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Samsung Kct52A TV Chassis

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a eam” COLOR TELEVISION RECEIVER CHASSIS: KCT52A MODEL: TXE2045, TXE2046 TXE2545, TXE2546, TXE2549 TXE2745, TXE2746, TXE2749 SERVIC. Manual = CRAIN Sara) |. Precautions N Specifications and IC Data . Alignment and Adjustment = |. Troubleshooting 3. Exploded Views and Parts List Electric Parts List Block Diagrams PCB Layout . Wiring diagram 10. Schematic Diagrams 3. Alignment and Adjustment 3-1 Preadjustment Since there are no VRs in the KCTS2A chassis, all adjustments after parts replacement must be done VIA the Service Mode ‘The Factory Mode adjustments are necessary when either the EEPROM (C902) or the CRT is replaced. 3-1-1 When EEPROM (IC902) Is Replaced 1. When IC902 is replaced, all adjustment data revert to their initial values. Itis necessary to re-program this data 2. After IC902 is replaced, warm up the TV for 10 seconds. 3. Do not tamper with the " Adjustment” screen of the Factory Mode menu. This screen is Make the following adjustments AFTER setting intended only for factory use. up purity and convergence: White Balance Sub-Brightness Vertical Center Vertical Size Horizontal Size (No use in 21" and 25° models) 3-2 Factory ("SERVICE" 1. The set must be in Factory ("Service") Mode. Selection sequence: ‘STAND-BY —+ MUTE-+1-8 "POWER ON, 2. The" FACTORY MODE" message will be displayed. ‘The Factory Mode has four components : Adjustment, Test Pattern, Set Option Byte, and Factory Reset. 3. Access the Adjustment Mode by pressing the "VOLUME" keys (b, 4). ‘The adjustment parameters are listed in the accompanying table. Select them by pressing the CHANNEL keys (A, ¥). 4. After completing the Factory Mode adjustments, turn the power switch OFF. Samsung Electronics 34 3-2-1 Adjustment 1. Selection sequence STAND-BY —+ MUTE-+1-8—-2-—POWER ON 2. Example : Sub-bright Adjustment “FACTORY MODE* — [Adjustment Test Pattern Set Option Byte Factory Reset | Press VOL > T AGC 43 VS 32 veoo 64] | VA 13 sar 9 HS. 38 scT 5 EWA 53 sch 8 EWP 42 sm 10] | EWC 31 RE 34] | EWT 31 GG 32 VM 25 8G 34 MAT off sco 9] | VO 46 VSL 25 | Press CHW AGC 43 VS 32 vco 64| | VA 13 sate HSE 30) scl 5 EWA 53 scR 8 eee sit 10 ewe 31 RG 34 EWI 31 G6 32] | M8 BG 34) | MAT off sco 9 Vol 46 VSL 25 1 Press VOL or b BS voweh ot ‘Samsung Electronics «4 om rm Main Adjustment Parameters { FUNCTION oso [Rance] DATA FUNCTION oso | RANGE] DATA aurogancontno | age [0-6] «3 | | VERTICAL sHFT ws [o-e| 3 VOLTAGE conTROL asciLtaroR | veo [0-127] & | | VERTICAL AMPLITUDE va [o-e] 2 UB BRIGHT set [o-13[ 5 | | HORIZONTAL sHFT Hs [0-0] 38 SUB CONTRAST scr [0-13] 10 | | east WesTAMPLTUDE ews | o-e3| 83 suB.coton sea fo-13] 8 | [east west ewe | 0-63 | a2 ‘SUB TINT STI} 0-13} 2 | | EASTWEST CORNER Ewe | 0-63] 31 ED GAIN — ag [0-63 | az | | eastwesrmur ewr | 0-63| 31 GREEN GAIN 66 | 0-63} 32 VERTICAL 200M vem | 8783] 25 aWEGAN es | 0-6] 32 | [Maran mat | ont | otf S-CORRECTION soo [o-a| 9 vo. [0-63] 46 VERTICAL SLOPE vat [o-6 | 25 NOTE : The actual data values vary according to model 3-2-2 Test Pattern (Aging Mode) 1. This mode can be used during servicing, ot for confirming thatthe convergence and purity adjustments are correc. 2. Access the Test Pattern parameters by pressing the CHANNEL keys (4.,¥) while the Service Mode is on. The cursor will move to the test pattern. Press the VOLUME keys. On-screen display: RED GREEN alue Samsung Electronics a 3-2-3 Set Option Byte BYTEO BYTE 1:00 . In the Service Mode, various options can be selected VIA the Option Bytes: 2. Example BYTEO 00 R L BYTE] gp FORPIPMODEI :20 FOR NON-PIP MODEL Values Expressed In Hexadecimal Numbers : OPTION BYTE 0 (HEX) ll 0: AIR/STO/HAC/ARC 1: AIR/STO/HAC/AFN ° ai ‘0: NON AUTO POWER OFF 1: AUTO POWER OFF AFTER 20MIN. (0 AUTO MUTE IN NO SIGNAL 1: NONE AUTO MUTE (0; HELP MESSAGE 11: NONE HELP MESSAGE (HEX) (0: NONE AUTO ON 1: AUTO ON 0: PP 1: NONE PIP (0: SHARPNESS 4 STEP (STANDARD) 1: SHARPNESS 8 STEP (STANDARD) DONT CARE OPTION BYTE 1 (HEX) 09: TWAMDEO1/MIDEO2 01: TVAMDED/MIDEO2 10: TVM0ED 11: TWMIDED (0: PICTURE LEVEL R/B=10 STEP 1: PICTURE LEVEL R/B= 5 STEP. (HEX) DON'T CARE DONT CARE DONT CARE DONT CARE ‘Samsung Electronics ae 3-2-4 Factory Reset When " Factory Reset’ is selected, the User-Control data reverts to the initial values. : The User-Control data is available at MENU (picture, sound and the other functions etc.) Note : When " Factory Reset" is selected, the Factory Mode Data does not change. Selection sequence : Stand-By —» MUTE 1-8 2+ POWER ON, t * FACTORY MODE * ‘Adjustment Test Pattern Set Option Byte Factory Reset 1 Press CHW. * FACTORY MODE * ‘Adjustment Test Pattern Set Option Byte Factory Reset | Press VOL > Execute Other Adjustments pa 0 3-3-1 General 1. Usually, a color TV needs only slight touch-up adjustment upon installation. Check the basic characteristics such as height, horizontal and vertical syne and focus. 2. Observe the picture for good black and white details. There should be no objectionable color shading. lf color shading is present, perform the purity and convergence adjustments described below 3. Use the specified test equipment or its equivalent. 4. Correct impedance matching is essential. Avoid overload. Excessive signal froma sweep generator might overload the front-end of the TV. When inserting signal markers, do not allow the marker generator to distort test results. Connect the TV only to an AC power source with voltage and frequency as specified on the backcover nameplate Do not attempt to connect or disconnect any ‘wires while the TV is turned on. Make sure that the power cord is disconnected before replacing any parts. To protect against shock hazard, use an isolation transformer. ‘Samsung Electronics| 35 ‘A degaussing coil is mounted around the picture tube, so external degaussing after moving the TV should be unnecessary. However, the receiver must be properly degaussed upon installation. ‘The degaussing coil operates for about I second. after the power is switched ON. If the set has been moved or turned in a different direction, disconnect its AC power for at least 10 Minutes. If the chassis or parts of the cabinet become ‘magnetized, poor color purity will result. If this happens, use an external degaussing coil. Slowly move the degaussing coil around the faceplate of the picture tube and the sides and front of the receiver. Slowly withdraw the coil toa distance of about 6 feet before removing power. 3-3-3 High Voltage Check CAUTION : There is no high voltage adjustment on this chassis. The B* power supply must be set to eitther #130V or +125V (for 20" screen). Conditions : Full color bar input and normal picutre level 1. Connect a digital voltmeter to the second anode of the picture tube. 2. Tum on the TV. Set the Brightness and Contrast controls to minimum (zero beam current). 3. The high voltage should not exceed 29.5KV. 4. Adjust the Brightness and contrast controls to both extremes. Ensure thatthe high voltage dloes not exceed 29 5KV under any conditions. size | 20" 2s a MAX H-VOLTAGE | _27.5KV 2B5KV 295K 3-3-4 FOCUS Adjustment 1. Inputa black and white signal. 2. Adjust the tuning control for the clearest picture, 3. Adjust the FOCUS control for well defined scanning lines in the center area of the screen. 3-3-5 Bt Line Check There are 3 power modes : 1. "A": When AC power supply is connected ; " Stand-By" mode 2. "BY: When " Set Power-ON" button is pressed, 3. °C”: Operated by FBT. Each voltage is marked on its lead-in wire. (Cw 3-3-6 F/S (Fail Safe) Circuit Check 1. The failsafe circuit check is the final step after, servicing. 2. Tum the power switch on and adjust the screen for "Normal" 3. Temporarily short Pin R and Pin X on the chassis (RX05, RXO4). Sound and picture will disappear. 4, The TV should remain in this state. This shows that the failsafe circuit is working properly. 5, To restore picture and sound, temporarily turn off the AC power supply. After about 30 seconds, switch power ON. 36 “Samsung Electronics rm 3-3-7 Color Purity Adjustment 1, Warm up the receiver. Operate it for 20 minutes, with the Brightness control set to maximum. 2. Fully degauss the receiver. Use an external degaussing coil, 3. Roughly adjust convergence by rotating the convergence magnet 4. Inputa black and white signal. 5, Loosen the Deflection Yoke clamp screw, and move the Deflection Yoke as close to the purity magnet as possible 6. Loosen the Purity Magnet clamp. Adjust the purity magnet so that the vertical green raster is precisely at the center of the screen. Then tighten the clamp. 7. Slowly move the Deflection Yoke forward, and. adjust it for the best overall green screen. 8, Tighten the Deflection Yoke clamp screw. cart one ont pee | rancenvieooe os ; a oe | aussee unser nences een techs we gd Tike ery 2 POLE pour CONVERGENCE, ADJUST THE ANGLE NeRFCACENES) ROTATE Two TaBs SPINE sae TNE (BORIZONTACLINES) Fig 3-2 Purity and Convergence Magnets Samsung Electronics| 37 3-3-8 Center Convergence Adjustment Note: Before attempting any convergence adjustment, make sure that the receiver has been powered ON for at least twenty minutes. 1. Input a crosshatch pattern from a color bar generator. 2. Adjust the Brightness and Contrast controls for a well defined pattern. 3. Adjust the two tabs of the 5-pole magnets. Change the angle between the tabs, and superimpose red and blue vertical lines in the center area of the picture screen. 4. Next, turn both tabs at the same time. Keep the angle between the tabs constant, and superimpose the red and blue horizontal lines at the center ofthe screen. 5. Adjust the two tabs of the 6-pole magnets. Superimpose the red /blue lines on the green. ‘Adjusting the angle afects the horizontal ines. 6 Repeat adjustments 3, 4 and 5. The dot movement is complex because the 4-pole and 6-pole magnets interact. BLUE 4-Pole Magnets Movement REDIBLUE 6-Pole Magnets Movernent Fig 3-3 Center Convergence Adjustment 3-3-9 AGC Adjustment 1. Input a COLOR-BAR pattern, (CH2) 2. Set the RF input signal to 70DBuV. 3. Use Generator for PMS518 & PM5418. 4. Set AGC (in the Factory Mode) so that the DC level of IC TDAB377 Pin 53 is 3.2 (£0.05)V. 3-3-10 AFT (VCO Adjustment) 1. Input an AGC adjustment signal 2. Select Factory Mode VCO and press the MUTE key one time. 3. GEOMATRIX adjustments vs EWA VA EWP VsL EWC HS EWT 38 ‘Samsung Electronics vm 33-11 Wh Balance Adjustment 33-11 (A) SCREEN ADJUSTMENTS 1. Input a TOSHIBA pattern. 2. Check R506 oscilloscope. pinon the CRT PCB with an 3. Enter the Horizontal Line Mode. 4. Adjust the screen on the FBT so that the waveform of the 2ist line and DC 2.0 (+0.5)V. 33:11 (8) HIGH-LIGHT ADJUSTMENT 1, Input a TOSHIBA pattern. 2 Set high-light to 28F/L 275/295 (X,Y) with a color analyzer. 3. Set low-light to 1.0F/L. 4, Adjust RG, BG and set GG to step 32. SIZE 20 a 7 HIGH UGHT 32FAL sora | ern. 33-11 (C) SUB-CONTRAST ADJUSTMENT 1, Set SCT so that the brightness level in high- lightis 28 F/L: (In case of 27V). 3.3-11 0) SUB-BRIGHTNESS ADJUSTMENT 1, Input a TOSHIBA pattern, 2, Set SBT so that the brightness level in low-light is LOF/L. sea aE ao Sy Masee0owe aNz0-008 MODULE RCE tro sf 350 om { C8 Sethe Grease Seber wane Tamm 6 5-2. 25 inch Only (TXE2545, TXE2546, TXE2549) 1 | No" New Code No’ Gid Code Noi a492-300046 +4A92-300888 +4492-30098D AR64-306614 -6-601908 ‘x69-501004 ‘ARG4-TO01OA ‘ARGA-103654 ANB 800006 ABA 402004 64° 402624 ‘ARGA-103464 ‘3001-00010, 237148-540-159 *AA9T-80008 ‘Ab0-100024 ‘6 1-400504 080-0201 ‘9809-10070 ‘A61-200844 37124-100-890 aa-20001% 4497-70004 AABE-30604 37148-540-183 ‘436-10002E ‘aR61-200858 A497 10081 A497 -10081M A497 10081? +3781-00010-010 An40-100038 ‘3040-0108 4496-60308, ‘26-30002K +3¥82-20081-010, +3¥89-20006-010 3018-0072 +3H77-00001-070 a59-60001U 3404-000044 s2001-0176-000 4530-0074-000 '4083-0248-000, 6674-19-820 '34165-0085-000, 34073-0110-000 ‘54089-0249-000 34208-200-007 g734e-001-200 39983-0004-000 ‘81320-0202 3922-1027-000 ‘ast49-0007 ‘32001-0177-000 93053-817-090 39328-0001-010 1282-0008 201-0048 1208-0085 018-0038 ASSY-OABINET, FRONT ASSY-GABINET FRONT ASSY-CABIINET FRONT CABINET-FAONT PILLE-MODFEA,L RILLE-WODFER,L RLLE-NODFER A RILE-NODFER. A BA0E-SFWD NOB-POEA SPRINGS Ino ICATOR-LED window-Rew000N NOB-CONTRL, SPEER SOREW-TAP PH SPRACE) ASSY-POB,AIV ‘SCREW-TAPPINGIPAVCF ‘STORPER-PCB SACK-ACA, BOOK crr-cu FOLOER-CLANPER SCREW-ORT|CATACF) (OIL-DEGRLSING ASSY-POB CRT CABINET ACK SOREN-TAP, AH OBICF) ANTENNA-A0D POVER-CORD HOLDER-O0RD -ASSY-FNB, MAIN |ASSY-FVE MAIN ASSY-PVE MAIN ASSY-HS, SOUND 10501) TUNER-FIS {ACK-RCA, BLOCK ASSY-H/S, VERT (HO) (0401) THANS-FLY BACK ASSY-HIS, VERT C308) -ASSY-HIS.POHER( 1C801) SH-TACT.¥ ASSY-LED GUIDE oOULE-REWOOON SMTOTACT “162546 UCK 1 THE2546 00K 1 THE2546 1 1 THE2545 THEZE9/UOK HIPS, VO,8LK,PA100 1rE549 THE2545 THE2546, 49 THEAS THE2546, 49, ‘SE00,T0.5 PANO $£00,70.5,PA110 {AL,L50, SILVER, FLAT BS, HBL, 65 895304, 10.5 ACRYL HB 6345 P6545, 28,18 BLK, 6045 ‘5H, Bohm 6968, 15042 2S-4K15 FE FB THE25, 2749, MCTEOA Ho L12, 2501 EL) IBS, H8,NAT, ALL. MODEL 713.6 V-F3 9 SIN ABOLAVEAY, 45043, 26° NYLON-66,VO.NTR GH35 FE FZV 25%, 7 60m, 33T 2800,€ KCTS, 25" HIPS, VO.BLK, 6845 25-4Ki4 FE FB DeLeTe Tex 1p MSP~10N,$°2, 2.14 HOUS P,VO,8LK,00 THE2545( UGK, KOTS2A THE2546/UCK KOTSZA 1THE2549/UCK,CTEZA ToAT286 TEOC-1O80PA2SA,NTSC-USA 19.6 V-08 OP ST ALL SIN 2301880 FTH-230001,29"190V ‘oass600Na STR-S8709 LF9SS JIM-1AQUIRPTH11224 4.4K DAG (Fc-50VF 38102, 9400 ME 15V,20MA, 90-1 706F,7-SKM 0 SNA OW SNA OO S.NA OO SNA 0 SNA 00 S.NA 00 SNA ‘Samsung Electronics an) ® » *®

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