Jan 07

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Form Codes DEON, EWON, FFOQ SAT Reasoning Test" Question-and-Answer Service January 2007 Administration INSIDE: * Test questions and correct answers * The difficulty level for each question * Your essay prompt and all other essay prompts administered on your test day * Instructions for scoring your own test * Suggestions for using this report to understand your strengths and weaknesses Not for reproduction and resale. © 2007 The College Board. All rights reserved. College Board, SA’ acorn logo ate registered trademarks of the College Board. connect to college suceess and SAT Reasoning Test are trademarks owned by the College Board. (GotlegeBoara SAT nnect to college success™ Using Your Question-and-Answer Service (QAS) Report This booklet contains the SAT Reasoning Test™ you took in January 2007, It also includes the correct answers, he difficulty level for each question, additional essay prompts, and scoring information. If the SAT Reasoning Test you took included an unscored “equating” section, this booklet will not include that section. Reviewing Your SAT Results The QAS report can help you understand your academic strengths and weaknesses. To make the best use of this ‘eport, do the following: . * ” Read each question, focusing on the type of question, the correct answer, how you answered it, and the difficulty level. . © Analyze test questions you answered incorrectly to understand why your answer was incorrect. Check to see whether you misread the question or misgridded the answer. ‘© Use the table below to keep track of how you did on the different types of questions (as labeled on your QAS report). This can help you decide how best to concentrate your efforts to improve. Section ‘Type of Question ‘Number Number Number Z Correct [Incorrect | Omitted | Critical Reading Sentence completion : R Passage-based reading Z Mathematics N Number and operations _ | [A Algebra and functions G Geometry and measurement D Data analysis, statistics, probability ‘Writing Multipie-Choice |S Improving sentences E Identifying sentence errors P Improving paragraphs Reviewing Your Essay You can view a copy of your essay online at www.collegeboard.com/viewessay. Your essay prompt is included in this booklet. Other essay prompts used on the day you took the test are also included. On the practice sheets in the back of this booklet, you can try writing your essay again, or you can try writing a practice essay for a different prompt. Understanding Your Scores If you would like to score your test, tise the Scoring Worksheet, SAT Essay Scoring Guide, and score conversion tables at the back of this booklet. You will need to use the “Form Code” shown at the top of your personalized QAS report to locate your particular score conversion tables, 1 ® ESSAY wzsveencre ESSAY ® 1 ESSAY Time — 25 minutes The edsay gives you an opportunity to show how effectively you can develop and express ideas. You should, therefore, take care to develop your point of view, present your ideas logically and clearly, and uye language precisely. ‘Your essay must be written on the lines provided on your answer sheet—you will receive no other paper on which to write ‘You will have enough space if you write on every line, avoid wide margins, and keep your handwriting to a reasonable size. Remember that people who are not familiar with your handwriting will read what you write. Try to write or print so that what you are writing is legible to those readers. Important Reminders: ‘+ A pencil is required for the essay. An essay written in ink will receive a score of zero. © Do not write your essay in your test book. You will receive credit only for what you write on your answer sheet. + An off-topic essay will receive a score of zero. ‘You have twenty-five minutes to write an essay on the topic assigned below. | ‘Think carefully about the issue presented in the following excerpt and the assignment below. | ‘Most human beings spend their lives doing work they hate and work that the world does not | need. Its of prime importance that you learn early what you want to do and whether or not the world needs this service. The return from your work must be the satisfaction that work | brings you and the world's need of that work. Income is not money, itis satisfaction: itis creation; it is beauty. Viewing My Life from the Last Decade of Its First Century Assignment: _Is it more important to do work that one finds fulfilling or work that pays well? Plan and write an essay in which you develop your point of view on this issue. Support your position with reasoning and examples taken from your reading, studies, experience, or observations. | stoma ema repent £8 Or Athy | J BEGIN WRITING YOUR ESSAY ON PAGE 2 OF THE ANSWER SHEET, It you finish before time is called, you may check your work on this section only. Do not turn to any other section in the test. 1 @® ESSAY seceecr ESSAY ® 1 ESSAY Time — 25 minutes ‘The essay gives you an opportunity to show how effectively you can develop and express ideas. You should, therefore, take care to develop your point of view, present your ideas logically and clearly, and use language precisely. ‘Your essay must be written on the lines provided on your answer sheet—you will receive no other paper on which to write You will have enough space if you write on every line, avoid wide margins, and keep your handwriting to a reasonable sie. Remember that people who are not familiar with your handwriting will read what you write. Try to write or print so that what ‘you are writing is legible to those readers. Important Reminders: + A pencil is required for the essay. An essay written in ink will receive a score of zero. + Do not write your essay in your test book. You will receive credit only for what you write on your : answer sheet, ‘+ An off-topic essay will receive a score of zero. ‘You have twenty-five minutes to write an essay on the topic assigned below. ‘Think carefully about the issue presented in the following excerpt and the assignment below. [tr we are assastied with our circumstances, we think about changing them, Botte most important and effective changes —in our attude hardly occur tous In ther word, we should worry not about how to alter the world around us for the better but about how to change ourelvesn order to fit int that world Adapted from Michael Hymers, “Wittgenstein, Pessimism and Politics” Assignment: _ Is it better to change one’s attitude than to change one's circumstances? Plan and write an essay in which you develop your point of view on this issue. Support your position with reasoning and examples taken from your reading, studies, experience, or observations. BEGIN WRITING YOUR ESSAY ON PAGE 2 OF THE ANSWER SHEET Hf you finish before time is called, you may check your work on this section only. Do not turn to any other section in the test. 1 @® ESSAY eves" ESSAY ESSAY ‘The essay gives you an opportunity to show how effectively you can develop and express ideas. You should, therefore, take care to develop your point of view, present your ideas logically and clearly, and use language precisely, Your essay must be written on the lines provided on your answer sheet—you will receive no other paper on which to wr You will have enough space if you write on every line, avoid wide margins, and keep your handwriting to a reasonable size Remember that people who are not familiar with your handwriting will read what you write. Try to write oF print so that what you are writing is legible to those readers Important Reminders: * A pencil is required for the essay. An essay written in ink will receive a score of rer, + Do not write your essay in your test book. You will receive credit only for what you write on your answer sheet ‘+ An off-topic essay will receive a score of zero, ‘The supervisor will tell you how much time you have to write an essay on the topic assigned below. Many people believe tat our goverment shoul! do more t solve ou problems. Altera how | ‘can one individual create more jobs or make roads safer oF imprave the schools oF help (0 | provide any of the other benefits that we have come to enjoy? And yet expecting that the | ‘govemment—rather than individuals—should always come up with the solutions 0 society's | | ills may have made us less self-reliant, undermining our indepenclence and sell-sulficiency. Assignment: Should people take more responsibility for solving problems that affect their communities or the nation in general? Plan and write an essay in which you develop your point of view on this issue. Support your position with reasoning and examples taken from your reading, studies, expericnce, or observations, BEGIN WRITING YOUR ESSAY ON PAGE 2 OF THE ANSWER SHEET If you finish before time is called, you may check your work on this section only. Do not turn to any other section in the test. 22 eh eee el) ie) lee SECTION 2 Time — 25 minutes 18 Questions Directions: This section contains two types of questions. You have 25 minutes to complete both types. For questions 1-8, solve ‘each problem and decide which is the best of the choices given. Fill in the corresponding circle on the answer sheet. You may uuse any available space for scratchwork. 1. The use of a calculator is permitted. 2. All numbers used are real numbers. in| 3: Figures that accompany problems in this test are intended to provide information useful in solving the problems 3 ‘They are drawn as accurately as possible EXCEPT when itis stated in a specific problem that the figure is not drawn to scale. All figures lie in a plane unless otherwise indicated. : . 4, Unless otherwise specified, the domain of any function f is assumed to be the sct of all real numbers «far which ‘(2) is a teal nuimber. i +2 EN 24S 5 ‘w See L 3 o e a 5 ¥ 8] Code | ASO AR GbR Ve ew Vearth Special Right ‘rian {S| The number of degrees of arc in a circle is 360. %| ‘The sum of the measures in degrees of the angles of a triangle is 180. 1. If 3x = 0, whatis the value of 1 + x + x7? 2. The diameter of circle A is 3 times the diameter of 7 circle B. What isthe ratio of the radius of circle “ws to the radius of circle B? @ on B) 1 a @) 6: © 8 (3:4 e @) 3:2 @) 7 © 3:1 ® 3 GO ONTO THE NEXT PAGE > 2 OO Ose 1 OO 2 3. is a set of numbers whose average (arithmetic mean) is 3. M isaset that is generated by doubling each number in N. What is the average of the numbers in set M? “ ®) © (D) 6 (BE) 9 4. If PR, and T ave digits in the positive three-digit integer PRT, what is the decimal equivalent of PRE x10 9 (A) 0.0PRT (8) O.PRT (C) PRT WD) PRT (4) PR,TOO 5. If k +n 0 ®) k=0 © k<0 ) n>0 ©) n<0 —— Sy Note; Figure not drawn o scale 6. A ramp is extended from a truck (0 the ground, as shown in the figure above. The ramp has « slope 1 L. if y is 3.5 feet, whats x, in feet?” of eee feet, what feet A) 8 (B) 12.5 © 20 (D) 24.5 ©) 32 GO ONTOTHE NEXT PAGE > 200 OF" O OO 2 7. The graph above is a parabola whose equation is y = ax? +2, where @ is aconstant. If y = Bete is graphed on the same axes, which of the following best describes the resulting graph as compared with the graph above? (A) Itwill be narrower, (B) It will be wider. (C) Iwill be moved to the left. D) Itwill be moved to the right. ©) Iwill be moved 3 units downward. 8. Meredith has a red hat, a blue hat, and a white hat. She also has three sweaters—one red, one blue, and one white—and three pairs of jeans—one red, one blue, and one white. Meredith wants to weat a red, white, and blue outfit consisting of one hat, one sweater, and cone pair of jeans. How many different possibilities does she have? @ 3 fi @) 6 © 9 @) 12 ®2 GO ONTO THE NEXT PAGE 2000 LUnauinerizad copying or reuse of ‘ny porta ths page s steal, OoOd2 Directions: For Student-Produced Response questions 9-1 sheet page on which you have answered questions 1-8. Each of the remaining 10 questions requires you to solve the problem and enter your answer by marking the circles, in the special grid, as shown in the examples below. You may use any available space for scratchwork pre Answer: iz Answer: 2.5 18, use the grids at the bottom of the answer Answer: 201 Either position is correct. Write answer —+ 1 15 210) 1] (20,1 in boxes. cH — Fraction a Ole TIO line + Decimal Qo DIOIO ae HESS oom” Sis eso Ql@}@|o O}Q]@|O Q|O}OQ]@| |Q|Qje/@ eloloje dle|a/o glelaia|jelgigis .J|Q/a]|@ AO/O|O 3|9/O|0) |@|ajala} @}O|9|O Q|O/@}O DOGO) Hees) BIB Note: You may start youransweys ese [g\g|29 feat coke ace oe £ ‘Columns nc eded should be left Usislole (SI1O1o10] Blanks Meese opel © Mark 0 more than one circle in any coluran, Recause the answer sheet will be machine- scores, you will receive credit only if the circles are filled in correctly. Although not required, it is suggested that you write your answer in the boxes at the top of the ccaluynns to help you fill in the circles accurately. ‘¢ Decimal Answers: If you obtain s decimal answer ‘with more digits than the grid ean accommodate, ittmay be either rounded or truncated, but it must fill the entire grid. For example, if you obtain an answer such as 0,6666..., you should record your result as .666 or 667. A less accurate value such as .66 or .67 will be scored as incorrect. Acceptable ways to grid 3 are: © Some problems may have more than one correct, 1 (161617 wer, In such eases, grid only one answer. BIO ‘© No question has a negative answer, \@1 O12 OE © Mixed numbers such as 3} must be gridded as Q Q 3 ee a SBR RRBs 4507/2. af Buy D/O Kel 3 G/O/O|O interpreted as. @ QIQ/Ol@ al olele|s) 9. When twice a certain number is increased by 5, the result is 14. What is the number? Z ¢ 10. In the figure above, film and y = 3x. What is the value of y? GO ONTOTHE NEXT PAGE > 2 OO Oster OO O O 2 PROFITS OF CERTAIN STORES Year1 Year 2 aZ Store A $5,000 $6,200 Box. CD Case Store B 6,000 7,380 UU. The inside dimensions of the rectangular box shown Store C 10,000 12,700 above are 4 inches by 4 inches by 8 inches. What is, TOTAL | $21,000 | $26,250 the maximum number of CD cases like the one shown ibs ral inside Se ar It each CD, cee bes oui) 13. The table above lists the profits of 3 stores in 1 2 consecutive years. What was the average 4 A inches by + inch? imencions of 4 inchea by 4 inches by inch (arithmetic mean) increase in profit, in dollars, for these 3 stores from year | to year 2? (Disregard the $ sign when gridding your answer.) F(2) = [3-17] 14, For the function defined above, what is one possible value of a for which f(a)

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