Agri PPT New
Agri PPT New
Agri PPT New
~ Ankita Verma
~ Neha Tyagi
~ Pankaj Goel
Production Centers
Domestic Industry
Trend in Export
Major Export Destinations
Export from India for last three years
Major Competitors in the global market
Quality Standards
Provisions in FTP
Problems / Challenges faced by the exporter
Relevant News articles
India has geographic location, receives good rainfall and proper sun light in
the right proportions as required for good crops.
India’s land is agricultural and people are land owners, as well as farmers. So
agriculture news is important for a large population of the country.
Agriculture is one of the strongholds of the Indian economy and accounts for
14.6 per cent of the country's gross domestic product (GDP) in 2009-10, and
10.23 per cent (provisional) of the total exports
India ranks second worldwide in farm output.
India’s total export is US $ 7347.07 million in 2009-10
India’s import is US $ 4,438.755 million in 2007-08
There are more than 300 export-oriented units for floriculture.
Agriculture, including crop, forestry and agro processing constitutes the very
basis of socio economic lives of India.
Source: Apeda, general information, available at as accessed on 2010,
2)apeda, country profile, availabe at as accessed
on 2009,
3)apeda, export statistics, available at as accessed on 2009
4)apeda, Indian data, available at, accessed on
5) GOI, agriculture, available at as accessed on 2009
6) apeda,tradejunction available at
as assessed on 2009.
Processed foods have been altered from their natural state for
safety reasons and for convenience.
Fruit and vegetable juice is also an example of a healthy processed
food. In fact, some orange juice is fortified with calcium to make it
even more nutritious. Processed foods and prepackaged meals are
very convenient and popular
India’s exports of Processed Food was 2219.533 Million US $ in
2008-9 and 1752.58 Million US $ in 2009-10 i.e 28.12% and 23.84%
respectively of total exports.
A number of new initiatives like Technology Mission for Integrated
Development of Horticulture in the North Eastern States (TMNE),
National Horticulture mission(NHM), National Food Security Mission
(NFSM), Macro management in Agriculture (MMA), Rashtriya Krishi
Vikash Yojana (RKVY), National Project on Organic Farming
(NPOF), National Project on Management of Soil Health and Fertility
Cashewnut Andhra Pradesh
Arecanut Karnataka
Cocoa Kerela
Coconut Kerela
The Indian Agriculture Industry is on the brink of a
revolution that will modernize the entire food chain, as
the total food production in India is likely to double in the
next ten years.
Total food market is US$ 69.4 billion
The Government of India has also approved proposals
for joint ventures, foreign collaborations, industrial
licenses and 100% export oriented units envisaging an
investment of US $ 4.80 billion.
The agricultural food industry employs around 65 per
cent of the population.
Source: indiamart, industry overview, available at
as accessed on 2009
The other attractive features of the Indian agro industry that have
the capacity to lure foreigners with promising benefits are the milk
and milk products, meat and poultry segments
The Ministry of Food Processing Industries (MOFPI) has formulated
a Vision 2015 action plan. This includes trebling the size of the food
processing industry, raising the level of processing of perishables
from 6 per cent to 20 per cent, increasing value addition from 20 per
cent to 35 per cent, and enhancing India’s share in global food trade
from 1.5 per cent to 3 per cent.
The cumulative FDI received by the food processing industry from
April 2000-September 2010 stood at US$ 1,102.03 million.
Source: Apeda, agriculture trade portal, indian data, exports statistics, Generate your Own report available at as accessed on 2010
Source: apeda, Indian data(import data), available at as accessed on
Data as accessed on 2009-10
Value in US $ million
EPCG licences issued to agro units in the agri export zones, a period of 12
years reckoned from the date of issue of the licence would be permitted for
the fulfillment of export obligation
The agro units in the agri export zones would also have the facility of
moving the capital goods imported under the EPCG within the agri export
An LUT/ Bond in lieu of BG may be given for EPCG licence granted to units
in the Agri Export Zones provided the EPCG licence is taken for export of
the primary agricultural products.
Source :
Duty Credit Scrip
Duty Credit Scrip benefits are granted with an aim to compensate high transport
costs, and to offset other disadvantages. Exporters, of products notified in Appendix
37A of HBPv, shall be entitled for Duty Credit Scrip equivalent to 5% of FOB value of
exports (in free foreign exchange) for exports made from 2009 onwards.
However, for exports made w.e.f 1.7.09, some Flowers, Fruits, Vegetables and other
products, as listed in Table of Appendix7A shall be entitled to an additional duty credit
scrip equivalent to 2% of FOB value of exports; over and above the 5% or 3%
VKGUY reduced rate entitlement.
EPCG for agro units
LUT/Bond or 15% BG ( as applicable) may be given for EPCG Authorization granted to units in Agri Export
Zones provided EPCG Authorization is taken for export of primary agricultural product(s) notified in Appendix
8 or their value added variants
90% of the cost of air ticket by economic class and 25% of the cost of publicity
An Agri Export Zone is a specific geographic region in a country
demarcated for setting up agri based processing industries, mainly
for export. The term is widely used mainly in India
These zones have been set up for end to end development for
export of specific products from a geographically contiguous area.
Units in AEZ would be entitled for all the facilities available for
exports of goods in terms of provisions of the respective schemes
West Bengal- Pineapple,Lychee, Potatoes, Mangoes , Vegetables, darjeeling tea
Punjab- potatoes, vegetables, basmati rice
Maharashtra- Grapes&grape wine, mangoes, kesar mango, Flowers
Uttar Pradesh- Potatoes, mangoes, basmati rice and vegetables
Rajasthan- Coriander, cumin
Other states: Uttaranchal, karnataka, Tripura, Bihar, Tamil Nadu, Assam, sikkim,
MP, Orissa, Gujarat, Jharkhand, Himachal Pradesh.
The certificate given by Indian Standard Institute, that the commodity is
as per the standard quality & quantity. Every manufacturer has be
submit the each lot or batch of production to the quality inspector & he
takes some sample quantity for examination. Than the certificate issued
to producer, Than the batch despatched to market for sale.
Fruit Product Order (FPO)
Fruit Products Order -1955, was formulated with an objective to
manufacture fruit & vegetable products maintaining sanitary and
hygienic conditions in the premises and quality standards laid down
in the Order. It is mandatory for all manufacturers of fruit and
vegetable products including some non fruit products like non fruit
vinegar, syrup and sweetened aerated water to obtain a license
under this Order