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Recent Trends in Automobile Engineering

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Use Of Hydrogen as Alternative Fuel To Power Vehicles

Depleting fossil fuel reserves and increasing vehicular emission have forced the attention of various
petroleum industries to find and alternate fuel that will pow er the vehicle in future based on the present
day internal design as the deposits of crude oil is expected to last for another 50 years at the minimum
utilization level .the proposed fuel should suitably replace the existing fuel and at the same time it should
be renewable Hydrogen is one such fuel that has been proposed for the purpose which was suitable for
spark ignition engines .hydrogen combines the properties of higher calorific value ,higher velocity of flame
propagation ,non toxicity as well as lowest possible emission levels that do not affect the balance of the
water of the hydrosphere.

More over the by product of combustion are devoid of carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide which is the
major advantage of vehicles powered by fuel cell vehicles.

Fuel cell vehicles represent one of the emerging technologies of the innovation age. An efficient,
combustion less, virtually pollution free, free power source capable of being sited down town urban areas
or in remote regions, that runs almost silently, and has few moving parts but these vehicles are more
reality than dreams. Fuel cells are one of the cleanest and most efficient technologies for generating
electricity. In the quest of environment friendly energy generation researchers have come up with
comparatively much safer fuels. It is truly a green technology. Fuel cell is the practical, feasible and
marketable solution to the energy crisis. The technology is extremely intersecting to people in all walks of
life because it offers a mean of making power more efficiently and without pollution.

World automakers seem to believe that low emissions, high efficiency fuel cell will eventually deliver the
power and the performance that users expect. Despite difficult technical and market challenges to over
come, the latest crop of fuel cell powered concept car appears to exhibit many basic feature required for
the success of this concept.

Fuel cell or ZEV’S as they are called are vehicles to look up for as future vehicles. The topic on fuel cell
vehicles deals with all the issues and signs related to fuel cell vehicles and their future that is sometimes
questioned. However the answers to these questions have been successfully dealt with in the following


Another type of Zero-Emission Vehicle is the fuel cell powered vehicle. When the fuel cells are fueled with
pure hydrogen, they are considered to be zero emission vehicles. Fuel cells have been used on spacecraft
for many years to power electric equipment. These are fueled with liquid hydrogen from the spacecraft's
rocket fuel tanks.
What Is a Fuel Cell?

A fuel cell produces electricity directly from the reaction between hydrogen (derived from a hydrogen-
containing fuel or produced from the electrolysis of water) and oxygen from the air. Like an internal
combustion engine in a conventional car, it turns fuel into power by causing it to release energy. In an
internal combustion engine, the fuel burns in tiny explosions that push the pistons up and down. When
the fuel burns, it is being oxidized. In a fuel cell, the fuel is also oxidized, but the resulting energy takes the
form of electricity .
The Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) fuel cell is the focus of vehicle-power research. The following are
the major different types fuel cells:
• Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM -- sometimes also called "polymer electrolyte membrane") -
Considered the leading fuel cell type for passenger car application; operates at relatively low temperatures
and has a high power density. • Phosphoric Acid -
The most commercially developed fuel cell; generates electricity at more than 40 percent efficiency. •
Molten Carbonate - Promises high fuel-to-electricity efficiencies and the ability to utilize coal-based fuels.
• Solid Oxide - Can reach 60 percent power-generating efficiencies and be employed for large, high
powered applications such as industrial generating stations

Alkaline - Used extensively by the space program; can achieve 70 percent power-generating efficiencies,
but is considered too costly for transportation applications. • Direct Methanol - Expected efficiencies of 40
percent with low operating temperatures; able to use hydrogen from methanol without a reformer. (A
reformer is a device that produces hydrogen from another fuel like natural gas, methanol, or gasoline for
use in a fuel cell
Hydrogen & fuel cell vehicles: Hydrogen is the most abundant element in the universe, but it
currently is not be a practical transportation fuel by itself because of storage problems. Hydrogen is
normally a gas at room temperature, and storage as a gas requires large containers. Storing it as a liquid
requires super-cold temperatures. And because hydrogen is the simplest element, it can even "leak"

through the strongest container walls.

One of the most widely suggested sources of electricity for a hybrid electric vehicle is a fuel cell powered
by hydrogen. By chemically combining hydrogen and oxygen, rather than "burning a fuel," electricity is
created. Water vapor is the by-product.
The fuel cell power system involves three basic steps. First, methanol, natural gas, gasoline or another fuel
containing hydrogen is broken down into its component parts to produce hydrogen. This hydrogen is then
electrochemically used by the fuel cell. Fuel cells operate somewhat like a battery. Hydrogen and air are
fed to the anode and cathode, respectively, of each cell. These cells are stacked to make up the fuel cell
stack. As the hydrogen diffuses through the anode, electrons are stripped off, creating direct current
electricity. This electricity can be used directly in a DC electric motor, or it can be converted to alternating
To carry gaseous hydrogen on a vehicle, it must be compressed. When compressed (usually to a pressure
of about 3000 pounds per square inch). Hydrogen is stored under great pressure, 3600 and 5000 PSI in
the big tanks, 7000 PSI in the smaller distribution tanks.
The other way to provide hydrogen gas to the fuel cell is to store it on the vehicle in liquid form. To make
hydrogen liquid, it is chilled and compressed. Liquid hydrogen is very, very cold--more than 423.2
degrees Fairenheit below zero! This super-cold liquid hydrogen is the kind used in space rockets. The
containers are able to hold pressure, but they are also insulated to keep the liquid hydrogen from warming
up. Warming the liquid, or lowering the pressure, releases gas (like boiling water), and the gas can go to

the fuel cell.

Another way to get hydrogen to the fuel cell is to use a "reformer". A reformer is a device that removes the
hydrogen from hydrocarbon fuels, like methanol or gasoline. . A reformer turns hydrocarbon or alcohol
fuels into hydrogen, which is then fed to the fuel cell. Unfortunately, reformers are not perfect. They
generate heat and produce other gases besides hydrogen. They use various devices to try to clean up the
hydrogen, but even so, the hydrogen that comes out of them is not pure, and this lowers the efficiency of
the fuel cell
When a fuel other than hydrogen is used, the fuel cell is no longer zero-emission, but it
Use of battery unit:- Small test batteries made under the technology department are stored in one unit to
form a single module model of ten batteries.This unit is then used to power the vehicle through the power
train and motor as well as the controller which are installed accordingly and this method proves useful in
special cases where the fuel cell stack is not work properly due to technical difficulties

The only real problem is the pressure that's involved, and that's not a problem with proper tanking
systems and in all these test cases the hydrogen tank did not explode, in spite of being under pressure. the
tanks are designed to blow up, not out. If, for example, that tank back there exploded 90% of the debris
would fall within the fence around it.

Hydrogen is a very clean fuel, it would ignite easier

than gasoline, but the likelihood of it igniting is still slim . If it did ignite, the flame doesn't put out much
heat. Gasoline fires usually consume.

Fuel cell design issues: At the same time many other variables must be juggled, including temperature
throughout the cell (which changes and can sometimes destroy a cell through thermal loading), reactant
and product levels at various cells. Materials must be chosen to do various tasks which none fill
completely. In vehicle usage, many problems are amplified. For instance, cars must be required to start in
any weather conditions a person can reasonably expect to encounter: about 80% of the world's car park is
legally subject to the requirement of being able to start from sub-zero temperatures. Fuel cells have no
difficulty operating in the hottest locations, but the coldest do present a problem.. Operational
Performance : Fuel cell vehicles are being developed to meet the performance expectations of today's
consumers. These vehicles are expected to be extremely quiet and have very little vibration. Safety: The
goal is to develop fuel cell vehicles with levels of safety and comfort that are comparable to those of
conventional vehicles. If used, high-pressure hydrogen tanks will be designed for maximum safety to
avoid rupture. Additionally, manufacturers are perfecting sensors that will immediately detect impact in
the case of collision and additional sensors that will detect any leakage from the hydrogen tanks. In both
cases, the sensors will instantly shut the valves on the tanks. Benefits: Using pure hydrogen to power fuel
cell vehicles offers the distinct advantage of zero emissions, but only on the vehicle, not at the hydrogen
production source. However, emissions created at a single point of production are often easier to control
than those produced by a moving vehicle. A fuel cell vehicle that runs on pure hydrogen produces only
water vapor—using any other fuel will produce some carbon dioxide and other emissions, but far less than
what is produced by a conventional vehicle. Fuel cell vehicles are expected to achieve overall energy
conversion throughput efficiencies around twice that of today's typical gasoline internal combustion
engines. The fuel cell system is being targeted by DOE to achieve 60% efficiency by 2010. Fuel cell
vehicles can run on any hydrogen-rich liquid or gas, as long as it is suitably processed. Gasoline is one
possibility, but in addition to pure hydrogen, alternative fuels such as ethanol, methanol, natural gas, and
propane can also be used. Why fuel cells for vehicles? The advantages of fuel cells for transport are both
environmental and economic. The only emissions from a fuel cell vehicle come from the generation of
hydrogen. These emissions are hardly measurable, making fuel cell vehicles virtually equivalent to zero-
emission vehicles. Fuel cell cars will have similar range and performance to cars with internal combustion
engines, but the superior energy efficiency of fuel cell engines will bring a significant reduction in carbon
dioxide, a greenhouse gas, for every mile travelled. If fuelled directly by hydrogen, there will be no carbon
dioxide emissions at all. Portable fuel cells: Fuel cells can compete with batteries and generators for
portable use, from a few kilowatts to power a mobile home down to a few watts to power a laptop
computer. Prototypes have been publicly shown of this type of technology and fuel cell powered mobile
phones and laptops are being exhibited at the World Expo 2005 in Japan. NEW BICYCLE POWERED BY
FUEL CELL: Manhattan Scientifics Inc. has developed a fuel-cell-powered mountain bike that uses
hydrogen and air as fuel and emits only water vapor as a waste product. According to its developers, the
"Hydrocycle" has a top range of 40 to 60 miles (70-100 km) along a flat surface and can achieve a top
speed of 18 mph (30 km/h). Because a fuel cell stack powers its electric motor, the Hydro cycle is
extremely quiet and does not need to be recharged like existing electric bicycles; it only needs to be
refueled. This would come as a welcome advancement for electric-bike riders frustrated with waiting
hours to recharge their battery-powered bicycles Efficiency of Fuel Cells: Pollution reduction is one of the
primary goals of the fuel cell. By comparing a fuel-cell-powered car to a gasoline-engine-powered car and
a battery-powered car, you can see how fuel cells might improve the efficiency of cars today. Since all
three types of cars have many of the same components (tires, transmissions, etc.), we'll ignore that part of
the car and compare efficiencies up to the point where mechanical power is generated. Let's start with the
fuel-cell car. (All of these efficiencies are approximations, but they should be close enough to make a
rough comparison.)

Fuel-Cell-Powered Electric Car: If the fuel cell is powered with pure hydrogen, it has the potential to be up
to 80-percent efficient. That is, it converts 80 percent of the energy content of the hydrogen into electrical
energy. But, as we learned in the previous section, hydrogen is difficult to store in a car. When we add a
reformer to convert methanol to hydrogen, the overall efficiency drops to about 30 to 40 percent. We still
need to convert the electrical energy into mechanical work. This is accomplished by the electric motor and
inverter. A reasonable number for the efficiency of the motor/inverter is about 80 percent. So we have 30-
to 40-percent efficiency at converting methanol to electricity, and 80-percent efficiency converting
electricity to mechanical power. That gives an overall efficiency of about 24 to 32 percent TINY FUEL
CELL TO POWER SENSORS IN VEHICLES: A cell phone, for example, needs about 500 watts. The first
use will be in sensors for the military. The prototype micro fuel cell uses an electrochemical process to
directly convert energy from hydrogen into electricity. The fuel cell works like a battery, using an anode
and cathode, positive and negative electrodes (solid electrical conductors), with an electrolyte. The
electrolyte can be made of various materials or solutions. The hydrogen flows into the anode and the
molecules are split into protons and electrons. The protons flow through the electrolyte, while the
electrons take a different path, creating an electrical current. At the other end of the fuel cell, oxygen is
pulled in from the air and flows into the cathode. The hydrogen protons and electrons reunite in the
cathode and chemically bond with the oxygen atoms to form water molecules. Theoretically, the only
waste product produced by a fuel cell is water. Fuel cells that extract hydrogen from natural gas or
another hydrocarbon will emit some carbon dioxide as a byproduct, but in much smaller amounts than
those produced by traditional energy source. Gasoline and Battery Power Gasoline-Powered Car : The
efficiency of a gasoline-powered car is surprisingly low. All of the heat that comes out as exhaust or goes
into the radiator is wasted energy. The engine also uses a lot of energy turning the various pumps, fans
and generators that keep it going. So the overall efficiency of an automotive gas engine is about 20
percent. That is, only about 20 percent of the thermal-energy content of the gasoline is converted into
mechanical work. Battery-Powered Electric Car : This type of car has a fairly high efficiency. The battery is
about 90-percent efficient (most batteries generate some heat, or require heating), and the electric
motor/inverter is about 80-percent efficient. This gives an overall efficiency of about 72 percent. But that
is not the whole story. The electricity used to power the car had to be generated somewhere. If it was
generated at a power plant that used a combustion process (rather than nuclear, hydroelectric, solar or
wind), then only about 40 percent of the fuel required by the power plant was converted into electricity.
The process of charging the car requires the conversion of alternating current (AC) power to direct current
(DC) power. This process has an efficiency of about 90 percent. So, if we look at the whole cycle, the
efficiency of an electric car is 72 percent for the car, 40 percent for the power plant and 90 percent for
charging the car. That gives an overall efficiency of 26 percent. The overall efficiency varies considerably
depending on what sort of power plant is used. If the electricity for the car is generated by a hydroelectric
plant for instance, then it is basically free (we didn't burn any fuel to generate it), and the efficiency of the
electric car is about 65 percent. Surprised? Maybe you are surprised by how close these three technologies
are. This exercise points out the importance of considering the whole system, not just the car. We could
even go a step further and ask what the efficiency of producing gasoline, methanol or coal is. Efficiency is
not the only consideration, however. People will not drive a car just because it is the most efficient if it
makes them change their behavior. They are concerned about many other issues as well. They want to
know: Is the car quick and easy to refuel? Can it travel a good distance before refueling? Is it as fast as the
other cars on the road? How much pollution does it produce? Fuel cell cars are a long way off: Hybrid cars
already exist as commercial products and are available to cut pollution now. On the other hand, fuel-cell
cars are expected on the same schedule as NASA's manned trip to Mars—and have about the same level of
likelihood. Hydrogen fuel cells cost more: Hydrogen fuel cells in vehicles are about twice as efficient as
internal-combustion engines; however, hydrogen fuel cell costs are nearly 100 times as much per unit of
power produced. Hydrogen fuel cells are dirtier:- Fuel-cell cars emit only water vapor and heat, but the
creation of the hydrogen fuel (via burning coal, for example) can be responsible for more overall
greenhouse gas emissions than conventional internal combustion engines. Hydrogen fuel is harder to
transport: Moving large volumes of hydrogen gas requires compressing it. Hydrogen compression rates
mean that 15 trucks are required to power the same number of cars that could be served by a single
gasoline tanker. Liquid hydrogen would require less (about three trucks), but would require substantially
more effort and energy to liquefy. Hydrogen is much more dangerous:-As dangerous as a leak of natural
gas is, a hydrogen leak is worse because hydrogen ignites at a wider range of concentrations and requires
less energy to ignite. And hydrogen burns invisibly. "It's scary—you cannot see the flame.”
Posted by chandru at 4:50 PM
PETER EVANS describes his unusual model

Work started on this model in January 2008 with the usual rough sketch drawing, but
the idea had been brewing for months before this date. I could not find much information
on this type of vessel, so it was a bit of: ‘Make a start and see how it goes’ method.
Probably not the best way to approach a project of this size, but I had very few
alternatives, as I just wanted to get on with it. If I messed it up, then it would go in the
scrap bin, but I wanted to see if I could make something worthwhile from this idea of a
working crane barge.
Getting started
There are of course many full size examples of these barges in use today around the
globe. Some are able to lift just a few tons, but there are much bigger versions that can
lift thousands of tons. This example is a 20 ton lift version, quite small really, but typical
of this type of barge in use today.
I had drawn up a list of some of the things that I thought could be accommodated in this
project. Starting off with the all important large flat deck, a big winch, a pump or
generator and the very large crane were of course essential. I had built a working crane
before which was installed on my dredger. This worked well but had been a lot of work
due mainly to its small size, but this time I was lucky that before I actually started
building this much larger crane, I came across a model of a large radio controlled
tracked crane at a model engineering show. I thought it was cheap as it had also been
reduced in price, so I bought it. I considered that if I was just able to use the radio gear
and winches then I was saving myself a lot of time and expense. However all the under
parts had to be cut away just to remove the tracks and that involved cutting a lot of the
crane structure as well. I finished up after a lot of cutting and shaping with a flat
underside to the main body which could be attached to the deck on a completely new
under frame.
The plastic cab and some of the other ancillary bits were removed and the many holes
that I had created were made good with either plastic card or fibreglass, Photo 1. I think
on later reflection it might have been easier to scrap the original crane body and make a
completely new one, but hindsight is a wonderful thing!
The hull
This is of a very simple plywood construction with square ends, Photo 2. It was in fact a
copy of a barge I had found on the internet. I wanted my barge to be as large as
possible, but I needed to be able to pick it up when completed and it also had to fit in
the car as well! The final hull size was really determined by what could be cut from an
8ft x 4ft sheet of 3mm plywood that I had in stock. Scrap cardboard was used to get the
rough sizes of the sections which were carefully marked on to the ply. With care, it was
possible to cut the sides, base, ends, bottom and deck from the one sheet. The hull was
strengthened by having an internal frame of 3/4in square section wood pinned and
glued to the ply to give it extra rigidity, Photo 3. There also had to be extra supports
under the rear deck for the crane mounting. Once the basic hull was made, but before
the top deck was fastened in place, the propshafts and the water intake pipe for the
pump had to be installed before the whole of the inside was painted and sealed with
fibreglass resin. The corners of the hull (inside and out) and the internal frame joints
were reinforced with woven mat and plenty of resin. This was just to make sure it was
strong and watertight. Weight is not a problem with this type of hull, just your ability to lift
it! The inside was then painted with two coats of undercoat and the outside had the
same but a top coat as well.
I was intending to use large internal water tanks to ballast the hull. These would be filled
and emptied using a windscreen washer pump, the fixed inlet pipe of which would have
to come up over the water line because if the flexible hose connection were low down
and came off or leaked, I could witness a sinking that would not be desirable! With the
pipe directed up to deck level no water should come in at all if anything like that should
However, the idea of having tanks filled with water by a pump was soon altered when I
sought some advice from Derek Nelson of Knightcote MBC who advised against this
method. I could see the sense in what he told me, so I now use old plastic milk bottles
filled with pond water. This method is easy and makes ballast positioning spot on. If you
have a selection of large and small bottles, then once the trim is correct, if they are then
numbered with a felt tip pen both on the bottle and in the hull, filling at the pondside and
then positioning them becomes easy for future sailings.
Motors and rudder
At this stage before the decks were installed, I decided to utilise the motors that had
driven the original crane tracks. These, although quite small would hopefully be
adequate to drive the two small propellers. On this type of vessel, high speed is not a
requirement, so I hope they will do the job. Motor control is independent on the
transmitter, but also of course the barge in real life would be more likely to be towed into
The rudder is just a large fin in the centre at the rear. Normally this would be set straight
and I should imagine that with the barge ballasted and low in the water a lot of power
may be required to move it. It will be interesting to see at a later date how it works out.
The best of it is that if larger motors are required later, the cavernous hull should make
them easy to fit.
Deck fittings and clutter
If you look at photos of working examples, barges do not seem to be tidy craft and there
is often a lot of clutter on the deck. By that I mean ropes, drums, chains, pipes and
timber etc all over the place, Photo 4. On the deck are winches and pumps with anchor
handling equipment at both ends of the barge with a main towing bridle at the bows
(although both ends of the hull are similar in shape). The crane of course is the main
feature and is mounted aft. On each side of the deck are bollards and plenty of tyre
fenders plus the usual guard rails. At the opposite end of the deck to the crane
mounting is a large heavy tubular structure for supporting the crane jib when stowed,
Photo 5.
At the bow end of the barge on the port side is the crew accommodation block and
engine room, on top of which is housed the small bridge with the crane controls. Aft of
the bridge are stowed the lifeboat and a liferaft, Photo 6. On top of the bridge is a small
mast for the radar, aerials and navigation lights.
In the centre of the barge deck is a large hatch, to enable access into the hull to get the
ballast in and out and to the batteries and motors etc., Photo 7. On the top of this hatch
some the deck cargo is glued in place and a large engine driven pump unit. Water for
the 12v windscreen washer pump comes via the inlet pipe in the hull. The pump outlet
pipe then goes through the hatch cover and into the dummy pump unit on deck, Water
exits from this pump through the hose which is laid on the deck, just discharging over
the side, Photo 8. There is a separate hidden electrical switch for this unit, as it is not
required to run continually.
Other fittings
Most of these I either made or had in stock left from other projects. To me this is the fun
of the thing, making all the little bits and pieces that make up these models. I have
always collected photographs of any boat fittings or indeed anything interesting which I
then keep on file. Then once a new project is commenced, they can be reviewed to
produce ideas and possible solutions to any problems with that model. Winches are a
good example and you can never have enough pictures.
The winch for this barge, Photo 9, was actually a copy of the one on the ferry from
Ardrossan to the Outer Hebrides and was photographed in 2007. This was used to pull
the ferry into position for unloading and as I was standing directly above it when it was
being operated, I had ample opportunity to take plenty of pictures. These were used to
create this model version, together with other pictures for the anchor winch from the
same vessel. To me, models do not have to always be 100% accurate, but they do have
to look right, certainly on first impression.
Many of the deck fittings were made before the basic hull was completed to provide
some model making diversity. The large fairlead that takes the main winch rope with the
anchor chain handling at the side of it is an example of this. It was made from bits from
the scrap bin with a bit of machining where necessary. Then came the aforementioned
winch followed by many of the smaller fittings including the davits and lifeboat etc.
Painting and power supply
There is no fancy paint work on this model as it is intended to be a working model and
not a museum piece. The hull is red below the waterline and grey above. In fact the
whole thing is meant to look pretty scruffy just like the full size barges. Two 6v batteries
power the lights, pumps and motors. I have yet to find out how long they will last, but
this will probably all depend on how much use the crane gets. Photo 10 is of the model
on display at the Midlands Model Engineering Exhibition, 2009.
It was fun to make the crane barge, as I used whatever I could find at the time that
could be modified, an example of which are the barrels on the deck, which are the
screw tops from bottles fastened together with resin. Why did I start this project? Well,
first I wanted a barge to tow behind my tug and it graduated into what you see now, plus
second I wanted something different. Last, but not least, I wanted the challenge of
scratch building rather than kit bashing. In the end, I am happy as it has been
interesting to build with a minimal capital outlay which as far as I am concerned ticks all
the right boxes.
(Peter who also makes 7 1/4 inch gauge trains is obviously very innovative and as he
said in his letter to me, boats make a change from trains. This model is still ‘in progress’
at the time of writing. I particularly like the idea of using the working crane from the r/c
‘ready to dig’ earth moving models that can now be purchased very cheaply. Knightcote
MBC operate in Warwickshire and Derek Nelson is their secretary, tel: 01926 640045
Their club water is situated in the village of Knightcote which is a few miles off J12 on
the M40 – Editor)

Moreover, the liberalization steps, such as, relaxation of the foreign exchange and equity
regulations, reduction of tariffs on imports, and refining the banking policies, initiated by the
Government of India, have played an equally important role in bringing the Indian Automotive
industry to great heights. It is estimated that the sale of passenger cars have tripled compared to
their sale in the last five years. Thus, the sale of cars has reached a figure of 1 million users and is
expected to increase further. Its also to be noted that the demand for luxurious models, SUVs,
and mini-cars for family owners, have shot up, largely due to increase in the consumers buying

The increased demand for Indian automobiles has resulted in a large number of multi-national
auto companies, especially from Japan, U. S. A., and Europe, entering the Indian market and
working in collaboration with the Indian firms. Also, the institutionalization of automobile
finance has further paved the way to sustain a long-term high growth for the industry.

The basic objective of this market research report "Indian Automobile Industry--Recent Trends"
is to estimate the demand for automobiles from 2005 till 2012. The increasing role of auto
finance is also scrutinized by proving a series of surveys conducted across the country covering
all categories of private and commercial vehicles finance. The report also examines the region-
wise demand and growth trends for the selected vehicles, and how they influenced Indias GDP


• Examines the production, sales, and export growth rates of the sector, along with a
mention of the major manufacturers.

• Identification of the opportunities for foreign companies in terms of exports, technology

transfers, strategic alliances, financial collaborations and JVs, in the Indian vehicle

• The component-wise share of production is assessed.

• Assessment of the implications of vehicle emissions.

• Interpretation of the impact of the Union Budget on the Indian auto industry.

• Demand forecasts till 2010.

• An overview of the major changes occurring in the Indian market.

• A study of the market access strategies for companies.

• An insight into the profiles of big players of the Indian automotive sector.


The market research report "Indian Automobile Industry--Recent Trends" clarifies all doubts
regarding sales satisfaction index and customer satisfaction index. With the inclusion of initial
quality study, J.D. Power Rankings, and the Government policy, this report in itself is a
complete guide to the producers and consumers in the auto industry.

Chapters 2, 3, and 4, of the market research report talk of the automotive scenario of India--
current and future outlook introduce you to the Indian automotive & auto-component industry.
Chapters 5 and 6 discuss the impact of the Union Budget on the auto Industry and talk about
passenger cars and commercial vehicles.

Chapter 7 provides a SWOT analysis of the Indian automotive exports, while Chapters 8, 9, and
10 talk about the auto parts. Chapter 11 speaks about the joint ventures and Chapter 12 gives the
demand forecasts up till 2010. The opportunities and challenges, and the current status of the
industry are highlighted in Chapters 14, 15, 16, and 17.

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