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Motorcycle Mechanics George Lear Northern Virginia Community College Lynn S. Mosher California Polytechnic State University LT agevN ev Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey tay of Cones Colognes te ©1977 by PRENTICE-HALL, INC. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey 07632 All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means without permission in writing from the publisher. Printed in the United States of America 09876543 PRENTICE-HALL INTERNATIONAL, INC., London PRENTICE-HALL OF AUSTRALIA PTY. LIMITED, Sydney PRENTICE-HALL OF CANADA, LTD., Toronto PRENTICE-HALL OF INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED, New Delhi PRENTICE-HALL OF JAPAN, INC., Tokyo PRENTICE-HALL OF SOUTHEAST ASIA PTE. LTD. Singapore Preface 1 The Motorcycle Early Motorcycles 1 Current Motorcycles 4 Basic Motorcycle Systems 7 What Else? 17 2. Riding—Safely, Comfortably, and Politely Controls and Adjustments 19 Tools and Equipment 44 Shop Equipment 45 Tool Kits 46 4 The Frame Nomenclature and Types 47 19 31 47 Content: 5 Wheels and Suspensi Wheels and Tires 55 Suspension Systems 65 6 Brakes Theory of Brake Action 76 Mechanical Brake Control Systems 79 Hydraulic Brake Control Systems 79 Brake Service 80 7 Measurement and Measurement ‘Systems Why Measurement? 84 Relationships 86 Measurement Tools 86 Protect Your Investment 93 8 Two-Stroke Engine Upper End Theory and Analysis 94 Principles of Two-Stroke Operation 94 Formulas 99 Why Top Ends Fail 100 aes Motorcycle Mechanics Contents 9 Two-Stroke Service and Repair Testing for Top-End Problems 107 10 Four-Stroke Upper End Basic Four-Stroke Design 114 11 Four-Stroke Upper-End Service and Repair ‘Checking Engine Condition 125 Engine Removal 127 42. Single-Cylinder Lower End General Theory 136 Diagnosis and Service 138 13 Multicylinder Lower Ends Engine Designs 151 Diagnosis and Service 155 14 Lubrication Kinds of Lubricants 158 Service Procedures 164 15 Fuel Systems How Carburetors Work 167 Carburetor Types 172 Carburetor Diagnosis and Repair 172 16 Exhaust Systems Exhaust System Design 179 Diagnosis and Service 183 107 114 125 136 151 158 167 179 7 18 19 20 24 22 23 Primary Drive and Clutch 186 Primary Drive Design 186 Clutch Design 189 Transmissions 196 Gear Ratios 196 Transmission Designs 197 Diagnosing Transmission Problems 201 Final Drives 204 Chain Drive Components 204 Charging Systems 212 Electrical Theory 212 Basic Charging Systems 217 Symbols and Diagrams 224 Ignition Systems 226 Kinds of Systems 226 Service Procedures 231 Electrical Accessories 239 Wiring Diagrams 239 Basic Components 239 Special Repair and Service Tips 249 Soldering 249 Taps and Dies 249 Removing Broken Studs 251 Removing Valve Guides 251 Kickstarters 251 Water-Cooled Engines 255 Hibernating Your Bike 258 Glossary 259 Index 263 Motorcycles are an established part of the trans- portation system in the world. As the number of motorcycles purchased in the United States has approached one million each year, the need to provide maintenance for all those machines has increased in importance. Many technical schools have started programs to train motorcycle mechanics. A motorcycle mechanics program was developed at Northern Virginia Community College in 1973. One major problem then was the lack of an adequate writ- ten theory and practical mechanical step-by-step instruction text for a student to follow in learning motorcycle mechanics. This book evolved from our attempt to solve that problem, Motorcycle Mechanics has been written to provide the student mechanic or motorcycle owner with basic theory, practical inspection, and repair techniques to accomplish a thorough, safe, and successful maintenance and repair process. As this text was drafted, revised, rewritten, and expanded, a good number of people and or- ganizations helped us with the project. We wish to thank Linda Potts for her clerical efforts, Dave Sessums for his technical advice, and the com- panies for their assistance in this project: par- ticularly, American Honda Motor Co., Inc. Triumph Norton Inc.; Pacific Basic Trading Co. for Hodaka Motorcycles; U. S. Suzuki Motors Corp.; Kawasaki Motors Corp.; AMF Harley- Davidson Motor Co.; Yamaha International Corp.; AC Spark Plug Division of General Motors; Intertec Publishing Corp.: Clymer Pub- lications; Fairfax Honda, Fairfax, VA: San Luis Cyelery, San Luis Obispo, CA; and the Sports, Center, San Luis Obispo. CA. Georce Lear LywN S. MosHER Ever since wheels started rolling, people have designed vehicles with one, two, three, four, and more wheels to get themselves and their cargo from one place to another. Very early trans- portation designs—say, in Roman times—were two-wheeled carts and chariots and four-wheeled carriages and wagons. Much later someone put one of the two wheels in front of the other, and a crank and ped- als on the front wheel, to invent the bicycle. ‘Small, light, and requiring no horses or other people to pull them around, the bikes gained pop- ularity rapidly. Of course when combustion en- gines were invented, someone had to try to hang one on a bike to make a motorcycle. This didn’t happen immediately because even the smallest of the early engines were very heavy. EARLY MOTORCYCLES Some of the first powered two-wheelers were steam engine bikes (Fig. 1-1). Production started in 1885 with Gottlieb Daimler's motor bicycle (Fig. 1-2). After 1900, U. S. manufacturers cluded the names of “Indian” and “Thor™ (Fig. Nhe Mote nit 1 cycle 1-3), Harley and Davidson built their first bike in 1903 (Fig. 1-4) Very soon multicylinder machines appeared, including twins and the four-cylinder Henderson (Fig. 1-5). World War I used thousands of motor- cycles, many with sidecars (Fig. 1-6). During this period many Americans were introduced to mo- torcycling. Most bikes of that era were what are now called “hard-tails.” They had no rear suspen- sion system and often no front suspension sys- tem. The seats had large springs to improve rider comfort (Fig. 1-7). Front suspensions of that time were undampened coil springs or leaf springs ‘There were not many design changes through the 30s and 40s. In the 50s major changes in- cluded the development of front telescopic forks and rear swing arms, both with hydraulic damp- ing—that is, shock absorbers. The 50s also saw the combination motor and gear box become common. These unit engine and transmission bikes were lighter weight and cleaner in design. The early 60s saw Japanese production of both two-and four-strokers, with a resultant increase in the popularity of motorcycling. Sales and regis- trations of motorcycles went from less than a mil- Fig. 1-2. Daimler’ first motor lications) Fig. 1-3 1902 Thor motor bicycle (Clymer Publica 1903 QUR GOm AMMIVERSARY Fig, 1-4 Harley-Davidson motoreyele, cirea 1903 (Clymer Publications) i Adk Her which way she would rather ride. “Then write for booklet telingall about the quit, vibrationes,Aesible power sweet running HENDERSON HENDERSON MOTORCYCLE CO. - + De 268 Jefferson Ave. troit, Mich. Fig. 1-S Early multi-cylinder Henderson (Clymer Publications) Fig. 1-6 WW I motorcycle with sidecar (Clymer Publications) Here it is- “THE finest ovin solo machine—replete with new features and refinements. ‘The first motorcycle in the world to be equipped with Aluminum saddle tanks. All of the other mechanical features are as advanced and modera as the tanks, Light enough for easy handling in hard going, the ‘ew Streamline Super X has effortless balance and steering—a front end that smooths out all road shocks yet goes where you want it and stays put As for performance, the 1929 and 1990 hilletim championships and the Murae Dry Lakes, Cal, 24 hhour record of 1,301 miles tells the story. ‘Try @ Super X!_ The mighty wallop ofthe litle "45" motor will give you the surprise of your life Excelsior Motor Mfg. & Supply Co. 3701 Cortland Street Chicago, Minois 1-7 The 1930 Excelsior “hardtail” (Clymer Publications) Unita ‘The Motorcycle lion in 1960 to close to five million in 1970. Be- cause fuel costs are increasing, acceptance by Americans of the motorcycle as a regular trans- portation vehicle will see many more bikes on the road in the next five to ten years. Two other areas of riding will also help in- crease the number of bike sales. Mini and trail bike riding are rapidly growing sports. More people are finding trail riding an enjoyable out- door activity in which groups and families can participate. Introduction of big multicylinder cruisers is increasing the numbers who are trying long-distance trips by motorcycle, Motorcycl camping is also gaining in popularity. CURRENT MOTORCYCLES Any bike with wheels 12” or less in diameter fits into this classification. The wheels are usually pressed steel or cast alloy. Engines range from bolt-on lawn mower two- and four-strokers with direct chain drive and an automatic clutch, to more sophisticated engines with multispeed transmissions and lever-operated clutches (Fig 1-8, 1-9) These bikes usually weigh less than 125 pounds, and their engines range from 2 1/2 to 10 horsepower. Typical wheel bases range from 32° to 48", Kids get started in the powered bike busi 1-1-9 Sophisticated Suzuki mini-bike (U.S. Suzuki Motor Corporation) ness with these bikes and begin to learn about things mechanical. However, not very many end up with any kind of legal license tags. Venture- some adults might even find a mini-bike useful for errands. Trail Motorcycles The designs of bikes in the trail class have common features even though there will always be arguments as to what makes a trail bike. Once you get out there and ride, certain features be- come important. Trail bikes need a raised ex- haust, out of the way of rocks and logs (Fig. 1-10). Lower gear ratios are needed. Smaller counter-shaft sprockets, larger rear wheel sprockets, additional transmission speeds or dual ange transmissions are part of the design (Fig. 11). Fig. 1-8 A low-cost mini-bike 4 Fig, 1-10 Honda trail bike (American Honda Motor Company) Fig. 1-11 Honda trail 90 (American Honda Motor Com: pany) Trail bikes generally exhibit some kind of en- gine protection, often a double down-tube skid- plate affair (Fig. 1-12). Engines are as compact as possible so as not to stick out on either side and take a beating. Fender clearance is as much as 5 or 6 inches to allow for long suspension travel and prevent mud packing between the tire and fender (Fig. 1- 13). Foot pegs stick out in such a way that they need special consideration for trail riding. Pegs that are spring-loaded and folding can move with the rock then snap back to be useful again (Fig. 1-14), Tires make a bike go, and knobbies are needed to bite into the dirt and gravel that the trail rider usually finds (Fig. I-15). A really important consideration in a trail ma- chine is weight. It gets very hard to pull much over 200 pounds out of a mud hole or over a log. The Penton Trials 125 has an aluminum frame for quick handling at slow speed. Honda Trail 90 skid plate with double down tube mounting. Unit 4 The Motoreyele High front-wheel fender clearance Fig, 1-14 Polding foot peg Fig. 1-15 Knobbie tire tread for trail riding Fig. 1-16 The three-wheeled Honda ATC 90 ATV (Amer- ican Honda Motor Company) Fig. 1-17 A. combination street-trail_ model (American Honda Motor Company) Fig. 1-18 The Suzuki 250 ce street bike 6 Fig. 1-19 A middle-weight street bike Enduro Enduro bikes are supposed to do just that, en- dure. Look for larger wheels, five- and six-speed transmissions, a business-only frame and chassis without any luggage racks or buddy pegs, wider handlebars that are cross-braced, and long sus- pension travel. Cycle-Based All Terrain Vehicles (A.T.V.) These jumbo-wheeled two-wheelers or cycle- based three-wheelers are designed to go where other cycles can't. The two-wheelers are made for serious climbing and rough terrain while the three-wheelers are for the less experienced rider or a whole family try-it-out type of machine (Fig. 1-16). Combination Street and Trail Many will say, and it does seem true, that a bike can’t be designed to be tops at trail riding and still be a good long-distance street machine. There are some pretty reasonable compromises available for those who want both, but have enough money for only one. These bikes will gen- rally have universal tread tires, high exhaust sys- tems, folding foot pegs, braced handlebars, and lower gearing than street models (Fig. 1-17). Street Bikes The commuter and tourer will find street bikes with all the legal lights and turn signals, low fenders, extra instrumentation, buddy seats and pegs, hand rails and more and more cylinders per bike. Sizes range from under 100 cc to over 1200 cc. Extra equipment such as wind screens and fairings, saddle bags, and the occasional side car are also part of the street scene. The around-town, ‘commuter would include the 90- to 250-ce group, some with electric starting (Fig. 1-18). Combination commuter-tourer street bikes range from 250 to 500 cc, of which the Honda 350-360 is most common (Fig. 1-19). The tour- ing to super bike includes the BMW and the liquid cooled four cylinder opposed Honda 1000. (Figs. 1-20, 1-21). BASIC MOTORCYCLE SYSTEMS As a bike owner or mechanic, you should be- come familiar with the basic motorcycle systems which include: The frame Wheels and brakes Suspension Engine Drive train Fuel system Ignition system Electrical system Fig. 1-21 A large modern 4-cylinder tourer Fig. 1-22 Tube frame on a Triumph (Triumph Norton Incorporated) Unita The Motoreycle Fig. 1-23 A typical stamped box frame (American Honda ‘Motor Company) Learning about bikes study one system at a time. So here is a bi of what is in each system. (Later chapters provide detai easiest when you view Frame Motorcycle frames are usually steel tubing or stampings welded into a rigid unit, Some bikes have aluminum or other light alloy frames for special-purpose riding. The most common system is the tubular frame swing-arm type (Fig. 1-22) The stamped box frame is limited to light, small- engine bikes in one or two makes (Fig. 1-23). When you study some of the older bikes you will find that up to the early 50s bikes had rigid rear “hard-tail” suspension. The frame also includes the mounting brackets for attaching other com- ponents such as stands and seats. The longer seats are dual purpose: to allow the rider to shift position and for buddy riding, Wheels and Brakes Most motorcycle wheels are spoked for lighter weight. fairly low cost, and reasonable ri- gidity. Cast alloy wheels are now being used on some bikes, but they are expensive. Stamped or pressed steel wheels are found on some mini bikes (Fig. 1-24). 8 Fig. 1-28 Typical spoke, cast, and stamped wheels Motorcycle brake systems are either the in: ternal expanding drum type or the newer and bet- ter disc brakes (Fig. 1-25). The brakes are ap- plied with a lever and cable system, mechanical rod linkage, or hydraulic systems that use fluid under pressure to operate the brake. ®) CONNECTING LINKAGE ‘CAM ACTUATING LEVERS a @ACKING PLATE SPRINGS shoes RUM Fig, 1-25 Disc brake (a) and drum brake (b) with exploded view below, showing drum shoes, backing plate, and connections Suspension ‘The most common front suspension system is the telescopic forks that use a combination of sliding tubes, internal springs, and hydraulic dampening to provide a smooth ride (Fig. 1-26). Some riders still favor the Earles type of front suspension as a more forgiving off-road suspen- sion (Fig. 1-27). The rear suspension consists of swing arms that attach the frame to the rear wheels. Coil: spring shock absorber combinations are attached near the axle on the swing arm and are fixed to a solid frame point above (Fig. 1-28). Engine Talk to any motorcycle enthusiast and the first topic is likely to be about some new motor- cycle engine or why two-strokes are better than Fig. 1-26 Telescopic front forks four-strokes, or vice versa, No doubt about it, the engine on a bike is the biggest concern, ‘What is the difference in engines? Well, let's start with how a four-stroke engine works —four- stroke first because most cars and light trucks use Units ‘The Motorcycle 1-27 Earles-type front forks Fig. 1-28 Swing arm with combination coil-spring shocks the same type. The basic parts are shown in Fig 1-29. The cylinder and head make a container in which the fuel is burned. The piston gives the burning air-fuel mixture something to push or move, converting the fuel energy to motion. The piston rings help to seal the burning air-fuel mix- ture in the cylinder. The valves cover the open- ings through which air and fuel are let in and the exhaust (burned gas) is let out. The spark plug ig- nites (starts the burning) the air-fuel mixture. The connecting rod and crankshaft together convert the up-and-down motion of the piston to rotary motion which is then used to turn the rear wheel of the motorcycle. 10 ASTROKE ENGINE Camsate Cylinder Head Intake Valve Exhaust Port Spark Plug — cylinder Compression Rings — Piston it Ring — Connecting Rod Crankshaft — Fyre 1-29 Four-stroke piston engine parts, showing cylin- der, head, piston, rings, rod, valves, spark plug, crankshaft, and flywheel All this happens in a sequence that is called the four-stroke cycle. First, the intake valve ‘opens and the piston is drawn down into the cyl- inder by the turning crankshaft and connecting rod. This first stroke draws air and fuel into the cylinder. Actually, atmospheric pressure forces air and fuel into the vacuum created when the pis- ton is pulled down in the cylinder. Figure 1-30 shows the sequence of the four strokes. The intake valve closes at the end of the in- take stroke. The second stroke in the cycle is the piston moving toward the top of the cylinder, compressing (squeezing) the air-fuel mixture, The volume left when the piston reaches the top of its travel is only about one-eighth or one-ninth of the amount when the piston was at the bottom on the intake stroke. This highly compressed air-fuel mixture is then ignited by the spark plug. The third stroke occurs when the piston is pushed down by the power of rapidly burning fuel-air mixture. When the gases (fuel and air) burn, very high pressures are developed, which thrust the piston down with considerable force. This energy is transferred from the moving piston by the connecting rod to the crankshaft. Some is stored by the flywheel in the form of rotary mo- tion to turn the engine through the other three strokes, the rest is used to move the motorcycle, On the fourth stroke, the piston is moved back toward the top of the cylinder with the ex- haust valve open. Burnt air-fuel gases (now called exhaust gas) are forced out of the cylinder to complete the four-stroke cycle. This series of strokes repeats over and over, each power stroke adding to the motion of the bike. Advantages of this engine type are more effi- cient fuel use and durability. Disadvantages, as compared to the two-stroke engines, are more parts to operate and heavier weight per horse- power output. ‘Two-stroke engines operate by using a cylin- der and piston somewhat like the four-stroke op- eration except that there is more overlap in the functions. Let’s look at what happens. Intake ai fuel mixture enters the cylinder from the crank- case, through a port (a hole in the cylinder wall) at the bottom of the downward piston stroke. The first of the two strokes sees the piston traveling up, compressing the air-fuel mixture (Fig. 1-31). This compression stroke is much like the one in the four-stroke cycle. At the same time, the crankcase port from the carburetor is uncovered nit The Motorcycle by the bottom of the piston. This allows the fuel mixture to enter the crankcase. When the pis- ton travels down, the mixture is compressed and passes readily into the cylinder by way of the transfer passage. Ignition of the air-fuel mixture by the spark plug occurs just before the piston reaches top dead center (TDC) of the cylinder. At ignition, the piston is thrust down and transmits the power of the expanding gases through the connecting rod to the crankshaft—just like the four-stroke. As the two-stroke piston nears the bottom of the cylinder, the exhaust port is uncovered and the burnt gases rush out of the cylinder. A little far- ther down the cylinder wall the piston uncovers the intake port. The next air-fuel mixture, coming, into the engine via the crankcase and under low compression by the piston coming down, can now rush up into the cylinder, filling it and forcing out more of the burnt gas through the exhaust port. Sequence ina Fourstrake Engine 1 2 Compression 3 4 Combustion Exhaust Fig. 1-30 The four-stroke cycle, showing intake, compression, power (combustion) and exhaust (Kawasaki Motors Cor- poration) u ‘Two-stroke Engine Cycle (Sequence of 4) ‘Compressed Air/Fuel Mixture Ale/Fuel Mixture ‘Compression - Crankeas Intake Intake -Crankcase to Cylinder (aranser Exhaust — then Intake CCrankcase Compression Power Fig. 1-31 Two-stroke cycle, shows intake, compression, and crankcase intake, power, and exhaust, with intake starting, 2 TWO-CYLINDER CRANKSHAFT Twostroke Fires every 180° Rg Journal Fourstroke Fires every 360° \ fod Journal Fig. 1-32 Two-eylinder crankshaft, showing rod journals 180° and 360° apart ‘an see, this piston has a power stroke moves downward. This means that a two-stroke engine has twice as many power strokes for every 100 crankshaft revolutions as the four-stroke engine does. These extra power strokes, and the lack of a need for the whole valve train, are the key advantages of the two-stroke engine. Disadvantages of the two-stroke engine in- clude higher oil and fuel consumption. This type of engine burns more oil than the four-stroke model because the crankcase design for air-fuel compression requires greater lubrication. The two-stroke takes more fuel because the exhaust and intake cycles overlap. This allows some un- spent fuel in the cylinder to exhaust without being burned effectively. Twins and Multiple Cylinders. Making an ‘engine with two cylinders rather than one does more than just increase the power output. Each time the crankshaft turns there will be two power strokes instead of one. If the pistons fire alter- nately, one will fire every 180° of crankshaft revo- lution in a two-stroke engine. This will increase the smoothness of the power output (Fig. 1-32). Fig. 1-33 Wankel engine cycles (Herbert & Ellinger, Auto- ‘mechanies, by permission of Prentice-Hall, Inc.) For a given displacement—say, 200 cc—the twin will put out more power than the single and run at a higher number of revolutions per minute (rpm). These higher rpm are possible because the pis- tons and rods of the two smaller cylinders are each lighter than one big single. The single has the advantages of being nar- rower (for woods and trail) and having fewer parts to break. Three-, four-, or six-cylinder en- gines represent just more and more of the two- cylinder advantages and disadvantages. They look impressive, however, and motorcycle corpo- ration marketeers know it Wankel Engines. The Wankel rotary engine is now being introduced into motorcycling for many of the same reasons that it is being used in other vehicles. The Wankel design has fewer Parts, puts out more power for its effective dis- placement, and is a smooth, low-vibration power source. Here's how it works (Fig. 1-33). The rotor turns or rotates in the specially shaped rather tri- 13 Engine sprocket | Fig. 1-34 The primary drive, showing a frition | | dise, friction face, and drive plate angular chamber with each of its three sides in a different stage of the combustion cycle. During the first stage the rotor moves past the intake port. The increasing volume between that side of the rotor and the combustion chamber creates a partial vacuum that pulls in air and fuel by atmo- spheric pressure. As the rotor turns, the air-fuel charge is moved to another area of the chamber, ‘compressing the mixture into a much smaller vol- ume, just like the compression stroke of the pis- ton engine, The spark plug ignites the mixture, and the burning gases force the rotor to turn. As each face of the rotor passes the spark plug there is a power impulse, three power impulses per rotor revolu- tion. The rotor turns the crankshaft by turning a cam on the crankshaft inside the rotor. Drive Train ‘The engine's power is used to turn the rear wheel. The mechanical parts that connect the en- gine and the rear wheel are called the “drive train.” On most bikes the first part of the drive train is a gear or chain reduction between the en- 4 Crank shaft sot Primary pinion Teananiton Li coun Primary Orive Gear (Power input) Drive Pate Transmission ‘Shaft (Power Output) Springs Friction Die Fig, 1-35 A typical clutch, showing a friction disc, friction face, and drive plate gine crankshaft and the clutch. This reduces clutch speed, but multiplies torque (turning force) (Fig. 1-34). Next in the power train is the clutch, Its purpose is to allow the rider to disconnect the engine from the transmission. This is necessary to be able to shift from one gear to another (Fig. 1 35). A clutch is a spring-pressure forced-friction disc and drive plate arrangement. When the Fig. 1-36 Three-speed (American transmission gears Honda Motor Company) spring pressure is forced off, the drive plate no longer turns the friction disc. Most clutches are multiple-disc types. The handgrip and cable con- trol work the clutch on most bikes. Some clutches, are operated automatically by centrifugal force. Driving power flows from the clutch to the transmission or “gear box.” To get the bike started down the road or up a steep hill a high gear ratio is needed. This is where the engine crankshaft turns many times to get the rear wheel to turn just once, A transmission usually has three, four, or more different gear ratios that the rider can select, allowing high torque multiplica- Throttle Cable 37 Fuel system parts, showing fuel tank and vent cap, shut off valve, fuel line, carburetor, air fil ter intake passage, fand throttle con: trol Engine Intake (Manifola nit ‘The Motoreyele tion for starting and also high speed for highway 1g (Fig. 1-36). Behind the transmission there is a linkage to the rear wheel. Most bikes have a chain-drive ar- rangement with a small sprocket on the output shaft of the transmission, a larger sprocket on the rear wheel, and a loop chain to transfer the turn- ing motion of the transmission to the wheel. The difference in sprocket sizes allows for a further speed reduction (and torque increase). Sprockets can be changed to gain an overall gear ratio change. A few manufacturers use a shaft to transmit power from the transmission to the wheel. This system is more expensive, has more parts, but re- quires virtually no maintenance. Fuel System The fuel system includes all those parts that store or regulate fuel in the motorcycle, from fill- up at the gas station u Fuel Shut-off Valve Fut Line ‘Air iter carburetor 15 Fig.No. Part Name 1 Puigesp 2 Grommet 3 Frame setting serew 3 Spark plug 88 8 Frame 7 Ignition primary cot 8 Condenser 3 Condenser setting serew 0 1 10 Lighting cot 11 Ignition & lighting cot 12 Ignition & ighting cot setting soring washer 13. Contact breaker Ipoint) 14 Contact breaker setting serew 18 Contact breaker setting spring 18 Contact Brecker setting wesher 17 Wire cord stopper 18 Wire cord stopper setting screw 19° Felt bration pad 20 Feit lubriestion ped setting 21 ignition eo 22 ignition col seting bott 23 Ignition col setting washer 24 Ignition col eatting washer 25 gition coil setting mot 26 ignition col primary cord Fig. 1-38 Magneto ignition system (Pubatco/Hodaka) 27 Lighting coil eon Hightension cove Piup Fig. 1-39 Battery and coil ignition system (U.S. Suzuki Motor Corporation) 16 the cylinder. Major parts of the fuel system are the fuel tank and its cap, the shut-off valve, fuel lines, filters, carburetor and air filter, and the in- take manifold from the carburetor to the engine (Fig. 1-37). The tank stores the gas, its cap allows air to come into the tank as fuel is used. Most motor- cycle tank shut-off valves have three positions: on, reserve, and off; reserve is provided so that you still have some fuel left when the engine ‘slows down in the “on” position. Fuel lines ex- tend from the valve on the fuel tank to the car- buretor(s). The carburetor, controlled by the throttle grip, determines how much air and fuel the engine is going to get and what air-fuel ratio is going to be mixed. The intake manifold connects the carburetor to the engine with a passage for the air-fuel mixture to travel through. A valve or port at one end of the manifold controls when the mix- ture can get in, Air pressure (atmospheric pres- sure) pushes air into and through the carburetor, where it picks up gasoline, then is drawn into the cylinder to be burned. Ignition Something is needed to start the gas burning to make the piston go down to make the bike move. Motorcycle engines use an electrical spark that jumps across the spark plug gap inside the cylinder. The ignition system generates the high voltage that makes the spark fire at the right mo- ‘ment thousands of times a minute. Currently there are three types of ignition sys- tems in use. First is the magneto system that is often found on small bikes and competition bikes. Itis simple, reliable, and doesn’t require a battery since current is generated by the magnets and coils in the system. Most magnetos have magnets (usually a part of the motor's flywheel), coils, igni- tion points, a capacitor, and the high-tension lead and spark plug (Fig. 1-38). The second type, the battery and coil ignition system, uses current from the battery to power the coil and produce the high-voltage spark (Fig. 1-39). A coil, points, condenser, and high-tension lead are parts in this system. ‘The third type is the electronic ignition sys- tem. The high voltage for the spark is developed by using a large capacitor for storage rather than the transformer type coils of the other two igni: tion systems. Resistors, thyristors, diodes, and transistors can also be parts in this new kind of ignition system. Electrical System Besides the electrical parts needed to operate the ignition system, the modern motorcycle has many electrical components to increase a riders’ safety and enjoyment. These include head and tail lights, brake lights, warning lights, turn signals. buzzers and horns, ‘radios, electric starters, and more to come. Such electrically operated acces- sories require a battery, generator, switches, re- lays, lots of wire and fuses, as well as a regulator and rectifier. The wiring diagram in Fig. 1-40 is typical of many of the new big bikes. WHAT ELSE? As complicated as all of the parts of the eight major motorcycle systems might seem, they can be readily understood if you read about, work with, and learn about one part of one system at a time. This book should help you to do just that. We think it would be best, of course, to start at the beginning and go through as we selected the order of our units. If you already have a motor- cycle with a problem that’s not discussed in one of the first units, we'll try to be understanding when you jump right into one of the middle units. One thing certain is that motorcycling will change. A few guesses would include more shaft- driven bikes, more rotary-engine bikes in produc- tion, automatic transmissions becoming common, particularly on the large displacement machine, and disc brakes becoming common even on the small bikes. Thus there is going to be an increasing need for trained motorcycle mechanics. As these ma- chines become more sophisticated, mechanics need to sharpen their range of skills. Pollution controls and generally more complex mechanical and electrical systems will keep the better me- chanics “in the classroom” wherever that may be, updating their skills from time to time. "7 CB750 (U.S. A. Type) wn uo ng ga ‘AFRONT TURN Sia. LAM “ LTA yp connor eneanen Aanean Tun SAL LAP 2 326H 230 IGNITION COM. (! hy 1 2v32¢p(230) ty FI TLE? sroe swat consaunon sairos ela a r= eae f. h eer enfonoat ees —_ ; ; FE worl 4 i | ist 4h & specooweren Lave | rl, i a ae | f J { vet uot ae | smn iO ‘ait ‘12V2cp| 30 I WL al = =P fai & STOP LAMP EAL IGHT =) “12V32/4ep! 23/70) fen eer ; “| ‘STARTER MAGNETIC 1 tenet es ese (LAMM tomera ul - 5 voi | Taba 2 a WINKER_RELAY | ou. mesere Le Wl vce | TE cate ee oe. WH T\ ou pressure swiron Fl vo recuaron of | LLFRONT TURN SiN LAN iavazep 230 sung sarooa| EE i Sata ee LUokTING ONAMER SWITCH ITCN ‘swiron owns suaates | ‘SHIT sn a ase wool me fed | nc cenenavon eee 1 o™ aot Fig. 1-40 Wiring diagram from owner’s manual (American Honda Motor Company) Br Brown w UGeLight Green Gjv~-GreenYelow 0 BEW-Bronn/White LB: ‘Yeo Yolow/Red i LGIR-Lignt GreenFee Gr By Re Blue/Ree ek ekiW=Black/Whne We Reg White p Bi oe-Black tbe ho SLIOON ee recir eR LREAR TURN SioMAL LAMP Tap 230) wie he Orange Light Ble ‘elow Grey Black ‘Green Fed There are many facets of riding a motorcycle and many levels of expertise in each area. Each requires a basic dedication to safety and an inter- est in improving riding ability. This chapter as- sumes that you can get on a motorcycle and ride it, but want to advance both your safety and ability. However, you should remember GUMPER- SON’S LAW: “The worst possible thing that can happen, will happen—but only at the worst pos sible time” (Fig. 2-1), Also remember this pari phrasing of an old pilot's adage: “There are bold riders. There are old riders. But there are no old, bold riders.” These two quotations lead the cyclist to fol- low a fundamental premise: Ride as if you're in- visible CONTROLS AND ADJUSTMENTS Well, what can you do with Gumperson’s law working against you? For one thing, you can modify and adjust the controls of your motor- cycle so they are instantly available and easy to use. This is partially what a magazine writer means when he overworks the cliche “and all of the controls fall easily to hand.” What he really means is that a particular test bike happened to fit him pretty well. Fortunately, most cycles can be made to fit most people pretty well. Handlebar Selection and Adjustment Motorcycles come from the factory with han- dlebars designed to accommodate the average size person when he or she rides the machine as it was intended. Middle-weight street machines have medium width, medium rise handlebars. Motorcrossers have wide, flat bars with a center brace; road racers have low, flat bars or clip-ons. Much of the design in handlebars is based on the assumption that the rider's back should paral- lel his calf. In addition, higher speeds require a lower crouch or more horizontal angle as illus- trated in Fig. 2-2. Some provisions can be made to get closer to your ideal riding position by ad- justing the handlebars and foot pegs. To adjust the handlebars, simply loosen the clampdown bolts at the center and rotate the bars to the position that feels most comfortable to you. Be careful not to rotate them too far, especially if there are wires exiting from a hole in the center of the bars (Fig. 2-3). If you decide to change the bars on your ma- 9 Fig. 2-2. Rider position: (a) rider upright and calf of leg vertical, or (b) rider in 45° erouch and calf also at 45° chine, be sure to get the proper length cables and to position the control levers correctly at the handle end of the bars—not 6 inches toward the center or 2 inches from the end (Fig. 2-4). Sometimes a motorcycle you're working on might have control wires routed through it to the 20 switches at the levers. These wires are not diffi- cult to reroute if you first probe through from the end with a string or wire as shown in Fig. 2-5. Another helpful hint is to enlarge the entry and exit holes with a drill, but don't go over 7/16 of an inch diameter or the bars will be weakened. Fig, 2-3. Handlebar adjustment showing the wrench on bolt and bars about to be moved ‘coaecT nor Out Fig. 2-4 Control level position showing lever correctly. adjusted Control Levers Safe riding dictates that you can get to your front brake lever rapidly and smoothly. Clamp it radially on the handlebar wherever it feels most comfortable and adjust the lever travel to give you enough braking action to prevent the lever from touching the throttle grip. If you have small hands, both the clutch and brake levers can be positioned closer to the hand grip. On the more expensive levers, you can sim- ply mount them in a vise and bend them the re- quired amount if you apply gentle, even pressure as shown in Fig. 2-6. On some of the economy models with brittle levers, you can slit a faucet washer from your local hardware store and slip it over the exposed inner cable. Carry a few extras since these washers tend to wear out and occa- sionally fall off. Be sure to maintain the proper clutch and brake action for your machine no matter which nit 2 Riding Safely, Comfortably, and Politely Enlarge hole to a maximum of 7/16" Pull here Tape Wires to Loop to pull back through 1 2-8 Rerouting electrical wires in handle-bars cure for the small-hands problem you select. Of- ten this means reducing some of the recom- mended free play. Shifter Adjustment The shifter can be moved up or down a few teeth on its spine, but avoid the extremes for two reasons. A shifter positioned so high that your foot leaves the peg to shift affects your stability and control dangerously during shifts. On the other hand, a low shifter is vulnerable to obsta- cles and could break off or damage the transmis- sion in the event of a mishap. ‘A competent welder can shorten or lengthen the shifter for you if it is necessary. Again, avoid the extremes. A shifter that is too short is very difficult to operate, can blister your shifting foot, Faweett Washer cut and slipped onto Cable . 2-6 Faucet washer trick for adjusting levers closer to the handlebar a Coss Remove of Add up to ‘his much — Fig. 2-7 Shift lever reworking, showing maximum and minimum amount to add or remove for rewelding and even wear rapidly through your favorite mo- torcycle boots. An extended shifter can give the rider too much mechanical advantage on the shift linkage and damage it. Don’t extend or shorten a shifter by more than one third of its original length (Fig. 2-7). Rear Brake Pedal The brake pedal can be modified for length and positioning much the same as the shifter. ‘Once again, the one-third of the original length factor should be observed. Be careful, however, that any welding is thoroughly checked before re- installing the pedal. A little reinforcement can help to insure that the brake pedal won't bend or break. Accessories Most of the controls and accessories on a mo- torcycle have some leeway in positioning and ad- justment. The mirrors can be rotated and tilted. Often the horn button and kill switches can be po- sitioned closer to your thumbs. The seat can be taken to an upholstery shop for removal of some of the foam padding if you're a bit short-legged for your bike. Suspension and tire adjustments are often overlooked but can contribute greatly to safe mo- 2 torcycle operation. Many of the final settings in this area are going to be your decision, but the recommended starting points can be mentioned here. Tire Pressure. Most road machines call for 22 to 30 psi with a few pounds more in the rear than in the front wheel. Start with the recom- mended pressure for your machine. For every 40 pounds over 140 pounds your ne is to carry, increase the pressure by 1 psi. It is not dif- ficult to stop at a gas station and put in a little more air when you're riding two-up, and it's a great deal safer. (Don’t forget to let the extra air out again after your passenger has gotten off.) Another consideration when carrying a pas- senger or a heavy load is the rear spring-rate set- ting. On many bikes the rear shock-absorber springs can be preloaded by a stepped, rotating collar. Twist this collar to compress the spring when you are carrying extra baggage or a passen- ger. You should have a special wrench in your tool kit with which to turn this collar. This task is illustrated in Fig. 2-8. Clothing and Equipment. The most impor- tant safety accessory in motorcycling today is the crash helmet. There are three basic styles, each with its advantages and disadvantages (Fig. 2-9). ‘The half-coverage or “shorty” helmet was the early traditional helmet. It affords a good deal of protection for its light weight and offers better comfort, cooling, and ventilation than other mod- Fig, 2-8 Rear shock collar adjustment, using special wrench to make adjustment Fig. 2-9 Helmet styles, showing two helmets: the full coverage type and total coverage head gear. els. The disadvantage is that you can’t attach a decent face shield to the front of a shorty helmet. The full-coverage helmet is the most popular motorcycle helmet for the street and trail rider. Protection from this full-coverage helmet is much greater because it covers a larger area. You can easily add face shields to it. The only dis- advantage of a full-coverage helmet is its extra weight and its tendency to limit neck movement. The third helmet, the total-coverage type, is seen more often on race tracks than on the street or trail. While these helmets offer the greatest amount of protection in the event of a mishap, they do limit lateral vision, decrease ventilation, and fog glasses. ‘There are many factors to consider before you select a helmet to meet your needs. Be sure that you get a helmet that allows you full neck motion while riding. If you feel the rear of the hel- met dig or prod into the back of your neck when looking up from a riding crouch, shop around for another helmet with more rear cutaway. Weight alone does not determine the quality of a helmet. If the helmet seems very heavy to you, check it against others of the same general design. Be sure that the helmet meets the required government standards; select one that won't make you “neck weary” after riding several hours. Ofcourse the fit of a motorcycle helmet is the ‘main factor in rider comfort. Never buy a helmet without trying it on! If the helmet hints the least bit of being too tight, go to a larger size. A tight unit2 Riding Safely, Comfortably, and Politely new helmet can ruin your riding concentration and awareness by causing severe headaches. Re- member: helmets don’t wear-in like boots or leather jackets. Once you buy a tight helmet, you're stuck with it and all the headaches it causes, so avoid an “interference fit.” On the other hand, a helmet that is too loose doesn't offer the protection of one that fits prop- erly. In addition, it can wobble on the rider's head, causing distorted vision through the face shield and other distractions. Select a helmet that you can put on and take off easily and yet fits you comfortably. The hel- met should be able to move slightly on your head until you cinch down the chin strap. After tight- ening the strap, there should be almost no helmet wobble. A tight chin strap is as important to your cranial protection as the fit of the helmet itself. If you over-tighten your chin strap and become un- comfortable, it’s a simple matter to loosen the strap a bit. However, if you buy a helmet that’s too tight, the only solution is a larger helmet. Helmet manufacturers are not very consistent in sizing their helmets. One that is marked “Large” might fit you more tightly than another brand labeled “Medium.” If you have a serious accident and your hel- met is involved, a new helmet should be pur- chased. The old one probably has some of the in- ner lining crushed and may have cracks in the shell. The inner lining does not return to its origi- nal shape after it has been dented. Be selective. Your helmet will be with you through several motorcycles. It’s the most impor- tant safety device you have, other than your own g00d judgment, so choose your helmet carefully. Eye Protection. Some sort of eye protection is required by law for riding a motorcycle in most states. The simplest solution is a pair of glasses or sunglasses, but more specialized equipment is available. Almost any other protection in addition to or instead of glasses is better. However, this is a personal preference area and you should get whatever seems to enable you to see best and still be comfortable. Prescription or sun glasses 23 Unit 2 Riging—Safely, Comfortably, and Politely should be of safety glass construction. Your op: tometrist can help here. Goggles offer excellent eye protection while preserving that good old “wind in your nose” feeling while riding. Some cheaper varieties tend to distort vision, so if goggles are your preference select a set with minimum distortion. Bubble shields were the first of the full-face shields. They protect the rider's face quite well but tend to distort vision around the edges of the bubble and are susceptible to wind loads at speed. If you turn to look at something while riding at higher road speeds you may be surprised by the “sail effect” of the wind on the side of your hel- met and bubble shield. A flat face shield has less distortion than the bubble shield, does not fog as readily, and is less susceptible to “sail effect.” This is very popular for eye protection for cyclists and represents a simple, inexpensive solution, However, choosing a dark-tinted shield as your only shield can cause problems when you have to return home at night (Fig. 2-10). Gloves. Every motorcyclist should have two or three pairs of gloves. Cold weather highway cruising calls for a pair of heavily insulated mit- tens or a pair of large leather gauntlet gloves worn over a pair of woolen gloves. Fig. 2-10 Eye protection, showing goggles, bubble shield, framed flat shield, flat shield, and dark moulded shield fe ~ js te Fig. 2-11 Footwear: typical riders’ boots ‘Temperatures in the 50s and above generally require a pair of soft deerskin or pigskin gloves. You can hardly get a pair of leather gloves that are t00 soft from a comfort standpoint; however, the super-soft dress gloves tend to wear rapidly. ‘You might took for the softest pair of workman's leather gloves you can find to fll the requirement. Footwear. Ankle protection is a key item in selecting boots for motorcycling. Take time to se~ lect a boot that will protect your foot and ankle adequately in the event of a mishap. Anyone who has had an accident resulting in an ankle injury will emphasize this point to you. Heed the voice of experience. The lace-up workboot or strap-over motor- cross boots are the best protection you can get. Even the more stylish pull-on boots are much bet- ter than low shoes or loafers. Get boots with soft crepe-type soles to lessen vibration and help keep your feet warm. Keep away from high heels that tend to catch on rocks and logs. Holey, old tennis shoes and shower clogs hinder your ability to op- erate the foot controls of your motorcycle, mak- ing an accident more likely and offering virtually no protection during the accident they just caused. Anyone with a two-digit 1.Q. or above will avoid unsafe footwear. Lear the old “motorcycle cop” boot trick Take your favorite scooter booties to a local cob- bler and have him install double-thick soles on them. This helps isolate your foot from machine vibration and keeps your feet warmer too (Fig. 2-11). Pants. There's nothing like a set of leathers to keep you toasty warm in winter and roast you in summer. Leather pants, unless you are racing or often tour in cold weather, would probably be an unjustified expense. Good, heavy denim du garees or canvas hunter's pants offer decent pro- tection, especially if worn over a pair of “long johns.” Pick pants that fit snugly but not tightly so they don’t flap, chafe or bind you on long trips. Bermuda shorts or bathing suits permit you to feel the wind against your legs, but somehow the memory of that pleasurable sensation fades away as you pluck gravel from your calf after a minor fall Jackets. A leather jacket, on the other hand, is not so difficult to live with in hot weather. Leather offers the best protection you can get in the event of a slide, and now these jackets are made in brighter colors so motorists are more apt to see you. Whether cloth or leather, pick a brightly colored jacket to insure visibility, If you lubricate your chain as often as you should, little drips of oil will be slung up on your back. A leather or vinyl jacket is easily wiped off, but a cloth jacket will wear these spots per- manently. The oil isn't very harmful to the jacket, but makes it look a bit spotty. Another important consideration in selection, of a jacket is the collar design, Get a Mandarin or Nehru-style collar that has no pointed tips. Pointed tips on most jackets flap terribly while you're riding and can chafe your neck and face Be sure the jacket sleeves fit well enough that they don’t flap, yet are free enough to permit un- restricted movement. Foul Weather Gear. Many companies manu- facture clothing for people who must work in the rain, There are many high-quality rubberized rain suits consisting of both jacket (or poncho) and waterproof pants. Most of these are acceptable for short trips during a shower. Avoid the light, cheap vinyl or plastic rainwear because it tends to shred into ribbons the first time you reach 30 miles per hour! Enduro riders have known for years that the heavy, waxed, Barbour or Belstaff style suits of- fer the best protection in wet going. Other com- Unit 2 Riding ~Sately, Comfortably, and Politely panies are now manufacturing the same type of suit from synthetic materials. Whichever you choose will comfort you on those long, wet rides. Other Accessories. The old stereotype Hell's Angel wore wrist straps and a star-studded wide belt in addition to his dungarees and engi- neer boots. You've read about the boots and pants, but what about the wrist straps and kidney belt? Have you noticed how tired your left wrist, can become after a long ride in traffic or on the trail? This results from the tendons straining whenever you pull in the clutch lever. A leather or elastic wrist band can ease the strain if worn properly. Make sure the band is gently snug yet does not hinder the blood circulation to your hand. The old kidney belt has generally faded away with the advent of rear suspension on road ma- chines. However, some riders find them helpful in relieving back strain on a long trip and still use them, Their original purpose was to protect the rider's internal organs, especially the kidne against injury from constant road shock and vi- brations. These wide belts are available in leather, cloth, and elastic models and are recom- mended for long, rough trips on the road or trail, GETTING STARTED Just like a pilot, you should use a “pre-flight check list” before starting a motorcycle (Fig. 2 1. Gas level and quality 2. Oil level 3. Cable adjustment and condition 4, Brake adjustment 5. Chain adjustment and condition 6. Tire condition and inflation 7. Lights and horn 8. General (frame, oil leaks, etc.) 28 Cable adjustment and eoncition Lights and Hora Tire condition and infation Brake adjustment Gas ove and quality ‘chain sajustment Oitteve Brake adjustment FRAME? — LEAKS? ~ TIGHTNESS? Fig. 2-12 Before starting, examine these critical checkpoints! Here are some questions to ask yourself dur- ing this check: Have you got enough gas? Is it fresh? Is there water in it? Gas over three months old often is too stale to run an engine, and tanks left unfilled that long are often subject to condensation. Is there a sufficient level of clean oil in the en- gine or oil tank? Do the cables pull smoothly with the proper amount of adjustment? Are any of the stra the inner cable frayed? Is the cable Iu Does the rear brake work when the bike is rolled along manually? Is it adjusted properly? Is the chain oiled? How is the adjustment? What is the tire pressure? Do wheels and tires have any visible cracks or flaws? Do all lights and turn signals work properly? Is the horn working well? Is there anything on the motorcycle that is loose, bent, missing, or leaking that might cause unsafe riding? If you've gotten through this check list and discovered no problems, you're ready to start the engine. Warm Up Motorcycles are generally air cooled. They take several minutes to reach proper operating temperature and for the lubricants to reach their 6 work stations. Give your cold motorcycle at least 2 minutes running time before riding. Getting Underway A freshly started motorcycle often “‘clunks” badly when initially shifted into first gear. This is because the clutch plates are not completely freed from each other due to oil residue bonding them together. To ease this clash when engaging first gear, roll the bike forward as you shift to first gear. The clutch will generally free itself on the shift to second gear. To test it, pull the clutch le- ver and rev the engine slightly to insure the clutch, is working properly. Shift sharply but smoothly. There's nothing harder on the transmission than abusive shifting. Downshift when necessary to keep the engine running in its power range, because “lugging” an engine is also harmful. Braking You can brake more effectively with the mo- torcycle perfectly vertical while using both the front and rear brakes. The front brake is three times more effective than the rear brake because it handles 75 per cent of the braking load while the rear contributes only 25 per cent. Most riding, instructors suggest applying the rear brake first to Weight Shite Wight Shift Quring Braking Fig. 2-13 Weight shift and the resulting suspension change insure keeping the rear wheel behind the front one. However, if you come to a situation where you need both brakes instantly, apply both brakes instantly. Afterwards, dedicate yourself to riding in a more careful manner so that you will never need both brakes instantly again, Remember that hard braking compresses the front forks. This re- sults in less caster effect on the steering and less wheelbase. The bike will handle quicker and be less stable (Fig. 2-13). Turning Any turn, whether it's a sharp corner, a smooth curve, or a rough bend on a bumpy road, should be re-evaluated, planned, and smoothly executed. Plan the safest, smoothest line through the curve while avoiding pot holes, gravel, oil, water, or anything else that threatens. Do your braking before the turn, when the bike is still vertical, not after you've begun to lean into the turn, Harsh braking in a turn can cause a wheel to “lock up.” Remember that the wheels must rotate in order for the motorcycle to maintain traction and exe- cute the turn, Look on a sequence of four turns as a pair of S-turns, Plan your entry and recovery toward a smooth, safe ride at every curve or pair of curves. One mistake is too many. Be conservative. ‘A police department riding instructor in Vir- ginia discovered a significant rider tendency among his students. Right-handed students tend to turn more skillfully to the left, while left- handed riders tend to turn more skillfully to the Unit 2 Riding Safely, Comfortably, and Politely right. Try to develop your balance and coordina- tion by practicing turns to your “weak side.” You can never predict which way you'll have to go to avoid a mishap, so learn to turn in either direction equally well. TRAFFIC Be pessimistic in traffic. Remember Gumper- son’s law and pretend you're invisible. Be reali tic, the 400-pound motoreycle is no match for a 2- ton car and offers virtually no protection for its rider. A minor accident that would be a “fender bender” if you were in a car, could cause you se ous injury on a bike. Keep an invisible barrier around you and your machine. Stay well behind the vehicle in front of you and avoid being “tail gated” yourself when possible, Use your extra visibility to advantage. Look through the windows of the car ahead of, you to evaluate conditions ahead. Keep an eye on your own rear-view mirror to evaluate conditions behind you. Ask yourself as soon as you get be- hind a car: “Do his brake lights work or not?” Don't get the answer the hard way. Watch him slow down the first time from a very reasonable distance. ‘Avoid the center part of a traffic lane. The center of the lane collects the gas, oil, and coolant drippings from all the cars and trucks on the road. Traction tends to be better in either the right or left track sections of the lane. There's a difference of opinion among “advi sors” as to which section of the lane to travel in when riding. Some say to ride in the left track be- cause you are more visible to the car ahead of you and motorists are less likely to attempt the old squeeze play” by passing you in the same lane. ‘Some riders say ride in the right track because it’s easier to avoid trouble by riding to the shoulder of the road. Either way, avoid the oily section, espe- ily for the first few minutes of a shower when it’s icy slick. Dogs have always posed a problem to motor- cyclists. Some say the vibration frequency of some engines bother dogs’ sensitive hearing. Oth- 27 Ye Olde Highway é Fig. 2-14. Correct pattern for group riding ers say the size and novelty of a motorcycle en- courage dogs to chase them. Whatever the rea- Son, treat dogs respectfully when you are riding and remember their natural instinct is to pursue rather than attack. If you approach a crouching dog or a dog coming to chase you from ahead of you, head slightly toward the dog as you ride. This maneuver gives you a little extra room to turn at the last second and accelerate away from the dog. If your motorcycle will not outrun the dog, you should either avoid riding near the ca- nine population centers or purchase a faster machine. Highways and Open Roads Higher speeds on the highway require a larger “safety zone” around your machine. When fol- lowing another vehicle, stay at least 2 seconds be- hind it. This converts roughly into about one car Iength (20 feet) for each 10 miles per hour. Prepare yourself for the “prop wash” or “: cushion” generated by big trucks. Avoid the rect impact of the air wake by staying almost a full lane away from oncoming trucks or the ones you are passing. a Group Riding In many states it is illegal to ride directly be- side another motorcycle in the same lane. When riding in a group, it is much safer to ride in a stag- gered pattern. This formation gives all of the rid- ersan adequate “safety zone” fore and aft yet still allows them to ride as a group (Fig. 2-14). Avoid the temptation to race or ride reck- lessly in a group. One “show off” or “hot dog’s” antics are often infectious to the entire group, and sometimes group riders find themselves trying to keep pace with an illogical rider. Let him go ahead as he pleases. You know the safety factor you are most comfortable with. Stick with it. Passing Overtake and pass other vehicles carefully. Check behind yourself very thoroughly to make sure that the car behind you isn't trying to pass both you and the slower vehicle ahead. Always give yourself plenty of room ahead. If the slower vehicle happens to be a large truck, prepare your- self for the wake or air stream it generates as you ass. The laws for passing are the same for both motorcycles and cars. Remember to signal your intention to the cars behind you by using your left-turn blinker. As you pass the vehicle ahead of you, a short beep on the horn will alert the driver to let you by. Signal again with your right-turn signal as you pull back into the original lane. Exe- cute your passing maneuver as politely as pos- sible. For some reason one of the things an auto- mobile operator resents is being passed by a roaring motorcycle. Give the driver a break. Don’t rub it in. You'll be giving motorcycling a break, too. Lees Meosure distance to full stop aa 20 MoH Fig, 2-15 Front brake stopping distance Parking Lot Course Timed between First and Last Double Pylons Fam REVERSE Direction ~— pistance 6” Wider than Bike ‘Turn and Fast Stop al oy START sto? Group Front Front Wheel BRAKE ONLY between Lines Stop Fig. 2-16 Overview of a pylon course, showing the slalom, triangle, turm-stop and group startstop 29 Finis é Fig. 2-17 Slalom and figure-8 drill patterns Posture and Endurance A bike that fits you and your riding style is im- portant to your comfort on long-distance trips. ‘The custom adjustments mentioned earlier in this chapter are critical factors that will determine whether you can cruise comfortably for 600 miles, a day or whether you get backaches, sore arms, and neck aches after 3 hours in the saddle. These adjustments lead to correct riding posture; that is, lower legs parallel to your back. Just as important, however, is your ability to relax as you ride. Don't “death grip” the handle- bars until your knuckles turn white, or over- squeeze the tank with your knees. If you can’t re- lax while riding on a trip, either you are riding too aggressively or your motorcycle isn’t handling properly. Correct whichever problem exists. Taking a Break Operating a motorcycle on a highway requires that all of your riding skills be instantly available to get you out of jams. If you are overly tired, slightly intoxicated, emotionally upset, or other- wise mentally or physically unprepared for riding, simply stop riding for awhile. More importantly, though, become pre-conditioned so that when one of these situations does arise, you will not begin riding until you are ready. If you feel yourself getting tired or drowsy, don’t force yourself to continue riding. You'd be 30 amazed how a 10-minute rest stop can make the next hundred miles much more pleasurable. Carry your sunglasses along when riding long distances at night. Put your sunglasses on for the coffee breaks at those glaring, overt, restaurants that adorn our highways. The sunglasses will foo! your pupil a little bit so that they don't have to open up so much when you resume your noctur- nal cruise. Drills and Exercises There are several good exercises and drill routines you can practice in order to improve your riding. Get your friends together and try some of these exercises in an abandoned parking lot some weekend (after you get permission, of course). Front Brake Drill. Practice stopping with the front brake only. Set up a specific section and practice accelerating to 20 miles per hour, then stopping your bike with the front brake only. You should be able to stop in about 20 feet from 20 miles per hour by using the front brake only. Don't rush it though; be satisfied with 40 feet on your first day's try. If you can't get down to 20 feet, check your front brake (Fig. 2-15). Tight Turning and Start-Stop Drills. These exercises are excellent ways to improve your slow-speed balance and coordination. There are several ways such a course can be set up: you can use tin cans if traffic cones are not available for markers. A suggested course is diagrammed in Fig. 2-16. Practicing several “start-stop” drills is an excellent way to improve your “downtown traffic skills and techniques. Slalom and Figure 8 Drills. These exercises help your maneuvering skills in slow traffic or on difficult surfaces. The diagrams shown in Fig. 2- 17 suggest some configurations for slalom and fig- ure 8 routines. You should have someone timing your exer- cises with a stop watch. Try to improve your “lap times” through balance and control, not aggres- siveness. Soon you will notice quite an advance- ment in your smoothness on the street, which will lead to safer, more controllable ri The Rider-owner or best motorcycle me- chanic in the world can’t do a decent job without the right tools. Good tools are the means that en- able you to transfer your knowledge into effective action, Knowing the different kinds of tools avail- able and how to use them will help you become a faster, better mechanic. Most of the tools you will use are described in this chapter along with help- ful hints about how to use them properly. Check the list at the end of this chapter for a suggested starter tool kit, Screwdrivers ‘The screwdrivers used most often by the mo- toreycle mechanic are the electrical straight blade, mechanic's straight blade, Phillips head. and occasionally the hex head or Allen head (Figs. 3-1, 3-2). Blade sizes for standard screw- drivers are specified dimensionally (1/4" x 1/32") or are proportional to blade or overall screw- driver length. Shanks may be round or square, the square shank allowing you to use a wrench for ad- ditional turning power. The blade size should be chosen to fill just the screw slot (Fig. 3-3). Han- dles should be large enough for a comfortable grip, have no sharp edges, and be nearly unbreak- able. Occasional regrinding of the tip may be re- quired for standard blades. Pliers Of the many kinds of general and special pur- pose pliers available, you should know about these: Combination Pliers. Two-position pliers in 6- to 7-inch length with a wedge-type cutter for general and all-around work. (Fig. 3-4). Interlocking Joint Grip. Eight- to 10-inch length with a 1 1/4- to 2-inch jaw opening for grip- ping larger work than combination pliers. will handle. These pliers are often called “channel locks” after the company that developed them. Diagonal Cutter Pliers. 6- to 7-inch length for removing cotter pins and cutting wire and smalll pieces of metal. Most mechanics call these “dikes.” Needle-Nose Pliers. Four- to 8-inch length, with or without cutter for small objects and re- stricted places. These are also used for bending re. 31 Fig. 3-1 Screwdrivers: from left to right, a standard thin slot, a standard slot, a Phillips, an Allen hex-type P 9 Fig. 3-2 Three or four sizes and lengths of screwdrivers are available. Close-up view at lower left shows cut of the Phillips ip Fig, 3-4 Several types of plies used in mechanical repair (@) combination pliers, (b) interlocking pliers, (©) diagonal cut pliers or “dikes.” (d) needle- nosed, and (e) snap-ring plies. Slot screwdriver blade should fil the slot cut in the screw head, Using wrong size driver will damage the screw head, the driver, or both, R GENERAL TORQUE SPECIFICATION CHART = O/O]e “The follwing rules apy to the char: ianeer 1. Consult manufacturers specific recommendations when available. jess 2. The chart may be used directly when any of the following ‘teh lubricants are used: ee ee ‘evar See Compound, Molykote Fl oC, Graphite and Oi or sinlrvntores ~l=l=l=(-)=)= l= 3. tnerene the torque by 20% wen ining engine oleh gens A : (Toes bent oe no general riommanded for eters} =tatetets : 4, Reduce torque by 20% when cadmium plated bolts are used. i i CAUTION: Tightening int kr aly wil equi es tora. So ee ne ec > = [of | | [om [oe warworra ules f= [= f= [bs STANDARD |! || : U.S. STANDARD = z METRIC = STANDARD “Dimensions given on handles of U.S. Wrenches refer to. i is le el el i Setul se of bt head or na. mlelalwlo l= laclos Dimensions gives an Whitworth Wrenches refer tothe shank or ody diameter othe bots net the elt ead wa] =|=|~| =| @ looloo Fig. 3-5. ‘Three principal torque specification charts Snap-Ring Pliers. Small round tips to fit Sets snap rings. Pliers may be straight or at 90° and may have interchangeable tips. The serious me- chanic should have several sizes of both internal and external snap-ring pliers since the replaceable tip sets are too fragile for very hard work. Occasional lubrication and using a tool large enough for the intended job will keep your pliers in good shape. End Wrenches. End wrenches are made range of shapes, end types. and sizes. You wil need to become familiar with metric sizes, and fractional inch sizes, and you may occasionally hit an English bike with Whitworth nuts and bolts (Fig. 3-5). Fig. 3-6 Seven types of open- Fig. 3-7 Fig. 38 Combination wrenches (b) 34 end wrenches in stand ard usage: (a) angle head, (b) flare mut, (¢) open end, (@) long slim, (@) open-end ratcheting, (f) short wrench, and (g) igni- tion wrench, Two standard box ‘wrenches: (a)a double hex offset box wrench and (b) a long double hex or 12-pt. wrench, include (a) the 6-pt box with flare end, (b) the 12-pt. box with flare, and (c) the com- bination flare and ratchet-end wrench © Open-End Wrenches. The wrenches shown in Fig. 3-6 normally have two different end sizes and are angled at 15°, These are used to remove nuts in limited access places. A complete set would run in size from 1/4 inch to I 5/8 inches, or afairly complete mechanic’s set from 1/4 to 1 1/4 inches. A metric set from 6 to 32 mm would be very complete. Special angle 30° and 60° open- end wrenches are also available. A good starter set would include 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 17, and 22 mm and 5/16", 3/8", 7/16", 1/2", 9/16", 5/8 11/16", 3/4", 13/16", and 7/8" English sizes. Box Wrenches. These are better to use than open-end wrenches as the box end is less likely to slip and scuff off the corners on nuts. Box wrenches are available in 6- and 12-point open- ings, in size ranges similar to open-end wrenches, and may have an angled or raised handle (Fig. 1, Combination-End Wrenches. These have a box end and an open end at opposite ends of the same handle. Both openings are the same dimen- sion, These combination wrenches are a good starting set of tools for the motorcycle mechanic or owner. units Tools ‘Two special end wrenches worth having are flare-nut wrenches for tubing fittings, as shown in Fig. 3-6b, and ratchetting-end wrenches for speeding assembly work as shown in Fig. 3-6e. Torque Wrench. Torque wrenches are socket drive handles with some method of i dicating the amount of turning force or torque being applied to the fastener. They are available in 3/8- and 1/2-inch drive sizes in the torque ranges needed by the motorcycle mechanic. Torques are indicated by direct reading dials, click type where a sound is emitted at the pre-set torque, and the less expensive beam type (Fig. 3- 9). Torque wrenches can be purchased with scales in inch-pounds, foot-pounds, centimeter- kilograms, and meter-kilograms. ‘The dial-reading types are too bulky to fit in tight places. The click type is good if kept clean but loses accuracy when it gets grimy. A good starting wrench would be a 3/8-inch drive beam- type torque wrench with a dual scale 0 to 50 foot- pounds; 0 to 600 inch-pounds. Scapa Fig. 3-9 Five styles of torque wrench include (a) a dial-type torque wrench showing foot pounds, (b) a dial-type showing inch- pounds, (c) a dual scale beam-type, (d) a beam-type with Foot-pound seale, and (e) the click-type end showing foot- pound scale. Chain Wrench. This wrench (Fig. 3-10 used to turn large or irregular shapes, as the chain will grip over a large surface area. Socket Set. The socket set, one of the me- chanic’s most useful tool sets, consists of 6- and 12-point standard sockets, deep well sockets, a ratchet, extensions from 1 1/2 to 12 inches, and many other available drive and link parts (Fig. 3 11). The sockets fit into limited places, hold the fasteners firmly, and can be turned rapidly in ei ther direction. Drive ends are available as screw- drivers and Allen wrenches. Socket sets come in 1/4-, 3/8-, and 1/2-inch drives, referring to the size of the square tang in- serted to turn the socket. Larger drives are avail- able for heavy machinery. A good starting set for ‘motorcycle mechanic would be a 3/8-inch drive set, with both fractional inch and metric sockets from 1/4 to 7/8 inch and 8 to 22 mm in standard length with some deep wells. Impact Driver. A 3/8-inch impact driver set (Fig. 3-12) with special sockets and screwdrivers can deliver a power rotary motion when struck with a hammer. The impact driver can help a me- chanic “break loose” frozen nuts, bolts, or screws that resist turning with hand wrenches or scre\ drivers. The impact driver is a must for motor- cycle maintenance. w @ Fig. 11 metric Ferret sockets, 36 Varieties of socket sets include (a) a standard socket set, with 6-pL., 12-pt. sockets: (b) 6- and 12-pt. deep well socket set, c) a complete metric socket set, showing ratchet handles and extensio (@) close-up view of Fig. 3-12 Inpact driver set showing (a) complete kit with hhandle and various driver tips, and (b) close-up of the handle Adjustable End Wrench. These wrenches (Fig. 3-13) are handy when no other wrench is available to fit a nut or bolt. They are made in 4-to 24-inch lengths with jaw openings ranging to 2 1/2 inches. Hammers. As a motorcycle mechanic you will find occasion to use a variety of hammers (Fig. 3-14), The ball-peen hammer is the general machinists’ hammer. It is used for driving punches, chisels, and impact drivers. Plastic tip or soft-face hammers are used where the finish or shape of parts such as aluminum cases and trans- mission gears would be marred by a steel hammer. unit 3 Tools Files. A mechanic uses files to remove burrs on shafts, cases, and other parts, as well as to shape or straighten the edges of parts. Files vary in length, cut, shape, and edge. Cut refers to the number of teeth per inch and whether the teeth are single or double cut. Shape may be flat, round, or half-round. An edge is called “safe” when it is without teeth (Fig. 3-15). Handles should always —me Fig. 3-13 The adjustable end wrench for square or hex head bolts ee @ —_ © © Fig. 3-14 Three common hammers: (a) a combination fiat and ball-peen hammer, (b) a softface brass ham- mer, and (c) a combination brass and plastic- tipped hammer Fig. 3-15 Two types of handles and three styles of files: (a) single cut Mat fle with a “safe” edge, (b) a half-round, and (©) round file. 37 Fig, 3-16 Standard chisel (a) and several punches, including (b) a center pune (c) two types of pin punch, (d) starter punch, (©) aholder for either a chisel ora punch, and (f) grinding metal burrs off a chisel head after use. be purchased and used with files because a bare file tang is sharp and will cause hand injuries Files should be stored so they will not contact other files or metal; otherwise they will soon be- come dull. A file card or cleaner will make filing faster and the resulting metal finish smoother. Chisels and Punches. Flat metal cutting chisels are used to cut bolts, nuts, pins, and other metal parts. Sizes range from 3/8- to 3/4-inch blade widths. Chisels need occasional sharpening by filing or grinding the blade to a 60° cutting angle and keeping the head round and free of burrs (Fig, 3-16). Center punches are used to make a small identification for starting drill bits or marking parts during disassembly so that realignment is easy. Tapered punches are used to start driving out pins or bolts and to align parts during assem- bly. Pin punches with straight shafts are for driv- ing through pins or bolts or maintaining part align- ment. Chisel or punch holders are sometimes useful, Saws. Hacksaws, jab saws, and hole saws are used by mechanics for frame and part modi fication and some types of disassembly (Fig. 3- 17), Blades for hacksaws and jab saws are re~ placeable, with 18-, 24-, and 32-teeth per inch blades commonly used. The 32-tooth per inch blade is used to cut very thin metal. When using hand saws, apply pressure on the forward stroke only and keep the strokes down to 30 per minute to avoid overheating from the friction. 38 © Fig. 3-17 In this fgure, (a) shows the standard hacksaw, (b) alow-clearance hacksaw, and (c) wo types of hacksaw blades. Cleaning Tools. Wire brushes and gasket scrapers (Fig. 3-18) are often handy. The long- handled wire brush is a good all-around first choice. Good quality putty knives with flexible blades make good scrapers. Screw Extractors. Screws, bolts, or studs that have broken off in cases or heads can be re- _ ES <4 Fig. 3-18 A carbon scraper (a), (b) a wire brush, and (c) a ‘metal or putty knife seraper are useful for clean ing tools, Fig. 3-19 An occasional broken-off screw head makes the serew extractor kit useful in the pro or semi-pro ceyele shop. @ Fig. 3-21 units Tools moved by drilling, then inserting a screw extrac- tor (Fig. 3-19), and turning counterclockwise to turn out the remainder of the broken fastener. Careful drilling is critical. Unit 23 covers the complete process. General Power Tools and Accessories Electric Drill. 3/8-inch variable-speed revers- ible electric hand drill is a good first choice for the mechanic's power tool collection. The drill should have good electrical insulation and a frac- tional high-speed steel drill-bit set (Fig. 3~20). Stone and Brush Hones (Fig. 3-21). These 3-20 The 3/8" electric drill (2) is particularly useful ‘The compact bit set is shown in (), w cy @ Shaft mounted (a) and spring-type stone hones (b) are used to clean cylinder bores, Wire brushes (c) are used for cleaning, () is a brush hone used for cylinder deglazing, unit 3 Tools after boring or when fitting new rings. Wire brushes (c) and stones are used for cleaning and smoothing or removing small amounts of metal. Propane Torch. General heating for light bending, heavy soldering, and heating for press fits and removing parts are some uses you will find for this tool (Fig. 3-22). Fuel tanks are sim- ply replaced. Accessories include soldering tips and various burning tips. Bench Grinder. A bench grinder should have at least 6- by 1/2-inch stones, a ball-bearing shaft. and a 1/4-hp motor. Screwdrivers, punches, and other tools that require sharpening will use a 60- grit stone. A wire brush wheel on the other end of the shaft is great for cleaning valves and other parts. A wheel dresser for keeping the stone straight and clean is also a good investment (Fig, 3-23), Remember—safety glasses or goggles are ‘a must when operating a bench grinder. Hot Plate. A single-element electric hot plate is handy for heating press-fit parts, chain-treating grease, and coffee while you're working in a cold garage (Fig. 3-24). 4 Fig. 3-22. The propane torch is used for metal bending and soldering 40 Fig. 3-23 A 1/4-horse grinder (a) can be bench-mounted for use with stones, wire brush, or rotary grinder. ‘A wheel dresser (b) keeps the stone straight and clean, Soldering Gun. A soldering iron or gun for electrical wiring should be in the 150- to 250-watt heat range with replaceable tips. You should also have noncorrosive paste flux and good quality rosin core solder (Fig. 3-25). Impact Wrench. For motorcycle work, im- pact wrenches are used primarily for disassembly as the soft metal cases and threads won't last long, due to the easily applied high torques when sembling. A 3/8-inch drive compact model will be handiest. When compressed air is available, the Fig. 3-24 Hot plate makes a good warm-up device for chain grease, press-fit parts, or coffee Unit 3 Tools air drive wrench, is a better choice because it's lighter and more compact (Fig. 3-26). High-Speed Grinder. The rotary grinder is useful for port, piston, and head cleaning and modification. Look for one that has ball bearings and is capable of accepting 1/8-inch through 1/4- inch shafts (Fig. 3-27). Impact Hammer. This is also known as an air chisel. It is used to cut sheet metal, frozen nuts, and welds. Special-purpose tips, such as rivet cut- ters and punches, are av: Test Equipment The following equipment is listed in approxi- mately the order of usefulness. To do a thorough tuning job you will find a need for each piece of this equipment eventually. Tire Pressure Gage. Direct-reading gages are easier to read. Check your gage against a mas- ter gage to determine its accuracy. Dirt and hard knocks will change the readings you get (Fi 3-29). Fig. 3-26 Air-driven impact wrench Fig. 3-27 High speed rotary grinder 1-29 Dial-type tire pressure gauge Fig. 3-28 Impact ham- chisel kit 4 Fig 31 Test ight for electric circuits Compression Gage. A compression gage with dual scales, psi and kg/em®, is most useful It’s easier for you to get an accurate reading by using the screw-in adapters for the various spark plug threads when kicking the bike through com- pression (Fig. 3-30). Test Light. The test light is faster and handier than a meter for determining if voltage is avail able, has a sharp probe, and can get into small places. When necessary, you can even poke through insulation on a wire with it. Test lights are available with neon spark plug testing bulbs (Fig. 3-31), Timing Light. The timing light is used to set the timing of spark plug firing. The neon type is less expensive but gives out less light. The power type needs to be connected to a 110-volt power source or should be equipped with clips for at- taching to a6- or 12-volt battery. It emits a bright light for easy timing (Fig. 3-32), Volt-Ohm Meter. When a test light won't quite do it, you'll need a voltmeter to determine an accurate output. The ohmmeter will tell you the electrical resistance of a circuit—not bad for checking point conditions. Don't leave the meter in an ohm reading position as the batteries will run down. Also, don’t try to read the resistance in a power-on circuit—the meter won't last long. Look for a meter that is protected by a fuse or cir- cuit breaker (Fig. 3-33). A combination meter is usually cheaper than two separate meters, Dial Indicator. A direct-reading meter, read- ing is usually in thousandths of an inch, for mea- suring shaft run-out, rim wobble, top dead center. , clamp-on, and magnetic bases are 1. 3-34). Fig, 3-32 Timing light for setting spark plug firing timing, 2 Fig. 3-33 A volt-ohmmeter for electric circuit testing Points Checker. This meter measures resis- tance with a single scale that reads from 0 to 10 ohms; the first 2 ohms are shown in tenths. Very small resistances can be read in ignition wires, through ignition points, and in other circuits where small differences are critical (Fig. 3-35 Ammeter. Ammeters are used to measure generator or alternator output, starter drain, or current flow to a specific component. They are connected in series for measurement. A meter scale of 50 amperes will handle most bike appli- cations. Some meters have induction pickups that do not require direct connection into the circuit (Fig. 3-36). Carburetor Vacuum Balance Gauge. Some bikes have test ports in the carburetors or intake manifolds. When the port plug is removed and a vacuum gauge connected, the gauge readings in- dicate the carburetor adjustment. Multi-carb en- gines can be accurately balanced by using a vac- uum gauge to adjust each carburetor to the same reading (Fig. 3-37) Fig. 3-34 Dial reading meter for checking top dead center. POINT CHECKER | 6 oe 3-35 Point checker meters small electrical resistance 3-37 Multi-carb engines can be finely balanced by us- ing vacuum gauge like this Fig. 3-38 Tachometers. A tachometer is used to me: sure the turning speed of a shaft or wheel in revo- lutions per minute (rpm) by electrical (ignition), mechanical, or video means. Most motorcycle tachs are the mechanical type powered by a speedometer-type cable driven by the engine (Fig. 3-38a). Electronic tachs convert impulses from the primary ignition circuit into engine rpm (Fig. 3-38b). Photoelectric tachs react to any bright spot (tape or paint spot) on a tire, wheel, gear, or shaft and give you a scale reading in rpms (Fig. 3-38c) Decibel Meters. (Fig. 3-39) The measure- ment of sound or noise levels will become nece: sary as states pass laws governing maximum al Fig. 3-39 Decibel meter becomes vital test instrument as noise level becomes a more important environ- mental concern, Three types of tachometers: (a) mechanical, (b) electronic, and (c) photoelectric lowable noise levels for motor vehicles. Initial laws have specific maximums around 86 to 90 dB at 50 feet, with the bike at high engine rpm in a lower gear. Most good mechanics agree that maximum power does not come with the most noise. SPECIAL TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT Twelve more specialized tools and pieces of equipment that are sometimes needed in repair are shown in Figs. 3-40 through 3-53. —te Fig. 3-40 Chain breaker Fig. 3-41 Tire irons, 2k Fig. 3-42 Mag flywheel puller Fig. 3-43 Clutch hub puller Fig. 3-44 Valve core tool Fonsi Fig. 3-45 Spoke wrench Fig. 3-46 Hand-operated grease gun {i \ Fig. 3-47 Chain rivet tool — 3448 Pin wrench Unita Tools 3-81 Tubing bender SHOP EQUIPMENT If you intend to operate your own bike repair shop, you will need to invest in some of the larger equipment items. The following is a partial list of things to consider, perhaps in a good order of need: 1. Vise 2. Truing stand 3. Air compressor 4, Hydraulic press 5. Drill press 6 7. 8 . Gas and electric welding equipment Motorcycle analyzer Glass bead parts cleaner 9. Alignment board 10. Motorcycle lifts 11. Boring bar 12. Lathe 13. Spark plug cleaner 14. Valve shop 15. Dynamometer 16. Refrigerator ‘The last isn’t for keeping liquids cold, but to help in cooling parts for press fits. Unit 3 Tools TOOL KITS Road Kit. When you are riding any distance more than to the corner store, it pays to select carefully the tools to haul along in addition to those the bike manufacturer provided. Here are some suggestions if you can find room to carry them on your bike. 1. Combination-end wrenches 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 mm, 2. Box-end wrenches 17, 22 mm. American and English machine riders will have to adjust. Impact driver with Phillips and common serewdrivers Plug wrench ‘Tire irons and spare tube breaker and link kit lubrication Set of spark plugs Crescent wrench and small vise grips ees Portable Tool Box. This is better defined as whatever you're willing to carry on your bike somewhere. Put in it whatever you have room for, starting back at the beginning of the hand tools, plus any power tools that don’t have to be plugged in, unless you have a portable generator. One Last Thought. When you spend your bread, remember that many of the better tool manufacturers replace their tools that break— free! The motoreycle frame provides a strong, rigid structure upon which to attach the components necessary to make up the machine. The size, weight, and type of frame contributes as much as any other factor to the “personality” of the mo- torcycle. Frame geometry determines, to a larger extent, the bike’s handling characteristics. Also, the type of construction is a critical factor affect- ing frame stability and rigidity. Don’t take the frame for granted. It's a very important part of your motorcycle and requires periodic inspection and maintenance. NOMENCLATURE AND TYPES Types of Frames Tubular Frame. Single and double downtube swing-arm frames have emerged as the most ac- cepted type, especially for motorcycles with en- gines over 200 cc. The tubular frame is light yet strong, and provides very good stability at high- way cruising speeds. It also seems to have more “eye appeal” to most riders because of its leaner, racier look (Fig. 4-1) Pressed-Steel Frame. The pressed-steel frame usually consists of two stamped-steel or sheet-metal halves welded together along a center seam, From a manufacturing standpoint this type of construction is more economical than tubular construction if many bikes of the same model are to be made. The drawbacks are that the pressed- steel frame is generally heavier, less makes the motorcycle more difficult to repair. Of course, these problems are less critical in the 50- to 150-cc machines where the pressed-steel frames have been most popular (Fig. 4~2). Engine-Based Frames. Often both the tubu- lar and pressed-stee! frames rely on the engine ‘members instead of additional frame to add rigid- ity to the structure. While this design helps to re- duce a machine's weight and cost, it often results in frame flex if the engine mounting studs are not properly torqued. With engine-based frame de- sign carried to the extreme, as in the famous Vin- cent V twins, frame flex becomes a real concern. These machines have been likened to “riding a 140-mph ball joint.”” To a lesser degree, all frames that use the engine as a frame member may de- velop this problem if not properly maintained by 47 Fig. 4-1 Tubular type frame, exploded view (American Honda Motor Company) Fig. 4-2 Pressed steel frame (American Honda Motor Company) Engine Fig. 4-3. Engine-based frame tightening the engine mounting bolts every month or so (Fig. 4~3). Frame Components Steering Head. The steering head is the tube at the top of the frame where the front fork as- sembly is attached (Fig. 4-4). The steering head incorporates two sets of ball bearings for easy 48 ot Fig. 4-4 Steering head, exploded view (AMF Harley- Davidson Motor Co., Inc.) steering and a special adjuster nut for tightening the bearings as they wear. The steering head angle is very important because it affects the high- speed stability and low-speed maneuverability of the machine a great deal, A steep or near vertical angle results in quick slow-speed steering reac- yn, while a more “raked” angle yields more high-speed stability but sacrifices precise low- speed steering, Steering head angle is set during manufacture and is usually in keeping with the in- tended purpose of the bike. Smaller displacement trail bikes tend to have steep steering head angles, but higher-speed road machines and some racing motorcycles incorporate more “chopper-like™ steering head angles for high-speed control (Fig. 4-5), Triple Clamp. Triple clamp or fork-leg hold- ers are two triangular brackets that mount the forks to the steering crown (Fig. 4-6). The han- dlebar mounts are usually incorporated into the design of the upper triple clamp along with provi- sions for mounting gages such as the speedometer and tachometer. The lower clamp sometimes in- corporates a steering head lock or part of a steer- ing dampening device. Steering Dampening Devices. There are two popular types of steering vibration damp- eners, The simpler consists of a set of fiber wash- ers and metal discs that may be pre-loaded to re- STEERING HEAD ANGLE Fig. 4-5 Steering head angle, showing difference between high-speed angle and trail angle Fig. 4-6 Triple clamp, exploded view, (AMF Harley- Davidson Motor Co., Inc.) f é 2. ay | or [ si $ EN Fig. 4-7 Steering dampener, exploded view (American Honda Motor Company) Fig. 48 Rubber mounted handlebars, phantom view, shows rubber bushing below center strict turning motion (Fig. 4-7). A more sophisticated vibration dampener mounts be- tween the lower triple clamp and the frame. This unit is basically a shock absorber that dampens the unwanted jolts and oscillations from the front wheel. Handlebars, Clamps, and Cushions. There are literally hundreds of variations on the handle- bar theme, but they generally fall into two sizes and classifications as far as mounting provisions are concerned, Handlebars are usually 7/8- or 1- inch diameter tubing. They are either fixed solidly to the upper triple clamp or mounted in rubber to help dampen vibration (Fig. 4-8). The clamping 9 eC Steering Head po ALLOY CAP, SHEET METAL Stoering Head ho ve usoLt Steering Hoad | Fig. 4-9 Different handlebar clamps Cc) Fig. 4-10 Typical engine mounting provisions (a) (Honda Motor American Company) and (b) (Triumph Norton Incorporated) devices on handlebars range from sturdy alloy caps to steel U-bolts to sheet-metal clamps (Fig. 4-9). Mounting Provisions Engine. Engines are usually attached to the frame in at least three places, and sometimes in as many as six places. Instead of bolting the engine directly to the frame tubes, there are metal tabs or mounts either bolted or welded to the frame. Usu- ally the mounting bolts pass completely through the engine cases, adding stability to both the frame and engine. Some typical mounting schemes are pictured in Fig. 4-10. Controls and Pegs. Another important set of mounts found on your motorcycle frame are those for the pegs and rear brake pedal. Often the foot peg mounts are adjustable for height or fore and aft positioning (Fig. 4-11). Sometimes the rear brake pedal is incorporated right into a cross brace of the frame for added strength to this im- portant section (Fig. 4-12). Rear Suspension. There are two important mounting points on the tail section of the frame 50 Adjustment Slot Bolt Holes Fig. 4-11 Adjustable foot pegs, showing fore and aft ad- Justment for the rear suspension, They are the swing-arm pivot mount and the top shock-absorber mount. The swing-arm mount is usually bushed with a bronze, iron, or special rubber bushing, but some use tapered roller bearings (Fig. 4~13). This mount is very important because rear-wheel sta- bility is almost totally dependent on the condition of the swing-arm mount. If the swing arm is free to wander laterally and flex on its pivot, dan- gerous handling will result. Figure 4-14 indicates Fig. 4-12 Rear brake pedal mounting, exploded view, show- ing cross-tube mounting. (American Honda Mo- tor Company) —— ot Fig. 4-13 Swing arm, exploded view, showing bushing in five from left. (Kawasaki Motors Corporation) movement that can result from worn s bushings. Techniques for servicing the s bushings are described in Unit 5. Tank, Fender, Seat. The frame is usually the base mount for other components such as the gas tank, fenders, seat, side covers, battery, oil tank, electrical components, center and side stands. ‘You will find a myriad of engineering approaches to mounting these items, but most frames have them all, unit 4 ‘The Frame View of Rear Whee! Worn Bushings Movement Fig. 4-14 Swing arm looseness Steering Head cia cool Possible Crack Fig. 4-15 Front down-tube crack area ‘The frame, hiding behind all the paint, glitter, and noise of the components it supports, is too of- ten ignored. Give this base component the atten- tion it deserves by periodic inspection and main- tenance. The next section tells you how to do it. Frame Service Inspection. Certain areas of frames are more suspectible to fatigue and damage. A common one, especially on well-flogged dirt bikes, is the area between the front-down tube and the steer- ing head. Another area to keep your eye on is the section just above the swing-arm mounting (Figs. 4-15, 4-16). SL Posible Crack Swing Arm Mount Fig. 4-16 Swing arm down-tube crack area ‘cracking Paint Faking for Missing Fig. 4-17 Frame flex area 4 Frame Broken Fig. 4-18 Broken frame [i Any place where you can detect chipping, flaking paint that hints of bending or flexing frame tubes, be cautious! Your frame tubes might be getting ready to break. Keep checking the suspi cious section and reinforce or repair it as soon as you determine that bending or flexing is actually taking place. The problem area will look some- thing like Fig. 4-17. Have it fixed befor: Fig. 4-18. looks like the frame in 82 Shake and Hold. Another way to pinpoint frame flex problems is the shake-and-hold method. With the bike off its kickstand, stand to ‘one side of the machine, face it, and grip one end of the handlebar. Give it one violent shake, re- turning firmly to the original position, Watch carefully to see which joint bushing, axle, or mount continues to oscillate for a moment after you've shaken the machine. Cracks and Breaks. Cracks and breaks the frame are sometimes “painfully obvious” be- cause the problem is detected only after the faulty section has completely separated. This sort of ca~ tastrophe can be avoided by frequent frame cleaning, inspection, and correction of frame weaknesses at the first sign of chipping paint. Frame Repair Straightening. Bent tube-frame sections can often be repaired by heating and bending them back to the original shape. Since the reshaped frame may not be as strong as it was originally, some bracing and gusseting or tube sleeving may be necessary. Use a neutral flame on an acetylene torch and heat a large section of the area to be strengthened. Apply gentle, even pressure to the tubes until the original shape is attained (Fig. 4-19). Bracing and Gusseting. Sometimes a spe- cific frame junction on a certain model machine may demonstrate a tendency to break after a pe- riod of hard use. If you have a machine that has such a symptomatic problem, correct it before it starts by reinforcing the weak area. A triangular A Wood Blocks | Fig. 4-19 Frame straightening plate of steel welded into the junction of tubes at the steering head, or a plate welded between the two tubes at the rear of an Enduro bike, can pre- vent any mishaps that might arise. However, you should take this step only if the particular model you are working on has gained a reputation for a specific frame weakness (Fig. 4-20). Break and Crack Repair. There are as many ways to repair cracked or broken motorcycle frames as there are welders. A good welder will say that his simple weld is as strong as the tube inally. Naturally, that is not good enough for you, because your frame broke. What you need is not only repair, but reinforcement. There are several sound approaches to the repair. Sleeving. A broken tube can be internally or externally sleeved to repair and reinforce it. Strive to retain the exact original frame geometry by perfectly matching the broken tube ends be- Unit 4 The Frame fore welding. The steps for a complete sleeve job are illustrated in Fig. 4-21. You may use internal, external, or both types of frame repair on the same broken section, Of course, depending on the nature of the break and the machine, you may elect to sleeve the frame only one way. Be sure to use fairly low Steering Head Wild to Frame Tubes only aed Gussat Fig. 4-20 Steering head gusset INTERNAL SLEEVE w FS os Work Tube 6 , om Bk Ori Hoes " Push Avert ‘and Weld or Sore blow mine Bre ough Break EXTERNAL SLEEVE w eld or Bae Bras cutsiewe 0 eid or rae Seve muti Sree Contra Se meat Jom Fig. 421 ‘Thee steps for intern seeving and for extemal sleeving 33 unit 4 ‘The Frame heat for this type of repair because the frame tub- ing tends to become brittle if overwelded. Bends. While a straightened bend in a frame or swing-arm tube can be reinforced by external sleeving, it can also be braced with a simple rib section welded on (Fig. 4-22). Brazed Joints. Some frames are constructed from a series of tubes brazed into sockets of joint sections. After a period of hard use, these brazed connections have been known to work loose. You can get these sections re-brazed, making them as good as new, if you clean and prepare the joint Fi Welded to Swing Arm “Tack Both Ends before Welding . 4-22 Rib or stiffener 54 properly. Re-welding near brazed joints is not a good idea, because the brass tends to interfere with good weld puddling between steel sections (Fig. 4-23). Pressed Steel Repair. A pressed-steel frame is repaired much like a “body and fender man” repairs sheet metal on a damaged car. The oxacetylene torch is used along with hammer and dolly to heat and form bent sections of the frame back to their original shapes. “Tube Brazed in a Ges Searing Head Fig. 4-23. Cast and tube joint Wheels WHEELS AND TIRES Though most motorcycle wheels appear to be almost identical in construction, there are subtle size variations that enable designers to custom. tailor wheels and tires to the intended purpose of the machine, Sizes, Types and Application ‘The diameter of wheels and tires, measured at the bead, varies from as little as 16 inches up to 21 inches. The rims themselves may be of either steel or aluminum alloy. Tire widths range from 2 to 5 inches and are accommodated by rims from about 1 1/2 to 4 inches wide. ‘Spokes are available in several diameters and range in length from 6 inches to more than a foot. Additionally, spokes may be “inners” or “outers” as well as “lefts” or “rights.” That is, a single wheel may have as many as four different types of spokes. Some manufacturers and specialty motor cycles use cast aluminum or magnesium wheels. ‘The main reason for using this expensive type of wheel is that it is strong, light, and perfectly true, since it is finished on a lathe. Figure 5-1 shows two types of wheels used ‘on popular motorcycles, The sizes of wheels and tires selected for a motorcycle usually depend on the bike’s general size and weight class. Smaller motorcycles up to 200-ce street machines tend to use 17-inch or small 18-inch tires. Middle weight 250-500-cc street machines use 18-inch tires fore and aft, while heavyweights up to 900 cc use a large 18-or 19-inch tire on the rear and a 19-inch on the front. The big 1200-cc Harley reverts to a 16-inch tire bead diameter with a bulbous S-inch cross section. Enduro and Motoreross bikes lean toward the larger 21-inch front wheel assembly to ease roll- ing over obstacles. Smaller, slower trail bikes, get by with an 18-inch front tire, while dirt bikes of all types are generally backed up by an 18-inch knobby or trials universal ‘Tread design and selection is based on the in- tended use of the machine. A full-fledged dirt bike used exclusively for Enduro, Motorcross, or trail riding, relies on rough knobby tires for traction in mud and loose dirt. On pavement, however, these tires lose their charm and their traction. Besides wearing rapidly (often in less than 1000 miles) knobby tires are poor on dry pavement and ex- tremely unpredictable on wet pavement. Avoid using them on the street if possible. The dual- purpose street-trail machine is often found with trials universal or semi-knobby tread tires. This 58 cast Whee! Stee! Rim Cross section of wheels (AMF Harley-Davidson Motor Co., Ine.) tire is meant to feature the good traction of a knobby in the dirt while keeping the road maneu- verability of a street tire. Although it is a good compromise, it does not perform as well as either a street or dirt tire when needed. Street riders are deluged with a barrage of in dividual patterns of road tires. Some popular ones are shown in Fig. 5-2. 5-2, Pattems for road tire tread, showing the common, types Super tires” like the K81 and K87 Dunlop, ental RB-H, and K111H and Avon Speed Co Masters have been designed for the large dis- placement multi-cylinder machines and seem to work well on them, Some riders prefer rib tires on the front of their machines claiming more precise steering control. Generally, however, there is only a slight difference in handling; so, again, it is more a ma ter of personal preference. But never install a rib tire on the rear wheel. A slight application of power on a turn in less than perfect traction will often result in a mishap, 56 Theoretical Information “I wunt ride on wunna them things! Hit one little pebble on them skinny tars and down she goes! No siree, I want four wheels under m You've heard it a hundred times, haven't you? But did you ever wonder why you didn’t go down, even after striking large obstacles? The answer lies in the phenomena of the gyroscopic effect of rotating tires and wheels on the balance of the machine. The inertia of revolving tires tends to keep the motorcycle upright and headed in a straight line. Spoke Patterns Spoke patterns vary according to the size of the machine and the strength required. Smaller cycles generally use 36 spokes while larger ma- chines have 40 spokes. The spokes are attached at various tangents to the inner hub and are fixed to the rim by threaded nipples. Wheels can be made stronger by altering the spoke pattern from the simple radial array to a criss-cross pattern. The patterns in Fig. 5-3 show various ap- proaches to spoke patterning. Portion of 40-Spoke Rim Used Only ‘on Show Bikes (Not Ridesble) ‘Spoke patterns, showing array, cross 2,and cross 3 Hanging From the Spokes. Remember that your motorcycle is literally hanging from the top spokes of your wheels (Fig. 5-4). If the spokes are loose, absent, or incorrectly installed, serious consequences may follow. A series of loose spokes on one side of the tire will soon work the spokes loose on the other side of the wheel. If you iscover loose spokes, tighten them immediately, according to the wheel-truing instructions on page 60. = Toming direction Fig. 5-4 Spoke force (Kawasaki Motor Corporation) Repair and Adjustment Procedures Daily Maintenance. Each day, before riding, check your tire pressure. In addition to being a riding hazard, improper inflation drastically re- duces tire mileage. Superbike owners know well enough how low their rear tire mileage can be anyhow. Flat-Tire Repair. Unfortunately, at some time every motorcycle is bound to have a flat tire. Repair procedures are basically the same, whether you're caught with a flat while out riding or have discovered the results of a slow leak at home in your garage. 1. Put the machine on its centerstand or prop it up somehow and remove the wheel. 2. Be careful with the accessory attachments such as mechanical and hydraulic brake linkage, speedometer cables, chains, and torque stays. Also note approximately where the chain adjuster was set so you can get “back in the ballpark” when reinstalling the wheel. 3. Completely deflate the tire by removing the valve core (Fig. 5~Sa). Then stand on the tire with your heel to break the bead loose from the rim, as shown in (b). 4. Lubricate the bead area with a suitable rubber lubricant such as hand soap, soap suds, units Wheels and Suspension brake fluid—anything but a petroleum product, which will deteriorate the rubber (c).. 5. Now you're ready for the tire irons. Not screwdrivers, crowbars, wrench handles, or chis- els—but properly prepared, special-purpose tire irons. Make sure that the business end of the tool has been ground or filed smooth so that there’s no chance of ripping or cutting the tube. 6. After removing the valve stem retaining nut, slip a tire iron under the bead beside the valve stem. Simultaneously press the bead oppo- site the valve into the recession in the center of the wheel (d). Pry the bead of the tire over the lip of the rim (e). . Use another tire iron to take another ‘a few inches to the right of the first (©. Now go a few inches to the left and pry again, being careful not to damage the tube. Con- tinue around the tire until the bead is completely outside the rim (g). 8. Remove the tube carefully (h). Reinflate the tube and look for the leak, either by listening or submerging the tube in water. If the leak point is a cut or pinch rather than a puncture, the tube will be unreliable even when patched (i). In fact, you're always being a gambler when patching a punctured tube. The best approach is to use a new tube. Figure it this way: a new tube doesn’t, take up much more room on your touring machine than a tire patch kit and saves a lot of risk and Brief. For a youngster’s gravel pit bike, however, patching tubes saves money. 9. Locate the spot on the tire rim assembly where the leak occurred (j). Remove the nail, glass, wire, or thorn that may have caused the flat, and patch the inside of the tire casing if the inner surface looks as if it may cause more trouble in the future (k). If the leak is on the inner circum- ference of the tube, check for protruding spokes that can be filed down or a defective rubber rim strip that can be replaced. 10. Reinstall the tube after inf to give it a limp shape (Fig. 5~6a). time begin your tire-iron work oppo- site the valve after you've lubricated the rim, bead, and tire irons (b). Proceed gently and evenly around the bead until itis seated, 12, Make sure the tire, tube, and wheel are correctly aligned: that is, the valve stem should ig it enough 37 58 Fig. S-S Correct tre changing sequence: (a) Remove valve core, (b) break bead with heel, (c) lubricate bead, (d) place tire iron by bead and depress the opposite bead, (e) pry the bead over the rim, () pry the bore, using the second tire iron, (2) get bead completely out side of rim, (h) remove tube for repai. (i) Align the inflated tube oon rim and tire to find flat cause and position, (j) mark the punc- ture position on inner tube. (k) mark puncture on the tre poke straight out of the wheel, not at an angle (©) and (d). If the tire has a dot mark that should align with the valve core for balance purposes, line it up properly, Many tires have no such marks. European and Japanese tires have a dot that lines up at the valve core on the rim. Ameri- can tire manufacturers place a dot at the “heavy” spot on their tires, and this dot should be situated opposite the valve core. unit s Wheels and Suspension 13. Reinflate the tire being certain that the circumference of the tire coincides with the rim (Fig. 5~7a). There is a thin aligning seam around the tire that is used for this purpose. To correctly seat the tire, sometimes you must pump it up to valve stem (c), be certain to get it in straight (). “XN OM Co) (a) Re-install the partially inflated tube inside the tie, (b) re-install tire, starting opposite valve. Watch for crooked units we and Suspension 60 or 70 pounds, then deflate it to the proper pres- sure (b). Other times you must break down the bead, lubricate it, and reinflate the tire to gain proper seating. 14, When replacing the wheel and tire assem- bly, be sure to adjust the axle alignment and chain tension correctly, and to re-attach all other fix- tures securely. Balancing Tires. Tire imbalance can cause quite a bit of discomfort to the rider and speed up the wear on bearings, tires, and other parts sub- ject to vibration. Motorcycle tires are generally static balanced only, but they may be spin-balanced at a shop that has a strobe-light balancer. To static balance a motorcycle tire, first mount the wheel assembly on a wheel-truing stand. If you don’t have access to a stand, loosen the brake adjustment, bearing tension, chain, speedometer cable, or other hindrances so the wheel will turn very freely on its own axle when elevated. Simply counterbalance the heavy spot on the wheel with motorcycle wheel weights (available at your cycle shop) attached to the spokes on the opposite side of the wheel until the wheel will remain at rest wherever it is set (Fig. 5-8). Heavy solder wound around the spoke can be substituted when wheel weights are not avail- able. On a small machine, a wheel out of balance can lower the top speed by 5 to 10 miles per hour. On a large machine, poor wheel balance can con- tribute to high-speed wobble. In either case it pays to have precisely balanced wheels (Fig. 5~ 9a & b). Fig. 5-8 Wheel weights (Triumph Norton Incorporated) 60 & Fig. 5-9 Wheel balancing. Tire and wheel set on truing stand, showing the balance weights at 9 o'clock position (a) solid core solder wound on spokes to add weight (b) Truing Wheels. A “true” wheel is one that is, perfectly round with the axle in the center and has no radial run-out, lateral run-out or side wobble (Fig. 5-10). ‘As in balancing, wheels can be trued either on or off the bike. They may also be trued with the tire mounted or dismounted. Only slight corrections (less than 3/8 inch) should be made with the tire mounted. Greater corrections call for tightening some spokes so much that a spoke end may eventually puncture the tube. Also, it is safer to correct only lateral run-out with the tire mounted. Remove the tire if any significant radial run-out is encountered. ‘The best procedure is: 1, Make sure that the axle is tight, that wheel- bearing play is minimal, and that all of the spokes are “snug,” not loose. 2. Mark the high spots and low spots with chalk. Also try to indicate the extent or range of the entire “warped” area (Fig. 5-11). J nnoint runout ° Fig, 5-11 Chalking rim on bike. Note the thin white fi side of tire showing “high” area Note that all of the spokes are attached to the center of the rim, but some are attached to the right side or left side of the hub. If the rim needs to be pulled to the left, loosen the right spokes and tighten the left ones a like amount (Fig. 12). At the “high spot” loosen the spokes (with a Unit s Wheels and Suspension spoke wrench) on the high side first, loosening more in the center of the high area. Decrease the amount of loosening as you get to the base line or true part of the wheel so that you are loosening only one-quarter turn at the last spoke. Tighten the spokes leading to the hub on the low side the same amount you loosened the corresponding igh-side spokes. Repeat this procedure until all the spokes are tight and the wheel is true. ‘Tighten Spokes Loosen Spokes tum 1 turn 1 un — Ye turn ig. $-12 Lateral truing technique, showing tightening and loosening sequence of spokes Remember, however, for a freshly laced wheel or one that has severe radial and lateral run-out the best approach is to mount the wheel on a truing stand. ‘The first step is to eliminate radial run-out or “out of roundness” (Fig. 5-13), Ean A Y Tighten Fig. 5-13 Radial truing technique, showing tightening and Toosening from side 6 Unit 5 ‘Wheels and Suspension Loosen the “short”-side spokes by using the tapering or graduated technique used for lateral run-out, Then tighten the long-side spokes, again tightening more at the extreme high point and gradually reducing the turns as you approach the “base line.” Repeat this procedure until the wheel is perfectly round and all the spokes are tight. Now proceed to the lateral truing sequence out- sd on page 61. Remember to loosen the high side first and tighten the same amount afterwards on the low side (Fig. 5-14), oe @ Fig. 5-14 Truing rim on stand: (a) (AMF Harley-Davidson Motor Co., Ine.) a After the wheel is perfectly trued, grind off all protruding spoke ends flush with the nipple, clean out the metal filings left from grinding, reinstall the rim strip, and remount the Replacing a Rim. Replacing a rim can be a very simple, easy job if you follow certain steps to organize your approach to the task. Remember that there are both “inside” and “outside” spokes on each side of every wheel and that some wheels even have long and short inside and outside spokes. Spoke patterns vary according to the size and use of the machine: even spoke diameters vary with the size of the bike. Before beginning the project, obtain any spokes you might need to replace broken ones. A spoke wrench, a screwdriver modified for spoke work (Fig. 5-15), and some masking tape are also handy. File Noten for Spoke End 1 # Fig. 5-18 Modified spoke screwdriver The most reliable method for relacing a wheel is the “tape the spokes trick.” Simply tape the spokes together at their various intersections or crossing points. Remove the nipples and lift the rim off. Replace any broken or damaged spokes and retape them in the proper position. Remem- ber where the valve core hole goes and install the new rim the same way. Another technique especially useful if you're building up a wheel from scratch is to install all of the inside spokes first (Fig. 5-16 Lacing Wheels If the rim only is being replaced (assuming the spokes are in good order), follow this practical shortcut: Tape spoke crossing points midway be- tween hub and rim prior to unscrewing spoke nip- ples. After removing nipples, the hub with at- tached spokes can be lifted free of the rim. To reassemble, place the hub and spokes within the new rim and insert spokes in order through the Unit 5 Wheels and Suspension rim, (Be careful to insert the spokes through prop- erly angled holes in the rim relative to the spoke itself), Starting from the valve hole in the rim, in- stall spoke nipples and tighten each one until only four threads show at the bottom of the nipple. Again starting from the valve hole, proceed to tighten each nipple one turn, going all the way around the wheel. Continue in this manner until wheel tightens up, then true wheel as described in Truing Wheels. Where hub or spokes require replacement, follow this method of lacing: Assuming the wheel has been dismantled and that the rim, hub and spokes are in good condition, lay out components on a workbench large enough to accommodate the wheel. Place 18 “A” spokes in one pile and 18 “B” spokes in another. Note that the hooked ends of the A and B spokes are bent with different radii (Fig. 5-16). Holding the hub with one hand, insert an A spoke down through a non- chamfered flange hole (Fig. 5-16b). Repeat the process until nine A spokes are installed in the hub, Place hub face down on the workbench with the spoke heads seated against the hub and the spokes radiating outward. Set the rim over the hub with the valve hole facing you. Note that the holes in the rim are drilled offset up and down as well as sideways. Be sure that the spoke hole im- mediately to the left of the valve hole is angled upward and to the left. Insert the nearest spoke from the hub through the hole to the left of the valve hole and tighten on a nipple two or three turns. Working to the right, take the next spoke from the hub and insert it in the fourth hole in the rim to the right of the first spoke fastened in the tim, Tighten on a nipple a few turns (Fig. $-16c). Repeat for each spoke, inserting them in every fourth hole in the rim until all nine spokes are mounted in the rim. After the first nine spokes have been installed, turn the assembly over. Insert an A spoke through a non-chamfered hole in the topside flange and rotate the spoke to the right, crossing over two spokes on the opposite flange and in- serting into the rim in the first hole left of a spoke from the opposite flange (Fig. 5-16d). Again, tighten on a nipple a few turns. Working to the left, install the remaining eight A spokes in every 64 other hole in the flange and rotate them to the right until located in holes just left of the lower flange spokes. Install nipples and tighten a few turns, Install a B spoke up through any remaining hole in the top flange and rotate to the left, cross- ing two A spokes from the same flange and in- serting into the rim as shown in Fig. 5~16e). Tighten on a nipple a few turns and repeat pro- cess until all nine spokes are installed. Turn the wheel over and repeat the above process on the other side (Fig. 5-16f). At this point, all spokes will be installed in the wheel assembly but the as- sembly will be quite loose. Starting with the valve hole in the rim facing you, tighten each spoke un- til there are about four threads showing below the bottom of the nipple. Finish tightening wheel up by turning each spoke nipple one turn at a time, working around the wheel from the valve hole. After tightening, true the wheel as described in Truing Wheels. Correctly tensioned, the spokes will emit a sharp “ping” when struck lightly with a screwdriver blade. Balancing Wheels Remove wheel assembly and temporarily lay backing plate assembly aside, Remove wheel bearing seals and clean grease entirely from bee ings. Lubricate bearings with a few drops of cleaning solvent and mount wheel onto machine (without backing plate assembly). Allow wheel to stop with heaviest point down, mark center of heavy area with chalk. Assuming the mark made to be 0°, mark the wheel at 120° and 240° from the first mark around the circumference of the tire. Add weight at the 120° and 240° positions by coiling wire solder around the spokes adjacent to the marks. Solder should not be of the acid core variety and coils should begin around the spoke nipple. Do not extend coils longer than 2” and keep coils at both positions equal in amount Check progress often. When wheel will remain in any static position without rolling, balancing is completed and wheel may be remounted. Tire and Wheel Accessories Rim Locks. Under extremely hard use, tires tend to slip or rotate on the rims. To prevent this, some manufacturers use a cinch or rim lock to cinch the tire to the rim (Fig. 5-17a). These de- vices are often difficult to handle during tire changing, but can be dominated if you remember to install the rim lock just after the tube (b). Also be sure to move the rim lock toward the outside of the tire when prying the bead over the rim, Retain the rim lock stud with its nut on by a few threads to prevent losing it inside the tire. Check carefully before inflating the tire to be sure that the tube is not going to be pinched by the rim lock. & Fig. 5-17 Rim locks (Kawasaki Motors Corporation) Instant Flat Repair. There are products on the market that will reinflate and temporarily seal a puncture, These products can save a cyclist some time if the cause of the flat is small enough to be blocked off by the sealant. Such products are not infallible life-savers in all cases, but they are good to have around for emergencies. The major drawback is that some cause tubes to stick to tires on the inside, often requiring that the tube be cut out of the tire. Tire Balancing Fluid. Some companies man- ufacture a product that balances tires from the in- side of the tube. The product works pretty well and is installed simply by pouring it into the inner tube. It requires a mile or two of riding to distrib- ute it throughout the inner tube and accomplish its balancing function. Unit 5 Wheels and Suspension SUSPENSION SYSTEMS There has been a slow but interesting evolu- tion of engineering approaches to motorcycle sus- pension. Early machines simply had no suspen- sion; wheels were rigidly mounted on the frame and had solid front forks much like a bicycle. Front Suspension Systems Springer Forks. The first stages of suspen- sion development came at the front of the bikes. The riding characteristics of rigid front suspen- sion were so hard at speed that something simply had to be done. Thus was born the “springe front end (Fig. 5-18a). This system and vari tions of it endured even past the World War IT era as the standard approach to front suspension on. motorcycles. Earles Type. Another old design is the Earles type or leading-link front suspension (Fig. 5-18b). This design was developed in Europe. Its most famous user is BMW. The leading link is a strong, smooth-riding front end though a bit slow in handling and awkward looking. Per- haps the esthetics of modern forks prompted BMW to offer the more modern slider forks on current models. Telescopic Forks. One of the most si cant developments in front suspension was the slider or telescopic front forks. This unit showed itself on foreign machines before Harley-David- son and Indian bothered to change over to the better system. As a result, the light, quick-han- dling British machines with telescopic forks se- verely challenged American manufacturers for stateside sales. Soon the American manufac- turers switched over to the telescopic units. The early telescopic forks had short external springs usually protected by a rubber accordian gator or cover. Also, they only dampened on compression and would often rebound with a noisy “clunk.” Even with such drawbacks, they were vastly superior to the springer front ends (Fig. 5-18c). 6s Springer ) Fig, 5-18 Springer forks (a), Farles type forks (b), early telescopic forks (c) (Triumph Norton Incorporated) and (@) Cerianni type forks (U.S. Suzuki Motor Corporation) Double-Acting and Internal Spring Tele- scopic Front Forks. The current state of the art in front suspension sees the nearly universal use of the double-acting internal spring telescopic front forks that are also known as Cerianni type, after the Italian company largely responsible for their popularity. This fork has a long, completely enclosed spring, a double-acting dampening de- vice, and wipers rather than rubber accordian boots (Fig. 5-18d). Since this type of front sus- pension is most popular, we will study it in detail. ‘The typical front fork expanded in Fig. 5-19 consists of the upper tube or station, the lower lez or slider, a coil spring, dampening devices, “O” rings and seals, vents and plugs. The design and purpose of each of these items is explained briefly. The upper or stationary tube section is clamped securely in the fork clamps or triple tree. This forms a secure base for fork operation and establishes the angle between the forks and the road. The top of these tubes are fitted with a threaded plug through which the fork may be 66 filled with fluid. This plug often contains a spring- loaded ball check valve to prevent bursting the slider seals. A long, progressively wound coil spring is fit- ted inside the tubes and provides most of the sus- pension action of the forks. ‘The dampening action of the front forks is similar to that of a double-acting shock absorber. Different manufacturers use various approaches to the problem, but generally the dampening ac- tion utilizes a series of ports or orifices and check valves through which fluid is forced to pass. Fig- ures 5-20 and 5-21 illustrate the action of a typi- cal front fork. ‘The lower leg contains the fork seals, bush- ings, drain plug, and axle attachments. This lower leg, or slider, must fit the upper leg very precisely or fluid will escape and suspension action will be canceled (Fig. 5-22). Rear Suspension Evolution Rear suspension has had but two major changes in its evolution: Urper cover a Space ‘Uoper spring seat Fock sore, ter cover Dust sea! 0 sea: Retector — Spey waste ‘Stite Mauar— j|/ ean wssrer Space ‘yinder comp Sub sprig race, song ~ Fig. 5-19 Exploded view of front forks (Yamaha Interna tional Corporation) Fig. $-20 Telescopic fork dampening de- vice, showing compression stroke (Kawasaki Motors Corporation) units Wheels and Suspension Fig. 5-21 Telescopic fork dampening de- vice, showing extension stroke (Kawasaki Motors Corporation) (it Ses! Guide (Bushing) Drain Plug Lower LES Fig. 5-22 Lower leg elements Hard Tail. The hard-tail or rigid rear suspen- sion was characteristic of early motorcycles that relied on the cushioning effect of the rear tire and the seat springs to absorb road shock (Fig. 5-23). The first popular attempt at rear suspension was called the “plunger” system. This set-up used a set of small spring-shock absorbing de- vices between the rear wheel and the rigid rear section of the machine. Limited rear-wheel verti- cal travel helped to cushion road shock without or units and Suspension Hord Tat Fig. 5-23. Hard-tail rear suspension with rigid rear wheel mounting resorting to excessively large balloon tires. This plunger system was the forerunner of modern swing arm rear suspension (Fig. 5-24), Fig. 5-24 Plungertype rear suspension (Triumph Norton Incorporated) ‘Swing-Arm Rear Suspension. The swing- arm rear suspension type is used almost univer- sally today, so our discussion of rear suspensions is limited to this design. It consists of a pivoting fork, or swing arm, attached to the lower section of the frame just behind the transmission area, and a spring-shock absorber unit that vertically supports the top rear section of the frame (Fig, 5-25). Repair and Service There are several maintenance and repair procedures common to front forks. Each of these is covered in this section, beginning with the sim- plest and proceeding to the more complex procedures. Swing Arm Fig. 5-25 Swing arm suspension, showing frame, shock and ‘overspring with swing arm Changing Fluid. The front forks contain oil and, as you know, most oil needs changing occa- sionally. Several months of street riding or about 20 hours of dirt riding will usually contaminate the fork oil to the point where it needs changing. Fortunately, this often neglected maintenance step is a simple matter of opening a drain plug to let out the oil, closing the drain plug, then pouring new oil in through a fork cap hole. You can see how easy itis in the step-by-step series of illustra- tions in Fig, 5-26. Safety dictates stable elevation of the front wheel to eliminate spring com- pression. Changing Dampening Rate. There may ‘come a time when the front suspension of your motorcycle doesn’t satisfy you, even after you have changed to fresh fork oil. The suspension may feel too soft and mushy or it may be too stiff and harsh. The problem could be in the viscosity or type of fork oil you used. Thicker oil will often stiffen a mushy set of forks, while thinner oil will usually soften the ride of harsh forks. Use the same procedure to change the fork oil when switching to a different grade of oil. Re- member, never vary the amount of oil used, only the viscosity rating (Fig. 5-27). Alignment of Twisted Forks. A slight spill or bump can cause the front forks to twist, resulting in misalignment (Fig. 5-28). The sensation expe- rienced in this instance is much like hayigle bent handlebars. That is, to get the bike to go straight you must hold the bars either to the left or right. ‘A quick, simple way to correct this problem is to | . i

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