ALGUNOS VERBOS IRREGULARES DE INGLES VERBO PASADO SIMPLE PARTICIPIO PASADO (haber + verbo) Begun Broken Brought Built Bought Burned or burnt Chosen Cost Come Cut Dug Done Drawn Dreamed (or dreamt) Drunk Driven Eaten Fallen Fed Felt EN ESPANOL To Begin To Bring To Build To Buy To Burn To
ALGUNOS VERBOS IRREGULARES DE INGLES VERBO PASADO SIMPLE PARTICIPIO PASADO (haber + verbo) Begun Broken Brought Built Bought Burned or burnt Chosen Cost Come Cut Dug Done Drawn Dreamed (or dreamt) Drunk Driven Eaten Fallen Fed Felt EN ESPANOL To Begin To Bring To Build To Buy To Burn To
ALGUNOS VERBOS IRREGULARES DE INGLES VERBO PASADO SIMPLE PARTICIPIO PASADO (haber + verbo) Begun Broken Brought Built Bought Burned or burnt Chosen Cost Come Cut Dug Done Drawn Dreamed (or dreamt) Drunk Driven Eaten Fallen Fed Felt EN ESPANOL To Begin To Bring To Build To Buy To Burn To
ALGUNOS VERBOS IRREGULARES DE INGLES VERBO PASADO SIMPLE PARTICIPIO PASADO (haber + verbo) Begun Broken Brought Built Bought Burned or burnt Chosen Cost Come Cut Dug Done Drawn Dreamed (or dreamt) Drunk Driven Eaten Fallen Fed Felt EN ESPANOL To Begin To Bring To Build To Buy To Burn To
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(haber + verbo)
To Begin Began Begun Comenzar
To Break Broke Broken Romper
To Bring Brought Brought Traer
To Build Built Built Construir
To Buy Bought Bought Comprar
To Burn Burned or burnt Burned or burnt Quemar
To Choose Chose Chosen Eligir
To Cost Cost Cost Costar
To Come Came Come Venir
To Cut Cut Cut Cortar
To Dig Dug Dug Cavar
To Do Did Done Hacer
To Draw Drew Drawn Dibujar
To Dream Dreamed (or dreamt) Dreamed (or dreamt) Soñar
To Drink Drank Drunk Beber
To Drive Drove Driven Manejar
To Eat Ate Eaten Comer
To Fall Fell Fallen Caer
To Feed Fed Fed Alimentar
To Feel Felt Felt Sentir
To Fight Fought Fought Luchar
To Forbid Forbade Forbidden Prohibir
To Forgive Forgave Forgiven Perdonar
To Freeze Froze Frozen Helar
To Find Found Found Encontrar
To Fly Flew Flown Volar
To Forget Forgot Forgotten Olvidar
To Get Got Gotten Obtener
To Give Gave Given Dar
To Go Went Gone Ir
To Grow Grew Grown Cultivar
To Have Had Had Tener
To Hang Hung Hung Suspeder
To Hear Heard Heard Escuchar
To Hide Hid Hidden Ocultar
To Hold Held Held Agarrar
To Know Knew Known Saber
To Learn Learned (or learnt) Learned (or learnt) Aprender
To Leap Leaped (or leapt) Leaped (or leapt) Saltar