Brevard Mortgage Foreclosure Procedures

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Brevard County

Mortgage Foreclosure Division

The Moore Justice Center
2825 Judge Fran Jamieson Way
3rd Floor
Viera, FL 32940
321-637-5470 – main number
321-637-5642 – fax

Residential Mortgage Foreclosures
Homestead and Non-Homestead

Pursuant to a grant, a Mortgage Foreclosure Division has been created in

Brevard County to handle all residential Foreclosure of Mortgage cases filed in
the County.
Senior Circuit Judge Charles M. Holcomb presides over Division A and Senior
Circuit Judge Lawrence V. Johnston presides over Division B.
We have conferred and agreed on a few practice procedures which may lessen
the stress and save time and money and will accommodate all persons with more

Effective 9/23/10
Revised 11/10/10
Revised 1/7/11
Revised 2/10/11

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Introduction……………………………………………………………..….. Page 3

Service/Default Affidavit..…………………………………………... Page 4

Procedures for Setting Motion for Summary Judgment

Hearings/Other Hearings………………………………………….…. Page 5

Notice of Hearing…………………………………………………………. Page 6

Attending Hearing in Person………………………………………… Page 7

Cross Notice of Hearings……………………………………………… Page 7

Canceling Hearings………………………………………………………. Page 7

Matters Not Requiring a Hearing…………………………………. Page 7

Telephone Conference Hearings………………………………….. Page 8

Affidavits/Acknowledgements……………………………………… Page 9

Lost Documents……………………………………………………………. Page 11

Affidavit of Indebtedness……………………………………………... Page 12

Proof of Standing………………………………………………………….. Page 13

Attachment of Note and Mortgage to Complaint………… Page 13

Allonges………………………………………………………………………….. Page 14

Verification of Complaints for Foreclosure Residential

Property…………………………………………………………………………. Page 15

Assignment of Bids/Motion to Vacate………………………….. Page 16

Additional Information……………………………………………….... Page 17

Exhibit “A” – Certification/Hearing Request…….…………… Page 18

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Brevard County Mortgage Foreclosure Division
The Moore Justice Center
2825 Judge Fran Jamieson Way
3rd Floor
Viera, FL 32940
321-637-5470 – main number
321-637-5642 – fax

First, below is a form which should be completed by your staff in each case when Summary Judgment
is scheduled to assist the court in reviewing the file in advance and minimize the time required to track
service of process and defaults. Please distribute the form to all your attorneys and staff and require
them to be completed and filed.

Second, if you have a Motion for Summary Judgment scheduled, include in your cover letter sent with
the packet a statement that you will be available for one hour after the hearing time scheduled and
provide a valid number where you may be reached by telephone. You are NOT required to call in if you
provide the necessary information in your cover letter and provide the form that is attached on the next
page. If no defendant appears and there is no problem in the file, we will enter the Summary Judgment
and get it out to the Clerk and a copy to you and all parties. If a defendant does appear or if there is a
problem with the file, we will telephone you for a hearing on the motion or the problem found in the
JUDGMENT, you will need to call in for all other hearings that have been set in accordance with
the procedures as outlined herein. Please inform the attorneys, paralegals and secretaries in your
firm of this new procedure.

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CASE # 05-20__-CA-_________-XXXX-XX



Plaintiff’s Status:



Submitted on ______________________, 2011.


PLEASE NOTE: See instructions for use of this form – DO NOT FAX to Mortgage
Foreclosure Division to set a hearing. This form is for use for the actual MSJ hearing and
should be submitted with your MSJ Final Package as per instructions on Page 3.

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Summary judgment motions are being scheduled for hearing with the
Court prior to the attorney handling the file fully preparing the case for
hearing. As a result, the Court spends time examining the file and
discovering that a party has not been defaulted, a motion to dismiss is
pending, no notice of hearing is in the file, no note has been filed and no
summary judgment packet has been received, among other problems with
the file.

To remedy this practice, PRIOR to scheduling hearings on motions for

summary judgment, an attorney who has prepared or reviewed the file must
fax a certification to the Court at (321)-637-5642 that the file has been
examined, that the packet containing the final judgment, note and
mortgage, if not already filed, and sale documents will be transmitted to the
Court at least five (5) days prior to the hearing and that the case is ready for
summary judgment. A Certification is attached to these instructions as
Exhibit “A” for your use.

Please fax the Certification along with the contact information (e-mail
address/phone number) of the person who the Court can communicate with
to schedule the hearing. Once the Certification has been received by the
Court, you may then contact the Court at (321)-637-5470 after 3:00 pm to
coordinate a hearing time.

No hearings on motions for summary judgment will be scheduled until the

procedure outlined above is satisfied.

Any scheduled hearing on motions for summary judgment, if

cancelled, must be cancelled by a written notice of cancellation, sent at least
five (5) days before the hearing date and must include the reason the
hearing is being cancelled.

Please cooperate in order to move your cases along expeditiously to a

conclusion. It will be greatly appreciated by the Court. Working together,
we can accomplish resolution of cases in a smooth and timely fashion.

To set other hearing requests you may either:

a) call the Court after 3:00pm at (321) 637-5470 and have all
information ready;
b) e-mail your request to [email protected] with the
information as requested below; or
c) fax a Hearing Request (a copy is attached as an exhibit for your
use) to (321)-637-5642.

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Please have the following information available when you are
requesting and/or e-mailing for a hearing:

Subject Line(if e-mailing in a request): please state the type of hearing

that you are requesting and DO NOT request MSJ hearings with requests
for Motions to Dismiss or other types of hearings as your response will be
Time Needed for Hearing: All MSJ hearings are set for 5 minutes
unless otherwise specified. If you do not specify the amount of time
needed for your hearing you will be given FIVE (5) minutes. Your
requests will be answered sooner if you group all your requests together
in one e-mail/call/fax vs. one at a time. You may request blocks of time
and/or a full day for hearings.
Case Number
Judge the case was assigned to originally
Time Frame your hearing is needed – i.e. – immediately; first available;
30-60-90 days. If this information is not included, the Court will give you
a date.
Attorney/Opposing Counsel
Contact Information for all parties
If you need to coordinate the hearing with opposing counsel, please state
this, otherwise you will be given ONE date.

Below is an example you can use for reference to e-mail your request:

Example: Motion to Dismiss

5 minutes
Judge John Smith
Wells Fargo v Jackson, Jim
90 days
Attorneys: Sue Jones 321-555-5555 ext 1234
[email protected]
Jane Doe 321-666-6666 ext 1234 opposing
counsel [email protected]


When preparing the Notice of Hearing, all hearings are heard before the
Presiding Judge – Mortgage Foreclosure Division, The Moore Justice Center
3rd Floor, 2825 Judge Fran Jamieson Way, Viera, FL 32940 321-637-5470.
Please include in your notice if you are appearing telephonically and follow
the procedures outlined herein. Please provide this office a courtesy copy of
the Notice of Hearing only, it is not necessary to provide copies of any
motions as long as they have been filed with the Clerk.

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If you are attending the hearing in person, please check in with the Court
Information Specialist on the 3rd Floor and/or proceed to the end of the hall
past the Court Information Specialist and have a seat and wait for the Court
Deputy to call you. All hearings are on the 3rd Floor – Mortgage Foreclosure
Division at The Moore Justice Center in Viera.


There will be NO cross noticing or “piggybacking” of motions unless counsel

first has gotten approval from the Court.


The last minute cancellation of reserved hearing time wastes the courts time
and there are multitudes of attorneys and pro se litigants requiring hearing
time. If you need to cancel reserved time, you must notify this office at
least FIVE (5) BUSINESS DAYS prior to the date of the hearing so the
time can be utilized by others. The Court will not allow any cancellations,
other than in extraordinary circumstances and after a hearing on the issue,
except for matters which are resolved, which were the issues for which the
time was reserved. Any hearing time cancelled will require the moving
attorney or pro se to file a written Notice of Cancellation including resolution
of the issue. Failure to cancel prior to five business days, except in
circumstances approved by the Court or settlement of the issues addressed,
will result in the hearing remaining on the docket and, if counsel does not
appear, denial of the relief requested. You may fax the Notice of
Cancellation to this office at 321-637-5642 – no cover letter is needed. Only
the person who scheduled the hearing may cancel it.


a. Appointment of Special Process Server

b. Stipulated Modifications
c. Stipulated Temporary Orders
d. Motions to Substitute Party
e. Plaintiff’s Motion for Cancellation and rescheduling a foreclosure
sale; Plaintiff’s Motions to cancel or set sale dates in mortgage
foreclosures. In Motions to Reset Sale date after previous
cancellation, the Clerk requires that the reason causing cancellation
of the previous sale be set forth in the Order as well as the Motion
and that the circumstance has been resolved.
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f. Motion to Dismiss based upon failure to state a cause of action
g. Motions for judgment on the pleadings
h. Motions for a more definite statement
i. Motions for leave to file a counterclaim or cross claim
j. Motions to amend pleadings
k. Motions to compel answers to interrogatories or to compel response
to request for production
l. Objections to Production or Interrogatories
m. Motions for a new trial, reconsideration or rehearing or
amendments of judgments pursuant to Rule 1.530, Fla. R. Civ. P.
n. Motions for relief from judgment due to clerical mistakes pursuant
to Rule 1.540(a), Fla. R. Civ. P.
o. Plaintiff’s Motions to require Clerk to return original documents
because of dismissal of the case. Please attach a copy of Notice of
Voluntary Dismissal to Motion.
p. Plaintiff’s Motions for Writs of Possession. Please attach a copy of
the Certificate of Title, not all the other documents such as Final
Judgment, etc.
q. Motions to Withdraw/Substitute counsel ONLY if written consent of
the client is obtained, otherwise you will need to schedule a hearing
pursuant to Florida Rules of Court; Judicial Administration Rules
2.505 (e) & (f).

Please note that if you want your correspondence/orders to be signed in a

timely manner please submit them to the Mortgage Foreclosure Division as
sending correspondence to the original assigned Judge will delay its receipt
in the Mortgage Foreclosure Division.


Some motion hearings, motions for summary judgment, etc. may be

handled by telephone conference. However, the Notice of Hearing MUST set
the hearing up as a telephonic hearing and contain the correct information.
Otherwise, the privilege of appearing by telephone will not be granted.

Opposing counsel must be apprised of your intent to appear by telephone to

decide whether or not they will appear by telephone also. The moving
attorney has the obligation to place the telephone conference call
and conference in the opposing counsel or pro se. The Judicial
Assistant does not have the time to place these calls and/or to conference in
any parties. Testimony will not be allowed to be taken by telephone unless
all affected parties stipulate and agree to such testimony or the Court finds it
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is reasonable and necessary to take the testimony by telephone. Telephonic
hearings are allowed as they tend to decrease the expense and needless
expenditure of time in litigation.

It is the responsibility of each attorney involved to notify the moving

attorney and any other attorney involved of the intent to appear by
telephone. It is the sole responsibility of the moving attorney to place a
conference call including all other attorneys or pro se defendants who will
appear by telephone and get them on the conference line prior to the time
set for hearing. If all parties are not on the call at the time of the hearing,
the call will not be placed into the hearing room. Abuse of this procedure
may result in revocation of the privilege to attend hearings by telephone.


The Court continues to see hybrid jurats on affidavits and some affidavits
which conclude with “to the best of my knowledge and belief.” To be an
affidavit, the Notary Public or other officer taking the oath must state in the
jurat that the party was sworn and that the matters in the affidavit are true.

There also appears to be a misconception as to the meaning of a verified

pleading when allowed by a statute or rule of procedure. There also appears
to be a misconception of the meaning of language necessary for an oath or
affirmation versus an acknowledgement. The question arises frequently in
certain actions under the prejudgment writ of replevin statute and
prejudgment writ of garnishment statutes.

An oath or verification requires a swearing or affirmation which would

subject the person signing the pleading to a prosecution for perjury if the
facts sworn to be true are false and the person knew they were false when
sworn to or affirmed.

An acknowledgement is a statement by a person qualified to take oaths and

acknowledgements that the person purporting to sign the document (such as
a deed) produced identification or was known personally and stated that he
or she was the person who signed the document, not that the content of the
document is true.

An oath or verification which is qualified by “to the best of my knowledge

and belief” does not fulfill the requirements of verification or oath or
affirmation unless specifically permitted by the applicable rule or statute
such as a personal representative of an estate who cannot have personal
knowledge of all the facts but must rely on others. See Rule 5.020(e), Fla.
Prob.R. and Section 731.104, Florida Statutes 2009 as examples.

A recent change in Rule 1.10, Fla.R.Civ.P. adds the following language:

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When filing an action for foreclosure of a mortgage on residential real
property the complaint shall be verified. When verification of a document is
required the document filed shall include an oath, affirmation, or the
following statement:

“Under penalty of perjury, I declare that I have read the

foregoing, and the facts alleged therein are true and
correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.”

This is allowed because the affiant could not have personal knowledge of all
the facts but must rely upon others.

The standard form for an oath or affirmation is substantially as follows:

Long form (preferred):

“Before me, an officer duly qualified to take oaths,

personally appeared _______________, (known by me
personally) (who produced identification), and after being
placed under oath, swears or affirms that the facts stated
above are true and correct.”

Short form:

“Sworn to and subscribed before me”

An acknowledgement is totally different. A representative form is as follows:

“Before me, an officer duly qualified to take oaths and

acknowledgements, personally appeared
________________, (known by me personally) (who
produced identification) and acknowledged before me that
he/she was the person who signed the foregoing

Section 92.525, Florida Statutes 2009, defines verified pleadings or

documents as the word is used in statutes, rules, etc. It includes an oath or
affirmation before an officer qualified pursuant to Section 92.50, Florida
Statutes, OR a written declaration stating “under penalties of perjury, I
declare that I have read the foregoing [document] and that the facts stated
in it are true,” followed by the signature of the person making the
declaration. The operative language is “under penalties of perjury” because
this takes the place of an oath or affirmation before an official and allows a
verification which is untrue to be prosecuted as perjury. See Section
92.525(3) Florida Statutes, 2009. To only state that the facts are true and
correct is insufficient and does not constitute a verified pleading. The
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statement must be under oath or affirmation before an authorized officer OR
be verified by the words, “UNDER PENALTIES OF PERJURY.”

Various hybrid forms of purported jurats are in use and do not meet the
requirements. One seen often is as follows:

“Before me appeared _______________________ who

acknowledged before me that he/she signed the above
[document] and did take an oath.”

The missing part is that the person did not say that the statements alleged
were true or what oath the person took. Could it be an oath that the person
is who he/she said he/she is?

Please make sure your clients and employees utilize a proper oath or
affirmation when signing affidavits. Otherwise your case may be delayed as
defective affidavits create additional work and time on the part of all


The Court is experiencing cases in which the promissory note secured

by the mortgage is alleged to have been lost, stolen or destroyed. The
practice is to attach to the complaint a “ledger sheet” purporting to list
origination date, amount of the loan, a payment amount and due date.
These exhibits are not even sworn to.
The Court requires what the statute, §673.3091(2), Florida Statutes
(2009), requires. That is a person seeking to reestablish and enforce such
note must PROVE the terms of the instrument and the person’s right to
enforce it.
The Court will require an affidavit or live testimony of a person who
was personally familiar with the terms of the note by virtue of preparing it or
reading it or other reliable evidence of knowledge of its terms in order to
“prove” the terms. This is an evidentiary issue and, unless proved, will
neither be reestablished nor enforced. Below is a list of the minimum areas
of proof required.


Name and address of original lender

Names of initial borrowers
Loan number and property address
Original loan amount
Date of Note (origination date)
Fixed rate or adjustable rate loan
If fixed rate, what the rate is

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If adjustable rate, beginning interest rate, rate at time of default,
and maximum rate in note
Amount and frequency of payments
Maturity date of note (when required to be paid in full)
Right to prepay with or without penalty, in full or in part, and if
penalty, what it is
If note provides notice upon default and right to cure default, how
many days after written notice. (if notice given by U.S. Mail, add 5
additional days)
Right to cure default after complaint filed


The Court has observed that many law firms submit an affidavit of
indebtedness in a summary judgment motion in which the affiant is
described as an “agent” of the Plaintiff/Servicer; attorney in fact for servicer;
limited signing agent, etc. The affidavit of indebtedness must be accurate
and must clearly identify who the signing affiant is employed by and affiant’s
position with his employer and that the affiant has personal knowledge of
the account. An officer of the Plaintiff is always preferred. One prevalent
affidavit states that the affiant is an employee of the servicer but never
identifies who the servicer is.

Counsel should review Rule 1.510, Florida Rules of Civil Procedure

periodically to make sure the affidavits filed will comply with summary
judgment requirements. Rule 1.510(c) requires that you file your motion
and shall also send copies of all summary judgment evidence relied upon
and not already filed with the Court, at least twenty (20) days prior to the
hearing. This includes affidavits of indebtedness, attorney fee affidavits,
corroborating attorney fee affidavits and unless being reestablished when
actually lost, destroyed or stolen, the note and mortgage.

If you schedule the motion before discovery is closed, the motion may
be premature. The following cases hold that summary judgment should not
be entered while discovery is pending because it is premature. Sanchez v.
Sears, Roebuck and Co., 807 So.2d 196 (Fla. 3rd DCA 2002); Kimball v.
Publix Supermarkets, Inc., 901 So.2d 293 (Fla. 2nd DCA 2005), Henderson v.
Reyes, 702 So.2d 616 (Fla. 3rd DCA 2008); and Payne v. Cudjoe Gardens
Property Owners Association, Inc., 837 So.2d 458 (Fla. 3rd DCA 2002).

Any affirmative defenses raised must be factually refuted or disproved

or you must establish that the defenses are insufficient as a matter of law.
This may be done prior to the motion and is encouraged rather than trying
to do it in a Motion for Summary Judgment. However, it can be a part of the
Motion for Summary Judgment.
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Rule 1.510(e) requires that supporting and opposing affidavits shall be
made on personal knowledge, shall set forth such facts as would be
admissible in evidence and shall show affirmatively that the affiant is
competent to testify to the matters stated therein. If the affidavit would not
be admissible at trial, the Court cannot consider it.

In the future, such affidavits MUST identify the employer, and if not
the Plaintiff, the name of the entity with whom the affiant is employed and
the relationship to the plaintiff. They must be made by a custodian of the
records or one with personal knowledge of the records and business
practices relating to the business records, and must delineate how the
affiant has the knowledge to be competent to sign the affidavit as proof of
the amounts due. Otherwise it will not suffice to support a Motion for
Summary Judgment. An affidavit by an “attorney-in-fact” will not support a
Summary Judgment.


Many notes are filed without a proper endorsement to Plaintiff. Those

notes do not self prove standing even if there is an assignment of mortgage
filed which pre-dates the filing of the complaint. In those cases, the Court
requires an Affidavit or other satisfactory proof that the note and mortgage
was actually delivered to Plaintiff or that Plaintiff was given the right to
enforce the note and mortgage, specifying the date of receipt if delivered or
the name and address of the party giving Plaintiff the right to enforce it
along with the date of the acquisition of the right and a general statement
that the person providing the information has personal knowledge and is an
officer of Plaintiff, specifying the office. If the note is endorsed to Plaintiff or
if Plaintiff is the original mortgagee or if endorsed in blank (a “bearer”
endorsement), the Affidavit or other proof is not required, unless challenged
by a Defendant. If the Plaintiff is Plaintiff due to a merger of the entity
holding the note, evidence of the merger must be filed. It should be noted
that lack of standing is an affirmative defense that should be filed with the
answer. See Glynn v. First Union Nat’l Bank, 912 So.2d 357 (Fla. 4th DCA
2005); and Kissman v Panizzi, 891 So. 2d 1147 (Fla. 4th DCA 2005).


Arguments are being made to the Court when Plaintiff fails to attach a
copy of the note to the complaint, that later filing the original note in the
Court file and giving notice of its filing to the Defendants cures the failure to
attach it to the complaint. Cited for this proposition is Hughes v. Home
Savings of America, 675 So.2d 649 (Fla. 2nd DCA 1996) which distinguishes
Eigen v. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, 492 So.2d 826 (Fla. 2nd DCA

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In Hughes, the Plaintiff had attached a copy of the note and mortgage
to the original complaint. An amended complaint was filed and neither the
note nor the mortgage was attached to it. The Court held that the defect
could have been cured by filing the original note and mortgage in the court
file with notice given to Defendants. In Holmes, the notice of filing of the
original documents was not served on defendants. In Eigen, the same fact
circumstance occurred except that the Defendants were served notice of the
filing of the documents which cured the defect. The fact that the note and
mortgage were attached to the original complaint does not breathe life into
the amended complaint which was void of exhibits.

Both cases cited dealt with amended complaints, not the original
complaint. Failure to attach copies of the documents sued upon may fail to
state a cause of action. This court questions the logic in the case cited but
until the Fifth District rules on this issue, the court is bound by the ruling of
the Second District.


This division is sometimes called upon to adjudicate the validity of an

allonge. At issue is whether the allonge is valid if sufficient room is available
on the accompanying promissory note for an endorsement.

The concept comes from Black’s Law Dictionary in which an allonge is

described as:

“a piece of paper annexed to a negotiable

instrument or promissory note, on which to write
endorsements for which there is no room on the
instrument itself. Such must be so firmly affixed
thereto as to become a part thereof.”

This definition was used in a footnote, FN2, in Taylor v. Deutsche Bank

National Trust Company, 44 So.3d 618 (Fla. 5th DCA 2010). The definition
was placed in the footnote to describe an allonge and was not instrumental
in deciding the case. The Court in Booker v. Sarasota, Inc., 707 So.2d 886
(Fla. 1st DCA 1998), in a footnote, described an allonge as found in Black’s
Law Dictionary also, but added the observation that §673.2041(1), Florida
Statutes (1995), Florida’s Uniform Commercial Code, does not specifically
mention an allonge, but notes that “for the purpose of determining whether
a signature is made on an instrument, a paper affixed to the instrument is
part of the instrument.” Booker was one of the cases cited by the Court in
Taylor. The original version of Article 3 provided that an endorsement must
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be written on the instrument or on a paper so firmly affixed to it as to
become a part of it. However, the comments to revised Article 3 state that
an endorsement on an allonge is valid even though there is sufficient space
on the instrument for an endorsement. See §3-202.

§673.2041(1) does not require that an endorsement be made on the

note itself if there is room for it but allows a paper affixed to the instrument
as a part of the instrument. The Court will allow allonges even if there is
room for the endorsement on the note. This is in conformity with the
Uniform Commercial Code.



A change in Rule 1.110(b), Fla.R.Civ.P., was effective on February 11,

2010. The rule amendments are as follows:

When filing an action for foreclosure of a mortgage on residential

real property the complaint shall be verified. When verification of a
document is required, the document filed shall include an oath,
affirmation, or the following statement:

“Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have read the

foregoing, and the facts alleged therein are true and correct to the best
of my knowledge and belief.”

It should be noted that the rule provides that the “document filed” (the
complaint) shall include the oath or affirmation of the required language. In
SC 09-1460 and SC 09-1579, The Florida Supreme Court commented on
why the amendments were added. The primary purpose is to provide
incentive for the Plaintiff to appropriately investigate and verify its ownership
of the note or right to enforce the note and ensure that the allegations in the
complaint are accurate; to conserve judicial resources that are currently
being wasted on inappropriately pleaded “Lost Note” counts and inconsistent
allegations; to prevent the wasting of judicial resources and harm to
Defendant resulting from suits brought by Plaintiffs not entitled to enforce
the note; and to give the trial courts greater authority to sanction Plaintiffs
who make false allegations.

It is now the practice by some Plaintiff’s lawyers to file a “Verification”

as a separate document. It is not even attached to the complaint. Many do
not even make reference to the complaint filed but state merely “I have read
the foregoing.” A Plaintiff could produce hundreds of these separate pages
and send them to their lawyers to file with each complaint, thereby
circumventing the express purposes of the rule change. Some recite “I have
read the complaint” but are still on a separate page. The filing of a separate
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page lends itself to abuse of the process and the express purpose of

Section 92.525(2), Florida Statutes, verification of documents

recites the way a document may be verified. It then states:

….the written declaration shall be printed or typed at

the end of or immediately below the document being verified
and above the signature of the person making the

This Court will require that the verification be made on the complaint
filed, not a separate document. The Court also requires that the verification
be signed by an officer of Plaintiff, not an assistant officer, foreclosure
specialist or other person whose duties are unclear as to how they would
know that the information in the complaint is accurate. Verifications signed
by Plaintiff’s lawyer are not acceptable.

Complaints filed which require verification are subject to dismissal by

the court if not in compliance with the rule and the Supreme Court’s stated


The Court is encountering cases in which the Plaintiff assigns the bid at
the judicial sale to another entity such as the Secretary of Veterans Affairs,
Federal National Mortgage Association, etc. and a certificate of title is issued
in the assignee’s name as a result. Later, the Plaintiff files a Motion to
Vacate the Final Judgment, sale, and certificate of title and the motion
purports to include the assignee but there is nothing in the record to verify
that the attorney is representing the title holder or bid assignee. Due
process and property rights may be impacted by entering the order without
the assignee’s written joinder and consent, especially when title has vested
in the assignee by virtue of the certificate of title. The Court has notified
counsel of this concern. However, new motions are filed in the name of the
Plaintiff and title holder when the record does not show that Plaintiff’s
attorney represents the title holder and no written consent or joinder in the
motion by the titleholder is provided.

If a bid has been assigned by the Plaintiff and Plaintiff wishes to vacate
the sale and/or certificate of title if one has been issued, the Plaintiff’s law
firm must represent the assignee/titleholder in the record or obtain and file
the written consent and joinder of the assignee/titleholder along with the

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The Mortgage Foreclosure Division of Brevard County DOES NOT have an ex-
parte calendar for emergency hearings.
The Mortgage Foreclosure Division of Brevard County DOES NOT use the JACS
Internet system for scheduling.
Commercial Mortgage Foreclosures are to be heard by the original Judge
assigned to the case.
The Mortgage Foreclosure Division of Brevard County DOES NOT
hear foreclosure of association liens
If you have received a LOPS or CMC Hearing Notice from this division, please
note that telephonic attendance at these hearings IS NOT permitted.



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CASE NO. 05 – 20_____-CA -_________






The undersigned attorney hereby certifies the following:

1. I am the (Attorney of Record) (Reviewing Attorney) in the above

styled case.

2. I have examined the file and certify that all pleadings, defaults,
voluntary dismissals, etc. are contained in the file and that the
matter is appropriate for summary judgment.

3. I further certify that the Final Judgment, Notice of Sale, etc. will be
provided to the court at a minimum of five (5) days prior to the
scheduled hearing.

Submitted on ________________________, 2011.

Examining Attorney
Firm Name/Address/Contact Info

PLEASE NOTE: This form is REQUIRED to be faxed in order to set a Motion for
Summary Judgment Hearing.

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05-20____ - CA - ___________






The undersigned hereby requests that the following motion be scheduled with
the Mortgage Foreclosure Division:

_____ Motion for Summary Final Judgment of Foreclosure

_____ Motion to Dismiss

_____ Other: ________________________________________________

_____ There is no opposing counsel

_____ There is opposing counsel – The undersigned has coordinated hearing with opposing
counsel. If hearing is to be attended telephonically, The moving attorney has the obligation to
place the telephone conference call and conference in opposing counsel or pro se.
Opposing counsel:
Attorney Name:________________________________________________
Law Firm:_____________________________________________________
Telephone Number:_____________________________________________

Submitted this ______ day of __________________________, 2011.

Law Firm:_________________________
Designated plaintiff liaison: __________

PLEASE NOTE: This form is provided for your use to schedule hearings with the
Brevard County Mortgage Foreclosure Division as it assists with all
necessary information that will be needed to set a hearing.
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