Btech09 10syllabus
Btech09 10syllabus
Btech09 10syllabus
1 Departmental Codes I
2 Coding System II
Departmental Codes
1 Applied Electronics & Instrumentation Engg EI
3 Electrical Engineering EE
4 Electronics & Electrical Engg EN
5 Instrumentation & Control Engg IC
6 Information Technology IT
7 Computer Sc. & Engineering CS
8 Computer Applications CA
9 Civil Engineering CE
Coding System
1. Coding System
Category wise Credits:‐
Sl. Project
Institutes HS BS BE EP Total
No. etc.
1 IIT-KGP 19 22 45 72 14 172
2 IIT-M 11 27 24 86+6 11 165
3 IIT-R 16 21 34 97 12 180
IIT-M 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 2 43
IIT-B 5 5 6 7 5 5 6 5 44
IITKGP 5 4 5 6 5 5 5 3 38
IIT-R 7 7 6 7 6 5 5 3 46
NITR 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 39
NITA 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 5 46
NITC 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 47
ITER 5 5 6 6 5 5 5 4 41
No. of Credits in different Semesters:-
IIT-R 24 24 23 24 23 21 22 19 180
IIT-M 20 22 21 23 21 23 21 14 165
IIT-KGP 28 25 23 25 23 23 23 17 187
NITR 30 30 25 25 25 24 28 26 213
NITA 23 27 25 27 22 26 27 28 205
NITC 22 21 23 21 20 23 22 23 175
NIIT 23 22 22 20 23 24 24 18 176
ITER 27 27 27 27 24 24 23 23 202
Siksha ‘O’ Anusandhan University
Curriculum for B.Tech. Programme (2009-2010 Admission Batch)
(Common for all Branches)
1st Semester 2nd Semester
Contact Contact
Subject Subject
Code Theory Hrs Credits
Code Theory Hrs Credits
MA101 Mathematics – I 3‐1‐0 4 MA102 Mathematics – II 3‐1‐0 4
Asymptotes, Curvature
First order Ordinary differential equations: Recapitulation of Basic concepts and ideas,
Exact differential equations, Integrating factor, linear differential equations, Bernoulli
Homogenous linear equations of second order, Equations with constant coefficients,
Complex exponential functions, Modeling: Free-Oscillations (Mass-Spring System)
Cauchy-Euler Equation, Existence and Uniqueness Theorems, Wronskian, Non-
homogeneous equations, Solution by methods of undetermined coefficients and variation
of parameters, Solutions of systems of ODEs, Modelling: Forced Oscillation, Electric
Power Series Method of solving second order ODEs, Concepts of ordinary points and
singularities, Legendre’s Equation. Legendre Polynomials Pn(x), Frobenius Method,
Bessel’s Equation, Bessel Function of the first kind Jv(x), Bessel Function of second kind
Yv(x) and Modified Bessel functions Iv(x),Kv(x)(brief introduction only)
Laplace Transforms, Inverse Transforms; linearity and shifting properties, Laplace
Transforms of derivatives and integrals, Unit Step Function. Second Shifting Theorem,
Dirac Delta Function. Differentiation and integration of transforms, Convolution theorem,
Solution of differential , integral and integro-differential equations by using Laplace
transform techniques.
Text Books:
1. Differential Calculus by Gorakh Prasad, Pothishala Publication
2. Advanced Engineering Mathematics by Erwin Kreyszig, John-Wiley & Sons.
8th Edition.
Reference Books:
1. Advance Engineering Mathematics- by-P.V.O. ‘Neil Publisher-Thomson
2. Higher Engineering Mathematics- by-B.S.Grewal
3. Advance Engineering Mathematics- by-Potter & Gold Berg
Improper Integrals: Convergence of Improper Integrals, (Tests of convergence ), Beta
and Gamma functions, their elementary properties and relations, differentiation under
integral sign, differentiation of integrals with variable limits –Leibnitz rule,(integrals
dependent on a parameter.)
Linear Algebra: Linear Systems of Equations, Gauss Elimination, Rank of a Matrix.
Linear Independence. Vector spaces-linear dependence of vectors , basis and linear
transformations. Solution of linear systems: Existence, uniqueness, general from, Gauss-
Jordan Elimination.
Matrix Eigenvalue Problem: Eigenvalues, Eigenvectors, Some Applications of
Eigenvalue Problems.Symmetric, skew-symmetric and orthogonal matrices. Complex
matrices: Hermitian, skew-Hermitian Unitary matrices. Similarity of matrices. Basis of
eigenvectors, Diagonalization.
Functions of several variables : Limit, continuity, and differentiability of functions of
several variables, Partial derivatives , derivatives of second order and there commutativity,
derivatives of composite and implicit functions .Euler’s theorem on homogeneous
functions, harmonic functions ,Taylor’s expansion of functions of several variables,
Maxima and minima of functions of several variables, Lagrange’s method of multipliers.
Vector Calculus: Vector and Scalar Functions and Fields, Derivatives, Curves, Tangent
Arclength of Curves. Velocity and Acceleration., Directional Derivatives, Gradient,
Divergence and Curl of a vector field.
Line Integrals, Independence of path. Double Integrals, Green’s Theorem in the plane,
Surfaces for surface integrals. Surface Integrals, Triple Integrals, Divergence Theorem of
Guass.Further Application of Divergence Theorem.Stoke’s theorem. Fourier Series,
Functions of any period T=2L, Even and odd function. Half-range expansions, Fourier
Integrals, Fourier Cosine and Sine Transfrom,
Test Books:
1. Advanced Engineering Mathematics, by E. Kreyszig (John Wiley) 8th Edition.
2. Differential and Integral Calculus, by N. Piskunov (MIR)
3. Integral Calculus, by Shanti Narayan (S. Chand & Co.) Appendix- I & II
Reference Books:
1. Advance Engineering Mathematics- by P.V.O. ‘Neil Publisher-Thomson
2. Higher Engineering Mathematics- by B.S. Grewal
3. Advance Engineering Mathematics- by Potter & Gold Berg
PH-101 PHYSICS (3-0-0)
Module –I
1. Oscillation
Damped oscillation: Equation of motion and its general solution, Energy in damped
oscillation, Quality factor, Logarithm decrement, Relaxation time.
Forced oscillation: Equation of motion and its general solution, steady state behavior,
Quality factor, amplitude and velocity resonance, Sharpness of resonance.
III. Polarization : Polarized and un-polarized light, Malus law, Brewster’s law,
Polarization by reflection and double refraction. Production and detection of
linearly, circularly and elliptically polarized light.
Module –III
V. Quantum Physics:
Particle nature of radiation (7hrs)
Black body radiation, photoelectric effect and Compton scattering, failure of
classical physics and success of Planck, Einstein and Compton theory (No
derivation is necessary)
Wave nature of particles (3hrs)
De Broglie hypothesis, matter waves, Davisson and Germer experiment,
Heisenberg uncertainty principle: statement, interpretation and examples.
Text Book
1. Modern Physics - by Arthur Beisur, Tata McGraw Hill
2. Elements of Electromagnetic - by Matthew N.O. Sadiku, 3rd Edition, Oxford
University Press
3. The Physics of Vibration by H.J. Pain and Waves
Reference Books:
1. Introduction to Electrodynamics by D.J. Grifths, Prentice-Hall
2. Optics - by Ajoy Ghatak, 3rd Edition, Tata Mc Graw
3. Introduction to solid state by C. Kittel, 7th Edition, John Wiley, Wiley
Physics Eastern Limited
4. Solid State Physics by AJ Dekker, Prentice-Hall
2. Co-ordination Chemistry: [5hrs]
Stability of complex ions, Crystal field Theory:- Orientation of d-orbital’s and crystal
field splitting of energy levels in Octahedral &Tetrahedral complexes and its effect on
magnetic properties of metal complexes.
3. Spectroscopy: [4hrs]
Electromagnetic radiation, Laws of Absorption, UV-Vis., IR & microwave,
Spectroscopy (Basic principles only).
MODULE-III [11hrs]
Text Books:
(i) Physical Chemistry, by Atkins and J. De Paula, 7th Edition, Oxford University press,
(ii) Physical Chemistry, by Engel & Reid, 1st impression 2006, Pearson Education, 2006.
(iii)Concise Inorganic Chemistry, by J. D. Lee, ,4th/5th edition, ELBS
(iv) Organic Chemistry, by Morrison and Boyd, 5th/6th edition, Prentice Hall
Reference Books:
(i) Physical Chemistry, by David W. Ball, 1st Indian Reprint, Thomson Learning Inc.,
(ii) Principle of Physical Chemistry, by Puri, Sharma & Pathania, S. Chand & Co.
Publication, 2007.
(iii)Text book of Physical Chemistry, by Soni, Dharmarah and Dash, 22nd Revised Edition,
Sultan Chand & Sons, 2004.
(iv) A Text book of Organic Chemistry, by Bahl & Bahl, S. Chand & Co. Publication,
Revised edition, 2007.
(v) Advanced Inorganic Chemistry, by F. A. Cotton and G. Wilkinson, Wiley Inter
Science, New York, Latest Edition.
Module - II
3. Single Phase AC Circuits : Single phase EMF generation, average and effective
values of sinusoids and rectified signal, j operator, complex representation of
impedance, phasor diagrams, power factor, complex power, solution of series and
parallel circuits, resonance in series and parallel RLC circuit, Q factor and
bandwidth. (8 lectures)
4. Three Phase AC Circuit: Solution of three-phase EMF generation, delta and star
connection, Line and Phase quantities, Solution of 3-phase circuits with balanced
load. Power in 3-phase balanced circuits, measurement of three-phase power by 2-
watt meter method for balanced load. (4 lectures)
Module - III
5. Transformers: Construction and Principle of operation of single phase transformer,
EMF & current equation, phase or diagram at no load and load for ideal
transformers. (3 lectures)
6. DC Machines: Construction and Principle of Operation of generator and motor,
methods of excitation, EMF equation, speed equation and torque equation of D.C.
Motors. (4 lectures)
7. Three phase Induction Motor: Construction and principle of operation, types.
(3 lectures)
8. Single Phase Induction Motor: Principle of operation, starting by help of
capacitor. (2 lecture)
Module - IV
9. Electrical Measuring Instruments : PMMC ammeters and voltmeters extension of
range. Moving iron ammeters and voltmeters, Dynamometer wattmeter, Energy
meter. (4 lectures)
Text Books :
1. Basic Electrical Engineering by V.N. Mittle/ Arvind Mittal., TMH
2. “Electrical & Electronics Technology”, by Edward Hughes (revised by Lab
McKenzie Smith) Pearson Education Ltd. Indian Reprint 2002.
3. Basic Electrical Engineering, by J.J. Cathey, S.A. Nasar, 2nd edition, TMH.
Reference Books :
1. Essential of Electrical & Computer Engineering, by David v. Kerns, Jr., J. David
Irwin. Pearson
2. Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering and Technology, by William D. Stanley,
John R. Hackworth, Richard L. Jones, Thomson Pub.
Module - III (6 Lecturer Hours)
8. Digital Electronics: Boolean Algebra, Binary Arithmetic, Hexa – Decimal Numbers
and their conversion, Logic Gates: AND, OR, NAND, NOR, EX – OR. General idea
about Adder, Subtractor and Multiplier (two bit), Multiplexer. FFs Registers,
Counters and memory. (5 hours)
Text Books:
Reference Books:
1. Essential of Electrical and Computer Engineering by David V. Kerns, Jr. & J. David
Irwin: Pearson Education, Selected portion for Ch. 8 to 14 (Electronics Section. )
2. Basic Electronics by D. Chattopadhyay, Rakshit, Purohit
3. Digital Foundation by Thomas L. Floyd, 8th Edition, Selection portions.
4. Communication Engineering, by G. Kenedy. Tata McGraw Hill publications
Module – II (12 Hours)
Designing structured programs: - Functions, parameter passing, storage classes- extern,
(auto, register, static), scope rules. Arrays-concepts, declaration, definition, accessing
elements, two-dimensional and multi-dimensional arrays. pointers- concepts, pointers and
function arguments, Character pointers and functions, pointers to pointers, pointers and
multidimensional arrays, dynamic memory management functions.
Text Book
1. Computer Fundamentals and C Programming, by Balagurusamy, Tata Mc Graw-
2. Computer Programming, by ITL & Kamthane , Pearson Education.
3. “Computer Fundamental & Programming in C”- by P. Dey & M. Ghosh, Oxford
Higher Education.
Reference Book
1. Computer Science A Structured Programming Approach Using C, by Forouzan,
Gilberg, Cengage Learning.
2. C How to Program, by Deitel, PHI publication.
3. Problem Solving and Programme Design with C, by Hanly, Pearson Education.
Rectilinear motion, plane curvilinear motion, rectangular coordinates (x,y), normal and
tangential coordinates (n,t), polar coordinates (r,θ), constrained motion.
Module-III (8 hours)
Kinetics of particles:
Newton’s second law, rectilinear motion, simple harmonic motion, curvilinear motion,
work and energy, energy conservation, impulse and momentum, conservation of linear
momentum, central impact.
Text Books:
1.Engineering Mechanics Vol I – Statics, Vol II - Dynamics, by J.L. Meriam and
L.G.Kraige, , John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
2.Engineering Mechanics Vol I – Statics, Vol II - Dynamics, by R.W.Soutas-Little,
D.J.Inman, D.S.Balint, Computational Edition, CENAGE learning.
3.Engineering Mechanics, Statics. Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, Pearson Press.
Reference Books:
1.Engineering Mechanics, Statics. Dynamics, by A.P.Boresi, R.J.Schmidt, CENAGE
2.Engineering Mechanics, Statics. Dynamics, by I.H. Shames, PHI, 2002 Vector
Mechanics, Statics. Dynamics, J.Beer and Johnson, Tata Mc Graw-Hill
1. To enable the students to become aware of their present communication skills and the
skills they will need to function as successful professional.
2. To encourage them to acquire some of the necessary skills so that they can handle day-
to-day personal and professional responsibilities.
3. To build their confidence and to instill competitiveness by projecting a positive image
of themselves and their future.
4. To use grammar in meaningful contexts.
5. To familiarize the students with the sounds of English in a nutshell, particularly in stress
and into nation.
Text Books:
1. Business Communication Today, by Bovee at al. Pearson Education: New Delhi,
2. Communication Effectively, by Lani Aredondo, Tata McGraw Hill: New Delhi, 2005
3. Spoken English, by Orient Longman: R.K. Bansal & J.B. Harrison, New Delhi
4. Communication for Business: A Practical Approach, by Shirley Taylor. Pearson
Education, New Delhi 2005
5. A Communicative Grammar of English, by Geoffre Leech and Jean Svartvik.
Longman Publishing Group: New Delhi 1975
6. Longman’s Dictionary of Contemporary English
Unit 2. Writing at Work (9 hrs)
2.1 Business letter,
2.2 Email, Fax, Memo
2.3 Business Report
2.4 Proposal Solicited, unsolicited, formatted
2.5 Notice, Circulars
Unit-3 Getting Ready for a Job (5 hrs)
3.1 Job Applications - Dos and don’t’s
3.2 CV and Cover letter
3.3 Job Interviews: structured and unstructured
Suggested Readings:
1. Business Communication Today by Bovee et al.. Pearson Education: New
Delhi, 2005
2. Effective Technical Communication by Barun K Mitra. Oxford University
Press: New Delhi,. 2006
3. Winning at the Interviews, by Edgas Thrope. Pearson Education: New Delhi,
4. Business Communication OUP, by Meenakshi Raman & Prakash Singh.:
New Delhi, 2004
Text Books:
1. Manufacturing technology – by P.N.Rao, Tata McGraw Hill publication
2. A Textbook of Workshop Technology (Manufacturing Processes) book, by R.S.
3. Manufacturing Technology by Ghosh and Mallick.
4. A Textbook of Workshop Technology by Hajra Choudhury and Roy by Media
promoters and publishers
Theory component:
1. Introduction to engineering drawing, instruments, sheet format, title block, types of
lines & lettering.
2. Dimensioning, tolerances and symbols used in drawing.
3. Drawing of 2D shapes.
4. Projection of points, lines and planes.
5. Projection of solids.
6. Orthographic projections.
7. Development of solids.
8. Intersection of solids.
9. Isometric projection and views.
At the end of 3 classes assignments are to be given to the students, which they have to draw
free hand in the assignment copy
Sessional Components:
1. Introduction to Operating system commands/ menus, familiarization with computerized
drafting software, use of help/ tutorial menus.
2. Introduction to CAD tools and commands, drawing basic 2D shapes; lines, arcs, circles,
polygons etc, format title block, part list, revision block, templates, units. Draw simple
2D elements.
3. Printing, translation, export, import of CAD files in different formats like jpg, igs, dxf
& dwg.
4. Modify tools; move, copy, fillet, chamfer, array, mirror and scaling. Working with
blocks and layering. Draw 2D shapes.
5. Dimensioning and annotating. Draw 2D shapes, dimension and annotate them, fit the
drawing within drawing template.
6. Draw projection of points, lines and planes.
7. Orthographic projections. Drawing multiple views of solid parts and dimensioning.
8. Development drawing of surfaces.
9. Draw intersection of solids.
10. Introduction to solid modeling software. Draw simple solids using features.
Reference Books:
1. Engineering Drawing, by N. D. Bhatt
2. Fundamental of Graphics Communication, by Gary Robert Bertoline, Pearson
3. Machine Drawing with auto CAD, by Pohit/ Ghosh, Pearson
b) A Fibonacci sequence is defined as follows: the first and second terms in the sequence
are 0 and 1. Subsequent terms are found by adding the preceding two terms in the
sequence. Write a C program to generate the first n terms of the sequence.
Experiment No. 2
a) Write a C program to generate all the prime numbers between 1 and n, where n is a
value supplied by the user.
Experiment No. 3
a) Write a C program to calculate the following Sum:
Sum=1-x2/2! +x4/4!-x6/6!+x8/8!-x10/10!
b) Write a C program to find the roots of a quadratic equation.
Experiment No. 4
a) Write C programs that use both recursive and non-recursive functions
i) To find the factorial of a given integer.
ii) To find the GCD (greatest common divisor) of two given integers.
iii) To solve Towers of Hanoi problem.
Experiment No. 5
a) Write a C program to find both the larges and smallest number in a list of integers.
b) Write a C program that uses functions to perform the following:
i) Addition of Two Matrices
ii) Multiplication of Two Matrices
iii) Transpose of matrix.
Experiment No. 6
a) Write a C program that uses functions to perform the following operations:
i) To insert a sub-string in to given main string from a given position.
ii) To delete n Characters from a given position in a given string.
b) Write a C program to determine if the given string is a palindrome or not.
Experiment No. 7
a) Write a C program to construct a pyramid of numbers.
b) Write a C program to count the lines, words and characters in a given text.
c) Write a program to swap two numbers using call by Reference.
Experiment No.8
a) Write a C program that uses functions to perform the following operations:
i) Reading a complex number
ii) Writing a complex number
iii) Addition of two complex numbers
iv) Multiplication of two complex numbers
(Note: represent complex number using a structure.)
Experiment No. 9
a) Write a C program which copies one file to another.
b) Write a C program to reverse the first n characters in a file.
(Note: The file name and n are specified on the command line.)
At least ten experiments out of the following should be performed
(Any 10 experiments)
To develop the skills of the students the following activities are designed. The list however
is not exclusive.
To develop the skills of the students the following activities are designed. The list however
is not exclusive.
Siksha ‘O’ Anusandhan University
Curriculum for B.Tech. Programme
Applied Electronics & Instrumentation
Contact Contact
Subject Subject
Theory Hrs Credits Theory Hrs Credits
Code L‐T‐P
Code L‐T‐P
MA201 Mathematics – III 3‐1‐0 4 MA202 Mathematics – IV 3‐1‐0 4
EC201 Analogue Electronic 3‐1‐0 4 EC202 Digital Electronic 3‐1‐0 4
Circuits Circuits
CS211 Data Structure 3‐0‐0 3 CS210 OOPS using C++ 3‐0‐0 3
EE201 Network Theory OR 3‐1‐0 4 EE213 Electrical Machines‐I OR 3‐1‐0 4
EE213 Electrical Machines‐I EE201 Network Theory
EC213 Semiconductor Devices 3‐0‐0 PH201 Electrical Engg. 3‐0‐0 3
OR 3 Materials OR
PH201 Electrical Engg. Materials EC213 Semiconductor Devices
HS201 Engg Economics OR 3‐0‐0 3 HS203 Organisational 3‐0‐0 3
HS203 Organisational Behaviour Behaviour OR
HS201 Engg Economics
21 21 21 21
Contact Contact
Subject Subject
Sessionals Hrs Credits Sessionals Hrs Credits
Code L‐T‐P
Code L‐T‐P
CS271 Data Structure Lab 0‐0‐3 2 CS272 OOPS Lab 0‐0‐3 2
EE271 Network Lab OR 0‐0‐3 2 EE273 Electrical Machines Lab 0‐0‐3 2
EE273 Electrical Machines Lab OR
EE271 Network Lab
EC271 Analogue Electronics Lab 0‐0‐3 2 EC272 Digital Electronics Lab 0‐0‐3 2
9 6 9 6
Total 30 27 Total 30 27
Siksha ‘O’ Anusandhan University
Curriculum for B.Tech. Programme
Electronics & Communication Engg
3rd Semester 4th Semester
Contact Contact
Subject Hrs Credits Subject Hrs Credit
Theory Theory
Code Code
21 21 21 21
Subject Subject
Sessionals L‐T‐P C Sessionals L‐T‐P C
Code Code
9 6 9 6
Total 30 27 Total 30 27
Siksha ‘O’ Anusandhan University
Curriculum for B.Tech. Programme
Electrical Engineering
3rd Semester 4th Semester
EC201 Analogue Electronics Circuits 3-1-0 4 EC202 Digital Electronic Circuits 3-1-0 4
Total 21 21 Total 21 22
Code Practicals / Sessionals Contact Credit Code Practicals / Sessionals Contact Credit
Hrs. Hrs.
CS271 Data Structure Lab. 0-0-3 2 EC272 Digital Electronic Circuits 0-0-3 2
EC271 Analogue Electronics Circuits 0-0-3 2 EE273 Electric Machines Lab 0-0-3 2
Total 9 6 Total 9 6
Total Credits 30 27 Total Credits 27 28
Siksha ‘O’ Anusandhan University
Curriculum for B.Tech. Programme
Electrical & Electronics Engineering
EC201 Analogue Electronics Circuits 3-1-0 4 EC202 Digital Electronic Circuits 3-1-0 4
21 21 22 22
CS271 Data Structure Lab. 0-0-3 2 EC272 Digital Electronic Circuits Lab. 0-0-3 2
9 6 6 6
Total 30 27 Total 27 28
Siksha ‘O’ Anusandhan University
Curriculum for B.Tech. Programme
Instrumentation & Control Engg
Contact Contact
Subject Subject
Theory Hrs Credits Theory Hrs Credits
Code Code
MA201 Mathematics – III 3‐1‐0 4 MA202 Mathematics – IV 3‐1‐0 4
EE201 Network Theory OR 3‐1‐0 4 EE201 Network Theory OR 3‐1‐0 4
EE213 Electrical Machines‐I EE213 Electrical Machines‐I
PH201 Electrical Engg. 3‐0‐0 3 EC213 Semiconductor Devices OR 3‐0‐0 3
Materials OR PH201 Electrical Engg. Materials
EC213 Semiconductor Devices
CS211 Data Structure 3‐0‐0 3 CS210 OOPS using C++ 3‐0‐0 3
HS203 Organisational 3‐0‐0 3 HS201 Engg Economics OR 3‐0‐0 3
Behaviour OR HS203 Organisational Behaviour
HS201 Engineering Economics
EC201 Analogue Electronic 3‐1‐0 4 EC202 Digital Electronic Circuits 3‐1‐0 4
21 21 21 21
Contact Contact
Subject Subject
Sessionals Hrs Credits Sessionals Hrs Credits
Code Code
EE271 Network Lab OR 0‐0‐3 2 EE273 Electrical Machines OR 0‐0‐3 2
EE273 Electrical Machines EE271 Network Lab
CS271 Data Structure Lab 0‐0‐3 2 CS272 OOPS Lab 0‐0‐3 2
EC271 Analogue Electronics 0‐0‐3 2 EC272 Digital Electronics Lab 0‐0‐3 2
9 6 9 6
Siksha ‘O’ Anusandhan University
Curriculum for B.Tech. Programme
Computer Sc. & Engineering
3rd Semester 4th Semester
Contact Contact
Subject Subject
Theory Hrs Credits Theory Hrs Credits
Code Code
Contact Contact
Subject Subject
Sessionals Hrs Credits Sessionals Hrs Credits
Code Code
Siksha ‘O’ Anusandhan University
Curriculum for B.Tech. Programme
Information Technology
Total 30 27 Total 27 26
Siksha ‘O’ Anusandhan University
Curriculum for B.Tech. Programme
Civil Engineering
Siksha ‘O’ Anusandhan University
Curriculum for B.Tech. Programme
Mechanical Engineering
Total 26 Total 26
(For All Branches)
Module - I
Partial Differential Equations: Basic Concepts, Modeling vibrating string, wave equation.
Separation of variables, Use of Fourier Series, D’Alembert’s Solution of the wave equation
.Heat Equation: Solution by Fourier series, solution by Fourier Integral and
Transforms.Modelling: Membrane, Two‐Dimensional wave Equation. Rectangular
membrane, Use of double Fourier series. Laplacian in Polar coordinates.Circular
Membrane, Laplace’s equation in cylindrical and spherical coordinates. Potential. Solution
by Laplace Transform method
Module - II
Complex Analysis: Complex Numbers, Complex plane. Polar Form of complex Numbers,
power and root, Derivative, Analytic function, Cauchy‐Riemann Equations, Laplace’s
Equation. Geometry of Analytic Functions, Conformal Mapping, Exponential Function,
Trigonometric Functions, Hyperbolic Function, Logarithm, General power. Linear
Fractional Transformations.
Complex Integration .Line Integral in the Complex plane, Cauchy’s Intergral
theorem.Cauchy’s Integral formula, Derivatives of Analytic function.
Module - III
Power Series, Taylor’s Series. Sequences, Series, Convergence Tests. Power series
functions given by power series. Taylor’s Series and Maclaurin series. Laurent’s series,
Zeros and singularities ,point at Infinity, Residue theorem , Evaluation of Integrals,
General properties of Harmonic Functions.
Test Books:
1. Advanced Engineering Mathematics, by E Kreyszig (John Wiley), 8th Edition.
Reference Books:
1. Advance Engineering Mathematics, by P.V.O. ‘Neil Publisher‐Thomson
2. Higher Engineering Mathematics, by B. S. Grewal
3. Advance Engineering Mathematics, by Potter & Gold Berg
(For All Branches)
Numerical Methods: Finite differences, Newton’s forward and back ward interpolation
formulae , central difference interpolation. Trapezoidal rule and simpson’s 1/3rd rule of
integration. Solution of polynomial and transcendental equations – bisection method,
Newton‐Raphson method and Regula falsi method.
Solution of linear systems : Gauss elimination, matrix inversion, Iteration method ,
Numerical methods for solving differential equations of first and second orders.
Probability and Statistics: Probability: Classical and axiomatic definitions of
probability, addition and multiplication rules of probability, conditional probability .
Baye’s theorem and independence.
Random variables, discrete and continuous distributions , mathematical expectations ,
moments and moment generating functions. Binomial, Poisson and Normal distributions.
Joint ,marginal and conditional distributions , correlation, bivariate normal distribution,
Sampling distributions: Central limit theorem, distributions of the sampling mean and
sampling variance for a normal distribution, Chi‐square and t –distributions.
Estimation of parameters: Method of moments and method of maximum likelihood.
Confidence intervals for the mean and variations of normal populations.
Testing of hypothesis: Null and alternative hypothesis, the critical and acceptance regions
, two types of error , power of the test, Neyman – Pearson fundamental lemma.
Test Book:
1. Advanced Engineering Mathematics, by Erwin Kreyszig (John Wiley), 8th Edition.
2. Introduction to Probability and Statistics (12th Edition), by Nendenlhall Beaver &
Beaver Thomson Publications.
Reference Books:
1. Advance Engineering Mathematics, by P.V.O. ‘Neil Publisher‐Thomson
2. Higher Engineering Mathematics, by B.S. Grewal
3. Advance Engineering Mathematics, by Potter & Gold Berg
(Only for EI, EC, EE, EN, CS)
Text book
1. Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory, by Robert L. Boylestad and Lowis
Nashelsky. 8th Edition Pearson Publication. Selected portions from Chapter 4, 6, 7,
8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 17.
Reference book
1. Linear ICs, by R.A. Gayakward, PHI Publication
(Only for EI, EC, EE, EN, CS, ME, IT)
Text Book
1. Data Structure- A Pseudo code approach with C, by Gilberg and Forouzan, ,
Cengage Learning.
2. Data Structures & Algorithms; Concepts, Techniques & Algorithms, by Gav Pai,
Tata McGraw Hill.
Reference Book
1. Fundamentals of data structure in C, by Horowitz, Sahani & Freed, University
Science Press.
2. Data structure in C, by Tanenbaum, PHI publication.
Module – II (14 Hours)
Two port networks: Z, Y, h & ABCD parameters. T & networks, Series, parallel and
cascade connection of two port networks. Passive networks and symmetrical networks,
Image and iterative impedances.
Filters: Design of low pass, high pass, band pass and band elimination filters both passive
and active. Filters (First order)
Fourier series and Fourier transforms: Fourier series representation of non sinusoidal
waves. Discrete spectra, rms values of non sinusoidal waves, steady state response of
linear circuit to non sinusoidal waves, power in such circuits, Fourier Integral and Fourier
transform of Signum and step function. Applications to RL and RC circuits.
Module – III (10 Hours)
Network Functions & Response: Concept of complex frequency, driving point and
transfer functions for one port and two port networks, poles and zeroes of network
function, restrictions on locations of poles and zeros of a network function. Impulse
response and complete response. Time domain behavior from pole zero plot.
Network synthesis:
Driving Point functions, Hurwitz polynomial, properties of positive real function. Foster’s
reactance Theorem, Synthesis of LC, RC and RL networks by Cauer – I, Cauer – II,
Foster-I and Foster-II forms.
Text Book :
1. Electrical Networks, by Alexander & Sadiku, TMH Publisher
2. Circuit and Networks Analysis and Synthesis, by Sudhakar and Shyammohan S
Palli, TMH Publisher
3. A Course in Electrical Circuits and Analysis, by M.L. Soni, J.C. Gupta, Dhanpat
Rai Publication
4. Electric Circuits, by DAVID A. BELL 7th Edition, OXFORD Publication.
References Books :
1. Network Synthesis, by M.E. Van Valkenberg, PHI Publisher
2. Network Analysis & Synthesis, by C.L.Wadhwa, New Age Publication
3. Network Analysis, by M.E. Van Valkenberg, PHI Publisher
4. Electric Circuit Analysis, by P Ramesh Babu, Scitech Publication
Module – II (14 Hours)
Single Phase – Construction and principle of operation, E.M.F. equations; phasor diagram;
actual and approximate equivalent circuits; open and short circuit tests, voltage regulations;
losses and efficiency.
Single Phase Autotransformers; two-winding transformer connected as Autotransformer.
Connection of three single – phase Transformers in Y-Y, Y-Δ, Δ-Y,Δ-Δ, V-V,
Synchronous Machines: Construction & types
Three phase alternators: Principle of operation, E.M.F. equations; distribution and pitch
factors; Synchronous reactance; Phasor diagram under no-load and load condtion; voltage
regulation by synchronous impedance method, Synchronization of a generator with infinite
bus bar.
Three phase Synchronous Motor –Principle operation; V-curves; phasor diagram; methods
of starting; applications.
Text Books :
1. Electrical Machine, Drives and Power Systmes, 5th Ed., by Theodore Wildi
2. Electrical Machinery, by SJ Chapman, McGraw-Hill, Publication
3. Electrical Machinery, by I.J. Nagrath and D.P.Kothari, TMH Publication
4. Electric Machinery and Transformer, by BHAG. S. GURU, OXFORD Publication.
Reference Books :
5. Principle of Electric Machines, by V.K. Meheta and R. Mehera, S. Chand
6. Electrical Machine, by R.K. Rajput, Laxmi Publication
Carrier Transport Phenomenon in Semiconductor:
Carrier drift: mobility, conductivity and velocity saturation, Carrier Diffusion: diffusion
current density, total current density, The Einstein relation, Non-uniform doping and space
charge layer
Non-equilibrium Excess Carrier in Semiconductor:
Excess carrier generation and recombination, Characteristics of excess carriers – continuity
equation and time-dependent diffusion equation, Ambipolar Transport – Derivation of
equation and applications
Text Books:
1. Semiconductor Physics and Devices, by Donald A. Leaman, 3rd Edition, Tata
McGraw Hill (selected portions from chapters 2, 4, 5, 7. 8, 10 and 11).
2. Solid State Electronic Devices, by Y Ben G Streetman and Sanjay Banerjee, 5th
Edition, Pearson Education.
3. Semiconductor Devices, by M.K. Achuthan and K.N. Bhatt, Tata McGraw Hill
(2007).ISBN 0-07-061220-X
(Only for EI, EC, EE, EN)
Superconductors (4 Hours)
Zero resistivity, Critical Magnetic field & critical current density, Meisner effect, Type-I &
Type-II superconductors, High Tc-superconductors, Application of superconductors.
Elements of BCS theory
Optical Materials (4 Hours)
LASER – Principle and Characterizations, Semiconductor Laser – Applications.
Principle of LCD, Light Emitting Diode,
Fiber Optics (3 Hours)
Principle of Optical Fiber, Acceptance Angle & numerical aperture – Step Index Fiber,
Graded Index Fiber. Attenuation in Optical Fiber – Advantages of Optical Fiber in
communication – Applications of Optical Fiber.
Introduction to Modern Engineering Materials (4 Hours)
Metallic glasses as transformer core Materials, Nano-Phase material, Specially Conducting
Polymers & their applications.
Reference Book:
1 Electronic Properties of Materials, by Rolf E Hummel, Springer (India) Pvt Ltd,
New Delhi
2 Electronic Engineering Materials and Devices, by John Allison, Tata Mc Grow-Hill
Publishing Company Ltd, New Delhi
3 Electrical Engineering Materials, by A.J. Dekker, Prentice-Hall of India Pvt Ltd,
New Delhi
4 Material Science, by V. Rajendran & A Marikani, Tata Mc Grow-Hill Publishing
Company Ltd, New Delhi
5 Material Science, by M.S. Vijay & G. Rangarajan, Tata McGrow-Hill Publishing
Company Ltd New Delhi.
6 Material Science and Engineering: An Introduction, by W.D. Callister John Willy
& Sons (Asia) Pvt Ltd. Singapore.
7 Introduction To Solid State Physics, by C. Kittel - Wiley Eastern Limited
MODULE-II (16hours)
Foundations of individual Behaviour: Personality-Meaning and definition, Determinants of
Personality, Personality Traits, Personality and OB, Johari window, MBTI.
Organizational Behaviour Process: Communication–Importance, Types, Gateways and
Barriers to communication, Communication as a tool for improving Interpersonal
Effectiveness, Group Dynamics and Team Building, Leadership.
MODULE-III (8 hours)
Conflict- Nature of Conflict and Conflict Resolution, Decision Making, Problem Solving.
Organization Culture- Definition, Functions, Creating and sustaining culture. How
employees learn culture, Creating an ethical organizational culture.
Organizational Change and Development-Importance of change, Planned Change and OD
Techniques. Case Analysis
1. Organizational Behaviour, Quick, by James C & Nelson Debra L. Cengage
2. Organizational Behaviour, by Robbins Stephen, Pearson
3. Organizational Behaviour, by K. Aswathappa, Himalaya Publishing House
4. Organizational Theory and process, by Rao, VSP Konark Publication.
Combinational Logic
Combination Circuits, Analysis and Design procedure; Binary Adder-Subtractor, decimal
Adder, Binary Multiplier, magnitude Comparator, Decoders, Encoders, Multiplexers, HDL
for Combinational Circuits. Design of any types of combinational circuit using HDL.
Text Book
1. Digital Design, 3rd edition, by M Morris Mano, Pearson Education, India Ch. 1 to
10- except 9.
2. Digital Fundamentals, by Floyd 8th Edition, , Pearson Education
Reference Book
1. Digital Design – Principle and Practice, by John F. Wakerly 3rd Edition, Pub.
Pearson Education.
2. Engineering Digital Design, by Richard F. Tiuder 2nd Edition, Academic Press
Module –II (12 Hours)
More about classes: friend function, friend classes, nested classes, local classes,
namespaces. Constructors, Types of constructor, Dynamic constructor, destructors,
constructors for two-dimensional arrays. Inheritance: Derived classes, member
accessibility, forms of inheritance, virtual base classes. Pointers to objects, virtual
functions, Abstract class, virtual destructors
Text Books:
1. Mastering C++, by K.R Venugopal, Rajkumar, T Ravishankar, TMH
2. Object Oriented Programming with ANSI & Turbo C++, by A.N. Kamthane ,
Pearson Education .
Reference Books:
1. Object Oriented Programming with C++, by E. Balguruswamy, TMH.
2. Object Oriented Programming in Turbo C++, by Robert Laffore, Galgotia.
3. Computer Science A Structured Approach Using C++, by Behrouz A.Forouzen
& Richard F. Gilberg, Cengage Learning.
2. FLUID STATICS :Forces on fluid elements, Normal stresses in static fluid, Pressure-
density-height relationships, Pressure measurement, Hydrostatic thrusts on submerged
surfaces (plane and curved), Centre of pressure, Buoyancy, Stability of immersed and
floating bodies.
3. FLUID KINEMATICS: Velocity Field, Euler and Lagrangian Methods, Steady &
unsteady Flows, Uniform & non-uniform Flows, Substantial Derivative and
Acceleration (Cartesian and cylindrical coordinates), Streamlines and Stream Tubes,
Path Lines and Streak Lines. Translation, Rate of deformation & Rotation, Vorticity,
Rotational and Irrotational flows. Continuity equation in differential and integral form,
Stream Function.
Module-II (14 hours)
4. FLUID DYNAMICS: Reynolds Transport Theorem and its application in the finite
control volume analysis Euler’s Equation, Bernoulli’s Equation derived From Euler’s
Equation, Applications of equations of motion and mechanical energy: Free and Forced
Vortex flows, Fluids in relative equilibrium, Hydraulic siphon, Losses due to geometric
changes, Measurement of flow rate through pipes: Venturimeter, Orifice meter, Flow
Nozzle, Pitot tube, Flow through orifice & mouth piece.
Text Book:
1. Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines, by S. K. Som and G. Biswas, Tata McGraw-Hill.
Reference Books:
1. Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics, by Bruce R. Munson, Donald F. Young, Theodore H.
Okiishi, John Wiley & Sons.
2. Fluid Mechanics, by Frank M. White, Tata McGraw-Hill
Text Books:
1.Thermodynamics An Engineering Approach, by Yunus A Cengel, Micheal A Boles,
McGraw hill Companies
4. Gas Power Cycles: Air standard cycles- Otto, Diesel, Dual Combustion and Brayton
cycles, Actual Brayton cycle, The Brayton cycle with regeneration, reheating and
Text Books:
1 Thermodynamics, An Engineering Approach, by Yunus A Cengel, Micheal A Boles,
McGraw hill Companies
Reference Books:
1. Fundamentals of Thermodynamics, by Sonntag, Borgnakke, Van Wylen (John-Wiley &
2. Fundamentals of Thermodynamics, by Moran & Sapiro, (John-Willey & Sons).
The objective of this course is to give an exposure to students of Engineering about
the concepts and tools relevant for economic/business decision making.
Unit-I [12 hours]
Engineering Economics – Meaning, Nature and Scope of Engineering Economics;
Economics Applied to Industrial Demand – Demand Function, Law of Demand; Elasticity
of Demand, Methods of Measuring Price Elasticity of Demand; The Concept Supply, and
Law of supply.
Reference Books:
Text Book:
1. Programming languages: Design and Implementation, by Terrence W. Pratt &
Marvin V. Zelkowitz. Pearson Education, 4th Edition.
2. Programming Languages: Principle and Paradigm, by Allen B Tucker & Robert
Noonan, McGraw Hill,2006
Reference Book:
1. Programming Languages: Concept and Construct, by Ravi Sethi, Pearson
Education, 1996.
2. Principle of Programming Languages: Design, Evaluation and implementation, by
Brace J Maclennan, OXFORD, 1999.
(Only for CE)
Module-I 13 hours
Simple stress & strain: Concept of stress; stress & strain in materials under tension and
compression, stress & strain in composite rods, temperature stress in composite rods.
Biaxial state of stress & strain:
Shear stress and strain, Lateral strains and Poisson’s ratio, volumetric strain.
Principal stress and principal strain, Mohr’s circle for stress and strain, Relation between
elastic constants, determination of principal stresses from strain measurements, strain
Module-II 14 hours
Shear force and bending moment for determinate beams and frames: shear force &
bending moment diagram, Relation between shear force and bending moment.
Theory of simple bending of initially straight beams, Distribution of normal stress and
shear stress.
Slope and deflection of beams by Macaulay’s double integration method.
Module-III 13 hours
Thin Cylinders & spheres under internal pressure.
Torsion of solid and hollow circular shafts: Torque and power transmitted shafts under
combined axial load, bending & torsion. Close coiled helical spring.
Buckling of compression members
Euler’s column formula, Radius of gyration, slenderness ratio, Rankine’s formula, Secant
formula, stresses in eccentrically loaded columns
Reference books:
1) Strength of Materials, by S.P. Timoshenko & D.H. Young - East West Press
2) Introduction to Mechanics of Solids, by Popov
3) Strength of Materials, by G.H. Ryder
4) Strength of Materials, by R. Subhramanian – Oxford University Press
CE 261 Civil Engineering Materials and Constructions 3-0-0
(Only for CE)
Module-I 16 Hours
Stone: Introduction, classification of stone, properties.
Brick: Introduction, classification of bricks, qualities of good bricks, tests for bricks.
Cement: Introduction, properties, composition, functions of ingredients, harmful
constituents, field tests and laboratory tests for cement, uses of cement, types of cement.
Aggregates: Introduction, classification (fine and coarse aggregate), properties, grading of
aggregates, bulking of sand, fineness modulus of sand.
Steel: Reinforcement steel
Mortar: Definition, function of sand in mortar, properties of mortar, preparation of mortar,
uses of mortar, tests for mortar.
Module-II 18 Hours
Concrete: Definition, properties of concrete, compressive, flexural & tensile strength of
concrete, proportioning of concrete, grades of concrete, workability of concrete, yield of
concrete, water-cement ratio, materials used in P.C.C & R.C.C, preparation, transportation,
placing, compaction and curing of concrete, tests for concrete.
Foundations: Introduction, functions of foundations, essential requirements of a good
foundation, types of foundations.
Stone Masonry: Introduction, types of stone masonry.
Brick Masonry: Introduction, bonds in brick work, strength of brick masonry.
Plastering: Introduction, types of mortars for plastering, methods of plastering, defects in
Module-III 14 Hours
Doors and windows: Introduction, types of doors, types of windows.
Lintels and arches: Introduction, classification of lintels, loading on lintels, classification
of arches, stability of an arch, construction of arches.
Roofs: Introduction, types of roofs.
Stairs: Introduction, Types of staircase based on materials & use, classification of stairs.
Reference Books:
1. Building Materials, by Rangwala
2. Building Construction, by B. C. Punmia
3. Building Material, by S. K. Duggal
CE 231 Environmental Science & Engineering 3-0-0
(Only for CE)
Module –I 12 hrs.
Objectives of water supply and role of engineers
Quantity of water: Types of demand, design period, population-forecasting, fluctuations of
demand, factors affecting water demand
Quality of water: Physical, Chemical and biological characteristics, Water borne diseases
Sources of water supply: Surface sources, ground water sources, Yield from various
sources, Comparison of sources with respect to quantity and quality. Choice of sources
Module-II 16 hrs.
Intakes and conveyance: Intakes, types of intakes, design principles
Pumps for lifting water: Necessity, types, choice of pumps, capacity of pumps
Sanitation: Objectives, principles and systems of sanitation
Waste water characteristics: Physical, chemical and biological characteristics,
B.O.D, C.O.D, T.O.D, Relative stability, Population equivalent
Quality & Quantity of sewage: Quality & Quantity of sanitary and storm sewage, relation
with water supply, dry weather flow, fluctuations
Module-III 12 hrs.
Air pollution: Introduction, air quality testing, causes of air pollution, prevention and
remedial measures.
Global environmental issues: Ozone depletion, Acid rains, Global warming
Noise pollution: Introduction, Characteristics of sound and its measurement, levels of
noise, Noise rating systems, Noise level standards, Sources of noise and their noise levels,
Noise abatement and control.
Reference Books:
1. Water supply & Sanitary Engineering, by G.S. Birdi
2. Water supply & Sanitary Engineering, by E. W. Steel
3. Water & Waste Water Engineering, by Fair, Geyer & Oken
CE 242 Geotechnical Engineering –I 3-0-0
(Only for CE)
Module-I 15 hours
Introduction: Formation and origin of soils, typical soils as per origin/formation/behavior,
soil as three phase system, block diagram, basic terminology and their inter relationship
Index properties of cohesionless soil: Particle size distribution by sieve analysis and
sedimentation analysis, particle size distribution curve, density index (determination and
correlation with soil properties)
Index properties of cohesive soil: Atterberg limits and indices (laboratory methods of
determination and use), sensitivity, thixotropy, activity.
Types of soil structure: Structures for cohesionless soil, structures for cohesive soils,
miscellaneous soil structures
Soil classification:
Classification based on particle size, Textural classification, AASHTO Classification,
Unified soil classification, Plasticity chart, Indian Standard soil classification, Field
identification of soil
Soil water: Free water, held water (Structural water, Adsorbed water, capillary water), Soil
suction, Factors affecting soil suction, Shrinkage and swelling of soil, bulking of sand,
slaking of clay.
Effective stress: pore pressure total stress, effective stress in hydrostatic and
hydrodynamic condition, seepage pressure, seepage force, quick sand condition, sand
Module-II 13 hours
Hydraulic head, Darcy’s law and its validity, relation between seepage velocity and
discharge velocity, permeability, factors affecting permeability, determination of
coefficient of permeability (laboratory and field methods), permeability of stratified soil
deposits, Permeability in inclined direction.
Seepage Analysis:
Laplace equation for two-dimensional flow, flow net, properties and methods of
construction of flow net, application of flow net, seepage through an isotropic and
anisotropic soil, seepage through earth dam.
Soil compaction:
Compaction mechanism, factors affecting compaction, effect of compaction on soil
properties, density- moisture content relationship in compaction test, standard and
modified proctor tests for determination of OMC and MDD, saturation lines of different
degrees, field compaction control
Module-III 12 hours
Shear strength of soil:
Introduction, shear parameters, types of soils, Mohr-Coulomb failure theory, types of shear
tests, determination of shear parameters of soil (direct shear test, triaxial shear test,
unconfined compression test, vane shear test).
Introduction, Types of foundations,
Bearing capacity of shallow foundation: terminology, Terzaghi’s bearing capacity
equation, methods of determination of bearing capacity, factors affecting the bearing
capacity of soil (water table, shape and size of footing, depth of footing and inclination),
settlement of foundation
Reference Books:
1. Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engg., by K.R.Arora
2. Soil Mechanics, by Lambe, T.W. and R.V. Whitman
3. Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engg., by V.M.S. Murthy
4. Principle Of Soil Mechanics, by B.M. Das
Module – I
Degree of static and kinematic indeterminacy of beams and frames.
Moment area theorem & conjugate beam method: Application for analysis of fixed and
continuous beams. Three-moment theorem for analysis of fixed and continuous beams.
Module – II
Energy Theorems: Strain energy. Maxwell & Betti Reciprocal relation, Castgliano’s
theorem virtual work principle. Unit load method for slope & deflection in beams and
frames. Three – hinged & 2-hinged arch.
Module – III
ILD for determinate beams and trusses application to moving loads.
Muller-Breslau Principle.
Cables, Suspension cable with 3-hinged & 2-hinged stiffening girder.
Reference Books:
1. Intermediate Structural Analysis, by C. K. Wang
2. Structural Analysis, – A Matrix Approach, by Pandit & Gupta
3. Structural Analysis, by L. S. Negi
4. Basic Structural Analysis, by C. S. Reddy, Tata McGraw Hill
5. Structural Analysis, by Norris, Wilbur & Utuku
6. Fundamentals of Structural Analysis, by H.H. West:– John Willey
Module II 13 hours
Leveling: Use of dumpy level and leveling staff, temporary and permanent adjustment of
dumpy level, reduction of levels, curvature and refraction errors, sensitiveness of bubble
tube, reciprocal leveling, leveling difficulties and common errors, use of auto levels.
Contouring: Contour interval and horizontal equivalent, methods of contouring, direct and
indirect methods, contour gradient, calculation of areas and volumes by Trapezoidal and
Prismoidal method.
Reference Books:
1. Surveying and Leveling Vol. I, by T. P. Kanitkar
2. Surveying Vol. I, by K. R. Arora
3. Surveying, by Duggal
4. Surveying Vol. I & II, by B. C. Punmia
5. Surveying & Leveling, by R. Subhramanian – Oxford University Press
(Only for CE)
Module-I (14 hrs.)
Classification of roads, traffic& location survey, principles of selection of alignments,
engineering surveys for highway location, principles of highway planning.
Geometric elements of roads: Standards for land and carriageway width, camber, gradients,
super elevation, sight distance, curve and widening calculation formula, road junctions
&different types of arrangements, drawings & reports of highway projects
Module-II (14 hrs)
Road Materials: Road aggregates and bitumen, their properties and testing, specification
for construction of earth, moorum, water bound macadam, bituminous and concrete roads,
basic idea about soil-cement, soil-lime and other stabilized roads, road making machine
and equipments
Road drainage: Surface, subsurface and cross drainage
Hill or Ghat roads: Special aspects, principle of design of flexible and rigid pavements by
IRC method
General aspects of evaluation of road condition and maintenance of different road
Traffic Engineering: Traffic field studies & their uses, Traffic control devices, road safety
Module-III (12 hrs.)
Tunnel Engineering
Necessity of tunnels, tunneling versus open cut, different cross sections of tunnels, transfer
of surface alignment, use of shafts, heading and enlargements, drilling and blasting,
membering and shuttering, shield tunneling, tunneling under water, drainage ventilation of
Docks: Types of Docks, shape and size, caissons for dock entrances, floating docks and
their design considerations
Harbours: Types of harbours, size and accessibility, tides, wind and wave, dynamic effect
of wave action, break waters and their classification, mound construction
Reference Book:
1. Highway Engineering, by S. K. Khanna and C.E.G. Justo
2. Highway Engineering, by L. R. Kadiyali
3. Highway Engineering, by H. W. Paul and K. D. Karen
4. Tunnel Engineering, by S. C. Saxena
5. Docks & Harbour Engineering, by M. L. Ojha
6. Docks & Harbour Engineering, by Srinivasan
Text Books:
1. Introduction to Physical Metallurgy, by S.H. Avner, 2nd edition, Tata McGraw Hill
Publishing Co. Ltd.
2. Engineering Physical Metallurgy and Heat Treatment, by Y. Lakhtin, Mir Publisher,
Reference Books:
1. Materials Science and Engineering, by W.D. Callister, Wiley and Sons Inc.
2. Principles of Materials Science and Engineering, by W.F. Smith, McGraw Hill
International edition.
3. Materials Science and Engineering, by V. Raghavan, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd.
4. Physical Metallurgy, by Robert Reid Hill, TMH.
Review of (x-y), (n-t) & (r-θ) coordinate system. Generalized Newton’s second law, work-
energy, impulse-momentum, conservation of energy and momentum. Steady mass flow,
variable mass.
Plane Kinematics of Rigid bodies: Rotation, absolute motion, relative velocity,
instantaneous centre of zero velocity, relative acceleration, motion relative to rotating axes.
Plane Kinetics of Rigid Bodies: Force, mass and acceleration, general equation of motion,
translation, fixed-axis Rotation, general plane motion,
Work & energy relation, work-energy relation, Acceleration from work-energy, virtual
work (D’Alembert’s principle). Impulse-momentum equations.
(b) Molding Materials-sand molding, metal molding, investment molding, shell
(c) Composition of molding sand, silica sand, Zircon sand, binders, additives, Binders
– clay, binders for CO2 sand, binder for shell moulding, binders for core sand,
parting agents.
(d) Properties of moulding sand and sand testing.
(e) Melting furnaces – cupola, oil fined furnace, electric induction and arc furnace.,
(f) Solidification of castings, design of risers and runners, feeding distance, centre
line freezing, resistance use of chills and chaplets.
(g) Degasification and inoculation of metals.
(h) Casting methods like continuous casting, centrifugal casting Die casting.
(i) Casting defects.
Text Books:
1. Manufacturing Technology, by P.N. Rao, Tata McGraw Hill publication
2. Mechanical Metallurgy, by Dieter, Mc-Graw Hill
3. Processes and Materials of Manufacture, by R.A. Lindberg, Prentice hall. (India)
4. Foundry Technology, by P.L. Jain – TMH
Reference Books:
1. Fundamentals of Metal Casting Technology, by P.C. Mukherjee, Oxford PIBI.
Ternary and Quaternary joints and links, Degrees of freedom for plane mechanism,
Grubler’s Equation, Inversion of mechanism, Four bar chains and their inversions, Single
slider crank chain, Double slider crank chain and their inversion.
Kinematic Analysis: Determination of velocity using graphical and analytical techniques,
Instantaneous centre method, Relative velocity method, Kennedy theorem, Velocity in four
bar mechanism, Slider crank mechanism, Rubbing velocity at a Pin-joint. Acceleration
Diagram for a slider – crank mechanism, Corili’s component of acceleration and its
Text Books:
L. A Textbook of Theory of Machines (In S. I. units), by R. K. Bansal, Laxmi Publication
Reference Book :
The Theory of Machines, by Thomas Bevan.
MODULE –I (9 Hours)
1. DC biasing of BJTs and FETs: Load lines, operating point, fixed bias and voltage
divider bias. DC bias with voltage feedback. Bias stabilization. Design of bias
2. Small Signal Modeling of BJT and Analysis: The Re Transistor Model, Hybrid
Model, Graphical determination of h-parameters. Low Frequency Small Signal
Analysis of CE & CC Circuits
3. Small signal modeling and analysis of FETs: Small Signal Model, analysis JFET
MODULE -II (10 Hours)
4. Ideal Operational Amplifiers: Differential And Common Mode Operation, OPAMP
basics, Equivalent circuit Analysis Of Inverting And Non-Inverting Circuits
Practical Opamps: Dc Offset Parameters, Frequency Parameters, Gain-Bandwidth
Curve. Active filters of first order(Lowpass, Highpass And Bandpass)
5. Feedback and Oscillators circuits using BJTs: feedback concept, types of feedback
circuits, practical feedback circuits, effects of negative feedback, Barkhausen
criterion of oscillation. Oscillator operation, RC phaseshift oscillator, Weinbridge
MODULE -III (17 Hours)
6. Number systems and Codes(review). Binary numbers base conversion, octal and
hexadecimal numbers, complements, signed binary numbers, 1’s complement and
2’s complement arithmetic, binary codes- BCD code, Gray code, ASCII character
codes, Hamming code
7. Boolean algebra and logic gates. Basic Theorems And Properties Of Boolean
Algebra, Boolean Functions; Canonical And Standard Forms; Minterms and
Maxterms, Digital Logic Gates.
8. Gate level minimization; K-maps (upto 5 variables); SOP & POS and its
simplification; Don’t Care Conditions; NAND and NOR implementation of
Boolean Functions, Parity Generation and Checking. Hardware Description
Text Books:
1. Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory, by Robert L. Boylestad and Lowis
Nashelsky. Pearson Publication, 8th Edition, Selected portions from Chapter 4, 6,
7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 17.
2. Digital Design, by M Morris Mano, Pearson Education, India,3rd edition,, Ch. 1 to
10- except 9.
Reference Books:
1. Digital Fundamentals, by Floyd 8th Edition, , Pearson Education
Module-II (13 Hours)
Arithmetic: Addition and subtraction of signed number, design of fast adders,
multiplication of positive numbers, signed operand multiplication, fast multiplication,
integer division, floating point numbers(IEEE)and operations.
Module -III (13 Hours)
Virtual memory, memory management requirements, and secondary storage Basic
processing units: Fundamental concepts, execution of complete instructions, Multibus
organization, hardwired control, Micro programmed control Memory system: Basic
concepts, cache memory, and performance consideration.
Text Books:
1. Computer Organization and Architecture & Computer Organisation, by V.Carl
Hamacher, Zvonko G. Vranesic, Sajwat G. Zaky, : McGrewHill Publication.
Reference Books:
1. Computer Organization and Architecture, by J.P. Hayes: Prentice Hall of India Ltd
2. Computer System Architecture, by M. Morris Mano:.
3. Computer Organization and Design, by David A. Patterson, John L. Hennessy:
Reference Books:
1) Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines, by Modi & Seth –Standard Book House
2) Theory And Application Of Fluid Mechanics, by K. Subramanya- Tata Mc Graw Hill
3) Fluid Mechanics, by A. K. Mohanty
4) Introduction to Fluid Mechanics, by Shaughnessy. etal.
(Only for EI, EC, EE, EN, CS, ME, IT)
(Minimum 10 experiments to be done)
Experiment No.1
Write a C program to perform matrix multiplication using array.
Experiment No.2
(a) Write a C program to create a stack using an array and perform
(i) push operation (ii) pop operation
(b) Write a C program to create a queue and perform
i) Push ii) pop iii) Traversal
Experiment No. 3
Write a C program that uses Stack operations to perform the following:
i) Converting infix expression into postfix expression
ii) Evaluating the postfix expression
Experiment No. 4
Write a C program that uses functions to perform the following operations on Single
linked list:
i) Creation ii) Insertion iii) Deletion iv) Traversal in both ways
Experiment No. 5
Write a C program that uses functions to perform the following operations on Double
linked list:
i) Creation ii) Insertion iii) Deletion
Experiment No. 6
Write a C program that uses functions to perform the following operations on Binary Tree:
i) Creation ii) Insertion iii) Deletion
Experiment No. 7
Write C programs that use both recursive and non recursive functions to perform the
Linear search operation for a Key value in a given list of integers:
i) Linear search
Experiment No. 8
Write C program that use both recursive and non recursive functions to perform the Binary
search operation for a Key value in a given list of integers:
Experiment No.9
Write a C program that implement Bubble Sort method to sort a given list of integers in
descending order.
Experiment No.10
Write a C program that implement Quick Sort method to sort a given list of integers in
ascending order:
(Only for EI, EC, EE, EN, CS, IT)
(Any 10 experiments)
10) To study a single tuned and double tuned coupled circuit and draw gain vs
frequency circuit.
11) To study parallel resonance Circuit and determination of Q factor.
12) To find image impedance of a two port network.
List of Experiments
1. Design & test of BJT Bias Circuit (Fixed, voltage divider, self).
2. Design and test of BJT Common-emitter Circuit: DC & AC performance, A.C.
voltage gain, input impedance and output impedance with bypass and unbypassed
emitter resistor.
3. Design and test of BJT Emitter Follower:- DC and AC performance. (Voltage gain,
input impedance and output impedance).
4. Design and testing of JFET Bias Circuit.
5. Design and test of JFET common –source and common drain amplifiers: DC and
AC performance (voltage gain, input impedance, output impedance).
6. Frequency response of common-emitter amplifier.
7. Design and test of series/ shunt feedback amplifier. Determine input and output
impedance, AC gain with and without feedback.
8. Op-amp frequency response.
9. Designs of Schmitt trigger using Op-amp.
10. Design and Simulation of High pass/ Low pass active filter.
11. Square wave testing of an amplifier.
12. Design and verification of R-C Phaseshift Oscillator/ Wein Bridge Oscillator using
13. Design and Simulation of R-C Coupled amplifier.
14. Design of class A and class B power amplifier.
15. Design of NAND, NOR inverter using CMOs circuit.
CS-272 OOPs LAB (0-0-3)
(Only for EI, EC, CS, IT)
(Minimum 10 experiments to be done)
Experiment No.1
a) Write a program to add two numbers and display the result using function.
b) W.A.P to give the user option for converting Fahrenheit to Celsius or Celsius to
c) W.A.P to copy the contents of one string to another string using pointer.
Experiment No.2
a) W.A.P to input name, roll, sex, height & weight of ‘n’ students and sort them in an
ascending order using structure.
b) Develop a program to read the emp_code, emp_name, Designation, age and do the
following things.
1. Insert new Entry
2. List out all Data
3. Edit Entry
4. Search a Record
5. Delete a Record
Experiment No.3
a) W.A.P to perform the Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication & Division of two
complex numbers using Structure.
b) Write a program to over laod the area() to findout the areas of the following
geometric functions.
- Circle
- Rectangle
- Triangle
Experiment No.4
a) Create a Class to do the arithmetic operation (Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication
& Division).
b) W.A.P to add two time objects and display the result.
Experiment No.5
a) W.A..P to add the information of 10 Students dynamically using Array of Object to
b) A Program to simulate a Simple Banking System in which initial Balance and rate
of interest are read from key board and initialized using constructor to do the
following having member function Deposit, Withdraw, Compound, Get Balance,
Experiment No.6
a) W.A.P. to multiply two complex nos. of two classes using friend function.
b) W.A.P to declared two base classes Basic_inf (Roll, name, Sex) and academic_inf
(course,semester,rank) and derive class financial_inf(amount). The derive class has
been declared as an array of class objects. The member functions are used to get
and display the information of the array of class objects.
Experiment No.7
a) W.A.P to maintain the database of employee. The database divided into a number
of classed whose hierarchical relationships are as follows :
Teacher Officer
Subject Typist Grade
Specify all the classes and define functions to create the database and retrieve
individual information.
Experiment No.8
Manager Clerk
Show( ) show( )
Experiment No.9
a) W.A.P for matrix addition. The matrix addition function should notify if the order
of the matrix is invalid using exception.
b) Develop a program using function template to perform matrix addition of two
given integer matrices, two floating point matrices separately.
List of Experiments
1. Gate level minimization, two level and multilevel implementation.
2. Combinational circuit –Design, construct code converter i.e. BCD to Excess-3 and
7 segment display.
3. Designs of a 2 bit parallel adder and use additional circuit to eliminate carry
propagation delay.
4. Construction of 3 bit magnitude comparator.
5. Design of multiplexer and demultiplexer and realization of full adder using 4 x 1
6. Design of 4-bit priority encoder having Do as the highest priority and D3 as the
7. Design of all flip flops using J-K flip flop.
8. Investigation of the operation of all type of shift register.
9. Design of asynchronous counter (decade, mod 6).
10. Design of synchronous counter with skipping state.
11. Design and construction of 4-bit multiplier.
12. Investigate the behaviour of RAM unit and Its storage capacity- 16 x 4 RAM,
testing, simulating and memory expansion.
13. Clock-pulse generator-design, implementation and test.
14. Design a parallel- adder using half- adder (using VHDL simulation).
15. Using VHDL simulation, design a 5 x 1 MUX using 2 x 1 MUX.
(Only for ME)
1. To find out friction factor of a flow through a pipe
2. Pressure measurement by using different pressure measuring instruments and
finding its error.
3. To determine metacentric height of a ship model.
4. To determine Cd, Cv & Cc of an orifice
5. To determine coefficient of discharge (Cd) of a venturimeter.
6. To verify Bernoulli’s theorem
7. Calibration of rotameter for fluid flow measurement.
8. Pipeline network analysis using electrical analogy.
9. Characteristics of laminar and turbulent flows at low Reynold’s number in a
smooth pipe
10. To determine the fluid viscosity using Hagen-Poiseuille equation.
7. Performance characteristics of Kaplan turbine.
8. Performance characteristics of Centrifugal pump.
9. Performance characteristics of reciprocating pump.
10. Determination of brake power, brake thermal efficiency, volumetric efficiency,
specific fuel consumption of a 2-stroke single cylinder air cooled petrol engine.
11. Measurement of pressure using piezoelectric pressure transducer, bourdon tube
pressure gauge, inclined tube manometer.
12. Temperature measurement using Thermocouples, Resistance Temperature Detector
(RTD), Thermister, Constant Temperature Bath (Water) and Digital Temperature
5. Impact value of coarse aggregate
6. Los Angeles Abrasion test of coarse aggregate
7. Soundness test of coarse aggregate
8. Test for stripping value of road aggregate
9. CBR Test of Soil Subgrade
10. Penetration test of bitumen
11. Ductility test of bitumen
12. Softening point test of bitumen
13. Determination of specific gravity of bitumen
14. Viscosity test of bitumen
15. Flash point & fire point test
16. Tests of emulsified bitumen
17. Bituminous mix design by Marshall method
18. Extraction of bitumen from a mix
19. Roughness measurement of existing pavement
20. Measurement of deflection of flexible pavement
Free hand sketches of commonly used parts are to be drawn and submitted to the
teacher concerned in the sessional class.
Reference Books:
1. Machine Drawing, by N D Junnarkar, Pearson Education
2. Design Data Book, by PSG Technology, Coimbatur
3. SolidWorks2009, Manual, DSS.
(Only for ME)
1. Asymmetric bending and thin-walled beams bending.
Experimental study of the difference between plane and asymmetric bending; finding
the conditions of loading leading to the different types of bending; bending of the L-
section beam; location of the shear center and optimal orientation of the beam (to
avoid twist and asymmetric bending), experimental verification of the results.
2. Photo-elastic methods of stress analysis.
Compression of the disc, calculation the photo-elastic coefficient; compression of the
ring; observation and interpretation of the isoclinic lines and isocromatic lines;
finding zero-order isocromatic lines, finding the stress distribution at the internal
surface of the ring; bending of the beam with two couples, verification of Saint-
Venant’s principle.
3. Fatigue testing.
Experimental study of the mechanical behavior of the mild steel under cyclic loading
with the different amplitude of the completely reversible stress cycle; analysis of the
dependence between the number of load cycles before fracture on the cycle
amplitude, constructing the S~N curve; the effect of the surface finish.of the sample
on the fatigue strength.
4. Dynamic loading.
Experimental study of the difference between static and impact loading, calculation of
the theoretical static strength of the samples on the basis of the material’s hardness,
determining the impact strength in Chappy and Izod tests, notch sensitivity,
5. Buckling; Buckling and stability; Determination of the critical load; buckling modes
for the beams with various types of supports.
6. Temperature measurement by RTD, thermocouple & thermistor modules.
7. Speed measurement apparatus with stroboscope, tachometer, magnetic &
photoelectric pick-up.
8. Displacement measurement by LVDT.module.
9. Measurement of force using load cell
10. Calibration of Burdon Tube Pressure Gauge using dead weight calibrator.
Group A
List of Experiments
1. Design & test of BJT Bias Circuit (Fixed, voltage divider, self).
2. Design and test of BJT Common-emitter Circuit: DC & AC performance, A.C.
voltage gain, input impedance and output impedance with bypass and
unbypassed emitter resistor.
3. Design and testing of JFET Bias Circuit.
4. Design and test of JFET common –source and common drain amplifiers: DC
and AC performance (voltage gain, input impedance, output impedance).
5. Frequency response of common-emitter amplifier.
6. Square wave testing of an amplifier.
7. Design and verification of R-C Phaseshift Oscillator/ Wein Bridge Oscillator
using OP-amp.
Group B
List of Experiments
1. Gate level minimization, two level and multilevel implementation.
2. Designs of a 2 bit parallel adder and use additional circuit to eliminate carry
propagation delay.
3. Design of multiplexer and demultiplexer and realization of full adder using 4 x
1 MUX.
4. Design and construction of 4-bit multiplier.
5. Design of all flip flops using J-K flip flop.
6. Investigation of the operation of all type of shift register.
7. Design of synchronous counter with skipping state.
Applied Electronics & Instrumentation Engg
5th Semester 6th Semester
Applied Electronics & Instrumentation Engg
7th Semester 8th Semester
Contact Credit Contact Credit
Subject Subject
Theory Hrs Theory Hrs
Code L‐T‐P C Code L‐T‐P C
EI495 Summer Training 2
Total 15 10 Total 12 10
Applied Electronics & Instrumentation Engg
Elective – I 14. Advanced electronics
1. PCB Design & Electronic circuit
Packaging 15. Management Information
2. Advance Control System System
Engg Elective – IV & V (any
3. Computer System two)
Architecture & 1. Virtual Instrumentation
Organisation 2. Intelligent Instrument
4. Communication Engg. 3. Bio‐Informatics
5. Chemistry of Engg. Materials 4. Laser & Radar
Elective – II, III (any two) Instrumentation
1. Advanced Transducer 5. Nano materials & Nano
Technology technology
2. Opto Electronics & 6. VLSI Process Engineering &
Technology CAD
7. Software Engineering
3. Scientific & Analytical
8. Internet & Web
Instrumentation Technology
4. Digital Image Processing 9. JAVA
5. Digital Speech Processing 10. Corporate Culture &
6. Operating Systems Communication
7. Embedded System 11. Mobile Communication
8. Simulation & Modelling 12. Evolutionary Optimization
9. Computer Communication Techniques
Networks 13. Entrepreneurship
10. Analogue VLSI 14. Renewable Energy Sources
11. Fundamentals of IT & Technology
12. Adaptive Signal Processing
13. Soft Computing]
N. B.:- Elective-III & Elective-V both are open Electives
MA 301 Optimization in Engg OR 3‐0‐0 3 CY‐301 Bio‐Environmental Engg OR 3‐0‐0 3
CY‐301 Bio‐Environmental Engg MA‐301 Optimization in Engg
Contact Credit Contact Credit
Subject Subject
Theory Hrs Theory Hrs
Code L‐T‐P C Code L‐T‐P C
17 17 13 13
Contact Credit Contact Credit
Subject Practicals / Hrs
Subject Practicals / Hrs
Code Sessional L‐T‐P C Code Sessional L‐T‐P C
Total 12 8 Total 12 10
Grand Total 29 25 Grand Total 25 23
1. PCB Design
2. Antenna Engineering
3. Electromagnetic Wave Propagation
4. Electronic Design
5. Relational Database Management Systems
6. Advanced Electronic Circuits
7. Chemistry of Engg. Materials
Microcontrollers Microcontrollers
EE333 Power System Engg 3-0-0 3 IC 313 Control System Engg-I. 3-1-0 4
16 16 17 17
EI 371 Sensors & Transducers Lab 0-0-3 2 IC 373 Instrumentation & Control 0-0-3 2
Total 9 6 Total 9 6
(Electrical & Electronics Engineering)
15 13
Subject Practicals / Contact Credit Subject Practicals/ Contact Credit
Code Sessionals Hrs. Code Sessionals Hrs.
List of Electives (Electrical & Electronics Engg.)
Elective – I
1. Power System Dynamics
2. High Voltage Engineering
3. Power Quality
4. Special Electro Mechanical Devices
5. Power Electronics Applications to Power Systems
6. Traction
7. Electronic Instrumentation and Measurements
8. Advanced Control System Engg.
9. Neural Networks & Applications
10. Relational Database Management Systems
11. Soft Computing
12. Power System Protection
13. Embedded System
14. Real time System
15. Chemistry of Engg. Materials
Elective II
1. HVDC Transmission
2. Power System Reliability
3. Non Conventional Energy Sources and Energy Conversion
4. Modelling and Simulation of Machines
5. Switch Mode Power Conversion
6. Solid State Control of Drives
7. System Identification and Adaptive Control
8. Data Communication and Computer Networking
9. Digital Speech Processing
10. Multimedia
11. Soft Computing
Elective IV
1. Computer Graphics
3. Testing and Commissioning of Electrical Machines
4. Industrial Electronics
5. Transportation
6. Industrial Automation and Control
7. Numerical Techniques in Electromagnetic
8. Robotics and Computer Vision
9. Robotics and Automation
10. Digital Image Processing
11. Internet and Web Technology
12. Mobile Computing
13. Selected Topics
*Available to other Department
Instrumentation & Control Engg
Contact Contact
Subject Credits Subject Credits
Theory Hrs
Theory Hrs C
Code L‐T‐P
Code L‐T‐P
19 19
Contact Contact
Subject Practicals / Hrs Credits
Subject Practicals / Hrs Credits
Code Sessional L‐T‐P
Code Sessional L‐T‐P
Instrumentation & Control Engg
7th Semester 8th Semester
Contact Contact
Subject Subject
Theory Hrs Credits Theory Hrs Credits
Code L‐T‐P
Code L‐T‐P
List of Elective (Instrumentation & Control Engg)
Elective – I
1. Biomedical Instrumentation
2. Soft Computing
3. Analytical Instrumentation
4. Operating Systems
5. Data Communications
6. Optoelectronics
7. Industrial Automation And Control
8. Digital Image Processing
9. Selected Topics
10. Management Information System
1. Intelligent Control
2. Advanced Sensing Technique
3. Analytical Instrumentation
4. Internet and Web Technology
5. Analogue VLSI
7. MEMS and Micro System Technology
8. Robots and Computer Controlled Machines
9. Mechatronics
10. Analogue Signal Processing
11. Simulation and Modelling
12. Java and J2E
13. Corporate Governance
14. Entrepreneurship
15. Financial Management
16. Marketing Management
17. Human Resource Management
18. Communication and Computer Networks
19. Software Engineering
20. Internet Security
21. Computer Communications
22. Wireless Communication
23. Neuro and Fauzy Logic
(Electrical Engineering)
16 16 17 17
Subject Practicals / L-T-P Credit Subject Practicals / L-T-P Credit
Code Sessionals Code Sessionals
EE371 Power Electronics Lab. OR 0-0-3 2 EC371 Microprocessor & 0-0-3 2
EC373 Microprocessor & Microcontroller Lab. OR
Microcontroller Lab. EE371 Power Electronics Lab.
EE373 Electrical Machine Lab. 0-0-3 2 EC371 DSP Lab. 0-0-3 2
Electrical Engineering
7th Semester 8th Semester
Subject Theory Contact Credit Subject Theory Contact Credit
Code hrs Code hrs
EE431 Power System 3-0-0 3 HS402 Principles of 3-0-0 3
Protection Management
EE413 Electric Drives 3-1-0 4 EE412 CAD of 3-1-0 4
EE435 Power System Engg – II 3-1-0 4 EL-III Elective – III 3-0-0 3
Total 17 Total 13
Grand Total 25 Grand Total 23
List of Electives (Electrical Engg.)
Elective – I
1. HVDC Transmission
2. Power System Reliability
3. Non Conventional Energy Sources and Energy Conversion
4. Modelling and Simulation of Machines
5. Switch Mode Power Conversion
6. Solid State Control of Drives
7. System Identification and Adaptive Control
8. Data Communication and Computer Networking
9. Fundamentals of IT
10. Communication Engineering
Elective III(open Elective)*
EC 321 Digital Signal Processing 3-0-0 3 IT 312 Computer Graphics & 3-1-0 4
CS 301 Operating Systems 3-0-0 3 EC 322 Data Communication & 3-1-0 4
Computer Network
IT 311 Relational Database 3-1-0 4 CS 340 Design & Analysis of 3-0-0 3
MA 303 Discrete Mathematical 3-0-0 3 EL-I Elective-I 3-0-0 3
19 19 19 20
Subject Practicals / Contact. Credit Subject Practicals / Contact Credit
Code Sessional Hrs. Code Sessionals . Hrs.
EC-371 DSP Lab 0-0-3 2 IT 370 Computer Network Lab. 0-0-3 2
Information Technology
13 13 13 13
List of Electives (Information Technology)
1. Programming with JAVA
2. Micro processors & Micro controllers
3. Soft computing
4. Graph Theory & Network Algorithm
5. Chemistry of Engg. Materials
Elective- II
1. Theory of Computation
2. System Programming
3. Artificial intelligence
4. Special Topics in IT-1
5. Embedded System
6. E-Commerce & ERP
1. Distributed DBMS
2.Data Warehousing & Data Mining
3. The Life-Style Communication for Corporate Readiness
4. Management Information System
Elective – IV
1. Mobile Computing
2. Computer Architecture
3. Multimedia Technology
4. Special Topics in IT-2
5. Real Time System
*Available to other departments
Civil Engineering
5th semester 6th semester
Civil Engineering
7th semester 8th semester
Contact Contact
Subject Credit Subject Credit
Theory hrs. Theory hrs.
Code C Code C
CE‐401 Disaster 3‐0‐0 3 HS‐402 Principles of Management 3‐0‐0 3
CE‐411 Concrete Structure 3‐1‐0 4 CE‐462 Estimation & Construction 3‐0‐0 3
CE‐421 Water Resources – II 3‐0‐0 3 CE‐402 Mechanics of Solids – II 3‐0‐0 3
CE‐4EL Elective‐II 3‐0‐0 3 CE‐4EL Elective – IV 3‐0‐0 3
Total Total
15 10 14 10
Grand Total Grand Total
31 24 26 24
OB ‐‐ Organizational Behaviour
Departmental Subject Coding:
Non‐ Specified: 0 Environmental Engineering 3
Structural Engineering: 1 Geo‐technical engineering 4
Water Resources Engineering: 2 Transportation Engineering 5
Construction Management 6
List of Electives Civil Engineering
Elective‐I (CE‐ 3EL) (Any One)
CE‐326 Water Power Engineering
MA‐ 302 Finite Element Methods in Engineering
CE‐344 Pavement Design
Chemistry of Engg. Materials
Elective‐II (CE‐4EL) (Any One)
CE‐413 Structural Dynamics
CE‐441 Environmental Geo‐Techniques
CE‐423 Ground Water Engineering
Elective‐III (CE‐ 4EL) (Any One) (open Elective)*
CE‐415 Bridge Engineering
CE‐425 Water Resources Planning and Management
CE‐443 Advanced Foundation Engineering
IT‐4XX Mangement Information System
Elective‐IV (CE‐4EL) (Any One)
CE‐432 Environmental Impact Assessment and Auditing
CE‐452 Transportation Planning & Traffic Engineering
CE‐444 Ground Improvement Techniques
CE‐446 Rock mechanics and tunnelling
CE‐404 GIS and remote sensing
CE‐412 Pre‐stressed Concrete Design
*Available to other Departments
Mechanical Engineering
CY-301 MA-301
Bio-Environmental Engg. Optimization in Engineering
ME-331 Metal Removal Processes 3-0-0 3 ME-332 Machine Tools and Tool Design 3-0-0 3
ME-371 Machine Element Design Lab 0-0-3 2 ME-372 Heat Transfer and Machine 0-0-3 2
Dynamics lab.
ME-375 I.C. Engines & Hydraulic 0-0-3 2 ME-374 Mechanical System Design 0-0-3 2
Machines Lab.
Mechanical Engineering
7th Semester 8th Semester
Subject Theory Contact Credit Subject Theory Contact Credit
Code Hrs. Code Hrs.
ME-451 Refrigeration & Air Conditioning 3-0-0 3 ME-402 Power Plant 3-0-0 3
and Control
List of Elective (Mechanical Engineering)
Computer Science & Engineering
5th Semester 6th Semester
Contact Contact
Subject Subject
Code Theory Hrs Credits
Code Theory Hrs Credits
Contact Contact
Subject Practicals / Subject Practicals /
Hrs Credits Hrs Credits
Code Sessional Code Sessional
Total 9 6 Total 9 6
Computer Science & Engineering
7th Semester 8th Semester
Contact Contact
Subject Credits Subject Credits
Theory Hrs Theory Hrs
Code C Code C
CS‐421 Software Engineering 3‐0‐0 3 HS‐402 Principles of 3‐0‐0 3
CS‐423 Relational Database 3‐0‐0 3 CS‐410 Compiler construction 3‐0‐0 3
Management System
CS‐411 Theory of Computation 3‐0‐0 3 EL‐IV Elective – IV 3‐0‐0 3
15 15 12 12
Contact Contact
Subject Practicals / Subject Practicals /
Hrs Credits Hrs Credits
Code Sessional L‐T‐P
Code Sessional L‐T‐P
CS‐471 Database Lab 0‐0‐3 2 CS‐492 Seminar 0‐0‐3 1
List of Elective Computer Science & Engineering
Elective – I
1. Management Information System
2. System Programming
3. Web Technology
4. Graph Theory & Network Algorithms
5. Chemistry of Engg. Materials
Elective – II
1. Distributed Operating System
2. Data warehousing & Data Mining
3. Embedded System
4. Robotics
5. Cryptography and security
Elective – III(open elective)*
1. Real Time System
2. Distributed Database
3. Artificial Intelligence
4. Graphics and Multimedia
5. Unix Programming & Applications
6. Management Information System
Elective – IV
1. Parallel Distributed System
2. Mobile Computing
3. Digital VLSI Design
4. Digital Image Processing
5. E‐ Commerce
Elective – V (open elective)*
1. Simulation Modelling
2. Object Oriented Analysis and design with UML
3. Soft Computing
4. Advanced Computer Network
*Available to other departments