Coal Conversion Facts Calculations
Coal Conversion Facts Calculations
Coal Conversion Facts Calculations
DST- BP 4114
76020 Rouen Cedex - F
1.1 Definitions
1.2 Conversions
Tm 11.0 - - -
Im 2.0 2.0 - -
Ash (A) 12.0 13.2 13.5 -
VM 30.0 33.0 33.7 39.0
FC 47.0 51.8 52.8 61.0
Sulfur (S) 1.0 1.1 1.12 -
2.1 Units:
2.2 Conversions:
From long ton to metric ton multiply by 1.016
From metric ton to long ton multiply by 0.984206
From short ton to metric ton multiply by 0.9072
Mt - million tonnes
Mtce - million tonnes of coal equivalent (= 0.697 Mtoe)
Mtoe - million tonnes of oil equivalent
3.1 Units:
Net CV or 'Net Effective Calories' (NEC) is the useful calorific value in boiler plant. The
difference is essentially the latent heat of the water vapor produced.
Various parameters of coal can be estimated from the Ultimate Analysis and Calorific Value
determinations, using Seyler's formula, and other similar calculations (e.g. Dulong's or Channivala’s
VM daf = 10.61H daf - 1.24C daf + 84.15
H daf = 0.069 (Q daf/100+VM daf) - 2.86
C daf = [0.59 (Q daf/100 - 0.367VM daf) + 43.4]
Note 2 ** Only valid when the O daf content is less than 15%
** COAL -Typology -Physics -Chemistry -Constitution
D.W. Van Krevelen (third edition 1993) Page 47
Note 3 Can give erroneous results if coal shipments are a blend of low and high rank coals.
Alain DELOYE - Technical Services Manager
DST- BP 4114
76020 Rouen Cedex - F
4.1 Dulong's Formula:
For typical bituminous coal with 10% M and 25% Volatile Matter, the differences between gross and
net calorific values are approximately as follows:
t/CO2/TJ =
C % As Received x 3.667 x [NCV/10000)] in kJ/kg =
C % As Received x 3.667 x [NCV/2388.46/NCV] in kcal/kg
1 MWh = 3,600 MJ
1 MW = 1 MJ/s
1 MW (thermal power) [MWth] = approx 1,000 kg steam/hour
1 MW (electrical power) [MWe] = approx MWth / 3
A 600 MWe coal-fired power station operating at 38% efficiency and 75% overall availability will
consume approximately:
Two stage total moisture determination is used when the coal sample is too wet to divide or crush
without the potential of loosing significant amounts of moisture.
Tm ar, % = [Rm ad, % x (100 – Fm ad, %) / 100] + Fm ad %
= Fixed Carbon / Volatile Matter
Inasmuch as hydrogen and oxygen values may be reported on the basis of containing or not
containing the hydrogen and oxygen in water (moisture) associated with the sample, alternative
conversion procedures are defined below:
Sources: GWC Coal Handbook, ASTM & ISO Standards & others.