35 Nclex Questions

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Johnny Williams

Nursing 140-04
October 3, 2010


(culture, religion, spirituality, values, and ethics)

1. An ethical dilemma exists due to the difference of opinions regarding performing surgery
for a premature infant. The facility/agency’s ethics committee has met and all members
were given the information required to make a decision. What is the next step in the
reasoning process?
a) Correct. Every one examines his/her own values.
b) A statement is developed describing the dilemma.
c) All possible solutions are listed.
d) A solution is negotiated.

2. A nurse has determined that a client does not understand the implications of a surgical
procedure scheduled for the next day. The nurse will not ask the client to sign the
informed consent form until the surgeon provides further explanations, and the client
verbalizes understanding. The professional nursing ethical principle applicable in this
situation is.
a) Autonomy.
b) Confidentiality.
c) Fidelity.
d) Correct. Veracity.

3. The ANA code of ethics serves which of the following purposes?

a) Establishes standardized curricula for nursing educational programs.
b) Correct. Sets formal guidelines and standards for professional nursing
c) Ensures that nurses provide client care based on scientific principles.
d) Determines qualifications for advanced practice nurses.

4. In the following examples, which nurse depicts culturally sensitive care?

a) Correct. A nurse understands that an Asian client may need to consult
with the family about the treatment prescribed.
b) A nurse offers the Asian client tea instead of coffee
c) A nurse explains to the Asian client that the herbal remedies are more
toxic than the pills prescribed by the physician.
d) A nurse concurs with an Asian client regarding discontinuing the
medication when the symptoms have disappeared.

5. A client from Southeast Asia has been in North America for the last five years and is
acculturated. Which of the following examples best illustrates acculturation?
a) Correct. The person has given up speaking the native language and
identifies self as a North American.
b) The person adapts to the climate by giving up the traditional outfit and
wearing boots and a coat.
c) The individual moves to a place where there are no Asians and identifies
with the North Americans.
d) The individual is fully merged with the North American society.
6. Which of the following examples best illustrates stereotyping?
a) Not all Asians value the wisdom of the older generation.
b) Some people from the Philippines believe in the powers of a folk healer.
c) The Asians have different beliefs about the value of herbal remedies.
d) Correct. All people from the Philippines are self-effacing.

7. Which of the following is the best example of a traditional method to maintain health in
the HEALTH traditions model?
a) Correct. Concentrating and using the mind.
b) Wearing an amulet.
c) Displaying religious objects in the home.
d) Using healing rituals.

8. Which of the following examples depicts a person’s holistic belief about the expectation
of care being delivered?
a) Client states, “How can I recover from this illness when my god has not
forgiven my sins?”
b) A person says, “I totally believe in the effects of antibiotics the medical
community has done multiple research about the effectiveness.
c) An individual believes in being cursed by an enemy.
d) Correct. An individual believes in the balance of the physical, mental,
emotional, and spiritual aspects of oneself.

9. Which of the following are reasons why some people prefer to use folk healing methods
before seeking medical care? Select all that apply.
a) Correct. They are less frightening because they are usually done in the
home of the client or the healer.
b) Correct. They are more comfortable because they are usually performed
in the home of the client or the healer.
c) They are more encompassing of different factors.
d) They are more expensive.

10. In interviewing a client from a different cultural background, the nurse: (Select all that
a) Correct. May need to establish a degree of trust before initiating an
b) Uses a translator in order to understand what the client needs.
c) Uses universally known medical terms.
d) Correct. Uses clarification when necessary.

11. A client of a different cultural background places a hand over the mouth while talking.
Before giving meaning to this nonverbal behavior, what must the nurse do initially?
a) Correct. Clarify the significance of the nonverbal behavior with the client.
b) Explore the meaning of this nonverbal behavior in the client’s culture.
c) Observe the client in different settings to see if this is a persistent
d) Observe the communication patterns of the client’s cultural group.
12. Before performing mouth care on a client from a different cultural background, the nurse
needs to be aware of spatial distances. What is the most appropriate initial action of the
a) Be aware of the client’s nonverbal behavior and take cues from the
b) Correct. Explain the procedure and ask for permission to perform the
c) Explain that the nurse performs the procedure frequently and thus the
client should not be afraid.
d) Caution the client that the procedure may hurt.

13. What is the most appropriate form of introduction when meeting a client from a different
cultural background for the first time?
a) Correct. Address the client by the last name, introduce self by full name,
and explain one’s role.
b) Ask the client’s permission to use first name and then introduce self by
first name.
c) Ask the client how he or she wishes to be addressed.
d) Introduce self by using full name and ask what the client thinks is
responsible for his or her health problems.

14. Which of the following factors contributes to spiritual distress?

a) Correct. Experience of server, persistent pain
b) Experience of connecting with a creative force.
c) Situations where one can practice one’s religious rituals.
d) Ability to provide hope to somebody else.

15. Who of the following individual’s best exemplifies someone who has spiritual well-
a) A person who loves life.
b) An individual who performs charity work.
c) A person who practices the religious rituals from an early age.
d) Correct. An individual who sees life as purposeful and has compassion
for others.

16. The nurse provided the client privacy for praying time and overheard the client asking for
a miracle for cure. This type of prayer is:
a) Ritual.
b) Colloquial.
c) Correct. Petitionary.
d) Meditational.

17. A thorough Spiritual assessment is mandatory for:

a) Correct. A client displaying an unhealthy spiritual need.
b) A client verbalizing hope in the health care team.
c) A person from a different culture.
d) A person who follows religious rituals.
18. How would a nurse best provide presence to clients?
a) Physically being there and attending to the client’s physical needs.
b) Correct. Being there in a way that is meaningful to the client.
c) Intentionally focusing on the client.
d) Listening to the client.

19. At what approximate age do individuals conform to the spiritual beliefs of those around
a) Preschool age.
b) School age.
c) Correct. Adolescence.
d) Young adulthood.

20. Which of the following client’s responses indicates spiritual distress?

a) Correct. “I feel empty inside”
b) “I know I am not going to live; it’s in the Lord’s hands now.”
c) “I am planning on having experimental therapy for my cancer, even
though it probably won’t work.”
d) “Suffering is a part of the price you pay for salvation. I am not going to
take my pain medication.”

21. Religious organizations direct members to practice certain rituals related to life events
such as:
a) Correct. Birth, marriage, and death.
b) Graduation from religious schools, Sunday church services, and death.
c) Marriage, divorce, and parenting.
d) Birth, death, and marriage counseling.

22. A spiritual assessment is an integral component of a client’s overall assessment. The best
time to perform a complete spiritual assessment is:
a) Correct. At the end of the assessment process.
b) Just after the clients states his religion.
c) Any time.
d) At the beginning of the assessment process.

23. A client demonstrates his spiritual beliefs in which of the following statements?
a) “I am a vegetarian.”
b) Correct. “I spend my life in service to others.”
c) “I do not believe in the death penalty because the Ten Commandments
dictate, ‘thou shalt not Kill.’”
d) “Can you please bring me my Bible?”

24. A client does not want the chaplain to pray for him because the client is “more spiritual
than religious.” The nurse knows that spirituality includes the following aspects: (choose
all that apply)
a) Correct. Value.
b) Stress
c) Correct. Meaning
d) Soul-searching.
e) Correct. Becoming.
25. A client on the med-surg. unit is crying. The nurse comforts the client by talking,
listening, and showing care. What spiritual needs has the nurse met for this client?
(choose all that apply)
a) Need for creativity.
b) Correct. Need for trust.
c) Correct. Need to be respected and valued.
d) Need for the meaning of life.
e) Need for soul-searching.

26. Research evidence that supports providing spiritual care to elders suggests that:
a) Elders are not very religious, but are very spiritual.
b) Elders who are more religious have more illness.
c) Correct. Spiritual health and mental health are correlated.
d) Increased spiritual well-being is found among elders with depression.

27. Which of the following is an appropriate spiritual screening or assessment question?

a) “Tell me more about your religion.”
b) Correct. “How can we support your spiritual beliefs and practices?”
c) “How has your prayer experience been affected by your illness?”
d) “What do you see as the purpose or mission for your life?”

28. The mother of a pediatric client states, “I can’t understand why God would allow this to
happen to my innocent child!” Which NANDA diagnosis is most accurate?
a) Correct. Spiritual Distress related to search for meaning of child’s illness.
b) Impaired Religiosity related to anger at God.
c) Ineffective Coping related to anger.
d) Risk for Spiritual Distress related to threatened sense of hope.

29. The major factor contributing to the increase emphasis on the need for proficiency in
cultural nursing practice in the United States include which of the following?
a) An increasing birth rate
b) Limited access to health care services
c) Correct. Demographic changes
d) A decreasing rate of immigration.

30. Which of the following behaviors is most indicative of culturally sensitive nursing
a) Helps client recognize the need to adapt health practices to fit commonly
accepted practices
b) Correct. Discuss the meaning of the medical regime to the client
c) Informs clients that lack of adherence to medical regime may be
d) Ask a person from the same culture to explain the relevance of the
31. In initiating care for a client of a different culture than the nurse, which of the following
would be an appropriate statement?
a) “Since, in your culture, people don’t drink ice water, I will bring you hot
b) “Do you have any books I could read about people of your culture?”
c) Correct. “Please let me know if I do anything that is not acceptable in
your culture.”
d) “You will need to set aside your usual customs and practices while you are
in the hospital.”

32. A client who has a French mother and an Italian father is described as having a_______
a) Correct. Bicultural
b) Diversity
c) Subculture
d) Acculturation
e) Assimilation

33. If a nurse caring for a Chinese client orders rice for every meal without consulting the
client, the nurse may be:
a) Prejudiced.
b) Discriminatory.
c) Correct. Stereotyping.
d) Racist.

34. While caring for a diverse cultural population, the nurse must recognize that cultural
beliefs and behaviors may lead to:
a) Correct. Stereotyping
b) Ethnocentricity
c) Placing of the nurse’s culture to others.
d) Being confused regarding the many values and beliefs of different

35. Choose the correct statement regarding ethical committees and the role they play in
dealing with health care conflicts regarding treatments.
a) Correct. The ethical committees have no legal authority.
b) The ethical committees are necessary to take an activist role for health
care providers.
c) The ethical committees decide when laws or regulations are being
d) Nurses usually do not serve as team members on ethical committees.

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