Computer Graphics - Question Bank

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IIMT College of Engineering, Greater Noida

Question Bank
Computer Graphics (CSE-V & IT-V)

Sub Code: ECS-504 Faculty Name: K. Rama Krishna

1. List the operating characteristics for the following display technologies :

(a) raster systems (b) vector systems
(c) plasma panels (d) LCDs
2. Write a neat block diagram, explain the architecture of a raster display
3. What is refresh buffer? Identify the contents and organization of the refresh buffer for the case of
raster and vector display.
4. What role does CCD play in an image scanner ?
5. What do you understand by VGA and SVGA monitors.
6. What do you understand by Input/Output devices ?
7. What is the difference between Raster and Random scan ?
8. Explain the working of direct-view storage tubes.
9. Write a short note on Flat Panel display
10. Write a short note on :
(a) Keyboard (b) Mouse (c) Joystick
(d) Trackball (e) Digitizer (f) Lightpen
(g) Touch panels (h) Scanner (i) Printer
11. Explain the display file structure.
12. What do you understand by the term “corruption of display files” ? Discuss how to avoid it.
13. Write notes on Display procedures.
14. Explain Bresenham’s algorithm for line drawing.
15. Explain Bresenham’s algorithm for circle drawing.
16. Explain simple incremental algorithm for line drawing.
17. Develop the transformation necessary to carry out window-to-viewport mapping.
18. What are major application areas of computer graphics ?
19. What do you understand by computer graphics ?
20. Define in details (a) computer art (b) presentation graphics (c) visualization (d) graphical user
interface (e) computer vision
21. What is the difference between computer graphics and image processing ?
22. Discuss the classification of computer graphics.
23. Differentiate between Raster Scan CRT’s and Random Scan CRT’s.
24. Derive the transformation matrix for reflection about an arbitrary line y = mx+b.
25. Describe in brief about the transformations Translations, Rotations, Scaling, reflections.
26. Write a short note on Homogeneous Coordinate System (HCS). What is the need for HCS ? Give
various transformation matrices for translation, rotation, scaling, reflection.
27. Explain inverse transformation. Derive the matrix for inverse transformation.
28. Prove that two successive two-dimensional rotations are additive.
29. Show that a reflection about y = --x is equivalent to a reflection relative to y axis followed by a
counterclockwise rotation of 90º.
30. Find the transformation that converts a square with diagonal vertices (0, 3) and (-3, 6) into a unit
square at the origin.

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