Ordering Information
Standard Product: Standard Product Variation:
Shipped Next Day Red & White: Shipped Within Two Weeks
Blue & Infra-red: 4 Weeks Green: 6 Weeks
BL0404-660 Spectral Optional Light
wavelength Conditioning
Configured for use with Optional power Alternative
Ai power supply Compatibility Connector
a d v a n c e d i l l u m i n a t i o n .c o m
Dimensional Information
@24 320 320 480 480 320 mA Surface 1.5
Additional Information
CAUTION: This light requires mounting in such a way as to facilitate proper heat sinking, which will help
ensure long life and stable operation. Due to the potential of high surface temperatures, care must be
exercised when installing or adjusting the product while energized.
Ensuring that the entire backside of the light is in contact with a heat sinking thermal mass
Using external fans placed in the proximity of the light to ensure air flow over the backside of the light
8 0 2 .7 6 7 .3 8 3 0 11.18.2010