 > Pv) then
= NPSH +
γ A
Pv = Vapour Pressure (Pa)

NPSHR (Required net positive suction head, m) this

value will get from manufacture but, anyway, roughly
a calculation for expedition pump characteristic is; Cavitation incase loss suction pump
 N Q ( m 3 / min) 
NPSH =3  
 S 
 

N = revolution (rpm)
rpm × m 2
S = Specific suction velocity
Recommendation NPSHA for pump selection.

From Bernouli’s equation

P1 V2 P V2
+ Z 1 + 1 + h p − hL = 2 + Z 2 + 2
γ 2g γ 2g
Assume that V1 = 0 m/s, Z1 = 0 m (reference point)
and hp is not available.
Patm Pv
hs = − − − h fs
Cavitation is main problem about pump such as γ γ 2g
abnormal sound, vibration, corrosion and less
performance. Where
Cavitation can be occurred generally two styles, one is V2 = Vs = Suction velocity (m/s)
throatting in pipe and the other one is loss suction hfs Suction Friction Loss (m)
pump. Note The result, hs is the theory maximum allowable
height (deep) for suction pipe.
Cavitation in pipe (throatting) The other method for checking the height (deep) and
From Bernouli’s equation pump are suitable properly, or not, by checking
P1 V2 P V2 Thoma cavitation coefficient (σ).
+ Z 1 + 1 + h p − hL = 2 + Z 2 + 2
γ 2g γ 2g
Thoma Cavitation Coefficient (σ)
Assume that pipe is in same elevation then Z1 = Z2
Flow rate is constant but velocity is related with pipe ( Patm − PV ) V 2 
size. And pressure which can cause cavitation is γ  2 g + hs + h fs 
− s
vapour pressure. σ=
From Pv = Patm + Pgauge which Pgauge = P2
Then P2 = PV − Patm and Critical Thoma Cavitation Coefficient (σc)
 N  3
σ c = 0.103  S 
 1000 
Criteria Cavitation will happen when σ < σ c

Friction loss (hL or hf, m) is loss from pipe length

(main-loss) and any fitting (minor loss). Calculation
method is found many formulas.

1- Equivalent pipe length and graph Williams-


Using method graph Williams-Hazen.

11. Count all the fitting (ex. Valve, elbow, etc)
22. Mark the point on the graph, x-axial presented
flow rate (m3/min) and y-axial present friction
loss per 100 m. (hL)

1- Darcy-Weisbach Equation (Moody-Chart or

Colebrook Equation or Haaland Equation)

Using method Moody-Chart (for calculation main-

11. Darcy-Weisbach Equation
hf = f
d 2g

f= Friction factor which can be found from Moody-
Chart or Colebrook’s equation or Haaland’s equation.
12. Moody-Chart is presented the relation of
Reynolds number (Re), Relative roughness (ε/d)
and Friction factor.

ρVd vd
Re = Reynolds number = or
µ ν
ε = Pipe roughness (ft, mm)
μ = Dynamic Viscosity (kg/m.s, N.s/m2)
υ = Kinematics Viscosity = (m2/s)
about verify f-value by trial and error method.

94. Haaland’s Equation

 ε 1.11 
1   6. 9
10 = −1.8 log d  + 
1   3 .7  Re 
f 2   

Appling method of Moody-Chart (for calculation

main-loss and minor-loss)
14. Darcy-Weisbach Equation will become
 L N V 2
2 hf =  f + ∑ Ki 
 d i −1  2 g
Ki = minor-loss coefficient
V = Velocity (m/s)
Because of minor-loss head from
h f ( min or ) = ∑ K i
i =1 2g

2Pipe roughness (ε, ft or mm)


K-Value can be checked from “Resistance

coefficient chart” as attachment.

Minimum Required Flowrate (MF, m3/hr)

Min-flow is the required flow rate to pump for
protection the liquid temperature increasing. (Assume
temperature rises less than 15oC)

 m3 
QMF = 2.10 ×10 −4 Q
 hr 
5  
63. Colebrook’s equation
 ε Which, normally, this value will be provided by
1 2.51 
7 1 = −2 log  + manufacture.
f 2  3.7d Re f 1 2 
 
8But the Colebrook’s equation has some difficulty
Pump Specific Speed (Ns, dimensionless)
Pump specific speed is used for impeller selection or
estimate pump efficiency (%)

N (rpm) Q l ( )
Ns =
h 0.75

Viscosity Correction, This method is applied for high

viscosity pump which can be predicted by multiply
correlation factor with water pump.

QP' = Capacity of pump when use with water
hP' = Head of pump when use with water
NPSH ' = NPSH of pump when use with water
ηP' = Water pump Efficiency
The correlation equations are following.
QP = CQ × QP'
hP = C H × hP'

ηP = Cη ×ηP'
Pump System consists of two type, parallel and series.
Piping, General recommendations for good design 1- Parallel System
1- Branches of suction pipe QT ≠ Q +Q
1 2

QT ≈ 1.1Q1 (Depend on system loss)

This is kind of manifold, to protect the interference the
following criteria should be considered.
11. Vm = Manifold velocity ≤ 0.6 0.9 m/s
22. Suction length (Ls) ≥ 10.Ds (suction diameter)
33. Vs = Suction Velocity ≤ 1.5 m/s

1- Suction sump
WL = Water Level

1- Series System

HT ≠ H1+H2
Sometime, total series flow more than parallel flow. It
depends on system loss, mean downstream friction
The detail for calculation suction sump is presented
by the other documents.
To safe the power consumption, adjusting revolution
is the other choice except pipe loss reduction.
N 
Qn = Qo  n 
 No 
N 
H n = H o  n 
 No 
N 
Pn = Po  n 
 No 

Subscribe n = New and o = Old

The other way to change pump performance is the

cutting impeller. This method might use for reduce
downstream pressure.
D 
Qn = Qo  2 n 
 D2 o 
D 
H n = H o  2 n 
 D2 o 
D 
Pn = Po  2 n 
 D2 o 

D2 = Diameter of impeller (mm)

Conclusion to get the higher flow

Big pipe (low hf) – Parallel is advantage.

Small pipe (high hf) – Series is advantage.

System Loss Equation This formula is provided for

head-loss-curve presentation which can be applied for
checking the following.
11. Performance curve, operation point
22. Estimate total flow of parallel or series system
−1.85 −4.87 Q 
h f =10 .666 ×130 ×D ×  ×L
 60 

Q = Flow rate (m3/min)

Affinity Law
End of doc.--

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