4G Technology

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4G Mobile

Arpit Aggarwal
Welcome to 4G
 The term 4G is used broadly to include several
types of broadband wireless access
communication systems, not only cellular
telephone systems.

 One of the terms to describe 4G is

 MAGIC–Mobile Multimedia
–Anytime Anywhere
–Global Mobility Support
–Integrated Wireless Solution and
–Customized Personal Service
Before 1G
 0G refers to pre-cellular mobile telephony technology. The
systems were called “Cellular” because large coverage areas
were split into smaller areas or “cells”, each cell is served by a
low power transmitter and receiver.

 At the end of 1940’s, the first radio telephone service was

introduced, and was designed to users in cars to the public
land-line based telephone network.

 In the sixties, a system launched by Bell Systems, called

IMTS, or, “Improved Mobile Telephone Service”, bought
quite a few improvements such as direct dialing and more
1G, or First Generation

 The 1G or First Generation. 1G was an analog

system and was developed in the seventies. 1G
had two major improvements, this was the
invention of the microprocessor, and the digital
transform of control link between the phone and
the cell site. ‘AMPS’ was first launched by USA
and is 1G System. It was based on FDMA used to
make voice calls in one country.
Drawbacks : 1G
 1G:
 Poor Voice Quality.

 Poor Battery Life.

 Large Phone Size.

 No Security.

 Frequent Call Drops.

 Limited capacity and poor handoff reliability.

2G, or Second Generation

 2G phones using global system for mobile

communications (GSM) were first used in the
early 1990’s in Europe. GSM provides voice and
limited data services and uses digital modulation
for improved audio quality. Digital AMPS,
CDMA2000 were some of the other 2G Systems.
2.5 Generation
 An interim stage that is taken between 2G and 3G that is

 It is basically an enhancement of major technologies to

provide increased capacity and to increase higher bit

 A very important aspect of 2.5G is the data channel are

optimized for packet data which include access to internet
through mobile devices.
Drawbacks : 2G

 2G:

 The GSM is circuit switched, connection oriented technology,

where the end systems are dedicated for the entire call session.

 This causes inefficiency in the usage of bandwidth and

resources. The GSM-enabled systems do not support high data
rates. They are unable to handle complex data such as video.
3G, or Third Generation
 The 3G technology adds multimedia facilities to
2G phones by allowing Audio, Video, and
Graphics Applications.

 The idea behind 3G is to have a single network

standard instead of the different types adopted in
the US, Europe, and Asia. Telecommunications
System (UMTS) or IMT-2000, will sustain higher
data rates and open the door to many Internet
style applications.
Drawbacks : 3G

 3G:

 High Bandwidth requirement.

 High Spectrum Licensing Fees.

 Huge Capital.
Evolution in terms of Speed

2G 10 kbps

2.5G 384 kbps

3G 2 mbps

Broadband (Fast ) 24 mbps

4G 100 mbps

Speed 0-100 mbps

Comparison of 3G and 4G

Technology 3G 4G
Data Transfer Rate 3.1MB/Sec 100MB/Sec

Internet Services Broadband Ultra Broadband

Mobile TV Resolution Low High

Bandwidth 5-20 MHz 100+ MHz

Frequency 1.6-2 GHz 2-8 GHz

Network Architecture Wide Area Network Hybrid Network

Source: 3GPP (www.3gpp.org), Wimax Forum, 2009

4G or Fourth Generation
 In telecommunications, 4G is the fourth generation of
cellular wireless standards.

 It is a successor to the 3G and 2G families of standards.

 In 2008, the ITU-R organization specified the IMT-

Advanced (International Mobile Telecommunications
Advanced) requirements for 4G standards, setting peak
speed requirements for 4G service at 100 Mbit/s for high
mobility communication (such as from trains and cars)
and 1 Gbit/s for low mobility communication (such as
pedestrians and stationary users)
4G or Fourth Generation
 Some possible standards for 4G system are 802.20,
WiMAX(802.16), HSDPA, TDD UMTS, UMTS and
future versions of UMTS and proprietary networks from
ArrayComm Inc., Cisco Systems, Qualcomm, and 4G
efforts in China and Japan.

 The design is that 4G would be based on OFDM

(Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing), which is
a key enabler of 4G Technology. Other technical aspects
of 4G are adaptive processing and smart antennas, both of
which are in 3G networks and enhance rates when used
with OFDM.
Features of 4G

 Faster and more reliable

 100Mb/s (802.11=54Mb/s, 3G=2Mb/s)

 Lower Cost than previous generations

 Multi-Standard Wireless System
 Bluetooth, Wired, Wireless (802.11x)
 Ad-Hoc Networking
 IPv6 Core
 OFDM used instead of CDMA
Different Access Technologies

 FDMA-Frequency Division Multiple Access.

 It is a method where the spectrum is cut up into different frequencies and then
this chunk given to the users. At one time only one user is assigned to a
frequency. Because of this the frequency is closed, until the call is ended, or it
is passed on to another frequency.

 TDMA-Time Division Multiple Access.

 It makes use of the whole available spectrum, unlike FDMA. Instead of splitting
the slots by frequency, it splits them by time, over all of the frequency. Each
subscriber is given a time slot, as opposed to a frequency. Therefore many uses
can sit on one frequency, and have different time slots, because the time slots
are switched so rapidly TDMA is used for 2G networks.

 CDMA-Code Division Multiple Access.

 It uses the spread spectrum method, the way it works means its highly
encrypted, so its no surprise it was developed and used by the military. Unlike
FDMA, CDMA allows the user to sit on all of the available frequencies at the
same time, and hop between then. Each call is identified by its unique code,
hence the term Code Division.

 Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing

 Allows to transfer more than other forms of
multiplexing (Time, Frequency, Code, etc.)
 Simplifies the design of the transmitter and the
 Allows for almost the entire frequency band.
 No gaps to prevent interference needed.

 Currently used in WiMax (802.16) and WiFi


 It uses signal multiplexing between multiple transmitting antennas

(space multiplex) and time or frequency.

 It is well suited to OFDM, as it is possible to process independent time

symbols as soon as the OFDM waveform is correctly designed for the

 This aspect of OFDM greatly simplifies processing. the signal

transmitted by m antennas is received by n antennas.

 In principle, MIMO is more efficient when many multiple path signals

are received.
Smart Antennas

 Beam Radio signals at a user to follow the user as they

 Allow the same frequency to be used for other users
without worry for interference.
 Can’t keep up with the transmission speeds while the
device is moving fast (i.e. in a car)
 Only 32Mb/s at 62mph (vs. 100Mb/s)

 Seamless handoff between towers/access points.

 One transmit antenna, two receive antennas
 Allows connection to two access points at once
Ad Hoc Networks

 Spontaneous self organizing of networks or


 Not necessarily connected to the internet.

 4G will create hybrid networks using Ad Hoc


 Form of Mesh Networking

 Very Reliable
Mobile IPv6

 More addresses than the current version of IP

Protocol (IPv4) each device can have its own IP
 Keep IP address even if you change your access point.
 Presently translate IP with each change because of the
shortage of IP addresses.
 IP Core-everything can talk to each other if they
speak the same “language” (Protocol).
Mobile VoIP

 “Voice Over Internet Protocol”

 Allows only packets (IP) to be transferred, eliminating the
complexity of 2 protocols over the same circuit.
 All voice data will be wrapped up in a packet
 Lower latency data transmission (Faster Transmission)
 Samples voice between 8000 to 64000 times per second
and creates stream of bits which is then compressed and
put into a packet.
 Increases battery life due to greater data transmission.
Applications of 4G

 Virtual Presence: 4G system gives mobile users a "virtual presence"

(for example, always-on connections to keep people on event). Video

 Virtual navigation: a remote database contains the graphical

representation of streets, buildings, and physical characteristics of a
large metropolis. Blocks of this database are transmitted in rapid
sequence to a vehicle

 Tele- geo processing: Queries dependent on location information of

several users, in addition to temporal aspects have many applications.
e.g.: GIS, GPS.

 Crisis-management applications.
Impact of 4G
 Affordable communication services.

 One device can communicate with all vs. many devices

communicating with some devices.

 TV, internet, phone, radio, home environment sensors all reachable

through one device, the cell phone.
 Streaming HD video.

 Too connected?
 Increase in social networking, invasion of privacy security concerns.
 Increase in regulation likely (i.e. no driving and using a cell phone).
News about 4G

 First Step Towards Full Range of WiMax / 4G Applications

 This successful implementation of the OFDM waveform is the first step in
Military Technologies plan to implement the complete IEEE 802.16 family of
wireless data applications.

 WiFi/WiMax Gels With 4G

 Sprint 4G offers a faster wireless experience than any other U.S.

national wireless carrier, and Sprint is the only national carrier
offering wireless 4G service today in 27 markets. Sprint 4G
delivers download speeds up to 10 times faster than 3G, giving
HTC EVO 4G the fastest data speeds of any U.S. wireless device
available today.

 Migration to 4G networks ensures convergence of networks,

technologies, applications and services.

 Low cost high speed data will drive forward the fourth generation
(4G) as short-range communication emerges.

 It is probable that the radio access network will evolve from a

centralized architecture to a distributed one.

 Wireless carriers have an opportunity to shorten Investment return,

improve operating efficiency and increase revenues.

 Innovations in network technology will provide an environment in

which virtually anything is available, anywhere, at any time, via any
connected device.
 Docomo: Towards 4G Technology
 http://www.nttdocomo.com/technologies/future/toward/index.html
 Frequently Asked Questions on 4G By Zahid Ghadialy
 http://www.3g4g.co.uk/4G/faq.html
 4G, Wikipedia
 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/4G
 Telenor: Mobility Aspects in 4G Networks -White Paper
 http://www.telenor.com/rd/pub/not02/N_43_2002.pdf
 4G Mobile Networks – Technology Beyond 2.5g And 3g –White Paper
 http://www.ptc.org/past_events/ptc07/program/papers/T24_RoyConsulta.pdf
 Visions for 4G: Many Ways to Achieve Integrated Wireless Connectivity –White
 http://www.highfrequencyelectronics.com/Archives/Jan07/HFE0107_TechReport.pdf
The End

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