How Trustworthy Are You?

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QUIZ: How Trustworthy Are You?

Vanessa Hall has developed a number of useful surveys to assess truth in the business environment. Her
new book, The Truth About Trust In Business provides useful insights and strategies on how to utilize
trust in your office, sales, marketing and branding efforts. Take the quiz below and see how trustworthy you
really are. Be honest!

Answer the following 18 questions which cover openness and transparency, integrity, authenticity, courage,
reliability, and empathy, by using a scale of 1 to 5.

1= almost never; 2= rarely; 3= sometimes; 4= frequently; 5= almost always

1. When someone tells me something I don’t agree with, I’ll listen and think about it.
2. I let people know if I am having a bad day or something is bothering me.
3. I share information about something I know about, unless I have promised not to.
4. I tell the truth, even if it might make me look bad.
5. I treat people fairly.
6. I behave ethically.
7. What you see is what you get with me.
8. I am clear in my own mind about what is important to me.
9. My own values and the company’s values are aligned.
10. When I make a decision, I am clear it is the right thing.
11. I stand up for what I believe is right, even if others might criticize me.
12. I admit when I’ve made a mistake.
13. If I promise it, I deliver it.
14. I am consistent in what I do.
15. I can be depended upon.
16. I take time to understand the expectations and needs of others.
17. I consider how other people might be feeling.
18. I sit quietly and listen when someone is talking to me.

Tally your score. If you scored:

 72-90: You are doing very well and would have people who trust you and depend on you.

 54-71: You are on the way to developing your trustworthiness. Take a look at the areas you rated
lower on and think about what you can do differently to improve.

 36-53: You may notice that you conflict with others, or there may be tension in your relationships.
Work on improving those areas where you rated lower--today!

 18-35: You may want some coaching and mentoring to work on the areas where you have rated low.
Your ability to build and maintains healthy relationships at work is really dependant on you improving
your trustworthiness.

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