Iran Country Fact Sheet

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Wiley Davis

AP Comparative Government

COUNTRY FACT SHEET: _________Iran_____________________

FEDERAL/UNITARY 30 Centralized
Administration. The
Interior Minister appoints
the provincial governor-
PRESIDENTIAL; Supreme Leader President Mahmud
PARLIMAMENTARY, OR MIXED Ali Hoseini-Khamenei Ahmadinejad

HEAD OF STATE/ The assembly of experts The president of Iran is

HEAD OF GOVERNMENT appoints the Head of State directly elected for a four-
for life. As the leader of a year term and is limited to
theocratic republic based two terms. While they say
on Islam the Supreme that the elections are
Leader is a member of the democratic, the supreme
Islamic Clergy. The leader can disqualify
supreme leader is the single candidates and must
most powerful man in Iran. approve who runs and may
His powers include throw out any candidates
• Elimination of that seem to hold beliefs
Presidential contradictory to the
Candidates message of the regime. The
• Dismissal of the constitution also mandates
President the President be a pious
• Command of the Shiite who upholds Islamic
Armed Forces principles. Powers are:
• Declaration of war • Create Budget
and peace • Supervise Economics
• Appointment and • Propose legislation
removal of major • Executing policies
administrators and • Sign treaties, laws
judges and agreement
• Nomination of six • Chair National
members of the Security Council
Guardian Council • Select vice
• Appointment of presidents and
many non- cabinet ministers
governmental • Appoint provincial
directors such as the governors, town
national tv and radio mayors and
head. ambassador
Wiley Davis
AP Comparative Government

NAME OF LEGISLATIVE BRANCH On other paper On other paper

(Identify both houses if applicable)

NAME OF JUDICIAL BRANCH On other paper On other paper

BUREAURACRACY/CABINET On other paper On other paper

POLITICAL RECRUITMENT Elites are recruited

through the clergy. To
really move up in
Iranian political system
you must be a good
OTHER IMPORTANT INSTITUTIONS: The Revolutionary The Revolutionary Guard is
Guard is an important separate from the Iranian
force in Iran. The Guard military.
owns the media and they
have a group of thugs
that runs around and
beats dissenters up. The
Guard is the group that
makes sure that Iranians
stay in line. If they do
not, they will disappear
for a long time
MEDIA The media is heavily
controlled and primarily
state run. Publication
against the government
is taboo and therefore
the government has a
monopoly on the
distribution of
information. Educated
Iranians often get news,
even news about Iran,
from foreign sources.
LEGITIMACY While there were Constitution
questions about the
results of the 2009 Supreme Leader
election most in Iran
consider the Islamic Sharia Law
government to be
legitimate and support City of Qom
the overall idea of
Wiley Davis
AP Comparative Government

theocracy. However
many want to see

FEATURES OF CONSTITUTION 1979 Creates an Islamic Republic

where Islam is the overriding

Was endorsed by 99% of the

those that voted in the
referendum for its passage

Grants a great deal of power

to the clergy and the supreme


HISTORICAL EVOLUTION OF Theory of rising expectations The revolution against the shah
POLITICAL TRADITIONS occurred because a relative
improvement in the lives of
average Iranians was
experienced, however, with a
decline in oil prices there was an
economic setback. The people
were unwilling to deal with this
setback and revolted. There is
speculation that this could occur
Unlike countries such as Japan,
Iran is used to being a player in
the global community stemming
back from the days of the Qajars
and there various travels.
Therefore Iran’s transition into
globalization has been much
Authoritarian Rule more natural

All phases of Iranian leadership

have been relatively
authoritarian going back to the
days of the Safavids
Wiley Davis
AP Comparative Government

KEY POLITICAL LEADERS Khomeini Islamic Republic

AND THEIR POLICIES Economics is for donkeys (What
an idiot)
Cultural Revolution (Essentially
purged the country of opposition
and instituted things that favored
the new regime

Khatami Tehran Spring a brief

liberalization in which Iranian
were able to have more freedom
of speech. Also brought Iran
back onto global stage and tried
to make relations with the United
States amicable.
Wishes to purge the country of
reformist influence and
performed the White (Bloodless)
Coup. Also has angered foreign
countries and insisted on
continuing an Iran drive for
nuclear capabilities.
ETHNIC CLEAVAGES The main cleavages are religion

Shiite v. All other religions 90% Shi’a , 10% Sunni, 1% all


Social Class Middle Class support the regime

however upper and middle
classes are highly secularized

Ethnicity Persians v. the World

Reformers v. Conservatives People who want secularization

v. people who don’t
POLITICAL PARTIES Alliance of Builders of Islamic Endorsed Ahmadinejad and are
Iran conservatives. Tend to back
more Islamic ruling and
reverting back to Islamic
Iranian Reform Movement
Supported Mousavi, candidate in
the 2004 election was banned.
Secularism. More liberalization.
These are the people who took to
Wiley Davis
AP Comparative Government

the streets.
Etemad-e Melli Party
Pragmatic reformists described
by others as moderates with a
rural base of support.

ROLE OF POLITICAL ELITES Political elites are not as

prominent in Iran as in some
other countries, however they
still do rule the county.
CITIZENS Rebellious, Contemptuous, or Some people protest the
Satisfied depending on who you government but really to no
talk to. avail.
INTEREST GROUP SYSTEM Workers’ House a interest Because Political Parties are ill
(pluralist or corporatist) group that is for factory workers defined in Iran it is difficult to
that operates with the help of discern parties and interest
there newspaper. groups.
ECONOMIC SYSTEM: The economic direction of Iran is There is a struggle between
Identify type: capitalist, socialist, somewhat unclear statist and free marketers. Some
etc.: identify major economic believe that Iran should
policies government has adopted redistribute and own business.
Others want a free enterprise
system similar to that of the
United States, except under
Islamic law.
FIRST WORLD/THIRD WORLD Developing • Lack of Civil Society
• Rentier State
• No Economic
• Fluctuation of oil prices
leads to catastrophe in
• Legitimacy Questions
• Negative Global
• Very large poor

SUPRANATURAL OPEC, UN, Interpol, WHO, IMF Supranational organization have

ORGANIZATIONS brought bad Iranian actions into
the limelight. Because the
international organizations Iran
is a part of they have become
more involved in global affairs.
However the rest of the world,
because of Iran’s membership
has begun to scrutinize some of
Wiley Davis
AP Comparative Government

the seemingly questionable

actions of Iran

PUBLIC POLICY Waxing and Waning on the Legitimacy problems. Many of

strictness of Islamic Code ex. the people of Iran are beginning
Hijab, Rap, Westernization to tire with the strictness of
Islamic rule. The realitive wealth
Nuclear Policy that has been brought to the
middle class due to oil has
Crackdown on Protest prompted them to want to
westernize and liberalize.

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