KENT Year 5 1 20 Tower Detailing

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50mm gravel

waterproof ing bitumen sheeting, 3 layers

300mm rigid expanded foam thermal insulation with integrated falls
225mm reinforced concrete slab, soff it exposed, smooth concrete f inish
to match walls of exposed concrete stair core
(soft furnishings in bar area dampen acoustic issues from hard surfaces,
eliminating the need for an acoustic ceiling)

zinc f lashing and parapet capping over LVL board on timber section on concrete upstand
Internally hung horizontally sliding double-glazed steel or aluminium framed
doors onto terrace

brick slips f ixed to downstand beam / lintel to sliding doors to terrace

diaphragm wall parapet to bar level terrace

diaphragm brick returns every 1.0-1.5m on plan
wall ties every 1.5m
precast concrete lintel supporting brick cladding around 3.6m square openings
plasticised mortar around opening
(to eliminate need for f lashings and water ingress)
metal drip
brick terrace in parquet bond on steel grill, on stilts
20mm granulated rubber matting
waterproof layer - roof felt or bitumen layer
200mm rigid insulation
215mm 2-way spanning reinforced concrete slab
steel hanger from slab for brick cladding

grooved timber acoustic panels on steel frame

102.5mm x 160.0mm x 340.0mm oversize on-site fabricated bricks
in f lemish cross bond providing f iltered light through hit and miss brickwork (brise soleil)
steel bar lateral and vertical reinforcements as required (drawn every fourth course)
providing resistance to wind loads (single leaf required to ensure adequate light passage)
65mm three-layer polycarbonate cellular sheeting
(for u-value and because of large f loor to ceiling distances)

1:20 DETAIL SECTION THROUGH metal suspended ceiling framing system

acoustic insulation
timber slated acoustic panels

SOUTH EAST STUDIO ELEVATION (to enhance sound quality in studios given solid timber parquet
f loor and internal brick clad walls)


on-site produced bricks used as cladding
diaphragm wall between f loor slabs of reinforced concrete frame of studio structure
pre-cast modular concrete lintel system supports brick reveals
attached to concrete upstand and downstands
plasticised mortar on brickworkd around reveal
hidden steel tray rainwater gutter with metal grille to prevent leaf ingress
internally hung steel or aluminium horizontally sliding double glazed winodws
bricktor bed reinforcement used as reinforcement on spandrels to eliminate the need
for expansion joints on the north-west elevation of the studio block
110-330mm rockwool insulation
breather membrane
air gap
bucket handle mortar prof ile
stretcher bond
weep holes
bricks hung off steel shelf angles attached to 215mm reinforced concrete two-way slab
internal brick leaf 10mm lime slurry coat, whitewashed

35mm oak wood-block parquet glued and oiled

75mm reinforced screed
underf loor heating system warmed by ground-source heat pump
(using slinky laid under the hard landscaping in new public plaza)
polythene separation layer
30mm rockwool footstep sound insulation

concrete edging
back f ill
RIW double-drain tanking membrane
215m in-situ concrete retaining wall below ground,
diaphragm walling above ground
500mm rigid insulation
wall ties every six courses
weep holes
brick inner leaf painted dark grey
acoustic panels

cinema f loor build-up

in-situ manufactured bricks laid in parquet
75mm reinforced screed
underf loor heating
polythene separation layer
200mm rigid insulation
damp-proof membrane
225m in-situ-f loor slab
sand blinding
hard f ill

f leece geotextile mat

coarse gravel
french drain / perforated porous pipe
sitting in lean concrete
225m ring beam (to offset the
effects of heave from the clay)
sitting on top pile caps
pile groups to offset eccentricity in pile-driving
piles 26m deep



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