Competitive Profile Worksheet: Key Competitors

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Competitive Profile Worksheet

Key Competitors
Competitors Reasons for choosing competitor as bench mark

Competitor #1
Name, size, market share
We chose BF Sinangag Express Food Corporation
BF Sinangag Express Food Corporation since it is a company that has a good market share
with Binalot Fiesta Food. For it also serve rice meals
Volume Market Share: 3 % specially Tapsilog with an extra ordinary twist, its
Market Size: 58,948 Tapsilog meal is more cheaply compared to Binalot.
Cheap and with good twist of every meal makes BF
Sinangag Express Food Corporation one of the
benchmark to the market.

Competitor # 2
Name, size, market share
We chose Tapa King Incorporated as a
Tapa King Incorporated competitor to Binalot Fiesta Food for it also has what
it takes to compete with the market share of Binalot
Volume Market Share: 69 % Fiesta Foods. Their restaurants has good ambiance,
Market Size: 1,427,109 cleanliness, respectful food servers and with the
right price. Its rice meals especially the Tapsilog is
made traditionally similar to Binalot Fiesta Food.
Thus making it one of the benchmark of the market
that Binalot Fiesta Food shares.

Binalot Fiesta Foods’ Volume Market Share: 28 %, market size: 573,534

Critical Success Factor

CSF Importance Weight (%) Reason for Choosing CSF and for
the Importance weight
CSF # 1
Factor name, brief description
Leadership is a vital factor on
Leadership .25 % any enterprise since it deals
It is how the managers of an almost anything that runs in the
enterprise guides its member to enterprise. It also affects the
produce success and over all organizational management that
satisfaction in an enterprise. also affects the company’s
growth. Rating or weighing it in
25% similar to CFS #2 is
appropriate for these both factors
have the highest importance in
any organization.

CSF # 2
Factor name, Brief description
This factor is the sole mission
Customer Service .25 % of each and every enterprise. This
factor specifies how the enterprise
assistance and other resources manages its services to the
that a company provides to the customer with utmost quality.
people who buy or use its Rating or weighing it in 25%
products or services similar to CFS #1 is appropriate
for these both factors have the
highest importance in any

CSF # 3
Factor name, brief description This factor is an aid to the
success of the company especially
Strategic Location .20 % on its marketing activities.
Weighing it in 20% is appropriate
A location that bears strategic for it is also important because
significance. location is what it takes to survive
an enterprise. For without good
location of an enterprise, it cannot
sustain its sales and its
convenience to its customer.

CSF # 4
Factor name, brief description Technology aids the
enterprises’ sales up to marketing
Technology .10 % for it ease the exertion of work
force in the enterprise. This
Technology is the process by supports the company’s goal for
which humans modify nature to success. Weighing it 10% is
meet their needs and wants. appropriate for any enterprise can
still be able to survive without
good technology in the enterprise.

CSF # 5
Factor name, brief description This factor aids in the success
of the company especially on the
Customer Loyalty revenue accumulation over time.
The term customer loyalty is .15 % For loyalty of customers is a good
used to describe the behavior of asset in a company for these
repeat customers, as well as customers has the ability to
those that offer good ratings, double it buying power. Weighing
reviews, or testimonials. it 15% is also appropriate for it is
much important than technology
for this increases sales over time
and may be a good goal to an
enterprise as much as a good

CSF # 6
Factor name, brief description This factor is important for it
gives a space for the enterprise to
Innovation .5 % develop their marketing activities
up to their product development.
Is how a person modifies a It is a good factor for success
certain thing or structure that since it differentiates from other
transforms it to make it more enterprise. Thus creating a unique
useful or to keep it more reputation and will be beneficial
competitive. to the company’s sales. Weighing
it the least is also appropriate
since any enterprise can survive
without innovation, specially on
enterprises that aims to be
tradition oriented.


Your Firms Rating per CSF

CSF Firm Rating (1 to 4) Reason for Rating

CSF #1
Factor name This critical success factor
makes it differ to other
Product Innovation 2 competitors since the main reason
for innovating a product is to
make it unique and so as to
develop. This factor greatly
increases the success rate or the
possibility of success of an
enterprise since it makes the
product more flexible to the
demanding satisfaction of its
customers. It is not that much
given importance, so rating it 2
would be much more appropriate.
CSF #2
Factor name This critical Success factor is a
vital factor for the success of the
Product Quality 3 enterprise since it increases the
customer loyalty and also
increases the customers’
satisfaction. This factor is
important so it is right to rate it by
CSF #3
Factor name This critical success factor
makes the enterprise more
Customer Satisfaction 4 appealing to potential customers
more than to its loyal customers.
For this factor has the ability to
market its own reputation by
mean of the word-of-mouth
marketing, brought by the loyal
customers. Thus increasing the
sales of the enterprise. This factor
is very much important thus
rating it the highest is much more
CSF #4
Factor name This factor brings fourth a good
ambiance to every customer.
Personnel Courtesy 4 Making it more appealing to
potential customers and thus
increasing its sales in time. This
factor is very much important
thus rating it the highest is much
more appropriate.

Key Competitor # 1 (Sinangag Express) Rating per CSF

CSF Firm Rating Reason for Rating

CSF #1
Factor name This critical success factor
differentiates from other
Cheaper Prices 4 competitor since many customers
still prefer the price orientation of
each and every enterprise sharing
in a market. Rating it the highest
for competitor #1 is appropriate
for Sinangag Express boast its
cheap prices compared to other
similar enterprises and this makes
the asset of the enterprise.

CSF #2
Factor name Product innovation or
uniqueness on the product of
Product Innovation/ 4 Sinangag Express is a good factor
Uniqueness on the Product for success since the enterprise
focuses on the innovation of their
products and thus creating it a
more unique feel comparing to
other competitors who follows the
traditional way of serving
Tapsilog. Rating it the highest
rating is appropriate since this
makes an asset to the enterprise.

CSF #3
Factor name Untraditional marketing activity
is rated as 2 in the firm rating for
untraditional Marketing 2 the enterprise did not focus much
Activity on this factor but still a good
success factor due to its

CSF #4
Factor name 24/7 service is much more
given importance in Sinangag
24 Hours and 7 Days Service 3 Express for its target market are
those customer who are sobering
up from parties and drinking
sessions, so as to mid night
workers. With this factor keeps
the enterprises’ sales running and
with good momentum. Rating it 3
is much appropriate for it is also a
good factor that may lead to
success of the enterprise

Key Competitor # 2 ( TAPA King) Rating per CSF

CSF Firm Rating Reason for Rating

CSF #1
Factor name Sanitation is what Tapa King is
boasting, it also defers the
Sanitation 4 enterprise from other competitors.
The enterprise is a mere Tapsilog-
fine-dining thus creating it a
higher end feel. Rating it the
highest is appropriate since this
factor differentiates from its
competitor attracting customers
who are on a higher income
brocket and making its sanitation
its asset.

CSF #2
Factor name This factor aids in the success
of the company especially on the
Customer Loyalty 3 revenue accumulation over time.
For loyalty of customers is a good
asset in a company for these
customers has the ability to
double it buying power. Rating it
in 3 is just appropriate since it
play an important role in the
momentum of the increase in
sales of the enterprise.

CSF #3
Factor name This factor is one of Tapa king’s
asset toward success since they
Strategic Location 4 always secure the location of their
restaurants. For without good
location of an enterprise, it cannot
sustain its sales and its
convenience to its customer.
Weighing it 4 makes good sense
since the enterprise gave much

CSF #4
Factor name Every enterprise can survive
without a good delivery service
Good Delivery Service 2 but still Tapa king gave
importance and made it as
success factor. Rating it 2 is
appropriate since the company
only gives a little importance but
still made it a good critical
success factor.

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