Concept Paper Format Japan Embassy

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Embassy of Japan in the Philippines

I. Proponent Organization
1. Name of proponent organization:


2. Name of Contact Person:


Telephone numbers:

E-mail address:

Mobile phone number:

Note: The Embassy requires direct contact numbers and addresses of the
proponent organization.

II. Project Outline

1. Project title:

2. Project type:

3. Target Site: (please specify name of sitio, barangay, municipality

and province, where the project will be implemented)

4. Project Summary and Scope: (please discuss in detail the current

situation and how you plan to address the problem)

5. Project Budget:

Please itemize the total project budget using a similar chart as shown
below specifying the items and costs: 1) requested under GGP and
outside sources; and 2) from your organization’s counterpart or in-house
funds. Please specify the name of donor organizations of the outside
funds and the status of your request from them.

No. Expense item GGP In- Outside funds Total

funds house (name of
funds donor)


6. Project Objective:

7. Target Beneficiaries: (please specify number and sector of people,

who will benefit from the project)

8. Justification: (please explain the purpose and necessity of all the

items you are requesting from GGP)

9. Project Summary in Sketch: (please submit a sketch showing your

project plan e.g. pipeline lay-out for water system, design of building
for construction of facilities, etc.)

10. Operation and Management Schemes: (please explain in detail

how you are planning to operate and manage the project specifying
existing resources and target fund source to sustain these activities)

11. Target Duration of Implementation:

III. Additional Comments (please discuss any other relevant

information about the project e.g. if part of implementation of a bigger
plan or project, etc.)

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