Astrological Yogas

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Sudden Gains and unexpected Prosperity in Astrology

n today's world, most of the people wish to earn a lot of wealth and prosperity in their
life, for fulfilment of their desires. Sometimes they choose risky steps to gain sudden
benefits and prosperity.

Lottery, shares, gambling, speculation are risky methods employed for sudden gains.
While hidden treasures and unexpected inheritance also accounts for sudden prosperity
and richness of the native.

Factors responsible for sudden and expected gains in astrology

• 2nd house: income, inflow of finances, Self earned wealth, worldly possessions
• 4th house: comforts, parental inheritance, assets, land, vehicles
• 5th house: sudden gain, lottery, gambling, speculations etc.
• 7th house: business travels
• 8th house: shares, hidden transactions, other people's money, dowry of wife, gain
from in laws, finances through unfair means, inheritance
• 9th house: easy gains, fate
• 11th house: accumulated wealth, fluctuating money gains
• Sun: sudden gains from royal or govt. sources.
• Moon: gains from liquid or glazy types of things, gains from abroad.
• Mars: Sudden prosperity from engineering, publications, police, landed
properties agriculture, accounts, investment in medicines
• Mercury: sudden gains from intellects or creative nature of mankind
• Jupiter: gains from saints or bank men, rules banking shares, money, gold and
other precious saleable items like diamonds and precious gems
• Venus: sudden gains from music, cinema, vehicles medicines, literary activities,
scented items
• Saturn: Sudden money
• Rahu: trigger the unexpected events in the life, sudden gains from evil sources,
fluctuating gains

Different combinations for sudden prosperity

• Sudden and unexpected gains are noticed whenever 2nd, 7th and 11th lords
posited in ascendant and aspected by Jupiter.
• For gains in lotteries, speculations or for any sudden unexpected gains 2nd, 5th,
8th, 11th houses and their lords should be interrelated. Well-placed and well-
• For financial status and gains, ascendant, 2nd, 9th and 11th houses and their lords
should be considered.
• Strength of 5th house and 5th lord connected with the above is required for gains
in gambling, speculation, races, lotteries, contracts, etc.
• Strength of 8th house and 8th lord connected with the above is required for gain
in dowry, inheritance, wills, adoption, awards, prizes, secret wealth etc.
• Consideration of 4th, 7th and 10th houses is needed to judge the source and type
of gains.
• Inauspicious houses and planets placed in them are consider for gains and
accumulation in life (3/6/10/11th are inauspicious houses).

Different modes responsible for sudden gain in life:

Lottery and Gambling

• Strength of 5th house /lord is the important significator of gains in lotteries and
• The other significator houses for lottery gains and gambling are 2nd, 6th, 8th and
• Moon is posited in 5th house and aspected by Venus, indicates sudden gain from
• The 6th house/lord has an important role in gambling. If the 6th and 11th lords are
together occupying 11th house, the native wins in lottery and gambling. The
combination of the strong 6th and 11th lords is always good for gambling and
• The 6th and 9th lords combine in 11th house, the native owns enormous money
through lottery or gambling.
• Favourable combination of Saturn and Rahu favours gambling especially in
indoor games.
• The lords of 6th and 11th and Saturn are in the 11th house, the native wins in dice
game or cards through underhand tricks and by puzzling or mesmerizing his
• Mercury being 5th lord occupying 6th house causes loss in speculations. If the 5th
lord Venus is in the 12th house with 6th lord the native will lose in gambling
being addicted to the same. If there are many malefic planets placed in 12th house
the native should not invest money in gambling or lottery as he will always lose.
• The Lords of 5th and 2nd house exchange places.
• Mercury in 11th house in own sign conjoined with 6th lord.
• Mars, Venus, Saturn and Rahu conjoined in Virgo.
• All planets occupying 2th/6th/8th/12th signs.
• The lord of 5th and 11th conjoined in 5th house with a node [Rahu/Ketu].
• 2nd and 11th lords conjoining in 5th with benefice aspects
• Jupiter alone in 5th or 8th in exaltation or own house is able to give sudden,
unexpected gains.
• The Ascendant /5th/8th/11th lords placed in the same houses.
• The 5th and 8th lords exchange signs, and the lord of ascendant is in good aspect
with either of the two.
• 2nd lord in the 5th, 5th lord in 11th, 11th lord in 2nd house (or 2nd/5th/11th lords
conjoined in 2nd).
• The lords of 5th and 11th houses exchange houses.
• The lords of ascendant, 2nd and 5th are related or conjoined.
• The lords of ascendant, 5th and 9th conjoined.
• The Ascendant is strong and 2/5/8/11th lords in exaltation.
• The benefices planets occupy 5th and 8th houses.

Underground or hidden treasures beneath or buried in the soil

• Lord of ascendant is placed in 2nd house, Lord of 2nd is placed in 11th house and
lord of 11th is posited in ascendant, the native will get sudden enormous hidden
treasures in his life.
• Lords of 2nd and 4th are posited in 9th house, with a benefice.
• Lords of 11th and 2nd placed in 4th house, with a benefice.
• Lord of 11th is placed in 4th house, combines with a benefice.

Shares and speculations

• The Moon, Mercury and 6th lord in 11th house indicates money through share
• Lords of 6th and 11th combine in 12th house indicates loss in speculation.
• Ascendant's lord, Moon, Sun and are being in benefice aspects
• The Moon-Mars combine in 2nd, 5th, 8th or 11th house.
• The Jupiter in 2nd, the Mercury in 5th and the Moon in 11th house respectively.

Unexpected inheritance

• The Moon, 4th /2nd/5th houses/lords are related, indicates sudden inheritance
from mother.
• Lords of 2nd and 4th combine in ascendant indicates sudden gain from mother.
• The lords of 2nd and 8th lords are related, gives unexpected gains.
• Leo ascendant with 12th lord in 8th house gives the formation of Vipareeta Raja
yoga which results in unexpected enormous wealth gain.

Unless and until one person is having ready money or hard cash with him, he cannot have
a sound plan for maintenance in normal routine life.

With a light touch of astrology, it may be pointed out that the financial problems can be
detected and solved with proper planetary calculations.

Factors responsible for financial status of a native:

• 2nd house: indicates accumulated property, collection of precious items, bank

deposit, costly things, treasury, acquisition, bond
• 5th house: lottery, share, level of fate, wealth through spouse
• 9th house: fate, knowledge, wide fame, mental inclination
• 11th house: gain, income, fulfilment of desires, ornaments, personality, charitable
fund, sales, success in all undertakings.
• Jupiter: significator of wealth/knowledge, gold, treasury
• Venus: significator of worldly pleasure and comforts, vehicles, precious stones,
• Moon: mental tendencies, imagination power, business related to fluids.

Some general combinations for good financial status:


• Wealth or prosperity is predicted if there is a relation between lord of ascendant

with lords/houses of 1st/4th/5th/9th/10th/11th house.
• A planet placed in ascendant or establishes relationship with Ascendant or its lord
acts as instrumental of the wealth.
• Lord of ascendant posited in friendly signs/auspicious houses.
• Lord of ascendant is associated with lords of quadrant or trine.
• Lords of ascendant, 2nd, and 11th house placed together in any house except
6th/8th/12th house.
• Ascendant is strong and the lord of 9th is placed in own sign/exaltation
sign/quadrant/trine indicates enormous wealth.
• Abundant immovable property is indicated if lords of ascendant and 4th are
• Lord of ascendant is present in 2nd house ,and lord of 2nd is placed in 11th

2nd house gives hints of quantity/accumulation of wealth

• Lord of the 2nd house is a benefice planet.

• Jupiter/Venus posited in 2nd house
• Jupiter and Mars combined in 2nd house.
• Lords of 2nd and 11th houses exchange signs
• Lords of 2nd and 8th house exchange signs.
• Lords of 2nd/11th house placed in their own house or in quadrant.
• Lord of 2nd is placed in 2nd/10th house, the person becomes very rich.
• Lord of 7th house is placed in quadrant/trine from the lord of ascendant.
• Lord of 8th house is strong and placed in 2nd/11th house, having aspects of
benefice planets indicate enormous property coming through gifts.
5th house represent wealth from share, lottery, gambling etc

• Rahu/Ketu placed in quadrant and associated with lords of 5th/9th house, is an

agent to make a person very wealthy.
• Mercury placed in 5th house in its own sign, and Moon, Mars and Jupiter
combined in 11th house, makes the person very rich.
• Jupiter is placed in 5th house in its own sign, and Mercury is posited in 11th
• Saturn placed in 5th house in its own sign and, Sun and Moon placed in 11th
• Mercury placed in 5th house in its own sign and Moon and Mars/ Jupiter posited
in 11th house.
• Sun is placed in 5th house in its own sign and Saturn, Moon/Jupiter placed in 11th

11th house indicates source of wealth

• Planet/s in 11th house or aspects to lord of the 11th, or aspect of the strongest
planet in the horoscope is/are the cause of income/gain/success.
• Planets like Rahu/Saturn and Mars posited in 11th house provides enormous
• More than one planet in the 11th house indicates more than one source of
• Relation between 9th and 10th houses indicates prosperity/wealth.


• In Aquarius ascendant, the Jupiter being the lord of 2nd and 11th houses gives
enormous wealth and prosperity to the native.
• Jupiter in 11th house makes the native prosperous.
• Jupiter being the lord of 9th house, posited in 8th house.
• Jupiter and Moon combined in Cancer sign/2nd/4th/5th/9th/11th house.


• Venus in 12th house makes the person very rich and prosperous.
• Sun in ascendant and Venus in 12th house, gives enormous wealth.
• Venus in 12th house combines with the lord of 12th house.
• If 5th house is having Venus sign, Venus is placed in its own sign and Mars is
posited in 11th house.
• Venus is posited in ascendants in its own sign aspected/associated with


• Moon joins with Mars, indicates enormous wealth earned through malefic means.
• Moon is placed in ascendant in its own sign, aspected/associated with
• Moon present in 5th house in its own sign, Saturn is placed in 11th house.

Some Power full wealth-prosperity yoga:

Raj yoga:

Strong lord of ascendant is placed in quadrant/trine. Indicates the person should be

wealthy and prosperous.

Laxmi yoga:

Lord of 9th house is in its own/exaltation sign or in quadrant is associated by powerful

ascendant's lord. Indicates the native will be very rich, head of a state or a ruler.

Gaj kesari yoga:

Jupiter is in its own/exaltation sign and placed quadrant/trine to Moon. Indicates the
native will possess worldly facilities, good landed properties and conveyance etc.

Vipareeta raj yoga:

Lords of 6th/8th/12th posited in 6th/8th/12th houses, or any two or any one houses. The
person will be wealthy and prosperous.

Dhan yoga:

If position of lords of 2nd, 4th, 5th 11th, Moon and Jupiter are sound, benefice and
strong, the native will be wealthy and never have shortage of money

Nichabhanga raj yoga:

If a planet is in its debilitated sign and lord of that sign is in its own /exaltation sign, and
placed in quadrant/trine from ascendant or Moon, the person will be able to enjoy all
good things and luxuries in the life.

Some yoga causes happiness, prosperity, wealth and status to the native they are

• Mahabhag yoga:

Born in day—when in a males horoscope ascendant, Moon and Sun are in odd signs and
in female ascendant /Moon and Sun are in even sign.

Born during night—in a male horoscope ascendant, Moon and Sun falls in even signs and
in female case they fall in odd signs.

Under such circumstances the Mahabhag yoga will be formed.

The native born in this yoga will be considered as very fortunate and may get success,
status, wealth without much effort.

• Adhiyoga:

Benefice planets like Jupiter, Venusand Mercury are paced 6th/7th/8th house from
ascendant/Moon. They may be in all three houses or one each in these houses or two in
any three houses or any one in any three houses will constitute Adhiyoga.

The native will be equivalent to king, land lord, high officer, famous and full of pleasure
and comforts.

• Panch mahapurush yoga:

This yoga is formed due to strong and elevated positions of Mars, Jupiter, Venus,
Mercury and Saturn.

Ruchak yoga:

Mars is in its own/exalted sign and posited in quadrant.

The native will be wealthy, brave, equivalent to king military officer, has an excellent

Bhadra yoga:

Mercury in its own/exalted sign and posited in quadrant.

The native will be soft spoken, wealthy, and merchant of precious stones and a business

Hans yoga:

Jupiter in owns /exaltation sign in a quadrant.

The native will be very famous, politician, minister, reputed judge, and owner of
enormous property.

Mahalavya yoga:

Venus in its own /exaltation sign in quadrant.

The native will become a famous and wealthy poet, actor, musician and having all
facilities of luxury and conveyance.

Shash yoga:

Saturn in its own/exalted sign present in a quadrant.

The native will be wise, administrator, king and of secretary level.

• Avatar or Anshvatar yoga:

Ascendant in a movable sign and Venus, Jupiter, and Saturn are in exaltation and being
posited in quadrant.

The native will this yoga will be high ranking officer, land lord, renowned in several
fields of knowledge.

• Amla yoga:

A benefice planet is placed 10th from the Moon.

The native will be happy and prosperous throughout life.

• Kalandhi yoga:

Jupiter posited in 2nd/5th house and aspected by Mercury or Jupiter is associated with
Mercury and Venus.

The native will have all types of worldly pleasures and comforts and a great politician
favoured by king/government.

• Kesari yoga:
Moon and Jupiter are quadrant to each other.

The native will be rich, gazetted officer and happy.

• Gaj-kesari yoga:

Jupiter is in its own/exaltation sign and posited quadrant to the Moon.

The native will be extremely prosperous, having good landed properties, conveyance and
worldly pleasures.

• Kshem yoga:

Lords of ascendant, 8th, 9th, and 10th houses are in their own signs.

The native will be long lived, happy, rich and helpful in nature.

• Chaturmukhi yoga:

Jupiter is quadrant to lord of 9th house, Venus is quadrant to the lord of 11th house and
lords of ascendant and 10th houses are placed in quadrant.

The native will live up to 100 years, very rich, experts in many fields, always victorious.

• Jaya yoga:

Lord of 6th house is in debilitation and lord of 10th house is in exaltation.

Always get success in undertakings, full of worldly pleasures, with long life span.

• Dwaj yoga:

All the benefice planets placed in ascendant and all the malefic planets placed in 8th

The native will live like a king, famous landlord, good administrator.

• Parijat yoga:

The lord of that house in which the lord of ascendant is posited is in its own/exaltation

The native will be very attractive, kind hearted; the life will improve after middle age,
very rich.

• Madan yoga:
Lord of 10 combined with Venus and the lord of 11th is place in 11th house.

The native will become minister, secretary and lead a peaceful life.

• Laxmi yoga:

Lord of 9th is in exaltation sign/own sign/quadrant and related to the powerful

ascendant's lord.

The native will be very rich, head of the state, like a king/administrator and very famous.

• Marud yoga:

Jupiter is posited trine from Venus, Moon is placed 5th from the Jupiter and Sun is
quadrant to the Moon.

The native will be very proficient in business activities, progressive, good orator and live
like a king.

• Shiv yoga:

Lord of 5thin 9th house, lord of 9th is in 10th house and lord of 10th in 5th house.

The native will be a very prominent religious leader, chief of police/military, very rich
and famous.

• Shrinath yoga:

Lord of 7th is in 10th house and exalted 10th lord is associated with lord of 9th house.

The native will be prosperous, rich and always happy.

• Bhup yoga:

Lord of 5th/9th from the lord of navamsa of Rahu is in its own/exalted sign and aspected
by Mars.

The native will be victorious and chief of military and be very wealthy and happy.

• Samraj yoga:

Lord of navamsa of 9th lord is associated with Jupiter and placed in 2nd house and the
Jupiter is lord of 2nd/5th house.

The native will be equivalent to king, highly placed, very wealthy and head of famous an
• Veshi yoga:

Planet/s other than Moon is placed in 2nd from the Sun.

The native will be an influential business magnet, very knowledgeable and famous.

• Vasi yoga:

Planet/s other than Moon is placed 12th from the Sun.

The native will be courageous, excellent orator and skilful in wealth collection.

• Vipareet raj yoga:

Lords of 6th/8th/12 hoses are posited in 6th/8th/12th house or any two houses or any one
of the house.

The person will be loge lived, influential and charming personality wealthy and

• Malika yoga:

A planet is posited continuously in each consecutive house.

This is a very powerful wealth yoga the person will raise in his life up to the horizon and
become very influential, powerful may get highest post and become very rich.

• Matsya yoga:

Cruel/malefic plant/s placed in ascendant and 9th house; cruel planets in 4th and 8th
house; benefice and malefic planets in 5th house.

The native will be religious minded, wealthy and a good astrologer.

• Kusum yoga:

Sun is in 10th house, weak Moon is in 5th/9th house, and Venus is in fixed sign in a

The native will receive every opportunity to enjoy worldly pleasures, very famous.

• Samundra yoga:

Planets placed in 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th, 10th, 12th houses.

The native will like a king, very rich and famous, knowledgeable and philanthropist.
• Chamar yoga:

Lord of ascendant is in exaltation and aspected by Jupiter/two benefice planets presenting

in ascendant/7th/10th house.

The person will be a renowned scholar, orator, having royal favour and a long life.

• Chakra yoga:

The planets are in ascendant, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th and 11th houses.

The native will be brave and wealthy.

• Nichabhanga raj yoga:

If a planet in its debilitated sign and the lord of that debilitated sign is in its
own/exaltation sign and placed in a quadrant/trine from the ascendant/Moon than the
debilitated qualities of that planet gets cancelled. A very good raj-yoga will be formed.

The person will able to enjoy all luxuries and comforts of the life.

actors responsible for medical profession:

• Ascendant: general physical and mental aptitude and inclination

• 5th/9th house/ lords: represent intelligence , basic and higher education
• 6th house: indicates diseases
• 8th house: indicates longetivity, life span and death
• 10th house: occupation
• 11th house: gain and income
• Sun: significator of medicine
• Moon: significator of drugs and herbs, medicines obtained from herbs
• Mars: denotes surgery
• Jupiter and Mercury: denotes specialization
• Saturn and Rahu: indicates lingering and incurable diseases, suffering of life and
related to medical profession.

Different combination for medical profession

• Sun/Saturn/Rahu related to 5th/9th/10th/ house or their lords

• 6th/8th house/lords related to 5th /10th house/lords in any way
• Jupiter is related to 5th/10th house/lord
• Mars or any malefic planet is related to 5th/10th house/lords
• 6th lord is posited in 9th/5th/11th
• 11th lord is posited in 6th house
• Rahu/Sun/Saturn related to ascendant/2nd/5th/10th house/lords
• Sun and Mars in 10th, the native will be a good surgeon
• Venus and Jupiter in 6th/12th ,the native will opts for medical profession
• Mercury and Sun posited in 4th place from ascendant / Jupiter or placed 8th from
Moon the native will become a qualified doctor, if this combination happens to be
in cancer ascendant, he will achieve fame in this field.

Combination for Specialization in medical field

• Sun, Mercury and Venus in 1st/2nd/6th/10th/11th house: indicates the field of

• Sun, Mars and Venus in 1st/2ed/6th/10th/11th house: eye specialist
• Mars, Venus and Saturn related to 6th/10th house: skin specialist
• Ketu [dragon tail] related to 10th house: homeopathic doctor
• Sun/Mars/Ketu posited in 2nd/5th/10th house: homeopathic profession

Significance of sign of 10th house for specialized doctor's profession

• Aries: dentistry and surgery

• Taurus: physician, chemist
• Gemini: medical research and physician
• Cancer: gynaecologist and nursing
• Leo: heart specialist
• Virgo: general medicine and chemist
• Libra: gynaecologist, lab technician and pathologist
• Scorpio: general medicine, dentist, orthopaedic and surgeon
• Sagittarius: x-ray, ultra sound specialist
• Capricorn: physician
• Aquarians: neurologist, naturopathy and medical tools
• Pisceans: physician, nursing and surgery

Profession plays a major role in an individual life. Nowadays everybody is concerned

about having a right career and career growth. By astrological consultation the native can
decide on a rewarding profession, desired results and inner satisfaction. Symptoms of a
future career are seen in the native's horoscope.

Factors responsible for engineering profession

• Mars---related to courage, energy, arms, tools industries, electricity, thermal

power, engineering
• Saturn---related to labour, iron and steel industries, care and maintenance of
machinery, industrial research, deep knowledge
• Ascendant---governing the native capability, interaction, vitality
• 2nd house---status and accumulated wealth
• 3rd house---learning, initiative and communication
• 5th house---intellect and speculative gains
• 6th house---financial stability and debts
• 7th house---partnership and foreign tours
• 8th house---gains and obstacles
• 9th house---fortunes and short journeys
• 10th house--- profession
• 11th house---income and gains
• 12th house---losses and relation with foreign land

Different Combinations for Engineering Profession

• Saturn posited in ascendant in Mars sign [Aries or Scorpio] aspect the 10th house,
gives engineering profession
• Mars posited in ascendant in Saturn sign [Capricorn or Aquarius] denotes
engineering profession
• 5th/10th house/lord influenced by Saturn/Mars
• 3rd lord combines with Mars, and aspect by Saturn
• Saturn is 9th lord and Mars is 11th lord related to each other
• Saturn and Mars exchange each other sign, combine, or aspect each other
• Sun and Moon in ascendant and Saturn and Mars in 10th house
• In Aries ascendant Saturn in 4th house and Mars in 10th house
• Saturn and Mars in Leo ascendant, and Jupiter in 4th hose
• 3rd lord and 7th lord combine in Virgo ascendant, aspect by Saturn and Mars

actors Responsible For Insanity/Lunacy in Astrology

• Ascendant: general mental and physical abilities of the person

• 4th house: represent human mind
• 5th house: stands for mental capacity and extra -ordinary brilliance
• 6th house: denotes sickness
• Moon: significator of mind
• Mercury: mental brilliance and intelligence
• Sun: mental brilliance, inner illumination
• Saturn: obstruction to body metabolism and function of organs
• Rahu/Ketu: significator of obsessive and compulsive disorder

Different Combination for Lunacy or Insanity

• Heavy affliction to Moon and Mercury are the definite sign of lunacy
• Moon and Mercury should be in a quadrant aspected or conjoined with a malefic
planet and a malefic planet in 5th/8th, the native may have the fits of epilepsy
• Moon/Mercury with the lords of ascendant and 8th house
• Saturn and waning Moon posited in 12th
• Saturn in ascendant and Mars posited in 9th/5th/7th house
• Jupiter in ascendant and Mars in 7th, indicate lunatic behaviour
• Moon is with a malefic and Rahu is posited in 5th/8th/12th, sure sign of
aggressive mental disorder
• Mercury joins Mars in 6th
• The Moon is combined with Saturn/Ketu
• In Pisces/Virgo ascendant conjunction of Saturn and Rahu in the first degree of
Virgo induces lunacy in the person.
• Mars powerfully aspecting or in conjunction with Mercury in the 6th/8th house
• Mutable signs [Gemini; Virgo; Sagittarius] in an angle/trine and heavily afflicted

Urogenital is a term used for the urinary and genital organs. Urology is the branch of
medicine concerned with the urinary tract in both genders and the genital tract or
reproductive system in the male. Urologists are physicians who specialize in the
diagnosis and treatment of conditions related to the urinary tract and the male
reproductive organs.

The Urogenital disorders may include many diseases like kidney incompetence or failure,
urinary tract infections, kidney stones, prostate enlargement, and bladder control
problems. The problems in the urogenital system may be caused by genetic
abnormalities, aging, illness, injury, pollution etc.

Astrological prediction of urogenital disorders in the native's life is possible by carefully

analysing his horoscope

Factors responsible for urogenital disorders

• Moon/4th house: genito and urinary derangements, testicles

• Mars: inflammation, infections
• Mercury: genito urinary problems
• Jupiter: degeneration, diabetes
• Venus: suppression of urine, venereal complaints
• Saturn/Rahu: obstruction to the metabolism process, chronicle diseases
• Sign Virgo/6th house: venereal diseases
• Sign Libra/7th house: nephritis, renal troubles, calculi, and uriters
• Sign Scorpio/8th house: bladder, testicles

Different combinations for urogenital disorders

• Venus posited in 6th/8th/12th or associated with the lord of 6th creates genital
• Lords of ascendant and 6th associated with Mercury and Rahu, genital disorders
are indicated
• Venus, Saturn and Mars placed in 7th
• Venus in 7th aspected by Saturn and Mars
• Lord of ascendant is posited in 6th and the 6th lord is associated with Mercury,
possibility of having urological problems
• Lord of 6th, Mercury and Rahu posited in ascendant, creates problem in
urogenital organs
• Lord of 6th and Mars placed together without having the influence of any
benefice planet causes genital problems
• Moon is in water sign [Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces], and lord of the Moon sign is
placed in 6th and aspected by Mercury / any other planet, of water sign, creates
urological problems.
• Lords of 4th and 7th posited in 6th/8th/12th
• Lords of 4th and 7th placed in inimical signs and aspected by malefic
• Lord of 3rd, Mercury and Mars placed in ascendant
• Lord of 6th/7th associated with lord of 12th and aspected by Saturn, indicates
urogenital disorders
• Lord of 3rd, Mercury, Mars and Saturn placed on ascendant, renal calculi is

Some children grow up with fathers who are actively and positively involved in their
lives. These fathers love their children, protect them, praise them, spend quality time with
them, play with them, teach them, and help them in dealing the life struggles.

On the other hand, some unfortunate children grow up without the compassionate love
and care of their father because of their early and untimely death.

Significator of father in astrology

• Sun is the significator of father

• 9th house/lord stands for father
• 4th/10th house/lord indicates longevity of father.
• Saturn is a natural significator of death


• Sun is badly afflicted /debilited /hammed by malefic, indicates severe setback or

early death of the father.
• Sun is posited in 5th /9th in a cruel sign indicates early death of the father.
• Sun and Saturn placed in 12th and Weak/waning Moon posited in 7th; early death
of the father is indicated.
• Mars and Sun placed together and aspected by Saturn indicates father will expire
within one year of native's birth.
• Sun and Rahu posited eighth from the lord of 9th house without having
associated/aspected by a benefice indicates early loss of the father.
• Sun in 7th, Mars in 10th and Rahu in 12th longevity of father remain in doubt.
• Malefic planets placed in 4th/ 6th/8th house from the ascendant/Sun indicate early
loss of the father.
• 10th house from the Ascendant /Sun is heavily afflicted indicates early death of
the father.
• Weak Sun in 5th indicates severe problems faced by father.
• Sun is placed in 9th along with a malefic planet and the birth of the native is in the
opening Mahadasa [major period] of the Sun, the father will die early.
9th house /lord

• Rahu placed in 9th, aspected by Sun/Mars/Saturn father will die within few weeks
of native's birth.
• Ketu placed in 4th/5th/9th house, indicated death of father from an incurable
• Rahu is posited in 9th house, associated with an exalted planet, and the native
born in the Mahadasa [major period] of that exalted planet, the early death of the
father is possible.
• Placement of lord of 9th and Rahu is 6th/8th from each other, and the native born
in the opening Mahadasa of Rahu/lord of 9th indicates early death of the father.
• Rahu/Ketu placed in 9th house and the native was born in the opening Mahadasa
of Rahu/Ketu, early loss of father is possible.
• Lord of 9th is posited in 9th along with Rahu and the native was born in the
opening Mahadasa of Rahu, father will expire early.

4th/10th house

• 10th house from the Ascendant /Sun is heavily afflicted indicates early death of
• Malefic planets placed in 4th/10th/12th indicated early death of both parent.
• Mars placed in 10th in an inimical sign, early loss of father is possible.


• Saturn and Rahu placed in 12th and weak/waning Moon posited in 7th without
having the aspect of any benefice.
• Saturn posited in ascendant, Mars in 7th and Moon in 6th, father will expire early.

The posthumous child [born after the death of the father]

• Rahu, Saturn and the Mars placed together in any house, native will born after the
death of the father.
• Birth in day-time and the Sun is aspected by the Mars or the birth is in night-time
and the Venus is being aspected by the Mars, indicates death of father before the
native's birth.
• Sun and Venus posited in moveable signs and aspected/associated with Mars,
native will born after the death of the father.
• Birth in day-time and the Saturn and Mars placed together in a moveable sign, the
father will die in a foreign land before the birth of the native.
• Rahu, Venus and the Saturn placed together in 2nd house; father will die before
the birth of the native.

Missed abortion is termed as pregnancy loss before 20 weeks of pregnancy. The natural
death of a foetus before normal delivery is considered to be an abortion. Two or more
successive abortions are known as repeated or recurrent abortions. It is a nature's way of
terminating something that was not likely to result in normal pregnancy.

Genetic, hormonal imbalance, defective reproductive anatomic, infection, social-

economical-psychological factors are responsible for missed and recurrent abortions.

By analysing one's horoscope astrology can predict the cause and tendency of abortions
of a woman

Factors Responsible For Abortions

• Ascendant: general vitality

• 5th house: progeny
• 6th house: loss of progeny, acute diseases
• 8th house: death, sex organs
• Sign Libra/Scorpio: private's parts, reproductive organs, chronic incurable
• Moon: Brest, womb, blood, glandular system, tumours, female reproductive
• Jupiter: significator of progeny, arterial system
• Venus: ovaries, venereal complaints, typhoid, diseases of generative organs,
diabetes, hormonal disorder
• Saturn: obstruction, acids, chronicity, incurability, glandular diseases,
depression, injuries sustain from the fall.
• Mars: bleeding, inflammation in body, blood pressure, haemoglobin, injuries,
accidents blood loss, haemorrhage, infection and contagious diseases,
haemorrhoids, diseases of uterus, miscarriages and abortions.
• Rahu: indicator of disputes and poverty in life, contagious diseases, undignostic
diseases, intoxication, worries, phobia, psychological disorder.
• Ketu: injuries, accidents, fevers, infections, mysterious diseases, surgery.

Different Combination for Missed and Recurrent Abortions

• Mars and Rahu are the prominent factors responsible for abortions and major
blood loss.
• 5th house/lord afflicted badly with Mars and Rahu denotes abortions by genetic
abnormality, injuries, acute fevers, viscosity [thickening] of blood, incurable
diseases[like thalassemia, severe infection, psychological disorder etc].
• Venus aspected or afflicted by Saturn denotes blocked fallopian tubes hence there
may be chance of tubal pregnancy resulting in abortion. There may be chance of
venereal disease, hormonal imbalance, diabetes etc causing miscarriage.
• 5th lord is afflicted/debilitated/set/in inauspicious house/hammed between two
malefic/affected by nodes indicates loss of progeny.
• 5th lord debilitated and posited in 6th or 8th house indicate pregnancy losses.
• 5th house/lord are weak and afflicted by Ketu [dragon tail] denotes more than
three abortions.
• Moon afflicted by Saturn indicate uterus fibroids, impurity of blood responsible
for abortions.
• Malefic affliction to Libra/Scorpio indicated diseases in private generative parts
may cause abortions.
• Significator for progeny Jupiter is badly afflicted [specially by node or by Mars]
indicate issues loss.

The planetary position in a horoscope indicates the nature of disease one would suffer
from. Ascendant/lord represents the general build-up and strength of the physical body
while the 6th house/lord represents sickness. The lords of ascendant and 6th house are
related in any way is the sure sign of sickness or mental/physical sufferings.

Lords of ascendant and 6th and a planet combined in any house

• Lords of ascendant and 6th combined with Sun in a house, indicates possibility of
high fever.
• Lords of ascendant and 6th and Moon join a house; the native may suffer from
cholera, dropsy, cold, etc.
• Lords of ascendant and 6th combined with Mars in a house, indicates chickenpox,
measles, abscess, injury in a war.
• Lords of ascendant and 6th join Mercury in a house, indicates bile related
problems, wind, gastric, digestive system related problems, vomiting etc.
• Lords of ascendant and 6th combined with Jupiter, indicates absence of the
• Lords of ascendant and 6th combined with Venus indicates diseases related to
fertility and sex related problems.
• Lords of ascendant and 6th join with Saturn, indicates wind complaints,
constipation, gout, asthma etc.
• Lords of ascendant and 6th combined with Rahu/Ketu, indicates head problems,
fear of robbery and imprisonment, sudden and undignostic diseases.

Lord of 6th posited in ascendant with a planet

• Lord of 6th combined with Mercury in ascendant, indicates venereal diseases.

• Lord of 6th combined with Saturn in ascendant, indicates possibility of surgery of
reproductive organs.
• Lord of 6th join Mars in ascendant, indicates boils, abscess, blood related
• Mars related to 6th house/lord indicates possibility of minor/major surgery.
• Jupiter related to 6th house/lord indicates early recovery from the disease.
• Venus related to 6th house/lord indicates diet related problems.
• Saturn is related to 6th house/lord indicates stomach-ache and gastric troubles.
• Lord of 6th combined with a malefic in ascendant, indicates formation of
Lord of ascendant combined with a planet in 6th/8th/12th house

• Lord of ascendant combined with Sun in 6th/8th/12th house, indicates glands

formation due to excess heat.
• Lord of ascendant combined with Moon in 6th/8th/12th, indicates gland formation
due to fluid retention.
• Lord of ascendant combined with Mars in 6th/8th/12th, indicates gout, boils,
abscess, weapon injury etc.
• Lord of ascendant join Mercury in 6th/8th/12th indicates bile complaints.
• Lord of ascendant posited with Jupiter in 6th/8th/12th, indicates mucous
• Lord of ascendant combined with Venus in 6th/8th/12th, indicates tuberculosis.
• Lord of ascendant join Saturn/Rahu/Ketu in 6th/8th/12th, indicates problems from
thieves and robbers

Some general combinations:

• Saturn and Mars are in trine to each other, indicates wind complaints.
• Saturn posited in 4th, aspected by malefic indicates injury and fear from fire.

A sanyasi is a person who dedicates his entire life towards spiritual pursuits; he develops
a state of dispassion and detachment from material life. He renounces all worldly
thoughts and desires, and spends the rest of his life in spiritual contemplation.

Unique combination for sanyas- yoga:

• More than four planets posited in a same house.

• One of them is strong.
• The strong planet should not be set.
• The strong planet should not be defeated in house-war.
• The defeated strong planet should not be aspected by any other planet.
• One of the planets is being the lord of 10th house.

The type of sanyas, dependents on the strength of the significator planet present in the in
the horoscope.

When there are four or more powerful planets combined in a house, the person born with
such a combination will become any one of the 7 types of sanyasi depending on which of
those planets forming the yoga is most powerful

• Sun: as the significator of sanyas makes a person "Vanyasana" or a sanyasi who

survives by eating roots and bulbs
• Moon: produces "Vriddha" or "kapalik" [one who moves with human skull in
• Mars: makes a person "Sakya" the saffron clad sanyasi. Like Buddhist monk.
• Jupiter: Jupiter gives birth to "Bhikshu" the ordinary sanyasi who survives by
Bhiksha alone. The sanyasi is very learned and has knowledge of many sacred
• Venus: Venus produces "Charaka" or a sanyasi who travelled many places. He
develops many psychic powers for material gains.
• Mercury: Mercury produces "Aajivika" a sanyasi who is a very good orator and
who earns live hood by snakes charming, mesmerism, hypnotism, he may be also
a good tantric.
• Saturn: the native may be "Nirgranth" or naked monk performing very difficult
ritual and ceremonies to, please the God

Different Types of Yoga/Dosha Formed By Rahu

In astrology Rahu and Ketu are not regarded as substantial heavenly bodies with an
observable body, shape or mass like other seven planets. They are described as shadow
planets by Indian astrologers. Westerners have named them dragon's head [Rahu] and
dragon's tail [Ketu].

Though Rahu is considered as a malefic planet by astrologers, it is capable of producing

the results caused by the combination of the sign lord, star lord and sub lord.

Certain position/association of Rahu produces specific yoga's and dosha in the horoscope,
creating a pattern of specific predictive events in one's life.


All the seven planets are posited between Rahu and Ketu axis. This yoga creates
obstacles, hindrance and difficulty in native's life. It yoga makes a person industrious,
hardworking, aware of one's own ability- despite mental restlessness.

It raises the natives to top positions in their respective fields provided of course other
auspicious Yoga's are also present in the chart.

The natives may get betrayed by trusted friends and even relatives.

Grahan or Eclipse yoga:

This yoga formed when the luminaries Sun/Moon combined with Rahu. This yoga
creates unstable mentality, phobias, psychosis in the native. Sun with Rahu indicates
difficulty through Government officials, litigation and loss of profession and prestige.

Moon and Rahu combination induces worry, anxiety and inferiority complex in the

Angarak yoga:
Mars and Rahu combined in a house. Difference with owns brother is indicated. Create
anger, jealousy, and hatred in the native besides excess of body heat.

This yoga gives a burning personality with angry disposition. Such people speak blunt,
killing truth right on the face.

The native may act brutal, ruthless and insensitivity.

Chandal yoga:

Jupiter combined with Rahu creates chandal yoga. This yoga creates many obstacles and
hindrance in the life of native. There might be possibility of being cursed by the mentor
or guru in the past lives. The native acts immorally and perform many misdeeds.

Due to lust for excessive materialistic life the native often misuses his position and

Pitra- dosha:

This yoga formed when Rahu combined with Sun in 2nd /9th house. This yoga indicates
possibility of curses/sins/sufferings of ancestors of present/past lifes. This yoga creates
unexplained sufferings, loss of progeny, mysterious diseases, and disgrace in native's life.

Cyclic occurrence of negative thoughts, bad deeds and sudden unexplained events in
one's life indicate pitra-dosha. Beside mental and physical problems this yoga causes
spiritual hindrance in one's life.

Nand yoga:

This yoga is formed when Rahu and Saturn combined in a house. Rahu is the friend of
the deprived. This yoga induces contradiction and frustration in the personality.

It denotes excessive rigidity and orthodoxy of the native. Under pressure of the karmic
bondage of this yoga, one is forced to take major risks in a conservative and punitive

Inconsistency, indecision and frustration are caused by this yoga. The native have to face
constant betrayal and fraud.

Jadattva yoga:

Rahu combined with Mercury. Native has to face many economical and social problems
in life. His common sense and intelligence get impaired.

This yoga induces weak memory and neurosis problems in the native.
The native has traits of lying; harmful intent and trickery. He may have quality of quick
thinking and communication skills.

Astro -Analysis of Spiritual Illuminati

Spiritualism is a way of life in which the seeker dedicates his entire life towards spiritual
pursuits to gain the knowledge of the ultimate God and inner selves. Many seekers are
drawn to this path to attain various types of mystical power and miraculous experiences,
being bestow upon by dedicated practise. Spiritual illuminati are an advanced seeker that
practices the mystical form of faith for enlightenment. There are the different paths to
experience the supreme, like devotion, renunciation, mystical techniques etc.

Factors responsible for spiritual illuminati:

• Ascendant: indicate general mental and physical abilities of a person.

• 5th house: indicates feelings, sentiments and devotion
• 9th house: provides clue of religious activities like pilgrimage, construction of
religious monuments.
• 10th house: indicates anusthan which is the worship of higher order in which the
seeker follows specific rules and regulations.
• 12th house: indicate salvation
• Jupiter: significator of religion, wisdom, spiritual thoughts philosophy and
• Moon: significator of mental tendencies of a person.
• Saturn: significator of detachment to worldly comforts.
• Ketu: mystical practices and experiences are indicated by this planet.

Bhakti or devotion:

The intense spiritual path of love and devotion to the God is called Bhakti.

• 5th house is appropriate to see the intensity of Bhakti.

• Lords of 5th/9th are benefice and related to each other, indicates higher level of
devotion for the supreme.
• Spiritual planet Jupiter related to 5th house indicates devotion.
• Masculine planet/sign dominating the 5th house/lord indicate the seeker will
worship male deity.
• Feminine planet/sign dominating the 5th house/lord indicate the worship of
feminine deity.

Sanyaas or renunciation:
It is a state of dispassion and detachment from material life to attain spiritual

• Saturn is the major significator of renunciation.

• Saturn aspect a weak ascendant indicates sanyas –yoga
• Saturn placed in 9th house without having aspect of any planet indicates
• Saturn posited in 10th house from ascendant/Moon and related to Sun in any
manner by association/aspect/quadrant relationship, indicates sanyas- yoga.
• More than four planets placed in any house indicate sanyas -yoga.
• Moon in 9th house without having aspect of any planet, indicates sanyas.
• Moon sign is aspected by the lord of ascendant and Saturn, indicates a great
• Ascendant is aspected by many planets being placed in a same sign.
• Lord of 10th house combined with 4 planets in quadrant/trine indicates a great
• Lord of 9th is strong and being placed in 5th/9th and aspected/associated with
Jupiter and Venus, indicates a snyasi of higher order.
• Saturn is posited in 10th in Pisces sign, indication of detachment from the world.
• Lord of ascendant is not aspected by any planet, but it aspects Saturn indicates
detachment from material world.
• Saturn is not aspected by any planet, but it aspects the lord of ascendant indicates
• Saturn and lord of ascendant aspect Moon sign indicate renunciation.
• If Saturn is placed in 5th/9th or aspects these houses, and any four or more planets
are in a house and one of these planets is the lord of the 10th house, is the sure
combination for sanyas.


They are the seekers of ultimate truth and inner illumination by practicing the art of
uniting the body, mind and soul.

• Capricorn ascendant is the main instrument of being a yogi/mahatma.

• All the planets posited between Moon and Jupiter indicates a great yogi.
• All the planets lying between Saturn and Mars the seeker will be a great yogi.
• In Capricorn ascendant all the planets are posited between Sun and Mars, the
seeker will be a great mahatma.
• Jupiter is placed in ascendant, Saturn in 2nd, Moon in 11th and the Venus in 12th
house indicates a yogi.
• Saturn and Jupiter are placed 9th/10th house and in the same navamansa.
• Saturn in 10th and aspected/associated by Moon may give mass support to the
spiritual movement of the seeker.
Astro-Analysing an Abusive and a Violent
A pattern of abusive and violent behaviours by one or both partners in an intimate
relationship like marriage, when one person tries to dominate and control the other person
is known as domestic abuse or violence.

In astrology it is possible to predict the likelihood of the person you are currently or are
about to become involved with, being abusive and violent in nature.

Behaviours and traits of an abusive and violent husband:

• Physical aggression [hitting, biting, slapping, kicking etc]

• Verbal abuse
• Negative attitude toward women
• Jealousy
• Controlling behaviour
• Unrealistic expectations
• Blame-shifting for Problems
• Financial deprivation of the wife.
• Hypersensitivity
• Cruelty towards Children
• Sexual Violence or marital rape

Factors responsible for violent and abusive husband:

• Ascendant: Body, mind and habit of the native

• 6th house: Enemies, litigation, wounds, ill-fame, ill-luck, dishonour, anxiety
• 7th house: Social status, sex-relations, life partner,
• 8th house: Litigation, sex-relations, anxiety and cause of death, sex organs
• 12th house: sub-conscious fears or guilt, resentments or hates, past-life karma,
potentially damaging secrets, secret enemies or saboteurs, secret plots, secret
motives, suppressed knowledge,
• Moon: inferiority complexes, complex interpersonal weaknesses, emotional
instabilities, emotional frustration and blockages
• Jupiter: significator of husband
• Venus: sexual pleasure, material comforts, incestuous, an adulterer, scandalous,
loose people, a mean lazy companion,
• Mars: brutally violent, aggressive, murder, violence, riots, fires, rules one's
sexuality, sexual energy, accidents and surgeries, assertive and daring by nature.
• Saturn: obstruction, dejection, extreme discipline, problematic nature, lack of
tact and sensitivity, lack of consideration, excessive self-interest
• Rahu: nasty and fluctuating temper, harsh speech, falsehood, sin, mental illness,
problems from spouse,
• Ketu: uncontrollable nature, devious, malefic, awful

Different combination for an abusive and a violent husband:


• Mars, in astrology is responsible for jealousy, anger, lust and aggression and
violence. Mars just has lots of destructive power. Mars is responsible for violent
behaviour in an individual.
• Mars posited in 1st/2nd/4th/7th/12th house, produces the Mangal- Dosha which is
some way or the other concerned with marital disputes and domestic violence
• Mars aspecting 7th house/lord, indicates an aggressive and violent partner.
• Mars-Saturn-Rahu combination confers hostile and violent traits.
• Mars posited in 7th house and aspected/associated by Saturn, the lower animal
nature of the husband is obvious, resulting in anger, vindictiveness, stubbornness,
resentment and an unforgiving nature, there can be sorrow and dejection by the

7th house/sign Libra:

• 7th house/lord is in Aries sign/Scorpio sign /aspected or associated by Mars,

indicate violent and aggressive nature of the spouse.
• Placement of fiery/separative nature planets, like Sun, Mars, Saturn, and
Rahu/Ketu in 7th house indicates the violent nature of the spouse.
• Scorpion in 7th house associated with nodes.
• Venus and Rahu placed in 7th
• 6/8 placement of lords of ascendant and 7th house.
• Lord of ascendant /7th associated with nodes/functional malefic
• Aspect of at least two retrograde planets on 7th house indicates violent nature of
the spouse.
• Association/aspect of Saturn on the 7th house, conflicts may happen in married
life which can be violent in nature. Major conflicts in marital life is indicated
during Saturn transit
• Ketu on the 7th house, there might be unhappiness in married life and the spouse
may have extra marital affairs.
• Saturn and Rahu, Sun and Mars, Mars and Rahu combine in 7th house indicates
domestic violence.

8th house/sign Scorpio:

• Scorpio/8th house have warlike qualities and is more about domestic violence and
family disputes. It informs us about the chances of divorce and break up in the
marital life of the native.
• 8th house reveals the height of hindrance the natives could face in her married life
and in partnerships.
• 8th house/lords represent genital organs, when afflicted, resulting in sexual
incompetence, further enhances the violent nature of the partner.

12th house:

• Afflictions to the 12th house may cause an immoral sexual life, resulting in
domestic violence.
• Mars and Saturn in 12th house create problems in attitude and co-operation is to
be expected.
• Mars in 12th house increases the desire for sex but reduces the satisfaction level,
resulting in extra marital affairs causing domestic problems.


• Afflicted or weak Jupiter shows selfish nature of married partner.

• Moon is in disharmonious aspect with Jupiter indicates dissatisfaction in married
• Jupiter afflicted by Mars-Saturn-Rahu indicates shrewd intelligence, ignorance,
over-indulgence and conceit of the husband.


• 6/8 placement of Venus and Moon indicates disputes in married life.

• Rahu conjunct Venus gives an erratic, uncontrollable spouse.
• Afflicted Venus and Mercury in 7th, makes the partner inclined towards secret
pleasures, resulting in his abusive nature.
• Venus is conjunct by Mars, indicates problems in marital life including violence
involving the spouse.
• If 7th lord is aspected by Venus occupying a sign of Mars, indicates the animal-
sexual instincts of the husband.

Stomach Ailments and Disorders in Astrology

The stomach is an important organ in the body. It plays a vital role in digestion of foods,
releases various vital enzymes. There are many types of chronic disorders which affect
the stomach, where the normal process of digestion and processing food is hampered due
to several causes.

The planetary positions in a horoscope clearly indicate the nature of the disease one
would suffer from, the time and the cause of physical suffering can be previously
ascertained and an appropriate remedy can be made to minimise the malefic affects.
Factors Responsible For Stomach Ailments

• Sun: fever, bile, Sun causes physical disorders and those arising from Heat.
• Moon: stomach, fluidic and lymphatic systems, diabetes, anaemia
• Mars: inflammatory, bile, gall bladder, boils, burns, tumours, causes
inflammatory disorders.
• Jupiter: absorptive system, diabetes, jaundice, stomach troubles, abscesses.
• Saturn: denotes chronic complaints, stomach troubles, gastric problems, different
forms of cancers, tumours
• Rahu [dragon head]: diseases of spleen, ulcer, diseases difficult to be diagnosed
• Ketu [dragon tail]: stomach troubles, pains, diseases from unknown causes,
• Mercury: abdomen, bowels, bile
• Virgo/6th house: intestinal and digestive organs, abdominal diseases, solar
plexus and bowels
• Scorpio/8th house: excretory system and bladder

Different Combinations for Stomach Problems

Constipation and Flatulent dyspepsia [gastric problem]

• Sun, Moon and Mars in 6th, indicates gastric problems.

• Ascendant is Capricorn/Aquarius, waning Moon and a malefic placed in it.
• Waning Moon and a malefic placed in 6th/8th
• Moon and a malefic posited in 6th and aspected by a malefic
• Ascendant is aspected by Mars and Venus, and a malefic planet posited in 6th and
being aspected by a malefic planet gives the problem of chronic constipation

Dyspepsia and anorexia [impaired function of digestive system]

• 8th lord is weak, malefic planets posited in ascendant and 8th indicates weak
digestive system
• Mars in ascendant and 6th lord is weak
• Lords of 6th and 12th exchange their houses

Diarrhoea and Dysentery

• Jupiter in Virgo/6th, being afflicted

• Venus in 7th with a malefic and aspected by a malefic, causes dysentery and
diarrhoea to the native
• Jupiter and Moon in 6th,in their period and sub period there may be chances of
having the problems of diarrhoea and dysentery


• Sun in 6th, aspected by a malefic and lord of 6th is with malefic chances of
having acidity increases
• Sun in 8th, a malefic in 2nd and the Mars is weak gives the problem of acidity
• Lord of ascendant and mercury are posited in 6th

Peptic ulcer

• Mars in 7th with a malefic and aspected by a malefic gives the problem of peptic
• Moon is with a malefic is being placed in 6th, aspected by a malefic and Mars is
placed in 7th native may suffer from peptic ulcer


• 12th and 6th lords exchange each other houses, the native may suffer from colitis
besides stomach pain

Cancer of abdomen

• 5th house afflicted by Saturn and Rahu gives the problem of stomach cancer
• Lord of 6th/8th/12th house, aspect by Saturn and Rahu give serious diseases like
cancer in that part of body in which the lords are posited. Like 6th lord posited in
5th house aspect by Saturn and Rahu may give stomach cancer.
• Saturn and Mars posited in 6th, aspected by the Sun/Rahu, having weak
ascendant, the native may suffer from prolong stomach problem may resulting in

Ascitis [abdominal dropsy]

• Saturn in Cancer sign and Moon in Capricorn, gives the problem of stomach

Fistula and piles

• Jupiter is with the lord of 6th/8th and placed in 7th/8th house, gives the problem
of fistula and piles
• Ascendant and Mars are in Virgo and associated/aspected by Mercury the disease
of fistula arises
• Lord of ascendant aspected by Mars, gives the problem of piles
• Saturn is placed in ascendant and Mars in 7th, the native may suffer from piles.


• Saturn/Jupiter being lord of 6th, placed in 4th, the native may have vomiting
• Waning Moon and a malefic placed in 6th/8th indicates vomiting tendencies

astro Analysing Female Diseases and

The strictly female anatomical organs include the ovaries, uterus, cervix, fallopian tubes,
vagina, vulva and the breast.

The primary function of these organs is the reproduction; disorders affecting these organs
may often result in infertility and impotency.

Female anatomical disorders are very common; many women will develop the symptoms
of one or more of them during their lifetime.

Causes of female disorders: Age, genetic factors, hereditary factors, sexually

transmitted diseases, hormone imbalance, infections, malnutrition and obesity.

Early astrological detection is imperative in the success rate of recognizing and treating
all female disorders.
Factors responsible for female disorders

• Ascendant: general vitality

• 6th house: indicates diseases
• Venus /7th house/ sign Libra: indication of uterus and ovaries, inflammation of
uterus and ovaries diseases of ovaries, venereal complaints, typhoid, diseases of
generative organs, diabetes, hormonal disorder genital troubles, venereal diseases
the internal parts of the generative organs, produces complaints caused by
excesses sexual pleasures.
• Moon/ 4th house: Moon: Brest, womb, blood, glandular system, tumours, female
reproductive organs, diabetes, anaemia, nervous, asthma, menstrual disorder,
diseases of uterus, and hormonal problems due to ovary hormones.
• 8th house/ sign Scorpio: death, trouble in womb and ovaries, chronic incurable
• Jupiter: significator of tumours and a cancer, arterial system
• Saturn: obstruction, acids, chronicity, incurability, glandular diseases,
depression, injuries sustain from the fall, different forms of cancers, tumours.
• Mars: bleeding, inflammation in body, haemoglobin, injuries, infection and
contagious diseases, haemorrhoids, diseases of uterus, miscarriages and abortions.
• Rahu: contagious diseases, undignostic diseases, intoxication, worries, phobia,
psychological disorder
• Ketu: injuries, accidents, fevers, infections, mysterious diseases, surgery.

Different astrological combinations for female disorders

Common female organ disorders:

Pelvic inflammatory disease, endometriosis PMS, menstrual disorders

• Saturn in sign Scorpio, placed in the 8th house will give diseases of reproductive
organs throughout life.
• Affliction to Moon and Mars in a female astrology chart creates disturbance in
menstrual cycles.
• Afflicted 8th house/lord and sign Scorpio indicate generative organs problems.
• Mars afflicting 7th /8th house and Moon induces endometriosis.
• Venus square Mars gives congestion or the surplus blood being stored in the walls
of the uterus or endometriosis.
• Moon and 8th house/lord afflicted by Mars indicates excess bleeding in menstrual
cycle and pelvic inflammatory diseases.
• Malefic aspects on lords of 6th and 8th houses, guarantees the presence of
venereal diseases or some other disorders of the genital system.
• Mars and Rahu posited in 7th indicate excess bleeding.
• Moon and 8th house/lord afflicted by Saturn indicate scanty flow in menstrual
cycle with severe pain.
• Mars in the 6th house is an indication of acute illness of the genitals (bleeding and
• Venus posited in 6th/8th/12th house indicates common female genitals disorders.
• Lord of ascendant/6th, conjunct with Mercury and Rahu is the sure indication of
female disorders.
• 7th house/lord afflicted by Mars stands for inflammation and endometriosis.

Ovaries disorders:

Include ovarian cysts, polycystic ovary syndrome and ovarian cancer.

• Afflicted sun/moon in sign Scorpio indicates ovarian disorder.

• Venus affliction or Moon Square Mars can bring ovary complaints or trouble.
• 7th house/lord aspected afflicted Moon/Venus can give the polycystic ovary
• 7th/8th house/lord and Venus afflicted by Saturn and Rahu indicates ovary cancer.

Uterus disorders:

Include fibroids, uterine polyps, prolapsed uterus and uterine cancer.

• 8th lord /house is malefic in nature/ posited in inimical sign/debilited/ set/

hammed between malefic/ conjunct and aspected by malefic, indicates uterus
• Lords of 6th and 8th related to each other indicate uterus disorders.
• 8th lord/house and Moon are afflicted by Saturn and Rahu indicates uterus cancer.
• Lord of 8th placed in 6th/12 house and aspected by Saturn and Rahu indicates
uterus cancer.
• 6th lord is placed in 8th/12 and aspected by Saturn and Rahu indicates uterus
• Moon /8th house/sign Scorpio afflicted by Ketu indicate uterus fibroids.

Blocked fallopian tubes

• Venus/Moon being afflicted by Saturn/Rahu indicates blockage in fallopian tubes.

• 7th/8th house afflicted by Saturn and Rahu indicates obstruction in fallopian

Breast disease:

Breast cancer/tumours/lumps

• Moon/sign Cancer being afflicted by Saturn indicates lumps in breast.

• Moon/4th house/sign Cancer badly afflicted by Ketu indicate lumps in the breast.
• Moon /4th house associating with weak Jupiter indicate the symptoms of non
cancerous tumours on the breast.
• 4th house/lord being afflicted by Saturn and Rahu indicates cancerous tumour in
the breast.
• Moon/sign Cancer is afflicted by Saturn and Rahu indicated breast cancer.
• 4th lord posited in 6th/8th/12th house being aspected by Saturn/Rahu indicates
breast cancer.
• Lord of the 6th/8th/12th house placed in 4th house and aspected by Saturn and
Rahu indicates breast cancer.

Vaginal/ bladder / urinary tract infection

Women are more prone to these infections because the female urethra is shorter than the
males and bacteria/virus/yeast can move up to the bladder/vagina more quickly in

• Lords of 4th and 7th posited in 6th/8th /12 house indicates urinary tract infection.
• Lords of 4th and 7th are placed in an inimical sign and aspected by malefic
indicates urinary tract infection.
• Mars in Libra/7th house may cause inflammation of urinary tract by infection.
• Lord of 6th/7th placed along with lord of 12th and aspected by Saturn indicates
venereal infection.
• 8th house/lord and Venus afflicted by Rahu indicates venereal infections.
• Any affliction to Libra/ 7th house or lord by Saturn gives rise to diseases
concerning kidney, bladder and the pelvic region.
• Afflicted Venus in Libra may cause suppression of urine and uraemia.
• Moon, Venus and lord of ascendant combine with the Sun and Rahu; the native
may suffer from syphilis.
• Malefic aspects of Saturn, on Scorpio /8th house, are a predisposition for a
bladder stone.
• Sun in 6th being aspected by Saturn indicates loss of vitality due to excess sex.

Although not a disease restricted to females, osteoporosis seems to prey most often
women over the age of 60.Osteoporosis is caused by low amounts of phosphate and
calcium in bones, causing them to be porous, brittle and more apt to break.

• Afflicted Saturn /sign Capricorn indicates osteoporosis

• Afflicted Sun/sign Leo or Jupiter / sign Sagittarius indicate low bone density
• Sun posited in 6th/8th/12th house, debilited, conjoined or aspected by malefic
planets, gives bone weakness.

Various Types of Skin Diseases Predicted

in Astrology
Skin diseases is a broad terminology used of a variety of skin disorder caused by many
internal and external factors like genetic, viral, bacterial, inflammatory, allergic and
environment hazards.

A skin disease causes misery, incapacity, mental suffering and economic loss to a person
because of its visibility.

By carefully analysing ones horoscope, an astrologer not only can predict the exact cause
of skin problems, but can also suggest some astrological remedies.

Factors Responsible for Skin Disorders

• Ascendant: general mental and physical health

• 2nd house: represent face, pimples on face, facial scars
• 6th house: sickness
• Saturn: natural significator of skin, age related problems, eczema, incurable
• Moon: blood impurity, anaemia
• Venus: beauty of skin
• Mercury: stress in life, skin problems
• Mars: boils, rashes, allergies, measles

Different combination for various skin diseases:


• Afflicted Ascendant and Moon causes blood impurity

• Sun, Mars and Saturn placed together in any house cause leprosy
• A weak malefic planet posited in ascendant and in heavy affliction may induce
• Moon, Saturn and Mars together are posited in Cancer/ Scorpio/ Pisces, native
may suffer from leprosy
• Venus, Saturn, Mars, Moon together placed in a watery sign and in heavy
affliction may cause lingering death due to severe leprosy
• Jupiter and Venus/Moon placed in 6th house and aspected by a malefic
• 6th lord associated with Rahu/Ketu posited in ascendant/8th/10th house may
cause leprosy
• Lords of ascendant, 6th and 8th placed together in 6th house
• If Moon/Mercury as lord of ascendant associated with Rahu/Ketu and aspected by
Saturn causes leprosy


• Moon, Sun and a malefic posited in Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces gives the problem
of leucoderma
• Moon, Venus and a malefic planet placed in a movable sign causes leucoderma
• Mars and Saturn posited in 2nd/12th house, Moon in ascendant, and Sun is placed
in 7th house
• Rahu, Sun, Mars/Saturn associated with Moon and Mercury/ ascendant
• A malefic planet in Cancer/Scorpio/Pisces may cause white patches on the body

Ascendant posited in 8th house associated /aspected by malefic, chances of
having white patches increases
• Moon in ascendant hammed between two malefic planets posited in 2nd and 12th
• Moon, Mars and Saturn together placed in Aries/Taurus


• Mercury and Rahu associated with lord of ascendant/6th, cause eczema

• 6th lord is in inimical sign/inauspiciously placed/retrograde/debilitate cause
• 6th lord is with a malefic and aspected by a malefic being placed in

• Saturn is strong and posited in 3rd with Mars causes itching to the native.

Chickenpox and measles

• Mars in ascendant aspected by Sun and Saturn, native may suffer from
• Sun in ascendant aspected by Mars or Mars in ascendant aspected by sun causes
• 6th lord placed in 7th aspected by Mars.
• Lords of ascendant and 6th placed together with Mars causes measles.
• Saturn in 8th house and Mars in 7th/9th house cause chickenpox.

Boils, pimples, rashes and sores

• Mars with the 6th lord causes skin problems like boils, rashes and sores etc.
• Mars and Ketu placed in 6th/8th causes skin problems.
• Mars and Saturn placed in 6th/12th causes boils [skin abscesses].
• Saturn in 8th and Mars in 7th, causes pimples on the face
• 6th lord and a malefic posited in ascendant/8th, causes boil.
• 6th lord associated with Rahu/Ketu placed in ascendant the native may suffer
from boil.
• Saturn, Mars and Jupiter placed in 4th, the native may have lingering boils
besides having severe heart problems.

ndications of Incest Sexual Relations in

Amazing Free Psychic Forecast

Incest is sexual relations between closed relatives including blood relatives, or relatives
related by adoption or marriage. Incest relations are considered as a social and cultural
taboo in a society.

Incest is a perverted and a derogative sexual behaviors or patterns of an individual

indicating his mental filth and his bestial instincts.
Factors Responsible for Incest relations:

• Ascendant: nature and general aptitude

• 2nd hose: close relatives, family
• 3rd/11th houses: younger/elder brothers and sisters
• 4th house: mother, mind of a person.
• 6th house: maternal relatives, and keep.
• 7th house: spouse, sex, sexual relation and married life.
• 9th house: father, grandchildren's.
• Moon: significator of mother, mental tendencies of the native.
• Sun: significator of father, intrinsic qualities of the person.
• Jupiter: husband, grandparents, children, father like figures.
• Venus: wife, semen, bed pleasures.
• Mars: brothers/sisters in laws and courage for sexual pleasure, biological
• Rahu [dragon head]: related to maternal uncle denotes sexual hunger.
• Ketu [dragon tail]: related to father, innate unconscious tendencies, secret
relationships, unnatural sexual tendencies, and sexual dissatisfaction.

Different Combinations for Incest Relations

• The Moon or Venus joins a quadrant, in conjunction or aspect by a malefic, and

an evil planet should occupy the 4th house. The person will be guilty of
committing adultery with own mother or mother like figures like step mother,
preceptor's wife, ruler's wife, brother's wife, mother of the wife.

• If the lord of 7th and Venus are in conjunction in the 4th house and are aspect or
associated with malefic. The person will be guilty of adultery with his own

• Venus, Saturn and Mars join the Moon in 7th house. Both the husband and wife
will be guilty of adultery. The Moon - Saturn association denotes mental
depression, and sexual urge denoted by Mars-Venus association the deliberate
hunters for opportunities crosses all the barriers of social and religious norms and
commit incest. Relation with the wife of the younger brother, the children of the
maternal uncle is indicated.
• If Sun is posited in 9th house, and the lord of 9th house is in
debilitation/inimical/eclipsed, the incest with father or preceptor is indicated.

• Moon with a malefic in 9th, the native will meet his teacher's wife or the spouse
of the younger brother of the wife.

• Rahu/mercury in 6th house, is badly afflicted, denotes relation with maternal

uncle, and having a secret sexual relationship.

impotence and Infertility in Astrology

Impotence is a medical/psychological dysfunctional problem characterized by the
inability to develop or maintain a sufficient or a satisfactory sexual performance.

The infertility is the state of being unable to produce offspring.

Astro -analysing the factors responsible for impotence and infertility in a native, we can
determine the root cause of the problem.

Factors responsible for impotence and infertility:

• Ascendant: general mental and physical abilities of the native

• Sign Libra: indicates sexual pleasures, generative organs
• 7th house: sensuous enjoyment, sex desires, private organs, health of the partner
• Moon: mental strength, movement of vital forces in the body like body's fluids,
blood and lymph. Female reproductive functions pregnancy, nursing, menopause,
primary indicator of fertility
• Mars: acute illness, elevated body metabolism, venereal diseases
• Sun: denotes constitutional vigour and metabolism
• Venus: reproductive organs, sexual activities
• Saturn: chronicle diseases, weak metabolic powers, retention and deposits of
toxins, sluggish function of body parts, hypo functioning of endocrine glands,
coldness, and obstruction

Combinations for Impotence:

• Saturn and Venus in 8th/10th with no benefice aspect induc
• Mars in Libra indicates problems to sexual organs, displeasure in the bed.
• Mars and Sun / Mars and Rahu in Libra indicate disturbed pleasure and disease in
generative organs.
• 4 planets in Libra indicates sexual incompetence.
• Weak and afflicted Venus in 7th house indicates either wife will be barren or
husband may be impotent
• Mars with a malefic posited in 7th house indicates impotence caused by urinary
• Saturn and Venus in 8th/10th with no benefice aspect induces impotence.
• Saturn in depression in 6th or 12th house.
• Saturn is 6th/12th from Venus.
• Saturn is posited 12th from the Venus.
• Moon in Libra aspected by Mars, Rahu, and Saturn, the native will be impotent.
• Ascendant in its own house and aspecting Venus, being posited in 7th house
indicates impotence.
• Moon and Saturn posited in 4th or 10th from Mars indicates impotence.
• Lord of 6th house is associated with Mercury and Rahu and ascendant's lord is
related to them in any way.
• 6th lord, Mars and Saturn posited in Gemini/Virgo ascendant, only the male
partner will be impotent.
• The lord of 7th joins the 6th house with Venus indicates native's wife will be
• 6th lord posited in Gemini/Virgo ascendant and aspected / associated by Mercury
indicates both partner will be impotent.

Combinations for infertility:

• Sun in even sign and moon in odd sign related to each other
• Saturn in even sign and mercury in odd sign related to each other
• Sun in even sign and mars in odd sign related to each other
• Ascendant and moon both in odd sign and are affected by mars posited in the
even sign
• Moon in odd sign and mercury in even sign, both aspected by the Mars
• Venus, Moon, ascendant are in male signs
• Venus in 6th/8th/12th/house or with 6th lord induces infertility in the native
• Lords of 6th and ascendant are with Mercury and Rahu, shows problem in
generative parts
• Venus in 7th house aspected/associated by Saturn and Mars, infertility is
• Ascendant is in 6th house and lord's of the 6th house is with Mercury, the native
will be infertile.
• Mercury, Venus and Jupiter are all in the 8th house indicates infertility
• Mars is in 7th house aspected by Saturn
• Mars and Saturn are situated together in the 7th house
• Mercury join ascendant in association with the lords of the 6th and 8th indicates
the native may suffer from incurable sexual diseases resulting in infertility.

Heart Problems in Astrology

Heart disease is an umbrella term used for a variety of different diseases affecting the
heart. Some common heart diseases are coronary heart disease, hypertension, heart
failure, and congenital heart disease, disorders of the heart valves, heart infections,
cardiomyopathy, conduction disorders, and heart arrhythmias.

The natal chart of a person can indicate whether the person is likely to have a heart
disease or not.

Factors responsible for heart problems:

• Ascendant: is prime indicator of health

• 4th house: represent heart
• Sign Leo: rules heart, spine and back of body
• Sign Cancer: rules chest and epigastric region
• Sign Sagittarius: rules arterial system and nerves
• Sun: signifies heart and blood circulation
• Moon: governs fluids in body like blood
• Jupiter: denotes arterial system, blood and body- fat
• Mercury: nervous system connected with heart
• Mars: muscular parts, blood, and circulatory system of body
• Saturn: represents obstructions and blockages in body metabolism
• Rahu: Dragon head denotes high blood pressure and chronic diseases
• Ketu: Dragon tail denotes low blood pressure and blood clots

Different Combinations for Heart Problems:

• Saturn is the single most factor responsible for prolong heart problem. If 4th
house/ Cancer sign/Leo sign/ Sagittarius sign/Sun is afflicted by Saturn either by
association or by malefic conjunctions, the person is amenable to heart diseases.
• Sun afflicted by Rahu, indicates heart problems.
• The lord of 4th house is debilitated/combust/in inauspicious house/very
infant/very old age/hammed between malefic, indicates weak and problematic
heart conditions.
• If 4th house is badly afflicted by Saturn /Mars/Rahu, damage to the heart is
• Ascendant, 4th house and Moon afflicted by Ketu indicates malfunctions of heart.
• Mars and Ketu afflicting 4th house, the naive may have heart attacks in his life
• If Rahu/Ketu afflicts Sun/Moon/Jupiter/Mercury/Leo sign/Cancer sign/Sagittarian
sign/4th house, the native may definitely suffers from malfunctioning of heart.
• If Sun and 4th house both afflicted by Mars either by association or by
conjunction, then only surgery for heart problem is possible .If they are not
related in any way, then heart surgery is not possible.
• If 4th house and Mars related to 8th house or lord/Saturn in any manner then the
person died of heart ailment.
• The indication of the timing is given by the operating period/sub-period of
weak,afflicted, significator planets.

Sexual Scandals and Disasters in

Inclination for extreme sensual pleasures stems from the strong animal instincts of a
person. Sometimes the native strives for fulfilment of desires of sensual pleasures leaving
all social norms, disregarding the age, sex, and marital status of the other person. These
types of over- sexed and perverted sexual- patterns or behaviours of a person generate
scandals and disasters in the society.

Now with the help of integrated analytical approach in astrology, we can analyse the
factors responsible for derogative and perverted sexual patterns of a person.

Factors Responsible For Sexuality:

• Ascendant---individuality of the person

• Sign Libra--- satisfactory results in love affair and conjugal bliss
• 5th house/lord---indicates love affairs and sexual intercourse.
• 7th house from Ascendant/Sun/Moon--- represents wife/husband, marriage,
marital happiness, and sexual pleasures.
• 8th house/sign Scorpio---passion for carnal pleasures
• Moon---emotions, desires of human mind, and give courage for passions for sex
• Venus---significator of wife in male chart, maintain sexual activities.
• Mars--- martial planet, courage, passion for carnal pleasures.
• Jupiter---significator of husband, in female chart.
• Saturn ---offers obstacles in life
• Rahu---denotes lust and perverted behaviours

Different Combinations for Sexual scandals and disasters:

Sign Libra

• Sign Libra is owned by Moon and Venus sexual appeal is enhanced. If they are
further aspected by Rahu/Mars the native will involves in corrupt sexual practices.

• If Libra sign is owned by 4 or more than 4 planets domestic pleasure, cohabitation

and conjugal life will get disturbed.

7th house

• 7th lord/Venus be conjoined with nodes Rahu/Ketu and be aspected by a malefic

the native or his wife will be adulterous.
• Mars, mercury and Venus in 7th, with no benefice aspects and Jupiter is not in
quadrant, render the native passionate and make him seek unnatural sources of
• Different position for 7th lord

1. In ascendant---the native become highly sexual and attracted towards other

women. And if 1st lord is also posited in 7th the native will become hetro-sexual.
2. In 2nd house---native will not be satisfied with his wife.
3. In 8th house---native will visits prostitutes, and loves others women in
comparison to his wife.
4. In 12th house--- wife of the native will be highly sexual in nature.


• Afflicted Saturn in 4th house, the native will commit incest.

• Saturn in 5th/7th house the native will get pleasure from old women.
• Saturn with Moon/Venus/Mars, gives adulterous nature.
• Saturn in quadrant in its own sign/exaltation the native will become highly sexual.


• Afflicted Jupiter in 1st/7th/10th/12th house, the native may cross any limit for
sexual gratification.
• Jupiter in 6th house in a male sign makes a person sensuous.


• Afflicted Moon/Venus in 9th, the native will violate his teacher's bed.
• Weak Moon joins a malefic in 7th house, the native will corrupt a married
• Moon forming bad aspect with Venus, gives pleasure with other's partner.
• If Moon is in the 7th and debilitated, sex relations will take place with maid
• Moon in 12th house in Pisces, the native will become highly sexual.


• Venus in 7th makes one very -very passionate.

• If Venus in Ascendant with lords of 2nd/7th/6th, the native's moral character will
be questionable.
• Venus combines Mars/Rahu or aspected by them, native will have illegal
• Afflicted Venus and Mercury in 7th, makes the native inclined towards secret


• Mars in 8th /9th/12th houses, the sexual-urge increases many folds.

• Mars in the 7th house with no benefices aspects, intercourse occurs with
immature girls.
• Mars in 7th with Saturn the native may have homosexual tendencies
Sexual behaviour like animal

• If Mars and a malefic in 7th house

• If Sun in 7th and Mars in 4th house
• If Mars in 4th and Rahu in 7th house
• If 7th lord is aspected by Venus occupying a sign of Mars
• Malefic in three of quadrants
• 4th house occupied by lords of 2nd/7th/10th house, the native will hunt after
another woman.

Salvation or Liberation or Moksha in

has to archive four objectives of lives viz. Dharma, Kama, Arartha and Moksha.

The soul is the reflection of the Supreme Being. A reflection in a looking glass is not
injured on its breaking. In the same manner, the soul, the reflection of the Supreme
Being mirrored in the internal sense, endures as long as the reflecting medium, the
internal sense, exists. When it is destroyed, the soul is librated or obtains

By carefully observing a correct horoscope a learned astrologer can predict, whether a

person can or cannot attain the highest level of consciousness and the ultimate goal of
liberation or moksha.

Factors Responsible for Liberation/Salvation

• Ascendant: disclosing one's physical abilities, health and inclination of mind.

• 5th house: indicates feelings/sentiments and faith in God's existence.
• 9th house: provides clue of act of religious and spiritual activities like
pilgrimage, construction of temple/mosque/church etc.
• 12th house: indicates liberation/salvation /moksha.
• Jupiter: is a religious planet.
• Saturn: is a spiritual planet.
• Sun: indicates soul of a person.
• Moon: indicates one's mental state.
• Ketu [Dragon's tail]: is a mysterious planet which governs spiritual

Different Combinations for Salvation/Moksha

• Relation between lords of ascendant, 5th, 9th and 10th houses, indicates the native
will be a very advance seeker of the God.
• Sun joining Saturn or mutual aspecting each other or in quadrant to each other,
makes a person notable in spiritual field.
• In astrology the Sun represents one's soul and its strength. The Sun in 12th house
indicates marked improvement in later part of life in the field of spiritualism.
• Jupiter and Saturn related to 5th or 9th house/lords.
• Jupiter/Saturn/Sun/Moon/Ketu related to 5th/9th/12th houses/lords.
• Placement of Jupiter or Ketu [Dragon's tail] or both in 12th houses, indicates
salvation in this birth or the next birth happens with less intensity of pain and
• Moon joining or aspecting Saturn may give mass-support for the spiritual
• Saturn place in 9th house, makes a person the seeker of liberation or moksha.
• Lords of 5th, 9th and 10th combined in 12th house, gives salvation to the native.
• Saturn being the lord of ascendant is related to 5th, 9th and 10 houses/lords.
• Moon and Saturn posited in each other's house, aspecting each other.

Home Page > Spirituality > Astrology > Delay and Denial of Marriage in Astrology

Delay and Denial of Marriage in

Around the world the marriage plays a vital role in every society. Generally everybody
thinks of a pleasant and peaceful married life. But in some cases either the individual
lives without marriage at all or marriages very late in the life. Now we have to see the
reasons for delay and denial of marriage using the science of astrology.

Factors responsible for delay and denial of marriage

• Ascendant: personality of the native

• Houses/lords: The 2nd, 4th, 5th, 7th, and the 8th houses/lords are responsible for
married life.
• Saturn: offers obstacles in the life.
• Venus: is the significator of marriage for males
• Jupiter: the significator of marriage for females
• Moon: mental capabilities and inclination of the native

Different combinations for delay in marriage:

• Saturn posited in ascendant/3rd/5th/7th/10th house, makes delay in marriage.
• Any type of relation between Moon and Saturn forms Punarphoo yoga. There
will be some obstacles present not only during negotiation but also at the time of
fixation and even at the time of celebration of the marriage.
• Lord of 7th house posited in 6th house, cause delay in marriage.
• Saturn combines/aspects Sun/Moon/Venus, delayed marriage is indicated.
• Sun is posited in ascendant and Saturn is placed in 7th house, delayed marriage.
• Saturn and Moon combines in 7th house.
• Rahu/Mars posited 7th from the Saturn, indicate delayed marriage.
• Venus is associated/aspects to Sun/Moon.
• Venus placed in Cancer/Leo sign and aspected by Sun/Moon, indicates extremely
delay in marriage.
• Venus and Sun are at more than 43 degree apart in the natal chart, indicates
delayed marriage.
• Ascendant/7th house is hammed between malefic planets.
• Ascendant and Venus are in Gemini/Leo/Virgo/Sagittarius signs, indicates delay
in marriage.
• Rahu with a malefic, posited in 5th/7th/9th house.
• Lord of 7th/9th house placed in 6th/8th/12th house.
• Malefic planet present in 2nd house, or lord of 2nd house is placed in 12th house.
• Lord of 2nd combines with the lord of 8th house.
• Lord of 2nd house is retrograde, or a retrograde planet is being posited in 2nd
house, indication of delay marriage.
• Lord of 7th is retrograde or a retrograde planet is placed in 7th house.
• Lord of 6th/8th/12 posited/combined/aspect the 7th house/lord indicates delayed
• Saturn aspects lord of ascendant/Venus/Sun/Moon, delayed marriage is indicated.
• Rahu/Ketu and Saturn influence the 2nd house, indicates delay in marriage.

Different combinations for denial of marriage

• Denial of marriage is possible where there is strong malefic influence to the 7th
house, 7th lord, Venus, Jupiter, 2nd house, and 2nd lord.
• If the 7th lord/planets present in 7th house are infant/old
age/debilitated/combust/afflicted/weak/in inimical sign .
• The lord of 7th house is situated in 6th, 8th or 12th house [inauspicious houses] or
in inimical sign without the association of any benefice planet.
• The lord of 7th house is also the lord of 6th, 8th and 12th house.
• Venus combines with Saturn and Mars and situated in 7th house from Moon.
• If the ascendant and 7th lord combines in an inauspicious house, the native will
not marry at all.
• Saturn in Scorpio and Moon aspects it, no marriage is indicated.
• In male horoscope Moon/Venus occupies Capricorn and Saturn aspect it from an
inauspicious house, denotes no marriage.
• In the case of female horoscope, Sun/Jupiter occupies Capricorn and the Saturn
aspect from an inauspicious house denies married life.
• A very practical combination has been watched over a pretty long time for
extremely delayed and denied of marriage is - if Moon-Mars-Ketu [dragon tail]
posited in a line in a horoscope without having any planets between them.
• Two malefic planets in 7th and 12th house and Moon occupies the 5th house.
• Venus and Mars combines in 5th/7th/9th houses.

Marital Compatibility: Conjugal Bliss

and Discord in Astrology

Everyone thinks of a pleasent, prosperous and a peaceful life after getting married. To
get adjustment in wedded life, each of the partners should share equal amount of love,
affection, sympathy, amicable understanding and similar mental aptitude. Marriage
Compatibility is viewed essential for happy marital life.

Sometimes there are marriages having inharmonious relationship, resulting in marital

discord. The reasons can be many including the economical, lack of physical and
psychological compatibility, extra marital affairs, aggressive attitude, selfish nature, etc.
Discords have two dimensions one peaceful separation/divorce and other violent
quarrels/abusive disputes followed by court cases

Factors governing married life:

• Ascendant: own mental, physical and emotional capabilities

• 5t house: strength of the marriage relation

• 7th house: marriage partner

• Moon: revels the desires of mind

• Mars: assists in strengthen the sexual instinct

• Venus: maintains sexual activity, significator of wife

• Jupiter: significator of husband

Combinations for a sweet conjugal married life:

• 5/9 placement of lords of ascendant and 7th house. Sweet conjugal married life is

• Exalted Moon/Venus being placed in 7th house.

• Lords of 5th and 7th houses exchange houses.

• Lords of ascendant, 5th and 7th placed in 5th house, indicates sentimental love
bond, in married life.

• Moon is aspected/associated by Venus, indicates a good marriage compatibility.

• Moon placed in 7th house, indicates a beautiful/handsome life partner.

• Moon in Libra indicates peaceful sexual relationship in a married life.

• Venus posited in 5th house , indicates favourable love matters and sexual ability
of the partner.

• Married life will be highly compatible if the ascendant of the woman becomes 7th
from the man's ascendant, or vice-versa.

• If Mars owns its own house in Aries/Scorpio or is positioned in exaltation, or if it

is located in 4th / 7th house being the lord of 7th house from
Moon/Venus/Ascendant, indicates a sweet conjugal life.

• Lord of the ascendant is present in the ascendant, and the lord of the 7th house is
present in the 7th house, indicates a successful married life.

• Venus, Jupiter, Moon and Mercury place in 7th house will make the life
wonderful after a miraculous turn of the life.

• Mercury/Moon/Sun being the significator of 7th house, receives beneficial aspect

from the 11th house.

• Venus and Mars are in good aspect, and not the significator of

• Jupiter/Venus and the lord of 7th house are placed 2/11th to each other.

• Location of Mars in 1st/2nd/4th/7th/8th house from the

ascendant/Moon/Sun/Venus creates Mangalik- dosha which creates problem in
the married life of the native, however the malevolent effects of the Mars will be
removed if Mars is located in a moveable sign like Aries/Cancer/Libra/Capricorn
in these houses.

Combinations for marital-discords:

• Lords of ascendant and 7th are placed 6th /8th to each other. Indicates disturb
married life.

• 6/8th placement of Moon and Venus, marital discord will present.

• Lords of ascendant/7th house combined with nodes [Rahu/Ketu] and function

malefic indicates disturbance in married life.

• At least two retrograde planets aspect 7th house.

• Lords of 8th/12th houses posited in 3rd house, and nodes/malefic planets are
present in the 7th house. Divorce or separation is indicated.

• A combination of Saturn and Rahu, Mars and Rahu, and Sun and Mars present in
the horoscope , indicates disputes in married life.

• Sun as the significator of 2nd/7th/11th house, receives evil aspect from the Moon.

• Malefic present in 7th house and receive bad aspect from the significator of
6th/8th/12th houses.
• Saturn present in 7th house indicates unhappy married life.

• Moon is in disharmonious aspect with the Jupiter , indicates sexual dissatisfaction

in married life.

• Moon is in the bad aspect of Venus indicates adulterous nature of the partner
resulting in marital-discord.

• Venus and Mercury present in 7th/8th/10th house.

• Sun present in 7th house may induce separation in the married life.

• Venus and Rahu present in 7th house, indicate highly adulterous nature of the
native, resulting in marital-discord.

• Mars especially when debilitated, forming relationship with ascendant/7th

house/lord makes the native aggressive and ill-tempered and gives enough reason
for martial –discord.

• Mars combined with Rahu/Ketu makes the native/spouse stray, resulting in

marital –discord.

Love marriage prediction in astrology

A love marriage is a union of two individuals based upon mutual love, understanding,
affection, and commitment. True love between a man and a woman leads to marriage.
Astrologically it is possible to predict whether the native will have love marriage or
arranged one.
Factors governing love marriage:

• 5th house/lord: inclination towards sensual or lascivious pleasure

• 7th house/lord: marriage, spouse, love, harmony.

• Venus: significator of wife, sexual pleasure, erotic in nature

• Moon: governs emotions

• Jupiter: significator of husband

• Saturn: touch/feeling

• Rahu: unconventional in manner, craving for sensual pleasure

Combinations for love marriage:

• When moon, Venus and Saturn get connected, the broad indication is that the
native is prone to love marriage.

• Lords of 5th and 7th houses exchange signs.

• Lords of 5th and 7th hoses placed together.

• Lord of 5th is posited in 7th house or lord of 7th is placed in 5th house,
possibility of having love marriage is indicated.

• Lords of 5th and 7th house combined in 5th /7th house or aspect each other.

• Lord of ascendant aspect/associate/exchange sign with 7th house, indicates

love marriage.

• Jupiter is in malefic influence in a female horoscope.

• Venus is in a malefic influence in a male horoscope.

• Rahu posited in ascendant and 7th house is not influenced by Jupiter in any
way, indicates love marriage.

• Lords of 7th and 11th lords exchange signs, and Mars is posited in 5th house.

• Lords of ascendant, 5th, and 7th houses are malefic in nature, and related to
8th house, possibility of having love marriage increases.

• Venus combined with Jupiter/Mercury in a quadrant/trine.

• Venus is placed 5th/9th from ascendant/Moon, indicates love marriage.

• Moon combined with the lord of ascendant in the ascendant.

• Moon combined with the lord of 7th house in the 7th house.

• Second house from ascendant/Moon/Sun is heavily afflicted, love marriage

may be predicted.

• Rahu and Mars combined in 7th house.

• Lord of 7th house combined with Mars and Rahu in Taurus/Libra sign.

• Sagittarius/Piscean is the sign of 9th house, and Saturn/Rahu aspects 7th, 9th
house and Jupiter, indicates love marriage.

Indication of Having Early Progeny or

Issues in the Horoscope
Some women in their early 20s found great meaning in marriage and parenting. These
women find their goals and fulfillments in loving and caring for a child and feel that an
early motherhood placed them on a new path and gave a new meaning and depth to their

An early motherhood transformed their worlds and created a new moral horizon for how
they should live.

Factors responsible for having progeny or issues

• Ascendant and its lord

• 5th house/lord: stands for progeny or issues
• Planets aspecting/occupying ascendant/5th house/lord
• Jupiter: is a natural significator of progeny

Different combinations for early progeny or issues

• If the lord of 5th is placed near the 5th house or the lord of ascendant, a child will
be born when the native is very young.
• Lords of ascendant / 5th or both are in quadrant/ exaltation /in own sign/ in
friendly signs/ associated or aspected by benefice/in auspicious conjunction.
• Lords of ascendant and 5th exchange each other's house.
• Lords of 5th and ascendant are associated, in the horoscope of the native.
• House/lords of 5th and ascendant are in even signs.
• Ascendant and 5th lords aspect each other.
• Either Lord of ascendant or 5th posited in ascendant/5th house and aspected by
other planet.
• Formations of above combinations in the Moon chart.
• Lords of 5th and ascendant are not debilited/combust /in inauspicious house/in
inimical signs / afflicted.

Sample horoscope


Time---8.05 am


[The native got issue within ten months of the marriage]

Ascendant: Virgo

1st house: Mercury

2nd house: Ketu

3rd house: Moon and Mars

7th house: Saturn

8th house: Rahu

11th house: Jupiter

12th house: Venus and Sun


• Lord of ascendant is powerful and posited in ascendant.

• Lord of 5th Saturn, is posited in 7th house and aspects the ascendant.
• Lord of ascendant the Mercury aspects the lord of 5th house.
• In Moon chart lord of 5th the Jupiter aspects the Moon sign and the Mars [lord of
the Moon sign].

lanetary Combinations For A

Mathematician In Astrology
According to astrology the excellent mental capacity and the extra -ordinary power of
brilliance, logic and calculations are the factors indicative of the native's interest in
mathematics. Education and intelligence are closely related.

Factors Responsible For Interest in Mathematics

· Ascendant: general human capabilities

· 2nd 4th and 9th house: stand for education

· 5th house: intellect, memory,

· 10th house: higher education

· Jupiter: significator of education

· Mercury: significator of intelligence, logic and calculations

· Moon: inclination of mind

Different combinations for a mathematician

· Jupiter in quadrant, indicates the interest of the native in maths

· Jupiter in quadrant, Mercury being the lord of 2nd house and Venus is exalted / in own
sign, the native will be well versed in maths.

· Mars in 2nd with a benefice and aspected by Mercury or the Mercury in quadrant shows
interest in maths

· Jupiter in quadrant/trine or the venue is in exaltation and the Mars posited in 2nd or in
quadrant aspected by Mercury the native will excels in maths.

· Mercury and Moon in quadrant or lord of 3rd is with Mercury posited in quadrant, the
native will be very good in calculations

· Mercury is posited sixth from Saturn and the Jupiter is in 2nd the native will excels in
predictive astrology.

· Moon and Mars in 2nd aspected by the Mercury or Mercury being the lord of 2nd house
is in its own sign /exalted and Jupiter is posited in Ascendant and Saturn in 8th house the
native will be a very great mathematici

Premature Death of Children by Curses

in Astrology
A curse is a very strong negative enteric electricity of hate and destruction forcefully
directed to a person. Loss of progeny is a heart rending misfortune .Curses works on
subtle plane when a man is angry or out of temper, reasons and logic are generally
thrown to back seat. Affliction to fifth house surely causes premature deaths of children.
Whether or not we believe in blessing or curses, they surely work.

Various combinations dealt with premature deaths by curses

Curse by father

The native will loss issues on account of his father wrath

• In Aries ascendant, Sun as a lord of 5th house posited in trins and hemmed in
between or aspected by malefic.
• Jupiter in Leo sign, malefic in 5th house, Sun is associated with lords of ascendant
and 5th house
• As the lord of 9th house, Mars joins lord of 5th house, malefic in ascendant and

Curse by Mother

Death of children due to curses from mothers.

• Lords of 5th and 8th houses exchange their houses, lord of 4th house and Moon
join in 6th house

Curse by Brothers

Death of children due to curses from brothers

• Lords of ascendant and 5th house join in 8th house, lord of 3rd house combines
with Mars and Rahu [dragon head] in 5th house

Curse by spirits and ghosts

Children will die mysteriously through the curse of spirits, ghosts and devils having
subtle bodies.

• Saturn and Sun join in 5th house, weak Moon in the 7th house, Rahu in ascendant
and Jupiter in 12th house.

Curse by serpent

There will be death of children due to the curse of serpents

• 5th house being a sign of Mars, should be occupied by Rahu

• The significator of children the Jupiter is associated with Mars, Rahu in
ascendant, and 5th lord in inauspicious house
• 5th lord is in conjunction of Rahu, and Saturn in 5th house associated or aspected
by Moon


Raja Yogas
1. This science is mainly useful to rulers. Hence I explain in this Ch. the configurations,
that make one a king.
2. KINGLY/WEALTHY YOGAS. One born in a royal scion will become a ruler, if 3, or
4 planets, with strength, occupy their exaltation/Mulatrikona Signs at birth. If 5, or 6
planets be so placed, even a person of mean birth will attain rulership. If one, or two
heavenly bodies be so, the native will only be rich, being equal to a king, but not really be
a king.
3. According to Yavanas, if only malefics are exalted, the native will become a king
indulging, in cruel deeds. But, as per Jeevasarma, such planets will make one valorous,
but not a king. One with such a Yoga (according to Kalyanavarma) will be honoured and
will become the head of a region.
4. Explained below are the Yogas, that will make even a person of base birth a king,
according to Shastras.
5. If all the four of the Sun, Mars, Saturn and Jupiter, or three of them, be exalted and one
of them be simultaneously in the Ascendant, a total of 16 kinds of Raja Yogas are
formed. One born even in a mean caste with such a Yoga will become a ruler. Again a
different group of 16 Raja Yogas are formed, if one, or two out of the above four planets
are in exaltation, while one of the exalted planets occupies the Ascendant, as the Moon
remains in Cancer. According to great sages, these 32 Yogas will make one a ruler, who
reigns the whole earth, as though it is just a garden.
6. If at the time of birth either the Ascendant, or the Moon be in Vargothama Navāńśa
and be in aspect to 5, or 6 planets other than the Moon (when the Ascendant being
considered) one will become a king in spite of his having taken birth in a mean family. 7.
If at birth Aries be the Ascendant containing the Moon, Mars and Jupiter one will become
an emperor of the whole earth encircled by the seas and the Udayagiri (i.e. the mountain,
from which the Sun etc. are supposed to rise) and will roaringly destroy his enemies.
8. Should Jupiter be in Cancer, while Mars occupies Aries identical with the Ascendant,
or should both Jupiter and Mars be in Aries Ascendant, the native will become a ruler
whose enemies dare not approach him, while his minister will be favourable to him.
9. Should the Moon be in the 11th House along with Venus and Jupiter, while Aries,
Capricorn and Virgo are occupied by their Lords, one born in Virgo Ascendant will
doubtlessly become a very knowledgeable king.
10. If Cancer Ascendant contain the Moon with full bright rays, while the 7th, 6th, 4th,
10th and 3rd are, respectively, occupied by Mercury, Sun, Venus, Jupiter and Saturn, the
native will become a ruler. Simultaneously Mars should be conjunct Saturn.
11. Should Taurus ascend at birth with the Full Moon, as Aquarius, Leo and Scorpio are
tenanted, respectively, by Saturn, the Sun and Jupiter, the native will become a king with
abundant riches and with conveyances.
12. If Capricorn Ascendant birth along with Saturn, while Pisces, Gemini, Virgo and
Sagittarius are, respectively, occupied by the Moon, Mars, Mercury and Jupiter, one will
become a ruler equal to Indra, Lord of the Lords.
13. If the Moon is in Pisces identical with Ascendant, while Capricorn, Aquarius and Leo
are in their order occupied by Mars, Saturn and the Sun, one will become a ruler well
versed in all arts.
14. One will become an unconquerable king, with knowledge of the Vedas, if he takes
birth in Capricorn Ascendant with exalted Mars, if it opposed by Full Moon in Cancer.
15. If exalted Sun is in the Ascendant along with the Moon, the native will become a
ruler, who will be endowed with pleasing appearance and with whose very reminiscence
the enemies will shed tears and will sparkle fire of grief in their hearts.
16. Should Venus, Mars and Jupiter by respective]y placed in Aquarius, Aries and
Cancer, one born so will become a king spreading his fame to all the directions.
17. If the planet Jupiter, with the splendour of heated yellow metal, be in Cancer identical
with Ascendant, while the Sun is in the 10th in Aries and the Moon, Mercury and Venus
are in Taurus (in the 11th), one will conquer the entire earth with his own prowess.
18. The native will become a king, if the Moon occupies Sagittarius along with Jupiter,
while Mars occupies Capricorn and Mercury in Virgo in Ascendant.
19. If the Luminaries occupy the first half of Sagittarius, while Saturn is exalted, with
exceeding strength, in Libra Ascendant and Mars is in Capricorn, one will become a ruler
whose valour will provoke only honour from his foes.
20-21. CHANDRADHI YOGA. Adhi Yoga is caused by all benefics being in the 6th, 7th
and 8th from the Moon. These Houses should exclude the Sun and not receive any aspect
from malefics. One born with this Yoga will become a king possessing a kingdom
boundaried by seas whose band of intoxicated elephants will eke out ichor, which the
black forest bees will drink (mistaking the ichor to be flower's honey). Such a native will
be immune to senescence and sickness, be bereft of fear from enemies, be valorous,
fortunate and happy.
22. Mercury in exaltation in the Ascendant, the Moon and Jupiter in Pisces, Mars and
Saturn in Capricorn, while Venus is in Gemini: this configuration will produce a ruler
destroying his enemies. The dust formed by the movements of his elephant Army will
darken the entire earth.
23. One will become a king with the following planetary configuration prevailing at the
time of birth: The Sun and Jupiter in Leo, Saturn in Aquarius, the Moon in Taurus, Mars
in Scorpio and the Ascendant in Aries.
24. A famous king will be produced, if Aries be the Ascendant at birth along with the Sun
therein, Jupiter be in Sagittarius and the Moon with Saturn is in Libra.
25. If the three planets, viz. Jupiter, Mercury and Venus occupy such Rāśis, which are
angular to their respective own Rāśis and be in the process conjunct Saturn, Mars and the
Sun, while the Moon is in Taurus, the native will become a king purifying the (four)
directions with his unstained fame. The native born in Aries Ascendant with the Sun in
deep exaltation will rule the earth boundaried by the seas.
26. Should the Moon be in the 4th House simultaneously falling in a watery Navāńśa and
be with all her splendour, while a benefic is in its own House identical with the
Ascendant and malefics are away from Angles, a king is born.
27. The Moon in the state of her Fullness, if be in aspect to Venus, Jupiter and Mercury,
while the Lord of the Ascendant is endowed with strength, one so born will become a
king. The Ascendant in question should be in a Dual Sign and be in Vargothamamsa.
28. The native, who has three, or four benefic planets in Vargothamamsa will become a
king. These planets should be in Angles, not combust, be not weak and be free from the
company of malefics.
29. Even, if a single benefic is in Vargothamamsa, the native will become a king,
provided the planet in question is strong and be in aspect to a friendly planet.
30. The Full Moon in Cancer Ascendant not falling in inimical subdivisions, will make
one a king endowed with gems elephants and horses, provided he has a benefics aspect,
while all the other planets occupy Seershodya Signs.
31. If the dispositor of the Moon is in the 3rd, 6th, 10th, or 11th counted from the Moon
herself, one born so will become a ruler comparable to Lord Indra provided malefics are
bereft of strength and benefics be in Angles identical with Rāśis owned by benefics.
Alternatively, these benefics instead of falling in such Rāśis may be in such Navāńśas
ruled by benefics.
32. The native will become such a valorous king whose Army's very roaring will quake
the earth, if in his radix all planets, being strong, occupy their respective deep exaltation
points in aspect to friendly planets and without inimical aspects.
33. Should the Moon be in her deep exaltation degree in aspect to Venus, while all
malefics are relegated to 3rd, 6th, 9h and 12th Houses, one will become a king.
34. If the Ascendant Lord and the Moon Sign Lord are together in an Angle at birth, in
aspect to auspicious and friendly planets, unaspected by malefics and not being defeated
by enemies, the native will become a plentiful king. Alternatively the Moon should be in
Lagna and the Lagna Lord in the 9th thereof. The black forest bees consuming the ichor
of his Army elephants will sing the glory of such native in all directions.
35. Find out, if the Ascendant is the exaltation Sign of any planet. If the planet in
question is aspected by a benefic from an Angle a king is born. However, the first
mentioned planet should be in own Navāńśa, or friendly Navāńśa, or exaltation Navāńśa.
36. Saturn with strength, the Sun, Mars, the Moon, Venus and Mercury, respectively,
positioned in the second half of Capricorn, Leo, Aries, Cancer, Libra and Virgo will
make one an emperor, who will be endowed with spotless fame protecting his population.

37. If all the planets are in Vargothamamsa and are radiant the native will become an
emperor of the whole earth subduing all his enemies.
38. The subject will become a ruler, if the Ascendant Lord is in an Angle in aspect to a
friendly planet, while the Ascendant is tenanted by a benefic.
39. Should Jupiter and the Moon be in Taurus identical with the Ascendant, while its
Lord (Venus), is in his Moolatrikona (or in a Trine from the Ascendant) unaspected by
the Sun, Saturn and Mars, the native will be a famous ruler controlling all his foes.
40. If at birth all planets, avoiding inimical and debilitational divisions, occupy their own,
or friendly divisions in aspect to friendly planets, while the Moon is Full with her rays,
the native will become a ruler.
41. If the Full Moon is exalted and is in Vargothamamsa, in aspect to a benefic planet, the
person so born will become a famous ruler in the Dasa of the benefic planet in question.
There should not be a strong malefic in an Angle in the said Yoga.
42. If the Lord of the Ascendant and the Moon Sign Lord with strength are together in an
Angle, while the Moon occupies a watery Sign identical with a Trine, the native will
become a king.
43. Should all the planets at birth be in their own Rāśis and in friendly Navāńśas, or vice
versa, the subject will become an emperor.
44. Should all the other planets be in their deep exaltation points, while Mercury is in his
exaltation Amsa, the native will rule over the three worlds, receiving honours from Gods
and Demons.
45. One will become an emperor devoid of any foes, if the 4th, 1st, 7th and the 10th are,
respectively, occupied by Vasishta (one of the Saptharishis), Jupiter, Venus and Agasthya
(again one of the Saptharishis).
46. If the Full Moon is in her exaltation Rāśi, or in own Rāśi, or in own Navāńśa, while
Jupiter posited in an Angle is in aspect to Venus, the native becomes a great emperor
provided the Sun is in the Ascendant with strength identical with his own House.
47. Should the Full Moon receive the aspect of all the planets the native will live long and
will not be subjected to adverse results, that may be caused by Kemadruma and such
other Yogas.
48. The Sun approaching his exaltation Sign (i.e. being in the end of Pisces), while
Jupiter and the Moon are in Cancer, the native will become a king endowed with various
precious stones. In this Yoga, the Sun should be simultaneously in a Trine from the
49. Should six planets be in simultaneous exaltation, endowed with radiance and occupy
their own Navāńśas, with strength, the native will become an emperor comparable to
Yayati, Sagara and Vena.
50. Should all the benefics with radiant rays occupy the Ascendant, being not combust
and unaccompanied by malefics, the native will become a ruler, who will take to penance
in forests and hills. The benefics in question should occupy the Rāśi and Navāńśas of
51. If all benefic planets be in benefics' Rāśis identical with Panaphara Houses (i.e. 2nd,
5th, 8th and 11th), while malefics occupy Dual Signs, the native so born will become a
king, destroying all his enemies and be equal to Brihaspati (Jupiter) in terms of
52. If the Lord of the Ascendant is in the Ascendant itself, or is in a friendly Sign in
aspect to a friendly planet, the native will become a ruler, destroying his enemies,
provided there is a benefic in the Ascendant.
53. If the Full Moon is aspected by Jupiter and be unaspected by others, while there is no
planet in debilitation, the native will become a ruler. The said Moon should occupy Aries
Navāńśa. This Raja Yoga is conceived by Yavanas.
54. If the Full Moon occupies an Upachaya House, i.e. 3rd, 6th, 10th, or 11th in exclusive
aspect to Jupiter, while the Lord of the Moon Sign occupies the 10th, or 7th, the native
will become a ruler.
55. If the Full Moon be exalted and aspected by all the planets the native will become a
famous ruler endowed with a vast Army consisting of elephants, horses and armed men
and will rule over the entire earth akin to Adisesha (the Divine Snake) painfully bearing
the whole earth on its hood.
56. Should the Moon, being fully splendourous, occupy Leo Navāńśa, while all other
benefics, devoid of malefic connections are angular from the ascending Sign, the native
will become a ruler endowed with various elephants.
57. Should the Moon be with Jupiter in the 5th House, while Mars, Mercury and the
Moon be not in fall in Rāśi and be in their own Navāńśas, one will become a king with
everlasting fame. In this Yoga, Mars and Mercury should be in the 12th and, or the 3rd
without combustion.
58. If three planets be in such Signs, which are not inimical, or debilitational, be with full
strength, be aspected by benefics and be endowed with splendourous rays, the native will
become a ruler.
59. If the Moon, who is in Vargothama Navāńśa, or in Cancer in Navāńśa, is aspected by
a strong planet, while the ascending Sign is free from malefic occupation, the native will
become an emperor endowed with physical splendour.
60. If the Moon is in a watery Sign/Navāńśa, while benefic is in the Ascendant and in his
own Amsa, the native will become a ruler endowed with many elephants and the like. In
this Yoga, malefics should, however, not be in Angles.
61. If the Full Moon occupies Vargothama position, the native will become a ruler of the
earth whose horses' kicks will spread dust making even the brilliant sun in the sky look,
like an early morning's Moon.
62. If at birth all planets are endowed with roles of Yoga karaka, the native will become
an emperor. If one planet be so, he will rule a province.
63. Even, if one planet occupies its own Panchamsa, the subject will become a ruler. If all
are endowed with strength he becomes an emperor. Notes: Panchamsa division is a little
bit different from Trimsamsa. In odd Signs the Panchamsa (i.e. 6 degrees in length)
rulerships are in order: Mars, Saturn, Jupiter, Mercury and Venus. The reverse holds
good in the case of even Signs.
64. If the Moon is aspected by Jupiter from Taurus, the native will rule over the entire
65. If the Moon is aspected by any planet from its exaltation/Moolatrikona/own Sign,
even a hunter will become a king.
66. Should the Moon be in her own Rāśi and in her own decanate, one will become a
ruler. If simultaneously a benefic is endowed with strength, the native will become a
great king.
67. Should the Sun be in his own Navāńśa, while the Moon is in Cancer Rāśi, the native
will become a king, endowed with elephants.
68. Even a villager will become a king, if he has Saturn in the Ascendant and Jupiter in
the 7th, one of them being in aspect to Venus.
69. The native will doubtless become a king, if Venus rises in a Rāśi of Jupiter in aspect
to Jupiter himself, while Mercury is in exaltation.
70. If the Sun, the Moon and Venus occupy one single House in exclusive aspect to
Jupiter, the native will become a ruler.
71. One will become a ruler, if Mars, Mercury and Venus are in the Ascendant, while
both the Moon and Jupiter are in the 7th in aspect to Saturn.
72. If strong Jupiter be in aspect to Mars, while the Sun is in the 10th in Aries, even a
base person will become a ruler. However, it is necessary, that the said Jupiter be in Aries
Navāńśa, or in Scorpio Navāńśa.
73. If the Moon, the Sun and Venus are in the 3rd House, while Mars and Jupiter are,
respectively, placed in the 7th and 9th Houses, even a person of mean strata will become
a king. The Ascendant in this case should be in Vargothamamsa.
74. One, two, three, or all of Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and the Moon occupying the 9th
House with strength and in aspect to a friendly planet, the native will be a king akin to
75. If the 9th House is occupied by an exalted planet, or the said 9th House is in aspect to
the planet, that will be in exaltation there in (in the 9th), while two others are
independently in their Signs of exaltation, the native will become a king and a pater
76. Should the 5th House be occupied by the Moon and Jupiter in aspect to its Lord, as
Venus is in Pisces, even a person of base birth will become a king.
77. If the Moon is in the 3rd, or the 10th House, while Jupiter is exalted, the native will
be a ruler of the entire earth endowed with Lakshmi, the Goddess of wealth.
78. If Jupiter is exalted and is simultaneously in an Angle, while Venus occupies the
10th, the subject will be a famous king, lording over the entire earth.
79. One born even, as a Brahmin will become a king, if the full Moon is in her own
House, while Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn are in the 4th House. The latter 3 should be in
the own Navāńśas simultaneously and be aspected by the Sun.
80. If the Sun is in the 10th identical with his Moolatrikona Rāśi, or Venus, Jupiter and
the Moon are in 3rd, 6th and 11th in own Houses the native will become a king.
81. If the 7th House contains a benefic planet and be in aspect to a friendly planet, while
Mars is exalted, one will become a ruler of the earth. The benefic in question should fall
in a friendly Navāńśa also.
82. Should the Sun, the Moon, Mercury and Mars occupy the 10th House and also
friendly Navāńśas, while Venus is in the 9th House, the native will become a ruler, whose
elephants' ichor will settle the dust emanating by their own treadings. In this Yoga, the
planets in the 10th shall not be in fall, in enemies camps, or be in combustions.
83. Should the Sun endowed with strength be exalted in the 10th House in the company
of Jupiter, as strong Venus is in the 9th House and in own Navāńśa, while the Ascendant
shares benefic sub-divisions, or has a benefic planet in it and is aspected by Mercury, the
native will become a ruler illumining the entire world with his fame.
86. One born in Abhijit star will become a valorous king even though he may be of base
order by birth.
87. One born with the Moon in Krittika and simultaneously in Gandanta Lagna, or Vishti
(Bhadra) Karana, or Parigha Yoga, or Vyatipata Yoga will become a king.
88. The Moon in the 4th House identical with Cancer, while Mercury, Jupiter and Venus
are, respectively, in the Ascendant, 7th and 10th Houses: the native will become a king.
89-90. If all the planets occupy six alternative Signs from the Ascendant, Chakra Yoga is
formed producing a king.
91. Should all the planets occupy the first six Houses commencing from the Ascendant,
one will become a king. Should these be in only four Houses from the Ascendant, he will
become a king's minister.
92. Should all the planets be relegated to the 5th, 4th, 3rd and 10th Houses, one will
become a king endowed with wealth, sons, relatives, conveyances and servants.
93. Nagara Yoga is formed, if all the planets are disposed in the 10th, 7th, 4th and
Ascendant, which will make one rule the earth.
94. Should the benefic planets be entirely in the 4th Ascendant and the 7th, while Mars,
the Sun and Saturn are in the 3rd, 6th and 11th Houses, one born will become a ruler
according to Yavanas.
95. A Raja Yoga known, as Kalasa Yoga is formed, if all benefics are in the 11th and 9th
96. Again a Raja Yoga named, as Kumbha Yoga is formed, if the 3rd, 5th and 11th
Houses are occupied by one each, while the 6th and 7th are occupied by 2 planets each.
97. Explaned above are such Raja Yogas, which will make even people of base birth
reach royal status. The following are royal combinations exclusively applicable to those
of royal scion.
98. One will be a king receiving honours from the entire world, if the Sun, the Moon,
Saturn and Mars are, respectively, in Leo, Aries, Aquarius and Capricorn. Jupiter in this
Yoga should be in Sagittarius, or Pisces, while Leo be Ascendant.
99. If a single benefic occupies the Ascendant with strength, while other benefics are in
the 9th and yet other planets be in the Ascendant, 2nd, or Upachaya Houses, one will
become a king with perennial wealth. The elephants of his Army will rain ichor
misleading it to be a cloudy atmosphere.
100. Should Jupiter be in the 4th identical with own House, while the Full Moon is in the
9th and others are in the 3rd and Ascendant, an intelligent king is born endowed with all
kinds of wealth and conveyances.
101 A very famous king is born, if the Moon is exalted in the Ascendant, while Jupiter,
Venus, Mercury, Mars and the Sun are, respectively, in the 2nd House, Libra, Virgo,
Aries and Leo.
102. A king famous for his virtues is born, if the Sun and the Moon are in the 10th,
Saturn is in Ascendant Jupiter in the 4th and Venus, Mercury and Mars are in the 11th
103. If Jupiter occupies the Ascendant, other than Capricorn, one born will be a king
endowed with elephants etc.
104. One will become a king, if Mars is in the Ascendant and Saturn and the Sun are in
the 10th, while Jupiter, Venus, Mercury and Moon are, respectively, in the 7th, 9th, 11th
and 4th Houses.
105. When even the weak Moon in exaltation can herself produce a king what of Full
Moon in exaltation ?
106. If the Full Moon occupies an Angle other than the Ascendant, the native will be a
king endowed with wealth, conveyances and valour.
107. If Venus is in aspect to Jupiter, the native will become a valorous king possessing
many elephants.
108. Should Mercury be aspected by Jupiter at birth, the native will become a honourable
109. Should the Ascendant Lord in exaltation aspect the Moon, the subject will become a
king endowed with wealth and conveyances and will conquer his enemies.
110. One will become a fortunate king and endowed with fame and success over rivals, if
exalted Moon aspects both Mercury and Venus.
111. The subject will be a ruler endowed with perennial wea1th, if the Moon occupies the
Navāńśa of a bosom friend in aspect to Venus.
112. For a day birth, if the Moon is in Cancer Navāńśa, or in a very friendly Navāńśa and
is aspected by Jupiter, the native will doubtlessly become a king.
113. When even a Brahmin can become a king, if the Lord of Moon Sign is in Angle with
strength, what doubt is there of a person of royal scion with a similar configuration
becoming a ruler ?
114. Should the Sun be in a thick friend's Sign in aspect to the Moon, the native will rule
over Anga (a province so named in olden days related now to Bhagalpur) and be
endowed with wealth and virtues.
115. Should Mercury be exalted and be in conjunction with the Moon, the native will rule
over Magadha (the southern part of modern Bihar) the ichor of whose elephants will
spread perfume to all the corners.
116. If the Full Moon is endowed with strength the native will become a king, who will
conquer his foes.
117. When even a cowherd will become a king, if the Ascendant Lord is strong and in an
Angle, what is there then for a person born of a royal scion with a similar Yoga not to
become a king ?
118. If Jupiter occupies Cancer identical with the 10th House counted from the Moon the
native will become a Lord of the entire earth.
119. If the Sun is in Aries along with the Moon, the native will rule over the region
consisting of Kerala, Karnatak andhra, Dravida and Chola (identified with the modern
southern India).
120. If Jupiter occupies Cancer along with the Moon, the subject will rule over Kashmir.
121. If Jupiter and Venus are in their exaltation Signs, or in their own Houses a person
belonging to royal scion will surely become a king. But one of these two Signs should be
one of Angles, 9th, 2nd and 11th Houses.
122. If a benefic planet, endowed with directional, positional and temporal strengths, is in
an Angle and be bereft of aspect, or conjunction of a malefic planet, the native will
become a king. Alternatively, if 3 heavenly bodies be with such strengths occupy Angles,
even then the native will become a king.
123. If Mercury, Jupiter and Venus occupy the 2nd Sign from the Sun, without
combustion and without malefic aspects/conjunctions the native will rule over the land
with 3 seas, as its boundaries.
124. If the Full Moon akin to a splendourous lotus (i.e. endowed with full rays) is
aspected by her dispositor and by a strong benefic, the native will become a king skillful
in causing injury to women's honour, be widely famous and be just.
125. Should the 2nd House be occupied by both Jupiter and Venus, one will become a
king, who will overpower his enemies.
126. These Yogas, as explained supra will make a person of royal scion a king. The skies
will be covered with the dust emanating by the treadings of elephants, horses and armed
men of such native's Army.
127. If Mars and Saturn occupy the Ascendant, while Mercury, Venus and Jupiter are in
the 4th, or, when Capricorn rises with Mars in it and the Navāńśa Ascendant is owned by
Saturn himself, the native will become a king.
128. One will become the Lord of an island, if Cancer ascends with Jupiter and the Moon
therein, while Venus, Saturn and the Sun are exalted, as Mars is in his own divisions).
129. If Jupiter and Venus together occupy Pisces, while the Full Moon is exalted (in
Amsa), as the Sun occupies Aries in aspect to a malefic planet, the native will become a
king and the dust emanating, as a consequence of the movements of his Army will cloud
the Sun, so that the lotus will close its petals due to misconception of the sun having set.
130. If the 3rd and the 6th are occupied by fallen/inimical planets, while a strong benefic
is in an Angle with due deep exaltation, as the Moon is in Cancer identical with the 10th
House, one born during night time will become an emperor holding all the three worlds
under a single (royal) umbrella.
131. Should Jupiter with his splendourous rays be in the Ascendant, while the Moon is in
the 11th in aspect to Mercury and the Sun is in the 2nd from the Moon unaspected by
Mars one will become an emperor of the entire earth endowed with elephants, horses etc.
132. The Sun with deep exaltation in Aries Ascendant along with the Moon and Mars, as
Venus is in Taurus along with Saturn and Jupiter in the 9th in Sagittarius: this Yoga will
produce a learned king, who will conquer his enemies.
133. A virtuous, famous and valorous ruler is born, if Mercury, Jupiter and Venus are
together in the 5th, while the Sun and Saturn are in the 6th and 9th Houses in their order,
as Mars is exalted.
134. If the Sun, Venus and Saturn, respectively, are in aspect to Jupiter, Moon and Mars,
while a Movable Sign is Ascendant, a famous and successful king is born.
135. Mercury in Virgo identical with the Ascendant, Mars in the 3rd House, Saturn in the
6th House and Venus in the 4th House: this configuration will give birth to a king, who
will conquer the world with his own strength.
136. One will be a king lording over the earth, if Saturn is in Capricorn Ascendant, while
the Sun, Venus, Mars and the Moon are, respectively, in the 7th, 8th, Scorpio and Cancer.

137. A fickle minded king is born, if Mars is exalted in the Ascendant, as the 9th and the
7th are, respectively, occupied by Saturn and the Luminaries.
138. Capricorn Ascendant containing Saturn, Cancer containing its Lord and Jupiter,
Virgo containing its Lord in aspect to Venus: this configuration will produce an
unconquerable ruler.
139. Venus in the Ascendant, Jupiter in Sagittarius with friendly aspect and the Moon in
Cancer: this group of heavenly bodies will make one a king, who will construct wells,
tanks and temples and will honour Brahmins and Gods.
140. With even a single planet with unobstructed rays, if exalted in an Angle and the Sun
being in Angle with extreme power in aspect to Jupiter posited in the 5th House, the
native will become an honourable king.
141. If Saturn, Mars and the Sun are in the 6th, or even in the 3rd House, while Jupiter
occupies the 11th House identical with Leo one will become a king conquering his
enemies with his own might. In this Yoga, Jupiter should be aspected by other benefics,
but not by the Luminaries.
142. If Libra is Ascendant with Jupiter in it, while Venus is in Taurus, a king is born.
While the two heavenly bodies are so disposed at birth there be blowing pleasant breeze,
the skies be clear and the other planets should be enjoying full rays and temporary
friendship (by stipulated placements).
143. A famous king is born with the following planetary map: Mars, the Moon and
Mercury in the 12th and the 3rd avoiding debilitation/combustion; but being in their
respective own Navāńśas, while the 5th House is occupied by Jupiter and the Moon.
144-145. If the Moon Sign Lord and the Ascendant Lord be with strength and be posited
in an Angle identical with a close friend's Sign and aspect the Ascendant, Pushkala Yoga
is formed. The effects are: the native will become a king on whose invasion the band of
elephants of his enemies will exude ichor perfuming all the corners.
146. If the Ascendant Lord is in the beginning of a Sign, the native will be an Army
chief, or Justice with the king. If the planet in question be in the middle of a Sign, he will
be the head of a state. He will only be a village chief, if the Ascendant Lord is in the end
of a Sign.
147. The sun in Revati, Poorva Phalguni, Uttara Phalguni, or Moola identical with
Ascendant will make one the head of a country extending to only hundred yojanas.
148. If Venus is in the Ascendant, one becomes a ruler, provided the planet in question
simultaneously occupies one of the asterisms, viz. Krittika, Revati, Swati, Pushyami and
149. If the Navāńśa Ascendant Lord be exalted in an Angle, the native will become an
emperor. If the Lords of the Moon Sign and Ascendant are in an Angle, the subject will
be a wealthy king.
150. If the Full Moon in Pisces is in aspect to a friendly planet, the subject will become
an emperor whose orders be obeyed by all.
151-152. Should exalted Sun be in the 11th along with Jupiter, while Mars is in the 10th
and the Moon with Venus in the 9th, a king is born. Even the celestial horses of the Sun-
God's chariot will take pleasure at the pleasant smell emanating from the dust spread over
on the earth by the treading horses the native's Army.
153. Even though the native may have been born out of wedlocks, the Moon with Saturn
in an Angle will make on wealthy king.
154. One will become a king with broad chest defeating all his enemies, if the 2nd House
contains Venus, Jupiter and Mercury, while relegated to the 7th are the Moon, the Sun (?)
and Mars.
155. Strong Sun and Moon in Cancer, another planet with clear rays exalted elsewhere,
Jupiter in the Ascendant and Mars in the 6th: the five heavenly bodies so disposed will
make one a king whose Army's movements will cover the skies with dust.
156. If the Moon is in the 8th degree of Aquarius identical with a Trine one will become
a king, who will be favourable to all.
157. If Mars is placed in the 7th degree of Aries, or in the 21st degree of Gemini, the
native will become a king.
158. If at birth the Moon is positioned in the 15th degree of Aquarius, or in the 10th
degree of Cancer, one will become a king.
159. A famous king is born, if Sagittarius 20 is occupied by Jupiter. Similarly Leo 15
occupied either by the Sun, or by Mercury will produce a king.
160. A valorous king is denoted, who will acquire kingdom with his own might, if the
Moon is placed on the 15th degree of any Sign, but obtaining 5 Vargas of one and the
same Sign.
161. If Saturn occupies the 5th degree of Capricorn, a fortunate king is born, who will be
adorable on the earth, be meritorious and be interested in Shastras.
162. If both the Moon and Jupiter are on the 5th degree of Cancer, one will become an
inviolable king, just as the Sun is head of the planets.
163. If the Moon is in Pushyami, or in Vargothama, or in Krittika, or Aswini Nakshatra
an emperor is born. Similar effect will come to pass, when birth is in Tripushkara. Notes:
The first Yoga is clear in this Sloka. The second one needs clarification about
‘Tripushkara'. 164. If Mars is in Aswini, or Anuradha, or Dhanishta, a Raja Yoga is
formed. This applies only, if the said planet is in Vargothama Navāńśa, or in exaltation
Rāśi simultaneously.
165. An excellent king is born, if the Moon with rays akin to white conch is in the 10th
House, while strong Venus is in the 9th House and all others relegated to the 11th House.
166. If all the other planets are disposed in 3rd, 6th, 10th and 11th Houses counted from
the Moon, a king is born, who will be a repository of honour and will rule over the entire
167. If Jupiter, Moon and Sun, respectively, occupy 5th, 9th and 3rd Houses, when
counted from Mars, the native will become a king, equal to Kubera (the Lord of celestial
riches and regent of the North).
168. Counted from Mercury, if the Sun is in the 3rd, Venus in the 4th and all others in the
5th, a king is born, who will have 3 seas in the form of periphery for his land. In this
Yoga, no planet shall be in fall, or in inimical Sign.
169. If the 2nd, 4th and 10th Houses counted from Jupiter are, respectively, occupied by
Saturn, the Sun and the Moon, while all others are in the 6th, a prince will become a
170. If Mercury and Saturn are in the 4th and 8th counted from Venus, while all others
are in the 3rd and 11th, one will become a king.
171. If Venus and Mercury occupy an Angle from Saturn, while the rest are in their
exaltation Signs, an excellent king will be born.
172. If all the planets are in the 3rd, 5th and 11th Houses from the Sun, one will become a
king, or a minister, or an Army chief.
173. Should there be a malefic in the 11th from the Ascendant Lord, who has clear rays,
while a benefic is in an Angle (from the Ascendant), the native will become a king, who
will have self-earned kingdom.
174. A virtuous king is denoted, with honours from other kings, if all malefics occupy the
11th, 3rd and 6th Houses counted from the Moon Sign Lord and be in aspect to benefics.
175. If Jupiter occupies Aries/Leo, while Mars is in his own Sign in aspect to the Sun one
of royal descent will become a king. It is understood, that no other planet shall be in fall
in the nativity.
176. If Sunapha Yoga etc. from the Moon are found operating in Angles, one born in a
royal scion will definitely become a ruler of men.
177. Should the Moon and Jupiter be in an Angle from the Ascendant in aspect to Venus,
the native will become a king with wide spread fame provided there is no debilitated
planet in the nativity.
178. If Venus is in the Ascendant in aspect to Mercury and Saturn, while Jupiter is in the
5th, the native will become an emperor. However, the said Venus should be strong and in
his own Navāńśa simultaneously.
179. If the Sun and the Moon are in their own Houses (while one of them is) in aspect to
Jupiter, the native will become a king.
180. Mercury in Cancer and Jupiter in Sagittarius in aspect to both Mars and the Sun will
make the native a ruler.
181. Should the Moon, Jupiter and Venus be, respectively, positioned in Pisces, Cancer
and Aquarius, the native will become a ruler.
182. If Saturn is in Aquarius in aspect to Venus, while the Sun is in the 11th and the
Moon in a watery Sign, one will become a king.
183. If Mars posited in his own House is aspected by Jupiter and the Sun, or Mercury
posited in Taurus, if aspected by Jupiter, a ruler is born.
184. If the Full Moon is in her exaltation/own Rāśi, or Navāńśa and be aspected by 5
planets having temporary friendship, while no planet is fallen, the native will become a
185. Saturn in the 11th, Jupiter with Venus in the Ascendant, the Moon in the 10th, the
Sun in the 4th, Mercury in the 2nd along with Mars: this configuration will make one a
king endowed with vast Army, wealth and conveyances.
Thus ends the 35th Ch. entitled “RAJA YOGAS” in Kalyana Varma's Saravali. Ch. 36.
Planetary Rays
1. The rays possessed by a planet are important (in delineation of a horoscope) according
to Manindhacharya. I explain below the same.
2. When in exaltation, the number of rays possessed by the Sun are 10, the Moon 9, Mars
5, Mercury 5, Jupiter 7, Venus 8 and Saturn 5.
3-4. ANOTHER SCHOOL OF THOUGHT. The above view is held by Manindha, Maya
and Badarayana, as enunciated by Mahendra Shastra. However, according to another
school of thought, all planets uniformly possess 7 rays each, while exaltation. While these
two are authoritative schools, majority lean towards equal distribution of 7 rays. All
agree, that at debilitation, the figure is zero for each planet.
5. ABHIMUKHA AND PARANMUKHA RASMI. When a debilitated planet transits
towards its exaltation Sign, the rays are Abhimukha (i.e. facing upwards) and, when an
exalted planet goes towards its debilitation Sign, the rays are Paranmukha (facing
downwards). For the intermediary positions, the rays should be calculated by rule of three
6. TO ARRIVE AT NUMBER OF RAYS. Note the position of the planet in Rāśis,
degrees etc., for which the number of rays is to be computed. Deduct from this its (deep)
debilitation point. If the remainder is in excess of six Signs, reduce it again from 12.
Multiply the product by the maximum number of rays allotted to the planet concerned
and divide by six. The resultant figure will represent the number of rays obtained by the
planet by virtue of its position at birth.
7-9. RECTIFICATION OF RAYS. If the planet is in the dwadasamsa of its friend,
double the product, as obtained above. If it is in its own dwadasamsa, own Rāśi,
retrogression/exaltation Sign the product should be trebled. If it is in its enemy's
dwadasamsa, 1/16th of the rays will be lost. The same applies to a debilitated planet. A
combust planet, excepting Venus and Saturn, loses all the rays. A planet, that has just
begun to retrograde will have two-fold rays, while the one, that has just assumed direct
motion from retrogression will lose only 1/8th of the number of rays.
SEVEN PLANETS. If the rays be a maximum of five, the native will be miserable, is of
ignoble descent, will depend on others, be indigent and will join base men, Should it be
from 6 to 10, he will be a servant, will be intent on going to places other than of his birth
(for living), be devoid of good luck and be dirty.
12-16. If the rays are between 11 and 15, one will be, respectively, very learned, virtuous,
righteous, beautiful and will possess merits due to his descent. If the rays are between 16
and 20, he will be, respectively, supreme among his men, be wealthy, be famous among
men, be glorious and be honoured by his men. The effects stated apply to the number of
rays in the ascending order. If the rays are from 21 to 25 in number, the effects,
respectively, are: honour, fortune, courage, scholarship and kingship. 26 rays denote a
person, who will have all-round success in his efforts. 27 to 32 rays, respectively, denote:
a dependent on the king, wealth and gains through the king, minister ship, honours from
the king, royal patronage and rulership over fifty villages.
17-20. If the total number of rays is 33, he will rule over 1000 villages, while with 34
rays he will obtain leadership over 3000 villages. 35 rays denote abundant wealth,
strength, provincial rulership, fame, fortune etc. One will head over a lakh villages with
36 rays. Three lakh villages will come under his control with 37/38 rays.
21-25. If the total rays be 39, he will become a ruler causing happiness to all. With 40
rays he will rule over vast lands and the wives of the enemies crushed by him will reach
their cries all over, so that he will become prominent. One, two and three seas will be the
boundary/boundaries of the kingdom of the native/s with 41/42/43 rays. One with 44 rays
will be an emperor, will honour Gods and Brahmins, be long-lived and be mighty.
According to the rays crossing 44, one will rule over other islands, be free from obstacles,
be honoured by one and all and be equal to Indra in valour.
26. SPECIAL EFFECTS. If the total rays are 45, or 46, the native will always enjoy
auspicious effects and will lord over the entire earth.
27. If the rays are 47, the native will undertake the responsibility of maintaining the
whole earth, be devoid of enemies, be an emperor akin to Indra and be honoured by all.
28-29. ABHIMUKHA AND PARANMUKHA. If a planet has Abhimukha rays the good
effects stated will increase, while Paranmukha rays will reduce the good effects. More
number of rays will multiply the results, while less number of rays will diminish the
effects. According to rays only, one's baseness, or excellence will come to pass.
Thus ends the 36th Ch. entitled “PLANETARY RAYS” in Kalyana Varma's Saravali.
Ch. 37. Panchamahapurusha Yogas
1. Sri Devakirti Raja explained the Panchamahapurusha Yogas (denoting Great Men),
which 1 explain below clearly.
2. Venus, Mars, Saturn, Jupiter and Mercury remaining in their respective own Houses,
or exaltation Signs, identical with Angles, cause Malavya, Ruchaka, Sasa, Hamsa and
Bhadra Yogas, respectively. The effects thereof have been elaborately explained by the
ancient preceptors, which I briefly narrate here.
3-4. MALAVYA YOGA. One born in Malavya Yoga will have thin (not fleshy) lips,
even physique, gray complexion, thin waist, splendour equal to that of the moon, majestic
voice akin to that of a tusker, pleasant odor of the body, piercing sight, even and white
teeth, hands extending to the knees and a longevity of seventy years. His face will be 13
inches in length and 10 inch broad, while the two ear-holes are 10 inch apart. (Angula
denoted here, as an inch means 8 barley-corn-wide) He rules Laata, Malawa and Sindhu.
5-7. RUCHAKA YOGA. The native of Ruchaka Yoga will have a long face, pure
splendour, great strength, valour, attractive eye brows, blue (very black) hair, penchant
for war, knowledge of Mantras, be a leader of thieves, will have blood-red complexion,
be very valorous, be a conqueror of enemies, will have a neck akin to conch, be chief,
cruel, will honour Gods and Brahmins, thin shanks, will have marks of a staff (actually
means a staff with a skull at the top deemed to be Shiva's weapon and carried by
ascetics), cord, bull, arrow, diamond, lute etc. on the hands and legs, will be 100 inch tall,
be skilled in Mantras and black magic, will weigh 100 tulas (one tula is 100 palas) and
the circumference of his loins will correspond to the length of his face. He will rule
places consisting of Vindhya and Sahya. He will live up to seventy and will attain his end
through weapons/fire and will go to heavens.
8-10. SASA YOGA. One born in Sasa Yoga will have small teeth small face, fast pace,
be crafty, very valorous, interested in forests, hills and forts, will have weak loins and
long body, be famous, be an Army chief, skillful in all assignments, will have somewhat
protruding teeth, be a metallurgist, be fickle minded, will have eyes resembling the lotus,
be interested in the fair sex, will enjoy other's wealth, be devoted to his mother, weak
waist, be very intelligent and will fault others. His hands will contain marks of couch,
conch, wheel, garland, lute etc. According to sages he will be a ruler of some place and
will die at 70.
11-13. HAMSA YOGA. One born in Hamsa Yoga will have a reddish face, elevated
nose, beautiful feet, great virile power (indriya is here interpreted, as virile power coming
under Jupiter), be whitish in complexion, will have broad cheeks, reddish nails,
(mellifluous) voice, like that of the swan, be phlegmatic, will possess palms and soles
with marks of trident, fish, arrow etc., honey-coloured and round eyes, be fond of
sporting in water, will be delighted in sexually uniting with females, will weigh 1600
tulas and be 96 inch tall. He will lord over Sura Sena, Gandharva and places between the
Ganges and Yamuna. His end will come later on in a forest. His longevity will be
hundred years.
14-15. BHADRA YOGA. One born with the Bhadra Yoga will have a face, akin to that
of a tiger, will imitate the elephant in gait, will have broad chest, long and strong hands
and square body, will be sensuous, will have soft hair over cheeks, be learned, will
possess hands and legs akin to lotus, be endowed with prowess and will be conversant
with Yoga. His palms and soles will contain symbols of conch, sword, elephant, arrow,
wheel, lotus, plough etc. His body will emanate smell akin to earth settled with fresh
drizzles (particularly first of the season), sandal paste and elephant's ichor.
16-18. BHADRA YOGA (continued). He will know the meanings of Shastras, be
valorous, will have well-knitted eye brows, will walk, like an elephant, will have genital
organs in ‘concealed position' (like that of a horse, or a tusker) and a beautiful belly, be
righteous, will have attractive fore face, be valorous, firm in prowess, will have black and
short hair, be independent in all his undertakings, will not forgive (even) his own men,
will allow his friends to enjoy his wealth, will weigh 2000 palas, will rule over the mid
portion of the country, will possess females etc., be always happy and will die at 80. 19-
21. GENERAL. He can become a monarch, if his voice is similar to the sound of a conch,
drum, tusker, bull, or a roaring cloud. In such case he will rule over the entire earth and
will conquer his enemies. One with viscid tongue, skin, teeth, eyes, nails and hair will
become a ruler. If these are rough, he will experience penury. One with glossy,
splendourous and bright complexion will become a king. Otherwise he will be poor and
miserable. If these are meddling, he will be a middle class person with wealth, children,
happiness etc.
Thus ends the 37th Ch. entitled “PANCHA MAHA PURUSHA YOGAS” in Kalyana
Varma's Saravali.

Yogas for divya

Vedic Astrology Bookshelf V.1.01 (C) GeoVision S.W., Licensed to Denis Chevalier
Ashraya Rajju Yoga All planets occupying Chara signs (movable or cardinal) (Dr. K.S.
Results: One born in this Yoga is fond of travel, of good looks, ambitious, cruel and
delights to frequent alien lands in pursuits of wealth.
Rajju Yoga If Lagna is in a Chara sign and several planets also in Chara signs then the
effects of Rajju yoga can be felt (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person tends to become ambitious and moves from place to place in search
of name, fame and fortune, there is liking of travel,
ability to take quick decision and a greater adaptability. He is intellectually 'mobile' and
has an open mind. However this is an indication on an
ever changing nature, indecisiveness, a fickle mind, untrustworthyness and inability to
persist with one thing. The person undergoes continuos
struggle and generally does not succeed in building many fixed assets.
Ashraya Musala Yoga All planets occupying Sthira signs (fixed) (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: One born in this Yoga is proud, learned, wealthy, liked by ruler, famous, of
stable nature, and blessed with several sons.
Musala Yoga If Lagna is in a Sthira sign and several planets also in Sthira signs then the
effects of Musala yoga can be felt (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: One born in this Yoga is proud, learned, wealthy, liked by ruler, famous, of
stable nature, and blessed with several sons. He/she is
trustworthy, has stability and durability, is fixed and determined. However, the person
might be obstinant, inable to take quick decisions and
might have difficulty adapting to change.
Ashraya Nala Yoga All planets occupying Dvishvabhava signs (dual or mixed) (Dr. K.S.
Results: One born in this Yoga is defective of a limb, resolute, very clever, of fluctuating
wealth, good to look at, and fond of his near and dear
Nala Yoga If Lagna is in a Dvishvabhava sign and several planets also in Dvishvabhava
signs then the effects of Nala yoga can be felt (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: One born in this Yoga is defective of a limb, resolute, very clever, of fluctuating
wealth, good to look at, and fond of his near and dear
ones. And there is a tendency to lose opprotunities, leading to disappointment and
dejection (unless other indications strongly display
Dala Mala (or Srak) Yoga All benefics in three Kendras and no malefic in Kendra (Dr.
K.S. Charak).
Results: The person will be blessed with constant enjoyments, vehicles, good food and
clothes, and association with attractive persons of the
opposite sex.
Dala Sarpa Yoga All malefics in three Kendras and no benefic in Kendra (Dr. K.S.
Results: The person might be scheming, wicked, miserable, destitute and dependent upon
others for subsistence.
Akriti Gada Yoga All planets confined to two adjacent Kendras the 1st and the 4th house
(Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person will be wealthy, learned, versed in sacred scriptures, fearsome,
envious of others and ever engaged in earning money.
Akriti Shankha Yoga All planets confined to two adjacent Kendras the 4th and the 7th
house (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person will be wealthy, learned, versed in sacred scriptures, fearsome,
envious of others and ever engaged in earning money.
Akriti Vibhuka Yoga All planets confined to two adjacent Kendras the 10th and the 7th
house (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person will be wealthy, learned, versed in sacred scriptures, fearsome,
envious of others and ever engaged in earning money.
Akriti Dhvaja Yoga All planets confined to two adjacent Kendras the 1st and the 10th
house (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person will be wealthy, learned, versed in sacred scriptures, fearsome,
envious of others and ever engaged in earning money.
Akriti Shakata Yoga All the planets located in the Lagna and the 7th House (Dr. K.S.
Results: The person might suffer from poverty and privations, ill-health, lean body,
discord with a wicked wife and earning through hard labor.
Akirti Pakshi (Vihaga) Yoga All planets confined to houses 4 to 10 (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person might be a wanderer, servile, quarrelsome, a message bearer or an
Akirti Vajra Yoga Benefics in houses 1 to 7, malefics in houses 4 to 10 (Dr. K.S.
Results: The person is good looking, brave, wickedly disposed, and happy during early
life and old age.
Akirti Yava Yoga Malefics in houses 1 to 7, benefics in houses 4 to 10 (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is given to restraint and auspicious pursuits, such a person is
consistent in nature, wealthy, charitable, and happy in the
middle portion of his life.
Akirti Kamala Yoga All planets occupying the 4 Kendras (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is beautiful to look at, gets wide renown, long life, virtuous qualities
and royal status.
Akirti Vapi Yoga All planets falling in houses other than the 4 Kendras (Dr. K.S.
Results: The person is ever engaged in accumulating wealth, has small but lasting
comforts, long life, sweet tongued, and tends to hoard his
wealth and possessions.
Akirti Vapi (Panaphara) Yoga All planets falling in houses other than the 4 Kendras
(emphasizing the Panaphara houses) (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is ever engaged in accumulating wealth, has small but lasting
comforts, long life, sweet tongued, and tends to hoard his
wealth and possessions.
Akirti Vapi (Apoklima) Yoga All planets falling in houses other than the 4 Kendras
(emphasizing the Apoklima houses) (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is ever engaged in accumulating wealth, has small but lasting
comforts, long life, sweet tongued, and tends to hoard his
wealth and possessions.
Akirti Shringataka Yoga All planets located in the Trikona (1,5,9) houses (Dr. K.S.
Results: The person is blessed with comforts, fond of combat, courageous, very wise,
wealthy, devoted to first spouse, indifferent to the second
Vedic Astrology Bookshelf V.1.01 (C) GeoVision S.W., Licensed to Denis Chevalier
Akirti Hala Yoga All planets located in trinal houses other than the Trikonas. This
variation is Artha: houses 2,6,10 (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is gluttonous, servile, blessed wit friends, liked by people, living by
agriculture, and tormented by poverty.
Akirti Hala Yoga All planets located in trinal houses other than the Trikonas. This
variation is Kama: houses 3,7,11 (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is gluttonous, servile, blessed wit friends, liked by people, living by
agriculture, and tormented by poverty.
Akirti Hala Yoga All planets located in trinal houses other than the Trikonas. This
variation is Moksha: houses 4,8,12 (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is gluttonous, servile, blessed wit friends, liked by people, living by
agriculture, and tormented by poverty.
Akirti Yupa Yoga All planets in and/or between 1st and 4th house (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is contended, very learned, wealthy, valorous, engaged in sacrificial
rituals, blessed with home comforts, and pursues his
worldly duties.
Akirti Shara (Ishu) Yoga All planets in and/or between 4th and 7th house (Dr. K.S.
Results: The person is a manufacturer of arrows, is cruel and wicked, a hunter, a jailer,
fond of animal food and of roaming in the jungles.
Akirti Shakti Yoga All planets in and/or between 7th and 10th house (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is poor, lazy, long-lived, combative, argumentative, good to look at,
stable, fascinated by high and low alike, and tormented
by failures.
Akirti Danda Yoga All planets in and/or between 10th and 1st house (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is indigent, servile, rejected, bereft of comforts, devoid of near and
dear ones, and cruel hearted.
Akirti Nauka (Nava) Yoga Planets continuously occupying houses 1 to 7 (Dr. K.S.
Results: The person becomes famous, miserly, greedy, ambitious, of fickle nature,
earning through water related pursuits.
Akirti Kuta Yoga Planets continuously occupying houses 4 to 10 (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person becomes untruthful, a jailer, cruel, resident of forts or hills or forests,
a wrestler, ignorant of what is right and wrong,
indulging in 'Kuta' or deceptive pursuits.
Akirti Chhatra Yoga Planets continuously occupying houses 7 to 1 (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is scholarly, wise, looking after his/her dependents, long-lived,
comfortable in early and concluding portions of his/her life.
Akirti Dhanush (Chapa) Yoga Planets continuously occupying houses 10 to 4 (Dr. K.S.
Results: The person is brave, a jailer, proud, skilled in archery, a thief, a wanderer, happy
in the middle portion of his/her life.
Akirti Ardha-Chandr Yoga (2-8) The 7 planets occupy the 7 continuous houses not
starting in a Kendra (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person will become a commander of an army, honored by the rulers, good in
looks, brave and wealthy.
Akirti Ardha-Chandr Yoga (5-11) The 7 planets occupy the 7 continuous houses not
starting in a Kendra (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person will become a commander of an army, honored by the rulers, good in
looks, brave and wealthy.
Akirti Ardha-Chandr Yoga (8-2) The 7 planets occupy the 7 continuous houses not
starting in a Kendra (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person will become a commander of an army, honored by the rulers, good in
looks, brave and wealthy.
Akirti Ardha-Chandr Yoga (11-5) The 7 planets occupy the 7 continuous houses not
starting in a Kendra (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person will become a commander of an army, honored by the rulers, good in
looks, brave and wealthy.
Akirti Ardha-Chandr Yoga (3-9) The 7 planets occupy the 7 continuous houses not
starting in a Kendra (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person will become a commander of an army, honored by the rulers, good in
looks, brave and wealthy.
Akirti Ardha-Chandr Yoga (6-12) The 7 planets occupy the 7 continuous houses not
starting in a Kendra (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person will become a commander of an army, honored by the rulers, good in
looks, brave and wealthy.
Akirti Ardha-Chandr Yoga (9-3) The 7 planets occupy the 7 continuous houses not
starting in a Kendra (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person will become a commander of an army, honored by the rulers, good in
looks, brave and wealthy.
Akirti Ardha-Chandr Yoga (12-6) The 7 planets occupy the 7 continuous houses not
starting in a Kendra (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person will become a commander of an army, honored by the rulers, good in
looks, brave and wealthy.
Akirti Chakra (Chandr) Yoga Planets in six alternate houses starting from the Lagna (6
odd houses) (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is of lovely looks, illustrious, a king or his equivalent.
Akirti Samudra Yoga Planets in six alternate houses starting from the 2nd houses (6 even
houses) (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is wealthy, renowned, blessed with physical pleasures, likable,
virtuous, stable of mind.
Sankhya Gola Yoga All planets confined to 1 house only (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is destitute, illiterate, wicked, miserable, ever wandering.
Sankhya Yuga Yoga All planets restricted to 2 houses (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is poor, heretic, shameless, socially rejected, bereft of logic, devoid
of mother, father and virtue.
Vedic Astrology Bookshelf V.1.01 (C) GeoVision S.W., Licensed to Denis Chevalier
Sankhya Shula Yoga All planets restricted to 3 houses (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is lazy, cruel, socially rejected, injured, scarred, a fighter, like a thorn
in the flesh of others.
Sankhya Kedara Yoga All planets occupying four houses (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is truthful, wealthy, virtuous, doing good to others, resorts to
Sankhya Pasha Yoga All planets distributed over 5 houses in the chart (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person has a large family, is adept in work, skillful in earning wealth, crafty,
impolite, fond of dwelling in forests, having numerous
Sankhya Dama (Damini) Yoga All planets distributed over 6 houses (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is wealthy, liberal, renowned, learned, contented, earns through
legitimate means.
Sankhya Vina (Vallaki) Yoga All planets distributed in 7 different houses (Dr. K.S.
Results: The person is prosperous, versed in sacred scriptures, fond of dance and music,
skillful, a leader, looks after the sustenance of many.
Ruchaka Mahapurusha Yoga Mars in Kendra, exalted or in own sign (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: This person is good looking and handsome, with a prominent face, beautiful
eyebrows, dark hair and clear, somewhat darkish
complexion. The waist is slim and so are the lower limbs. The person is bold and
courageous, full of strength and vigor, and eager to pursue
adventurous activities wherefrom name and fame is gained. The person is, of royal
bearing and ever intent on combat, the commander of an
army or leader of a gang of thiefs and annihilator of opponents. The person has great
capacity for discrimination and is devoted to elders,
preceptors. The person is well versed in sacred scriptures and lives happily upto the age
of 70. The death will come in the vicinity of a temple.
Ruchaka Yoga Conditions for Ruchaka Mahapurusha Yoga are in the chart, but Mars is
conjunct either Sun or Moon (Sambu Hora Prakasha 20/20).
Results: The effects of the Mahapurusha Yoga is somewhat diminished but the good
effects will come into place in the Dasha of Mars.
Ruchaka Yoga Conditions for Ruchaka Mahapurusha Yoga are in the chart, but Sun and
Moon are bereft of strength (Hora Ratnam 5/564).
Results: The effects of the Mahapurusha Yoga is somewhat diminished in terms of power
but the person will still attain happiness.
Bhadra Mahapurusha Yoga Mercury in Kendra, exalted or in own sign (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is physically strong ands healthy, with long arms and a fine dense
beard. The face is like a lion and the gait has the majesty
of an elephant. Commanding stature, broad chest and shoulders, and proportionate limbs,
beautiful forehead and a dark curly hair. The body has
the fragrance of saffron and the voice is sweet and impressive. The person is virtuous and
learned, of a stable mind and very intelligent.
Independent in all undertakings, judicious and not forgiving. Extremely wealthy, blessed
with comforts, wife and progeny. Death will come at 80
on a pilgrimage, in a holy place.
Bhadra Yoga Conditions for Bhadra Mahapurusha Yoga are in the chart, but Mercury is
conjunct either Sun or Moon (Sambu Hora Prakasha 20/20).
Results: The effects of the Mahapurusha Yoga is somewhat diminished but the good
effects will come into place in the Dasha of Mercury.
Bhadra Yoga Conditions for Bhadra Mahapurusha Yoga are in the chart, but Sun and
Moon are bereft of strength (Hora Ratnam 5/564).
Results: The effects of the Mahapurusha Yoga is somewhat diminished in terms of power
but the person will still attain happiness.
Hamsa Mahapurusha Yoga Jupiter in Kendra, exalted or in own sign (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person has a fair complexion, prominent cheeks, beautiful face, and the skin
has a golden luster. The voice is sweet like that of a
swan. The person has Kapha constitution and has fondness of water sports. The sexual
urge is insatiable. The person has a thirst of knowledge
and sacred scriptures, is virtuous, doing good to others, and is blessed with a beautiful
spouse. Enjoying variety of physical and material
comforts the person will leave this world at the age of 100 in a forest.
Hamsa Yoga Conditions for Hamsa Mahapurusha Yoga are in the chart, but Jupiter is
conjunct either Sun or Moon (Sambu Hora Prakasha 20/20).
Results: The effects of the Mahapurusha Yoga is somewhat diminished but the good
effects will come into place in the Dasha of Jupiter.
Hamsa Yoga Conditions for Hamsa Mahapurusha Yoga are in the chart, but Sun and
Moon are bereft of strength (Hora Ratnam 5/564).
Results: The effects of the Mahapurusha Yoga is somewhat diminished in terms of power
but the person will still attain happiness.
Malavya Mahapurusha Yoga Venus in Kendra, exalted or in own sign (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person has a graceful appearance, fine and beautiful lips, slim waist,
handsome body, deep voice, sparkling teeth and bright
complexion like the full Moon. The cheeks are prominent, eyes bright, and a long upper
limbs approaching the knees. The person is learned,
versed in the scriptures, has wealth, earns through own effort. Having power, blessed
with a spouse and progeny, the person enjoys all comforts
but is inclined towards extramaritial relationships. Death will come at the age of 100.
Malavya Yoga Conditions for Malavya Mahapurusha Yoga are in the chart, but Venus is
conjunct either Sun or Moon (Sambu Hora Prakasha 20/20).
Results: The effects of the Mahapurusha Yoga is somewhat diminished but the good
effects will come into place in the Dasha of Venus.
Malavya Yoga Conditions for Malavya Mahapurusha Yoga are in the chart, but Sun and
Moon are bereft of strength (Hora Ratnam 5/564).
Results: The effects of the Mahapurusha Yoga is somewhat diminished in terms of power
but the person will still attain happiness.
Shasha Mahapurusha Yoga Saturn in Kendra, exalted or in own sign (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is of medium height, slim waist, high set teeth, beautiful legs and a
fast but regular gait. The complexion is dark. There is an
attraction to jungles, forts, and other odd places. The person is brave and cruel, with
roving eyes and a desire for the possessions of others.
Being devoted to the mother the person looks after his/her guests with devotion. The
person is a commander of an army or a leader of a group,
village or a town. The person is competent, wealthy and learned, and keen to point out
the faults of others. Exessively fond of the sexual act the
person associates with other people's spouses. An adept in metallurgy, and the science of
chemicals. Death at age of 70.
Shasha Yoga Conditions for Shasha Mahapurusha Yoga are in the chart, but Saturn is
conjunct either Sun or Moon (Sambu Hora Prakasha 20/20).
Results: The effects of the Mahapurusha Yoga is somewhat diminished but the good
effects will come into place in the Dasha of Saturn.
Vedic Astrology Bookshelf V.1.01 (C) GeoVision S.W., Licensed to Denis Chevalier
Shasha Yoga Conditions for Shasha Mahapurusha Yoga are in the chart, but Sun and
Moon are bereft of strength (Hora Ratnam 5/564).
Results: The effects of the Mahapurusha Yoga is somewhat diminished in terms of power
but the person will still attain happiness.
Gaja-Kesari Yoga Jupiter in a Kendra from Moon. Look out for another texts dealing
with the particular version of this Yoga (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is illustrious, overpowering, virtuous, wealthy, intelligent, scholarly,
of royal bearing and enjoys lasting fame.
Gaja-Kesari Yoga Jupiter conjunct Moon (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is overpowering, famous, intelligent, virtuous, wealthy, consistent in
love and fickle-minded (If the conjunction is in Lagna,
the 4th, the 7th, the 9th or the 10th house then additional text should appear elsewhere).
Gaja-Kesari Yoga Jupiter 4th house from Moon (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: This combination should be very favorable for domestic comforts and the mother
of the person. But according to Mansagari this Yoga
deprives one of comforts at home, leads to troubles in respect of the mother, and confers
an attitude to work for others.
Gaja-Kesari Yoga Jupiter 7th house from Moon (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person will have good health and a long life, respected by his family
members, and an inclination to be frugal. Mansagari adds that
the person will become impotent and suffer from jaundice, but in general this Yoga
confers conjugal harmony.
Gaja-Kesari Yoga Jupiter 10th house from Moon (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person will have a very favorable career, attains a dignified position and
wealth. There could also be strong idealism and spiritual
pursuits. Mansagari, maintains that a person with this Yoga will give up a spouse and
children to become an ascetic.
Gaja-Kesari Yoga Jupiter and Moon are together in the 1st house (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is good-looking, blessed with friends, spouse and progeny. The
person will enjoy health, is dignified and impressive.
Gaja-Kesari Yoga Jupiter and Moon are together in the 4th house (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is equivalent to a king, a minister, learned etc. There is abundance of
domestic comforts.
Gaja-Kesari Yoga Jupiter and Moon are together in the 7th house (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is learned, skilled, a trader, wealthy, and will experience conjugal
bliss. The person will have luck and obtain wealth
through business partnerships.
Gaja-Kesari Yoga Jupiter and Moon are together in the 9th house (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is distinguished, fortunate, wealthy, contented and will have great
fortune. There will be good luck as well as virtuous
activities and religious pursuits.
Gaja-Kesari Yoga Jupiter and Moon are together in the 10th house (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is a scholar, wealthy, haughty, respectable, etc. This is a good
combination for career prospects, high status, and financial
Chandr Adhi Yoga The benefic planets occupy 6th, 7th, 8th house from Moon (Dr. K.S.
Results: Depending on the strength of the constituent planets, the person becomes a king
or a minister or a commander of an army. There will be
prosperity, health, status, governmental recognition and dominance over opponents.
Sunapha Yoga A planet, other than Sun, occupies the 2nd house from Moon. Look out
for the variety with the same name (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: This confers upon the person a status equivalent to a king, immense wealth,
capacity to earn fortune through own efforts, wide renown,
inclination towards virtuous deeds, quietude and contentment.
Sunapha (Mangal) Yoga Mars occupies the 2nd house from Moon (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: This variety of Sunapha Yoga indicates that the person is valorous, cruel, fierce,
wealthy, a king or commander, averse to hypocrisy,
having a son that takes to agriculture.
Sunapha (Buddh) Yoga Mercury occupies the 2nd house from Moon (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: This variety of Sunapha Yoga indicates that the person is well versed in
scriptures and religion, fine arts and music, of good looks and
agreeable speech, highly intelligent and doing good to others and earning well. Dies of
ailments due coldness.
Sunapha (Guru) Yoga Jupiter occupies the 2nd house from Moon (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: This variety of Sunapha Yoga indicates that the person excels in every branch of
learning, is a preceptor, widely renown, very wealthy,
favored by the ruler, and blessed with a good family. Lives a sinless life to one hundred
years of age.
Sunapha (Shukr) Yoga Venus occupies the 2nd house from Moon (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: This variety of Sunapha Yoga indicates that the person is very efficient, brave,
good in looks, and honored by the ruler, learned and
blessed with a spouse, houses, lands, vehicles, quadrupeds and splendor.
Sunapha (Shani) Yoga Saturn occupies the 2nd house from Moon (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: This variety of Sunapha Yoga indicates that the person is clever and skillful,
held in esteem by the rural and urban folk alike, wealthy
and contended. The person lives on goat's milk. This combination is not favorable for the
mother of the person.
Anapha Yoga A planet, other than Sun, occupies the 12th house from Moon. Look out for
the variety with the same name (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person will be equivalent to a king, healthy, affable, renowned, an orator,
capable, virtuous, given to varied material comforts,
pleasant in looks and happy.
Anapha (Mangal) Yoga Mars occupies the 12th house from Moon (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: This variety of Anapha Yoga indicates that the person is a leader of a band of
thieves, haughty, wrathful, bold, praiseworthy,
good-looking, and hurtful to everyone including the person's mother.
Vedic Astrology Bookshelf V.1.01 (C) GeoVision S.W., Licensed to Denis Chevalier
Anapha (Buddh) Yoga Mercury occupies the 12th house from Moon (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: This variety of Anapha Yoga indicates that the person is eloquent, a poet,
honored by the ruler, versed in music, dance and writing,
handsome and renowned. This combination could be adverse for one's child's career.
Anapha (Guru) Yoga Jupiter occupies the 12th house from Moon (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: This variety of Anapha Yoga shows that the person is endowed with strength,
virtue, energy, learning, honored by the king, a poet,
wealthy, opposed to his/her own near and dear ones. If Guru aspects the 6th house, the
person is contented and happy.
Anapha (Shukr) Yoga Venus occupies the 12th house from Moon (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: This variety of Anapha Yoga shows that the person is a charmer of the opposite
sex, adulterous, sweet-tongued, a king, bestowed with
wealth, cattle and material possessions.
Anapha (Shani) Yoga Saturn occupies the 12th house from Moon (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: This variety of Anapha Yoga shows that the person is a owner of vast lands,
forests and cattle, of long arms, honoring his/her word,
enjoying the wealth of others, associating with wicked women, inclined towards
forbidden pursuits.
Durudhara Yoga Any planets, other than Sun, occupy the 2nd and the 12th house from
Moon. Look out for the variety with the same name (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person earns fame through good speech, learning, valor and virtue. Immense
wealth, vehicles, lands, servants, comforts, and
freedom from enemies. The person is given to charities and is attracted to member of the
opposite sex having lovely eyes.
Durudhara Yoga (Mangal/Buddh) Mars and Mercury occupy the 2nd and the 12th house
from Moon (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: This variety of Durudhara Yoga shows that the person is untruthful, rich, clever,
faultfinding, avaricious, respected in own family.
Durudhara Yoga (Mangal/Buddh) Mars and Mercury occupy the 2nd and the 12th house
from Moon (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: This variety of Durudhara Yoga shows that the person is untruthful, rich, clever,
faultfinding, avaricious, respected in own family and
addicted to elderly unchaste women.
Durudhara Yoga (Mangal/Guru) Mars and Jupiter occupy the 2nd and the 12th house
from Moon (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: This variety of Durudhara Yoga shows that the person is renowned and wealthy,
easily angered, generally contented, protector of his
dear ones, harassed by his opponents, accumulator of fortune earned through his own
Durudhara Yoga (Mangal/Shukr) Mars and Venus occupy the 2nd and the 12th house
from Moon (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: This variety of Durudhara Yoga shows that the person is handsome, valorous,
athletic, argumentative, pious, wealthy, very efficient.
Durudhara Yoga (Mangal/Shukr) Mars and Venus occupy the 2nd and the 12th house
from Moon (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: This variety of Durudhara Yoga shows that the person is handsome, valorous,
athletic, argumentative, pious, wealthy, very efficient and
blessed with a lovely wife.
Durudhara Yoga (Mangal/Shani) Mars and Saturn occupy the 2nd and the 12th house
from Moon (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: This variety of Durudhara Yoga shows that the person is engaged in wicked
deeds, easily angered, treacherous, rich, annihilator of
enemies, a hoarder, without remorse.
Durudhara Yoga (Mangal/Shani) Mars and Saturn occupy the 2nd and the 12th house
from Moon (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: This variety of Durudhara Yoga shows that the person is engaged in wicked
deeds, easily angered, treacherous, rich, annihilator of
enemies, a hoarder, without remorse, addicted to unchaste women.
Durudhara Yoga (Buddh/Guru) Mercury and Jupiter occupy the 2nd and the 12th house
from Moon (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: This variety of Durudhara Yoga shows that the person is religiously inclined,
versed in scriptures, eloquent, wealthy, a poet, a
renunciant, highly renowned.
Durudhara Yoga (Buddh/Shukr) Mercury and Venus occupy the 2nd and the 12th house
from Moon (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: This variety of Durudhara Yoga shows that the person is sweet tongued, good in
looks, fond of dance and music, heroic in
temperament, a minister, commanding respect.
Durudhara Yoga (Buddh/Shani) Mercury and Saturn occupy the 2nd and the 12th house
from Moon (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: This variety of Durudhara Yoga shows that the person goes from one country to
another to earn money, revered, of poor or moderate
learning, opposed to kith and kin.
Durudhara Yoga (Guru/Shukr) Jupiter and Venus occupy the 2nd and the 12th house
from Moon (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: This variety of Durudhara Yoga shows that the person is blessed with wisdom an
valor, steadfast, prosperous, of royal mien, very
renowned and guiltless.
Durudhara Yoga (Guru/Shani) Jupiter and Saturn occupy the 2nd and the 12th house
from Moon (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: This variety of Durudhara Yoga shows that the person is blessed with comforts,
humble, sweet-tongued, very learned, wealthy, of
beautiful looks and of quiet temperament.
Durudhara Yoga (Shukr/Shani) Venus and Saturn occupy the 2nd and the 12th house
from Moon (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: This variety of Durudhara Yoga shows that the person is clever and wealthy,
favored by the king, of mature thinking, head of the family,
liked by women.
Kemadruma Yoga Absence of any planet, except Sun, in the 2nd and 12th house from
Moon (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is bereft of health, wealth, learning, wisdom, spouse, progeny and
mental peace. The person suffers misery, failures,
physical illness and humiliation. This is said to reduce a prince to a pauper (look for
Kalpadruma Yoga or Kemadruma-Bhanga Yoga for
Kalpadruma Yoga While conditions of Kemadruma are existent, there are planets in a
Kendra from Lagna (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: This Yoga cancels the evil of Kemadruma Yoga and bestows all comforts on the
Vedic Astrology Bookshelf V.1.01 (C) GeoVision S.W., Licensed to Denis Chevalier
Kemadruma-Bhanga Yoga While conditions of Kemadruma are existent, there are
planets in a Kendra from Moon (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: This Yoga cancels the evil of Kemadruma Yoga.
Kemadruma-Bhanga Yoga While conditions of Kemadruma are existent, all planets
aspect Moon (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: This Yoga cancels the evil of Kemadruma Yoga.
Kemadruma-Bhanga Yoga While conditions of Kemadruma are existent, Moon or Venus
are in a Kendra aspected by Jupiter (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: This Yoga cancels the evil of Kemadruma Yoga.
Kemadruma-Bhanga Yoga While conditions of Kemadruma are existent, there is a strong
Moon in a Kendra associated or aspected by benefics (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: This Yoga cancels the evil of Kemadruma Yoga.
Kemadruma-Bhanga Yoga While conditions of Kemadruma are existent, Moon is
associated with a benefic or aspected by Jupiter (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: This Yoga cancels the evil of Kemadruma Yoga.
Kemadruma-Bhanga Yoga While conditions of Kemadruma are existent, the Navamsha
Moon is exalted or in a friendly sign, aspected by Jupiter (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: This Yoga cancels the evil of Kemadruma Yoga.
Kemadruma-Bhanga Yoga While conditions of Kemadruma are existent, a full Moon
placed in the Lagna is conjunct a benefic (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: This Yoga cancels the evil of Kemadruma Yoga.
Kemadruma-Bhanga Yoga While conditions of Kemadruma are existent, Moon is exalted
in the 10th house aspected by a benefic (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: This Yoga cancels the evil of Kemadruma Yoga.
Kemadruma-Bhanga Yoga While conditions of Kemadruma are existent, Mars and
Jupiter are in Libra, Sun in Virgo and Moon in Aries (Sambu Hora Prakasha 13/17).
Results: This Yoga cancels the evil of Kemadruma Yoga.
Vasuman (Vasumati) Yoga All the benefics (Mercury, Venus, Jupiter) occupy the
Upachaya houses (3,6,10,11) from Moon (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person will be extremely wealthy and enjoys comforts while staying at
Vasuman (Vasumati) Yoga All the benefics (Moon, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter) occupy the
Upachaya houses (3,6,10,11) from Lagna (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person will be extremely wealthy and enjoys comforts while staying at
Uttamadi (Dhana) Yoga Moon is in a Kendra (1,4,7,10) from Sun (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person's wealth, learning, efficiency and fame will be (alpa) ordinary.
Uttamadi (Dhana) Yoga Moon is in a Panaphara (2,5,8,11) from Sun (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person's wealth, learning, efficiency and fame will be (madhya) medium.
Uttamadi (Dhana) Yoga Moon is in a Apoklima (3,6,9,12) from Sun (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person's wealth, learning, efficiency and fame will be (uttama) plenteous.
Dhanadhana Yoga For day birth: Moon is located in own Navamsha or that of bosom
friend, and aspected by Jupiter (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is very wealthy.
Dhanadhana Yoga For night birth: Moon is located in own Navamsha or that of bosom
friend, and aspected by Venus (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is very wealthy.
Shakata Yoga Jupiter, not located in a Kendra, occupies 6th Dusthana from Moon (Dr.
K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is destitute, indigent, ever toiling, disliked by all, with ever
fluctuating fortunes. The person will be detached, without a
house, long-lived but subsisting on the charities of others.
Shakata Yoga Jupiter, not located in a Kendra, occupies 8th Dusthana from Moon (Dr.
K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is destitute, indigent, ever toiling, disliked by all, with ever
fluctuating fortunes. The person is ever ailing, miserable, despite
being the offspring of a wealthy parent, cannot even dream of comforts.
Shakata Yoga Jupiter, not located in a Kendra, occupies 12th Dusthana from Moon (Dr.
K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is destitute, indigent, ever toiling, disliked by all, with ever
fluctuating fortunes. The person is opposed to one's kith and kin
(look for Shakata-Bhanga Yoga).
Shakata-Bhanga Yoga Jupiter, not located in a Kendra, occupies 12th Dusthana from
Moon and aspects the 6th house (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: This cancels most of the negative from Shakata Yoga and the person is blessed
with comforts.
Veshi Yoga A planet, other than Moon, occupies the 2nd house from Sun. Look out for
the variety with the same name (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person will be truthful, lazy, kind-hearted, virtuously disposed, with
squinted eyes, having a tall stature and a balanced outlook,
with good memory and ordinary wealth.
Veshi Yoga (Benefics) A benefic, other than Moon, occupies the 2nd house from Sun
(Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: This variety of Veshi Yoga shows that the person is eloquent, wealthy and
annihilator of his/her opponents.
Veshi Yoga (Malefics) A malefic, other than Moon, occupies the 2nd house from Sun
(Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: This variety of Veshi Yoga shows that the person is a destitute and associates
with wicked people.
Vedic Astrology Bookshelf V.1.01 (C) GeoVision S.W., Licensed to Denis Chevalier
Veshi Yoga (Mangal) Mars occupies the 2nd house from Sun (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: This variety of Veshi Yoga shows that the person is valorous in battle, a
charioteer, and renowned.
Veshi Yoga (Buddh) Mercury occupies the 2nd house from Sun (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: This variety of Veshi Yoga shows that the person is sweet-tongued, handsome,
and capable of be-fooling others.
Veshi Yoga (Guru) Jupiter occupies the 2nd house from Sun (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: This variety of Veshi Yoga shows that the person is of a steady nature, truthful,
wise, and undaunted in battle.
Veshi Yoga (Shukr) Venus occupies the 2nd house from Sun (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: This variety of Veshi Yoga shows that the person is renowned, respectable, with
many virtues, and intrepid.
Veshi Yoga (Shani) Saturn occupies the 2nd house from Sun (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: This variety of Veshi Yoga shows that the person is interested in business,
inclined to cheat others of their wealth, and has malice
towards his/her preceptors.
Voshi Yoga A planet, other than Moon, occupies the 12th house from Sun. Look out for
the variety with the same name (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person will exercise no restraint of speech, having eloquence, good learning,
wide renown, sharp memory, physical strength and
charitable nature. Untruthful, walking with the gaze directed downwards and given to
excessive physical effort.
Voshi Yoga (Benefics) A benefic, other than Moon, occupies the 12th house from Sun
(Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: This variety of Voshi Yoga shows that the person is intelligent, learned, strong,
wealthy and engaged in scientific pursuits.
Voshi Yoga (Malefics) A malefic, other than Moon, occupies the 12th house from Sun
(Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: This variety of Voshi Yoga shows that the person is of a cruel nature, ugly looks,
excessive lust and poor intelligence.
Voshi Yoga (Mangal) Mars occupies the 12th house from Sun (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: This variety of Voshi Yoga shows that the person is hostile to his/her mother and
doing good to others.
Voshi Yoga (Buddh) Mercury occupies the 12th house from Sun (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: This variety of Voshi Yoga shows that the person appears poor to all, devoid of
physical strength, and is shameless.
Voshi Yoga (Guru) Jupiter occupies the 12th house from Sun (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: This variety of Voshi Yoga shows that the person is a hoarder and illustrious like
the sunlit day.
Voshi Yoga (Shukr) Venus occupies the 12th house from Sun (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: This variety of Voshi Yoga shows that the person is cowardly, lustful, without
enthusiasm and servile.
Voshi Yoga (Shani) Saturn occupies the 12th house from Sun (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: This variety of Voshi Yoga shows that the person is addicted to women of
others, kind-hearted, exhausted and of mature looks.
Voshi Yoga (Shani) Saturn occupies the 12th house from Sun (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: This variety of Voshi Yoga shows that the person is addicted to spouses of
others, kind-hearted, exhausted and of mature looks.
Ubhayachari Yoga Any planets, other than Moon, occupy the 2nd and the 12th house
from Sun (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person has a strong physique, equal to a king, capable of shouldering great
responsibility, great learning, balanced outlook, wealthy,
handsome and blessed with numerous objects of pleasure. This is particularly the results
if benefics form this Yoga.
Amala (Amala-Kirti) Yoga There is a natural benefic in the 10th house from Lagna
(Phala Deepika 6/12).
Results: The person is revered by the ruler, blessed with physical pleasures, of a
charitable disposition, likeable and helpful, and enjoys lasting
Amala (Amala-Kirti) Yoga There is a natural benefic in the 10th house from Moon
(Phala Deepika 6/12).
Results: The person is revered by the ruler, blessed with physical pleasures, of a
charitable disposition, likeable and helpful, and enjoys lasting
Subha-Kartari Yoga Natural benefics occupy 2nd and 12th house from Lagna (Dr. K.S.
Results: The person is eloquent, has good health, with a handsome appearance, and much
wealth and fame.
Papa-Kartari Yoga Natural malefics occupy 2nd and 12th house from Lagna (Dr. K.S.
Results: The person might have criminal tendencies, ill-health, unwholesome food,
excessive sexual urge, intention to grab the wealth of others.
Lagn Adhi Yoga Benefic planets occupy the 6th, 7th and 8th house from Lagna, free
from malefic aspect or association (comparable with Chandra-Adhi Yoga)
(Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is virtuous, learned, comforts, stable wealth, high status, a generous
disposition, capability of compilation or writing.
Parvata Yoga Benefic planets occupying the Kendras, and 6th and 8th houses either
vacant or occupied by benefics only (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is renowned, illustrious, fortunate, wealthy, an orator, charitable,
leader of a town or a city, learned and very lustful.
Parvata Yoga The lords of Lagna and 12th house are placed in mutual Kendras and
aspected by benefics (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is renowned, illustrious, fortunate, wealthy, an orator, charitable,
leader of a town or a city, learned and very lustful.
Vedic Astrology Bookshelf V.1.01 (C) GeoVision S.W., Licensed to Denis Chevalier
Kahala Yoga Lords of the 4th and the 9th in mutual Kendras, and the lord of Lagna is
strong (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is aggressive, courageous, ignorant, commander of an army, owner
or ruler of several villages. The person has material
possessions, and ownership of land, houses and vehicles.
Kahala Yoga The 4th lord is exalted or in its own house, associated with or aspected by
the 10th lord (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is aggressive, courageous, ignorant, commander of an army, owner
or ruler of several villages. The person has material
possessions, and ownership of land, houses and vehicles.
Chamara Yoga Exalted Lagna lord occupying a Kendra and aspected by Jupiter (Dr. K.S.
Results: The person has kingship or honor through a king, eloquence, wisdom,
knowledge of several subjects including sacred scriptures and a
longevity of 71 years.
Chamara Yoga Two benefics conjoined either in the Lagna, or 7th, or 9th, or 10th house
(Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person has kingship or honor through a king, eloquence, wisdom,
knowledge of several subjects including sacred scriptures and a
longevity of 71 years.
Chamara Yoga Benefics occupy or aspect the Lagna and the lord of the Lagna, not being
combust, is in an auspicious house, in own sign or exalted (Phala
Deepika 6/44).
Results: The person grows or progresses in prosperity like the Moon in the waxing phase.
The person is well behaved, wealthy, renowned,
longlived and lord of men.
Dhenu Yoga Benefics occupy or aspect the 2nd house and the lord of the 2nd house, not
being combust, is in an auspicious house, in own sign or exalted
(Phala Deepika 6/45).
Results: The person is well equipped with gold, wealth, grains and precious stones, and
will be equal to king of kings.
Shaurya Yoga Benefics occupy or aspect the 3rd house and the lord of the 3rd house, not
being combust, is in an auspicious house, in own sign or exalted
(Phala Deepika 6/46-7).
Results: The person has younger siblings that are very devoted to the person. These
younger brothers or sisters are brave and valiant and will
attain glory and will be endowed with admiration of others, loved by everyone and highly
Jaladhi Yoga Benefics occupy or aspect the 4th house and the lord of the 4th house, not
being combust, is in an auspicious house, in own sign or exalted
(Phala Deepika 6/48).
Results: The person is rich in cattle wealth or grains, be the owner of a beautifully
constructed manison full of relatives, have a beautiful and
respectable spouse, blessed with everlasting happiness, owner of elephants, horses,
palaquins etc., maker of wells.
Chhattra Yoga Benefics occupy or aspect the 5th house and the lord of the 5th house, not
being combust, is in an auspicious house, in own sign or exalted
(Phala Deepika 6/49).
Results: The person will lead a happy family life, will be fortunate and enjoy happiness
from children, will be wealthy and renowned with
eloquent speech. The person will possess a sharp intellect and be honored by the king and
will become a minister of the king.
Astra Yoga Benefics occupy or aspect the 6th house and the lord of the 6th house, not
being combust, is in an auspicious house, in own sign or exalted
(Phala Deepika 6/50).
Results: The person will be capable of conquering very powerful enemies. He/she will be
cruel in disposition and arrogant, being quarrelsome,
having bruised limbs but a stong body.
Kama Yoga Benefics occupy or aspect the 7th house and the lord of the 7th house, not
being combust, is in an auspicious house, in own sign or exalted
(Phala Deepika 6/51).
Results: The person will have nothing to do with other peoples spouses, being prosperous
and having good qualities that help the person to
surpass his/her father.
Kukarmakuccasura Yoga Benefics occupy or aspect the 8th house and the lord of the 8th
house, not being combust, is in an auspicious house, in own sign or exalted
(Phala Deepika 6/52).
Results: The person will disturb others in their work and become a talebearer. The person
will be selfish, poor and have forbidden cravings,
indulging in mean doings and will ultimately suffer for his/her unwanted doings.
Bhagya Yoga Benefics occupy or aspect the 9th house and the lord of the 9th house, not
being combust, is in an auspicious house, in own sign or exalted
(Phala Deepika 6/53).
Results: The person will move in palaquins (excellent vehicles) in the midst of musical
sounds, never lacking wealth and always obsering a
righteous code of conduct. This person will please the gods with devotion and virtues,
making his/her family illustrious.
Khyati Yoga Benefics occupy or aspect the 10th house and the lord of the 10th house, not
being combust, is in an auspicious house, in own sign or exalted
(Phala Deepika 6/54).
Results: The person will become a king who will protect his/her good subjects by
following a code of conduct approved by all. The person will
have a spouse, children, friends and be very wealthy, prosperous and famous.
Parijata Yoga Benefics occupy or aspect the 11th house and the lord of the 11th house,
not being combust, is in an auspicious house, in own sign or exalted
(Phala Deepika 6/55).
Results: The person will always be celebrating on some account or another. The person
gains power and is an owner of a much hoarded wealth,
being learned and always engaged in performing auspicious functions, having a large
family and be fond of hearing songs.
Musala Yoga Benefics occupy or aspect the 12th house and the lord of the 12th house,
not being combust, is in an auspicious house, in own sign or exalted
(Phala Deepika 6/56).
Results: The person will accumilate wealth after great difficulty but it will be unstable.
The person will suffer humiliation and have a unsteady
mind and not very bright, always spending only for legitimate purposes and goes to
heaven after death.
Ava Yoga The lord of the Lagna is in the 6th, 8th or 12th house (Phala Deepika 6/58).
Results: The person might be of no significance, unknown and of no importance to
others, possibly short-lived and poor. Humiliation, company
of the wicked, bad behaviour and unsteady position are descriptive of the persons life.
Vedic Astrology Bookshelf V.1.01 (C) GeoVision S.W., Licensed to Denis Chevalier
Nissva Yoga The lord of the 2nd house is in the 6th, 8th or 12th house (Phala Deepika
Results: The person will be harsh in speech, remain in bad company and will have ill
formed teeth and eyes, bereft of intelligence, children,
learning and power, wealth being taken away by foes.
Mriti Yoga The lord of the 3rd house is in the 6th, 8th or 12th house (Phala Deepika
Results: The person will be annihilated by his/her enemies, devoid of (younger) siblings,
shame, strength and wealth. The person will be tired by
indulging in unseemly activity and will be of excitable temperment.
Kuhu Yoga The lord of the 4th house is in the 6th, 8th or 12th house (Phala Deepika
Results: The person will be bereft of mother, conveyances, friends, happiness, ornaments,
relations. The person will be unemployed and without
a place of living having lost the one owned by him/her associating with low people of the
opposite sex.
Pamara Yoga The lord of the 5th house is in the 6th, 8th or 12th house (Phala Deepika
Results: The person will be indiscriminate and have a miserable life, a liar, a cheat,
childless or suffering from the loss of children, associating
with mean and wicked people, lacking the faith in God and will be a glutton.
Dushkriti Yoga The lord of the 7th house is in the 6th, 8th or 12th house (Phala Deepika
Results: The person will be deprived of a spouse and indulge in other peoples spouses, be
a wanderer, unnoticed, suffering from veneral
diseases, punished by the ruling power, hated by relations and remains unhappy as a
Nirbhagya Yoga The lord of the 9th house is in the 6th, 8th or 12th house (Phala Deepika
Results: The person will lose all parental property, such as lands, house etc. the person
will have no regard fro good people and elders and will
be irreligious, dressed in old and worn out clothes, poor and miserable.
Duryoga The lord of the 10th house is in the 6th, 8th or 12th house (Phala Deepika 6/67).
Results: The person will be of no importance, a traitor and very selfish, only earning to
satisfy own hunger, constantly away from home and lives
Daridra Yoga The lord of the 11th house is in the 6th, 8th or 12th house (Phala Deepika
Results: Incoming debts will constantly be the way of life for the person, suffering from
diseases of the ear, deprived of good siblings, engaged
in cruelity and sins, indecent in speech and work like a menial.
Shankha Yoga The 5th Lord and the 6th lord in mutual Kendras, and the Lagna lord is
strong (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is kind-hearted, virtuous, learned, blessed with a spouse and children,
morally sound, versed in sacred scriptures, owns
lands, enjoys prosperity and lives up to 81 years. The person has the authority to
discipline or punish.
Shankha Yoga The lord of the Lagna as well as the lord of the 10th house occupy a Chara
sign, and the 9th lord is strong (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is kind-hearted, virtuous, learned, blessed with a spouse and children,
morally sound, versed in sacred scriptures, owns
lands, enjoys prosperity and lives up to 81 years. The person has the authority to
discipline or punish.
Bheri Yoga The lord of the 9th house is strong, and all planets occupy the Lagna, the 2nd,
the 7th and the 12th house only (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is of a royal bearing, of a noble birth, well behaved, bereft of danger
and disease, blessed with wealth and worldly comforts,
as well as with a spouse, children and fame.
Bheri Yoga The lord of the 9th house is strong, and Lagna lord as well as Jupiter and
Venus occupy Kendras (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is of a royal bearing, of a noble birth, well behaved, bereft of danger
and disease, blessed with wealth and worldly comforts,
as well as with a spouse, children and fame.
Bheri Yoga The lord of the 9th house is strong, and Lagna lord is in mutual Kendras
Jupiter and Venus (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is of a royal bearing, of a noble birth, well behaved, bereft of danger
and disease, blessed with wealth and worldly comforts,
as well as with a spouse, children and fame.
Khadga Yoga The 9th lord is in the 2nd and the 2nd lord is in the 9th while the lord of the
Lagna is occupying a Kendra or a Trikona (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is immersed studying of sacred scriptures, dignified, skillful,
wealthy, blessed with wisdom, strength and comforts, and
gratefully remembers the kindness done to him/her.
Lakshmi Yoga The Lagna lord is abundantly strong, and the lord of the 9th house
occupies a Kendra identical to his own house, his Moolatrikona, or his
exaltation (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is good in looks, virtuous, very wealthy, owns vast lands, learned,
and illustrious king, widely renowned, blessed with
numerous spouses, and children.
Maha-Bhagya Yoga Daytime birth, Lagna, Moon and Sun in odd signs (Phala Deepika
Results: The person is pleasant to look at, liberal, widely renowned, of blameless
character, lord of lands, a king or equivalent to king.
Maha-Bhagya Yoga Night-time birth, Lagna, Moon and Sun in even signs (Phala
Deepika 6/14).
Results: The person is blessed with all feminine qualities, and virtues, graceful, good
fortune, good character, lots of wealth, and progeny.
Daridri Yoga Saturn and Moon are together in the 9th house while the Lagna lord is
debilitated (Jyotisharnava Navanitam 2/300).
Results: The person will be a beggar.
Daridri Yoga The 10th house lord is in the company of the lord of the 3rd house, and is
weak, debilitated or combust (Jyotisharnava Navanitam 2/296).
Results: The person will be fond of begging.
Karmasiddhi Yoga The lord of the 10th house is in the Lagna, 4th, 7th, or the 10th house
in conjunction with a benefic (Jyotisharnava Navanitam 2/329).
Results: The persons deeds or efforts will bear fruit.
Vedic Astrology Bookshelf V.1.01 (C) GeoVision S.W., Licensed to Denis Chevalier
Chandr-Mangala Yoga Moon is conjunct Mars (or they exchange mutual aspects) (Dr.
K.S. Charak).
Results: The person deals with drinks, earthen jars, crude instruments and women. There
is disobedience to the mother. This is a combination
for good earnings and accumulation of wealth, although the means to achieve these ends
may not necessarily be legitimate,or be appealing to the
base-needs of men, unless this configuration achieves an aspect from Guru.
Lagna Malika (Mala) Yoga All seven planets occupy seven consecutive houses starting
with the Lagna (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: Equal to king, commanding several elephants and horses (vehicles), wealthy.
Dhanu Malika (Mala) Yoga All seven planets occupy seven consecutive houses starting
with the 2nd house (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: A wealthy king, devoted to his parents, aggressive, resolute, unsympathetic,
Vikrama Malika (Mala) Yoga All seven planets occupy seven consecutive houses starting
with the 3rd house (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: Valorous, ruler, wealthy, sickly, surrounded by brave men.
Sukha Malika (Mala) Yoga All seven planets occupy seven consecutive houses starting
with the 4th house (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: Liberal, ruler of several countries, charitable and wealthy.
Putra Malika (Mala) Yoga All seven planets occupy seven consecutive houses starting
with the 5th house (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: Famous, religious, performing sacrificial rituals
Satru Malika (Mala) Yoga All seven planets occupy seven consecutive houses starting
with the 6th house (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: Generally poor, occasionally getting wealth and comforts, greedy.
Kalatra Malika (Mala) Yoga All seven planets occupy seven consecutive houses starting
with the 7th house (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: Long-lived, a king, associating with several wives (spouses?), influential.
Randhra Malika (Mala) Yoga All seven planets occupy seven consecutive houses starting
with the 8th house (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: Long-lived, distinguished, poor and henpecked.
Bhagya Malika (Mala) Yoga All seven planets occupy seven consecutive houses starting
with the 9th house (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: Powerful, well to do, saintly, a devout performer of sacrifices.
Karma Malika (Mala) Yoga All seven planets occupy seven consecutive houses starting
with the 10th house (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: Virtuous, highly esteemed, given to good deeds.
Labha Malika (Mala) Yoga All seven planets occupy seven consecutive houses starting
with the 11th house (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: Very competent, blessed with lovely women, of royal mien.
Vraya Malika (Mala) Yoga All seven planets occupy seven consecutive houses starting
with the 12th house (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: Widely respected, honored, liberal, indulges in lavish spending.
Chatussagara Yoga All planets occupy the four Kendras, or, all the planets occupy the
four Chara signs (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: This Yoga destroys numerous afflictions in a chart and ensures wealth and high
status to the person.
Saraswati Yoga Mercury, Jupiter, and Venus are in the Kendras or Trikonas or the 2nd
house, and Jupiter is strong, occupying own sign, friends sign or exalted
(Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is highly learned, scholarly, very well versed in prose and poetry as
also in sacred scriptures and higher mathematics.
Hatha-Hanta Yoga Moon occupies the 11th house, while Sun occupies the Moon's sign
(Cancer) (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person suffers death as a consequence of some stupidly egotistical action of
Nicha-Bhanga Raja Yoga The debilitation lord of a debilitated planet is in a Kendra from
Lagna or Moon (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: This Yoga indicates cancellation of the state of debilitation of a planet and
yielding benefic results instead, being elevated to a Raja
Yoga status.
Nicha-Bhanga Raja Yoga The exaltation lord of the debilitated planet is in a Kendra from
Lagna (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: This Yoga indicates cancellation of the state of debilitation of a planet and
yielding benefic results instead, being elevated to a Raja
Yoga status.
Nicha-Bhanga Raja Yoga The exaltation lord of the debilitated planet is in a Kendra from
Moon (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: This Yoga indicates cancellation of the state of debilitation of a planet and
yielding benefic results instead, being elevated to a Raja
Yoga status.
Nicha-Bhanga Raja Yoga The debilitated planet is associated with or aspected by its
debilitation lord (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: This Yoga indicates cancellation of the state of debilitation of a planet and
yielding benefic results instead, being elevated to a Raja
Yoga status.
Nicha-Bhanga Raja Yoga The debilitated planet is associated with or aspected by its
exaltation lord (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: This Yoga indicates cancellation of the state of debilitation of a planet and
yielding benefic results instead, being elevated to a Raja
Yoga status.
Nicha-Bhanga Raja Yoga The debilitated planet exchanges houses with its debilitation
lord (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: This Yoga indicates cancellation of the state of debilitation of a planet and
yielding benefic results instead, being elevated to a Raja
Yoga status.
Vedic Astrology Bookshelf V.1.01 (C) GeoVision S.W., Licensed to Denis Chevalier
Nicha-Bhanga Raja Yoga Two debilitated planets aspect each other (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: This Yoga indicates cancellation of the state of debilitation of a planet and
yielding benefic results instead, being elevated to a Raja
Yoga status.
Nicha-Bhanga Raja Yoga The debilitated planet is conjunct an exalted planet (Dr. K.S.
Results: This Yoga indicates cancellation of the state of debilitation of a planet and
yielding benefic results instead, being elevated to a Raja
Yoga status.
Mridanga Yoga A strong Lagna lord with the remaining planets in their own or exaltation
signs identical with Kendras or Trikonas (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is a king or equivalent to one, noble and fortunate.
Shrinatha Yoga Exalted lord of the 7th occupying the 10th house, and the 9th and 10th
lord in conjunction (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is glorious like Indra, the king of gods.
Sharada Yoga The 10th lord is in the 5th house, and strong Mercury or Sun occupying
their own house in Kendra (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is favored by the ruler, learned, blessed with comforts, restraint and
virtue, enjoying the association of spouse, children and
Sharada Yoga Jupiter and Mercury occupy the 5th or the 9th from Moon and Mars is in
the 11th house (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is favored by the ruler, learned, blessed with comforts, restraint and
virtue, enjoying the association of spouse, children and
Matsya Yoga Benefics in the Lagna and the 9th, both benefics and malefics in the 5th,
and only malefics in the 4th and 8th (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is kind-hearted, an ocean of love, handsome, virtuous, saturated with
strength, of strong character, famous, religious,
learned, an astrologer.
Matsya Yoga Malefics are in Lagna and the 9th house, both malefics and benefics in the
5th house, and only malefics in the 4th and 8th (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is kind-hearted, an ocean of love, handsome, virtuous, saturated with
strength, of strong character, famous, religious,
Kurma Yoga Benefics occupying the 5th, 6th, 7th houses, malefics occupying the Lagna,
the 3rd and 11th houses, and all planets in their exaltation or in their
own signs or Navamshas (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is virtuous, stable, widely renowned, a king or a leader, well-wisher
of masses, and given to religious and pious pursuits.
Kurma Yoga Benefics exalted or in own house, or in friends house, placed in Lagna, 3rd
house and 11th house (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is virtuous, stable, widely renowned, a king or a leader, well wisher
of masses, and given to religious and pious pursuits.
Kusuma Yoga Venus in a Kendra in a Sthira sign, Moon in the 5th or the 9th under the
influence of benefics, and Saturn occupying the 10th house (Dr. K.S.
Results: The person is a king of an illustrious lineage, a celebrity, very virtuous, learned,
blessed with all enjoyments, bowed to by rulers of the
Kusuma Yoga Jupiter is in Lagna, Moon is in the 7th house, Sun in the 8th house from
Moon (2nd house) (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is a king of an illustrious lineage, a celebrity, very virtuous, learned,
blessed with all enjoyments, bowed to by rulers of the
Kalanidhi Yoga Jupiter is located in the 2nd or the 5th house, either aspected by or
conjoined with Mercury and Venus (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is wealthy, learned, virtuous, healthy, undaunted and given to sensual
Kalanidhi Yoga Jupiter is located in the 2nd or the 5th house, occupying the signs of
Mercury and Venus (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is wealthy, learned, virtuous, healthy, undaunted and given to sensual
Hari-Hara-Brahma Yoga Benefics placed in the 2nd, 8th and 12th from the lord of the
2nd house (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is conversant with the entire body of sacred lore, an eminent scholar,
truthful, wealthy, victorious, blessed with all comforts,
and beneficent to all.
Hari-Hara-Brahma Yoga Benefics placed in the 4th, 8th and 9th from the lord of the 7th
house (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is conversant with the entire body of sacred lore, an eminent scholar,
truthful, wealthy, victorious, blessed with all comforts,
and beneficent to all.
Hari-Hara-Brahma Yoga Jupiter, Moon and Mercury are placed in the 4th, 9th and 8th
from the lord of the 7th house (M. Ramakrishna Bhat).
Results: The person is conversant with the entire body of sacred lore, an eminent scholar,
truthful, wealthy, victorious, blessed with all comforts,
and beneficent to all.
Hari-Hara-Brahma Yoga Benefics placed in the 2nd, 10th and 11th from the lord of
Lagna (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is conversant with the entire body of sacred lore, an eminent scholar,
truthful, wealthy, victorious, blessed with all comforts,
and beneficent to all.
Hari-Hara-Brahma Yoga Sun, Venus and Mars are placed in the 2nd, 10th and 11th from
the lord of Lagna (M. Ramakrishna Bhat).
Results: The person is conversant with the entire body of sacred lore, an eminent scholar,
truthful, wealthy, victorious, blessed with all comforts,
and beneficent to all.
Pushkala Yoga The lord of the Lagna and the lord of Moon's placements sign together
occupying a Kendra identical with a friendly sign, and the Lagna is under
the aspect of a strong planets (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is esteemed by kings, wealthy, famous, a good speaker, with many
people to look after his/her comforts.
Vedic Astrology Bookshelf V.1.01 (C) GeoVision S.W., Licensed to Denis Chevalier
Pushkala Yoga The lord of the Lagna and the lord of Moon's placements sign together
occupying a Kendra or in a house of a good friend aspecting Lagna while
Lagna holds a strong planet (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is esteemed by kings, wealthy, famous, a good speaker, with many
people to look after his/her comforts.
Bhaskara Yoga Mercury in the 2nd from Sun, Moon is 11th from Mercury and Jupiter in
a trine from Moon (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is brave, king-like, versed in scriptures, good in looks and very
Indra Yoga Mars is 3rd from Moon, Saturn is 7th from Mars, Venus is 7th from Saturn,
Jupiter is 7th from Venus (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is celebrated, a king or his equal, amiable, eloquent, wealthy and
Indu Yoga Mars is in the 3rd from the Moon, Saturn in the 12th from Mars, Venus in the
7th from Saturn and Jupiter in the 7th from Venus (Jyotisharnava
Navanitam 5/35-6).
Results: The person will be famous, virtuous, kingly or equal to a king, eloquent in
speech, endowed with wealth, ornaments and valor.
Indra Yoga The lord of the 5th and the 11th houses are in Parivartana Yoga, while Moon
is placed in the 5th house (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person will be a famous and an exalted leader or ruler, possesses great
courage and enjoys a good life up to the age of 36.
Akhanda Samrajya Yoga One of the lords of the 11th, 9th or the 2nd houses are in a
Kendra from Moon, while Jupiter is the lord of 2nd, 5th or the 11th house
(Jyotisharnava Navanitam 5/30).
Results: The person will have a wide kingdom.
Marud (Vayu) Yoga Jupiter is occupying a trine from Venus, Moon is in the 5th from
Jupiter and Sun is in Kendra from Moon (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is large-chested, big-bellied, eloquent, versed in scriptures, a king or
equal to a king.
Buddha Yoga Jupiter is in Lagna, Moon in a Kendra from Jupiter, Rahu in the 2nd from
Moon, Sun and Mars in 3rd from Lagna (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person has matchless strength, is conversant with scriptures, very talented
and renowned.
Simhasana Yoga All planets occupying houses 2, 6, 8 and 12 (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person acquires the 'Simhasana' or the royal throne.
Dhvaja Yoga All malefics in the 8th house and all benefics in the Lagna (Dr. K.S.
Results: The person is a commander, one whose orders others follow.
Hamsa Yoga* All planets in the Lagna, the 5th, the 7th and the 9th (do not confuse with
Hamsa Mahapurusha Yoga) (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person takes over the sustenance of his fellow beings.
Karika Yoga All planets in the 7th, the 10th and the 11th houses (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person, even if born in an ordinary ambiance, attains kingship.
Amara Yoga All malefics in Kendras (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person will achieve the ownership of vast lands.
Amara Yoga All benefics in Kendras (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person will gain abundant wealth.
Mahapataka Yoga Moon conjunct Rahu, aspected by Jupiter which is under malefic
association (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is a heinous sinner.
Raja Lakshana Yoga Jupiter, Venus, Mercury and Moon are in Lagna or another Kendra
(M. Ramakrishna Bhat).
Results: The person will have an attractive appearance and he will possess all the
qualities of respectable personalities.
Vanchana Chora Bhithi Yoga Malefic occupies the Lagna while Gulika is in a Trikona
(Sarvartha Chintamani 2/76)..
Results: The person will be constantly suspicious of people around him, afraid of being
taken advantage of, swindled or stolen from.
Vanchana Chora Bhithi Yoga Gulika is associated with the lords of Kendra or Trikona
houses (Sarvartha Chintamani 2/76).
Results: The person will be constantly suspicious of people around him, afraid of being
taken advantage of, swindled or stolen from.
Vanchana Chora Bhithi Yoga The Lagna lord is with Rahu, Saturn or Ketu (Sarvartha
Chintamani 2/76)..
Results: The person will be constantly suspicious of people around him, afraid of being
taken advantage of, swindled or stolen from.
Gauri Yoga The lord of the Navamsha sign occupied by the lord of the 10th house joins
the Lagna lord in the 10th house (Phala Deepika 6/25).
Results: The person is charitable and praised by all, a performer of religious rites. He
comes from a good family, owns several lands and has sons
of respectable character.
Madana Gopala Yoga The lords of the Lagna and the 7th house should exchange places
and one of them is conjunct Venus (Jyotisharnava Navanitam 2/200).
Results: The person will have intimate relation with a number of individuals of the
opposite sex (the classical text speaks of women in the case
of man).
Madana Gopala Yoga Venus is in deep exaltation in the 7th house and aspecting or
aspected by the 7th house lord (Jyotisharnava Navanitam 2/200).
Results: The person will have intimate relation with a number of individuals of the
opposite sex (the classical text speaks of women in the case
of man).
Vedic Astrology Bookshelf V.1.01 (C) GeoVision S.W., Licensed to Denis Chevalier
Bharathi Yoga The lord of the Navamsha sign occupied by the lord of the 2nd is exalted
and combined with or is the 9th house lord (original source unknown).
Results: The person is a world famous and reputed scholar, religious, with love for music
and romance, very attractive and possesses bewitching
Bharathi Yoga The lord of the Navamsha sign occupied by the lord of the 5th is exalted
and combined with or is the 9th house lord (original source unknown).
Results: The person is a world famous and reputed scholar, religious, with love for music
and romance, very attractive and possesses bewitching
Bharathi Yoga The lord of the Navamsha sign occupied by the lord of the 11th is exalted
and combined with or is the 9th house lord (original source unknown).
Results: The person is a world famous and reputed scholar, religious, with love for music
and romance, very attractive and possesses bewitching
Chapa Yoga The Lagna lord is exalted and the lords of the 4th and the 10th house
exchange houses (original source unknown).
Results: The person is in the grace of the king, and is in control of a treasury. He is strong
and wealthy.
Amshavatara Yoga Venus, Jupiter and Saturn are in Kendras and Saturn is exalted (Chara
Lagna) (original source unknown).
Results: The person has a pure name and reputation. His passions are under control
although fond of sexual pleasures. He is knowledgeable in
philosophy and an equal to a ruler, or a ruler himself.
Brihatjataka Yoga Pisces identical to Lagna, Saturn in Aquarius and Mars in the 11th
house (Bhavartha Ratnakara 12/13-4).
Results: The person is very fortunate and of good character and will attain great fame.
Maha Raja Yoga There is of houses between the Lagna lord and the 5th house lord, while
the Atmakaraka and Putrakaraka are in Karakamsha Lagna or the 5th
house therefrom, or be exalted or in own sign and aspected by a benefic (Brihat Parashara
Hora Shastra).
Results: The person will certainly become a great leader or a king of high status, and be
happy and famous.
Raja Yoga A mutual relationship exists between the Lagna lord on the one side and the
lord of the 4th or 5th or 7th or 9th or 10th on the other (Dr. K.S.
Results: This elevates the status of the individual in terms of success, recognition and
Raja Yoga A mutual relationship exists between the lord of the 4th house on the one side
and the lord of the 5th or 9th on the other (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: This elevates the status of the individual in terms of success, recognition and
Raja Yoga A mutual relationship exists between the lord of the 5th house on the one hand
and the 7th or the 10th on the other (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: This elevates the status of the individual in terms of success, recognition and
Raja Yoga A mutual relationship exists between the lord of the 7th house on the one side
and that of the 9th on the other (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: This elevates the status of the individual in terms of success, recognition and
Raja Yoga A mutual relationship exists between the lord of the ninth house on the one
side and the lord of the 10th house on the other (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: This elevates the status of the individual in terms of success, recognition and
Raja Yoga A conjunction or mutual aspect between the lord of the 5th house and the lord
of the 9th house (Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra 41/33-34).
Results: Leads to kingship or royal status (In modern context this means a high
governmental status).
Raja Yoga Exchange between lords of the 4th and 10th houses, aspected by or associated
with the 5th or the 9th lords (Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra
Results: Leads to kingship or royal status (In modern context this means a high
governmental status).
Raja Yoga Lords of the 4th or the 10th are in conjunction with the lords of the 5th and the
9th (Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra 41/37).
Results: The person will share a kingdom. This leads to kingship or royal status (In
modern context this means a high governmental status).
Raja Yoga Lord of the 5th house associated with the Lagna lord or the 9th lord, and
located in Lagna or 4th or 10 house (Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra
Results: Brings fourth king. Leads to kingship or royal status (In modern context this
means a high governmental status).
Raja Yoga All benefics in Kendras and all malefics occupy the Trishadaya houses
(houses 3, 6 and 11) (Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra 41/48).
Results: Brings fourth king. Leads to kingship or royal status (In modern context this
means a high governmental status).
Raja Yoga The lords of the 6th, the 8th or the 12th are debilitated in the presence of a
Lagna lord, exalted or in own, aspecting the Lagna (Brihat Parashara
Hora Shastra 41/20).
Results: Brings fourth king. Leads to kingship or royal status (In modern context this
means a high governmental status).
Raja Yoga Debilitated planets occupying 3rd, 6th, 8th or 11th, in the presence of a Lagna
lord, exalted or in own, aspecting the Lagna (Brihat Parashara
Hora Shastra 41/19).
Results: This elevates the status of the individual in terms of success, recognition and
status during the dasha period of the constituent planets
(Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra).
Raja Yoga Jupiter, in own sign, is conjunct Venus in the 9th house or similarly conjunct
the 5th lord (Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra 41/39).
Results: Brings fourth king. Leads to kingship or royal status (In modern context this
means a high governmental status).
Raja Yoga Venus occupying the Lagna, and aspected by or associated with the Moon or
Jupiter (Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra 41/11).
Results: The person will be related to royal circles. Leads to kingship or royal status (In
modern context this means a high governmental status).
Vedic Astrology Bookshelf V.1.01 (C) GeoVision S.W., Licensed to Denis Chevalier
Raja Yoga Venus occupying the Karakamsha Lagna or the 5th there from, and aspected
by or associated with the Moon or Jupiter (Brihat Parashara Hora
Shastra 41/11).
Results: The person will be related to royal circles. Leads to kingship or royal status (In
modern context this means a high governmental status).
Raja Yoga 10th lord exalted or in its own house, aspecting the Lagna at the same time,
while benefics are in a Kendra (Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra
Results: Brings fourth king. Leads to kingship or royal status (In modern context this
means a high governmental status).
Raja Yoga Rahu is in a Kendra or Trikona, conjunct a Kendra lord or Trikona lord
(Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra 36/17).
Results: Brings fourth king. Leads to kingship or royal status (In modern context this
means a high governmental status).
Raja Yoga Ketu is in a Kendra or Trikona, conjunct a Kendra lord or Trikona lord (Brihat
Parashara Hora Shastra 36/17).
Results: Brings fourth king. Leads to kingship or royal status (In modern context this
means a high governmental status).
Viparita Harsha Raja Yoga The 6th lord is in the 6th, 8th or 12th house (Phala Deepika
Results: This is supposed to confer happiness, health and fame. The person will conquer
his/her enemies and will hesitate in indulging in sinful
deeds. Friends will be illustrious and with class.
Viparita Sarala Raja Yoga The 8th lord is in the 6th, 8th or 12th house (Phala Deepika
Results: This confers learning, longevity and prosperity. The person will be successful in
all ventures, conquerer of foes and a great celebrity.
Viparita Vimala Raja Yoga The 12th lord is in the 6th, 8th or 12th house (Phala Deepika
Results: This makes the person virtuous and contented. The person will be equipped with
good behaviour towards others, will enjoy happiness,
will be independent, following a respectable profession or conduct, and will be known for
good qualities.
Raja Yoga Mercury is exalted in a Kendra (Jyotisharnava Navanitam 5/17).
Results: The person aquires power or kingdom according to his/her family of birth.
Raja Yoga A benefic is exalted in a Kendra (Jyotisharnava Navanitam 5/17).
Results: The person aquires power or kingdom according to his/her family of birth.
Raja Yoga Pisces Lagna and Jupiter is placed in the 10th house (Bhavartha Ratnakara
Results: Brings fourth king. Leads to kingship or royal status (In modern context this
means a high governmental status).
Raja Yoga Pisces Lagna, Moon in Taurus, Sun in Leo, Mercury in Virgo, Venus in Libra
and Jupiter is placed in the 10th house (Bhavartha Ratnakara
Results: Brings fourth king. Leads to kingship or royal status (In modern context this
means a high governmental status).
Raja Yoga Capricorn is identical to Lagna and Mars is in Lagna and Moon in Cancer
(Bhavartha Ratnakara 10/10).
Results: Brings fourth king. Leads to kingship or royal status (In modern context this
means a high governmental status).
Raja Yoga Libra is identical to Lagna and Saturn is in Lagna and Moon in Cancer
(Bhavartha Ratnakara 7/14).
Results: Brings fourth king. Leads to kingship or royal status (In modern context this
means a high governmental status).
Raja Yoga Libra is identical to Lagna and Sun, Saturn and Mercury are conjunct Mars or
Moon (Bhavartha Ratnakara 7/7).
Results: Brings fourth king. Leads to kingship or royal status (In modern context this
means a high governmental status).
Maha Raja Yoga Lagna is identical with Cancer, Mercury, Venus and Moon are in the
11th house while Jupiter is in the Lagna and Sun in the 10th house
(Bhavartha Ratnakara 4/6).
Results: The person will certainly become a great leader or a king of high status, and be
happy and famous.
Raja Yoga Lagna is identical with Cancer, Mercury, Venus and Moon are in the 11th
house while Jupiter is in the Lagna and Sun in the 10th house
(Bhavartha Ratnakara 4/6).
Results: Brings fourth king. Leads to kingship or royal status (In modern context this
means a high governmental status).
Raja Yoga A planet is in debilitation but with bright rays, or retrograde, and occupies
favorable positions (Phala Deepika 7/3).
Results: The person attains a position equivalent to a ruler, and holds all the insignia of
Raja Yoga The Moon is brilliant with white luster (full) and is aspected by a planet
disposed in own sign or exalted (Phala Deepika 7/7).
Results: The person, though possibly born of common people, will become a ruler.
Raja Yoga The Moon is in Lagna, Jupiter in 4th house, Venus in the 10th and Saturn
exalted or in his own house (Sarvartha Chintamani 9/9).
Results: The person will become a ruler or equal to a ruler of high rank.
Raja Yoga The lord of or the planet that would be exalted in a sign holding a debilitated
planet is in a Kendra from Moon or Lagna (Sarvartha Chintamani
Results: The person will become a ruler or equal to a ruler of high rank.
Raja Yoga Moon is in a Kendra, but not Lagna, receiving an aspect from Jupiter, and
otherwise powerful (Sarvartha Chintamani 9.14).
Results: The person achieves the status of a ruler or equivalent to a ruler, in influence,
wealth and power.
Raja Yoga Planets in debilitated signs get exalted in the Navamsha (Sarvartha
Chintamani 9/15).
Results: The person achieves the status of a ruler or equivalent to a ruler, in influence,
wealth and power.
Vedic Astrology Bookshelf V.1.01 (C) GeoVision S.W., Licensed to Denis Chevalier
Raja Yoga Jupiter in the Lagna and Mercury occupying a Kendra are aspected
respectively by the 9th and the 11th lords (Sarvartha Chintamani 9.20).
Results: The person achieves the status of a ruler or equivalent to a ruler, in influence,
wealth and power.
Raja Yoga Jupiter in the Lagna and Mercury occupying a Kendra are aspected
respectively by the 1st and the 9th lords (Sarvartha Chintamani 9.20).
Results: The person achieves the status of a ruler or equivalent to a ruler, in influence,
wealth and power.
Raja Yoga Saturn is exalted or in Moola-Trikona occupying a Kendra or Trikona being
aspected by the lord of the 10th house (Sarvartha Chintamani 9.22).
Results: The person will become a ruler or equal to a ruler of high rank.
Raja Yoga Moon is with Mars in the 2nd or 3rd house, while Rahu resides in the 5th
house (Sarvartha Chintamani 9.29).
Results: The person will become a ruler or equal to a ruler of high rank.
Raja Yoga The Lord of the 10th, in the 9th, having attained Uttamamsa, holding an
exalted or friendly position in the Navamsha (Sarvartha Chintamani
Results: The person will become a ruler or equal to a ruler of high rank.
Raja Yoga Jupiter is in the 5th house from Lagna and in a Kendra from Moon, while
Lagna is a Sthira sign whose lord is in the 10th house (Sarvartha
Chintamani 9.26).
Results: The person will become a ruler or equal to a ruler of high rank.
Raja Yoga The lord of the Navamsha sign which the Moon occupies, resides in a Kendra
or Trikona from Lagna or Mercury (Sarvartha Chintamani 9.28).
Results: The person is or becomes a commander or equal to a ruler.
Raja Yoga The lord of the Navamsha occupied by a debilitated planet is in a Kendra or
Trikona from the Lagna which is a Chara sign, and the Lagna lord is
also in a Chara sign (Sarvartha Chintamani 9.36).
Results: The person will become a ruler or equal to a ruler of high rank.
Raja Yoga The Lagna lord is conjunct a debilitated planet, while Rahu and Saturn are in
the 10th, aspected by the lord of the 9th (Sarvartha Chintamani
Results: The person will become a ruler or equal to a ruler of high rank.
Raja Yoga One of the lords of the 11th, the 9th and the 2nd houses, is in a Kendra from
Moon, while Jupiter is the lord of either 2nd, 5th or 11th house
(original source unknown).
Results: The individual becomes a great man or a respected ruler.
Raja Yoga Jupiter, Mercury, Venus or Moon are in the 9th house, associated or aspected
by friendly planets, free from combustion (original source
Results: The individual becomes a great man or a respected ruler.
Raja Yoga The Lagna is Taurus with Moon in it, and Saturn in 10th, Sun in 4th and
Jupiter in 7th (Sambu Hora Prakasha 17/19).
Results: This elevates the status of the individual in terms of success, recognition and
status. The classical text states: ''a king whose invasion
will envelope even the day in darness.''
Raja Yoga Both Sun and Moon are in the degrees of deep exaltation (Maharishi
Results: This elevates the status of the individual in terms of success, recognition and
Jaimini Raja Yoga The 9th lord and the Atmakaraka located in the Lagna or the 5th or the
7th, and aspected by benefics (K.N. Rao).
Results: This elevates the status of the individual in terms of success, recognition and
Jaimini Raja Yoga When benefics associate with 2nd, 4th and 5th houses as reckoned
from the Lagna or Atmakaraka, and malefics occupy 3rd and 6th house from
them (K.N. Rao).
Results: This elevates the status of the individual in terms of success, recognition and
Jaimini Raja Yoga The Moon and Venus together or the Moon aspected by Venus (K.N.
Results: This elevates the status of the individual in terms of success, recognition and
Jaimini Raja Yoga The Moon aspected by many planets (K.N. Rao)
Results: This elevates the status of the individual in terms of success, recognition and
Raja-Bhanga Yoga Moon is placed in the extreme degrees of debilitation (Bhava
Kutuhalam 8/56)
Results: This Yoga cancels or destroys any Raja Yoga that may be in the chart.
Dhana Yoga Lagna is identical to Gemini, Moon and Mars are in the 11th house and
Saturn is in the 9th house (Bhavartha Ratnakara 3/8).
Results: The person will be extremely wealthy.
Dhana Yoga Venus is in own sign in the 5th house and Mars is in the 11th house (Brihat
Parashara Hora Shastra 43/2).
Results: The person will possess great riches.
Dhana Yoga Mercury is in own sign in the 5th and Moon, Mars and Jupiter are in the
11th (Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra 43/3).
Results: The person will be extremely wealthy.
Dhana Yoga Sun is in own sign in the 5th, and Saturn, Moon and Jupiter are in the 11th
house (Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra 43/3).
Results: The person will be extremely wealthy.
Vedic Astrology Bookshelf V.1.01 (C) GeoVision S.W., Licensed to Denis Chevalier
Dhana Yoga Saturn is in own sign in the 5th house and the luminaries conjunct in the
11th (Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra 43/5).
Results: The person will be extremely wealthy.
Dhana Yoga Jupiter is in his own sign in the 5th house, and Mercury is in the 11th house
(Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra 43/6).
Results: The person will be extremely wealthy.
Dhana Yoga Mars is in own sign in the 5th and Venus is in the 11th house (Brihat
Parashara Hora Shastra 43/7).
Results: The person will be extremely wealthy.
Dhana Yoga Moon is in own sign in the 5th and Saturn is in the 11th (Brihat Parashara
Hora Shastra 43/8).
Results: The person owns fabulous wealth.
Dhana Yoga Sun is in own sign in the Lagna, and is aspected or conjunct by Mars and
Jupiter (Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra 43/9).
Results: The person will be endowed with wealth.
Dhana Yoga Moon in own sign in the Lagna, and conjunct or aspected by Mercury and
Jupiter (Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra 43/10).
Results: The person will be wealthy.
Dhana Yoga Mars is in own sign in the Lagna, and is aspected or conjunct by Mercury,
Venus, and Saturn (Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra 43/11).
Results: The person will be very rich.
Dhana Yoga Mercury in own sign in the Lagna, conjunct or aspected by Saturn and
Jupiter (Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra 43/12).
Results: The person will be endowed with wealth.
Dhana Yoga Jupiter is in own sign in the Lagna, conjunct or aspected by Mercury and
Mars (Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra 43/13).
Results: The person will be wealthy.
Dhana Yoga Venus is in own sign in the Lagna, conjunct or aspected by Saturn and
Mercury (Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra 43/14).
Results: The person will be wealthy.
Dhana Yoga Saturn in own sign in the Lagna, conjunct or aspected by Mars and Jupiter
(Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra 43/15).
Results: The person will be endowed with wealth.
Dhana Yoga (dasha) The 9th house lord is conjunct the 5th house lord (Brihat Parashara
Hora Shastra 43/2).
Results: The person will enjoy great wealth in the Dasha periods of the planets making
this Yoga.
Dhana Yoga There is a relationship between the Lagna lord on the one hand and the 2nd,
or 5th, or 9th or 11th lord on the other hand (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person will be wealthy.
Dhana Yoga There is a relationship between the 2nd house lord on the one hand and the
5th, or 9th or 11th lord on the other hand (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person will be wealthy.
Dhana Yoga There is a relationship between the 5th house lord on the one hand and the
9th or 11th lord on the other hand (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person will be wealthy.
Dhana Yoga There is a relationship between the 9th house lord on the one hand and the
11th lord on the other hand (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person will be wealthy.
Dan Yoga The lord of the 9th is in it's sign of exaltation aspected by benefics and the 9th
house itself is aspected by benefics (Satvartha Chintamani
Results: The person is very charitable, and if not rich is still in some way or another
linked to charity or charity work. The presence of a Bhagya
Yoga or a Raja Yoga will greatly reinforce these results.
Dan Yoga The lord of the 9th is in Paravatamsha aspected by Jupiter and the lord of
Lagna is aspected by Venus (Satvartha Chintamani 7/2/44).
Results: The person is very charitable, and if not rich is still in some way or another
linked to charity or charity work. The presence of a Bhagya
Yoga or a Raja Yoga will greatly reinforce these results.
Dan Yoga The Lagna or the Lagna lord are aspected by the lord of the 9th which in turn
is in a Kendra or a Trikona (Satvartha Chintamani 7/2/45).
Results: The person is very charitable, and if not rich is still in some way or another
linked to charity or charity work. The presence of a Bhagya
Yoga or a Raja Yoga will greatly reinforce these results.
Dan Yoga The lord of the 9th is in Simhasana and is aspected by the Lord of Lagna and
the lord of the 10th house (Satvartha Chintamani 7/2/46).
Results: The person is very charitable, and if not rich is still in some way or another
linked to charity or charity work. The presence of a Bhagya
Yoga or a Raja Yoga will greatly reinforce these results.
Dan Yoga The lord of the 9th is in the 4th house, the lord of the 10th in a Kendra and the
lord of the 12th house aspected by Jupiter (Satvartha Chintamani
Results: The person is very charitable, and if not rich is still in some way or another
linked to charity or charity work. The presence of a Bhagya
Yoga or a Raja Yoga will greatly reinforce these results.
Dan Yoga Mercury, in exaltation, is aspected by the lord of the 9th, and the lord of the
11th is located in a Kendra (Satvartha Chintamani 7/2/51).
Results: The person is very charitable, and if not rich is still in some way or another
linked to charity or charity work. The presence of a Bhagya
Yoga or a Raja Yoga will greatly reinforce these results.
Vedic Astrology Bookshelf V.1.01 (C) GeoVision S.W., Licensed to Denis Chevalier
Bahudravyarjana Dhana Yoga The Lagna lord is in the 2nd, the lord of the 2nd is in the
11th and the lord of the 11th is in the Lagna (Sarvartha Chintamani 3/54).
Results: The person will accumulate considerable wealth.
Svaveeryaddhana Yoga The Lagna lord is the strongest planet, occupying a Kendra,
conjunct Jupiter and the 2nd lord joins Vaisheshikamsha (Sarvartha Chintamani
Results: The person will accumulate his wealth through his own effort.
Svaveeryaddhana Yoga The 2nd lord occupies a Kendra or Trikona from the Lagna lord,
or a naturally benefic 2nd lord is exalted or conjunct an exalted planet
(Sarvartha Chintamani 3).
Results: The person will accumulate his wealth through his own effort.
Anthya Vayasi Dhana Yoga The lords of the signs in which the lords of Lagna and the
2nd house are placed associated with a benefic planet, are powerfully placed in the
Lagna (Sarvartha Chintamani 3/58).
Results: The person will gain wealth towards the latter part of his life.
Balya Dhana Yoga The lord of the 2nd and the lord of the 10 are conjunct in a Kendra
aspected by the lord of the Navamsha sign occupying the Lagna lord
(Sarvartha Chintamani 3/54).
Results: The person accumulates great wealth early in life.
Bhratrumulaladdhanaprapti Yoga The Lagna-lord and the 2nd house lord are conjunct in
the 3rd house with benefic aspects (Sarvartha Chintamani 3/59).
Results: The person gains wealth through association with siblings or other relatives.
Bhratrumulaladdhanaprapti Yoga The lord of the 3rd house is conjunct Jupiter in the 2nd,
aspected by the Lagna-lord which is in Vaisheshikamsha (Sarvartha Chintamani 3/60).
Results: The person gains wealth through association with siblings or other relatives.
Matrumulaladdhana Yoga The 2nd house lord, in strength, is conjunct or aspected by the
4th house lord, which is in Vaisheshikamsha (Sarvartha Chintamani 3/54).
Results: The person gains money with the help or by association with his/her mother.
Putramulaladdhana Yoga The lord of the 2nd house is strong and in conjunction with the
lord of the 5th house or Jupiter, and the Lagna-lord has gained Vaisheshikamsha
(Sarvartha Chintamani 3/65).
Results: The person gains money through association with or by the help his children
Satrumuladdhana Yoga A powerful 2nd house lord is conjunct or aspected by the weaker
lord of the 6th house or Mars, while the Lagna-lord is in Vaisheshikamsha
(Sarvartha Chintamani 3/67).
Results: The person gains money through his enemies (perhaps through competition).
Kalatramuladdhana Yoga A powerful 2nd house lord is conjunct or aspected by the lord
of the 7th house and Venus, while the Lagna-lord is very strong (Sarvartha
Chintamani 3/67).
Results: The person will gain wealth through his/her spouse.
Ayatnadhanalabha Yoga The Lagna-lord exchanges places with the lord of the 2nd house
(original source unknown).
Results: Wealth comes to the person, without too much effort.
Karmajiva Yoga The lord of the Navamsha occupying the 10th lord is Sun (Brihat Jataka
Results: Wealth and livelihood will come to the person through scented articles, gold,
wool and medicines. The person could be a medical
person or assistant to medical practices. The person could also earn through his/her father
Karmajiva Yoga Sun is in the 10th house from Lagna, or Moon (Brihat Jataka).
Results: The profession or social status of the person might be scented articles, gold,
wool and medicines, or earning linked to or through his/her
father. The person could be a medical person or assistant to medical practices (Sun).
Karmajiva Yoga Sun rules the 10th house from Moon or Lagna (Brihat Jataka).
Results: (To a lesser degree than other Karmajiva Yogas) This combination could support
other combinations indicating a profession connected
Sun, likewill come to the person through scented articles, gold, wool and medicines or
medical practices.
Karmajiva Yoga The lord of the Navamsha occupying the 10th lord is Moon (Brihat
Jataka 10/2).
Results: Wealth and livelihood will come to the person through agriculture, watery
products, coral, pearls, shells, and dependence upon women.
The person could also earn through his/her mother in some way (Moon).
Karmajiva Yoga Moon is in the 10th house from Sun or Lagna (Brihat Jataka).
Results: The profession or social status of the person might be connected to agriculture,
watery products, coral, pearls, shells, and dependence
upon women. The person could also earn through his/her mother in some way (Moon).
Karmajiva Yoga Moon rules the 10th house from Sun or Lagna (Brihat Jataka).
Results: (To a lesser degree than other Karmajiva Yogas) This combination could support
other combinations indicating a profession connected
Moon, connected to agriculture, watery products, coral, pearls, shells, and dependence
upon women.
Karmajiva Yoga Moon aspects or conjuncts the lord of the 10th from Lagna or Sun
(Brihat Jataka).
Results: (To a lesser degree than other Karmajiva Yogas) This combination could support
other combinations indicating a profession connected
Moon, connected to agriculture, watery products, coral, pearls, shells, and dependence
upon women.
Karmajiva Yoga The lord of the Navamsha occupying the 10th lord is Mars (Brihat
Jataka 10/2).
Results: Wealth and livelihood will come to the person through minerals, fire (fireworks,
kitchen, engine driving or any work connected to heat
or fire), weapons, adventures and physical strength. The person might acquire income
through an enemy (Mars).
Vedic Astrology Bookshelf V.1.01 (C) GeoVision S.W., Licensed to Denis Chevalier
Karmajiva Yoga Mars is in the 10th house from Lagna, Moon or Sun (Brihat Jataka).
Results: The profession or social status of the person might be connected to minerals, fire
or heat (fireworks, kitchen, engine driving), weapons,
adventures and physical strength, or an income through or linked to an enemy (Mars).
Karmajiva Yoga Mars rules the 10th house from Lagna, Moon or Sun (Brihat Jataka).
Results: (To a lesser degree than other Karmajiva Yogas) This combination could support
other combinations indicating a profession of Mars,
connected to minerals, fire (fireworks, kitchen, engine driving or any work connected to
heat or fire), weapons, adventures and physical
Karmajiva Yoga Mars aspects or conjuncts the lord of the 10th from Lagna, Moon or Sun
(Brihat Jataka).
Results: (To a lesser degree than other Karmajiva Yogas) This combination could support
other combinations indicating a profession of Mars,
connected to minerals, fire (fireworks, kitchen, engine driving or any work connected to
heat or fire), weapons, adventures and physical
Karmajiva Yoga The lord of the Navamsha occupying the 10th lord is Mercury (Brihat
Jataka 10/2).
Results: Wealth and livelihood will come to the person through writing, mathematics,
poetry and fine arts. The person could become a
mechanic, painter, sculptor, engraver, architect or scent-maker. The person might also
gain income through a friend (Mercury).
Karmajiva Yoga Mercury is in the 10th house from Lagna or Moon (Brihat Jataka).
Results: The profession or social status of the person might be writing, mathematics,
poetry and fine arts. The person could become a painter,
sculptor, engraver, architect, mechanic or scent-maker. The person might also gain
income through a friend (Mercury).
Karmajiva Yoga Mercury rules the 10th house from Lagna, Moon or Sun (Brihat Jataka).
Results: (To a lesser degree than other Karmajiva Yogas) This combination could support
other combinations indicating a profession connected
to Mercury, like a mechanic, painter, sculptor, engraver, architect or scent-maker.
Karmajiva Yoga Mercury aspects or conjuncts the lord of the 10th from Lagna, Moon or
Sun (Brihat Jataka).
Results: (To a lesser degree than other Karmajiva Yogas) This combination could support
other combinations indicating a profession connected
to Mercury, like a mechanic, painter, sculptor, engraver, architect or scent-maker.
Karmajiva Yoga The lord of the Navamsha occupying the 10th lord is Jupiter (Brihat
Jataka 10/3).
Results: Wealth and livelihood will come to the person through involvement with
educated classes, knowledge, law, religion, temples, charities,
discipleship, pilgrimage and spiritual pursuits. The person might get income through
siblings or children (Jupiter).
Karmajiva Yoga Jupiter is in the 10th house from Lagna, Moon or Sun (Brihat Jataka).
Results: The profession or social status of the person might be connected with educated
classes, knowledge, law, religion, temples, charities,
discipleship, pilgrimage and spiritual pursuits. The person might get income through
siblings or children (Jupiter).
Karmajiva Yoga Jupiter rules the 10th house from Lagna, Moon or Sun (Brihat Jataka).
Results: (To a lesser degree than other Karmajiva Yogas) This combination could support
other combinations indicating a profession connected
Jupiter, like involvement with educated classes, knowledge, law, religion, temples,
charities, discipleship, pilgrimage and spiritual pursuits.
Karmajiva Yoga Jupiter aspects or conjuncts the lord of the 10th from Lagna, Moon or
Sun (Brihat Jataka).
Results: (To a lesser degree than other Karmajiva Yogas) This combination could support
other combinations indicating a profession connected
Jupiter, like involvement with educated classes, knowledge, law, religion, temples,
charities, discipleship, pilgrimage and spiritual pursuits.
Karmajiva Yoga The lord of the Navamsha occupying the 10th lord is Venus (Brihat
Jataka 10/3).
Results: Wealth and livelihood will come to the person through gems, silver, cows,
buffaloes, or anything of great value or sensory pleasure or
relates to beauty. The person's income or source of wealth might come from a woman or
a spouse (Venus).
Karmajiva Yoga Venus is in the 10th house from Lagna or Moon (Brihat Jataka).
Results: The profession or social status of the person might be connected to gems, silver,
cows, buffaloes, or anything of great value or sensory
pleasure or relates to beauty. The person's income or source of wealth might come from a
woman or a spouse (Venus).
Karmajiva Yoga Venus rules the 10th house from Lagna, Moon or Sun (Brihat Jataka).
Results: (To a lesser degree than other Karmajiva Yogas) This combination could support
other combinations indicating a profession of Venus,
connected to gems, silver, cows, buffaloes, or anything of great value or sensory pleasure
or relates to beauty.
Karmajiva Yoga Venus aspects or conjuncts the lord of the 10th from Lagna, Moon or
Sun (Brihat Jataka).
Results: (To a lesser degree than other Karmajiva Yogas) This combination could support
other combinations indicating a profession of Venus,
connected to gems, silver, cows, buffaloes, or anything of great value or sensory pleasure
or relates to beauty.
Karmajiva Yoga The lord of the Navamsha occupying the 10th lord is Saturn (Brihat
Jataka 10/3).
Results: Wealth and livelihood will come to the person through labor, such as carrying
loads, and low trades that go against family tradition
(classical text also mention an executioner for this combination). Source of income might
come through a servant (Saturn).
Karmajiva Yoga Saturn is in the 10th house from Lagna, Moon or Sun (Brihat Jataka).
Results: The profession or social status of the person might be connected to labor, such as
carrying loads, and low trades that go against family
tradition, service, confinement etc. (Saturn)
Karmajiva Yoga Saturn rules the 10th house from Lagna, Moon or Sun (Brihat Jataka).
Results: (To a lesser degree than other Karmajiva Yogas) This combination could support
other combinations indicating a profession connected
to Saturn,like labor, such as carrying loads, and low trades that go against family
Karmajiva Yoga Saturn aspects or conjuncts the lord of the 10th from Lagna, Moon or
Sun (Brihat Jataka).
Results: (To a lesser degree than other Karmajiva Yogas) This combination could support
other combinations indicating a profession connected
to Saturn, like labor, such as carrying loads, and low trades that go against family
Vedic Astrology Bookshelf V.1.01 (C) GeoVision S.W., Licensed to Denis Chevalier
Karmajiva Yoga The 10th lord is in a Chara sign in the Rashi and the Navamsha (Sambu
Hora Prakasha 15/15).
Results: The person will acquire wealth and happiness in a foreign place.
Karmajiva Yoga The 10th lord is in a Sthira sign in the Rashi and the Navamsha (Sambu
Hora Prakasha 15/15).
Results: The person will acquire wealth and happiness in his/her own land.
Karmajiva Yoga The 10th lord is in a Dvishvabhava sign in the Rashi and the Navamsha
(Sambu Hora Prakasha 15/15).
Results: The person will acquire wealth and happiness in both own land and a foreign
Karmajiva Yoga The 10th house from Moon contains a very strong Mercury devoid of a
malefic aspect (Sambu Hora Prakasha 15/17).
Results: The persons fame is going to extend in various directions.
Karmajiva Yoga The 10th house from Moon contains Mercury in own sign, devoid of a
malefic aspect (Sambu Hora Prakasha 15/17).
Results: The persons fame is going to extend in various directions.
Karmajiva Yoga The 10th house from Lagna contains a very strong Mercury devoid of a
malefic aspect (Sambu Hora Prakasha 15/17).
Results: The persons fame is going to extend in various directions.
Gaja Yoga The lord of the 9th house from the 11th house occupies the 11th house,
conjunct with Moon and aspected by the lord of the 11th (original
source unknown).
Results: The person will rule cattle, horses and elephants, and always live a happy and a
wealthy life.
Devendra Yoga Lagna is a Sthira sign and it's lord and the 11th house lord exchange
houses, while the lords of the 2nd house and the 10th house also exchange
places (original source unknown).
Results: The person has a handsome and attractive appearance and a pure reputation, is a
ruler and enjoys long life.
Makuta Yoga Jupiter is in the 9th house from the 9th house lord, while a benefic is in the
9th house from Jupiter and Saturn is in the 10th house (original
source unknown).
Results: The person is a ruler of a forest tribe or a hunters group. He/she is powerful,
successful, with evil-mentality, and a good athlete.
Chandrika Yoga The lord of the Navamsha that holds the lord of the 6th house and the
lord of the Navamsha that holds the lord of the 9th are conjunct with Sun
(original source unknown).
Results: The person is wealthy and aggressive, charitable, with religious power, and will
enjoy fame and a long, happy life.
Chandrika Yoga The lord of the Navamsha that holds the lord of the 6th house and the
lord of the Navamsha that holds the lord of the 9th are conjunct with Sun,
influenced by the lord of the 6th house, and the Sthira signs are on the Kendras (original
source unknown).
Results: The person is wealthy and aggressive, charitable, with religious power, and will
enjoy fame and a long, happy life.
Jaya Yoga The lord of the 6th house is in debilitation while the lord of the 10th house is
deeply exalted (original source unknown).
Results: Happiness and conquest over enemies is bestowed upon the person, as well as
success in other ventures and a long life.
Vidyut Yoga The 11th lord is in deep exaltation and is conjunct Venus in a Kendra from
the Lagna-lord (original source unknown).
Results: The person charitable and fond of pleasures, in charge of a treasury, a great ruler
or an equal to one.
Gandharva Yoga The lord of the 10th house is in a Kama house, the Lagna-lord is
associated with Jupiter, while Sun is deeply exalted and Moon occupying the
9th house (original source unknown).
Results: The person acquires great skills in arts, is fond of pleasure and good clothing,
will gain fame and live to 68 years of age.
Shiva Yoga The lord of the 5th house is in the 9th house, while the lord of the 9th house
is in the 10th house, whose lord in turn is in the 5th house (original
source unknown).
Results: The person is successful in trading, victorious and ruler of armies, possessing
higher wisdom and lives a virtuous life.
Vishnu Yoga The lord of the Navamsha holding the lord of the 9th house, conjoins the
lords of the 10th house and the 9th house in the 2nd house (original
source unknown).
Results: The person leads a happy and enjoyable life, accumulating wealth in foreign
lands, will be knowledgeable and a good conversationalist,
favored by rulers and enjoys perfect health to 100 years of age.
Brahma Yoga Jupiter is in a Kendra from the 9th house lords and Venus is in a Kendra
from the 11th house lords, while Mercury is in a Kendra from
Lagna-lord or the 10th house lords (original source unknown).
Results: The person enjoys luxury in food and other pleasures, has the respect of spiritual
and learned individuals, will be well educated,
virtuous and charitable, and enjoys a long life.
Surya Yoga Sun is in the 10th house and the lord of the 10th house is conjunct Saturn in
the 3rd house (original source unknown).
Results: The person gains great respect from rulers and acquires fame after the 15th year,
well versed in scientific knowledge, with a simple taste
for food, has lotus-like eyes and developed chest.
Garuda Yoga The lord of the Navamsha sign occupying Moon is exalted and the birth is
during the daytime in waxing phase of Moon (original source
Results: The person has the respect of his equals, is fair in speech, strong and feared by
enemies, and will be endangered by poisoning at 34
years of age.
Go Yoga Strong Jupiter occupies his Moolatrikona with the lord of the 2nd house, while
the Lagna-lord is exalted (original source unknown).
Results: The person is brought up by a respectable family, wealthy and powerful, is a
great ruler or equal to one.
Gola Yoga Moon is full in the 9th house, conjunct Jupiter and Venus, while Mercury is in
Navamsha Lagna (original source unknown).
Results: The person will be long lived, and given to wholesome food, polite and
educated, leader of a town or a judge.
Vedic Astrology Bookshelf V.1.01 (C) GeoVision S.W., Licensed to Denis Chevalier
Trilochana Yoga Sun, Moon, Mars are in trines from each other (original source
Results: Great wealth and high intelligence is bestowed upon the person, along with long
life and terror to his enemies.
Sarira Sukhya Yoga The Lagna lord, Jupiter or Venus are placed in a Kendra (Sarvartha
Chintamani 2/98).
Results: Longevity, wealth and alignment from political powers are bestowed upon the
Dehapushti Yoga The Lagna-lord is in a Chara sign aspected by a benefic (Sarvartha
Chintamani 2/108).
Results: Happiness, wealth and enjoyment of life is bestowed upon the person, possessing
a well developed physique.
Dehakashta Yoga The Lagna-lord is conjunct a malefic or is placed in the 8th house
(Sarvartha Chintamani 2/109).
Results: The person will live without physical comforts.
Rogagrastha Yoga The Lagna lord is placed in the Lagna conjunct the lord of the 6th, 8th
or 12th houses (Sarvartha Chintamani 2/74).
Results: The person will have a weak constitution and be sickly.
Rogagrastha Yoga A weak Lagna lord is in a Kendra or a Trikona (Sarvartha Chintamani
Results: The person will have a weak constitution and be sickly.
Krisanga Yoga The Lagna lord is placed in a dry sign or a sign owned by a dry planet
(Sarvartha Chintamani 2/83).
Results: The person will have physical pains and suffering, possessing a lean or
emaciated physique.
Krisanga Yoga The lord of the Navamsha Lagna is a dry planet and malefics are placed
in the Lagna (Sarvartha Chintamani 2).
Results: The person will have physical pains and suffering, possessing a lean or
emaciated physique.
Dehasthulya Yoga The lord of the Navamsha sign of the Lagna lord and the Lagna lord
himself are placed in a watery sign (Sarvartha Chintamani 2/85).
Results: The person will have a stout body.
Dehasthulya Yoga Jupiter is placed in Lagna or aspects Lagna from a watery sign
(Sarvartha Chintamani 2/87).
Results: The person will have a stout body.
Dehasthulya Yoga The Lagna is in a watery sign in conjunction with benefics or the
Lagna lord must be a watery planet (Sarvartha Chintamani 2/87).
Results: The person will have a stout body.
Sada Sanchara Yoga The Lagna lord or the ruler of the sign occupied by the Lagna lord is
in a Chara sign (Sarvartha Chintamani 2/91).
Results: The person will always wander.
Parihasaka Yoga The lord of the Navamsha sign holding Sun is in Vaisheshikamsha and
in the 2nd house (Sarvartha Chintamani 3/47).
Results: The person is a witty and humorous speaker.
Asatyavadi Yoga The lord of the 2nd house is placed in the house of Saturn or Mars and
malefics are in Kendras and Trikonas (Sarvartha Chintamani 3/46).
Results: The person will become untruthful.
Jada Yoga The lord of the 2nd house is placed in the 10th along with malefics or the 2nd
house is occupied with Sun and Mandi or Lord of the 2nd house
conjunct Sun or Mandi (Sarvartha Chintamani 3/34).
Results: The person becomes nervous and loses the balance of his mind when speaking in
front of a group of people.
Muka Yoga Lord of the 2nd house is placed in the 8th house along with Jupiter
(Sarvartha Chintamani 3/30).
Results: The person becomes dumb.
Netranasa Yoga The lords of the 10th house and the 6th house and the 2nd house are
placed in (or aspect) the Lagna or all in Neechamsha, (while Sun and Moon
are not in great strength) (original source unknown).
Results: The person becomes blind in his lifetime, possibly in connection to or due to the
discontent of rulers.
Andha Yoga Mercury and Moon are placed in the 2nd house or the lord of the Lagna and
the 2nd house lord are conjunct Sun in the 2nd house (Sarvartha
Chintamani 9/2/9).
Results: The person is night-blind or is born blind.
Andha Yoga Mars, Moon, Saturn and Sun should respectively occupy the 2nd, 6th, 12
and the 8th house (Sarvartha Chintamani 9/2/9).
Results: The person might be blind or have a very defective eyesight.
Sumukha Yoga The lord of the 2nd house is in a Kendra aspected by benefics, or
benefics occupy the 2nd house (Sarvartha Chintamani 3/26).
Results: The person will have a happy and attractive face.
Sumukha Yoga The lord of the 2nd is in a Kendra in own, friend's or exalted sign, and
the lord of the Kendra is in Gopuramsha (Sarvartha Chintamani 3/26).
Results: The person will have a happy and attractive face.
Durmukha Yoga Malefics are placed in the 2nd house and it's lord is debilitated or
conjunct a malefic (Sarvartha Chintamani 3/27).
Results: The person will have a deformed and unattractive face, either from birth or by
accident. His facial characteristics may easily display
negative emotions.
Durmukha Yoga The lord of the 2nd house is a malefic and conjuncts Gulika or is placed
in an unfriendly or debilitated Navamsha with malefics (Sarvartha
Chintamani 3/28).
Results: The person will have a deformed and unattractive face, either from birth or by
accident. His facial characteristics may easily display
negative emotions.
Vedic Astrology Bookshelf V.1.01 (C) GeoVision S.W., Licensed to Denis Chevalier
Bhojana Sukhya Yoga The lord of the 2nd house is powerful, occupying
Vaisheshikamsha, and receives an aspect from Jupiter or Venus (Sarvartha Chintamani
Results: The person accumulates wealth and will always enjoy good quality and delicious
Annadana Yoga The lord of the 2nd house is in Vaisheshikamsha and conjunct or
aspected by Jupiter and Mercury (Sarvartha Chintamani 3/136).
Results: The person is hospitable in nature and feeds good number of people.
Parannabhojana Yoga The lord of the 2nd is debilitated or in unfavorable Navamsha sign
and aspected by a debilitated planet (Sarvartha Chintamani 3/141).
Results: The person will depend upon others for food supply and may eat defective food.
Sraddhannabhuktha Yoga Saturn is a lord of the 2nd house or conjunct the lord of the 2nd
house, or the 2nd house or it's lord is aspected by a debilitated Saturn (Sarvartha
Chintamani 3/142).
Results: The person will consume unclean or dead food or food prepared for death
ceremonies of non-related.
Sarpaganda Yoga Rahu is in the 2nd house with Mandi (Sarvartha Chintamani 3/150).
Results: The person will be vulnerable to a snakebite (This Yoga might be inaccurate
because the original clearly states Gulika not Mandi).
Sarpaganda Yoga Rahu is in the 2nd house with Gulika (Sarvartha Chintamani 3/150).
Results: The person will be vulnerable to a snakebite.
Vakchalana Yoga Malefic planet owns the 2nd house and joins a cruel Navamsha and the
2nd house is without a benefic planet or benefic aspect (Sarvartha
Chintamani 3/152).
Results: The person will have a speech defect like stammering.
Vishaprayoga Yoga The 2nd house holds or is aspected by malefics and the 2nd house
lord is in a cruel Navamsha aspected by a malefic (Sarvartha Chintamani
Results: The person is vulnerable to be poisoned by others.
Bhratruvriddhi Yoga The 3rd house lord, or Mars, or the 3rd house itself is conjunct or
aspected by benefics and strong in other ways (Sarvartha Chintamani 4/16).
Results: The person will have good luck with his brothers (or siblings) which will be very
well off.
Sodaranasa Yoga Mars and the 3rd house lord are placed in the 8th house and are
aspected by malefics (Sarvartha Chintamani 4/2).
Results: The person will have no younger siblings, and few or no siblings at all.
Sodaranasa Yoga Mars and the 3rd house lord are placed in the 3rd house and are
aspected by malefics (Sarvartha Chintamani 4/2).
Results: The person will have no younger siblings, and few or no siblings at all.
Sodaranasa Yoga Mars and the 3rd house lord are placed in the 4th or the 7th house and
are aspected by malefics (Sarvartha Chintamani 4/2).
Results: The person will have no younger siblings, and few or no siblings at all (this
might not be translated correctly from the original).
Sodaranasa Yoga Mars and the lord of the 3rd house are in the Trik houses (6, 8 and 12th
houses), conjunct or aspected by malefics (Sarvartha Chintamani 4/11).
Results: The person will have no younger siblings, and few or no siblings at all.
Sodaranasa Yoga The Navamsha dispositor of the 3rd house lord is debilitated in the 8th
house (Sarvartha Chintamani 4/6).
Results: The person will have no younger siblings, and few or no siblings at all.
Ekabhagini Yoga Mercury is in the 3rd house, the lord of the 3rd house is conjunct
Moon, and weak Mars with Saturn (original source unknown).
Results: The person will only have one sister.
Dvadasa Sahodara Yoga The lord of the 3rd house is in a Kendra and exalted Mars with
Jupiter in a Trikona from the 3rd house lord (original source unknown).
Results: The person will be third in order of twelve siblings.
Saptasankhya Sahodara Yoga The lord of the 12th house conjuncts Mars, Moon along
with Jupiter is in the 3rd house, without an aspect from Venus (original source
Results: The person will have seven brothers.
Parakrama yoga The 3rd house lord is in a benefic Navamsha sign conjunct or aspected
by benefics, and Mars is placed in a benefic sign (original source
Results: Great courage is bestowed upon the person.
Yuddhatpurvadridhachitta Yoga The lord of the 3rd house is exalted, in the 8th house,
and conjunct malefics in Chara signs in Rashi or Navamsha (Sarvartha Chintamani 4/34).
Results: The person will display courage before the confrontation or battle, but loses
heart and the balance of mind when the conflict
Yuddhatpaschaddrudha Yoga The lord of the 3rd house is located in a Sthira sign in the
Rashi and the Navamsha, in a cruel Shatiamsha sign, and the Lagna lord should be
debilitated (original source unknown).
Results: The person finds his/her courage after the war, conflict or confrontation has
commenced, whereas before it starts he/she might feel
weak and vulnerable.
Satkathadisravana Yoga The 3rd house is in a benefic sign aspected by benefic planets
and the lord of the 3rd house is in a benefic Navamsha (original source unknown).
Results: The person is always interested in reading quality literature and listening to
philosophical or religious discourses.
Uttama Griha Yoga The lord of the 4th house is in a Kendra or Trikona with benefics
(Sarvartha Chintamani).
Results: The person comes to own good houses.
Vedic Astrology Bookshelf V.1.01 (C) GeoVision S.W., Licensed to Denis Chevalier
Vichitra Saudha Prakara Yoga The lords of the 4th and 10th are together conjunct with
Saturn and Mars (Sarvartha Chintamani 4/62).
Results: The person becomes the owner of many mansions.
Ayatna Griha Prapta Yoga Lagna-lord and the 7th house lord occupy the Lagna or the 4th
house, receiving benefic aspects (Sarvartha Chintamani 4/55).
Results: The person gains considerable real estate property with very little effort.
Ayatna Griha Prapta Yoga The lord of the 9th house is placed in a Kendra, while the lord
of the 4th house is in own sign, Moolatrikona or exalted (Sarvartha Chintamani
Results: The person gains considerable real estate property with very little effort.
Grihanasa Yoga The lord of the 4th house is in the 12th house receiving a malefic aspect
(Sarvartha Chintamani 4/63).
Results: The person will undergo great loss in house properties.
Grihanasa Yoga The lord of the Navamsha sign that holds the lord of the 4th house is
placed in the 12th house (Sarvartha Chintamani 4/63).
Results: The person will undergo great loss in house properties.
Bandhu Pujya Yoga The lord of the 4th house, being a benefic, is aspected by benefic and
Mercury is placed in Lagna (Sarvartha Chintamani 4/.64).
Results: The person has the respect of his family and friends.
Bandhu Pujya Yoga The 4th house or it's lord are associated with or aspected by Jupiter
(Sarvartha Chintamani 4/65).
Results: The person has the respect of his family and friends.
Bandhubhisthyaktha Yoga The lord of the 4th house is connected to malefics or holds
bad Shasthiamshas or is placed in enemy or debilitation signs (Sarvartha Chintamani
Results: The person will have trouble with his close relatives, due to misunderstanding or
be deserted by them.
Matrudirgayur Yoga Benefic is located in the 4th house, while the 4th house lord is
exalted and Moon is strong (Sarvartha Chintamani 4/130).
Results: The mother of the person will have a long life.
Matrudirgayur Yoga The lord of the Navamsha sign holding the 4th house lord is strong
and is located in a Kendra from Lagna or Moon (Sarvartha Chintamani
Results: The mother of the person will have a long life.
Matrunasa Yoga Moon is hemmed between malefics, or conjunct or aspected by malefics
(Sarvartha Chintamani 4/133).
Results: The mother of the person dies early.
Matrugami Yoga Moon or Venus are in a Kendra conjunct or aspected by a malefic,
while a malefic occupies the 4th house (Sarvartha Chintamani 4/115).
Results: The person will commit adultery with his own mother.
Sahodarisangama Yoga The lord of the 7th and Venus are conjunct in the 4th house and
conjunct or aspected by malefics or in a cruel Shastiamsha (Sarvartha
Chintamani 4/117-118).
Results: The person will have incestuous relations with his/her own siblings.
Driksamsthavasita Yoga In a woman's chart, Saturn and Venus are in each other's
Navamsha, receiving mutual aspect and the Lagna is Taurus or Libra, with Aquarius
Navamsha Lagna (Brihat Jataka 24/7).
Results: The woman will get sexual satisfaction from females dressed in a male attire.
Driksamsthavasita Yoga In a woman's chart, Saturn and Venus are in each other's
Navamsha, receiving mutual aspect in the Rashi (Brihat Jataka 24/7).
Results: The woman will get sexual satisfaction from females dressed in a male attire.
Driksamsthavasita Yoga In a woman's chart, the Lagna is Taurus or Libra, with Aquarius
Navamsha Lagna (Brihat Jataka 24/7).
Results: The woman will get sexual satisfaction from females dressed in a male attire.
Kapata Yoga The lord of the 4th house is conjunct or aspected, or hemmed in by malefics
and a malefic is in the 4th house (Sarvartha Chintamani 4/139).
Results: The person will become a hypocrite, concealing his/her own feeling and seldom
revealing his mind.
Kapata Yoga The 4th house holds Saturn, Mars, Rahu and a malefic 10th lord, receiving
a malefic aspect (Sarvartha Chintamani 4/140).
Results: The person will become a hypocrite, concealing his/her own feeling and seldom
revealing his mind.
Kapata Yoga The 4th house lord is conjunct Saturn, Mandi and Rahu, receiving malefic
aspects (Sarvartha Chintamani 4/140).
Results: The person will become a hypocrite, concealing his/her own feeling and seldom
revealing his mind.
Nishkapata Yoga The 4th house is occupied by a benefic planet, or planet in own sign,
friendly or sign of exaltation, or 4th house being a benefic sign (Sarvartha
Chintamani 4/143).
Results: The person is pure hearted and stays away from secrecy and hypocrisy.
Nishkapata Yoga The Lagna lord is in the 4th house conjunct or aspected by a benefic or
occupying Parvata or Uttamamsa (Sarvartha Chintamani 4/145).
Results: The person is pure hearted and stays away from secrecy and hypocrisy.
Matru Satruva Yoga In Gemini Lagna, Mercury is conjunct or aspected by a malefic
(original source unknown).
Results: The person will dislike or hate his/her mother.
Vedic Astrology Bookshelf V.1.01 (C) GeoVision S.W., Licensed to Denis Chevalier
Matru Sneha Yoga The Lagna and 4th house have the same ruler, or the lords of the 1st
and 4th are temporal or natural friends or aspected by benefics (Sarvartha
Chintamani 4/148).
Results: There will be very good relationship between the person and his/her mother.
Vahana Yoga The Lagna lord is placed in the 4th house, the 9th house or the 11th house
(Sarvartha Chintamani 4/162).
Results: The person will come to own vehicles and other material comforts.
Vahana Yoga The lord of the 4th house is exalted and the lord of the exaltation sign is in
a Kendra or a Trikona (Sarvartha Chintamani 4/152).
Results: The person will come to own vehicles and other material comforts.
Anapathya Yoga Jupiter, the Lagna lord, the 5th house lord and the 7th house lord are
weak (Sarvartha Chintamani 5/14).
Results: The person will be childless.
Sarpasapa Yoga Rahu is in the 5th house, aspected by Mars or Mars rules the 5th which
contains Rahu (original source unknown).
Results: The person will suffer the premature death of his children (due to a serpent's
Sarpasapa Yoga The 5th house lord is conjunct Rahu while Saturn is in the 5th house
conjunct or aspected by Moon (original source unknown).
Results: The person will suffer the premature death of his children (due to a serpent's
Sarpasapa Yoga Jupiter, or Putrakaraka, is conjunct with Mars, while Rahu is in Lagna
and The 5th house lord in a Trik house (6th, 8th or 12th) (original source
Results: The person will suffer the premature death of his children (due to a serpent's
Sarpasapa Yoga Mars rules the 5th house, which holds Rahu which is conjunct or
aspected by Mercury (original source unknown).
Results: The person will suffer the premature death of his children (due to a serpent's
Pitrusapa Sutakshaya Yoga Debilitated Sun occupies the 5th house, or the Sun in the 5th
in the division of Capricorn or Aquarius, or hemmed in by malefics (original source
Results: The person will suffer the premature death of his children (due to father's wrath
or curse).
Matrusapa Sutakshaya Yoga The lord of the 8th house exchanges places with the lord of
the 5th house and Moon and the lord of the 4th house are together in the 6th house
(original source unknown).
Results: The person will suffer the premature death of his children (due to mother's
Bhratrusapa Sutakshaya Yoga The Lagna lord and the lord of the 5th house join in the 8th
house and the lord of the 3rd house is in the 5th house with Rahu and Mars (original
source unknown).
Results: The person will suffer the premature death of his children (due to brother's or
sister's curse).
Pretasapa Yoga Sun and Saturn in the 5th house, Moon weak in the 7th house, Rahu in
Lagna and Jupiter in the 12th house (original source unknown).
Results: The person will suffer the premature death of his children (due to ghost's (preta)
Bahuputra Yoga Rahu is in the 5th house, not in Saturn's Navamsha (original source
Results: The person will have very many offsprings.
Aurasaputra Yoga The 5th house contains a benefic or the 5th house is identical to a
benefic sign or is aspected by benefics (Saravali 34/25).
Results: The person will have a child that is legitimately his/her own (with a legitimate
Aurasaputra Yoga Jupiter aspects Lagna, Sun or Moon (Saravali 35/26).
Results: The person will have a child that is legitimately his/her own.
Kshetrajaputra Yoga Mercury is the owner of the 5th house, in the 5th house, which is
aspected by Saturn, but without an aspect from Jupiter, Mars or Sun (Saravali
Results: With the knowledge and consent of the husband the wife will give birth to a
child which is not of the husband's seed (In modern context
this might be a test-tube conception or the roles might be reversed and a surrogate mother
deliver the child).
Kshetrajaputra Yoga Mercury is the owner of the 5th house which is aspected by Saturn
(Saravali 35/28).
Results: (To a lesser degree than other Kshetraja Yogas) With the knowledge and consent
of the husband the wife will give birth to a child
which is not of the husband's seed (In modern context this might be a test-tube child etc.).
Kshetrajaputra Yoga Mercury is the owner of the 5th house which is aspected by Saturn,
but without an aspect from Jupiter, Mars or Sun (Saravali 35/28).
Results: (To a lesser degree than other Kshetraja Yogas) With the knowledge and consent
of the husband the wife will give birth to a child
which is not of the husband's seed (In modern context this might be a test-tube child etc.).
Dattaputra Yoga Saturn is the lord of the 5th house, in the 5th house, aspected by Moon
(Saravali 35/29).
Results: A child will be adopted by the person.
Dattaputra Yoga Mercury is the lord of the 5th house, in the 5th house, aspected by Moon
(Saravali 35/29).
Results: A child will be adopted by the person.
Dattaputra Yoga Mars and Saturn are placed in the 5th house and the lord of the Lagna is
placed in the sign of Mercury, conjunct or aspected by Mercury
(Saravali 35/29).
Results: (To a lesser degree than other Dattaputra Yogas) A child will be adopted by the
Vedic Astrology Bookshelf V.1.01 (C) GeoVision S.W., Licensed to Denis Chevalier
Dattaputra Yoga The lord of the 7th house is placed in the 11th house, while the lord of
the 5th house is conjunct a benefic, and Mars and Saturn placed in the 5th
house (Saravali 35/29).
Results: (To a lesser degree than other Dattaputra Yogas) A child will be adopted by the
Dattaputra Yoga The 5th house is identical with Gemini, Virgo, Capricorn or Aquarius
and occupied or aspected by Saturn or Mandi (Phala Deepika 12/8).
Results: A child will be adopted by the person.
Dattaputra Yoga The lord of the 5th house is weak and in no way connected with the
lords of the Lagna and the 7th (Phala Deepika 12/8).
Results: A child will be adopted by the person.
Dattaputra Yoga The 10th house and it's lord are with or aspected by Saturn (Uttara
Kalamrita 5/37)
Results: A child might be adopted by the person.
Kritrimaputra Yoga The 5th house contains Saturn, unaspected by other planets, and the
5th house falls in a Saptamsha owned by Mars (Saravali 35/30).
Results: The person will adopt a grown up child without the consent of the parents.
Kritrimaputra Yoga The 5th house joins Mars's Saptamsha with Saturn, unaspected by
other planets (Saravali 35/30).
Results: The person will adopt a grown up child without the consent of the parents.
Mandavalokita Yoga Moon is in the 5th house receiving exclusively an aspect from
Saturn, while the 5th house is in the Navamsha of Mars (Saravali 35/31).
Results: The person's progeny will be foolish and base.
Mandavalokita Yoga Moon is in the 5th house receiving exclusively an aspect from
Saturn, while Moon is in the Navamsha of Mars (Saravali 35/31).
Results: The person's progeny will be foolish and base.
Mandavalokita Yoga The 5th joins in Mars' Amsha with Moon, aspected by Saturn and
unaspected by other planets (Saravali 35/31).
Results: The person's progeny will be foolish and base.
Gudhotpanna Yoga Moon is in the 5th house receiving exclusively an aspect from Saturn,
while the 5th house is in the Navamsha of Mars (Saravali 35/31).
Results: A child could be (secretly) born to the wife, secretly conceived by a man of the
husbands stature, without the husbands knowledge.
Gudhotpanna Yoga Moon is in the 5th house receiving exclusively an aspect from Saturn,
while Moon is in the Navamsha of Mars (Saravali 35/31).
Results: A child could be (secretly) born to the wife, secretly conceived by a man of the
husbands stature, without the husbands knowledge.
Gudhotpanna Yoga The 5th joins in Mars' Amsha with Moon, aspected by Saturn and
unaspected by other planets (Saravali 35/31).
Results: A child could be (secretly) born to the wife, secretly conceived by a man of the
husbands stature, without the husbands knowledge.
Paunarbhava Yoga The 5th house is in Saturn's Vargas and contains both Moon and
Saturn, aspected by Venus and Sun (Saravali 34/34).
Results: The person will adopt a child from a prior marriage or relationship of the spouse
(by the classical text: ''progeny will be begotten by a
widow given to the person in remarriage'')
Kaninaputra Yoga Moon is in the 7th house with Sun or aspected by Sun (Saravali,
Results: Male: The person will have a child with an unmarried girl (a virgin).
Kaninaputra Yoga Moon is in the 5th house with Sun or aspected by Sun (Saravali,
Results: Male: The person will have a child with an unmarried girl (a virgin).
Kaninaputra Yoga Cancer is identical to the 5th house and Sun is in the 5th house or
aspects the 5th house (Saravali, 34/35).
Results: Male: The person will have a child with an unmarried girl (a virgin).
Kaninaputra Yoga Moon is in the 7th house with Sun or aspected by Sun (Saravali,
Results: Although the classical text assigns this Yoga to a man having a child with an
unmarried girl (a virgin), in modern context this could
possibly apply to both sexes, thus the lady owning this Yoga might have a child while
still young and not married.
Kaninaputra Yoga Moon is in the 5th house with Sun or aspected by Sun (Saravali,
Results: Although the classical text assigns this Yoga to a man having a child with an
unmarried girl (a virgin), in modern context this could
possibly apply to both sexes, thus the lady owning this Yoga might have a child while
still young and not married.
Kaninaputra Yoga Cancer is identical to the 5th house and Sun is in the 5th house or
aspects the 5th house (Saravali, 34/35).
Results: Although the classical text assigns this Yoga to a man having a child with an
unmarried girl (a virgin), in modern context this could
possibly apply to both sexes, thus the lady owning this Yoga might have a child while
still young and not married.
Sahodaputra Yoga Sun and Moon are in the 5th house, exclusively aspected by Venus,
the 5th house being in the divisions of Sun or Moon (Saravali, 34/36).
Results: The classical text assigns the effect of this Yoga to a man having a child with a
woman who was pregnant at marriage. It is not clear
from the text if it is the person's child or not. The Yoga ''might'' also apply for the woman
Dasi-prabhava Yoga The 5th house is in the Navamsha of Venus, and aspected by Venus
(Saravali, 34/46).
Results: Classical texts assign this Yoga to an illegitimate birth or a birth of a child by a
female slave or female servant, while in a modern
context this could mean a birth of a child by a concubine or inconveniently outside of a
Dasi-prabhava Yoga The 5th house is in the Navamsha of Moon, and aspected by Moon
(Saravali 35/38).
Results: Classical texts assign this Yoga to an illegitimate birth or a birth of a child by a
female slave or female servant, while in a modern
context this could mean a birth of a child by a concubine or inconveniently outside of a
Vedic Astrology Bookshelf V.1.01 (C) GeoVision S.W., Licensed to Denis Chevalier
Suta Yoga Jupiter is exalted in the 5th house (Phala Deepika 12/5).
Results: The person will be blessed with many daughters.
Putra Yoga Saturn is in Cancer in the 5th house (Phala Deepika 12/5).
Results: The person will be blessed with many sons.
Tanyabhakkala Yoga The Sun is in the 5th house in a childless sign (Scorpio, Leo or
Virgo), and Saturn and Mars are respectively in the 8th house and Lagna (Phala
Deepika 12/4).
Results: The person will have a child late in life after some effort.
Tanyabhakkala Yoga The 5th house falls on a childless sign (Scorpio, Leo or Virgo), and
Saturn, Jupiter and Mars are respectively in Lagna, the 8th house and the
12th house (Phala Deepika 12/4).
Results: The person will have a child late in life after some effort.
Aputra Yoga The 5th house is identical to a malefic sign and occupied by strong
malefics, without a benefic aspect (Sarvartha Chintamani 5/18).
Results: The person will have no children
Aputra Yoga The lord of the 5th house is placed in a Trik house, (and the 5th house is not
strong and devoid of the presence of full or waxing Moon) (Phala
Deepika 12/2)..
Results: The person will have no children
Ekaputra Yoga The lord of the 5th house is in a Kendra or a Trikona (original source
Results: The person will have only one son (or daughter?).
Satputra Yoga Jupiter is the lord of the 5th house and Sun is favorably placed (original
source unknown).
Results: The person will have a worthy son (or daughter?)
Kalanirdesat Putra Yoga Jupiter is in the 5th house and the lord of the 5th is conjunct
Venus (original source unknown).
Results: A son (or daughter?) is born to the person in the 32nd, 33rd or 40th year.
Kalanirdesat Putra Yoga Jupiter is placed in the 9th house and Venus is placed in the 5th
house (9th house from Jupiter) conjunct the Lagna lord (original source
Results: A son (or daughter?) is born to the person in the 32nd, 33rd or 40th year.
Kalanirdesat Putranasa Yoga Rahu is in the 5th house, the lord of the 5th house is
conjunct a malefic and Jupiter is debilitated (original source unknown).
Results: The person suffers from the loss of a child in his/her 32nd and 40th year.
Kalanirdesat Putranasa Yoga Malefics are placed in the 5th house from Jupiter and Lagna
(original source unknown).
Results: The person suffers from the loss of a child in his/her 32nd and 40th year.
Buddhmaturya yoga The 5th house lord, as a benefic, is aspected by a benefic or is placed
in a benefic sign (Sarvartha Chintamani 5/32).
Results: The person is a person of great intelligence and character.
ThivraBuddh Yoga The lord of the Navamsha sign in which the lord of a benefic 5th
house is placed, is aspected by benefics (Sarvartha Chintamani 5/33).
Results: The person is incredibly intelligent.
Buddh Jada Yoga The Lagna lord is conjunct or aspected by malefics, Saturn placed in
the 5th house, aspecting the Lagna lord (Sarvartha Chintamani 5/46).
Results: The person will be lacking in intelligence.
Trikalagnana Yoga Jupiter is in Mrudvamsha, in own Navamsha sign, or in Gopuramsha
while aspected by a benefic planet (Sarvartha Chintamani 5/53).
Results: The person will acquire the gift of reading the past, present and the future.
Putra Sukha Yoga Jupiter and Venus are in the 5th house, or Mercury is in the 5th house,
or the 5th house identical to a benefic sign occupied by a benefic planet
(original source unknown).
Results: The person will enjoy happiness due to his/her children.
Jara Yoga The lord of the 10th house is in the 10th house with the lords of the 2nd and
7th houses (original source unknown).
Results: The person will have extra-marital affairs with a number of individuals of the
opposite sex.
Jarajaputra Yoga Lords of the 5th and 7th houses are strong and conjunct along with the
lord of the 6th house, aspected by benefics (original source unknown).
Results: The person is sterile but his wife will have a child with another man.
Japadhyanasamadhi Yoga The lord of the 10th house is in the 9th house and is strong or
in association with benefics (Sarvartha Chintamani 7/2/40).
Results: The person will be engaged in meditation and spiritual pursuits.
Japadhyanasamadhi Yoga The lord of the Navamsha sign containing the 10th lord is
strong, and there is a mutual link or Sambandha between the lord of the 9th and the
lord of the 10th house (Sarvartha Chintamani 7/2/41).
Results: The person will be engaged in meditation and spiritual pursuits.
Samadhi Yoga The lord of the 9th or the 10th house is in Devalokamsha or Parvartamsha
(Sarvartha Chintamani 7/2/42).
Results: The person will be established well in the realization of the Supreme.
Vedic Astrology Bookshelf V.1.01 (C) GeoVision S.W., Licensed to Denis Chevalier
Samadhi Yoga The lord of the 9th or the 10th house is in Devalokamsha or Parvartamsha
aspected by benefics (Sarvartha Chintamani 7/2/42).
Results: The person will be established well in the realization of the Supreme.
Bahu Stri Yoga The Lagna lord and the lord of the 7th house are conjunct or in mutual
aspect with each other (original source unknown).
Results: The person will have a number of spouses.
Satkalatra Yoga The lord of the 7th or Venus are conjunct or aspected by Jupiter or
Mercury (original source unknown).
Results: The spouse (or wife) of the person will be noble and virtuous.
Bhaga Chumbana Yoga The lord of the 7th house is in the 4th with Venus (original
source unknown).
Results: The person will indulge excessively in masturbation (Bhaga Chumbana).
Bhaga Chumbana Yoga The Lagna lord is debilitated either in the Rashi or the Navamsha
(original source unknown).
Results: The person will indulge excessively in masturbation (Bhaga Chumbana).
Bhagya Yoga Lagna, 3rd house or the 5th house hold a strong and a benefic planet, which
aspects the 9th house (original source unknown).
Results: The person will enjoy extreme fortune, wealth and pleasures.
Jananatpurvam Pitru Marana Yoga Sun is in a Trik house (6th, 8th or 12th house), while
the lord of the 8th house is in the 9th, and the lord of the 12th house in Lagna, and the
of the 6th house is placed in the 5th house (original source unknown).
Results: The person will be delivered to this world (perhaps by cesarean section) after the
death of the mother or the father (posthumous birth).
Jananatpurvam Matru Marana Yoga Moon is in a Trik house (6th, 8th or 12th house),
while the lord of the 8th house is in the 9th, and the lord of the 12th house in Lagna, and
lord of the 6th house is placed in the 5th house (original source unknown).
Results: (This is a speculative Yoga based on another similar) There is a possibility that
the person will be delivered to this world (perhaps by
cesarean section) after the death of his/her mother (posthumous birth).
Satkirti Yoga The lord of the 10th house is a benefic and is located in it's sign of
exaltation, friends sign or in it's own sign and divisions or in a benefic
Shastiamsha (Sarvartha Chintamani 8/22).
Results: The person will get fame in life.
Satkirti Yoga A benefic lord of the 10th house is in the state of Devalokamsha and
located in the Navamsha of the Sun, full of strength (Sarvartha Chintamani
Results: The person will get fame in life.
Dhatrutva yoga The 9th house lord is exalted and receives an aspect from a benefic
planet, while the 9th house holds a benefic planet (Sarvartha Chintamani
Results: The person will be known for his abundant generosity.
Apakirti Yoga The 10th house holds Sun and Saturn which are in malefic divisions or
aspected by malefic planets (original source unknown).
Results: The person will acquire a bad reputation.
Arishta Yoga The Lagna lord is in conjunction or mutual aspect with the 6th, or the 8th,
or the 12th house lords (If the lords of the 2nd and 7th houses are
involved the effects are more severe) (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person will suffer from bad health (the planets that constitute this Yoga will
give more specific information).
Arishta Yoga The sixth house lord is in conjunction or in mutual aspect with the 8th or
the 12 house lords (If the lords of the 2nd and 7th houses are involved
the effects are more severe) (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person will suffer from bad health (the planets that constitute this Yoga will
give more specific information).
Arishta Yoga The 8th house lord is conjunct or in mutual aspect with the lord of the 12th
house lord (If the lords of the 2nd and 7th houses are involved the
effects are more severe) (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person will suffer from bad health (the planets that constitute this Yoga will
give more specific information).
Arishta Galakarna Yoga Mandi and Rahu are placed in the 3rd house (Sarvartha
Chintamani 4/47).
Results: The person will suffer from ear troubles.
Arishta Vrana Yoga The lord of the 6th house is a malefic and is placed in the Lagna, the
8th house or the 10th house (Sarvartha Chintamani 5/2/2).
Results: The person might suffer from ulcer, tumor or cancer.
Arishta Shishnavyadhi Yoga Mercury, in Lagna, is associated with the lord of the 6th
house or the 8th house (Sarvartha Chintamani 5/2/11)
Results: The person is vulnerable to incurable venereal diseases.
Arishta Shishnavyadhi Yoga Mercury, in Lagna, associated with Venus, and either one
Lord of a Trik house (or aspected by a Trik house lord) (Sarvartha Chintamani)
Results: The person is vulnerable to incurable venereal diseases.
Arishta Kalatrashanda Yoga The lord of the 7th house is located in the 6th house
conjunct Venus (Sarvartha Chintamani 5/2/12).
Results: The persons spouse will be sterile.
Arishta Kushtaroga Yoga The Lagna lord is conjunct Mars and Mercury in the 4th house
or the 12th house (original source unknown).
Results: The person is vulnerable to leprosy.
Arishta Kushtaroga Yoga Jupiter is in the 6th house, associated with Saturn and Moon
(original source unknown).
Results: The person is vulnerable to leprosy.
Vedic Astrology Bookshelf V.1.01 (C) GeoVision S.W., Licensed to Denis Chevalier
Arishta Kshayaroga Yoga The Lagna lord is in the 8th house, while Mandi is in a Kendra
and Rahu in the 6th house (original source unknown).
Results: The person will be vulnerable to tuberculosis.
Arishta Bandhana Yoga The Lagna lord is in a Kendra or Trikona with the lord of the 6th
house and with either Saturn, Rahu or Ketu (Sarvartha Chintamani 5/2/13).
Results: The person is in danger of being incarcerated.
Arishta Karasceda Yoga Saturn and Jupiter are in the 9th and the 5th house (Sarvartha
Chintamani 5/2/18).
Results: The person is in danger of having his hands cut off.
Arishta Sirachcheda Yoga The 6th house lord is conjunct Venus, and Sun or Saturn are
conjunct Rahu in a bad Shastiamsha (Sarvartha Chintamani).
Results: The person will meet his death by having his head cut off the body.
Arishta Durmarana Yoga Moon is aspected by the Lagna lord and is placed in a Trik
house (6th, 8th or 12th) with Saturn, Mandi or Rahu (Sarvartha Chintamani 5/2/22).
Results: The person will die of unnatural causes.
Arishta Yuddhe Marana Yoga Mars, as the lord of the 6th or 8th house, is conjunct the
3rd house lord and Rahu, Saturn or Mandi in evil divisions (Sarvartha Chintamani
Results: The person will die in a battle.
Arishta Sanghataka Marana Yoga Sun, Rahu and Saturn, are in bad divisions, and
aspected by the lord of the 8th house (original source unknown).
Results: The person will have a collective death (die with many people, by a natural
catastrophe, major accident etc.)
Arishta Pinasaroga Yoga Moon is in the 6th house, Saturn is in the 8th house, and a
malefic planet is in the 12th house, and The Lagna lord is in a malefic Navamsha
(affliction to Mercury will increase the strength of this Yoga) (Sarvartha Chintamani
Results: The person is vulnerable to a nasal disease, inflammation in the nasal cavity,
runny nose, congestion or other nasal complaints.
Arishta Pittaroga Yoga Sun is placed in the 6th house, conjunct a malefic and aspected by
another malefic (Sarvartha Chintamani 5/2/32)..
Results: The person will have a Pitta disorder or imbalance (Ayurvedic diagnosis),
possibly overheated body, ulcer, liver or heart-trouble, skin or
eye disorders if Pitta is high, or indigestion and coldness if Pitta is low.
Arishta Pittaroga Yoga A powerful Sun and Mars are in the 4th house (Sanketa Nidhi
Results: The person will have a high Pitta or Pitta imbalance (Ayurvedic diagnosis), and
will particularly suffer from ulcers.
Arishta Vikalangapatni Yoga Venus and Sun are placed in the 5th, 7th or 9th house, in
evil divisions or aspected by malefics (original source unknown).
Results: The person's wife (or spouse) might have deformed limbs.
Arishta Putrakalatrahina Yoga Moon, waning, in the 5th house and malefic planets are
placed in the Lagna, 7th house and the 12th house (original source unknown).
Results: The person is in danger of being deprived of children and a family life.
Arishta Bharyasahavyabhichara Yoga Moon, Venus, Saturn and Mars are in conjunction
in the 7th house (original source unknown).
Results: Both the person and his/her spouse will commit adultery.
Arishta Vamshacheda Yoga Moon is in the 10th house, Venus is in the 7th house and a
malefic in the 4th house (Phala Deepika 12/6).
Results: The person could be the last person in his/her family lineage.
Arishta Vamshacheda Yoga Malefics in the Lagna, the 5th, 8th and 12th houses (Phala
Deepika 12/6).
Results: The person could be the last person in his/her family lineage.
Arishta Vamshacheda Yoga Mercury and Venus in the 7th house, Jupiter in the 5th house
and malefics in the 4th house (Phala Deepika 12/6).
Results: The person could be the last person in his/her family lineage.
Arishta Vamshacheda Yoga Moon is in the 5th house and malefics in the Lagna, the 8th
and the 12th houses (Phala Deepika 12/6).
Results: The person could be the last person in his/her family lineage.
Arishta Guhyaroga Yoga Moon is conjunct malefics in Cancer or Scorpio Navamsha
(original source unknown).
Results: The person is vulnerable to diseases in the genitals.
Arishta Angahina Yoga Moon is in the 10th house, Mars is in the 7th house, and Saturn is
in the 2nd house from Sun (Sarvartha Chintamani).
Results: The person can lose some of his/her limbs.
Arishta Svetakushta Yoga Mars is in the 2nd house and Saturn is in the 12th house, Moon
is in Lagna and Sun in the 7th house (Sarvartha Chintamani)
Results: The person is vulnerable to the form of leprosy that is curable.
Arishta Pisacha Grastha Yoga Rahu is conjunct Moon in the Lagna and malefics are
placed in the Trikonas (If Saturn is also in Lagna or aspects it this Yoga will be stronger)
(Major S.G. Khout).
Results: The person is vulnerable to attacks or possessions of ghosts.
Arishta Andha Yoga Rahu is conjunct Sun in the Lagna and malefics are placed in the
Trikonas (Sarvartha Chintamani).
Results: The person will be born totally blind.
Arishta Andha Yoga The lord of the 2nd house, Sun and Venus and the lord of Lagna are
together in the 6th, 8th or 12 house (Sarvartha Chintamani 3/3).
Results: The person will be born totally blind.
Vedic Astrology Bookshelf V.1.01 (C) GeoVision S.W., Licensed to Denis Chevalier
Arishta Vata-roga Yoga Jupiter is in Lagna and Saturn in the 7th house (Major S.G.
Results: The person is vulnerable to a Vata disorder or imbalance (Ayurvedic diagnosis).
This can range between nervousness, restlessness,
insomnia, constipation, lack of fluid in the body, coldness, depression, etc.
Arishta Matibhramana Yoga Jupiter is in Lagna and Mars is in the 7th house (Sarvartha
Chintamani 9/2/9).
Results: The person is vulnerable to the development of a mental disorder.
Arishta Matibhramana Yoga Saturn is in Lagna and Mars is in the 9th, 5th or the 7th
houses (Sarvartha Chintamani 9/2/10).
Results: The person is vulnerable to the development of a mental disorder.
Arishta Matibhramana Yoga Saturn is in Lagna and Sun in the 12th house, and Moon or
Mars is in a Trikona house (Sarvartha Chintamani 9/2/10).
Results: The person is vulnerable to mental disorders and could be defective in speech
and naughty in nature.
Arishta Matibhramana Yoga Saturn is placed in the 12th house conjunct Moon, which is
weak or in a waning phase (Sarvartha Chintamani).
Results: The person is vulnerable to the development of a mental disorder.
Arishta Matibhramana Yoga Moon and Mercury are placed in a Kendra, aspected by or
conjunct any other planet (Sarvartha Chintamani 9/2/12).
Results: The person is vulnerable to the development of a mental disorder.
Arishta Matibhramana Yoga Moon is waning and in a malefic Navamsha in a Kendra,
while Mercury is with malefics (Major S.G. Khout).
Results: The person is vulnerable to the development of a mental disorder.
Arishta Matibhramana Yoga Moon is associated with a weak Saturn in the 8th house
(Major S.G. Khout).
Results: The person is vulnerable to the development of a mental disorder.
Arishta Matibhramana Yoga Moon conjunct Mars, Rahu or Saturn in any Dusthana (6th,
8th or 12th houses), in particular the 8th house (Major S.G. Khout).
Results: The person is vulnerable to the development of a mental disorder.
Arishta Matibhramana Yoga Moon is weak and waning in the 8th house conjunct Rahu
and aspected by malefics (Major S.G. Khout).
Results: The person is vulnerable to the development of a mental disorder.
Arishta Matibhramana Yoga Moon and Mercury are placed in a Kendra, both conjunct or
aspected by malefics (Sarvartha Chintamani 9/2/12).
Results: The person is vulnerable to the development of a mental disorder.
Arishta Matibhramana Yoga Moon and Mercury are placed in a Kendra, not located in a
benefic Navamsha (Sarvartha Chintamani 9/2/12).
Results: The person is vulnerable to the development of a mental disorder.
Arishta Matibhramana Yoga The lord of the 6th house is conjunct or aspected by a
malefic, the 6th house itself holds or is aspected by malefics, Mercury and Moon are in
Trik houses or aspected by malefics (Major S.G. Khout).
Results: The person is vulnerable to the development of a mental disorder.
Arishta Matibhramana Yoga The Moon is in the 12th house with Rahu while a benefic is
in the 8th house (Sarvartha Chintamani 9/2/38).
Results: The person is vulnerable to the development of a mental disorder (lunacy) and is
full of anger and fond of quarrels.
Arishta Matibhramana Yoga Moon and Rahu are in conjunction in the Lagna while
malefics are found in the Trikonas (Major S.G. Khout).
Results: The person is vulnerable to the development of a mental disorder.
Arishta Matibhramana Yoga Mercury is weak and conjunct a malefic in the 3rd, 6th, 8th
or 12th house (Major S.G. Khout).
Results: The person is vulnerable to the development of a mental disorder.
Arishta Matibhramana Yoga Sun in Lagna and Mars and Saturn in the 7th house (Major
S.G. Khout).
Results: The person is vulnerable to the development of a mental disorder.
Arishta Harshamoha Yoga Moon is with Mars and Saturn in the 8th house (Major S.G.
Results: The person is vulnerable to the development of hysteria.
Arishta Harshamoha Yoga Sun, Moon and Mars in the 8th house aspected by any malefic
(Major S.G. Khout).
Results: The person is vulnerable to the development of hysteria.
Arishta Harshamoha Yoga Sun, Moon and Mars in the Lagna aspected by any malefic
(Major S.G. Khout).
Results: The person is vulnerable to the development of hysteria.
Arishta Harshamoha Yoga Moon and Mercury in Kendra aspected by a malefic while
malefics ar placed in the 8th house (Major S.G. Khout).
Results: The person is vulnerable to the development of hysteria.
Arishta Harshamoha Yoga Mars and Saturn are together in either 6th or 8th house and
Jupiter in Lagna or Trikona (Major S.G. Khout).
Results: The person is vulnerable to the development of hysteria.
Arishta Harshamoha Yoga Moon with Rahu or Saturn and Mercury weak or afflicted
(Major S.G. Khout).
Results: The person is vulnerable to the development of hysteria.
Vedic Astrology Bookshelf V.1.01 (C) GeoVision S.W., Licensed to Denis Chevalier
Aristha Paishaca Yoga Moon and Mercury are placed in a Kendra, not conjunct any other
planet and not aspected by the lords of the Kendras they are in (Jataka Desha
Marga, 8/74).
Results: The person is vulnerable to the development of a mental disorder.
Aristha Mahagrada Yoga Venus and Moon are together in a Kendra and malefics in the
8th and 5th house (Jataka Desha Marga, 8/75).
Results: The person is vulnerable to epilepsy.
Aristha Mahagrada Yoga Malefics occupy Trikona houses, Sun and Mars are unfavorably
placed, and Saturn and Rahu are in the 8th house (Major S.G. Khout).
Results: The person is vulnerable to epilepsy.
Arishta Khalvata Yoga The Lagna is identical to Saggitarius or Taurus or be a malefic
sign, aspected by malefic planets (Major S.G. Khout).
Results: The person is vulnerable to the loss of hair and becoming bald.
Arishta Nishturabhashi Yoga Moon is conjunct Saturn (Major S.G. Khout).
Results: The person has tendency for harshness in speech.
Arishta Rajabhrashta Yoga Arudha Lagna lord is conjunct the Arudha Dvadasha
(Upapada) (original source unknown).
Results: The person is in danger of suffering a high fall.
Raja Yoga Bhanga Lagna is identical to Leo, Saturn is exalted while in a debilitated
Navamsha sign or aspected by benefic planets (original source unknown).
Results: The person is vulnerable to a loss of fortune and high social position
Raja Yoga Bhanga Sun is placed in the 10th degree of Libra, and aspected by malefics
(Sarvartha Chintamani 9/2/28-9).
Results: The person is vulnerable to a loss of fortune and high social position and loses
the effect of many good yogas in the chart.
Gohanta Yoga Malefic planet without a benefic aspect is in a Kendra and Jupiter is
placed in the 8th house (Brihat Jataka).
Results: The person will take up butchery as a career.
Daridra Yoga Lagna lord and 12th lord exchange houses and Marakas influence either or
both of them (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person might suffer from poverty, misery and ill-health.
Daridra Yoga Lagna lord and 6th lord exchange houses and Marakas influence either or
both of them (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person might suffer from poverty, misery and ill-health.
Daridra Yoga Lagna or Moon afflicted by Ketu, and Lagna lord in the 8th afflicted by a
Maraka (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person might suffer from poverty, misery and ill-health.
Daridra Yoga Lagna lord, associated with a malefic, is in a Dusthana, and the 2nd house
lord debilitated or in the 6th house (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: Under these influences one born of a royal family also attains to poverty.
Daridra Yoga Lord of Lagna associated with a Dusthana lord or with Saturn, unaspected
by benefics (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person might suffer from poverty, misery and ill-health.
Daridra Yoga 5th lord in the 6th house and 9th lord in the 12th house, under the influence
of Marakas (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person might suffer from poverty, misery and ill-health.
Daridra Yoga Malefics, other than 9th and 10th lord, occupy the Lagna under the
influences of Maraka planets (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person might suffer from poverty, misery and ill-health.
Daridra Yoga The lords of the houses occupied by the Dusthana lords, are in the
Dusthanas themselves and conjunct or aspected by Malefics (Dr. K.S.
Results: The person might suffer from poverty, misery and ill-health.
Daridra Yoga Navamsha lord of Moon is associated with a Maraka planet or located in a
Maraka house (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person might suffer from poverty, misery and ill-health.
Daridra Yoga The lord of the Lagna and it's Navamsha lord or the lord of the Navamsha
Lagna are in a Dusthana, and aspected by or associated with a Maraka
(Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person might suffer from poverty, misery and ill-health.
Daridra Yoga Benefic planets are located in malefic houses, and malefic planets in
benefic houses (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person might suffer from poverty, misery and ill-health.
Daridra Yoga Planets associate with lords of the Dusthanas (6,8,12), as also with
Marakas (2,7), bereft of the influence of the 5th and 9th houses (Dr. K.S.
Results: The person might suffer from poverty, misery and ill-health.
Daridra Yoga The 8th and the 12th from the Atmakaraka or the Lagna are aspected by the
Lagna lord and the Atmakaraka Navamsha lord (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person might suffer from poverty, misery and ill-health.
Daridra Yoga The 12th house from the Atmakaraka is aspected by the Navamsha lord of
the Atmakaraka, or, the 12th house from Lagna is aspected by the
Lagna lord (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person might suffer from poverty, misery and ill-health.
Vedic Astrology Bookshelf V.1.01 (C) GeoVision S.W., Licensed to Denis Chevalier
Daridra Yoga Mars and Saturn in the 2nd house, not aspected with Mercury (Dr. K.S.
Results: This combination destroys wealth.
Daridra Yoga Sun in the 2nd, aspected by Saturn, or Saturn in the 2nd aspected by Sun
(Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person might suffer from poverty, misery and ill-health.
Daridra Yoga In Navamsha (or other Varga) the 7 planets line up in consecutive houses
in a reverse natural order: Venus is 2nd to Saturn, Jupiter 2nd to
Venus, Mercury 2nd to Jupiter, Mars 2nd to Mercury, Moon 2nd to Mars, Sun 2nd to
Moon (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person might suffer from poverty, misery and ill-health.
Daridra Yoga All planets either debilitated or in inimical houses in the Navamsha, even
though they be exalted in the Rashi (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person might suffer from poverty, misery and ill-health.
Daridra Yoga Moon in Lagna afflicted by Ketu (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person might suffer from poverty, misery and ill-health.
Daridra Yoga Sun and Moon conjoined in one sign and located in the Navamsha of each
other (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person might suffer from poverty, misery and ill-health.
Daridra Yoga The lord of the 11th house is in a Dusthana (the 6th, 8th or 12th houses)
(Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person will attain huge debts, suffer poverty, will have hearing troubles,
have a mean temperament, and indulge in sinful and
unlawful activity.
Yukti Samanvithavagmi Yoga The lord of the 2nd house conjunct a benefic planet in a
Kendra or a Trikona, or is exalted and conjunct Jupiter (Sarvartha Chintamani 3/29).
Results: The person will become a talented and skillful speaker.
Yukti Samanvithavagmi Yoga Mercury, the lord of speech, is placed in a Kendra,
attaining Paramochha and Parvatamsha, and Jupiter or Venus are in Simhasanamsha
(Sarvartha Chintamani 3.32).
Results: The person will become a talented and skillful speaker.
Chandala Yoga Venus, Moon and Mercury join in a Kendra, while Rahu is in Lagna
(Sambu Hora Prakasha 14/28).
Results: The person will be deprived of the duties for the race of his birth.
Maha-Parivartana Yoga The Lagna lord exchanges houses with the 2nd lord, or the 4th
lord, or the 5th lord, or the 7th lord, or the 9th lord, or the 10th lord, or the 11th
lord (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: This combination promises wealth, status and physical enjoyments, plus
beneficial influences from the houses involved.
Maha-Parivartana Yoga The 2nd house lord exchanges houses with the 4th lord, or the
5th lord, or the 7th lord, or the 9th lord, or the 10th lord, or the 11th lord (Dr. K.S.
Results: This combination promises wealth, status and physical enjoyments, plus
beneficial influences from the houses involved.
Maha-Parivartana Yoga The 4th house lord exchanges houses with the 5th lord, or the 7th
lord, or the 9th lord, or the 10th lord, or the 11th lord (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: This combination promises wealth, status and physical enjoyments, plus
beneficial influences from the houses involved.
Maha-Parivartana Yoga The 5th house lord exchanges houses with the 7th lord, or the 9th
lord, or the 10th lord, or the 11th lord (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: This combination promises wealth, status and physical enjoyments, plus
beneficial influences from the houses involved.
Maha-Parivartana Yoga The 7th house lord exchanges houses with the 9th lord, or the
10th lord, or the 11th lord (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: This combination promises wealth, status and physical enjoyments, plus
beneficial influences from the houses involved.
Maha-Parivartana Yoga The 9th house lord exchanges houses with the 10th lord, or the
11th lord (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: This combination promises wealth, status and physical enjoyments, plus
beneficial influences from the houses involved.
Maha-Parivartana Yoga The 10th house lord exchanges houses with the 11th lord (Dr.
K.S. Charak).
Results: This combination promises wealth, status and physical enjoyments, plus
beneficial influences from the houses involved.
Dainya Parivartana Yoga The 6th house lord exchanges houses with the Lagna lord, or
the 2nd lord, or the 3rd lord, or the 4th lord, or the 5th lord, or the 7th lord, or the
8th lord, or the 9th lord, or the 10th lord, or the 11th lord, or the 12th lord (Dr. K.S.
Results: This combination leads to a wicked nature, persistent trouble from opponents,
and ill health.
Dainya Parivartana Yoga The 8th house lord exchanges houses with the Lagna lord, or
the 2nd lord, or the 3rd lord, or the 4th lord, or the 5th lord, or the 7th lord, or the
9th lord, or the 10th lord, or the 11th lord, or the 12th lord (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: This combination leads to a wicked nature, persistent trouble from opponents,
and ill health.
Dainya Parivartana Yoga The 12th house lord exchanges houses with the Lagna lord, or
the 2nd lord, or the 3rd lord, or the 4th lord, or the 5th lord, or the 7th lord, or the
9th lord, or the 10th lord, or the 11th lord (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: This combination leads to a wicked nature, persistent trouble from opponents,
and ill health.
Khala Parivartana Yoga The 3rd house lord exchanges houses with the Lagna lord, or the
2nd lord, or the 4th lord, or the 5th lord, or the 7th lord, or the 9th lord, or the
10th lord, or the 11th lord (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: This combination is characterized by a fickle and wicked nature, fluctuating
fortunes and fluctuating temperament.
Balarishta Yoga Moon in a Trik house (6th, 8th or 12th), aspected by a malefic (Dr. K.S.
Results: The newborn child is vulnerable to an early death (keep in mind that this is an
isolated indication - also look out for Aristha-Bhanga
Yoga for the cancellation of this effect).
Vedic Astrology Bookshelf V.1.01 (C) GeoVision S.W., Licensed to Denis Chevalier
Balarishta Yoga A benefic retrograde planet is in a Trik house (6th, 8th or 12th), aspected
by a malefic (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The newborn child is vulnerable to an early death (keep in mind that this is an
isolated indication - also look out for Aristha-Bhanga
Yoga for the cancellation of this effect).
Balarishta Yoga Moon and all the malefics in Kendras (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The newborn child is vulnerable to an early death (keep in mind that this is an
isolated indication - also look out for Aristha-Bhanga
Yoga for the cancellation of this effect).
Balarishta Yoga A weak Moon in Lagna and malefics in the Kendras and the 8th house
(Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The newborn child is vulnerable to an early death (keep in mind that this is an
isolated indication - also look out for Aristha-Bhanga
Yoga for the cancellation of this effect).
Balarishta Yoga Moon in Lagna and malefics in the 7th house (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The newborn child is vulnerable to an early death (keep in mind that this is an
isolated indication - also look out for Aristha-Bhanga
Yoga for the cancellation of this effect).
Balarishta Yoga Moon is in Lagna, Saturn is in the 12th house, Sun is in the 9th house
and Mars in the 8th house, while Jupiter is bereft of power (Dr. K.S.
Results: The newborn child is vulnerable to an early death (keep in mind that this is an
isolated indication - also look out for Aristha-Bhanga
Yoga for the cancellation of this effect).
Balarishta (Varja-Mushti)Yoga The Lagna is identical to Cancer or Scorpio, and all
benefics are in the 4th to 10th houses and all malefics are placed in the 10th to 4th houses
(Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The newborn child is vulnerable to an early death (keep in mind that this is an
isolated indication - also look out for Aristha-Bhanga
Yoga for the cancellation of this effect).
Balarishta Yoga The Lagna and Moon are bereft of benefic aspects and surrounded by
malefics (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The newborn child and it's mother vulnerable to death during or shortly after
birth (keep in mind that this in an isolated indication - also
look out for Aristha-Bhanga Yoga for the cancellation of this effect).
Balarishta Yoga Mars, Saturn and Sun are together in the 6th or the 8th house (Dr. K.S.
Results: The newborn child is vulnerable to an early death (keep in mind that this is an
isolated indication - also look out for Aristha-Bhanga
Yoga for the cancellation of this effect).
Arishta-Bhanga Yoga Jupiter, in strength, is located in the Lagna (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: This combination cancels or neutralizes Balarishta Yoga which threatens death
to the newborn child.
Arishta-Bhanga Yoga Strong Mercury, Jupiter or Venus located in any Kendra (Dr. K.S.
Results: This combination cancels or neutralizes Balarishta Yoga which threatens death
to the newborn child.
Arishta-Bhanga Yoga The Lagna lord is very strong, aspected by a benefic, unaspected
by a malefic, located in a Kendra (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: This combination cancels or neutralizes Balarishta Yoga which threatens death
to the newborn child.
Arishta-Bhanga Yoga Day-birth in Krishna-Paksha, or night-birth in Shukla-Paksha (Dr.
K.S. Charak).
Results: This combination cancels or neutralizes Balarishta Yoga which threatens death
to the newborn child.
Arishta-Bhanga Yoga Rahu is placed in the 3rd, or the 6th, or the 11th from Lagna (Dr.
K.S. Charak).
Results: This combination cancels or neutralizes Balarishta Yoga which threatens death
to the newborn child.
Arishta-Bhanga Yoga Rahu is in Lagna identical with Aries, Taurus or Cancer (Dr. K.S.
Results: This combination cancels or neutralizes Balarishta Yoga which threatens death
to the newborn child.
Arishta-Bhanga Yoga All planets are located in Shirshodaya signs (signs 3, 5, 6, 7, 8 and
11) (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: This combination cancels or neutralizes Balarishta Yoga which threatens death
to the newborn child.
Arishta-Bhanga Yoga Moon is in Drekkana of Mercury or Jupiter (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: This combination cancels or neutralizes Balarishta Yoga which threatens death
to the newborn child.
Alpayu Yoga Lagna lord and the 8th house lord, both occupy a Sthira sign, or one in a
Chara sign and the other in Dvisvabhava sign (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: This combination indicates a short life span for the person or upto the age of 32.
Alpayu Yoga The Lagna and the Moon, both occupy a Sthira sign, or one in a Chara sign
and the other in Dvisvabhava sign (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: This combination indicates a short life span for the person or upto the age of 32.
Alpayu Yoga The Lagna and the Hora Lagna, both occupy a Sthira sign, or one in a
Chara sign and the other in Dvisvabhava sign (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: This combination indicates a short life span for the person or upto the age of 32.
Alpayu Yoga Lagna lord and benefics in Apoklima houses, or the 8th house lord and
malefics in Apoklima houses (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: This combination indicates a short life span for the person or upto the age of 32.
Alpayu Yoga A weak Lagna lord, and the lord of the 8th house placed in a Kendra (Dr.
K.S. Charak).
Results: This combination indicates a short life span for the person or upto the age of 32.
Vedic Astrology Bookshelf V.1.01 (C) GeoVision S.W., Licensed to Denis Chevalier
Alpayu Yoga A weak Lagna lord, a debilitated 8th house lord, and afflicted 8th house
(Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: This combination indicates a short life span for the person or upto the age of 32.
Alpayu Yoga Afflicted 5th house, afflicted 8th house, and afflicted 8th lord (Dr. K.S.
Results: This combination indicates a short life span for the person or upto the age of 32.
Alpayu Yoga Jupiter is in the 8th house in Aries or Scorpio, and aspected by Moon, Mars
and Saturn (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: This combination indicates a short life span for the person or upto the age of 32.
Alpayu Yoga Jupiter and Venus in the Lagna, and a malefic in the 5th house (Dr. K.S.
Results: This combination indicates a short life span for the person or upto the age of 32.
Alpayu Yoga Weak Moon and a weak Lagna lord occupying Apoklima houses (3, 6, 9,
12), and aspected by malefics (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: This combination indicates a short life span for the person or upto the age of 32.
Alpayu Yoga Sun is in Lagna, hemmed between malefics (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: This combination indicates a short life span for the person or upto the age of 32.
Alpayu Yoga No benefics in Kendras, and a benefic placed in the 8th house (Dr. K.S.
Results: This combination indicates a short life span for the person or upto the age of 32.
Alpayu Yoga Moon in the 12th house and a malefic in the 6th house (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: This combination indicates a short life span for the person or upto the age of 32.
Alpayu Yoga The 3rd lord and Mars are combust or afflicted by malefics (Dr. K.S.
Results: This combination indicates a short life span for the person or upto the age of 32.
Alpayu Yoga The 8th lord and Saturn, are combust or afflicted by malefics (Dr. K.S.
Results: This combination indicates a short life span for the person or upto the age of 32.
Alpayu Yoga Lord of the 8th house in conjunction with Ketu in the Lagna (Dr. K.S.
Results: This combination indicates a short life span for the person or upto the age of 32.
Madhyayu Yoga Lagna lord and the 8th house lord, both occupy a Dvisvabhava sign, or
one in a Chara sign and the other in Sthira sign (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: This combination is an indication of a medium life span up to 70 years.
Madhyayu Yoga The Lagna and the Moon, both occupy a Dvisvabhava sign, or one in a
Chara sign and the other in Sthira sign (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: This combination is an indication of a medium life span up to 70 years.
Madhyayu Yoga The Lagna and the Hora Lagna, both occupy a Dvisvabhava sign, or one
in a Chara sign and the other in Sthira sign (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: This combination is an indication of a medium life span up to 70 years.
Madhyayu Yoga Lagna lord and benefics in Panaphara houses, or the 8th house lord and
all malefics in Panaphara houses (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: This combination is an indication of a medium life span up to 70 years.
Madhyayu Yoga Strong Mercury in a Kendra and a vacant 8th house aspected by
benefics (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: This combination is an indication of a medium life span up to 70 years.
Madhyayu Yoga Moon in own house or in the Lagna, and a benefic in the 7th house (Dr.
K.S. Charak).
Results: This combination is an indication of a medium life span up to 70 years.
Madhyayu Yoga Location of malefics in houses 2, 3, 4, 5, 8 and 11 (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: This combination is an indication of a medium life span up to 70 years.
Madhyayu Yoga Lagna lord is weak, Jupiter in a Kendra or Trikona, and malefics in the
Trik houses (6, 8, 12) (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: This combination is an indication of a medium life span up to 70 years.
Madhyayu Yoga Jupiter associates with a weak Lagna lord in a Kendra or a Trikona (Dr.
K.S. Charak).
Results: This combination is an indication of a medium life span up to 70 years.
Purnayu Yoga Lagna lord and the 8th house lord, both occupy a Chara sign, or one in a
Dvisvabhava sign and the other in Sthira sign (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: This combination is an indication of a long life span up to 100 years.
Purnayu Yoga The Lagna and the Moon, both occupy a Chara sign, or one in a
Dvisvabhava sign and the other in Sthira sign (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: This combination is an indication of a long life span up to 100 years.
Purnayu Yoga The Lagna and the Hora Lagna, both occupy a Chara sign, or one in a
Dvisvabhava sign and the other in Sthira sign (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: This combination is an indication of a long life span up to 100 years.
Purnayu Yoga Lagna lord and benefics in Panaphara houses, or the 8th house lord and all
malefics in Panaphara houses (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: This combination is an indication of a long life span up to 100 years.
Vedic Astrology Bookshelf V.1.01 (C) GeoVision S.W., Licensed to Denis Chevalier
Purnayu Yoga The lord of the 8th house is exalted in a Kendra or a Trikona, associated
with benefics (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: This combination is an indication of a long life span up to 100 years.
Purnayu Yoga The lord of the Lagna is in Lagna and the lord of the 8th house is in the
8th house (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: This combination is an indication of a long life span up to 100 years.
Purnayu Yoga The Lagna lord, the 5th lord and the 8th lord are strong, in their own signs,
own Navamshas, or in friendly houses (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: This combination is an indication of a long life span up to 100 years.
Purnayu Yoga The 6th or the 12th lord are placed in the 6th house or in the 12th house or
the 8th house or the Lagna (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: This combination is an indication of a long life span up to 100 years.
Purnayu Yoga The Lagna lord, the 8th lord, the 10th lord and Saturn, are in Kendras,
Trikonas or the 11th house (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: This combination is an indication of a long life span up to 100 years.
Purnayu Yoga The Lagna lord is exalted, Moon is in the 11th house and Jupiter in the 8th
house (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: This combination is an indication of a long life span up to 100 years.
Purnayu Yoga Saturn is in the 8th house (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: This combination is an indication of a long life span up to 100 years.
Mahadirghayu Yoga Sun, Jupiter and Mars are in the 9th house, Vargottama, in
Capricorn or Aquarius, while Moon is in the Lagna in strength (Jataka Parijata)
Results: The classical text states that a person with this combination ''will be blessed with
a happy life ending with the end of the world.''
Mahadirghayu Yoga Saturn and Jupiter are in the 9th or the 10th house from Lagna, in
the same Navamsha, aspected by benefic planets, while Sun occupies the
Lagna (Jataka Parijata).
Results: The classical text states that a person with this combination ''will have an
immensely long life,'' overriding all indications of a shorter
Mahadirghayu Yoga Cancer is identical with the Lagna, occupied by Jupiter and Moon,
and Venus and Mercury are in a Kendra, while the remaining planets happen
to be in the 11th, the 6th and the 3rd house (Jataka Parijata).
Results: The classical text states that a person with this combination ''will be an inspired
saint endowed with long life.''
Mahadirghayu Yoga There are no malefics in the Trikonas, and the Kendras are devoid
of benefics, and the 8th house holds a malefic planet (Jataka Parijata).
Results: The classical text states that a person with this combination will be like a
celestial being.''
Mahadirghayu Yoga The order of the planets from Lagna is such that Saturn is first and
Mars is last, and both of these planets attain Vaisheshikamsha (Jataka
Results: The classical text states that a person with this combination ''will resemble an
Mahadirghayu Yoga Jupiter and Venus are in Pisces, or Moon in Taurus and the
Navamsha of Taurus, or Mars has gained Simhasanamsha (Jataka Parijata).
Results: The classical text states that a person with this combination ''will attain to years
untold by the recitation of sacred hymns.''
Mahadirghayu Yoga Saturn is in Devalokamsha, Mars in Parvatamsha and Jupiter
occupies the Lagna and is in Simhasanamsha (Jataka Parijata).
Results: The classical text states that a person with this combination ''will be a saintly
Mahadirghayu Yoga Jupiter has attained Gopuramsha in a Kendra and Venus is in
Paravatamsha in a Trikona, while Cancer is identical to Lagna (Jataka Parijata).
Results: The classical text states that a person with this combination ''will live to the end
of the world.''
Mahadirghayu Yoga The Lagna is identical to Saggitarius and occupied by Jupiter and
the rising Navamsha is Aries, while Venus is in the 7th house and Moon is in
Virgo (Jataka Parijata).
Results: The classical text states that a person with this combination ''will attain final
Munisvara Yoga The lord of the 9th house is in the 9th house aspected by Moon, which is
in the Navamsha of Mars (Hora Ratnam 5/174).
Results: The person will be an expounder of the Shastras (knowledge) and will live for a
Yogaristha (Yogaja Ayu) Yoga Saturn is retrograde while occupying the house of Mars,
in a Kendra or the 8th house from Lagna, and aspected by a strong Mars (Jataka
Results: The person is vulnerable to an early death of 2 years of age (keep in mind that
this is an isolated indication that should be supported by
other indications to come true - also look out for Aristha-Bhanga Yoga for the
cancellation of this effect).
Yogaristha (Yogaja Ayu) Yoga Jupiter is in a house ruled by Mars and in the 8th house,
aspected by Sun, Moon, Mars and Saturn, but devoid of an aspect from Venus (Jataka
Results: The person is vulnerable to an early death of 3 years of age (keep in mind that
this is an isolated indication that should be supported by
other indications to come true - also look out for Aristha-Bhanga Yoga for the
cancellation of this effect).
Yogaristha (Yogaja Ayu) Yoga Cancer is identical to the 6th or the 8th houses, and
Mercury occupies it and is aspected by Moon (Jataka Parijata).
Results: The person is vulnerable to an early death of 4 years of age (keep in mind that
this is an isolated indication that should be supported by
other indications to come true - also look out for Aristha-Bhanga Yoga for the
cancellation of this effect).
Yogaristha (Yogaja Ayu) Yoga Sun, Moon, Mars and Jupiter are together in one sign or
Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and Moon are together or Sun, Saturn, Mars and Moon (Jataka
Results: The person is vulnerable to an early death of 5 years of age (keep in mind that
this is an isolated indication that should be supported by
other indications to come true - also look out for Aristha-Bhanga Yoga for the
cancellation of this effect).
Vedic Astrology Bookshelf V.1.01 (C) GeoVision S.W., Licensed to Denis Chevalier
Yogaristha (Yogaja Ayu) Yoga Saturn, aspected by Moon, occupies a Navamsha owned
by Moon, and the lord of the Lagna is also aspected by Moon (Jataka Parijata).
Results: The person is vulnerable to an early death of 6 years of age (keep in mind that
this is an isolated indication that should be supported by
other indications to come true - also look out for Aristha-Bhanga Yoga for the
cancellation of this effect).
Yogaristha (Yogaja Ayu) Yoga Sun, Saturn and Mars are in Lagna and the 7th house is
ruled by Venus and occupied by Moon in a waning phase, and Jupiter does not aspect
Moon (Jataka Parijata).
Results: The person is vulnerable to an early death of 7 or 8 years of age (keep in mind
that this is an isolated indication that should be supported
by other indications to come true - also look out for Aristha-Bhanga Yoga for the
cancellation of this effect).
Yogaristha (Yogaja Ayu) Yoga Sun, Moon and Mars in the 5th house (Jataka Parijata)
Results: The person is vulnerable to an early death of 9 years of age (keep in mind that
this is an isolated indication that should be supported by
other indications to come true - also look out for Aristha-Bhanga Yoga for the
cancellation of this effect).
Yogaristha (Yogaja Ayu) Yoga Mars, Moon and Sun, in that order, are in the 5th house,
not more than 5 degrees apart (Jataka Parijata).
Results: The person is vulnerable to an early death of 9 years of age (keep in mind that
this is an isolated indication that should be supported by
other indications to come true - also look out for Aristha-Bhanga Yoga for the
cancellation of this effect).
Yogaristha (Yogaja Ayu) Yoga Sun, Moon and Mars in the 5th house, Moon is waning
and combust (Jataka Parijata)
Results: The person is vulnerable to an early death of 9 years of age (keep in mind that
this is an isolated indication that should be supported by
other indications to come true - also look out for Aristha-Bhanga Yoga for the
cancellation of this effect).
Yogaristha (Yogaja Ayu) Yoga The Lagna lord is a malefic and placed in the 12th house
from Moon, and aspected by another malefic (Jataka Parijata).
Results: The person is vulnerable to an early death of 9 years of age (keep in mind that
this is an isolated indication that should be supported by
other indications to come true - also look out for Aristha-Bhanga Yoga for the
cancellation of this effect).
Yogaristha (Yogaja Ayu) Yoga Saturn is the lord of Lagna and is placed in a Capricorn
Navamsha, aspected exclusively by Mercury (Jataka Parijata).
Results: The person is vulnerable to an early death of 10 years of age and an ill will of the
father (keep in mind that this is an isolated indication
that should be supported by other indications to come true).
Yogaristha (Yogaja Ayu) Yoga Saturn is placed in a Capricorn Navamsha, aspected
exclusively by Mercury (Jataka Parijata).
Results: The person is vulnerable to an early death of 10 years of age and an ill will of the
father (keep in mind that this is an isolated indication
that should be supported by other indications to come true).
Yogaristha (Yogaja Ayu) Yoga Mercury is in close conjunction with Sun and aspected by
benefic planets (Jataka Parijata).
Results: The person is vulnerable to an early death of 11 years of age, though living
comfortably upto then (This a very common combination
and highly unlikely that it manifests in such a negative way, but to be sure look for
Aristha-Bhanga Yoga for cancellation).
Yogaristha (Yogaja Ayu) Yoga Sun, being the dispositor of Moon, is in the 8th house,
conjunct Saturn, and aspected by Venus (Jataka Parijata).
Results: The person is vulnerable to an early death of 12 years of age (keep in mind that
this is an isolated indication that should be supported by
other indications to come true - look for Aristha-Bhanga Yoga for cancellation).
Yogaristha (Yogaja Ayu) Yoga Saturn is the lord of Lagna and is placed in a Scorpio
Navamsha, aspected exclusively by Sun (Jataka Parijata).
Results: The person is vulnerable to an early death of 12 years of age and an ill will of the
father (keep in mind that this is an isolated indication
that should be supported by other indications to come true - look for Aristha-Bhanga
Yoga for cancellation).
Yogaristha (Yogaja Ayu) Yoga Saturn is placed in a Scorpio Navamsha, aspected
exclusively by Sun (Jataka Parijata).
Results: The person is vulnerable to an early death of 12 years of age and an ill will of the
father (keep in mind that this is an isolated indication
that should be supported by other indications to come true - look for Aristha-Bhanga
Yoga for cancellation).
Yogaristha (Yogaja Ayu) Yoga Saturn is the lord of Lagna and is placed in a Libra
Navamsha, aspected exclusively by Jupiter (Jataka Parijata)
Results: The person is vulnerable to an early death of 13 years of age and an ill will of the
father (keep in mind that this is an isolated indication
that should be supported by other indications to come true - look for Aristha-Bhanga
Yoga for cancellation).
Yogaristha (Yogaja Ayu) Yoga Saturn is placed in a Libra Navamsha, aspected
exclusively by Jupiter (Jataka Parijata)
Results: The person is vulnerable to an early death of 13 years of age and an ill will of the
father (keep in mind that this is an isolated indication
that should be supported by other indications to come true - look for Aristha-Bhanga
Yoga for cancellation).
Yogaristha (Yogaja Ayu) Yoga Saturn is the lord of Lagna and is placed in a Virgo
Navamsha, aspected exclusively by Mercury (Jataka Parijata)
Results: The person is vulnerable to an early death of 14 years of age and will suffer from
a bad temper (keep in mind that this is an isolated
indication needing additional indications to come true - look for Aristha-Bhanga Yoga for
Yogaristha (Yogaja Ayu) Yoga Saturn is placed in a Virgo Navamsha, aspected
exclusively by Mercury (Jataka Parijata)
Results: The person is vulnerable to an early death of 14 years of age and will suffer from
a bad temper (keep in mind that this is an isolated
indication needing additional indications to come true - look for Aristha-Bhanga Yoga for
Yogaristha (Yogaja Ayu) Yoga Saturn is the lord of Lagna and is placed in a Leo
Navamsha, aspected exclusively by Rahu (Jataka Parijata).
Results: The person is vulnerable to an early death of 15 years of age and suffer a wound
inflicted by a sharp weapon (keep in mind that this is
an isolated indication needing additional indications to come true - look for Aristha-
Bhanga Yoga for cancellation).
Yogaristha (Yogaja Ayu) Yoga Saturn is placed in a Leo Navamsha, aspected exclusively
by Rahu (Jataka Parijata).
Results: The person is vulnerable to an early death of 15 years of age and suffer a wound
inflicted by a sharp weapon (keep in mind that this is
an isolated indication needing additional indications to come true - look for Aristha-
Bhanga Yoga for cancellation).
Yogaristha (Yogaja Ayu) Yoga Saturn is the lord of Lagna and is placed in a Cancer
Navamsha, aspected exclusively by Ketu (Jataka Parijata).
Results: The person is vulnerable to an early death of 16 years of age, hurt by a snake
(keep in mind that this is an isolated indication that should
be supported by other indications to come true - look for Aristha-Bhanga Yoga for
Vedic Astrology Bookshelf V.1.01 (C) GeoVision S.W., Licensed to Denis Chevalier
Yogaristha (Yogaja Ayu) Yoga Saturn is placed in a Cancer Navamsha, aspected
exclusively by Ketu (Jataka Parijata).
Results: The person is vulnerable to an early death of 16 years of age, hurt by a snake
(keep in mind that this is an isolated indication that should
be supported by other indications to come true - look for Aristha-Bhanga Yoga for
Yogaristha (Yogaja Ayu) Yoga Saturn is the lord of Lagna and is placed in a Gemini
Navamsha, aspected by the Lagna lord (Jataka Parijata).
Results: The person is vulnerable to an early death of 17 years of age, until then be a hero
and live a life of luxury (keep in mind that this is only
an isolated indication - look out for Aristha-Bhanga Yoga for the cancellation of this
Yogaristha (Yogaja Ayu) Yoga Saturn is placed in a Gemini Navamsha, aspected by the
Lagna lord (Jataka Parijata).
Results: The person is vulnerable to an early death of 17 years of age, until then be a hero
and live a life of luxury (keep in mind that this is only
an isolated indication - look out for Aristha-Bhanga Yoga for the cancellation of this
Yogaristha (Yogaja Ayu) Yoga The lords of Lagna and the 8th house are malefics, and
they exchange places (Jataka Parijata).
Results: The person is vulnerable to an early death of 18 years of age (keep in mind that
this is an isolated indication that should be supported by
other indications to come true - also look out for Aristha-Bhanga Yoga for the
cancellation of this effect).
Yogaristha (Yogaja Ayu) Yoga The lords of Lagna and the 8th house are malefics, and
the 12th and the 6th houses are not occupied by Jupiter (Jataka Parijata).
Results: The person is vulnerable to an early death of 18 years of age (keep in mind that
this is an isolated indication that should be supported by
other indications to come true - also look out for Aristha-Bhanga Yoga for the
cancellation of this effect).
Yogaristha (Yogaja Ayu) Yoga The Lagna lord is exalted, but unaspected by benefics
and Saturn is in the Navamsha ruled by Jupiter, conjunct Rahu (Jataka Parijata).
Results: The person is vulnerable to an early death of 20 years of age (keep in mind that
this is an isolated indication that should be supported by
other indications to come true - also look out for Aristha-Bhanga Yoga for the
cancellation of this effect).
Yogaristha (Yogaja Ayu) Yoga The Lagna lord is exalted, but unaspected by benefics
and Saturn is in the Navamsha ruled by Jupiter, conjunct Ketu (Jataka Parijata).
Results: The person is vulnerable to an early death of 20 years of age (keep in mind that
this is an isolated indication that should be supported by
other indications to come true - also look out for Aristha-Bhanga Yoga for the
cancellation of this effect).
Yogaristha (Yogaja Ayu) Yoga Malefics in Kendras, unaspected by Moon, Venus or
Jupiter, and Moon is in the 6th or 8th house (Jataka Parijata).
Results: The person is vulnerable to an early death of 20 years of age (keep in mind that
this is an isolated indication that should be supported by
other indications to come true - also look out for Aristha-Bhanga Yoga for the
cancellation of this effect).
Yogaristha (Yogaja Ayu) Yoga Sun conjunct Jupiter in Scorpio in Lagna, while the lord
of the 8th house is in a Kendra (Jataka Parijata).
Results: The person is vulnerable to an early death of 22 years of age (keep in mind that
this is an isolated indication that should be supported by
other indications to come true - also look out for Aristha-Bhanga Yoga for the
cancellation of this effect).
Yogaristha (Yogaja Ayu) Yoga Saturn is in Lagna, debilitated or a natural enemy sign,
and benefics are in Apoklima houses (Jataka Parijata).
Results: The person is vulnerable to an early death of 26 or 27 years of age (keep in mind
that this is an isolated indication that should be
supported by other indications to come true - also look out for Aristha-Bhanga Yoga for
the cancellation of this effect).
Yogaristha (Yogaja Ayu) Yoga The lord of the 8th house, a malefic, is aspected by
Jupiter and a malefic, while the 8th house is occupied with the lord of Moon's sign
Results: The person is vulnerable to an early death of 28 years of age (keep in mind that
this is an isolated indication that should be supported by
other indications to come true - also look out for Aristha-Bhanga Yoga for the
cancellation of this effect).
Yogaristha (Yogaja Ayu) Yoga The lord of the 8th house, a malefic, is aspected a
malefic, while Jupiter is in the 8th house with the lord of Moon's Rashi or Navamsha sign
(Jataka Parijata).
Results: The person is vulnerable to an early death of 28 years of age (keep in mind that
this is an isolated indication that should be supported by
other indications to come true - also look out for Aristha-Bhanga Yoga for the
cancellation of this effect).
Yogaristha (Yogaja Ayu) Yoga Sun is in the 8th house, conjunct Moon and Saturn
(Jataka Parijata).
Results: The person is vulnerable to an early death of 29 years of age (keep in mind that
this is an isolated indication that should be supported by
other indications to come true - also look out for Aristha-Bhanga Yoga for the
cancellation of this effect).
Yogaristha (Yogaja Ayu) Yoga The lord of the 8th house is in a Kendra, and the lord of
Lagna is without strength (Jataka Parijata).
Results: The person is vulnerable to an early death between 30 and 32 years of age (keep
in mind that this is an isolated indication that should be
supported by other indications to come true - also look for Aristha-Bhanga Yoga for
Yogaristha (Yogaja Ayu) Yoga Moon is waning and the 8th house lord is in a Kendra or
a malefic in the 8th house the Lagna is without strength occupied by a malefic (Jataka
Results: The person is vulnerable to an early death at 32 years of age (keep in mind that
this is an isolated indication that should be supported by
other indications to come true - also look out for Aristha-Bhanga Yoga for the
cancellation of this effect).
Sarasvati Yoga Jupiter is in deep exaltation and it is not Saturday nor Sunday (original
source unknown).
Results: The person achieves high accomplishment in learning and knowledge.
Vidya Yoga It's Friday, Pisces identical to Lagna and Venus in exact exaltation (original
source unknown).
Results: The person achieves high accomplishment in learning and knowledge.
Vidya Yoga It's Thursday, Lagna identical to Cancer and Jupiter in deep exaltation
(original source unknown).
Results: The person achieves high accomplishment in learning and knowledge.
Svaviryadhana Yoga Moon in Aries, Saturn in Aquarius, Venus in Capricorn, and Sun in
Saggitarius (Sambu Hora Prakasha 14/1).
Results: The person will never enjoy paternal wealth but will become an excellent
personage thriving on the acquisitions gained through own
Vedic Astrology Bookshelf V.1.01 (C) GeoVision S.W., Licensed to Denis Chevalier
Dharidra Yoga All the Kendras are occupied by benefics while the 2nd house contains a
malefic planet (Sambu Hora Prakasha 14/2).
Results: The person is vulnerable to endless poverty, and could also be the source of fear
to his/her family members.
Raja Yoga Jupiter is in the Lagna while Moon occupies the 10th house or Jupiter is in the
5th house while Moon is placed in the 10th house. The latter
version cancels the Shakata Yoga that arises when Jupiter is in the 8th from Moon
(Sambu Hora Prakasha 14/3).
Results: The person will conquer his/her senses, will perform penance and shine forth
with excellent royal marks giving a way to a high royal
Tirthayatra Yoga A benefic planet in the 8th house aspected by another benefic (Sambu
Hora Prakasha 14/9).
Results: The person will go on a pilgrimage and visit many places that have religious or
spiritual significance to him/her.
Jala Yoga Sun, Moon and Saturn are together in a Kendra or the 9th house or the 12th
house, while other planets are bereft of strength (Sambu Hora
Results: The person will be bereft of lordship, faculty of discernment and wealth. He/she
will desire others' food, be unstable in disposition, very
grieved, miserly and lacking in intelligence.
Kemadruma Yoga The lord of the 9th house is in the 12th house, the 12th lord is in the
2nd house without strength and the 3rd house occupied by a malefic
(Sambu Hora Prakasha 14/12).
Results: The person will desire others' food (i.e. will be greedy), be interested in
unrighteous and evil deeds, will have negligible wealth, be
interested in joining others' women (spouses) and be in debts.
Kemadruma Yoga Jupiter, Saturn and Moon in a Kendra (Sambu Hora Prakasha 14/13).
Results: The person will be deprived of his motherland, having to leave his/her place of
birth due to bad luck.
Kemadruma Yoga Mars and Saturn in the 12th, 8th or 5th house (Sambu Hora Prakasha
Results: The person will be deprived of his motherland, having to leave his/her place of
birth due to bad luck.
Kemadruma Yoga Mars and Saturn are together in the 12th, 8th or 5th house (Sambu
Hora Prakasha 14/14).
Results: The person will be deprived of his motherland, having to leave his/her place of
birth due to bad luck.
Sonmadaka Yoga Saturn in the Lagna as Mars is in the 5th, the 9th or the 7th house
(Sambu Hora Prakasha 14/32).
Results: The person can be vulnerable to the development of a mental disorder or insanity
(lit. 'destruction of joy', possibly dysthymic depressive
Sonmadaka Yoga Moon joins Saturn in the 12th house (Sambu Hora Prakasha 14/32).
Results: The person can be vulnerable to the development of a mental disorder or insanity
(lit. 'destruction of joy', possibly dysthymic depressive
Sonmadaka Yoga Birth is in the daytime, the Lagna is in the Drekkana of Saturn or Mars
while Sun joins Moon in the Lagna or the 9th house, while Jupiter is in a
Kendra or the 3rd house (Sambu Hora Prakasha 14/26).
Results: The person can be vulnerable to the development of a mental disorder or
Sonmadaka Yoga The Lagna is in the Drekkana of Saturn or Mars while Sun joins Moon
in the Lagna, the 5th house or the 9th house, while Jupiter is in a Kendra
or the 3rd house (Sambu Hora Prakasha 14/26).
Results: The person can be vulnerable to the development of a mental disorder or
Sonmadaka Yoga Jupiter is in Lagna while Saturn and Mars are in the 7th house (Sambu
Hora Prakasha 14/27).
Results: The person can be vulnerable to the development of a mental disorder or
Mleccha Yoga Saturn is in Lagna and Sun in the 7th house (Sambu Hora Prakasha
Results: The person, although possibly well placed in the beginning of life, will become
somewhat of an outcast.
Mleccha Yoga Saturn is in the Lagna and Mars is in the 3rd house (Sambu Hora Prakasha
Results: The person, although possibly well placed in the beginning of life, will become
somewhat of an outcast.
Mleccha Yoga Sun and Saturn are conjunct and in the same Drekkana, Navamsha or
Trimshamsha (Sambu Hora Prakasha 14/34).
Results: The person, although possibly well placed in the beginning of life, will become
somewhat of an outcast.
Mukabadhiramdha Yoga Sun and Moon joining in Leo Lagna receiving aspects from
Saturn and Mars (Sambu Hora Prakasha 14/35).
Results: The person might be blind.
Mukabadhiramdha Yoga Sun and Moon joining in Leo Lagna receiving aspects from
both benefics and malefics (Sambu Hora Prakasha 14/35).
Results: The person might have diseased eyes.
Mukabadhiramdha Yoga Moon in the 12th house (Sambu Hora Prakasha 14).
Results: The person will experience some harm in the left eye.
Mukabadhiramdha Yoga Sun in the 12th house (Sambu Hora Prakasha 14).
Results: The person will experience some harm in the right eye.
Mukabadhiramdha Yoga Venus in the 2nd along with a malefic and Venus is in the 1st
Drekkana of the sign (Sambu Hora Prakasha 14).
Results: The person will be squint-eyed or weak sighted.
Vedic Astrology Bookshelf V.1.01 (C) GeoVision S.W., Licensed to Denis Chevalier
Mukabadhiramdha Yoga Venus in the 2nd along with a malefic and Venus is in the 2nd
Drekkana of the sign (Sambu Hora Prakasha 14).
Results: The person will be dumb or speechless.
Mukabadhiramdha Yoga Venus in the 2nd along with a malefic and Venus is in the 3rd
Drekkana of the sign (Sambu Hora Prakasha 14).
Results: The person will be have a stammering speech defect.
Mukabadhiramdha Yoga Either Venus or Mars in the 2nd or the 12th house (Sambu Hora
Prakasha 14).
Results: The person is likely to suffer from ear problems.
Mukabadhiramdha Yoga Either Venus or Mars in the 2nd or the 12th house and Moon is
conjunct either one of them (Sambu Hora Prakasha 14).
Results: The person is likely to suffer from eye defects and ear problems.
Mukabadhiramdha Yoga Sun in the 2nd house, Mars in the 6th, Saturn in the 8th and
Moon in the 12th house (Sambu Hora Prakasha 14).
Results: The person may develop blindness.
Mukabadhiramdha Yoga Malefics in the 3rd, 9th 5th and (or) the 11th house without
company or aspect of a benefic (Sambu Hora Prakasha 14).
Results: The person will have ear or hearing complaints.
Mukabadhiramdha Yoga Malefics in the 3rd and the 11th house without company or
aspect of a benefic (Sambu Hora Prakasha 14).
Results: The person will have ear or hearing complaints.
Mukabadhiramdha Yoga Malefics in the 7th house without a benefic aspect (Sambu Hora
Prakasha 14).
Results: The person might have damaged teeth.
Mukabadhiramdha Yoga Sun is conjunct Mercury in a Trik house (Sambu Hora Prakasha
Results: The person will suffer from night-blindness.
Mukabadhiramdha Yoga Sun is in a Trik house with Venus or the Lagna Lord (Sambu
Hora Prakasha 14).
Results: The person might have been born blind.
Khalvata Yoga The 12th house is a malefic sign and is aspected by a malefic planet
(Sambu Hora Prakasha 14/54).
Results: The person is vulnerable to hair-loss and might become bald.
Khalvata Yoga Lagna is identical to Saggitarius containing a malefic (Sambu Hora
Praksha 14/54).
Results: The person is vulnerable to hair-loss and might become bald.
Khalvadosha Yoga The Lagna is identical to Leo, Saggitarius, Scorpio, Virgo or Cancer,
while Moon is in Lagna aspected by Mars (Sambu Hora Prakasha 14/96).
Results: The person might become bald.
VilomaBuddh Yoga Moon and Mars conjunct are aspecting the Lagna lord (Sambu Hora
Prakasha 14/45
Results: The person will have a perverted mind and intellect (Lit. reversed intellect).
Vataroga Yoga Mars is in the 5th, 9th or the 7th house (Sambu Hora Prakasha 14/53).
Results: The person is vulnerable to a Vata disorder or imbalance (Ayurvedic diagnosis).
This can range between nervousness, restlessness,
insomnia, constipation, lack of fluid in the body, coldness, depression, etc.
Vataroga Yoga Sun in Lagna while declining Moon and Saturn are in the 12th (Sambu
Hora Prakasha 14/53).
Results: The person is vulnerable to a Vata disorder or imbalance (Ayurvedic diagnosis).
This can range between nervousness, restlessness,
insomnia, constipation, lack of fluid in the body, coldness, depression, etc.
Bandhana Yoga Malefics are placed in the 12th, 5th, 9th and the 2nd (Sambu Hora
Prakasha 14/56).
Results: This configuration makes the person vulnerable to confinement or imprisonment.
Bandhana Yoga Malefics are placed in the 12th, 5th, 9th and the 2nd, while the Lagna is
identical to Saggitarius, Aries or Taurus (Sambu Hora Prakasha 14/56).
Results: This configuration makes the person vulnerable to confinement ''by rope''.
Bandhana Yoga Malefics are placed in Gemini Lagna, Libra Lagna or Aquarius Lagna
(Sambu Hora Prakasha 14/57).
Results: This configuration makes the person vulnerable to confinement or imprisonment
in a jail.
Bandhana Yoga Malefics in Cancer Lagna, Leo Lagna or Pisces Lagna (Sambu Hora
Prakasha 14/57).
Results: This configuration makes the person vulnerable to confinement or imprisonment
''in a fort''.
Bandhana Yoga Malefics in Scorpio Lagna (Sambu Hora Prakasha 14/57).
Results: This configuration makes the person vulnerable to confinement or imprisonment:
Bandhana Yoga Saturn is in Lagna, Moon in the 10th house aspected by Venus
(Sarvartha Chintamani 9/2/32).
Results: This configuration makes the person vulnerable to confinement or imprisonment.
Mritaka Yoga Sun is in the 10th house, without a benefic aspect (Sambu Hora Prakasha
Results: The person will be an excellent servant
Vedic Astrology Bookshelf V.1.01 (C) GeoVision S.W., Licensed to Denis Chevalier
Mritaka Yoga Saturn is in the 10th house, without a benefic aspect (Sambu Hora
Prakasha 14/58).
Results: The person will be an excellent servant
Mritaka Yoga Mars is in the 10th house, without a benefic aspect (Sambu Hora Prakasha
Results: The person will be an excellent servant
Mritaka Yoga Sun and Saturn are the 10th house, without a benefic aspect (Sambu Hora
Prakasha 14/58).
Results: The person will be a moderate servant
Mritaka Yoga Mars and Saturn are the 10th house, without a benefic aspect (Sambu Hora
Prakasha 14/58).
Results: The person will be a moderate servant
Mritaka Yoga Sun and Mars are the 10th house, without a benefic aspect (Sambu Hora
Prakasha 14/58).
Results: The person will be a moderate servant
Mritaka Yoga Sun, Saturn and Mars are the 10th house, without a benefic aspect (Sambu
Hora Prakasha 14/58).
Results: The person will be a poor servant
Apasmara Yoga Sun, Moon and Mars are in the Lagna or the 8th house with malefic
aspects (Sambu Hora Prakasha 14/62).
Results: The person might suffer from epilepsy and other ailments.
Apasmara Yoga Moon and Mercury are in a Kendra aspected by a malefic (Sambu Hora
Prakasha 14/63).
Results: The person might suffer from epilepsy.
Satya Mada Yoga Malefics are in the 5th and the 8th house (Sambu Hora Prakasha
Results: The person might suffer from epilepsy.
Apasmara Yoga Saturn and Mars are in the 6th or the 8th houses and Jupiter is not in the
Lagna or Trikonas (the luminaries are supposed to have a halo around
them in the sky) (Sambu Hora Prakasha 14/64).
Results: The person might suffer from epilepsy.
Vamshaccheda Yoga The 10th, 4th and the 7th houses in order occupied by Moon, Venus
and a malefic (Sambu Hora Prakasha 14/65).
Results: The person is possibly the last one in his lineage.
Dasi-prabhava Yoga Venus is in the 12th house in the Navamsha of Saturn (Sambu Hora
Prakasha 14/65).
Results: The person might be the child of a female slave or a maid.
Dasi-prabhava Yoga Sun and Moon are debilitated, or they are both in opposition with
Saturn (Sambu Hora Prakasha 14/65).
Results: The person might be the child of a female slave or a maid.
Hillaja Netradosha Yoga The 6th lord is in the sign of a retrograde planet (Sambu Hora
Prakasha 14/66).
Results: Eye diseases are indicated.
Hillaja Netradosha Yoga The 6th lord is in the Lagna in aspect to Saturn (Sambu Hora
Prakasha 14/66).
Results: Indication of phlegmatic nature and imbalance in the context of eye diseases.
Hillaja Netradosha Yoga Moon is with Jupiter, Venus, Mars or Mercury in the Lagna
(Sambu Hora Prakasha 14/66).
Results: The person will be vulnerable sometime in his life to eye-disorders, due to
suffering from excess heat, or grief, or sexual indulgence or
Hillaja Netradosha Yoga The luminaries are conjoined in the 3rd house or in a Kendra
(Sambu Hora Prakasha 14/67).
Results: The person will be vulnerable to blindness.
Hillaja Netradosha Yoga Mars is in a malefic sign or in a Kendra receiving an aspect
from another malefic planet (Sambu Hora Prakasha 14/67).
Results: The person will be vulnerable to blindness.
Hillaja Netradosha Yoga Benefics are consigned to the 6th, 8th and 12th houses while
Sun is in the 10th house (Sambu Hora Prakasha 14/67).
Results: The person will be vulnerable to blindness.
Hillaja Netradosha Yoga Sun and Moon are together in a sign ruled by a retrograde
planet (Sambu Hora Prakasha 14/68).
Results: The person will be squint-eyed.
Hillaja Netradosha Yoga Sun and Moon are together in the 6th or 12th houses (Sambu
Hora Prakasha 14/68).
Results: The person will be squint-eyed.
Hillaja Karnadosha Yoga Venus, as the lord of the 6th house, is in Lagna and receives a
joint aspect from Moon and a malefic (Sambu Hora Prakasha 14/68).
Results: The person could be vulnerable to a deafness or disorder in the right ear.
Karnadosha Yoga Mercury rules the 6th house and is placed in the 4th aspected by Saturn
(The aspect discussed her might be only a 3rd or a 10th, not a 7th or
mutual aspect, although not certain) (Sambu Hora Prakasha 14/70).
Results: The person might be deaf.
Vedic Astrology Bookshelf V.1.01 (C) GeoVision S.W., Licensed to Denis Chevalier
Karnadosha Yoga Mercury is in 6th house and is aspected by Saturn by the 3rd or the
10th house aspect from Saturn not 7th (Sambu Hora Prakasha 14/70).
Results: The person might be deaf.
Karnadosha Yoga Mercury in the 6th house and Venus in the 10th house (this is
obviously only possible in divisional charts) (Sambu Hora Prakasha 14/71).
Results: The person might be short of hearing in the left ear, needing an input of a louder
Jihvadosha Yoga Mercury in Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces, Sun in the 4th house aspected by
Moon, and the lord of the 6th house is receiving a malefic aspect
(Sambu Hora Prakasha 14/72).
Results: The person will speak in a whispering voice.
Jihvadosha Yoga Moon in the brighter half is in the Lagna with Mars (Sambu Hora
Prakasha 14/72).
Results: The person will speak in a whispering voice.
Jihvadosha Yoga Mercury is the lord of the 6th house (Sambu Hora Prakasha 14/73).
Results: The person might be lacking in his/her inclination for taste in food (Rasana).
Jihvadosha Yoga Mercury in Capricorn or Aquarius receiving a full aspect of Saturn
(Sambu Hora Prakasha 14/73).
Results: The person might have a speech disorder and stutter while talking.
Kubjadosha Yoga Moon is weak, in the 1st or last Navamsha of a sign, with Mars in the
3rd house getting a malefic aspect, Saturn in the 4th and Lagna lord in an
enemy sign (Sambu Hora Prakasha 14/75).
Results: The person might be a dwarf.
Chatushchakra Yoga No planets occupy Chara signs (Sambu Hora Prakasha).
Results: This indicates that the person will be very powerful, versatile, long living and
Kamatura Yoga Venus in a Dandva (dual) sign (Dandva can also mean Gemini
exclusively) in own Navamsha (Sambu Hora Prakasha 14/89).
Results: The person might have a high degree of lust, passion and libidinous desires.
Kamatura Yoga Venus in the 1st Hora of Leo in the 4th house (Sambu Hora Prakasha
Results: The person might have a high degree of lust, passion and libidinous desires.
Krurahatya Yoga Mars and Moon join in one and the same Navamsha (Sambu Hora
Results: The person might commit a cruel murder.
Patakadosha Yoga The Lagna lord joins Mars, while Moon is in the 6th house (Sambu
Hora Prakasha).
Results: The person might have criminal tendencies.
Patakadosha Yoga Sun and Moon are together in the same Navamsha (Sambu Hora
Results: The person might have criminal tendencies.
Khajura Dosha Yoga Moon in a watery sign conjunct a malefic and receiving an aspect
from Saturn (Sambu Hora Prakasha).
Results: The person is vulnerable to a danger from a scorpion.
Shhandhha Yoga Saturn and Venus in the 8th house or the 10th house without a benefic
aspect (Sambu Hora Prakasha).
Results: The person might suffer from sexual impotence.
Shhandhha Yoga Saturn and Venus in the 8th house or the 10th house without a benefic
aspect (Sambu Hora Prakasha).
Results: The person might suffer from sexual frigidity.
Shhandhha Yoga Saturn debilitated in the 6th or the 12th house (Sambu Hora Prakasha).
Results: The person might suffer from sexual impotence.
Shhandhha Yoga Saturn debilitated in the 6th or the 12th house (Sambu Hora Prakasha).
Results: The person might suffer from sexual frigidity.
Shhandhha Yoga Venus is in the 7th house receiving an aspect from the Lagna lord in the
Lagna, while the 7th house lord is retrograde and Moon accompanied
by Saturn (Sambu Hora Prakasha).
Results: The person will carry bad feelings or lack of attraction to his wife and end up
getting a mistress or another wife.
Shhandhha Yoga Venus is in the 7th house receiving an aspect from the Lagna lord in the
Lagna, while the 7th house lord is retrograde and Moon accompanied
by Saturn (Sambu Hora Prakasha).
Results: The person will carry bad feelings or lack of attraction to her husband and end
up getting a secret lover or a new husband (In the
classical text this only applied to a male).
Arshadosha Yoga The lord of the 8th house, a malefic, is in the 7th house without a
benefic aspect (Sambu Hora Prakasha).
Results: The person is vulnerable to the development of hemorrhoids.
Arshadosha Yoga Birth in the daytime, Saturn is in the 7th house, identical with Scorpio,
while Mars is in the 9th house (Sambu Hora Prakasha).
Results: The person is vulnerable to the development of hemorrhoids.
Arshadosha Yoga Saturn and Mars are in the 12th house in the company of the lord of
Lagna (Sambu Hora Prakasha).
Results: The person is vulnerable to the development of hemorrhoids.
Vedic Astrology Bookshelf V.1.01 (C) GeoVision S.W., Licensed to Denis Chevalier
Arshadosha Yoga Mars is in the 4th house, in Scorpio, without an aspect from Jupiter
(Sambu Hora Prakasha).
Results: The person is vulnerable to the development of hemorrhoids.
Arshadosha Yoga Saturn is in Lagna and Mars is in the 7th house (Sambu Hora
Results: The person is vulnerable to the development of hemorrhoids.
Vranadosha Yoga Mars in Scorpio Lagna, without the aspect of Venus and/or Jupiter
(Sambu Hora Prakasha).
Results: The person might be vulnerable to suffering from ulcer, tumor or cancer.
Vranadosha Yoga Saturn, in the Navamsha of Mars, joins Ketu in the 4th house (Sambu
Hora Prakasha).
Results: The person might be vulnerable to suffering from ulcer, tumor or cancer.
Vranadosha Yoga Saturn with Ketu in the 7th, 12th or the 6th house (Sambu Hora
Results: The person might be vulnerable to suffering from ulcer, tumor or cancer.
Datrudosha Yoga Moon is in a wet sign in the 7th house, aspected by Saturn which is in
the 4th Navamsha (between 10º00' and 13º20') of the sign Saturn's in
(Sambu Hora Prakasha 14/93).
Results: The person might suffer from cutaneous eruptions on the skin.
Andadosha Yoga Moon, Mars and Venus are in Scorpio in Aquarius Navamsha (Sambu
Hora Prakasha 14/94).
Results: The person will be vulnerable to the development of swelling in his testicles.
Vamana Yoga (N) Moon is in the 1st or last Navamsha in the sign, receiving 3rd or 10th
aspect from Saturn, while Lagna-sign is of short ascension [in southern
latitudes] (Sambu Hora Prakasha).
Results: The person will be short in stature.
Vamana Yoga (S) Moon is in the 1st or last Navamsha in the sign, receiving 3rd or 10th
aspect from Saturn, while Lagna-sign is of short ascension [in northern
latitudes] (Sambu Hora Prakasha).
Results: The person will be short in stature.
Kulapamshala Yoga Benefics and malefics are placed in Kendras, Lagna lord without an
aspect from Moon (Sambu Hora Prakasha).
Results: The person will live in a distant land, be discarded by his/her family, vulnerable
to poverty and the loss of wife and children.
Kulapamshala Yoga Benefics only in Saggitarius Navamsha (Sambu Hora Prakasha).
Results: The person will live in a distant land, be discarded by his/her family, vulnerable
to poverty and the loss of wife and children.
Ganitavidyajna Yoga Mars is in the 2nd house along with Moon aspected by Mercury or
Mercury is in a Kendra (Sarvartha Chintamani 3/36).
Results: The person has a deep understanding of mathematics.
Ganitavidyajna Yoga Mercury is the lord of the 2nd house and is in its sign of exaltation,
while Jupiter in in the Lagna and Saturn placed in the 8th house (Sarvartha
Chintamani 3/37)
Results: The person is a mathematician.
Ganitavidyajna Yoga Jupiter is in a Kendra or a Trikona and Venus in it's sign of
exaltation (Sarvartha Chintamani 3/38)
Results: The person is a mathematician.
Ganitavidyajna Yoga The lord of the 2nd house and Mercury are in their houses of
exaltation (Sarvartha Chintamani 3/38)
Results: The person is a mathematician.
Ganitavidyajna Yoga Sun and Mercury are together in the 2nd house aspected by Saturn
(Bhavartha Ratnakara 2/2/3).
Results: The person is a mathematician.
Ganitavidyajna Yoga Sun and Mercury are together in a Kendra, Trikona or the 11th
house (Bhavartha Ratnakara 2/2/5).
Results: The person is a mathematician.
Veda Vedanga Yoga Jupiter is exalted or in own sign in the 2nd house (Bhavartha
Ratnakara 2/2/7).
Results: The person will aquire the highest spiritual knowledge (Veda) and understanding
of it's unfoldment into relative existence (Vedanga).
Vedanta Yoga Saturn, Mercury and Sun in the 5th house (Bhavartha Ratnakarta 2/2/4).
Results: The person will come to know the ultimate truth about life (Vedanta).
Jyotishika Yoga Mercury is located in a Kendra, the 2nd house lord is strong, and Venus
is in exaltation in the 2nd house (Sarvartha Chintamani 3/35).
Results: The person will become foremost in the group of astrologers (Jyotish).
Jyotishika Yoga The lord of the 2nd house is Sun or Mars and is aspected by Jupiter and
Venus while Mercury is in Paravatamsha (Sarvartha Chintamani 3/39)
Results: The person has a good understanding of the working and rationale of astrology
Jyotishika Yoga Sun and Mercury are together in the 2nd house (Bhavartha Ratnakara
Results: The person has a good understanding of the working and rationale of astrology
Jyotishika Yoga Mercury is well placed in the 4th house (Bhavartha Ratnakara 2/2/1).
Results: The person has a good understanding of the working and rationale of astrology
Vedic Astrology Bookshelf V.1.01 (C) GeoVision S.W., Licensed to Denis Chevalier
Kavya Alankara Yoga Venus is well placed in the 2nd house (Bhavartha Ratnakara
Results: The person becomes knowledgeable in poetry and rhetoric.
Gudhabhavarthavit Yoga Rahu is placed in the 5th house (Bhavartha Ratnakara 2/2/6).
Results: The person will be an expert in understanding the inner meaning of things (a
Tarkashastra Yoga The lord of the 2nd house is either Jupiter or Venus and is aspected by
Sun and Mars and is located in it's Moola-Trikona sign or exalted
(Sarvartha Chintamani 3/40)
Results: The person becomes the foremost among the knowers of the science of logic
Tarkashastra Yoga The Sun and Mars are together in the 2nd house (Bhavartha Ratnakara
Results: The person becomes knowledgeable and talented in the science of logic
Tarkashastra Yoga Mars well placed in the 2nd house (Bhavartha Ratnakara 2/2/9)
Results: The person becomes knowledgeable and talented in the science of logic
Shabdhashastra Yoga Jupiter is the lord of the 2nd house in high strength and is aspected
by Sun and Venus (Sarvartha Chintamani 3/41).
Results: The person becomes an expert in language, etymology and grammar
Vedantavidya Yoga Mercury, exalted, is the lord of the 2nd house while Saturn is in
Gopuramsha and Jupiter in Simhasanamsha (Sarvartha Chintamani 3/42)
Results: The person is expert knowledge of the science of the Absolute (Vedanta).
Vedantavidya Yoga Jupiter is in a Trikona or a Kendra aspecting Mercury and Saturn is
in Paravatamsha (Sarvartha Chintamani 3/43).
Results: The person is expert knowledge of the science of the Absolute (Vedanta).
Vedantavidya Yoga Venus is in the Lagna or any other Kendra in Uttamamsha while
Moon is in Devalokamsha (Sarvartha Chintamani 3/44)
Results: The person is expert knowledge of the science of the Absolute (Vedanta).
Vedantavidya Yoga The lord of the Lagna is in Paravatamsha in the 2nd house or the
Lagna, is favorably placed with a benefic while Venus is in the 12th house
(Sarvartha Chintamani 3/49).
Results: The person is expert knowledge of the science of the Absolute (Vedanta).
Ubhayachari Yoga Only malefics occupy the 2nd and the 12th house from Sun (Dr. K.S.
Results: This variety of Ubhayachari Yoga reduces greatly the positive effects of the
combination making the person sickly, servile, destitute and
of wicked disposition.
Phani Yoga Sun is in Aquarius, Saturn in Aries, Moon in Scorpio and Venus in Virgo
(Bhava Kutuhalam 7/48).
Results: The person is restless and without arts.
Kaka Yoga Venus and Saturn are in Aries, Sun in Taurus, Moon in Pisces, Mars in
Cancer (Bhava Kutuhalam 7/49).
Results: The person is deviod of grandeur inspite of being born to a father who is
endowed with wealth and grandeur.
Raja Sambandha Yoga The 10th lord from Lagna is conjunct or aspected by the
dispositor of the Amatyakaraka or conjunct or aspected by the Amatyakaraka itself
(Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra 42/1).
Results: The person will become a chief in the kings court (in modern context: in a high
gorernmental position).
Raja Sambandha Yoga The 11th lord aspects the 11th house and the 10th house is not
occupied by nor aspected by a malefic (Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra 42/2).
Results: The person will become a chief in the kings court (in modern context: in a high
gorernmental position).
Raja Sambandha Yoga The Atmakaraka and Amatyakaraka are in conjunction (Brihat
Parashara Hora Shastra 42/3).
Results: The person is highly intelligent and will become a chief in the kings court (in
modern context: in a high gorernmental position).
Surya-Chandr Yoga Sun and Moon are conjunct in the same house (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is valorous, haughty, skilled in work on stones, machines and tools,
very wealthy, harsh, cruel, and easily submitting to
Surya-Mangal Yoga Sun and Mars are conjunct in the same house (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is strong, energetic, illustrious, wicked, sinful, aggressive and cruel.
Surya-Buddh Yoga Sun and Mercury are conjunct in the same house (Dr. K.S. Charak)
(also known as Budhadhiya Yoga).
Results: The person is sweet tongued, clever, scholarly, virtuous and will have learning,
wealth, progeny and self-control, earns wealth by
serving others. Also said to be highly intelligent, skillful in all works with a good
reputation (Still a very common Yoga).
Surya-Guru Yoga Sun and Jupiter are conjunct in the same house (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is a teacher, a preceptor, a servile, engaged in religious pursuits,
honored by the ruler, blessed with friends and wealth,
widely renowned, doing good to others.
Surya-Shukr Yoga Sun and Venus are conjunct in the same house (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is intelligent, skilled in wielding weapons, given to easy morals,
earns through women not his own, undergoes incarceration,
of poor vision in old age, gains from such pursuits as drama, acting and music.
Surya-Shani Yoga Sun and Saturn are conjunct in the same house (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is skilled in metallurgy, engaged in religious pursuits, bereft of wife
and children, learned, dominated by enemies, follows
Vedic Astrology Bookshelf V.1.01 (C) GeoVision S.W., Licensed to Denis Chevalier
Chandr-Mangal Yoga Moon and Mars are conjunct in the same house (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is wealthy, brave, winner of combat, dealer of women, wines and
earthenware, adept in metal craft, suffering from blood
disorders, hostile to mother (look for Chandra-Mangala Yoga elsewhere to get a more
detailed description).
Chandr-Buddh Yoga Moon and Mercury are conjunct in the same house (Dr. K.S.
Results: The person is pleasant in looks, sweet-tongued, engaged in virtuous deeds, pious,
blessed, a poet, kind-hearted, and deeply attached to
his wife.
Chandr-Buddh Yoga Moon and Mercury are conjunct in the same house (Dr. K.S.
Results: The person is pleasant in looks, sweet-tongued, engaged in virtuous deeds, pious,
blessed, a poet, kind-hearted (and deeply attached to
her husband).
Chandr-Guru Yoga Moon and Jupiter are conjunct in the same house (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is over-powering, virtuous, famous, intelligent, profoundly versed,
with many friends, engaged in virtuous pursuits, doing
good to others, wealthy, consistent in love, soft-spoken, chief of his family, fickle
Chandr-Shukr Yoga Moon and Venus are conjunct in the same house (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is clever in buying and selling, adept in tailoring, weaving and
trading of clothes, quarrelsome, fond of flowers and
perfumes, lazy, sinful, a poet.
Chandr-Shani Yoga Moon and Saturn are conjunct in the same house (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is born to a remarried widow, attached to an old woman, given to the
pleasures of the flesh, bereft of grace, wealth and
valor, tends horses and elephants.
Mangal-Buddh Yoga Mars and Mercury are conjunct in the same house (Dr. K.S.
Results: The person is adept in making medicines, eloquent, not very rich, looks after a
widow or a base woman, versed in metalcraft or fine arts,
a wrestler or boxer.
Mangal-Guru Yoga Mars and Jupiter are conjunct in the same house (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is learned, revered, wealthy, very intelligent, skillful lecturer, a
sculptor, skilled in the use of weapons, memorizes by mere
listening, a leader.
Mangal-Shukr Yoga Mars and Venus are conjunct in the same house (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is a cheater, a liar or a gambler, addicted to other peoples spouses,
deviates from the normal pattern of sexual indulgence,
opposed to all, skilled in mathematics, a shepherd, a wrestler, distinguished among men
because of one's virtues.
Mangal-Shani Yoga Mars and Saturn are conjunct in the same house (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is miserable, quarrelsome, condemnable, a betrayer, clever in talking,
versed in the use of weapons, follower of a faith other
than his/her family, endangered from poison or injury.
Buddh-Guru Yoga Mercury and Jupiter are conjunct in the same house (Dr. K.S.
Results: The person is eloquent, learned, amiable, handsome, wealthy, well-versed in
dance, song and music, very virtuous, and fond of
Buddh-Shukr Yoga Mercury and Venus are conjunct in the same house (Dr. K.S.
Results: The person is eloquent, virtuous, well versed in scriptural learning, extremely
wealthy, a fine sculptor, adept in music, well-dressed,
owner of lands, ever mirthful.
Buddh-Shani Yoga Mercury and Saturn are conjunct in the same house (Dr. K.S.
Results: The person is of sickly constitution, learned, wealthy, provides sustenance to
many, quarrelsome, fickle-minded, adept in several arts,
disobedient to elders, a cheater.
Guru-Shukr Yoga Jupiter and Venus are conjunct in the same house (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is very learned, blessed with a virtuous spouse, wealthy, religious,
virtuous, earns by the use of learning.
Guru-Shani Yoga Jupiter and Saturn are conjunct in the same house (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is strong, famous, leader of a group or an army, an artist, a barber, a
potter, a cook, wealthy, suspicious of spouse, a
wanderer, tends cattle.
Shukr-Shani Yoga Venus and Saturn are conjunct in the same house (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is a fighter, a wanderer, a fine sculptor, a writer or painter, an athlete,
looks after herds of cattle, short sighted, deviates from
the normal pattern of sexual indulgence, the marriage holds the key to financial
Surya-Chandr-Mangal Yoga Sun, Moon and Mars are conjunct in the same house (Dr.
K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is valorous, merciless, very capable, wealthy, a sculptor, versed in
Mantras and Yantras, eliminator of his/her enemies, and
suffers from the diseases of the blood.
Surya-Chandr-Buddh Yoga Sun, Moon and Mercury are conjunct in the same house (Dr.
K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is a confidant to a king, illustrious, versed in shastras or scriptures,
very learned, blessed with wealth and beauty,
sweet-tempered, fond of poetry and Puranic tales.
Surya-Chandr-Guru Yoga Sun, Moon and Jupiter are conjunct in the same house (Dr.
K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is highly virtuous, a scholar, a minister, of stable wisdom, self-
righteous, easily angered, living in a foreign land, capable of
spreading his/her influence around, deceitful.
Surya-Chandr-Shukr Yoga Sun, Moon and Venus are conjunct in the same house (Dr.
K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is disinclined towards virtue, keen to acquire wealth not his/her own,
addicted to other people's spouses, good in looks,
scholarly, rich, in dread of enemies, and suffers a dental disease.
Vedic Astrology Bookshelf V.1.01 (C) GeoVision S.W., Licensed to Denis Chevalier
Surya-Chandr-Shani Yoga Sun, Moon and Saturn are conjunct in the same house (Dr.
K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is servile, bereft of riches and grace, wickedly inclined, deceitful,
engaged in work pertaining to metals, undertakes futile
Surya-Mangal-Buddh Yoga Sun, Mars and Mercury are conjunct in the same house (Dr.
K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is famous, valorous, cruel, a wrestler, shameless, bereft of material
comforts through possessing a spouse, wealth and
Surya-Mangal-Guru Yoga Sun, Mars and Jupiter are conjunct in the same house (Dr.
K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is very wealthy, eloquent speaker, a minister or a commander,
generous, truthful, aggressive and dominating, fond of
entertainment, inclined to render justice.
Surya-Mangal-Shukr Yoga Sun, Mars and Venus are conjunct in the same house (Dr.
K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is fortunate, very wise, wealthy, amiable, harsh, good in looks, a man
of few words, suffering from eye disease, given to the
pleasures of the flesh.
Surya-Mangal-Shani Yoga Sun, Mars and Saturn are conjunct in the same house (Dr.
K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is ignorant, poor, bereft of father and friends, ailing, defective of a
limb, quarrelsome, with hairy body.
Surya-Buddh-Guru Yoga Sun, Mercury and Jupiter are conjunct in the same house (Dr.
K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is sharp witted, engaged in the study of scriptures, a writer, a
sculptor, wealthy, valorous, suffering from eye disease.
Surya-Buddh-Shukr Yoga Sun, Mercury and Venus are conjunct in the same house (Dr.
K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is very talkative, a wanderer, of a slender constitution, learned,
humiliated by parents and preceptors, suffers torment
because of spouse.
Surya-Buddh-Shani Yoga Sun, Mercury and Saturn are conjunct in the same house (Dr.
K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is rejected by friends and relatives, wicked, jealous, behaving like
eunuchs, suffers humiliation.
Surya-Guru-Shukr Yoga Sun, Jupiter and Venus are conjunct in the same house (Dr. K.S.
Results: The person is learned, poor, in the refuge of a king, a servant, talkative, cruel,
with poor vision.
Surya-Guru-Shani Yoga Sun, Jupiter and Saturn are conjunct in the same house (Dr. K.S.
Results: The person is clever in talking, favored by the ruler, fearless, of pure thoughts,
blessed with wife, friends and progeny, of asymmetrical
body, wastes money on women.
Surya-Shukr-Shani Yoga Sun, Venus and Saturn are conjunct in the same house (Dr. K.S.
Results: The person is wicked, haughty, in dread of his enemies, bereft of learning, grace
and fame, unskilled, inclined towards immoral pursuits,
suffers from a skin disease.
Chandr-Mangal-Buddh Yoga Moon, Mars and Mercury are conjunct in the same house
(Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is wicked, humiliated by his own people, bereft of virtue and wealth,
without friends throughout his life, a glutton.
Chandr-Mangal-Guru Yoga Moon, Mars and Jupiter are conjunct in the same house (Dr.
K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is good in looks, lovely face, love sick, likeable, easily angered, his
body is scarred with injuries.
Chandr-Mangal-Shukr Yoga Moon, Mars and Venus are conjunct in the same house (Dr.
K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is a master of an ill-mannered woman, ever a wanderer, fickle
minded, in dread of cold.
Chandr-Mangal-Shukr Yoga Moon, Mars and Venus are conjunct in the same house (Dr.
K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is might be closely associated with an ill-mannered woman, ever a
wanderer, fickle minded, in dread of cold.
Chandr-Mangal-Shani Yoga Moon, Mars and Saturn are conjunct in the same house (Dr.
K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is bereft of comforts from the mother right from childhood, wicked,
fickle-minded, indulges in prohibited deed (There might
also be that the mother dies in person's childhood or the person commits matricide).
Chandr-Buddh-Guru Yoga Moon, Mercury and Jupiter are conjunct in the same house
(Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is learned, famous, eloquent, rich, virtuous, sickly, the favorite of a
king (also favorable for finances).
Chandr-Buddh-Shukr Yoga Moon, Mercury and Venus are conjunct in the same house
(Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is of good learning, honorable, mean nature, highly covetous, jealous
of others.
Chandr-Buddh-Shani Yoga Moon, Mercury and Saturn are conjunct in the same house
(Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is learned, worthy, honored by the ruler, eloquent, sickly, a leader.
Chandr-Guru-Shukr Yoga Moon, Jupiter and Venus are conjunct in the same house (Dr.
K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is very good looking, born of a virtuous mother, proficient in several
Chandr-Guru-Shani Yoga Moon, Jupiter and Saturn are conjunct in the same house (Dr.
K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is versed in the scriptures, liked by the ruler, clever, renowned, bereft
of illness, leader of a village or town, attached to older
Chandr-Shukr-Shani Yoga Moon, Venus and Saturn are conjunct in the same house (Dr.
K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is a proficient writer, coming from a good family, engaged in
virtuous pursuits, very likable.
Vedic Astrology Bookshelf V.1.01 (C) GeoVision S.W., Licensed to Denis Chevalier
Mangal-Buddh-Guru Yoga Mars, Mercury and Jupiter are conjunct in the same house
(Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is honored by his own family, given to poetry, music and drama,
attached to young women, husband of a fine woman,
engaged in doing good to others.
Mangal-Buddh-Guru Yoga Mars, Mercury and Jupiter are conjunct in the same house
(Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is honored by her own family, given to poetry, music and drama,
attached to young individuals of the opposite sex, wife of a
fine man, engaged in doing good to others.
Mangal-Buddh-Shukr Yoga Mars, Mercury and Venus are conjunct in the same house
(Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is very talkative, fickle-minded, defective of a limb, slim body, base-
born, wicked, enthusiastic, rich.
Mangal-Buddh-Shani Yoga Mars, Mercury and Saturn are conjunct in the same house
(Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is living in fear, lean-bodied, disease in eyes and mouth, witty,
menial worker, a vagrant.
Mangal-Guru-Shukr Yoga Mars, Jupiter and Venus are conjunct in the same house (Dr.
K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is blessed with a spouse, children and comforts, liked by the ruler,
associates with good people.
Mangal-Guru-Shani Yoga Mars, Jupiter and Saturn are conjunct in the same house (Dr.
K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is lean bodied, cruel, wicked, bereft of friends, conceited, favored by
the ruler.
Mangal-Shukr-Shani Yoga Mars, Venus and Saturn are conjunct in the same house (Dr.
K.S. Charak).
Results: The person will have foreign residence, bad children, suffer humiliation at the
hands of a pretty woman.
Buddh-Guru-Shukr Yoga Mercury, Jupiter and Venus are conjunct in the same house
(Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is good in looks, bereft of enemies, truthful, of lasting fame.
Buddh-Guru-Shani Yoga Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn are conjunct in the same house (Dr.
K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is prosperous, blessed with physical comforts, learned, fortunate,
devoted to his/her spouse.
Buddh-Shukr-Shani Yoga Mercury, Venus and Saturn are conjunct in the same house
(Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is untruthful, vicious, addicted to other people's spouses, a wanderer.
Guru-Shukr-Shani Yoga Jupiter, Venus and Saturn are conjunct in the same house (Dr.
K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is renowned, famous, of clear intellect, equal to a king even if born
under ordinary circumstances.
Surya-Chandr-Mangal-Buddh Yoga Sun, Moon, Mars and Mercury are conjunct in the
same house (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is sickly, a writer, skilled in creating illusions, clever, eloquent,
Surya-Chandr-Mangal-Guru Yoga Sun, Moon, Mars and Jupiter are conjunct in the same
house (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is famous, intelligent, wealthy, talented, devoted to the ruler, bereft
of sorrow and sickness.
Surya-Chandr-Mangal-Shukr Yoga Sun, Moon, Mars and Venus are conjunct in the same
house (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is learned, comfortable, renowned, blessed with a spouse, progeny,
wealth and virtue.
Surya-Chandr-Mangal-Shani Yoga Sun, Moon, Mars and Saturn are conjunct in the same
house (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is stupid, dwarf, poor, a wanderer, having restless eyes and an
unfaithful spouse, living on alms.
Surya-Chandr-Buddh-Guru Yoga Sun, Moon, Mercury and Jupiter are conjunct in the
same house (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is healthy, wealthy, strong, virtuous, good in looks, with lovely eyes,
a sculptor.
Surya-Chandr-Buddh-Shukr Yoga Sun, Moon, Mercury and Venus are conjunct in the
same house (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is eloquent speaker, handsome, dwarf, liked by the ruler, of defective
Surya-Chandr-Buddh-Shani Yoga Sun, Moon, Mercury and Saturn are conjunct in the
same house (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is living on alms, a pauper, ungrateful, untruthful, with eye disease.
Surya-Chandr-Guru-Shukr Yoga Sun, Moon, Jupiter and Venus are conjunct in the same
house (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is honored by the ruler, owns watery and forests regions, enjoying
several comforts.
Surya-Chandr-Guru-Shani Yoga Sun, Moon, Jupiter and Saturn are conjunct in the same
house (Dr. K.S. Charak / Major S.G. Khout).
Results: The person is honorable, blessed with wealth and progeny, weak-bodied, of a
balanced outlook, liked by worthy women, easily angered.
Some say this Yoga results in a mental disorder.
Surya-Chandr-Shukr-Shani Yoga Sun, Moon, Venus and Saturn are conjunct in the same
house (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is cowardly, gluttonous, weak-bodied, living in fear, a man behaving
like a woman.
Surya-Mangal-Buddh-Guru Yoga Sun, Mars, Mercury and Jupiter are conjunct in the
same house (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is valorous, vagrant, adulterous, wealthy, a leader, but afflicted with
misfortunes and eye disease.
Surya-Mangal-Buddh-Shukr Yoga Sun, Mars, Mercury and Venus are conjunct in the
same house (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is adulterous, shameless, wicked, of odd looks and dress.
Vedic Astrology Bookshelf V.1.01 (C) GeoVision S.W., Licensed to Denis Chevalier
Surya-Mangal-Buddh-Shani Yoga Sun, Mars, Mercury and Saturn are conjunct in the
same house (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is learned, a fighter, a commander, a counselor to the ruler, indulges
in base acts.
Surya-Mangal-Guru-Shukr Yoga Sun, Mars, Jupiter and Venus are conjunct in the same
house (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is renowned, wealthy, fortunate, held in esteem by the ruler.
Surya-Mangal-Guru-Shani Yoga Sun, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn are conjunct in the same
house (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is honored, fulfills his undertakings, blessed with friends, relatives
and royal favors, mentally imbalanced.
Surya-Mangal-Shukr-Shani Yoga Sun, Mars, Venus and Saturn are conjunct in the same
house (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is lacking in intelligence, looks and virtues, suffers mental anguish,
dominated by all.
Surya-Buddh-Guru-Shukr Yoga Sun, Mercury, Jupiter and Venus are conjunct in the
same house (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is famous, wealthy, a leader, fulfills his desired objectives.
Surya-Buddh-Guru-Shani Yoga Sun, Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn are conjunct in the
same house (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is quarrelsome, conceited, lacking enthusiasm, behaving like a
Surya-Buddh-Shukr-Shani Yoga Sun, Mercury, Venus and Saturn are conjunct in the
same house (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is pious, beautiful, learned, comfortable, truthful, good speaker,
helpful to friends.
Surya-Guru-Shukr-Shani Yoga Sun, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn are conjunct in the same
house (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is covetous, a leader, daring, proficient in arts, favored by the ruler.
Chandr-Mangal-Buddh-Guru Yoga Moon, Mars, Mercury and Jupiter are conjunct in the
same house (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is versed in sacred scriptures, a king or a minister, highly renowned.
Chandr-Mangal-Buddh-Shukr Yoga Moon, Mars, Mercury and Venus are conjunct in the
same house (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is quarrelsome, lazy, wicked, hostile to his own people, good in
looks, a spouse to a wicked person.
Chandr-Mangal-Buddh-Shani Yoga Moon, Mars, Mercury and Saturn are conjunct in the
same house (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is brave, bereft of comforts from his friends, blessed with a spouse,
children and friends (This combination has been said to
give the person two mothers and two fathers. This is perhaps an indication of adoption).
Chandr-Mangal-Guru-Shukr Yoga Moon, Mars, Jupiter and Venus are conjunct in the
same house (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is valorous, wealthy, learned, blessed with friends and a lovely
spouse, defective of a limb.
Chandr-Mangal-Guru-Shani Yoga Moon, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn are conjunct in the
same house (Dr. K.S. Charak / Major S.G. Khout).
Results: The person is learned, generous, brave, mentally stable, rich, of defective
hearing. Other's say this combination results in a mental
Chandr-Mangal-Shukr-Shani Yoga Moon, Mars, Venus and Saturn are conjunct in the
same house (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is a spouse of an immoral person, ever miserable, courageous,
fearless, with eyes like those of a serpent.
Chandr-Buddh-Guru-Shukr Yoga Moon, Mercury, Jupiter and Venus are conjunct in the
same house (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is learned, famous, wealthy, bereft of mother and father, without
enemies, with defected hearing.
Chandr-Buddh-Guru-Shani Yoga Moon, Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn are conjunct in the
same house (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is virtuous, charitable, learned, famous, exceedingly wealthy,
counselor of a king.
Chandr-Buddh-Shukr-Shani Yoga Moon, Mercury, Venus and Saturn are conjunct in the
same house (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is adulterous, married to a wicked spouse, learned, hostile to many,
of diseased eyes.
Chandr-Guru-Shukr-Shani Yoga Moon, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn are conjunct in the
same house (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is deprived of mother, truthful, adulterous, uncomfortable, a
wanderer, has skin disease.
Mangal-Buddh-Guru-Shukr Yoga Mars, Mercury, Jupiter and Venus are conjunct in the
same house (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is rich, healthy, highly esteemed, involved in quarrels with women.
Mangal-Buddh-Guru-Shani Yoga Mars, Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn are conjunct in the
same house (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is valorous, learned, eloquent, truthful, pious, poor (this is a very bad
combination fro wealth).
Mangal-Buddh-Shukr-Shani Yoga Mars, Mercury, Venus and Saturn are conjunct in the
same house (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is skilled in a battle, a wrestler, very healthy, renowned, keeps dog as
Mangal-Guru-Shukr-Shani Yoga Mars, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn are conjunct in the
same house (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is illustrious, wealthy, courageous, addicted to other people's
Buddh-Guru-Shukr-Shani Yoga Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn are conjunct in the
same house (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is very learned, of remarkable memory, truthful, amiable, sensuous.
Vedic Astrology Bookshelf V.1.01 (C) GeoVision S.W., Licensed to Denis Chevalier
Surya-Chandr-Mangal-Buddh-Guru Yoga Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury and Jupiter are
conjunct in the same house (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is miserable, combative, an informer, tormented by separation from
wife (It is said that when 5 or 6 planets are conjunct
they indicate poor mind and lack of financial prosperity).
Surya-Chandr-Mangal-Buddh-Shukr Yoga Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury and Venus are
conjunct in the same house (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is working for others, bereft of friends and relatives, untruthful,
befriends eunuchs (It is said that when 5 or 6 planets are
conjunct they indicate poor mind and lack of financial prosperity).
Surya-Chandr-Mangal-Buddh-Shani Yoga Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury and Saturn are
conjunct in the same house (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is bereft of comforts, spouse or wealth, suffer incarceration, short
lived (It is said that when 5 or 6 planets are conjunct they
indicate poor mind and lack of financial prosperity).
Surya-Chandr-Mangal-Guru-Shukr Yoga Sun, Moon, Mars, Jupiter and Venus are
conjunct in the same house (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is rejected by parents, very miserable, a terrorist or assassin, sightless
(It is said that when 5 or 6 planets are conjunct they
indicate poor mind and lack of financial prosperity).
Surya-Chandr-Mangal-Guru-Shani Yoga Sun, Moon, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn are
conjunct in the same house (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is good in combat, efficient, acquires the wealth of others, wicked,
separated from his lady-love (It is said that when 5 or 6
planets are conjunct they indicate poor mind and lack of financial prosperity).
Surya-Chandr-Mangal-Shukr-Shani Yoga Sun, Moon, Mars, Venus and Saturn are
conjunct in the same house (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is deprived, poor, addicted to other peoples spouses (It is said that
when 5 or 6 planets are conjunct they indicate poor mind
and lack of financial prosperity).
Surya-Chandr-Buddh-Guru-Shukr Yoga Sun, Moon, Mercury, Jupiter and Venus are
conjunct in the same house (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is very wealthy, a minister, a king's counselor, having the authority
to punish (a judge), renowned, powerful (It is said that
when 5 or 6 planets are conjunct they indicate poor mind and lack of financial
Surya-Chandr-Buddh-Guru-Shani Yoga Sun, Moon, Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn are
conjunct in the same house (Dr. K.S. Charak / Major S.G. Khout).
Results: The person having a mental disorder, is sustained and fed by others (a
dependent), cruel, cowardly, a cheater. (It is said that when 5 or 6
planets are conjunct they indicate poor mind and lack of financial prosperity).
Surya-Chandr-Buddh-Shukr-Shani Yoga Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus and Saturn are
conjunct in the same house (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is sickly, of tall stature, bereft of wealth, friends and comforts, of
hairy body (It is said that when 5 or 6 planets are conjunct
they indicate poor mind and lack of financial prosperity).
Surya-Chandr-Guru-Shukr-Shani Yoga Sun, Moon, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn are
conjunct in the same house (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is learned, fearless, fond of spouse, eloquent, clever in juggling,
fickle minded (It is said that when 5 or 6 planets are
conjunct they indicate poor mind and lack of financial prosperity).
Surya-Mangal-Buddh-Guru-Shukr Yoga Sun, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter and Venus are
conjunct in the same house (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is famous, commander of an army, bereft of sorrow, fortunate
handsome, liked by the king, pursues women (men?) not his
own (It is said that when 5 or 6 planets are conjunct they indicate poor mind and lack of
financial prosperity).
Surya-Mangal-Buddh-Guru-Shani Yoga Sun, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn are
conjunct in the same house (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is ever mentally perturbed, dressed in dirty and tattered clothes, lives
on begged food (It is said that when 5 or 6 planets are
conjunct they indicate poor mind and lack of financial prosperity).
Surya-Mangal-Buddh-Shukr-Shani Yoga Sun, Mars, Mercury, Venus and Saturn are
conjunct in the same house (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is tormented by disease and enemies, miserable, famished, displaced
from residence (It is said that when 5 or 6 planets are
conjunct they indicate poor mind and lack of financial prosperity).
Surya-Mangal-Guru-Shukr-Shani Yoga Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn are
conjunct in the same house (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is learned, thoughtful, adept in metal work and dealing with
chemicals (It is said that when 5 or 6 planets are conjunct they
indicate poor mind and lack of financial prosperity).
Surya-Buddh-Guru-Shukr-Shani Yoga Sun, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn are
conjunct in the same house (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is versed in sacred scriptures, virtuous, devoted to preceptors, kind-
hearted (It is said that when 5 or 6 planets are conjunct
they indicate poor mind and lack of financial prosperity).
Chandr-Mangal-Buddh-Guru-Shukr Yoga Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter and Venus are
conjunct in the same house (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is virtuous, learned, wealthy, bereft of ailments, with many friends
(It is said that when 5 or 6 planets are conjunct they
indicate poor mind and lack of financial prosperity).
Chandr-Mangal-Buddh-Guru-Shani Yoga Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn are
conjunct in the same house (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is wicked, poor, living on begged food, suffers night blindness (It is
said that when 5 or 6 planets are conjunct they indicate
poor mind and lack of financial prosperity).
Chandr-Mangal-Buddh-Shukr-Shani Yoga Moon, Mars, Mercury, Venus and Saturn are
conjunct in the same house (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is ugly in looks, foolish, a pauper, a eunuch, haughty, serving others
(It is said that when 5 or 6 planets are conjunct they
indicate poor mind and lack of financial prosperity).
Chandr-Mangal-Guru-Shukr-Shani Yoga Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn are
conjunct in the same house (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is a menial servant, foolish, thievish, living on begged food, shabbily
dressed, of disease in the eye (It is said that when 5 or
6 planets are conjunct they indicate poor mind and lack of financial prosperity).
Vedic Astrology Bookshelf V.1.01 (C) GeoVision S.W., Licensed to Denis Chevalier
Chandr-Buddh-Guru-Shukr-Shani Yoga Moon, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn are
conjunct in the same house (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is highly respectable, a minister, virtuous, leader of many people (It
is said that when 5 or 6 planets are conjunct they
indicate poor mind and lack of financial prosperity).
Mangal-Buddh-Guru-Shukr-Shani Yoga Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn are
conjunct in the same house (Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is easily angered, authorized to render imprisonment or capital
punishment, liked by the king, lazy, sickly, suffers from
madness (It is said that when 5 or 6 planets are conjunct they indicate poor mind and lack
of financial prosperity).
Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter and Venus are conjunct in the same house (Dr. K.S.
Results: The person is blessed with learning, spouse, wealth and virtue, goes on
pilgrimages, famous, dwells in hills and forests, lean and
talkative (It is said that when 5 or 6 planets are conjunct they indicate poor mind and lack
of financial prosperity).
Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn are conjunct in the same house (Dr. K.S.
Results: The person is given to charities, pious, fickle minded, living in deserted places,
adulterous, helpful to others (It is said that when 5 or 6
planets are conjunct they indicate poor mind and lack of financial prosperity).
Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Venus and Saturn are conjunct in the same house (Dr. K.S.
Results: The person is suspicious, famous, destroyer of foes, fond of quarrels, adulterous,
displaced from his place of residence (It is said that
when 5 or 6 planets are conjunct they indicate poor mind and lack of financial
Sun, Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn are conjunct in the same house (Dr. K.S.
Results: The person is wicked, engaged in serving others, easily angered, suffers from
tuberculosis and other chest diseases, bereft of comforts
but contented, devoted to his/her spouse (5 or 6 planets conjunct indicate poor mind and
lack of financial prosperity).
Sun, Moon, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn are conjunct in the same house (Dr. K.S.
Results: The person is bereft of spouse and wealth, suffers mental anguish, kind-hearted,
a king's counselor, handsome (It is said that when 5 or
6 planets are conjunct they indicate poor mind and lack of financial prosperity).
Sun, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn are conjunct in the same house (Dr. K.S.
Results: The person wanders in hills and forests, goes on pilgrimage, bereft of spouse,
wealth and progeny (It is said that when 5 or 6 planets are
conjunct they indicate poor mind and lack of financial prosperity).
Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn are conjunct in the same house (Dr.
K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is pious, famous, lazy, wealthy, a king's counselor, blessed with
many wives (husbands?), undertakes pilgrimages, of ascetic
habits (It is said that when 5 or 6 planets are conjunct they indicate poor mind and lack of
financial prosperity).
Shani Yoga
Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn are conjunct in the same house
(Dr. K.S. Charak).
Results: The person is illustrious like the Sun, revered by the ruler, devoted to Lord
Shiva, wealthy, and of charitable disposition.
Jatakacinha Yoga Mars is in the Lagna, while Jupiter and Venus are in the 7th house
(Bhava Kutuhalam 3/1)
Results: The person has a mark of a wound in his/her head, in the view of the great
Maharishi Yavanacharya.
Jatakacinha Yoga Mars is in the Lagna, with Moon and Venus (Bhava Kutuhalam 3/2)
Results: The person will aquire some kind of a mark on the forhead in the 2nd or the 6th
Jatakacinha Yoga Venus is in the Lagna and Rahu is in the 8th house (Bhava Kutuhalam
Results: The person will have a mark on the forehead and left ear.
Jatakacinha Yoga Rahu is in the 7th house and Jupiter in the Lagna and Venus in
conjunction with malefics in the 8th house (Bhava Kutuhalam 3/4).
Results: The person will have some mark on the left arm.
mantra for all diseases

Dhanwantari Mantra - god of ayurvedic medicine (Ayurveda)

Lord Dhanwantari is regarded as the god of ayurvedic medicine (Ayurveda) in the

Hindu religion. People pray to Dhanvantari, asking him for improved or good
health for themselves and for others. Dhanvantri Mantra forms the part of prayers
offered to the lord. Mantra of Dhanwantari with its meaning is as follows:

"Om Namo Bhagavate

Maha Sudharshana
Vasudevaya Dhanvantaraye;
Amrutha Kalasa Hasthaaya
Sarva Bhaya Vinasaya
Sarva Roka Nivaranaya
Thri Lokya Pathaye
Thri Lokya Nithaye
Sri Maha Vishnu Swarupa
Sri Dhanvantri Swarupa
Sri Sri Sri
Aoushata Chakra Narayana Swaha"

Meaning: We pray to the God, who is known as Sudarshana Vasudev Dhanvantari. He

holds the Kalasha full of nectar of immortality. Lord Dhanvantri removes all fears and
removes all diseases. He is the well wisher and the preserver of the three worlds.
Dhanvantari is like Lord Vishnu, empowered to heal the Jiva souls. We bow to the Lord
of Ayurveda.
Understanding mantras by Harvey P. Alper

Mantra Book:

A buddhist mantra for healing cancer!!!!!!!!

The Magnificence of Mantras:

Even in this present age of materialistic life Mantra-Shakti can prove to be more powerful
than the Yantra-Shakti. Mantra is a divine instrument with the rare potential of arousing
our dormant consciousness. Thus it helps develop our latent powers and brings our
original greatness to the fore. The parents give birth merely to our physical body whereas
the True Brahmanishtha Sadgurus, the personages established in their True Self, give
birth to our Chinmay Vapoo through Mantra-Diksha. Man can attain greatness by
developing his dormant powers through Mantra. The regular japa of a mantra reduces
restlessness of the mind, brings restraint in life; and works wonders in developing the
concentration and memory. A Mantra has different effects on different energy centres of
the body. Many personages like Mahavir, Buddha, Kabir, Guru Nanak, Swami
Vivekanand, Ramkrishna Paramhansa, Swami Ramtirtha, Pujyapaad Swami Sri
Lilashahji Maharaj, etc. have attained respect and reverence all around the world through
their awareness of the True glory of Mantra.

Beej Mantras:

बीजमनतो से सवासथय-सुरका

बीजमनत लाभ

कं मृतयु के भय का नाश, तवचारोग व रकत िवकृित मे।

ही मधुमेह, हृदय की धडकन मे।

घं सवपनदोष व पदररोग मे।

भं बुखार दूर करने के िलए।

कली पागलपन मे।

सं बवासीर िमटाने के िलए।

वं भूख-पयास रोकने के िलए।

लं थकान दूर करने के िलए।

To marry to good husband New!

जय जय िगिरवर राज िकशोरी, जय महेश मुख चंद चकोरी

jai jai girivar raaj kishori, jai mahesh mukh chandra chakori

Tulsi Mantra
तुलसी माता पर जल चढ़ाते हुए इस मंत को बोले

महापसाद जननी सवरसौभागयविधरनी

आिध वयािध जरा मुकतं तुलसी तवाम् नमोसतुते
mahaprasad janani sarvasaubhagyavadhini
aadhi vyaadhi jara muktam tulsi tvaam namostute

Brahmcharya Raksha Mantra

ॐ अयरमायै नमः |

Om Aryamaayai Namah |

Japa this mantra whenever anti-brahmcharya thoughts comes in mind, Do japa for 21
times before going to sleep to avoid wet dreams.

Health Protection Mantra

ॐ हंसं हंसः |
Om hansam hansaha|

रोज सुबह-शाम शदापूवरक इस मंत की १-१ माला करने से शीघता से सवासथय लाभ होता है |

Mantra to attain Wealth

People practise several methods to acquire Lakshmi (wealth) at the time of Dipawali.
Following is a very simple 3-day method for this purpose:

Starting from the day of Diwali till the day of Bhai Dooj (for 3 days), light Dhoop, Deep
& Agarbatti in a clean room early in the morning, wear yellow colored clothes, put the
Tilak of Kesar (saffron) on the forehead, then do 2 mala of the following mantra on a
mala with beeds of Sfatik.

om namah bhagyalakshmi cha vidmahe|

ashtalakshmi cha dheemahi | tanno lakshmi prachodayaat |

It is more beneficial to do japa by concentrating on the picture of Lakshmi, Guru or

Ishtha (Tratak).

Deepawali is the birthday of Lakshmi ji. Lakshmi ji had appeared at the time of the
Samudra-Manthan from the Kshir-Sagar. Therefore Lakshmi ji bestows her blessings to
the person who does this sadhna with the desire that Laksmi stays in his/her home,
poverty gets removed & one is able to earn daily bread & butter easily.


Rama (Healing Mantra):

Om Apadamapa Hataram Dataram Sarva Sampadam
Loka Bhi Ramam Sri Rama Bhuyo Bhuyo Namamyaham

"This is a long mantra to put in a chapter for those just starting off, but is placed here
because it is the most powerful healing mantra I have ever encountered. The very rough
translation is, 'Om, Oh most compassionate Rama please send your healing energy
right here to the earth, to the earth (twice for emphasis.)'
I have seen this mantra completely cure one person from a schizophrenic break who was
in a locked ward. The psychiatrist said he would never lead a life on the outside again. In
the middle of a 40 day sadhana done in his behalf, he was living in a 'halfway house' for
those on the road to recovery. After 40 days of a spiritual discipline done on his behalf,
he was on his own. He has since graduated from Art School which he attended on
scholarship, and is working as an artist.

Another individual who was on medication, took off spurning his pills and disappeared
for a time. After a 40 day sadhana done on his behalf, he had stabilized his life and was
back on his medication without complaint.

A woman I know was in constant pain for four years. She undertook this discipline and
after just a few weeks was in less pain than at any time she could remember over the past
several years. She is still doing the mantra an expects to be pain free relatively soon.

Although the mantra is long, it is simple to say phonetically. If you can, say it 108 times
in a sitting. If you are just starting out, this may initially take up to one hour. After you
are comfortable with the mantra, it will only take you 30 minutes."


Some mantras:

To Cure Piles

Infuse water with mantra thrice and wash the private place with this water. Take a red
cotton thread and put 7 knots in it. Infuse this thread 21 times with the above mantra and
tie on big toe of foot. Piles will be cured

"Kharman ki tenishaha khuni badi dauno jaay umto chal chal Swaha"

Cure From Epilepsy

When one suffers from the feet of epilepsy. Write this mantra on Bhooj Patra with Ashot
Gard and put it on the neck of the Patient. One will be cured

"Hal her sargam Mandika Poodika Shri Ram Phoonk mirgi vayu sukhe om the tha
Dharmarajavrata (mantra mahodadhi) Eliminates all diseases:

Even if you are suffering from incurable diseases wake up early in the morning,

aum kraum hrim a am vaivasvataya dharmarajaya bhaktanugrahakrite namah

Do constant jap of this mantra. It will help cure all your Diseases and deliver you from all
and afflictions.


Mantra for all kinds of illnesses: this is a kind of all in one mantra. Especially useful
when a person is suffering from a malady of illnesses.
Om van me baithi vanari anjani jayo hanumanta,
bala damaru vyahi bilai
aankh ko pida
chawrasi bai bali bali bhasma ho jaye
pake n fute
pita kare to gorakh jati raksha kare
guru ki shakti
meri bakti furo mantra vacha

Mantra for Blood Pressure

Om Bhavani Panduranga
Mantra for Migraine

Om Jay Krishna
"Aruna mantra" for eye diseases. It has to be repeated 10,000 times;
Then water is purified by chanting the mantra 7 times
and the water used to wash the eye .

Om Arun Haem Phut Swaha

Mantra for Paralysis

Om Shri Ram Jayram Jay Jayram

Ganesh Gayatri - for knowledge

Om Ekdantay Vidamahe Vakratunday Dhimahi Tanno Dantihi Pracodyat

Mantra for Diabetes

OM Jay Shriram
Mantra to cure skin disease

Om sarvam gyananandamayam aum gurubyo namah

For third Eye

Om ham ksham chakra jaagranaaya Katayaayinyai namah

In to Silence

Om kaaram bindu samyuktam nityam dhyaayanti yoginah Kaamadam mokshadam chaiva

Omkaaraaya namo namaha
For health
(This mantra is chanted 3 times over some water to infuse it with potency, which is
then drunk.

Om Aaham Veshwanye Bhootva Praneenam Dahmakshiet Pranapam Samyuktam

Pchamyananm Chaturvidham

For Good Health

The following mantra should be recited three times and infuse the water. The water
should be drunken by the patient or Sadhaka.One will be benefited.

Om Asham Veshvanye Bhootva Praneenam Dahmakshiet Pranapan Samyukta

Pchamyananm Chaturvidham
(source: )
Preventing Miscarriage during Pregnancy
(This mantra from the Atharva Veda (3.23) should be chanted in the morning with a
of water during moring puja (worship). While reciting the mantra sprinkle a litle
water on the woman, then
give her some to drink.

Pumansam Patram Jancy Tam Pumananu Jayatam Bhavati Putranam Mata Jatanam
Jamyashyam Yan

Mantras For Birth of a Child to a Childless Couple

Chant mthis mantra 30.000 times

1. Om Sri Haring Kaling Galeen

Om Devekisut Govind Vasudev Jagatpite
Dehi ye Tancy Krishna Tawamahem Sharanam Gata

2. Om Namo Bhagavate Jagatprasutaye Nam

(chant 30,000 times)

3. Om Kaling Gopalveshdhraya Vasudevaye.

(Chant 10,000 times after performing puja to Lord
For intelligence, education and wealth:
Om kring Kring Kring
This must be chanted 1008.

Additional Mantras

Invocation to Ganesh:

Gajananam Bhutganadisevitam
Kapittha Jamboo Phalcharu Bhakshanam
Umasutam Shokvinashkarakam
Namami Vighneshwar Padpankajam

Translation: "Oh Elephant-faced, worshiped by the existing beings, of all living beings,
tasting the elephant apple (kaith) and jambolana (jamun), the Son of Uma, destroyer of
grief, I bow to the lotus feet of Ganesh who is lord of all."

To Ganesh for removing obstacles, a good way to start any project or ritual:
Ganapati Bappa Morya
Pudhachya Varshi Lovkar Yaa

Use this to Ganesh prayer before beginning any new project so impediments may
be removed and your endeavor may be crowned with success:

Om gam ganapataye namaha.

Also: Om gam-gau-ganapataye
Bighna-binashi ne-svaha

For one who wants wealth and prosperity, meditate on the golden color of Ganesh
and say this prayer:

Om Lakshmi Ganapataye namaha.

Another to Ganesh, Japa is 5,000 times a day for 25 days:

Om Gang Ganapataye Namaha, Om.

To Ganesh:

Om gam ganeshaya namaha

Om klim gam gam gam mahaganapataye namaha

To Goddess Lakshmi. This mantra is said to get siddha after chanting it 108 times a
day for 11 days. This mantra is never failing for one who seeks success in business
and financial prosperity, or who faces barriers in business growth, or other
obstacles to prosperity. This mantra is very dear to Goddess Lakshmi, who told
Vasistha that, "I am very pleased by this mantra and if any person recites this
mantra even once, I will establish myself in his home."

Om Shreem Hreem Kleem Shreem

Mama Mandire Tishtha-Tishtha Swaha

Another mantra to Lakshmi. Shring is the seed. Japa is 100,000 times after which
one gets the blessings of peace and prosperity.

Aum Shring Hring Kleeng Maha Lakshmaye Namaha, Aum.

The Shri Rigveda MahaLakshmi Devi Mantra is:

Om Shrim Hrim Shrim

Kamale Kamalalaye
Praseedha Praseedha
Shrim Hrim Shrim Om
Shri Mahalakshmi Devyai namaha

The Shri Soubagya Mahalakshmi Mantra is:

Om Shrim Hrim Kilm Aim

Kamala Vasinyai Swaha

Another to Lakshmi is:

Sarva mangala mangalye

sive sarvardha sadhike
saranye trayambake devi
narayani namostute

To Lord Kuvera, the treasurer of the demigods. The ancient books refer to this as
the supreme mantra. Lord Shankara revealed its secret to the powerful Ravana.
Through its use he could create his golden capital and could attain supreme
financial accomplishments. This mantra has been found to be powerful enough to
yield beneficial results very quickly. It becomes siddha after chanting it 108 times
each day for 11 days. It is good for financial progress, removal of obstacles, material
happiness, home ownership, reputation, victory, longevity, etc.

Om Yakshaya Kuberaya Vaishravanaya Dhana-Dhanyadi

Pataye Dhana Dhanyadi Samruddhim Me
Dehi Dapaya Swaha.

To Goddess Sarasvati, it is said that after japa of 500,000 times, one becomes
enlightened and all knowledge is revealed. Aing is seed of the Sarasvati mantra:

Aum Aing Saraswatye Namaha, Aum.

Another to Sarasvati:

Om Aim Shreem Hreem Saraswathi Devyai Namaha.

Shiva Panchakshari Mantra

Om namah shivaya

Shiva Shakti Panchakshari Mantra

Om hrim namah shivaya

Mantra to Lord Shiva for removing ailments and fear:

Om Triyambakam Yajamahe
Sugandhim Pushti Vardhanam
Urvarukamiva Bandhanat
Mrityor Mukshiya Mamritat

Translation: “We worship the Three-eyed One (Lord Shiva) who is fragrant and who
nourishes well all beings, even as the cucumber is severed from bondage to the creeper.”

A popular mantra to Durga, japa is 500,000 times:

Om Aing Hring Kleeng Chamundaye Vichchey, Om.

Also: Om dung Durgaye Namaha, Om.

The Shri Durga Mantra is:

Om Hrim Dhum Durga Devyai namaha

A mantra for Kali, Kring is the seed of the Kali mantra. Japa is 500,000 for mantra
Om Kring Kalikaye Namaha, Om.

The Shri Annapurna Mantra is:

Om Annapurnayai namaha
Om Sadapurnayai namaha

The Shri Chakra Mantra is:

Om Shri Chakravasinyai namaha

Om Shri Lalithambikayai namaha

The highest spiritual mantra for all purposes:

Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare

Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare.

Title: Re: Mantra for some diseases

Post by: v2birit on January 29, 2008, 02:26:32 AM
Yes very good Mantras,

more Mantras

Mantra for going beyond all Sorrows

Narayana Narayana
Mantra for getting both worldly welfare & Spiritual progress
Sai Ram Sai Ram

Title: Re: Mantra for some diseases

Post by: marioban29 on January 29, 2008, 02:29:16 AM
Thank you.

Have found much more mantras from , also to hear as


Japa (Mantra)Yoga

Sri Swami Sivananda

What Is Japa?
Sound and Image
Glory of the Divine Name
Varieties of Japa
Practical Aids to Japa
Mantras for Japa

There is another excerpt from Gurudev's book Japa Yoga at the TM web site. It explains
the meaning of the Bija-Akshara (seed letters such as Om, Kleem, Gam, etc.). Click here
to read that article.


Repetition of any Mantra or Name of the Lord is known as Japa. Japa is an important
Anga of Yoga. It is a spiritual food for the hungry soul. Japa is the rod in the hand of the
blind Sadhakas (aspirants) to plod on the road to Realization. Japa is the philosopher's
stone or divine elixir that makes one God-like. In this iron age, practice of Japa alone can
give eternal Peace, Bliss and Immortality.

Japa is repetition of the Mantra. Dhyana is meditation on the form of the Lord with His
attributes. There is meditation or Dhyana with Japa (Japa-Sahita-Dhyana); there is
meditation or Dhyana without Japa (Japa-Rahita-Dhyana). In the beginning you should
combine Dhyana with Japa. As you advance the Japa drops by itself; meditation only
remains. It is an advanced stage. You can then practice concentration separately. You can
do whatever you like best in this respect.

Name (Nama) and the object (Rupa) signified by the Name are inseparable. Thought and
word are inseparable. Whenever you think of the name of your son, his figure stands
before your mental eye, and vice versa. Even so when you do Japa of Rama, Krishna or
Christ, the picture of Rama, Krishna or Christ will come before your mind. Therefore
Japa and Dhyana go together. They are inseparable.

Do the Japa with feeling. Know the meaning of the Mantra. Feel God's presence in
everything and everywhere. Draw closer and nearer to Him when you repeat the Japa.
Think He is shining in the chambers of your heart. He is witnessing your repetition of the
Mantra as He is the witness of your mind.


'Mananat-trayate iti Mantrah' - By the Manana (constant thinking or recollection) of

which one is protected or is released from the round of births and deaths, is Mantra. That
is called Mantra by the meditation (Manana) on which the Jiva or the individual soul
attains freedom from sin, enjoyment in heaven and final liberation, and by the aid of
which it attains in full the fourfold fruit (Chaturvarga), i.e., Dharma, Artha, Kama and
Moksha. A Mantra is so called because it is achieved by the mental process. The root
'Man' in the word Mantra comes from the first syllable of that word, meaning 'to think',
and 'Tra' from 'Trai' meaning 'to protect' or 'free' from the bondage of Samsara or the
phenomenal world. By the combination of 'Man' and 'Tra' comes Mantra.

A Mantra is divinity encased within a sound-structure. It is divine power or Daivi Sakti

manifesting in a sound-body. The Mantra is itself Devata.

The sacred Mantra or the Divine Name is a vital symbol of the Supreme Divinity directly
revealed in the innermost depths of divine communion to the sages of Self-realization in
the hoary Vedic and Upanishadic times. These symbols are in the nature of unfailing keys
to gain access into the transcendental realms of absolute experience.

Mantra Yoga is an exact science. A Mantra, in the Hindu religion, has the following six
parts. It has got a Rishi (a man of Self-realization) to whom it was revealed for the first
time and who gave this Mantra to the world. He is the Drashta or Seer for this Mantra.
Sage Viswamitra is the Rishi for Gayatri. Secondly, the Mantra has a metre (Chhandas),
which governs the inflection of the voice. Thirdly, the Mantra has a particular Devata or
supernatural being, higher or lower, as its informing power. This Devata is the presiding
deity of the Mantra. Fourthly, the Mantra has got a Bija or seed. The seed is a significant
word, or series of words, which gives a special power to the Mantra. The Bija is the
essence of the Mantra. Fifthly, every Mantra has got a Sakti. The Sakti is the energy of
the form of the Mantra, i.e., of the vibration-forms set up by its sound. These carry the
man to the Devata that is worshipped. Lastly, the Mantra has a Kilaka - pillar or pin. This
plugs the Mantra-Chaitanya that is hidden in the Mantra. As soon as the plug is removed
by constant and prolonged repetition of the Name, the Chaitanya that is hidden is
revealed. The devotee gets Darshana of the Ishta Devata.


Sounds are vibrations. They give rise to definite forms. Each sound produces a form in
the indivisible world, and combinations of sound create complicated shapes. Repetition
of a Mantra has a mysterious power of bringing about the manifestation of the Divinity,
just as the splitting of an atom manifests the tremendous forces latent in it. When a
particular Mantra appropriated to a particular god is properly recited, the vibrations so set
up create in the higher planes a special form which that god ensouls for the time being.
The repetition of the Panchakshara Mantra - Om Namo Sivaya - produces the form of
Lord Siva. The repetition of Om Namo Narayanaya, the Ashtakshara Mantra of Vishnu,
produces the form of Vishnu.


The Name of God, chanted correctly or incorrectly, knowingly or unknowingly,

carefully, is sure to give the desired result. Just as burning quality is natural to and
inherent in fire, so also, the power of destroying sins with their very root and branch, and
bringing the aspirant into blissful union with the Lord through Bhava-Samadhi, is natural
to and inherent in the Name of God.

The glory of the Name of God cannot be established through reasoning and intellect. It
can be experienced or realized only through devotion, faith and constant repetition of the

There is a Sakti or power in every word. If you utter the word 'excreta' or 'urine' when
your friend is taking his meals, he may at once vomit his food. If you think of 'Garam
Pakoda', 'hot Pakoda' (fried delicacies), your tongue will get salivation. When anyone
suddenly shouts 'Scorpion! Scorpion!', 'Snake! Snake!', you at once apprehend the
scorpion or the snake and jump in fright. When anyone calls you a 'donkey' or an 'ass',
you are annoyed and you show anger. If anyone says, "You are a nice person," you smile.
When such is the power of the names of the ordinary things of this world, what
tremendous power should there be in the Name of God! God is the completion or the
fullness of existence. Hence, the Name which denotes Him, too, is full and perfect.
Therefore, the power of the Name of God is incalculable, for it is the height or the zenith
of power. The Name of God can achieve anything. There is nothing impossible for it. It is
the means to the realization of God Himself. Even as the name of a thing in this world
generates the consciousness of that thing in the mind, the Name of God generates God-
consciousness in the purified mind and becomes the direct cause of the realization of the
Highest Perfection or God.


Repeat the Mantra verbally for sometime, in a whisper for sometime, and mentally for
sometime. The minds wants variety. It gets disgusted with any monotonous practice. The
mental repetition is very powerful. It is termed Manasika Japa. The verbal or loud
repetition is called Vaikhari Japa. The loud Japa shuts out all worldly sounds. There is no
break of Japa here. Repetition in a whisper or humming is termed Upamshu Japa. Even
mechanical repetition of Japa without any Bhava has a great purifying effect on the heart
or the mind. The feeling will come later on when the process of mental purification goes

Write down daily in a notebook your Ishta Mantra or Guru Mantra for half an hour.
When you write the Mantra, observe Mouna. Write the Mantra clearly in ink. On
Sundays and holidays, write this for one hour. This is Likhita Japa You can develop a
wonderful power of concentration.

The benefits of Mantra-writing or Likhita Japa cannot be adequately described. Besides

bringing about purity of heart and concentration of mind, mantra-writing gives you
control of Asana, control of Indriyas, particularly the sight and the tongue, and fills you
with the power of endurance. You attain peace of mind quickly. By prolonged and
constant practice the inherent power of the Mantra (Mantra-Sakti) will be awakened,
which will fill your very existence with the Divinity of the Mantra.

In Mantra writing, there is no restriction about any particular script. It may be written in
any language.


Select any Mantra or Name of God, preferably that given to you by your Guru, and repeat
it from 108 to 1,080 times daily (one to ten malas).
Always keep your Guru-Mantra a secret. Never disclose it to anyone.
It is better to stick to one Mantra only. See Lord Krishna in Rama, Shiva, Durga, Gayatri
and in everyone.
Get up at 4a.m. and do Japa for two hours. The early morning period (Brahmamuhurta)
and dusk is the most favourable time for Japa and meditation. This is when Sattva (purity
or steadiness) is predominant.
Take a bath or wash your hands, feet, face and mouth before sitting for Japa in the
morning. At other times this is not absolutely necessary. Do Japa whenever you have
leisure, at the three junctions of the day - morning, noon and evening - and before going
to bed.
Face east or north during the practice. This enhances the efficacy of the Japa. Sit on a
deer skin or rug. Spread a piece of cloth over it. This conserves body-electricity. Sit in a
separate meditation room or in any suitable place, such as a temple, on a river bank or
under a banyan or peepul tree.
Maintain a steady pose. Attain mastery of the posture. You must be able to sit in
Padmasana, Siddhasana or Sukhasana for three hours at a strech.
Reslove to complete a certain minimum number of malas before leaving your seat.
Recite some prayers before starting the Japa.
A rosary is a whip to goad the mind towards God. Use a rudraksha or tulsi mala of 108
Do not allow the mala to hang below the navel. Keep the hand near the heart or the nose.
The mala must not be visible to you or to others. Cover it with a towel or handkerchief,
which must be clean and washed daily.
Use the middle finger and the thumb of the right to roll the beads. The use of the index
finger is prohibited.
Do not cross the meru while rolling the beads. Turn back when you come to it.
Sometimes do the Japa without a mala. Use a watch.
Do mental Japa for a time. When the mind wanders, do the Japa aloud, or whisper the
Mantra for some time and come back to mental Japa again as soon as possible.
When you repeat the Mantra, have the feeling or mental attitude that the Lord is seated in
your heart, that purity or Sattva is flowing from the Lord into your mind, that the Mantra
is purifying your heart, destroying desires, cravings and evil thoughts.
Do not do the Japa in a hurried manner, like a contractor who tries to finish his work in a
short time. Do it slowly with feeling, one-pointedness of mind and single-minded
Pronounce the Mantra distinctly and without any mistakes. Repeat it neither too slowly
nor too fast. Increase the speed only when the mind wanders.
Be vigilant and alert during Japa. Stand up when sleep tries to overpower you.
Try to associate the Japa with the rhythm of the breath and meditate in the form of your
Deity. Keep a picture or idol of the Deity in front of you. Think of the meaning of the
Mantra while repeating it.
Regularity in Japa Sadhana is most essential if success is to be achieved. Sit in the same
place and at the same time every day.
Do not beg for any worldly objects from God while doing Japa. Feel that your heart is
being purified and that the mind is becoming steady by the power of the Mantra and the
Grace of the Lord.
Observe silence and avoid distractions, calls and engagements.
It is important not to leave the place at once after the Japa is over and mix with everyone
or plunge into worldly activity. Sit very quietly for at least ten minutes, humming some
prayer, remembering the Lord and reflecting upon His infinite love. Then, after devout
prostration, leave the place and commence your routine duties and activities. In this way
the spiritual vibrations will remain intact.
Continue the current of Japa mentally at all times, whatever be the activity in which you
are engaged. Carry on your Sadhana with tenacity and perseverance, without a break.
Realize the glorious goal of life and enjoy supreme bliss.


Lord Krishna Maha-Mantra:

Hare Rama Hare Rama

Rama Rama Hare Hare

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna

Krishna Krishna Hare Hare

Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya

Om Sri Krishnaya Govindaya Gopijana Vallabhaya Namah

Om Sri Krishnaya Namah

Sri Devi:

Om Sri Durgayai Namah

Lord Ganapati:

Om Sri Ganapataye Namah

Sri Hanuman:

Om Sri Hanumate Namah

Lord Hari:

Om Namo Narayanaya (Ashtakshara)

Hari Om

Hari Om Tat Sat

Jugal (Combined) Mantra:

Sita Ram

Radhe Shyam

Radhe Krishna

Sri Kalika:

Om Sri Kalikayai Namah

Sri Lakshmi:
Om Sri Maha-Lakshmyai Namah

Lord Shiva:

Maha-Mrityunjaya Mantra:

Om tryambakam yajamahe

sugandhim pushtivardhanam

uurvarukamiva bandhanaan

mrityor mukshiya maamritaat.

Om Namah Shivaya (Panchakshara)

Lord Rama:

Om Sri Ram Jaya Ram Jaya Jaya Ram

Om Sri Ramaya Namah

Sri Rama Rama Rameti,

Rame Rame Manorame

Sahasranama Tattulyam Rama Nama Varanane

Om Sri Sita-Ramachandradhyam Namah

Sri Ram

Sri Saraswathi:

Om Sri Sarasvatyai Namah

Lord Subramanya, Kartikeya:

Om Sri Saravanabhavaya Namah

Sharangati Mantra (for surrender):

Om Sri Ramah Sharanam Mama

Om Sri Krishnah Sharanam Mama

Om Sri Sita-Ramah Sharanam Mama


Om Sri Bala-Parameshvaryai Namah


Om Sri Tripura-Sundaryai Namah

Vedantic Formulae:

Om Soham

Om Tat Tvam Asi

Om Aham Brahma Asmi


Title: Re: Mantra for some diseases

Post by: v2birit on January 29, 2008, 03:19:31 AM
Great collection of holy mantras. Thanks for the valuable wealth of knowledge.

Normally we find that people are in the worldly mode, i.e. they like to mix with people &
spend thier time extrovertedly, & really dont know about their real welfare. They know
nothing of god & relegion. Thier Soul remains hungry. naturally they have to undergo
various types of suffering (from thier own body, from other people, from nature) because
of thier forgetfullness.
For such Worldly people, repition of God's name is most effective. They are gradually
pulled in the right direction.

Om Sai Ram

Title: Re: Mantra for some diseases

Post by: marioban29 on January 29, 2008, 03:40:40 AM

AGNIHOTRA is a gift to humanity from ancientmost Vedic sciences of bioenergy,
medicine, agriculture and climate engineering.
Agnihotra is the process of purification of the atmosphere through the agency of fire
prepared in a copper pyramid tuned to the biorhythm of sunrise/sunset. By practice of
Agnihotra you will notice that tension on mind disappears and you begin to experience
peace. The Mind is reshaped so nicely, so delicately, so effortlessly by sitting in
Agnihotra atmosphere.
Following are some of the things told about Agnihotra in ancient science tradition.
Tremendous amounts of energy are gathered around the Agnihotra copper pyramid just at
Agnihotra time. A magnetic type field is created, one which neutralizes negative energies
and reinforces positive energies. Therefore a positive pattern is created by one who does
Agnihotra merely by his/her performance.
When Agnihotra is performed, the Agnihotra smoke gathers particles of harmful radiation
in the atmosphere and on a very subtle level neutralizes their radioactive effect. Nothing
is destroyed, merely changed.
When Agnihotra fire is burnt there is not just energy from the fire but subtle energies are
generated or thrust into the atmosphere by fire. Also consider the quality of materials
burnt wherein lies the full effect of this healing HOMA. Much healing energy emanates
form the Agnihotra pyramid.


Agnihotra renews the brain cells. It revitalizes the skin. It purifies the blood. It is the
wholistic approach to life.
Agnihotra has the ability to neutralize pathogenic bacteria.
You sit at Agnihotra fire and breathe in the smoke which goes quickly into the
bloodstream and lungs. This has excellent effect on circulatory system and even more so
if Agnihotra ash is ingested. The smoke has a good effect on the brain and nervous
If plants are placed in a room where vibration of Agnihotra pyramid fire are maintained,
one subtle enough can actually see growth, communication, etc. Plants receive nutrition
form Agnihotra atmosphere, become happy and grow well.
Just as Agnihotra pyramid fire gives nourishment to plants, it provides the same for
human life and animals.
The sun brings or takes the energy which makes all conditions conducive to an
antipollutionary change. It clams the world. The pyramid is the generator, the fire is the
turbine. The cow dung, Ghee (clarified butter form cow's milk) and rice then interact to
form a composition which is thrust, surrounds, neutralizes and nutritionalizes the
material. Then, with organic substances, this provides the nutrients for survival, yield and
propagation. This is how the Agnihotra fire physically heals the atmosphere.
Thousands of people on all continents belonging to different races, languages, religions
and spiritual groups who practice Agnihotra have remarked that simply by performing
daily HOMA, (i.e. Agnihotra at sunrise/sunset) they feel as if a protective film surrounds


PYRAMID: For Agnihotra you require a copper pyramid of specific size. Copper is a
conductor. Just at morning Agnihotra all the electricities, energies, ethers are attracted to
the pyramid in its shape. At sunset these energies are thrust out in same shape.

RICE: Brown rice. Highly polished rice loses nutritional value and hence brown rice.
Only unbroken pieces of rice should be used for Agnihotra. If rice is broken the subtle
energy structure is disturbed and hence is not fit for Agnihotra healing fire.
GHEE (clarified butter): Take some butter from cow's milk which has no additives and is
pure. Heat it on low heat. After white solids have risen to the top pass the liquid through a
fine strainer. What passes through is clarified butter (Ghee). This can last without
refrigeration for a long time. Ghee is a very special medicinal substance. When used in
Agnihotra fire it acts as a carrier agent for subtle energies. Powerful energy is locked up
in this material.

DRIED COW DUNG: Take dung from male or female progeny of a cow. Make pancake-
like patties and dry them in sun. Agnihotra fire is to be prepared from this dried cow
Cow dung is treated as medicine in all ancient cultures whether they be Indians of North
or South America, Scandinavians, East or West Europeans, Africans or Asians.


Place a flat piece of dried cow dung at the bottom of the copper pyramid. Arrange pieces
of dried cow dung which have been coated with Ghee in the pyramid in such a manner as
will allow air to pass. Apply a little Ghee to a small piece of cow dung and light it. Insert
this lighted piece of cow dung in the pyramid. Soon all the dung in the pyramid will catch
fire. You may use a hand fan to blow the air and help the flame. However, do not blow
through the mouth to avoid bacteria from the mouth getting into the fire.
Do not use any mineral oil or similar material to start the fire. At sunrise and sunset a
good flame should be ready in the pyramid.

Take a few grains of rice in a dish or your left palm and apply a few drops of Ghee to
Exactly at sunrise utter the first Mantra and after the word SWAHA add a few grains of
rice (as little as you can hold in the pinch of your fingers will suffice) to the fire.

Utter the second Mantra and after the word SWAHA add a few grains of rice to the fire.

This completes morning Agnihotra.

At sunset do the same by using evening Mantras. This completes evening Agnihotra.

If you miss the timing it is not Agnihotra and you will not get the healing effect on the
atmosphere or in the ash.

After each Agnihotra try to spare as many minutes as you can for meditation. You can sit
at least till the fire extinguishes itself. Agnihotra creates medicinal and healing

Just before the next Agnihotra collect the ash and keep it in a glass or earthen container.
It can be used for plants or making folk medicines.
There are vibrations that exist everywhere. It is only vibrations when you go into it.
Where there is vibration there is also sound. When we do these Mantras, the sounds we
utter activate these special vibrations that will create certain atmosphere or effects. Then
the desired results are realized. These vibrations exist for everything, so anything can be
activated, controlled or changed by Mantras.
When one with a pure mind speaks the Mantra into the Agnihotra pyramid at Agnihotra
time, the ash retains that energy and the healing properties of the ash become more

Could you please give the vedic mantras and procedure for daily yajna or agnohotra

by C. Sri Vidya Rajagopalan Member since:

April 22, 2007

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker

1) You will need the following materials:

Copper pyramid of prescribed shape and size

Dried cow-dung cakes
Pure cow's Ghee
(clarified butter unsalted)
Unpolished rice
Sunrise/Sunset timings
Simple Sanskrit Mantra

Uncooked, unbroken pieces of rice preferably less polished or whole brown rice should
be used for Agnihotra. If the rice is broken the chemical analysis of both pieces may be
the same but the subtle energy structure is broken and hence, it should not be used for
Agnihotra healing fire, states the ancient science of bioenergy.

Ghee (Clarified Butter):

Place pure UNSALTED, unadulterated butter from cow's milk in a saucepan and bring it
to a slow boil over low heat. Remove and discard the white substance that rises to the top.
Strain the liquid through a fine strainer. What passes through is ghee. Store the ghee in a
container. It does not have to be refrigerated. Please note ghee must be only 100% pure
cow's ghee and not from the buffalo or any other species.

Dried Cow Dung:

Dried cow dung cakes are used to prepare the Agnihotra fire.
How to prepare dried cow dung cakes: Make pancake-like patties from fresh cow dung
and let them dry in the sun on a window screen or similar material. Store the dry dung
patties for daily use.

Cow dung is medicinal. In all ancient cultures, like the native Indians of North and South
America, Scandinavians, Asians and Africans, cow dung applications are used for a
variety of ailments. In books of folk medicine practiced in Europe, one finds many
references to cow dung as a medicinal substance. When we use the words cow dung, we
mean dung from the male or female progeny of the cow species only.


Sunrise and sunset are the timing for agnihotra. If possible keep a corner of the room
aside for agnihotra.

Take a few pieces of wood and cowdung and light the fire. Exactly at sunrise and sunset
utter the first mantra and add first portion of rice into the fire. Utter the second mantra
and add second portion of rice into fire. Sit near the fire an many minutes as possible and
experience peace.

Mantra to be recited at sunrise:

"Sooryaya Svaha Sooryaya Idam Na Mama", add the first portion of rice.
"Prajapataye Svaha, Prajapataye Idam Na Mama", add second portion of rice this
completes morning agnihotra.

Mantra to be recited at sunset:

"Aganaye Svaha, Agnaaye Idam Na Mama" add first portion of rice.

"Prajapataye Svaha, Prajapataye Idam Na Mama" add second portion of rice this
completes evening agnihotra.

End of agnihotra the ashes can be used as fertilizers for plants and some people use it to
apply over the body.

2) The above is a simple one. Any Hindu ritual consists of Mantra and Tantra. Mantra is
as above and/or below. The other procedure is Tantra. Starting and ending portions of the
ritual vary with one school to another school. One should get a guru for that, or get step
by step procedure from books or DVDs or NET.

Some more mantras on Agni:

Mantram Agni: - Rg Veda I.001.01-1.001.09
"Om Agním īle puróhitam Yajñásya devám rtvíjam Hótāram ratnadhātamam
Om Agníh pûrvebhir ŕsibhir Idyo nûtanair utá Sá devâm éhá vakṣati
Om Agnínā rayím aśnavat Pósam evá divé-dive Yaśásam vīrávattamam
Om Agne yám yajñám adhvarám Viśvátah paribhûr ási Sá íd devésu gachati
Om Agnír hótā kavíkratuh Satyáś citráśravastamah Devo devebhir a gamat
Om Yád angá dāśúse tuvám Agne bhadrám karisyási Távét tát satyám angirah
Om Upa tvāgne divé-dive Dósāvastar dhiyâ vayám Námo bháranta émasi
Om Râjantam adhvarânām Gopâm rtásya dîdivim Várdhamānam suvé dáme
Om Sá nah pitéva sūnáve Agne sūpāyanó bhava Sácasvā nah suastáye"

"Om Vaisvanara ya vidhmahe Lalela ya dhimahi

Tannoh agnih pracodayat" - Narayana Upanishad 1.82

"Om Agne naya supatha raye asman Visvani deva vayunani vidvan"
Yuyodhyasmaj juhuranam eno Bhuyis thamte nama uktim vidhema" - Rig Veda

Ághárá váhuti - Gobhila Grihasta Sútra, I:8,24; I:8,4-5:

"Om Agnaye sváhá idam agnaye idam na mama

Om Somáya sváhá idam somáya idam na mama
Om Prajapataye sváhá idam prajapataye idam na mama"

Vyahtri Homa Mantra:

"Om Bhur sváhá idam agnaye idam na mama
Om Bhuvah sváhá idam vayuvae idam na mama
Om Svah sváhá idam suryaya idam na mama
Om Bhur bhuvah svah sváhá idam prajapataye idam na mama"

Pradhaana Homa (Homa-karana Mantra) - Yajur Veda, III:7-8

Praatah Kaal Aahuti:

"Om Súryo jyotir jyotih súrya sváhá.

Om Súryo varcho jyotir varchah sváhá.
Om Jyotih súryah súryo jyotih sváhá.
Om Sajúrdevena savitrá sajúr ushasendra vatyá jushánah súryovetu sváhá."

Saayang Karl Aahuti:

"Om Agnir jyotir jyotih agnir sváhá

Om Agnir varcho jyotir varchah sváhá.
Om Agnir jyotir jyotir agnir sváhá.
Om Sajúrdevena savitrá sajú ratryendra vatyá jusháno agnirvetu sváhá" - Yajur
Veda, III:9-10
Praatah Saayam Aahuti (Mantra Vyahrti Ahuti):

"Om Bhur agnaye pranaya svaha

idam agnaye pranaya idam na mama
Om Bhuvah vayave apanaya svaha
idam vayave apanaya idam na mama
Om Svah adityaya vyanaya svaha
idam adityaya vyanaya idam na mama
Om Bhur bhuvah svar agni vayava dityebhyah pranapanaya vyanebhyah svaha
idam agni vyava dityebhyah pranapanaya vyanebhyah idam na mama
Om Aapo jyoti raso `mritam brahma
bhur bhuvah svar om svaahaa"

"Om Yaam medhaam deva ganaah pitarash chopaasate

Tayaa maa madya medhayaagne medhaavinam kuru svaahaa" - Yajur Veda, 32.1.4

"Om Vishvaani deva savitar duritaani paraasuva

yad bhadram tanna aasuva svaahaa" - Yajur Veda, 30.3.

"Om Agne naya supathaa raaye asmaan vishwaani deva vayunaani vidwaan
Yuyodyasmaj juhuraanam eno bhooyishthaan to nama uktim vidhema svaahaa" -
Rig Veda 1.189.1


Title: Re: Mantra for some diseases

Post by: marioban29 on January 29, 2008, 03:51:35 AM
Dear v2birit,

I always loved old cultures, every religion, wanted to learn all languages when I was a

My interessets kept me alive. Unfortunately all my 3 uncles and my aunt made suicide,
when I was a child.

Because of my strict grand mother, she did not allow me to drink alcohol and she strictly
said: " If you smoke, your are not welcomed in my house." So I didn´t dare to smoke.

Because of her, I was strong.

But many poeple in Germany want not to see their problems. They drink, smoke, use
drugs, tabletts...
Even 12 years old kids smoke...


Title: Re: Mantra for some diseases

Post by: v2birit on January 29, 2008, 04:09:13 AM
Yes that is very true. A man literally turns into a machine in absence of God & relegion.
There was a time in my life when i was really scared of moving into the world, because
everywhere i saw people behaving like machines. i also used to get dreams in which i
used to see people being made to work like machines, moving one behind the other
carrying something, (just like robots). But fortunately Sai baba pulled me away from all
that & showed me what i really wanted. It is only he who could understand the deepest
feeling in my heart.
Now after having some amount of mature spiritual understanding, i now understand
that people like us who are disgusted & weary with the ways of the worldly people, are
called MUMUKSHU. They long for Love & Care & strongly hate people's materilistic
endeavors, which only lead to misery.
Fortunately such MUMUKSHU's are blessed by Lord's care & they get the company
of Saints & realise the end aim of their life which is going back to Godhead.
I have a very famous book Jnaneshwari by great indian saint jnaneshwar which is a
commentary of the Bhagwad Gita. In this book the Lord of the universe correctly
explains how all these things go about... This book clearly brings out our heart's
innermost feelings, so much so that we are amazed as to how the Lord of the Universe
could read out our heart...

Om Sai Ram

Title: Re: Mantra for every diseases, even so called incurable diseases
Post by: marioban29 on January 29, 2008, 04:27:59 AM
I think the people are not to blame. It is the system where some egoistic people want to
control everybody.
I have read in the internet one nice sentence of Swami Shivananda: One who is giving
something bad, but gives something good back is divine.

It is not easy to love your enemies when they have one somthing bad to you. It is hard to
forgive oneself and your enemies.

Have a nice site found:



Aids & Cancer

Disease Hindu Mantra

1 Aids Om Ramaya Namaha

2 Cancer Om Krishnaya Namaha
a) Tongue Cancer Om Krishna-Viththalaya Namaha
b) Lung Cancer Om Narayani-Krishnaya Namaha
c) Throat Cancer Om Mahesh-Krishnaya Namaha
d) Chest Cancer Om Shankara-Krishnaya Namaha
e) Liver Cancer Om Narayani-Krishnaya Namaha
f) Blood Cancer Om Shrikant-Krishnaya Namaha
g) Breast Cancer Om Narayani-Krishnaya Namaha
h) Bone Cancer Om Krishna-Krishnaya Namaha
i) Prostate Cancer Om Shriram-Narayan-Krishnaya Namaha

Blood and Heart related

Disease Hindu Mantra

a) Blood Pressure Om Bhavani-Pandurangaya Namaha

b) Rheumatic Heart Disease Om Jay-Pandurang-Rakhumaiya Namaha
c) Heart Murmur Om Durga-Ganapatiya Namaha
d) Congestive Cardiac Failure Om Hare-Viththala-Pandurangaya Namaha
e) Ischaemic Heart Disease Om Hare-Krishna-Viththalya Namaha
f) Myocardial Infarction Om Jay-Govinda-Viththalaya Namaha

Digestive System Related

Disease Hindu Mantra

a) Jaundice Om Ram-Krishnaya Namaha

b) Ulcer Shankar Francis Om Rahamanya Namaha
c) Appendicitis Om Pandurang-Hariaya Namaha
d) Diabetes Om Jay-Shriramya Namaha

Mental & Lung Diseases

Disease Hindu Mantra

a) Hysteria Om Ganeshya Namaha

b) Schizophrenia Om Narayana-Ram-Krishna-Hariaya Namaha
c) Paranoid Schizophrenia Om Naryana- Viththal-Ram-Krishna-Hariaya Namaha
d) Bronchitis Om Gauri-Shankaraya Namaha
Nervous System Related

Disease Hindu Mantra

a) Brain Tumour Om Shri-Viththalya Namaha
b) Migraine Om Jay-Krishnaya Namaha
c) Epilepsy Om Jayram-Ganapatiya Namaha
d) Paralysis Om Jayram-Jay-Jayramya Namaha
e) Polio Om Ram-Krishnaya Namaha
f) Ana- Plastic-Astrocytoma Om Hare- Pandurang-Uma-Hariaya Namaha
g) Coma Om Ram-Ramaya Namaha

Diseases of Infective Origin

Disease Hindu Mantra

a) Tuber-Culosis Om Narayan-Viththalya Namaha

b) Typhoid Om Ham-Hare-Ramaya Namaha
c) Meningitis Om Jayaram-Ganeshaya Namaha
d) Gangrene Om Gangaramaya Namaha
e) Rabies Om Jay-Jayramaya Namaha


Disease Hindu Mantra

a) Hydrophobia Om Hare-Jayram-Hara-Ramaya Namaha

b) Leucoderma Om Hare-Rama-Krishnaya Namaha
c) Parkinson Om Acyut-Krishnaya Namaha
d) Arthritis Om Jayram-Jay-Jayramya Namaha
e) Leprosy Om Jayram-Shankaraya Namaha
f) Cervical-Spondylitis Om Shriram-Jayram-Pandurangaya Namaha
g) Lumbar Spondylitis Om Shriram-Jayram-Viththalaya Namaha

Title: Re: Mantra for some diseases

Post by: v2birit on January 29, 2008, 05:19:03 AM
People are not to be blamed. After all people's behaviour is decided by the condition of
the society in which they live & how they are brought up. People's behaviour is also
decided by thier level in evolution.

The site you have mentioned is a nice site giving mantras for specific cures across
different relegions.

Om Sai Ram

Title: Re: Mantra for some diseases

Post by: v2birit on January 30, 2008, 07:21:41 AM
One thing is certain...
If a person has no god & relegion, he is sure to spoil himself. Such a person once spoilt,
can be corrected only by god & relegion.

Om Sai Ram.

Title: Re: Mantra for some diseases

Post by: marioban29 on January 30, 2008, 09:49:55 AM
Mantra for vanishing diseases

Om Rogansheshanpahansi Tushta Rusta Tu Kaman Saklanbhishtan, Tvamashritanam Na

Vipannrananam Tvamashrita Hyashraytam Prayanti

This mantra is attributed to Goddess Durga. The use of rudraksha mala (A beaded
garland of the seeds of Eleocarpus Ganitrus Tree) while chanting is favourable and helps
to cure from diseases
Mantra for specific disease control

Om Aadesh Guru Ko Kali Kambali Vale Shyam, Kahaye Hain Unko Ghanshyam Rog
Nashe Shok Nashe Nahin To Krishna Ki Aan Radha Meera Manaave, (Name the Patient)
Ka rog dosh Jave

The name of the patient of whose disease is to be controlled should be chanted at the
right place while murmuring this mantra. The remembrance of Lord Krishna and Shiva
be kept in mind.
Mantra for protection of pregnancy

Om Rudra Bhi Drava Ho, Ha Ha Ha Hoo Ka

The pregnant woman should chant this mantra for 108 times a day.
Riddance from Evil Spirits

Ayeim Kreem Kreem Khrim Khrim Khichi Khichi Bhootnaathaay Pishaachaay Khrim
Khrim Phat.
Mantra for protection against eye sore

Om Namo Ramji Dhani Lakshman Ke Baan

Aankh Dard Kare To Lakshman Kuwar Ki Aan
Meri Bhakti. Guru Ki Shakti.
Phuro Mantra Eswaro Vacha.
Satya Naam Aadesh Guru Ko

This mantra can lead to siddhi if chanted for 10,000 times.

Mantra for protecting oneself

Om Shoolena Pahino Devi Pahi Khadgen Chambike, Ghanta Swanena Nah Pahi
Chapajjanih Swanen Ch.

This mantra is attributed to Goddess Durga. It helps to get rid of enemies, fears and
troubles. The use of rudraksha mala (A beaded garland of the seeds of Eleocarpus
Ganitrus Tree) while chanting is favourable
Mantra for pregnancy

Om Hreem Uljalya Thah Thah Om Hreem

The regular and continuous chant of this mantra for 108 times with lighting of lamps of
Mustard Oil or butter oil helps in getting pregnancy.
Mantra for peace of ancestors

Om Yaam Medham Devganah Pitarasch Upasate, Taya Mamadya Medhayagne

Medhavinam Kuru

The regular chant of this mantra with red sandal beaded garland and pouring water helps
to bring peace to ancestors.
Mantra for Longevity and getting rid of Ailments

Om Trayambakam Yajamahe Sugandhim Pusti Vardhanam, Urvarukamiva Bandhanan

Mrityormurksheeya Mamritat.
This is called “Mrityunjaya Mantra”. The mantra is attributed to Lord Shiva. The mantra
is very effective when diseases/ailment is continuously jeopardizing life or there is
continuous fear of life. Even otherwise, the chant of this mantra is very beneficial. The
regular and continuous chant of this mantra for 1.25 lakh times, following the procedure
will produce early result
Mantra for increasing profits in business

Om Kansonsmitam Hiranya Prakaram Aardraam Jwalantim Triptam Tarpyenteem,

Padhesthitam Padhmavarnaam Tami Hope Vhayeshriyam

This mantra is attributed to Goddess Lakshmi. The regular and continuous chant of this
mantra helps to increase profits in business. The use of a beaded garland of Tulsi (Basil
Plant) is recommended for better and early results
Mantra for getting rid of Incurable Diseases

Om Hon Joon Sah Om Bhoorbhuva Swah Om Trayambakam Yajamahe Sugandhim

Pustivardhanam Urvarukamiva Bandhanan Mrityormurksheeya Mamritat.
Om Swah Bhuvah Bhu Om Swah Joon Hon Om

This is called “Maha Mritunjaya Mantra”. It is attributed to Lord Shiva. Its helps in
saving life in case of attack from diseases, accidents etc.
Mantra for getting rid of fear

Om Sarva Swaroope Sarveshe Sarvshakti Samanvite, Bhayebhyastrahino Devi Durge

Devi Namostute

This mantra is attributed to Goddess Durga. The mantra helps get rid of fear and anxiety.
The use of rudraksha mala (A beaded garland of the seeds of Eleocarpus Ganitrus Tree)
while chanting is favourable.
Mantra for getting rid of all kinds of adversities

Om Sharangat Dinart Paritran Parayane, Sarvasyarti Hare Devi Narayani Namostute

This mantra is attributed to Lord Narayan. The use of red sandal beaded garland while
chanting helps in consolation from troubles and adversities.
Mantra for getting pleasure in life
Om Hanumate Namah

This mantra is related to Lord Hanuman. The regular and continuous chant of this mantra
for 1.25 lakh times helps to bring back lost pleasures and strength of mind. The use of
rudraksha mala (A beaded garland of the seeds of Eleocarpus Ganitrus Tree) or a beaded
Garland of red sandal is favourable and helps to attain early results.
Mantra for getting pleasure

Om Ram Ramaya Namah

This is a very powerful Mantra. This mantra is attributed to Lord Rama or Lord
Narayana. The regular chant of this mantra leads to success in every field of life and
worldly pleasure. Moreover, it brings along with it the blessing of the God.
Mantra for getting blessed with son and acquiring wealth

Om Sarvabadha Vinurmukto Dhandhanya Sutanvitah Manushyomat Prasaaden

Bhavishyati Na SanShaya

This mantra is attributed to Goddess Durga. The regular and continuous chant of this
mantra between 08:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. will help get blessed with son and acquiring
Mantra for getting all round success

Om Shreem Hreem Kleem Namah

This mantra is called “Seed Mantra”. The Mantra helps to eliminate all odds and troubles.
It’s power is doubled when the chant is performed along with a red sandal beaded
For male use there is a Mantra to get a good wife ( or desired women as wife) called
Gandharva Raja mantra.

Om Gandharvaraaja visvaavase Mamabilashida Kanyaam Prayacha Swaahaa

The meening: O Gandarva King Visvavasu let me get my desired girl.

You just have to chant it more than 320 at a time regularly till the goal is achieved.

Note: Double vovals 'aa' indicate long sound and singla voval short.
As to changing your complexion there are three methods stated in occult litrature
1) Obtain Kamaruba siddhi - a magical power by which you can take any form you
desire. It is a long tedious sadana of certain tantric deity. If you are up to it you can try .
( If you are ready let me know I will write to you the method as founfd in tantric treaties)
2) Obtain Kaya sidhi By yogic practice - you will get eternal youth , moltan golden
complexion 1000 elephants strength and indefenet life span by this method. This is also
long and tedious path. You can refer to Patanjali's yoga sutra for detail.
3) There is a shotcut to become lovely and fair. This is invoking a spirit of King solomon.
I shall get back to this latter as I need to refer to King Solomon's book 'Goetia' for this. ( I
will get back to you on this soon)

Mantra for getting a good wife

Om Patnim Manoram Dehi Manovritanusarineem, Tareneem Durgasansar Sagarasye


This mantra is attributed to Goddess Durga. The regular and continuous chant of this
mantra by the male section of the society helps them get a wife of their expectation. The
use of rudraksha mala (A beaded garland of the seeds of Eleocarpus Ganitrus Tree) while
chanting is favourable.
Mantra for cure of fear

Om Aghorebhyo Thaghorebhyo Ghor Ghor Tarebhyah Sarvebhyah Sarva Sarvebhyo

Namaste Astu Rudra Rupebhyah

For controlling of fear of death etc., meditate on Lord Shiva and perform a mala of chant
everyday with burning of Dhoop.
Mantra for controlling piles
Om Kaka Karta Krori Karta Om Karta Se Hoye
Ye Rasna Desh Hus Pragate Khooni Badi Bavasir Na Hoye. Mantra Janke Na Bataye to
Dwadash Brahma Hatya Ka pap Hoy Lakh Jap Kare To Vansh Mein Na Hoye Shabda
Sancha, Hanuman Ka Mantra Sancha, Phure Mantra Eswaro Vacha

After easing the motion, chant this mantra while cleaning the refuse of anus. After that
eat two guavas.
Mantra for controlling jaundice

Om Shriram Sar Sadha, Lakshman Sadha Baan, Neela, Peela, Rita, Neela Thotha Peela
Peela Sarvavidha Rahe to Ramchandraji Ka Rahe Naam Meri Bhakti Guru Ki Shakti
Phure Mantra Eswaro Vacha

Murmuring this mantra and touching the body of a jaundice patient can help overpower
the disease. For Siddhi, 10,000 Mantra chant is needed.
Mantra for controlling fever

Om Namo Bhagvate Rudray Shoolpanaye Pishachadhipataye Aavashye Krishna Pingal

Phate Swaha

Make the patient drink water after speaking the mantra three times carrying a pot of water
in hand
Mantra for controlling big diseases (Epidemics)

Om Ithyam Yadaa Yadaa Badhaa Danvttha Bhavishyeti

The chant of this mantra for 10,000 times helps to avert big diseases.
Mantra for control of epilepsy

Om Haal Hal Mandiye Pudiye Shri Ramji

Phunke, Mrigi Vayu Sukhe, Sukh Hoi, Om Thah Thah Swaha

Make holy black thread for the patient or sprinkle water on the patient after the chant of
the mantra. Siddhi is achieved with chant of the mantra for 10,000 times
Mantra for attainment of Wealth and Pleasure

Om Shri Ganeshaya Namah

This mantra is attributed to Goddess Lakshmi, the Goddess of Wealth and Lord Ganesha,
the elder son of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvathi. The regular chant of this mantra helps
in growth of business and brings wealth. Moreover, it helps in stopping and arresting
heavy odds. The use of a red sandal beaded garland while chanting of this mantra is
favourable. .
Mantra for attainment of wealth and getting rid of ailments

Om Hreem Om Markatesh Mahotsaha Sarv Vyadhi Vinashana Shatroon Sanhar

Mamraksh Shriyam Dapaya Dehi Mein. Om Hreem Om

This mantra is attributed to Lord Hanuman. The regular chant of this mantra helps in
early cure of diseases and bestowment of wealth. The use of a red sandal beaded garland
helps to attain early result.
Mantra for attainment of wealth

Om Shreem Namah

The regular and continuous chant of this mantra for atleast 4 lakh times along with a
Tulsi (Basil Plant) beaded garland helps to attain wealth.
Mantra for attainment of Pleasure

Aum Namo Bhagwate Vasudevaya

This mantra of Lord Narayan is very powerful and advantageous. It gives peace of mind.
Moreover, in brings happiness.
Mantra for attainment of happiness

Om Namah Shivaya

This mantra is considered as the five-lettered mantra related to Lord Shiva. The Mantra
has a number of advantages. The regular and continuous chant of this mantra for 1.25
lakh times brings pleasure and peace of mind. In addition, it helps to minimize sins, if
any. The use of rudraksha mala (A beaded garland of the seeds of Eleocarpus Ganitrus
Tree) while chanting is favourable.

Om Gana Ganapataye Namah

Mantra for attainment of education and success in examination

This mantra is attribute to Lord Ganesha. It helps to acquire education and good success
in exam. It is specially useful for students. The regular chant of this mantra will bring
early results.

Aum Aem Khreem Kleem Chamundaya Vich

Mantra for all round happiness and killing of enemies

This mantra of Goddess Durga gives happiness and leads to destruction of the enemies.
Mantra for acquiring wealth

Om Ya Devi SarvaBhuteshu Lakshmirupen sansthita, Namastasyei Namastasyei

Namastasyei Namo Namah

The mantra is attributed to Goddess Lakshmi. She is well known as the Goddess of
wealth among the Hindus. The continuous chant of this mantra for 108 times everyday
can help to acquire fabulous wealth. The use of a beaded garland of Tulsi (Basil Plant) is
Mantra for acquiring education

Om Aim Namah

This mantra is attributed to Goddess Saraswati. She is known as the Goddess of

Education and Knowledge among the Hindus. The mantra helps very much in acquiring
effective education. The use of a red beaded sandal garland while chanting is favourable.
All round Pleasure giving Mantra

Om Bhoorbhuva Swah Tatsaviturvarenyam Bhargo Devasye

Dheemahi Dhiyo Yo Nah Prachodayat

This is known as “Gayatri Mantra”. It helps in early fulfillment of all desires of life. It
resides in the category of Great Mantras in the Hindu Mythology. The use of a beaded
garland of 108 beads, chanting three times a day (Morning, Noon and Evening) is


Title: Re: Mantra for some diseases

Post by: marioban29 on January 31, 2008, 04:17:24 AM
Mantras for specific purposes
Mantras for wealth:
1. Om Lakshmi Vam shri kamaladhram svaha
2. Jimi sarita sagar mahu jahi
Jadyapi tahi kamana nahi
3. Bishva bharana poshana kara joi
Takar nama Bharat asa hoi
4. Om shrim hrim shrim kamale kamalalaye mahya prasida
prasida prasida svaha
5. Omm shrim hrim shrim mahalakshmyai namah

For Marriage:
1. Taba janaka pai bashishtha ayasu byaha saja savari kai
Mandavi shruta kirati Urmila kuwari lai hankari kai
2. Katyayani mahamaye mahayogindadhishvari
Nandagopasutam devi patim me kurute namah

For having children:

1. Devakisutam Govindam Vasudevam Jagatpatim
DehimeTanayam Krishna twam-aham Sharanagatah.

To have a son:
1. Sarvabadhabinirmukto dhanadhanyasutanvitah
Manushyo tatprasaden bhavishyati na samshayah
2. Om hrim lajja jjalyam thah thah lah om hrim svaha

For safety of the child in the womb:

1. Om tham tham thim thim thum them thaim thoum thah thah om

Curing fever:
1. Om namo bhagavate rudraya namah krodhesvaraya namah
jyoti patangaya namo namah siddhi rudra ajapayati svaha
2. Om vindhya vanana hum fat svaha
3. Om namo bhagavate chhandi chhandi amukasya jvarasya
shara prajjvilita parashupaniye parashaya fat
4. Om namo maha uchchhishta yogini prakirna dranshta khadati
tharvati nashyati bhakshyati om thah thah thah thah

Removing any disease:

1. Om Hrim hansah
2. Om shrim hrim klim aim Indrakshyai namah
3. Om sam, sam sim, sum sum sem saim sam saha vam vam vim vim vum vum vem
vaim voim voum vam van saha amrita varech svaha.

For sound health:

1. Mam mayat sarvato raksha shriyam vardhaya sarvada
Sharirarogyam me dehi deva deva namostute
2. Om aim hrim shrim namah sarvadharaya bhagavate asya
mama sarva roga vinashaya jvala jvala enam dirghayusham kuru kuru svaha
3. Achyutam chamritam chaiva japedoushadhakarmani
4. Om namo paramatamne para brahma mama sharire pahi pahi kuru kuru svaha

For curing piles:

1. Om chhai chhui chhalaka chhalai ahum
Ahum klam klam klim hum

For curing pox:

1. Om shrim shrim shrum shram shroum shrah om kharastha
digambara vikata nayanam toyasthitam bhajami svaha
Svangastham prachandarupam namabhyatmabhibutaye

For stimulating digestive fire:

1. Agastyam kumbhakaranam cha shamincha vadavanalam
Bhojanam pachanarthaya smaredabhyam cha panchakam

For sound sleep:

1. Om agasti shayinah

For long life:

1. Hroum om jom sa om bhurbhuvah svaha om
Tryambakam yajamahe sugandhim pushtivardhanam
Urvarukamiva bandhanata mrityormukshiyamamritat

For children's diseases:

1. Avyadajoangdhri manimanstava janvathoru,
yajnoachyutah kati tatam jatharam ka hayasya

For removing obstructions and difficulties:

1. Sakal vighna vyopahin nahin tehin
Rama sukripan bilokahin jehin
2. Sarva badha prashamanam trailokyasyakhileshvari
Evameva tvayakaryamasmad vairi binashanam
3. Om ram ram ram ram ram ro ro ram kashtam svaha
4. Om namah shante prashante gum hrim hrim sarva krodha prashamani svaha

For winning court cases:

1. Pavan tanaya bala pavan samana
Buddhi viveka bigyana nidhana

To Keep safe from snakes:

1. Om Narmadayai vicharana
2. Ananta vasukim shesham padmanabham cha kambalam
Shankhapalam dhritarashtram takshakam kaliyam tatha munirajam Astikam namah
3. Om plah sarpakulaya svaha ashehakula sarva kulaya svaha

For removing the venom of snakes:

1. Garudadhvajanusmaranat vishaviryam vyapohati
2. Nama prabhau jana Siva niko
Kalakuta falu dinha amiko

To keep safe from theft:

1. Om kafall-kafall-kafall
2. Om karalini svaha om kapalini svaha hroum hrim hrim hrim chora bandhaga thah

For peace and detachment:

1. Daihika daivika bhoutika tapa
Rama raja nahin kahu byapa
2. Bharata charita kari mamu tulasije sadar sunahin
Siya Rama pada prema avasi hoi bhava rasa birati

For removing doubt:

1. Rama katha sundar karatari
Sansaya bihaga unavana hari

For purification of thought:

1. Take juga pada kamala manavaun
Jasu kripa niramala mati pavaun

Reomova of the evil eye:

1. Shyama Gaura sundara dou jori
Nirakhahin chhabi janani trina tori

For vision of Sitaji:

1. Janakasuta jagajanani janaki
Atisaya priya karunanidhana ki

To please Hanuman:
1. Sumiri pavan suta pavana namu
Apane basa kari rakhe Ramu

For devotion to God:

1. Bhagata kalpataru pranatahita kripasindhu sukaddhama
Soi nija bhagati mohi prabhu dehu kaya dari Rama

For acquiring knowledge:

1. Chhiti jala pavaka gagana samira
Pancha rachita yaha adhama sharira

For God's forgiveness:

1. Anuchita bahuta kaheun agyata
Kshamahun kshama mandira dou bharata

Mantras and remedies for the nine planets

There several mantras and remedies for the planets prescribed in the various scriptures.
We are giving bellow the most effective ones in our experience.

For Surya or Sun related troubles and during the dasa or antardasa of sun:
1.Worship the ruling deity Lord Shiva2. Recite Aditya Hridaya stotra daily or Gayatri
Mantra daily.
3. Japa of Sun's moola mantra: "Om hram hreem hroum sah suryaya namah", 6000 times
in 40 days.
4. Recite the soorya stotra:
Java kusuma sankasam kashyapeyam mahadutim
Tamorim Sarva paapghnam pranatosmi Divakaram
5. Charity: Donate wheat, or sugar candy on sunday.
6. Fasting day: Sundays.
7. Pooja: Rudrabhishek.

8. Rudraksha: Wear Ekamukhi or 12 mukhi Rudraksha

For Chandra or Moon related problems and during the dasa or antardasa of Moon:
1. Worship the ruling deity Gouri.
2. Recite Annapoorna stotram.
3. Japa of Moon's moola mantra: Om shram sreem shraum sah chandraya namah, 10000
times in 40 days.
4. Recite the Chandra stotra:
Dadhi Shankha tushaarabham ksheero darnava sambhavam
Namaami shashinam somam shambhor mukuta bhushanam
5. Charity: Donate cow's milk or rice on Monday.
6. Fasting: On Mondays.
7. Pooja: Devi pooja.
8. Rudraksha: Wear 2 mukhi Rudraksha.

For Mangala or Mars related problems and during the dasa or antardasa of Mars:
1. Worship the ruling deities Kartikeya and Shiva.
The Kartikeya mantra is "Om Saravanabhavaya Namah"
The Shiva mantra is "Om Namah Shivaya"
2. Recite Kartikeya or Shiva stotra.
3. Japa of the Mars mantra: Om kram kreem kroum sah bhaumaya namah, 7000 times in
40 days.
4. Recite the Mangala stotra:
Dharani garbha sambhutam vidyut kanti samaprabham
Kumaram shakti hastam tam mangalam pranamamyaham.
5. Charity: Donate Masoor dal( red lentils) on tuesday. Order Shanti Daana online
6. Fasting: On Tuesdays.
7. Pooja: Kartikeya pooja or Rudrabhishekha.
8. Rudraksha: Wear a 3 mukhi Rudraksha.
Mars is also the remover of debts and the giver of wealth. The following is a highly
recommended stotra of Mars for this purpose.

Angarakoyamaschaiva sarvarogaapahaarakah

Nrishtekargaacha hartaacha sarvadevascha poojitah.

Lohito Lohitaakshascha samagaana Kripaakarah

Dharmatmajah Kujobhoumou bhumido bhuminam

Rakta maalyambaradharam shulashakti gadaadharah

Charbhujo yeshagato varadamcha dharaasutah

Mangalo bhumiputrascha runahartaa dhanapradah

Sthiraasano mahaakaayo sarvakaama phalapradam

For Budha or Mercury related problems and during his dasa and antardasa:
1. Worship Lord Vishnu.
2. Recite Vishnu sahasranama stotra.
3. Japa of the Budha beeja mantra: Om bram breem broum sah budhaya namah, 17000
times in 40 days.
4.Recite the Budha stotra:
Priyangu Kalika Shyaamam Roopena Pratimam Budham
Soumyam Soumya gunopetam tam Budham Pranamamyaham.
5. Charity: Donate Udad dal on Wednesday.
6. Fasting: On Wednesdays.
7. Pooja: Vishnu pooja.
8. Wear a 10 mukhi Rudraksha.

For Guru or Jupiter related problems and during the dasa or antardasa of Guru:
1. Worship Lord Shiva.
2. Recite Shri Rudram.
3. Japa of the Guru beeja mantra: Om jhram jhreem jroum sah gurave namah, 16000
times in 40 days.
4. Recite the Guru stotra:
Devanam cha rishinam cha Gurum kaanchan SannibhaamBuddhi bhutam Trilokesham
tam namaami Brihaspatim.
5. Donate: Saffron or turmeric or sugar on Thursdayon. Order Shanti Daana online
6. Fasting: On Thrusdays.
7. Pooja: Rudrabhishekam.
8. Wear a 5 mukhi rudraksha.

For Shukra or Venus related problems and during the dasa or antardasa of Venus:
1. Worship Devi.
2. Recite Shree Sooktam or Devi stuti or Durga chalisa.
3. Japa of Shukra beeja mantra: Om dram dreem droum sah shukraya namah, 20000
times in 40 days.
4. Recite the Shukra stotra:
Hima kunda mrinalaabham daityanam paramam gurumSarv shastra pravaktaram
bhargavem pranamamyaham
5. Donate clothes or dairy cream or curd to a lady on Friday. Order Shanti Daana online
6. Fasting: On Fridays.
7. Pooja: Devi pooja.
8. Wear a 9 mukhi Rudraksha.

For Shani or Saturn related problems and during the dasa or antardasa of Shani:
1. Worship Lord Hanuman.
2. Recite Hanuman chalisa or any other Hanuman stotra.
3. Japa of Shani mantra: Om pram preem proum sah shanaischaraya namah, 19000 times
in 40 days.
4. Recite the Shani stotra:
Nelanjan samabhasam ravi putram yamagrajamChaaya martand sambhutam tam namami
5. Donate a buffalo or black til (sesame seeds) on Saturday. Order Shanti Daana online
6. Fasting on Saturdays.
7. Pooja: Hanuman pooja
8. Wear a 14 mukhi Rudraksha.
For all Saturn related troubles Dasharatha Shani Stotra of is an excellent remedy.

For Rahu related problems and during the dasa or antardasa of Rahu:
1. Worship Bhairava or lord Shiva.
2. Recite the Kalabhairav asthakam.
3. Japa of the rahu beeja mantra: Om bhram bhreem bhroum sah rahave namah, 18000
times in 40 days.
4. Recite the Rahu stotra:
Ardha Kaayam maha veryam chandraditya vimardhanam
Simhika garbha sambhutam tam rahum pranamamyaham.
5. Donate: Udad dal or coconut on Saturday. Order Shanti Daana online
6. Fasting on Saturdays.
7. Pooja: Bhairav or Shiva or Chandi pooja.
8. Wear An 8 mukhi Rudraksha.
9. One of the best remedies for rahu is reciting the first chapter of Durga Saptasati.

For Ketu related problems and during the dasa or antardasa of Ketu:
1. Worship Lord Ganesha.
2. Recite Ganesha Dwadasanama Stotra.
3. Japa of the Ketu beeja mantra: Om shram shreem shroum sah ketave namah, 7000
times in 40 days.
4. Recite the Ketu stotra:
Palasha pushpa sankaasham taraka graha mastakam
Roudram roudratmakam ghoram tam ketum Pranamamyaham.
5. Donate: A black cow or black mustard seeds on thursday.
6. Fasting: On Thursdays.
7. Pooja: Ganesh pooja.

Mantras of various deities

Now a days there are thousands of mantras available in all kinds of remedial books and
magazines. The authenticity and the effectiveness of most of them is quite doubtful. Most
of what we are reproducing below are from the book "Meditations from the Tantras" by
Paramahamsa Swami Satyananda Saraswati, one of the greatest self realized yogis of our
times and an acknowledged master of the tantra.

Gayatri Mantra: According to the Hindu scriptures Devi Gayatri is the Mother of the
Vedas. It is said that even Trinities (Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva) worship her as their
The Gayatri Mantra is the prescribed daily mantra for all Hindus and regarded as the
remover of all sins and the bestower of all desired things. It is also part of the Sandhya
The sage Vishwamitra is given the credit for bringing Mother Gayatri to earth. The
following is the most commonly recited Gayatri Mantra.
Om Bhuh Bhuvah Svah Tat Saviturvarenyam
Bhargodevasya Dhimahi Dhiyoyonah Prachodayat

The meaning of the Gayatri mantra is as follows:

We contemplate the glory of Light illuminating the three worlds: gross, subtle, and
causal. I am that vivifying power, love, radiant illumination, and divine grace of universal
intelligence. We pray for the divine light to illumine our minds.
Om: The primeval sound
Bhur: the physical world
Bhuvah: the mental world
Suvah: the celestial, spiritual world
Tat: That; God; transcendental Paramatma
Savithur: the Sun, Creator, Preserver
Varenyam: most adorable, enchanting
Bhargo: luster, effulgence
Devasya: resplendent, supreme Lord
Dheemahi: we meditate upon
Dhiyo: the intellect, understanding
Yo: May this light
Nah: our
Prachodayath: enlighten, guide, inspire

The other Gayatri Mantra is as follows:

Om Bhu, Om Bhuvah, Om Svaa, Om Mahaa, Om Janah,
Om Tapah, Om Satyam, Om Tat Savitur Varenyam Bhargo
Devasya Dhimahi Dhiyo Yo Nah Prachodayat
Om Apo Jyotih Raso-mritam Brahmaa Bhur Bhuvah Swaa Om
According to the Hindu belief there are fourteen worlds. Bhu, Bhuvah, Svaa, Mahaa,
Janah, Tapah, Satyam are the seven Higher worlds and Atata, Kutala, Vitala, Mahatala,
Rasatala, Bhutala and Patala are the seven Lower worlds. The above Gayatri mantra is
recited by those seeking the Higher worlds.
Maha Mrituyunjaya Mantra: This mantra of lord Shiva is the most effective and the most
commonly recited one for curing all types of illnesses and to avoid any misfortunes and
untimely death.
Om Tryambakam Yajamahe Sugandhim Pushti Vardhanam
Urvaarukamiva Bhandanath Mrityor Muksheeya Mamritat

Vedic Gayatri Mantras of other Gods :

Ganesh: Om Ekadantaya Vidmahe Vakratundaya Dhimahi Tanno Danti Prachodayat

Vishnu: Om Narayanaya Vidmahe Vasudevaya Dhimahi Tanno Vishnu Prachodayat

Narasimha: Om Vajranakhaya Vidmahe Mahadevaya Dhimahi Tanno

Narashimha Prachodayat

Rudra: Om Tat Purushaya Vidmahe Mahadevaya Dhimahi Tanno Rudrah Prachodayat

Lakshmi: Om Mahadevyai Cha Vidmahe Vishnu-patnyai Cha Dhimahi Tanno

Lakshmi Prachodayat

Kartikeya: Om Tatpurushaya Vidmahe Mahasenanaya Dhimahi Tanno

Shanmukha Prachodayat

Other Kartikeya mantra: Om Saravanabhavaya Namah

Sasthi and Chaturdasi are the best tithis to worship Krtikeya.
Santana Gopala mantra: For those having difficulty in begetting children, reciting the
following Santana Gopala mantra and worship of Lord Krishna in an child form is an
excellent remedy.
Devakisutam Govindam Vasudevam Jagatpatim
Dehime Tanayam Krishna twam-aham Sharanagatah.

Siva Mantras:
1. Om Namah Sivaya
2. Om Haraye Namah
3. Om Tryambakam yajamahe sugandhim pushtivardhanam
Urvarukamiva bandhanat mirityormurkshiya mamaritat
4. Om Namah Nilakanthaya
5. Hroum
6. Proum Hrim thah
7. Ram ksham mam yam oum um

Vaishnava Mantras:
1. Om Narayanaya namah
2. Om Vishnave namah
3. Om Vishnave parjyotye namah
4. Om Paramatmane namah
5. Om Anantaya namah
6. Om Achyutaya namah
7. Om Govindaya namah
8. Om Achyutananta Govindaya namah
9. Om Klim Hrishikeshaya namah
10.Om Shri Shridharaya namah
11.Om Shri Madhusudayanaya namah
12.Om Damodaraya namah
13.Om Namo Narayanaya namah
14.Om Shri Mannarayana-charanou-sharanam prapadye

Shri Rama Mantras:

1. Om Shri Rama jaya Rama jaya jaya Rama
2. Om Shri Ramaya namah
3. Om Shri Sitaramachandrabhyam namah
4. Ramaya Ramabhadraya Ramachandraya Vedhase
Raghunathaya nathaya Sitayah pataye namah
5. Om Shri Ramah sharanam mama
6. Om Shri Shri Sitaramah sharanam
7. Om Ramachandra-charanou-sharanam prapadye
8. Ram Ramaya namah
9. Ham so Ramaya namah soaham
10.Hrim Ramaya namah hrim
11. Hroum Ramaya namah hroum
12. Aim Ramaya namah
13. Klim Ramaya namah

Krishna Mantras:
1. Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya
2. Om Shri Krishnaya Govindaya Gopijana-vallabhaya namah
3. Om Shri Krishnaya namah
4. Om Shri Krishanh sharanam mama
5. Klim
6. Krishnah
7. Klim Krishnayah
8. Klim Krishnayah Govindaya klim

Shakti Mantras:
1. Hrim Shrim Krim Parameswarayai svaha
2. Hrim Shrim Krim Parameswari Kalike hrim shrim krim svaha
3. Om Shri Kalikayai namah
4. Om Hrim me svaha )Kali Hridaya)
5. Krim Krim Krim Hum Hum Hrim Hrim dakshine Kalike Krim Krim Krim Hum Hum
Hrim Hrim svaha
6. Krim Hrim Shrim

1. Om Shri Durgayai namah
2. Om Hrim Dum Durgayai namah

1. Om Shri Saraswatyai namah
2. Om Hrim Aim Hrim Aum Sarasvatyai namah

1. Hrim Shrim Krim Mahalakshmayai namah
2. Om Shrim Hrim Kamale Kamale Kamalalaye prasida prasida Shrim Hrim Shrim
Mahalakshmyai namah.

1. Om Shri Radhayai Svaha
2. Om Hrim Radhikayai namah

Hrim namo bhagavati maheswari Annapurne svaha

Om Shrim Hrim Krim Aim Indrakshyai namah

Om Aim Hrim Krim Chamundayai Vichche
Siddha Mantras of Hanuman for power and siddhis:
The Hanuman mantras are very effective for all Saturn related problems, for health, to
avoid and overcome troubles caused from enemies and to avoid imprisonment.
1. Om Hanumate namah
2. Om namo bhagavate anjaneyaya mahabalaya svaha
3. Om Hanumate rudratmakaya hum phat
4. Om Pavana nandanaya svaha
5. Om Namo bhagavate anjaneyaya amukasyashrinkhala trotaya
trotaya bandha moksham kuru kuru svaha
6. Purvakapimukhaya panchamukha haumate tam tam tam tam tam
sakala shatru shanharanaya svaha
7. Om pashchimamukhaya garudananaya panchamukha hanumate
mam mam mam mam sakala vishahara svaha

8. Wear a 9 mukhi rudraksha.

9. A very good remedy for Ketu is the reciting of Shiva Panchakshari Stotra.

Gayatri Mantra of planets:

Sun: Om Bhaskaraya Vidmahe Mahadyutikaraya Dhimahi Tanno Aditya Prachodayat

Moon: Om Ksheeraputraya Vidmahe Amruta-tatvaya Dhimahi Tanno

Chandra PrachodayatMars: Om Angarakaya Vidmahe Sakti Hastaya Dhimahi Tanno

Bhaumah PrachodayatSaturn: Om Neelanjanaya Vidmahe Chhayamartandaya Dhimahi
Shani PrachodayatPlanetary remedies from Valmiki Ramayana:
The reciting of various chapters of Valmiki Ramayana is prescribed in many scriptures as
a remedy for many things.Uma Samhita prescribes reading once a day some canto to the
other from Valmiki Ramayana for each Mahadasa. They are:

Ravi: Bala kanda, 73rd chapter

Chandra: Sundara kanda, 5th chapter

Kuja: Bala kanda 36th and 37th chapter

Rahu: Yuddha kanda, 75th chapter

Guru: Sundra kanda, 11th chapter

Shani: Bala kanda, 30th chapter

Budha: Sundara kanda, 35th chapter

Ketu: Ayodhya kanda, 50th chapter

Shukra: Sundara kanda, 36th chapter

Apart from that reciting of the following chapters from Valmiki Ramayana
Jain Navagraha Mantra (Navakara Mantra):Om Namo Arahanthaanam - For Moon and
Om Namo Siddhaanam - For Sun and MarsOm Namo Aayariyaanam
Om Namo Uvajhaayaanam - For Mercury and Jupiter Om Namo Loye Savva-saahoonam
- For Saturn, Rahu and Ketu

Title: Re: Mantra for some diseases

Post by: marioban29 on February 02, 2008, 08:33:41 AM

or simply click on:

Guru Mantra
|| Om Param Tatvaay Naaraayannaay Gurubhyo Namah ||

Chetana Mantra
|| Om Hreem Mam Praan Deh Rom Pratirom Chetaneiya Jagreiya Hreem Om Namah ||

Gayatri Mantra
|| Om Bhoorbhoovah Swah. Tatsaviturvareineeyum Bhargo Devasaya Dheemahi Dheeyo
Yo Nah Prachodayaat. ||

Guru Brahma Mantra

|| Om Bram Brahmaatvam Siddhim Gum Gurave Namah ||

Chintamani Ganpati Mantra

||Om Shreem Hreem Shreem Chintamani Ganpatyei Vaanchitaarth Pooray Pooray
Lakshmidaayak Kridhim Vridhim Kuru Kuru SarvSokhayam Soubhagayam Kuru Kuru
Shreem Hreem Shreem Om ||

Lakshmi Vinaayak Mantra

|| Om Shreem Gam Soumyaay Gannpataye Var Varade Sarvajanam Me Vasmaanay
Swaahaa ||

Ganpati Mantra
|| Gan Ganpataye Namah ||
Kaamya Ganpati Mantra
|| Om Gam Goum Gannapataye Vignanaashine Swaahaa. ||

Uchhisht Ganpati Mantra

|| Om Gam Hum Tantra Baadhaa Nivaarannaay Shreem Ganneshaay Swaahaa. ||

Sumukh Ganpati Mantra

|| Om Sham Shemam Roopam Soubhagya Deeptaye Deeptaye Phat. ||

Lord Kuber Mantra

|| Om Shreem Om Hreem Shreem Hreem Kleem Shreem Kleem Vitteswaraay Namah. ||

Goddess Kanakdhara Mantra

|| Om Vam Shreem Vam Ayeim Hreem Kleem Kanakdhaaraayei Namah ||

ShreeYantra Mantra
|| Om Shreem Hreem Shreem Mahaalakshmyei Shreem Hreem Shreem Namah ||

Vyapaar Lakshmi Mantra

|| Om Shreem Hreem Shreem Kamale Kamalaalaye Praseed Praseed Shreem Hreem
Shreem Om Maha Laxmayei Namah ||

Lord Siddheshwar Shiv Mantra

|| Om Shreem Manovaanchhitam Dehi Om Om Namah Shivay ||

Lord Gorishwar Shiv Mantra

|| Hreem Om Namah Shivaay Hreenm ||

Lord Paardeshwar Shiv Mantra

|| Om Sham Shambhavaay Paardeshwaraay Sashaktikaay Namah ||

Mahamritunjay Mantra
|| Om Hroum Joom Sah Bhoorbhuvah Swaaha. Om Trayambakam Yajaamahe
Sugandhinim Pushtivardhanam. Urvaarukmiv Bandhanaanmrityormuksheeya
Mahaamritaat Swah. Swah Bhuvah Bhooh Om. Sah Joom Hroum Om. ||

Lord Paashupataastrey Mantra

|| Om Har, Maheshwar, Shoolpaanni, Pinaak Dhrik, Pashupati, Shiv Mahaadev Eeshaan
Namah Shivaay. ||

Lord Rudra Mantra

|| Om Sarva Aroghaay Rudraaye Hroum Kreem Phat.||

Lord Raameshwaram Shiv Mantra

|| Om Hloum Shivaay Shivparaay Phat. ||
Kaamnaa Siddhi Mantra
|| Om Saamb Sadaashivaay Namah. ||

Goddess MahaKali Mahavidya Mantra

|| Kreem Kreem Kreem Hreem Hreem Houm Houm Dakshin Kalike Kreem Kreem
Kreem Hreem Hreem Houm Houm Sawaahaa. ||

Goddess Tara Mahavidya Mantra

|| Om Hreem Treem Houm Phat ||

Shodash Yogini Mantra

|| Om Ayeim Hreem Kleem Shreem Vram Shroum Dhrim Sham Drim Kreem Hleem
Nrim Prom Yam Sham Gum Shodash Yoginyei Namah. ||

Hypnotism Keshav Mantra

|| Kleem Keshvaay Namah ||

Govind Mantra
|| Om Shreem Kleem Krishnnaay Govindaay Hreem Om Swaahaa. ||

Madhusoodan Mantra
|| Om Shree Krishnnaay Asuraakraant Bhaarhaarinne Namah. ||

Mahabaahu Mantra
|| Om Nrim Narsinghaay Bal Pradaay Mahaabaahave Hreem Om Phat. ||

Lord Hanuman Protection Mantra

|| Om Namo Bhagwate Aanjaneyaay Mahaabalaay Hanumate Namah. ||

Lord Hanuman Success Mantra

|| Om Hanumate Namah ||

Lord Hanuman Manifestation Mantra

|| Om Namo Hanumantaay Aaveshay Aaveshay Swaahaa ||

Lord Hanuman Confidence Mantra

|| Om Hum Om Hum Om Hanumate Phat ||

Lord Kartikeya Mantra

|| Om Kam Ksham Kam Kaartikeyaay Phat ||

Mantra to Remove Obstacles

|| Om Kleem Kaleshnaashay Kleem Phat ||

Mantra for Honourable Social Status

|| Om Hreem Ayeim Vighna Nashaaya Phat ||
Mantra for Realisation of God
|| Om Brahmatmane Ishta Darshaya Darshaya Hoom ||

Mantra to Conquer Enemy

|| Om Kreem Kreem Kreem Hleem Hleem 'Amuk' Shatru Maraya Maraya Hleem Kreem
Kreem Kreem Phat ||

Muladhar Chakra Jagran Mantra

|| Om Lam Par Tatvaay Vam Sham Sham Sam Om Phat ||

Swaddhistthan Chakra Jagran Mantra

|| Om Vam Vam Swaadhishtthaanam Jaagray Jaagray Vam Vam Om Phat ||

Manipur Chakra Jagran Mantra

|| Om Ram Chakra Jaagrannay Mannipuraay Ram Om Phat ||

Anahat Chakra Jagran Mantra

|| Om Yam Anaahatam Jaagray Jaagray Sfottay Om Sham ||

Vishuddh Chakra Jagran Mantra

|| Om Ham Vishuddh Jaagray Jaagray Tatva Beejaay Om Phat ||

Sahastrahaar Chakra Jagran Mantra

|| Om Hreem Sahastraaaram Jaagray Jaagray Sfotay Udbheday Ayeim Om Phat ||

Goddess Shodashi Tripur Sundari Mahavidya Mantra

|| Om Hreem Ka A Ee La Hreem Hasakahalahreem Sakalahreem ||

Goddess Bhuvaneshwari Mahavidya Mantra

|| Om Hreem Om ||

Goddess Chhinmasta Mahavidya Mantra

|| Shreem Hreem Kleem Ayeim Vajra Veirochaniye Houm Houm Phat Sawaahaa ||

Goddess Tripur Bheiravi Mahavidya Mantra

|| Haseih Hasakari Haseih ||

Goddess Matangi Mahavidya Mantra

|| Om Hreem Ayeim Shreem Namo Bhagwati Uchchishtchaandaalini Shree
Matangeshwari Sarvajanvanshkari Sawaahaa ||

Goddess Kamala Mahavidya Mantra

|| Ayeim Hreem Shreem Kleem Souh Jagatprasutayei Namah ||

Goddess Dhoomavati Mahavidya Mantra

|| Dhoom Dhoom Dhoomavati Thah Thah ||

Goddess Baglamukhi Mahavidya Mantra

|| Om Hleem Baglamukhi Sarvdushtaanam Vaacham Mukham Padam Stambhaye Jhivya
Keelay Budhim Vinaashay Hleem Om Phat ||

Navarann Mantra
|| Aing Hring Kling Chaamundayei Vichche ||

Aapad Uddharak Batuk Bheirav Mantra

|| Om Hreem Batukaay Aapad Uddhaaraay Kuru Kuru Batukaay Hreem Om Swaahaa. ||

Unmatt Bheirav Mantra

|| Om Un Unmattaay Bhram Bhram Bheiravaay Namah. ||

Kaal Bheirav Mantra

|| Om Bheiravaay Vam Vam Vam Hraam Shrom Namah. ||

Planet Sun Mantra

|| Om Hraam Hreem Hroum Sah Suryaay Namah. ||

Planet Jupiter Mantra

|| Om Graam Greem Groum Sah Guruve Namah. ||

Planet Rahu Mantra

|| Om Praam Preem Proum Sah Rahave Namah. ||

Planet Ketu Mantra

|| Om Shraam Shreem Shroum Sah Ketave Namah. ||

Planet Mars Mantra

|| Om Kraam Kreem Kroum Sah Bhomaye Namah. ||

Planet Moon Mantra

|| Om Shraam Shreem Shroum Sah Chandramase Namah. ||

Planet Saturn Mantra

|| Om Praam Preem Proum Sah Saneiye Namah. ||

Planet Venus Mantra

|| Om Praam Preem Proum Sah Shukraaye Namah. ||
Planet Mercury Mantra
|| Om Braam Breem Broum Sah Budhaaye Namah. ||

Apsara Rambha Mantra

|| Om Hreem Ram Rambhe! Aagachh Aagyaam Paalay Manovaanchhitam Dehi Ayeim
Om Swaahaa. ||

Apsara Anangmekhla Mantra

|| Om Hreem Ayeim Anangmekhalaayei Ayeim Hreem Om Phat ||

Apsara Pushpdeha Mantra

|| Hreem Gleem Bloum Pushp Deha Sukh Saubhagaya Dehi Dehi Mam Vashyam Bloum
Phat ||

Title: Re: Mantra for some diseases

Post by: marioban29 on February 04, 2008, 12:43:31 PM
01 Narasimha-Mantra Om Ugram Viram Mahavishnum Jvalantam Visvatomukham,
Nrisimham Bhishanam Bhadram Mrityumrityum Namamyaham.
02 Rama-Mantra Om Ramabhadra Maheshvasa Raghuvira Nripottama,
Bho Dasasyantakasmakam Raksham Kuru Sriyam Cha Me.
03 Krishna-Mantra I Om Krishnaya Vasudevaya Haraye Paramatmane,
Pranataklesanasaya Govindaya Namo Namah.
04 Krishna-Mantra II Om Krishnaya Vasudevaya Devakinandanaya Cha,
Nandagopakumaraya Govindaya Namo Namah
05 Krishna-Mantra III Om Krishnaya Yadavendraya Jnanamudraya Yogine,
Nathaya Rukminisaya Namo Vedantavedine.
06 Krishna-Mantra IV Om Vasudevasutam Devam Kamsachanuramardanam,
Devakiparamanandam Krishnam Vande Jagadgurum.
07 Hayagriva-Mantra Om Rigyajussamarupaya Vedaharanakarmane,
Pranavodgitavapushe Mahasvasirase Namah.

Guru Prayer

Guru Mantra

|| ||
Chetna Mantra
|| ||

Gayatri Mantra
|| ||
Guru Brahma Mantra
To gain spiritual upliftment
September 1999 issue
|| Om Bram Brahmaatvam Siddhim Gum Gurave Namah ||

Muladhar Chakra Mantra

For Activation of Muladhar Chakra
March 2000 issue
|| Om Lam Par Tatvaay Vam Sham Sham Sam Om Phat ||

Swaddhistthan Chakra Mantra

For activation of Swaddhistthan Chakra
April 2000 issue
|| Om Vam Vam Swaadhishtthaanam Jaagray Jaagray Vam Vam Om Phat ||

Manipur Chakra Mantra

For activation of Manipur Chakra
May 2000 issue
|| Om Ram Chakra Jaagrannay Mannipuraay Ram Om Phat ||

Anahat Chakra Jagran Mantra

For activation of Anahat Chakra
February 2000 (Hindi) issue
|| Om Yam Anaahatam Jaagray Jaagray Sfottay Om Sham ||

Vishuddh Chakra Mantra

For Activation of Vishuddh Chakra
August 2000 issue
|| Om Ham Vishuddh Jaagray Jaagray Tatva Beejaay Om Phat ||

Aagya Chakra Mantra

For Activation of Aagya Chakra
|| ||

Sahastrahaar Chakra Mantra

For Activation of Sahastrahaar Chakra
May 2000 issue
|| Om Hreem Sahastraaaram Jaagray Jaagray Sfotay Udbheday Ayeim Om Phat ||
Lord Siddheshwar Shiv Mantra
For fulfilment of wishes
January 2000 issue
|| Om Shreem Manovaanchhitam Dehi Om Om Namah Shivay ||

Lord Gorishwar Shiv Mantra

For fortune, Beauty and Wealth
January 2000 issue
|| Hreem Om Namah Shivaay Hreenm ||

Lord Paardeshwar Shiv Mantra

To worship Paarad (Solidified Mercury) Shivaling. To fulfil one's wishes
June 2000 issue
|| Om Sham Shambhavaay Paardeshwaraay Sashaktikaay Namah ||

Mahamritunjay Mantra
To overcome diseases, mishaps and fear of untimely death.
June 2000 issue
|| Om Hroum Joom Sah Bhoorbhuvah Swaaha. ||
|| Om Trayambakam Yajaamahe Sugandhinim Pushtivardhanam. ||
|| Urvaarukmiv Bandhanaanmrityormuksheeya Mahaamritaat Swah. ||
|| Swah Bhuvah Bhooh Om. ||
|| Sah Joom Hroum Om. ||

Lord Paashupataastrey Mantra

For Success in Sadhanas and good luck
June 2000 issue
|| Om Har, Maheshwar, Shoolpaanni, Pinaak Dhrik, Pashupati, Shiv Mahaadev Eeshaan
Namah Shivaay. ||

Lord Rudra Mantra

For a healthy body and happy mind
June 2000 issue
|| Om Sarva Aroghaay Rudraaye Hroum Kreem Phat.||

Lord Raameshwaram Shiv Mantra

To obtain wealth and success in task
June 2000 issue
|| Om Hloum Shivaay Shivparaay Phat. ||

Kaamnaa Siddhi Mantra

For fulfilment of one's wishes through the divine grace of Lord Shiva
June 2000 issue
|| Om Saamb Sadaashivaay Namah. ||

Lord Kuber Mantra

To gain wealth, fortune, comforts and prosperity
June 2000 issue
|| Om Shreem Om Hreem Shreem Hreem Kleem Shreem Kleem Vitteswaraay Namah. ||

Goddess Kanakdhara Mantra

For wealth and prosperity
Various issues
|| Om Vam Shreem Vam Ayeim Hreem Kleem Kanakdhaaraayei Namah ||

ShreeYantra Mantra
To gain Wealth
September 1999 issue
|| Om Shreem Hreem Shreem Mahaalakshmyei Shreem Hreem Shreem Namah ||

Vyapaar Lakshmi Mantra

For success in business
April 1994 issue
|| Om Shreem Hreem Shreem Kamale Kamalaalaye Praseed Praseed Shreem Hreem
Shreem Om Maha Laxmayei Namah ||

MahaLakshmi Mantra
For Wealth and Prosperity

|| ||

Ganpati Prayer Mantra

Ganpati Prayer
Various issues

Chintamani Ganpati Mantra

To remove all problems in life
Various issues
|| Om Shreem Hreem Shreem Chintamani Ganpatyei Vaanchitaarth Pooray Pooray
Lakshmidaayak Kridhim Vridhim Kuru Kuru SarvSokhayam Soubhagayam Kuru Kuru
Shreem Hreem Shreem Om ||

Lakshmi Vinaayak Mantra

For all round Progress in life
November 1999 issue
|| Om Shreem Gam Soumyaay Gannpataye Var Varade Sarvajanam Me Vasmaanay
Swaahaa ||

Ganpati Mantra
For Sound Physique
April 1994 issue
|| Gan Ganpataye Namah ||

Kaamya Ganpati Mantra

For fulfilment of wishes
June 2000 issue
|| Om Gam Goum Gannapataye Vignanaashine Swaahaa. ||

Uchhisht Ganpati Mantra

For riddance from effect of evil rituals/black magic
June 2000 issue
|| Om Gam Hum Tantra Baadhaa Nivaarannaay Shreem Ganneshaay Swaahaa. ||

Sumukh Ganpati Mantra

To obtain physical beauty and magnetism in personality
April 2000 issue
|| Om Sham Shemam Roopam Soubhagya Deeptaye Deeptaye Phat. ||

Aapad Uddharak Batuk Bheirav Mantra

For Solutions to problems of life
April 2000 issue
|| Om Hreem Batukaay Aapad Uddhaaraay Kuru Kuru Batukaay Hreem Om Swaahaa. ||

Unmatt Bheirav Mantra

For the ill and the childless
April 2000 issue
|| Om Un Unmattaay Bhram Bhram Bheiravaay Namah. ||

Kaal Bheirav Mantra

For Allaying fear of foes, accidents and death
April 2000 issue
|| Om Bheiravaay Vam Vam Vam Hraam Shrom Namah. ||

Planet Sun Mantra

To obtain all round success
Various issues
|| Om Hraam Hreem Hroum Sah Suryaay Namah. ||

Planet Jupiter Mantra

To obtain all round success
Various issues
|| Om Graam Greem Groum Sah Guruve Namah. ||

Planet Rahu Mantra

To obtain all round success
Various issues
|| Om Praam Preem Proum Sah Rahave Namah. ||

Planet Ketu Mantra

To obtain all round success
Various issues
|| Om Shraam Shreem Shroum Sah Ketave Namah. ||

Planet Jupiter Mantra

To obtain all round success
Various issues

Planet Mars Mantra

To obtain all round success
Various issues
|| Om Kraam Kreem Kroum Sah Bhomaye Namah. ||

Planet Moon Mantra

To obtain all round success
Various issues
|| Om Shraam Shreem Shroum Sah Chandramase Namah. ||

Planet Saturn Mantra

To obtain all round success
Various issues
|| Om Praam Preem Proum Sah Saneiye Namah. ||

Planet Venus Mantra

To obtain all round success
Various issues
|| Om Praam Preem Proum Sah Shukraaye Namah. ||

Planet Mercury Mantra

To obtain all round success
Various issues
|| Om Braam Breem Broum Sah Budhaaye Namah. ||

Apsara Rambha Mantra

For manifestation of Apsara and fulfilment of wishes
May 2000 issue
|| Om Hreem Ram Rambhe! Aagachh Aagyaam Paalay Manovaanchhitam Dehi Ayeim
Om Swaahaa. ||

Apsara Anangmekhla Mantra

For manifestation of Apsara and fulfilment of wishes
September 1999 issue
|| Om Hreem Ayeim Anangmekhalaayei Ayeim Hreem Om Phat ||

Apsara Pushpdeha Mantra

For manifestation of Apsara and fulfilment of wishes
April 1994 issue
|| Hreem Gleem Bloum Pushp Deha Sukh Saubhagaya Dehi Dehi Mam Vashyam Bloum
Phat ||

Shodash Yogini Mantra

To obtain success in every field
July 2000 issue
|| Om Ayeim Hreem Kleem Shreem Vram Shroum Dhrim Sham Drim Kreem Hleem
Nrim Prom Yam Sham Gum Shodash Yoginyei Namah. ||

Hypnotism Keshav Mantra

To Hypnotise by grace of Lord Krishna
July 2000 issue
|| Kleem Keshvaay Namah ||

Govind Mantra
For fulfilment of wishes
July 2000 issue
|| Om Shreem Kleem Krishnnaay Govindaay Hreem Om Swaahaa. ||

Madhusoodan Mantra
For riddance from enemies
July 2000 issue
|| Om Shree Krishnnaay Asuraakraant Bhaarhaarinne Namah. ||

Mahabaahu Mantra
To obtain physical strength
July 2000 issue
|| Om Nrim Narsinghaay Bal Pradaay Mahaabaahave Hreem Om Phat. ||

Goddess MahaKali Mahavidya Mantra

Mantra of one of the most powerful Tantra deity (Mahavidya)
Various issues
|| Kreem Kreem Kreem Hreem Hreem Houm Houm Dakshin Kalike Kreem Kreem
Kreem Hreem Hreem Houm Houm Sawaahaa. ||

Goddess Tara Mahavidya Mantra

Mantra of one of the most powerful Tantra deity (Mahavidya)
Various issues
|| Om Hreem Treem Houm Phat ||

Goddess Shodashi Tripur Sundari Mahavidya Mantra

Mantra of one of the most powerful Tantra deity (Mahavidya)
Various issues
|| Om Hreem Ka A Ee La Hreem Hasakahalahreem Sakalahreem ||
Goddess Bhuvaneshwari Mahavidya Mantra
Mantra of one of the most powerful Tantra deity (Mahavidya)
Various issues
|| Om Hreem Om ||

Goddess Chhinmasta Mahavidya Mantra

Mantra of one of the most powerful Tantra deity (Mahavidya)
Various issues
|| Shreem Hreem Kleem Ayeim Vajra Veirochaniye Houm Houm Phat Sawaahaa ||

Goddess Tripur Bheiravi Mahavidya Mantra

Mantra of one of the most powerful Tantra deity (Mahavidya)
Various issues
|| Haseih Hasakari Haseih ||

Goddess Matangi Mahavidya Mantra

Mantra of one of the most powerful Tantra deity (Mahavidya)
Various issues
|| Om Hreem Ayeim Shreem Namo Bhagwati Uchchishtchaandaalini Shree
Matangeshwari Sarvajanvanshkari Sawaahaa ||

Goddess Kamala Mahavidya Mantra

Mantra of one of the most powerful Tantra deity (Mahavidya)
Various issues
|| Ayeim Hreem Shreem Kleem Souh Jagatprasutayei Namah ||

Goddess Dhoomavati Mahavidya Mantra

Mantra of one of the most powerful Tantra deity (Mahavidya)
Various issues
|| Dhoom Dhoom Dhoomavati Thah Thah ||

Goddess Baglamukhi Mahavidya Mantra

Mantra of one of the most powerful Tantra deity (Mahavidya)
Various issues
|| Om Hleem Baglamukhi Sarvdushtaanam Vaacham Mukham Padam Stambhaye Jhivya
Keelay Budhim Vinaashay Hleem Om Phat ||

Navarann Mantra
For all round success
Various issues
|| Aing Hring Kling Chaamundayei Vichche ||



||Om Hoom Hanumate Rudratamakaye Hoom Phut Swaha||

This mantra is to Lord Hanuman, the "monkey god", who is the greatest devotee of Lord
Rama. The stroy of His exploits are famous from the epic "Ramayana" (also known as
the "Ramakyen" in Thailand) He is said to give good qualities of character.

Lord Hanuman Protection Mantra

For protection from all diseases, dangers and misfortunes in future
October 1999 issue
|| Om Namo Bhagwate Aanjaneyaay Mahaabalaay Hanumate Namah. ||

Lord Hanuman Success Matra

For Success in Tasks
Various issues
|| Om Hanumate Namah ||

Lord Hanuman Manifestation Matra

Ritual for Manifestation
March 2000 issue
|| Om Namo Hanumantaay Aaveshay Aaveshay Swaahaa ||

Lord Hanuman Confidence Matra

To Boost your Selfconfidence
March 2000 issue
|| Om Hum Om Hum Om Hanumate Phat ||

Kartikeya Mantra
To Remove all misfortune
November 1999 issue
|| Om Kam Ksham Kam Kaartikeyaay Phat ||

Mantra to Remove Obstacles

Various Issues
|| Om Kleem Kaleshnaashay Kleem Phat ||

Mantra for Honourable Social Status

April 1994 issue
|| Om Hreem Ayeim Vighna Nashaaya Phat ||

Mantra for Realisation of God

April 1994 issue
|| Om Brahmatmane Ishta Darshaya Darshaya Hoom ||

Mantra to Conquer Enemy

April 1994 issue
|| Om Kreem Kreem Kreem Hleem Hleem 'Amuk' Shatru Maraya Maraya Hleem Kreem
Kreem Kreem Phat ||

Title: Mantra for all diseases including socalled incurable diseases!

Post by: marioban29 on May 09, 2008, 06:45:32 AM
Ancient Sacred Chants

In chapter 17 of Bhagwadgita, one of the most sacred texts of the Hindus. Lord Krishna
has said that the word Aum Signifies the omni presence of God.

(From the beginning of the universe) These three words are used to significant the omni
present God is Aum and it is said that the Aum came into being with the creation.
Aum is a musical bliss through the regular use of which, a restive heart and stressful
mind can achieve eternal peace and harmony and happiness of being at one with creator.



O. Lord Ganesha, of the large body, the curved trunk, who shines with the lustre of a
million suns, please make life and my work free of abstracles, forever.


The Goddess of wealth, prosperity & good luck. It is believed that sincere, heartfelt
prayers to this Goddess can unlock the doors of prosperity for each and everyone. It is
belived that the Goddess Mahalakshmi has eight forms or aspects, as the term ASHTA
LAKSHMI connotes. Only when one prays to all eight of them, one has prayed to her in






A Mantra is a divine combinations of divine vibrations, syllables or sounds. Which when

chanted with devotion, faith and emotions gravitate the concerned God or Goddess or
Deity and secure their divine blessings. Here SHREEM is the seed mantra for the
principle of abundance. It is the aspect of divine energy that brings abundance. An
abundance of material wealth, health, prosperity, family and friends. GAM represents the
divinity and energy of Lord Ganesha and through the Laxmi Ganesh mantra we seek to
invoke all their cosmic energies and realign them. So as to smoothen our path of attaining
wealth, health, prosperity & worldly happiness.




That is perfact : this is perfect ! What comes from such perfection is again truly perfect!
What remains if the perfection is negated is yet again perfect. May there be peace, peace,
perfect peace.




Oh Lord, lead me from the unreal to the ultimate reality, from the darkness to light, and
from the death of ignorance to the immortality of knowledge.




You are my Mother and father; You are my brother and companian; You alone are
knowledge and wealth. Oh Lord, you everything to me.




My oblisance to all Arihantas. My oblisance to all Siddhas. My oblisance to all

Acharyas. My oblisance to all Upadhyayas. My oblisance to all Sadhus (Saints) this five
fold salutation which destroys all sin is pre-eminent as the most auspicious of all
auspicious things.




Oh Goddess Parvati, consort of Shiva, who bestows well being and happiness into all, I
surrender before you. O Gauri, wife of Tryabaka (Shiva) and offer my salutations.




My salutations to you, Oh Lord Vishnu, seated in a peaceful posture on a snake, from

whose navel is emanating a lotus, the king of the gods, who is the support of the universe
whose colour is that of the clouds, with the graceful body. Oh consort of Laxmi, with
lotus eyes, one in peaceful meditation, one who removes all fears, you are the Lord of all
the world.




Aum, we worship Lord Shiva (The Three eyes done) who is full of fragrance and who
nourishes all beings, may he liberath from death, for the sake of immortality, just as the
ripe cucumber is severed from its bondage (of the creator) known as the Moksha Mantra
of Lord Shiva, Maha Mrityunjay Mantra evokes the Shiva with in and removes the tear of
death, liberating us from the cycle of death and rebirth.




May all attain happiness, May all be healthy, May all enjoy good fortune, May none
suffer misery and sorrow.



O Supreme Goddess, who dwells in all living beings as the kind loving mother, accept
my humble salutations our and our again.




Aum, I bow to Lord Shiva who is the creator and protector of the universe, who is the
greatest among Gods, who has three eyes, who is the annihilator of all the three words,
who is the master of the sacrifical fire of three kinds, who is the Lord of Pralaya, one
whose throat is blue, who is the conqueror of death, who is the Lord of all, who is always
propitious, who is possessed of all marks of greatness and who is the greatest amongst
Gods, to him my prostrations.

* May All Beings Be Happy *

Title: Re: Mantra for all diseases

Post by: marioban29 on May 19, 2008, 05:45:18 AM


It's a very common phenomenon occuring in a man’s life. A man’s ‘home’ is an integral
part of his life but very few people understand the important role, which it plays in his
elevation or downfall. The place where we spend half our life has the potential to make or
mar us. To prevent the ‘flaws’ of a particular place, a man must perform the ‘foundation-
laying’ ceremony with appropriate rituals after choosing an auspicious time for it.


One significant characteristics of Khaat-Muhurat ritual is that land, boar, tortoise and
Cobra are worshipped. The rituals of Khaat-Muhurat help to prevent all kinds of
inauspiciousness. Besides that, the worship of the site of building is a must.

The construction of the house having been accomplished, a man should not enter it until
it has been worshipped with appropriate Vastu mantras. This is necessary because it helps
him to atone for the sins of killing numerous creatures during the process of house

Countless living creatures(germs,etc) die during the process of house renovation and
hence it is necessary to atone for those sins committed inadvertently.
Therefore, it is necessary for a man to enter his newly constructed or renovated house
only after ‘Vastudev’ has been duly pacified.


The scriptural treasure of India contain two invaluable gems in the form of 'Durga
Saptashati' and 'Rudra Ashtadhyayi'.To call them 'Kalpavrikshas' (a celestial tree capable
of fulfilling any wish) would not be an exaggeration. Anybody can fulfill his/her any
wish by taking refuge under any of these two 'Kalpa-vrikshas'. These benedictory rituals
can be performed by anybody with the help of proficient pandits.

It's our effort to categorize these powerful mantras taken from 'Durga Saptashati' and
'Rudra ashtaadhyaayi' for the benefit of common people. These mantras give solutions to
all the problems a man normally comes across in his life. The objective behind giving
these mantras is to reveal their significance and also to give opportunity to common
people to benefit from them.

The following mantras are taken from 'Durga Saptashati'and 'Rudra Ashtadhyayi'.

1. To neutralize the ill effects of planets - Nav Chandi.

2. To become fearless - Nav Chandi.

3. For peace - Nav Chandi.

4. To get favours from high authorities and officials - Nav Chandi.

5. For accomplishing extraordinary and seemingly impossible tasks - Nav Chandi.

6. For happiness and prosperity -Durga Sapatashati.- (Durga)

7. For favourable court decisions and litigation - Durga Saptashati.- (Durga)

8. For victory against enemies - Durga Saptashati.- (Durga)

9. For debt-clearance - Durga Saptashati.- (Durga)

10. For salvation and liberation from all kinds of worldly bondages - Durga Saptashati.-

11. For the welfare of family and a long life.- Durga Saptashati.- (Durga)

12. To prevent any kind of natural calamity - Durga Saptashati.- (Durga)

13. For success in all walks of life and for authority and power - Durga Saptashati.-


1. To prevent any kind of calamity or misfortune.



2. To eliminate distress;to prevent catastrophe and for auspiciousness.



3. To eliminate all kinds of fears.





4. For liberation from gravest of sins.



5. To get cured from chronic and incurable diseases.




6. For good-health, good-fortune, name and fame.



7. For a beautiful wife.



8. To clear all kinds of hurdles and obstacles; for the destruction of enemies.



9. For a handsome husband






10. To eliminate all kinds of sorrows; for the attainment of happiness and peace.



11. For peace of mind.




12. To beget a child; to clear all kinds of hurdles and obstacles.



13. For all kinds of worldly enjoyments and pleasures; for salvation.



14. For professional success; for success in business and financial matters etc.





15. To eliminate poverty and all kinds of sorrows.





16. For protection against all kinds of dangers.


17. For knowledge and education.




18. To eliminate inauspiciousness and ill effects.



19. For wealth and prosperity.




20. For liberation from sins.



21. For salvation; for attaining to heaven.



22. To prevent untimely and premature death - Chanting of 'Durga-Saptashati-

Trayambak' mantra eliminates the threat of untimely death and

the person enjoys a long life.

23. To prevent untimely and premature death (another mantra)



The chanting of the above mentioned mantra in combination with 'Durga-Saptashati-

path' also prevents untimely and premature death.

24. For the prevention of epidemic.



Chanting of the above given mantra followed by ‘Durga-Saptashati-path’ helps in

preventing epidemic.

25. To regain lost authority; to retrieve lost wealth



Chanting of the above given mantra followed by 'Durga Saptashati path'( 100
repetitions) and simultaneous performance
of 'Yagya'(offerings made 1/10 of the total number of chantings made i.e.
Dashaansh-havan), helps in regaining lost authority,
power and wealth.

26. For the quick accomplishment of dificult and impossible tasks- 'Anulom-Durga-
Saptashati-Path' wherein study of Durgashapti is
made from beginning to end (Anulom). It is then followed by 'Vilom-Durga-
Saptashati-Path' wherein a reverse study of the holy
text is made. The ritual culminates by repeating 'Anulom-Durga-Saptashati-Path'
once again.

27. For debt clearance


Alternate chanting of above mantra in combination with each mantra of 'Durga-

Saptashati' helps to clear out the debts.

28. For knowledge, education and eliminating flaws in speech -


Alternate chanting of above given mantra in combination with each mantra of 'Durga
Saptashati' helps in attaining knowledge
and eliminating flaws in speech.

1. SANTAAN GOPAL MANTRA - Chanting of this mantra helps in begetting a son.



(One lakh chanting of the above mantra with simultaneous performance of

'Yagya'(offerings made for ten thousand
times i.e. 1/10th of the total chantings made) also helps in having a progeny.

2. SANTAAN GOPAL STOTRA - Study of this powerful stotra is very beneficial for a
man. It makes him healthy, wealthy and wise.
1008 repetitions of Santaan Gopal Stotra also helps in having a progeny.

3. LISTENING TO HARIVANSH PURAN - Many ways are described in the scriptures

for begetting a son. According to
Garuda Purana- ‘An intelligent man desirous of having a son must listen to the tales
of Harivanshpuran; if this effort does not bear
fruits then he should listen to the ‘Shata-Chandi-path’; if even this effort does not
bear fruits, then he should try to please
Lord Shiva by listening to ‘Maharudra path’.

An infertile woman desirous of a son should listen to ‘Harivansh puran for nine
consecutive days. Similarly couples having daughters
but desirous of a son should listen to 'Harivansh Puran'.

4. VISHNU YAAG - This particular 'Yagya' gives us liberation from sins. It liberates
us not only from sins of our present birth but also of
previous many births. Anybody who performs 'Vishnu Yagya' is definite to attain
salvation. He attains to the abode of Lord Vishnu
after his death.

One who Performs this Yagya becomes liberated from all kinds of miseries and
sorrows and attains peace not only in this world but
also in the other after his death. If, due to any reason, a man remains without a
progeny, performance of this 'Yagya' helps in by
begetting a child.
1. The presiding deity of this 'Yagya' is Lord Vishnu.
2. Chantings of 10,000 Purush sukta are made.
3. Havan is performed for one-tenth of the chanting made i.e. 1000 times.
4. If a devotee is desirous of performing an independent ‘havan’ in addition to the
above mentioned one,
then it should be performed similarly i.e. chanting of 'Purush-sukta' mantras (10,000
times) and making
offering in the 'Havan-kund' for (1000 times).
5. SURYA MANTRA - Chanting of this mantra for 8,00,000 times brings inexplicable
virtues and benefit to a man.
Chanting of Surya Mantra has numerous benefits like the chanter is blessed with
peace, prosperity and a long life
free from diseases. Daily chanting of Surya Mantra helps in getting cured from
disease like blood- pressure, heart and skin diseases.


Note: It has been our effort to give solutions to all the problems that a man normally
faces in his daily life. These solutions are based on
our scriptures and holy texts. If you don’t find your problem among them and are
desperately seeking a solution to it you can contact us.

6. NETROPANISHAT: Chanting of 'Netropanishat- Stotra' or 'Aaditya-Hridaya-stotra'

is extremely beneficial for people with poor eye sight.
The number of chantings varies according to the severity of the eye-sight problem.
End Of Spiritual Remedies.



There are twenty-seven constellations (Nakshatras) in all some of which are considered
inauspicious. These inauspicious constellations are known as Mool Nakshatras.



Meaning -
A child born in the first stage of the 'Moola Nakshatra' brings destruction to his father,
In the second stage- to his mother,
In the third stage- to wealth and property.
A child born in the fourth stage of the 'Moola-Nakshatra' though remains harmless but it
is better if the rituals are performed for the pacification of this Nakshatra because it
eliminates the fears and apprehensions that is generally associated with the name 'Mool-

If a child is born in any of the following Mool Nakshatras, the pacification becomes
mandatory to neutralize the ill effects -

A child born in ‘Moola’ Nakshatra.

A child born in ‘Jyeshtha’ Nakshatra.

A child born in ‘Ashlesha’ Nakshatra.

A child born in ‘Magha’ Nakshatra.

A child born in ‘Revati’ Nakshatra.

A child born in ‘Ashwini’ Nakshatra.

The last two ‘ghati’ of Revati, Ashlesha and Jyeshtha Nakshatras being ‘Nakshatra-
gandaant’ period, are also considered inauspicious. They are also known as 'Abhookta-
Mool' and their pacification must be performed for the neutralization of their ill-effects.

Apart from these inauspicious constellations, there are also some particular YOGA,
which gives inauspicious efects; for example 'Vaidhriti-Yoga' and 'Vyatipaat-Yoga', etc.


Worship of Rudra, Surya and Chandrama helps in neutralizing the ill effects of Vaidhriti


Worship of Surya, Agni and Rudra helps in the neutralizing the ill effects of Vyatipat

1) TRIK PRASAV SHANTI : A girl child born after three successive boys; or a boy born
after three successive girls is considered inauspicious according to Indian astrology. In
such a case, it is necessary to perform this particular ritual to neutralize the ill effects
otherwise there is a fear of a harm to the whole family.


2) BIRTH IN THE SAME CONSTELLATION: If two brothers are born in the same
constellation; or if both father and son are born in the same zodiac signs, then it is
considered to be very inauspicious.
3) BIRTH ON INAUSPICIOUS DAYS: The 'Tithis' mentioned below are considered
inauspicious and their propitiation are a must to neutralize their ill effects.

Krishna-Chaturdashi (fourteen day of the dark lunar month).

Akshay Tithi.
eclipse period.
Second and third stages of ‘Pushya’ constellation.
First stage of both ‘Ashlesha’ and ‘Magha’.
First stage of of Uttara-ashadha, Uttarabhadra-paksha an Uttara-phalguni.


Vishakha, Uttarashadha and Purva-bhadrapad are called ‘tripod-constellation’. Ritual for
the pacification of the ill effects of TRIPAD-NAKSHATRA is a must otherewise there is
a fear of great dangers to the child sometimes even death.

5) KAALSARPA YOGA : If,in a horoscope, all the planets are placed between
Dragon’s-head (Rahu) and Dragon’s- tail (Ketu), it is considered to be a Kaalsarpa yoga.
According to Indian astrology, there are many types of Kaal Sarpa yoga-

If inauspicious planets like Mars and Saturn are placed on the opposite side of ‘Rahu’ and
‘Ketu’, then it is considered to be a partial Kaalsarpa Yoga. In the partial Kaalsarpa
Yoga, the effects are not as powerful as Kaalsarpa Yoga.

A man having a Kaalsarpa Yoga in his horoscope faces problems of multitude nature-
instability in his life, bereft of progeny, mental disturbance.

6) MANGLIK: A girl is considered to be a Mangalik, if the Mars is placed either in the

first, fourth, seventh, eighth or twelfth house of her horoscope.

A girl having a ‘Mangalik dosha’ or ‘Vishakanya Yoga’ present in her horoscope has a
threat of becoming a widow. A ‘kumbha-Vivaha’ is a must for such a girl.


5. OBSTACLES CAUSED BY - ILL effects of a Particular Planets
Title: Re: Mantra for all diseases
Post by: marioban29 on June 07, 2008, 04:58:18 AM

Home > Spiritual Research > Spiritual healing

There are various spiritual remedies to alleviate the difficulties in our life. They are
as follows.
Section 1 - Articles on spiritual healing
Section 2 - FAQs on Spiritual healing methods
Section 3 - Spiritual healing remedies
Healing remedies on oneself

Chanting as a spiritual remedy for mental illnesses

Chanting as a spiritual remedy for physical illnesses


Part 1: Spiritual healing chants for mental illnesses

Part 2: Spiritual healing chants for physical illnesses

Title: Mantra for many diseases

Post by: marioban29 on June 09, 2008, 06:44:54 AM
Home > Spiritual Research > Spiritual healing > Spiritual healing chants for mental

Restlessness, fear or pressure

Om Gan Ganapataye Namahaa - Sree Durgaadevyai Namahaa


Om Gan Ganapataye Namahaa - Sree Gurudev Datta



Om Namo Bhagavate Vaasudevaaya - Sree Gurudev Datta



Sree Durgaadevyai Namahaa - Sree Gurudev Datta



Sree Gurudev Datta - Om Gan Ganapataye Namahaa


Thoughts about self-harm

Sree Durgaadevyai Namahaa - Om Namah Shivaaya - Om Namo Bhagavate

Vaasudevaaya – Sree Hanumate Namahaa


Thoughts about harming others

Om Namo Bhagavate Vaasudevaaya - Sree Durgaadevyai Namahaa


Thoughts about harming Saints

Om Namah Shivaaya - Om Namo Bhagavate Vaasudevaaya - Sree Durgaadevyai

Namahaa - Sreeraama Jai Raama Jai Jai Raama


Sexual thoughts
Sree Durgaadevyai Namahaa - Om Namah Shivaaya - Om Namo Bhagavate


Seeing sexually titillating scenes

Om Namah Shivaaya - Sree Durgaadevyai Namahaa - Om Namo Bhagavate




Om Namah Shivaaya - Sree Gurudev Datta - Om Gan Ganapataye Namahaa


Home > Spiritual Research > Spiritual healing > Spiritual healing chants for physical

Frequent common cold

Sree Durgaadevyai Namahaa


Mouth ulcers

Om Namo Bhagavate Vaasudevaaya – Om Namah Shivaaya



Om Gan Ganapataye Namahaa - Om Namo Bhagavate Vaasudevaaya


Om Gan Ganapataye Namahaa



Sree Durgaadevyai Namahaa


Pain in lower abdomen

Sree Durgaadevyai Namahaa - Om Namah Shivaaya - Om Namo Bhagavate



Pain in various organs

Sree Durgaadevyai Namahaa - Om Namo Bhagavate Vaasudevaaya



Om Gan Ganapataye Namahaa - Om Namah Shivaaya - Sree Durgaadevyai Namahaa



Sree Durgaadevyai Namahaa - Om Namah Shivaaya - Om Gan Ganapataye Namahaa


Lumps in muscles

Om Namo Bhagavate Vaasudevaaya

Bending of bones

Sree Raama Jai Raama Jai Jai Raama - Om Namo Bhagavate Vaasudevaaya



Om Namo Bhagavate Vaasudevaaya – Sree Gurudev Datta


Excessive Sleep

Sree Gurudev Datta - Om Gan Ganapataye Namahaa


Om Gan Ganapataye Namahaa - Om Namo Bhagavate Vaasudevaaya


Inability to speak

Sree Durgaadevyai Namahaa - Om Namah Shivaaya


Paralysis of a part of body

Om Namah Shivaaya - Om Gan Ganapataye Namahaa



Om Gan Ganapataye Namahaa - Om Namah Shivaaya



Om Namah Shivaaya

Increase in hunger

Sree Gurudev Datta


Lack of Hunger

Om Gan Ganapataye Namahaa

Nausea before meals

Om Namah Shivaaya - Sree Gurudeva Datta



Om Namo Bhagavate Vaasudevaaya - Sree Durgaadevyai Namahaa



Om Namo Bhagavate Vaasudevaaya - Om Gan Ganapataye Namahaa


Reduction in haemoglobin level in blood

Om Namah Shivaaya - Om Gan Ganapataye Namahaa


Experience of sexual assault

Om Namah Shivaaya - Sree Durgaadevyai Namahaa


Sree Durgaadevyai Namahaa - Om Namah Shivaaya - Om Namo Bhagavate


Itching in loins

Sree Durgaadevyai Namahaa - Om Namah Shivaaya


to be cont. follow: Home > Spiritual Research > Spiritual healing > Spiritual healing
chants for mental illnesses

Title: Mantra for all diseases

Post by: marioban29 on June 16, 2008, 05:40:19 AM
Mantra Yoga

1. Mantra Yoga is an exact science. ‘Mananat trayate iti mantrah’—by the Manana
(constant thinking or recollection) of which one is released from the round of births and
deaths, is Mantra.
2. Every Mantra has a Rishi who gave it to the world; a Matra or metre which governs
the inflection of the voice; a Devata or a supernatural being; the Bija or seed which gives
it a special power; the Sakti or the energy of the form of the Mantra; and the Kilakam or
the pillar which supports and makes the Mantra strong.
3. A Mantra is Divinity, Mantra and its presiding Devata are one. The Mantra itself is
Devata. Mantra is divine power, Daivi Sakti, manifesting in a sound-body. Constant
repetition of the Mantra with faith, devotion and purity augments the Sakti or power of
the aspirant, purifies and awakens the Mantra Chaitanya latent in the Mantra and bestows
on the Sadhaka Mantra Siddhi, illumination, freedom, peace, eternal bliss, immortality.
4. By constant repetition of the Mantra the Sadhaka imbibes the virtues and powers of
the Deity that presides over the Mantra. Repetition of Surya Mantra bestows health, long
life, vigour, vitality, Tejas or brilliance. It removes all diseases of the body and the
diseases of the eye. No enemy can do any harm. Repetition of Aditya-hridayam in the
early morning is highly beneficial. Lord Rama conquered Ravana through the repetition
of Aditya-hridayam imparted by Agastya Rishi.
5. Mantras are in the form of praise and appeal to the deities, craving for help and
mercy. Some Mantras control and command the evil spirits. Rhythmical vibrations of
sound give rise to forms. Recitation of the Mantras gives rise to the formation of the
particular figure of the deity.
6. Repetition of Sarasvati Mantra ‘OM Sarasvatyai Namah’ will bestow on you wisdom
and good intelligence. You will get inspiration and compose poems. Repetition of ‘Om
Sri Mahalakshmyai Namah’ will confer on you wealth and remove poverty. Ganesha
Mantra will remove any obstacle in any undertaking. Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra will
remove accidents, incurable diseases and bestow long life and immortality. It is a Moksha
Mantra too.
7. Repetition of Subrahmanya Mantra ‘Om Saravanabhavaya Namah’ will give success
in any undertaking and make you glorious. It will drive off the evil influences and evil
spirits. Repetition of Sri Hanuman Mantra, ‘Om Hanumanthaya Namah’ will bestow
victory and strength. Repetition of Panchadasakshara and Sodasakshara (Sri Vidya) will
give you wealth, power, freedom, etc. It will give you whatever you want. You must
learn this Vidya from a Guru alone.
8. Repetition of Gayatri or Pranava or Om Namah Sivaya, Om Namo Narayanaya, Om
Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya, one and a quarter lakh of times with Bhava, faith and
devotion will confer on you Mantra Siddhi.
9. OM, Soham, Sivoham, Aham Brahmasmi are Moksha Mantras. They will help you
to attain Self-realisation. Om Sri Ramaya Namah, Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya are
Saguna Mantras which will enable you to attain Saguna realisation first and then Nirguna
realisation in the end.
10. Mantra for curing scorpion stings and cobra bites should be repeated on eclipse days
for getting Mantra Siddhi quickly. You should stand in the water and repeat the Mantra.
This is more powerful and effective. They can be recited on ordinary days also for
attaining Mantra-Siddhi.
11. Mantra Siddhi for curing scorpion sting, cobra bites, etc., can be attained within 40
days. Repeat the Mantra with faith and devotion regularly. Have sitting in the early
morning after taking bath. Observe Brahmacharya and live on milk and fruits for 40 days
or take restricted diet.
12. Chronic diseases can be cured by Mantras. Chanting of Mantras generate potent
spiritual waves or divine vibrations. They penetrate the physical and astral bodies of the
patients and remove the root causes of sufferings. They fill the cells with pure Sattva or
divine energy. They destroy the microbes and vivify the cells and tissues. They are best,
most potent antiseptics and germicides. They are more potent than ultra-violet rays or
Roentgen rays.
13. Mantra Siddhi should not be misused for the destruction of others. Those who
misuse the Mantra power for destroying others are themselves destroyed in the end.
14. Those who utilise the Mantra power in curing snake bites, scorpion stings and
chronic diseases should not accept any kind of presents or money. They must be
absolutely unselfish. They should not accept even fruits or clothes. They will lose the
power if they utilise the power for selfish purposes. If they are absolutely unselfish, if
they serve the humanity with Sarvatma Bhava, their power will increase through the
grace of the Lord.
15. He who attained Mantra Siddhi can cure cobra bite or scorpion sting or any chronic
disease by mere touch on the affected part. When a man is bitten by a cobra a telegram is
sent to the Mantra Siddha. The Mantra Siddha recites the Mantra and the man who is
bitten by a cobra is cured. What a grand marvel! Does this not prove the tremendous
power of Mantra?
16. Get the Mantra initiation from your Guru. Or pray to your Ishta Devata and start
doing Japa of the particular Mantra, if you find it difficult to get a Guru.
17. May you all become Mantra Yogis with Mantra Siddhi! May you all become real
benefactors of the world by becoming divine healers through Mantra cure! May Mantra
cure, divine healing centres be started all over the world!


Title: Mantra for all diseases

Post by: marioban29 on June 16, 2008, 05:48:12 AM

Shabda, or sound, which is of the Brahman, and as such the cause of the Brahmanda, is
the manifestation of the Chit-shakti Itself. The Vishva-sara Tantra says that tha Para-
brahman, as Shabda-brahman, whose substance is all mantra, exists in the body of the
jivatma. It is either unlettered (dhvani) or lettered (varna). The former, which produces
the latter, is the subtle aspect of the jiva’s vital shakti. As the Prapancha-sara states, the
brahmanda is pervaded by shakti, consisting of dhvani, also called nada, prana, and the
like. The manifestation of the gross form (sthula) of shabda is not possible unless shabda
exists in a subtle (sukshma) form. Mantras are all aspects of the Brahman and
manifestations of Kula-kundalini. Philosophically shabda is the guna of akasha, or
ethereal space. It is not, however, produced by akasha, but manifests in it. Shabda is itself
the Brahman. In the same way, however, as in outer space, waves of sound are produced
by movements of air (vayu); so in the space within the jiva’s body waves of sound are
produced according to the movements of the vital air (prana-vayu) and the process of
inhalation and exhalation. Shabda first appears at the muladhara, and that which is known
to us as such is, in fact, the shakti which gives life to the jiva. She it is who, in the
muladhara, is the cause of the sweet indistinct and murmuring dhvani, which sounds like
the humming of a black bee.

The extremely subtle aspect of sound which first appears in the Muladhara is called para;
less subtle when it has reached the heart, it is known as pashyanti. When connected with
buddhi it becomes more gross, and is called madhyama. Lastly, in its fully gross form, it
issues from the mouth as vaikhari. As Kula-Kundalini, whose substance is all varna and
dhvani, is but the manifestation of, and Herself the Paramatma; so the substance of all
mantra is chit, notwithstanding their external manifestation, as sound, letters, or words; in
fact, the letters of the alphabet, which are known as akshara, are nothing but the yantra of
the akshara, or imperishable Brahman. This, however, is only realized by the sadhaka
when his shakti, generated by sadhana, is united with the mantra-shakti.

It is the sthula or gross form of Kulakundalini, appearing in different aspects as different

Devata, which is the presiding Devata (adhishthatri) of all mantra, though it is the subtle
or sukshma form at which all sadhakas aim. When the mantrashakti is awakened by
sadhana the Presiding Devata appears, and when perfect mantra-siddhi is acquired, the
Devata, who is sachchidananda, is revealed. The relations of varna, nada, vindu, vowel
and consonant in a mantra, indicate the appearance of Devata in different forms. Certain
vibhuti, or aspects, of the Devata are inherent in certain varna, but perfect Shakti does not
appear in any but a whole mantra. Any word or letter of the mantra cannot be a mantra.
Only that mantra in which the playful Devata has revealed any of Her particular aspects
can reveal that aspect, and is therefore called the individual mantra of that one of Her
particular aspects. The form of a particular Devata, therefore, appears out of the particular
mantra of which that Devata is the adhishthatri Devata.

A mantra is composed of certain letters arranged in definite sequence of sounds of which

the letters are the representative signs. To produce the designed effect mantra must be
intoned in the proper way, according to svara (rhythm), and varna (sound). Their textual
source is to be found in Veda, Purana, and Tantra. The latter is essentially the mantra-
shastra, and so it is said of the embodied shastra, that Tantra, which consists of mantra, is
the paramatma, the Vedas are the jivatma, Darshana (systems of philosophy) are the
senses, Puranas are the body, and Smriti are the limbs. Tantra is thus the shakti of
consciousness, consisting of mantra. A mantra is not the same thing as prayer or self-
dedication (atma-nivedana). Prayer is conveyed in what words the worshipper chooses,
and bears its meaning on its face. It is only ignorance of shastrik principle which
supposes that mantra is merely the name for the words in which one expresses what one
has to say to the Divinity. If it were, the sadhaka might choose his own language without
recourse to the eternal and determined sounds of Shastra.

A mantra may, or may not, convey on its face its meaning. Vija (seed) mantra, such as
Aing, Kling, Hring, have no meaning, according to the ordinary use of language. The
initiate, however, knows that their meaning is the own form (sva-rupa) of the particular
Devata, whose mantra they are, and that they are the dhvani which makes all letters
sound and which exists in all which we say or hear. Every mantra is, then, a form (rupa)
of the Brahman. Though, therefore, manifesting in the form and sound of the letters of the
alphabet, Shastra says that they go to Hell who think that the Guru is but a stone, and the
mantra but letters of the alphabet.

From manana, or thinking, arises the real understanding of the monistic truth, that the
substance of the Brahman and the brahmanda are one and the same. Man- of mantra
comes from the first syllable of manana, and -tra from trana, or liberation from the
bondage of the sangsara or phenomenal world. By the combination of man- and -tra, that
is called mantra which calls forth (amantrana), the chatur-varga (vide post), or four aims
of sentient being. Whilst, therefore, mere prayer often ends in nothing but physical sound,
mantra is a potent compelling force, a word of power (the fruit of which is mantra-
siddhi), and is thus effective to produce the chatur-varga, advaitic perception, and mukti.
Thus it is said that siddhi is the certain result of japa (q.v.). By Mantra the sought for
(sadhya) Devata, is attained and compelled. By siddhi in mantra is opened the vision of
the three worlds. Though the purpose of worship (puja), reading (patha), hymn (stava),
sacrifice (homa), dhyana, dharana, and samadhi (vide post), and that of the diksha-mantra
are the same, yet the latter is far more powerful, and this for the reason that, in the first,
the sadhaka’s sadhana-shakti only operates, whilst in the case of mantra that sadhana-
shakti works, in conjunction with mantra-shakti, which has the revelation and force of
fire, and than which nothing is more powerful. The special mantra which is received at
initiation (diksha) is the vija, or seed mantra, sown in the field of the sadhaka’s heart, and
the Tantrik sandhya, nyasa, puja, and the like are the stem and branches upon which
hymns of praise (stuti) and prayer and homage (vandana) are the leaves and flower, and
the kavacha, consisting of mantra, the fruit.

Mantra are solar (saura) and lunar (saumya), and are masculine, feminine, or neuter. The
solar are masculine and lunar feminine. The masculine and neuter forms are called
mantra. The feminine mantra is known as vidya. The neuter mantra, such as the Pauranik-
mantra, ending with namah, are said to lack the force and vitality of the others. The
masculine and feminine mantra end differently. Thus, Hung, Phat, are masculine
terminations, and "thang," or svaha, are feminine ones.

The Nitya Tantra gives various names to mantra. according to the number of their
syllables, a one-syllabled mantra being called pinda, a three-syllabled one kartari, a
mantra with four to nine syllables vija, with ten to twenty syllables mantra, and mantra
with more than twenty syllables mala. Commonly, however, the term vija is applied to
monosyllabic mantra. The Tantrik mantras called vija (seed) are so named because they
are the seed of the fruit, which is siddhi, and because they are the very quintessence of
mantra. They are short, unetymological vocables, such as Hring, Shring, Kring, Hung,
Aing, Phat, etc., which will be found throughout the text. Each Devata has His or Her
vija. The primary mantra of a Devata is known as the root mantra (mula-mantra). It is
also said that the word mula denotes the subtle body of the Devata called Kama-kala. The
utterance of a mantra without knowledge of its meaning or of the mantra method is a
mere movement of the lips and nothing more. The mantra sleeps. There are various
processes preliminary to, and involved in, its right utterance, which processes again
consist of mantra, such as, purification of the mouth (mukha-shodhana), purification of
the tongue (jihva-shodhana), and of the mantra (ashaucha-bhanga), kulluka, nirvvana,
setu, nidra-bhanga, awakening of mantra, mantra-chaitanya, or giving of life or vitality to
the mantra. Mantrarthabhavana, forming of mental image of the Divinity. There are also
ten sangskara of the mantra. Dipani is seven japa of the vija, preceded and followed by
one. Where hring is employed instead of Ong it is prana-yoga. Yoni-mudra is meditation
on the Guru in the head and on the Ishta-devata in the heart, and then on the Yoni-rupa
Bhagavati from the head to the muladhara, and from the muladhara to the head, making
japa of the yoni vija (eng) ten times. The mantra itself is Devata. The worshipper
awakens and vitalizes it by chit-shakti, putting away all thought of the letter, piercing the
six Chakra, and contemplating the Spotless One. The shakti of the mantra is the vachaka-
shakti, or the means by which the vachya-shakti or object of the mantra is attained. The
mantra lives by the energy of the former. The saguna-shanti is awakened by sadhana and
worshipped, and She it is who opens the portals whereby the vachya-shakti is reached.
Thus the Mother in Her saguna form is the presiding deity (adhishthatri Devata) of the
Gayatri-mantra. As the nirguna (formless) One, She is its vachya-shakti. Both are in
reality one and the same; but the jiva, by the laws of his nature and its three guna, must
first meditate on the gross (sthula) form before he can realize the subtle (sukshma) form,
which is his liberator.

The mantra of a Devata is the Devata. The rhythmical vibrations of its sounds not merely
regulate the unsteady vibrations of the sheaths of the worshipper, thus transforming him,
but from it arises the form of the Devata, which it is. Mantra-siddhi is the ability to make
a mantra efficacious and to gather its fruit in which case the mantra is called mantra-
siddha. Mantra are classified as siddha, sadhya, susiddha, and ari, according as they are
friends, servers, supporters, or destroyers – a matter which is determined for each
sadhaka by means of chakra calculations.

to be continued:

Title: Re: Mantra for all diseases

Post by: marioban29 on June 20, 2008, 04:41:53 AM

Mantra-Yoga, the path of transformative sound, is an integral aspect of Tantra but also
can be pursued as a separate yoga path. It is often considered the least complex of all
forms of Yoga because it involves no complicated practices. The essence of Mantra-Yoga
is the regular and prolonged recitation, japa of one or more potent sounds (mantra), which
awaken the Cakras (chakras) and the serpent power Kundalini.

Bhakti Yoga is the most popular mantra yoga known as Yoga of Love and Compasion.
The term bhakti, derived from the root bhaj, is generally renderd as devotion, or love.
Bhakti-Yoga is thus the Yoga of loving self-dedication to, and love-participation in the
divine Person. In Bhakti-Yoga, the emotional force of the human being is purified and
channeled toward the Divine. In their discipline of ecstatic self-transcendence, the bhakti-
yogins, or bhaktas tend to be more openly expressive than the typical raja-yogin, or
jnanin. The followers of Bhakti-Yoga do not, for instance, shy away from shedding tears
of longing for the Divine. In this approach, the transcendental Reality is usually
conceived as a supreme Person rather than as an impersonal Absolute. Many practitioners
of this path even prefer to look upon the Divine as an Other. They speak of communion
and partial merging with God rather than total identification, as in Jnana-Yoga.

Mantras (or mantrams) are words, phrases, or syllables which are chanted thoughtfully
and with growing attention! Mantra yoga meditation involves chanting a word or phrase
until the mind and emotions are transcended and the superconscious is clearly revealed
and experienced. Since the mind wanders so much, the music of a mantra easily rescues
the mind and brings it back to the object of one’s meditation. Both the rhythm of it and
the meaning of it combine to guide the mind safely back to the point of meditation — the
higher consciousness or the specific spiritual focus.

A Background on Mantrams

Typical mantrams are: Aum (Om), meaning Spirit, the Word of God, which creates,
preserves, and transforms. The most profound, yet simple of the mantrams is AUM or
OM. It is called “the name of God in sound”. The mantra AUM, made up three and a half
syllables. The syllable 'A'. The first aspect is the waking state, vaiswaanara. In this state,
consciousness is turned to the external. With its seven instrument and nineteen channnels,
it experiences the gross phenomenal world. The Syllable 'U'. The second aspect is the
dreaming state, taijasa. In this state consciousness is turned inward. It also has seven
instrument and nineteen channels, which experiences the subtle mental impressions. The
Syllable 'M'. The third aspect is deep sleep, prajna. In this state, there is neither desire nor
dream. In deep sleep all experiences merge into the unity of undifferentiated
consciousness. The sleeper is filled with bliss and experiences bliss and can find the way
to knowledge of the two preceding states.

Another one is the Himalayan Shivaist mantram: AUM NAMAH SHIVAYA!, which
usually is translated as "Om Homage to the Highest Lord God". Well known is the Hindu
mantram: Asato Ma Sat Gamaya!, which means "Lead me from the unreal to the Real."

There are thousands of Veda mantrams which are mainly from the ancient Sanskrit
language. Possibly, in time, affirmations will be in English from well known Sanskrit
mantras. What such a development would require is a number of great meditators of
modern day to be so attuned to the Lord and so at ease within the realms of higher
consciousness that these ancient mantrams can easily be revealed to them. All mantrams
are the result of a revelation, usually to some deeply meditating adept. Mantras are
always in Sanskrit which is Heavenly language of Gods, Devas descended into Earth
externally or inwardly as Avataras Incarnation. There is no Avatara (God's Man) without
knowing Sanskrit language very well!

Mantram Meditation

Generally mantram meditation involves chanting out loud at first until the body is calm
and the atmosphere around oneself is serene and pleasant for meditation. Then whisper
meditation almost automatically occurs and the life force begins to withdraw inward from
"out-loud" chanting to whisper chanting. In whisper chanting the prana, the life force in
the body, is balanced and harmonized, preparing the way for a deeper state of serenity -
and of the balance of mind and emotions. Whisper chanting easily dissolves and the life
force moves even deeper within as you enter mental chanting. Mental chanting is
practiced as long as thoughts are occurring to the mind. Whenever the mind is distracted,
the mantram is simply chanted in the same area of the mind that the distraction is
occurring. The mantram always wins if given a chance. As the mantram frees you from
one thought, then another, and also helps to dissolve distractions, the mantram then
begins to reach the border of superconsciousness. Chanting becomes effortless. No effort,
nor warding off distractions is needed. Chanting becomes a pleasure. Peace and gentle
joy fill your mind.

What the mantram does next

At this point of effortless mental chanting the mantram can do two things: It may dissolve
into superconsciousness, or It may first help ventilate the subconscious mind, the storage
house of your old thoughts, feelings, and memories which have been sadly neglected or
not successfully dealt with. The mantram may create an opportunity for old thoughts and
feelings, old fears and guilts, to be released, or healed, or let go. What happens next? If
your mental chanting first becomes effortless and ventilates the subconscious pressures, it
then moves into your superconscious self. Or, the effortless chanting bypasses the
subconscious basement of your mind, going directly into sublime superconsciousness.
Either way, you arrive in your ecstatic, heavenly nature. The words of the mantram fall
apart and fall away. Only the energy surge of the mantram remains as your awareness
becomes blissful and full of light.

Ecstasy Through Mantra Yoga

In this ecstatic stage of continuous rapture, you feel that you have arrived home. You
sense that this is your true nature - and your true estate, which has been ignored due to
the dominance of the mind, the emotions, and the outer world. You will likely have a
very pleasant fifteen to twenty minutes in the delight and comfort of your superconscious
self; and then the mantram will begin to come out. You will find your higher
consciousness wants to come back to the outer world. It wants to express, to touch your
life and loved ones. The words of the mantram re-emerge in the mind and you reverse the
whole process, going gradually into whisper - and then out loud - chanting. Ultimately a
mantram meditator lives in the ecstasy of the mantram, always aglow with the meaning
and spiritual insight of the special syllables. In order to be sure a mantram is right for
you, seek a mantram only from a Sri Guru or Master who is qualified to teach and initiate


Mantras are articulate sounds, which unite the sub-conscious, consciousness and
superconsciousness. A Mantra must be specifically constructed and not just any sound.
Mantris are Mantra-makers. Hermetic philosophy and the ancient Arcana used vocal
sounds called runes to evoke certain psychic forces, both high and low. Although some of
the Mantras are said to be associated with the gods, they eventually unite functions of the
five bodies, the Pancha koshas (panCa koSas). The most profound, yet simple of the
mantrams is AUM or OM. It is called “the name of God in sound”.

Awakening Kundalini is effected by Mantra also which is a portion of Bhakti Yoga. All
aspirants should repeat the Mantra given by their Guru many lakhs of times. During the
time of Diksha of an Uttama Adhikari, the Guru utters a particular Mantra and Kundalini
is awakened immediately. The consciousness of the student is raised to a very high
degree. This depends upon the faith of the student in his Guru and in the Mantra.
Mantras, when received from the Guru in person, are very powerful. Aspirants in
Kundalini Yoga should take to this Mantra Sadhana only after getting a proper Mantra
from a Guru. Therefore we are not touching this point in detail. Mantras when learnt
through ordinary friends or through books cannot produce any benefit at all. Mantras are
numerous and the Guru should select a particular Mantra by which the consciousness of a
particular student can be awakened.

Mantras can excite the emotions and give suggestions to the mind. Mantras affect both
the one who chants them as the one who hears them. The word mantra comes from the
Sanskrit "mantrana", which means advice or suggestion. In a sense, such a deep word of
Guru is a mantra. In our daily life we use words to get everything done, obtain everything
we need. Each mantra or word is a sound pattern that suggests to the mind the meanings
inherent in it, and the mind immediately responds.

According to Ramana Maharshi, repetition of mantras (japa), with attention directed to

the source of the sound, completely engages the mind. This is Tapas - penance. The
source is not in the vocal chords alone, but also the idea of the sound is in the mind,
whose source is self. Thus the practice of mantra repetition is more than a suggestion, a
bit of advice or an idea. It is a means of getting in touch with our self. Mantras may be
used for religious worship, for japa (repetition), for healing, to help spiritual evolution,
for purification, for making offerings and in Mantra Yoga. Some mantras are only chants
or expressions of nearness to the Divine. But some saints who were inspired by divine
love and unshakable faith used these mantras in their own spiritual practice and their
followers afterwards started using those mantras, calling them mahamantras or great

Primarily it is faith which creates the effect of mantras. Melody, intonation,

pronunciation, whether silently or aloud, all are important in the recitation of mantras.
Moreover, the beat cycle in which mantras are recited is important, but it changes
according to the state of consciousness of the one who is chanting. An increase in the
speed of chanting increases the speed of mind, heartbeat and respiration. The beat cycle
of the mantras affects the emotions. A fast speed sometimes creates a continuous
vibration and when it is done in groups it creates a good effect, because the mind works
in synchronization with the beat cycle and has no time to fantasize. Fast chanting of
mantras exhausts the mind, heart and breath and relaxation comes after the chanting is
over. Slowing the beat cycle of mantras also creates the same continuous vibration, but it
slows down the speed of mind, heart and breath while the chanting is going on. It induces
a hypnagogic state, but it is good only when the chanting of mantras is done individually.
A medium-speed beat cycle is good for group and individual chanting of mantras. It does
not disturb the heartbeat or breathing pattern and makes the mind more awake, alert and

The place from which the sound emanates influences its' tonal quality. Deep tones are
produced by the vocal chords in conjunction with the abdominal region, middletones in
conjunction with the chest, heart and throat regions and high-pitched tones in conjunction
with the upper region of the body. Indian classical music uses all three regions in a
gradual order, but the middle region is used most and produces a greater emotional
impact on the listeners.


Mantra Yoga is an intricate study of sound and its influence on energy, on mind, and on
the external world. More than just chanting of certain sounds, this goes more deeply into
the essence of what sound is as vibration, what type of sounds affect which area of the
body, mind, - what the mental reactions are etc. Then comes the application of certain
sound formulas to create the desired results. Fundamentally it comes down to the reality
that all is energy and that energy is in a state of vibration - vibration is sound. Practice of
Mantra will unfold the 7th Chakra: Sahasrara. GOD'S CONSCIOUSNESS itself is the
seventh element; a form of primeval power that is the awareness of all the other forces.
This element is not of the physical world yet permeates it to the deepest level. Awareness
as an element is part of the eternal realm of the universe, that part of each individual that
goes on from body to body. Wherever you go there must be an awareness of being there,
whether it be heaven, hell or earth you are conscious of being there. It is the constant
essence. It is difficult to say how one experiences this particular element because this is
the element that does the experiencing, the witness to all of life.

SAHASRARA CHAKRA is actually centered above the head though its awareness goes
through all aspects of the body. This being the center of your conscious experience it has
the strong tendency in normal life to become wrapped up in the vortex of mind energies
that keep it entertained for ages on end. Yet, it has the power to direct all functions of the
energies at the six levels below it, when it is free. From this Chakra one has immediate
access to the energies of the universe above and to the knowledge of eternity. For this the
awareness must be focused upward and away from bodily or earthly concerns. The
PINEAL gland is influenced by the energy of this center and in turn directly influences
the pituitary gland. In studies done with light and color for instance it was seen that the
energy impulses coming through the optic nerves, from whatever color one is looking at,
influenced the pineal gland to put out certain hormones that tend to govern the hormones
subsequently produced by the pituitary. Each color and form has a specific influence on
the entire endocrine system. As an experiment try looking at an attractive mandala, then
switching to an attractive member of the opposite sex, naked, and observe your mental,
emotional and physiological reactions to what your eyes are seeing. Observe and draw
your conclusions; then you may decide to choose carefully what you focus your attention
on. CENTER is the direction, or could we say inward. From this center you might go
North, South, East, West, Down or Up but they are all away from the Center of yourSelf.


Title: Re: Mantra for all diseases

Post by: adwaita on June 23, 2008, 09:59:38 AM
Shirdi Sai BABA Udhi Mantra

Mahograha Peedham Mahotpaatha Peedham

Maharooga Peedham Mahateevra Peedham
Haratyaasutey Dwarakamayi Bhasma Namasthey
Guru Sreshta Saieshwaraaya
Sreekaram Nityam Subhakaaram
Paramam Pavithram Mahapapaharam
Baba Vibhutim Dharayamyaham
Paramam Pavithram Baba Vibhutim
Paramam Vichithram Leela Vibhutim
Paramartha Ishtaartha Moksha Pradhaatim
Baba Vibhutim Idamasrayami Sai Vibhutim Idamasrayami

omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam

omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam

Title: Re: Mantra for all diseases

Post by: marioban29 on July 17, 2008, 02:16:28 AM

Mantra Hindu mantras mystic repetition healing mantras sounds Graha mantras
MANTRAS are mystic sounds which produce certain type of energies. ‘Mananath
Trayathe Ithi Mantraha’- Mantra protects the person who recites it. This means Mantras
are primarily invented by great seers for the welfare of the society.

The cosmic energy we always receive contains different energies coming from different
celestial bodies. Because we are part of our solar system, the energies coming from the
Planets in this solar system always fall on us, and absorbed by our body. These energies
are much needed by every one of us. They drive our daily activities and decisions. Our
life force is indeed combined with these energies. When there is a deficit of any of these
energies, the related problems will arise. For example, when there is a deficit of energy
coming from Sun, health problems like headache, bad eye sight, weakness of heart etc
will occur. Also there will be problems with one’s boss or government officials. There
will be obstacles in acquiring paternal property. We can overcome all these problems by
increasing the Sun’s energy in the individual by adopting various techniques. Recitation
of Sun’s Mantra is the most effective technique.

What happens when a Mantra is recited? When we repeatedly utter a Mantra we are
tuning to a particular frequency and this frequency establishes a contact with the cosmic
energy and drags it into our body and surroundings. Thus we can balance the energies
and also increase the level of a certain type of energy, which promote certain actions and
events. For example, if we increase the Mercury’s energy level, it promotes us to take
intelligent steps in business.

All mantras came from the single sacred sound: 'Om'. Om is a combination of 3 main
sounds: Aa-Vu-Ma. (See the symbol of Om at right) 'Aa' represents Vishnu, the
sustainer, 'Vu' represents Siva, the destroyer, and 'Ma' represents Brahma, the creator.
Aa-also represents the Sun, Vu-the Moon, and Ma-the Fire. There are more than 150
meanings uncovered from the sound 'Om', so far. It is said that lord Siva was the first to
reveal mantras for the welfare of the mankind, through sages. (See him with his family at
top left).

There are Mantras for every thing. The ‘Gayatri Mantra’ recited by Hindus comprise 24
sounds, each sound is loaded with the energy of a different type by ancient sages. Thus
there are 24 sages who contributed the sounds for Gayatri Mantra. It is said that ‘there is
no great Mantra than Gayatri and there is no great god than the Mother’.

The main aim of Mantras is to provide whatever the human beings long for. For example,
the sound ‘Sreem’ represents Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth. Hence the Mantra: ‘Om
Sreem Om’ will bring monetary success to a person who recites it daily for at least 2

If you want to attract others and get the things done by them, then ‘Kleem’ is the right
sound for you. This sound spells charm. So the Mantra: ‘Om Kleem Om’ will increase
your magnetism.

If you want to become more dynamic and energetic and you want to get rid of general
diseases, you can chant: ‘Om Hreem Om’. Here ‘Hreem’ is a energy reservoir.

If you are worried about the intelligence and education of your children, let them recite:
‘Om Iym Om’. Here ‘Iym’ represents Saraswathi, the goddess of Education.

A lot many people face illhealth and suffer a lot, because of the deeds committed in their
previous births. For them, to get rid of health problems, and live a full life sanctioned by
God, they should recite ‘Om Joom Saha’. This is called Mrityunjaya (Winning on Death)
mantra and should be recited for atleast 2 hours daily.

All the activities by the human beings are greatly influenced by the Nine Planets
identified in Indian Astrology. So the Planetary Mantras are furnished here, along with
their general purpose:

1) Sun: Om Hraam Hreem Hroum Sah Suryaya Namaha |

The above Mantra should be recited for escaping from problems in Job, Politics, Health,
diseases related to Head, Paternal related things.

2) Moon: Om Sraam Sreem Sroum Sah Chandraya Namaha |

This is the Mantra for escaping from mental worries, problems from Maternal things,
diseases related to stomach and blood.

3) Mars: Om Kraam Kreem Kroum Sah Bhoumaaya Namaha |

This is the Mantra for getting dynamic nature, winning on others, success in vehicles,
land or house property dealings, escaping from accidents, improving relations with the

4) Jupiter: Om Jraam Jreem Jroum Sah Gurave Namaha |

This is the Mantra for achieving general success in life and getting protection in all
matters. It increases respect from others and social contacts. It gives stability in job or

5) Saturn: Om Khraam Khreem Khroum Sah Senaye Namaha |

This Mantra makes one to escape from procrastination, trauma, ill-health, all major
problems in life.

6) Mercury: Om Braam Breem Broum Sah Budhaaya Namaha |

This is the Mantra to improve Business dealings and Communications skills. This will
sharpen the intelligence.

7) Venus: Om Dhraam Dhreem Dhroum Sah Sukraaya Namaha |

This Mantra makes one to improve relations with women, artistic talents, acquiring
jewelry and money.

8) Rahu: Om Bhraam Bhreem Bhroum Sah Rahave Namaha |

This Mantra makes one to get rid of any confusion in mind, legal problems, problems
from evil spirits.

9) Kethu: Om Praam Preem Proum Sah Kethave Namaha |

This Mantra makes one to come out of defamation, allergic diseases, problems from evil
spirits, and sudden happening of bad events.

Every one cannot start chanting what ever Mantras they want. The person who wants to
recite a Mantra should follow certain code of conduct. For example, one should recite a
Mantra when at peace. He/she should get up early in the morning, take bath, start reciting
the mantras at the time of Sun rise. One should maintain piousness and avoid Non-
vegetarian food, alcohol, and other stuff, which make the functioning of the brain
improper. Most important is: one should find a Guru (divine guide), who tells what type
of Mantra is suitable to alleviate one’s problems, and also teaches how to recite the
Mantras. Without proper guidance from Guru, one should not venture to start chanting
the Mantras.

Title: Re: Mantra for all diseases

Post by: marioban29 on July 17, 2008, 02:25:40 AM
The Significance of Mantra in Ayurveda
By Sangeetha Rajah, BAMS Published 11/30/2006 General
Sangeetha Rajah, BAMS

The word “mantra” in Sanskrit is derived from “ Mananaat Traayate“ meaning “Just by
chanting (mananaat) we can protect ourselves (traayate)“. Mantras are Sanskrit words
loaded with power and sounds capable of penetrating our body into deep levels of
consciousness by their unique sounds and the vibrations they create. The Vedas interpret
the vowels and consonants of Sanskrit as coming from the Damaru (drum) of Lord Siva.
Hence in Sanskrit grammar, they are referred to as “Maaheswara Sutraani” or the
formulae of Maheswara. Also a detailed description is given about the parts from where
the sound of vowels and consonants originate. For instance, to pronounce “Va” in
Sanskrit, the teeth and lips are involved. The individual letters of the Sanskrit alphabet
are derived from the basic strands of energy vibrating at the core of our existence. The
vibrations created by our sound, thought and actions really do have an impact on our
inner self, our environment and hence the universe. Here rises the need to be positive and
to always be optimistic.
When used positively and harmoniously, mantras create a positive, friendly and a healing
effect. In Ayurveda, apart from herbal remedies for diseases, emphasis is also laid on
Mantra recitation to enhance the healing. From the Vedic period, man has been
constantly associated with Mantras -- right from the moment man is born till he breathes
his last. His first connection begins with Jaatakarma ie, the reciting of mantras in the
newborn’s right ear, requesting the Gods to protect the newborn from evil spirits. We
can find numerous references emphasizing Mantra recitation in Ayurvedic texts. In the
treatment of Jwara (fever), Charak recommends chanting Vishnu Sahasranama. In the
treatment of snakebites, antidotes are prepared while chanting specific mantras to
increase the efficacy of the medicine. The benefit of mantra in Ayurveda, shows the
latter itself being much more than merely medical system. This is due to Ayurveda’s
connection to the Vedas.
Recent research in the efficacy of mantras and sound therapy on our body and healing has
revealed what our yogic seers have already experienced, advocated and which has been
passed on from time immemorial to the present day- the Power of Mantra Yoga or the
chanting of Mantras. The hormones and neurotransmitters throughout the human
organism communicate with each other through distinctive vibrational sympathies. That
is when we are physically and mentally healthy, it means there is a harmony within our
cells, which resonate well with each other. When this harmony of empathic music among
our cells falls out of tune, we get disease. (ref: The Yoga of Sound by Russil Paul)
Nothing attunes the body, mind and breath like the pulsation of sound. The phonetics of
Sanskrit strike the palate at multiple reflex points stimulating energy in numerous
meridians that awaken the dormant parts of the brain (most of which are as yet unused in
average man) and enhance the circulation and flow of energy throughout the body. Apart
from the physical nervous system, our Rishis classified some 72,000 naadis (bundles of
tubular vessels) as part of the psychic nervous system to be the counterparts of the
physical nervous system. (ref: The Mystries of Mantra by Muz Murray). When a mantra
is chanted, sound energy is generated and the vibrations of that energy are diffused and
distributed into the physical nervous system by these naadis through six major chakras
(wheels in Sanskrit and plexus in physiology) situated along the length of the spinal
column and a seventh at the crown of the head. Owing to its uniqueness Ayurveda
cannot be interpreted in modern terms. But for our understanding, the nearest possible
correlation is tried here. These Chakras can be correlated to the plexuses of the modern
physiology. The six chakras and their corresponding plexuses are given here in ascending
order from the base of the spine.
1. Moolaadhaara Chakra --- Sacral Plexus.
2. Svaadishthaana “” --- Lumbar Plexus.
3. Manipooraka “” --- Solar (celiac) Plexus.
4. Anaahata “” --- Brachial Plexus.
5. Visuddhi “” --- Cervical Plexus.
6. Aagnya “” --- Pineal gland ?

The plexuses are related to transmitting and receiving nerve impulses and blood
circulation. Now coming back, when energy passes from the naadis to these plexuses of
the physical nervous system, it turns neural and is passed on to the nerves which in turn
obey the brain and then get circulated throughout the body through blood.
Ok. Any sound will do well in enhancing healing and make us healthy, so what is so
special about Mantras? What difference does it make between reciting a mantra and
talking when both are a group of letters? Back to the six Chakras now to get the answers.
Each Chakra in its subtle form is a lotus with varied number of petals. Each petal
represents an Akshara (letter or alphabet) apart from a main letter, the Beejaakshara
(beeja means seed). Each Chakra has a presiding deity with unique colour and features,
responsible for nurturing specific organs of our body.
For example, the Moolaadhara Chakra is made up of a 4 pedaled lotus. The letters
residing in the 4 petals are VA, S’A, SHA and SA. Its Beejaakshara is LUM. The
presiding deity Saakini has five faces and resides in the asthi dhatu (bone mass) to
nurture it. Here comes the Ayurvedic connection to Mantras as chanting of a particular
Beejakshara will nourish that particular Dhatu.
There are Seven dhatus according to Ayurveda and here the six chakras with the
Sahasrara at the crown of the head nourish the seven Dhatus and hence our body.
Depending on the disease, the patient’s condition, the Dhatus affected, Mantra chanting
brings about healing. At the same time, slow or fast healing depends also on the mantra
or sloka chosen for the purpose and the concentration and sincerity of the chanting
Just as gold in its pure form (24k) is too soft to make jewelry, mere group of words
combined at random cannot effectively create healing vibrations. Gold is alloyed with
copper or silver to strengthen and harden it in order to make jewels. Likewise, Mantras
are chosen in a specific manner (chandas etc.) for a specific purpose and are loaded with
power. So chanting Mantras has an effect in all planes and at all levels from the physical,
physiological, mental levels to the subtle Chakras and into the subtlest energy vibrating at
the core of our existence. Come on! Go to your doctor, get medicines, chant Mantras or
any sloka, let the healing be fast!!! May all be happy and free from diseases. May all be
protected. Let not anybody get afflicted by grief!!! (Upanishads).

© Copyright 2006R. Sangeetha

Editor’s Note: Other authorities offer slightly varying views; whereas specific mantras do
offer specific benefits, any positive, divine thought, word, or action, in any language,
becomes a beneficial mantra.

Title: Re: Mantra for all diseases

Post by: marioban29 on July 17, 2008, 04:11:43 AM
Shanti mantra are used to cure diseases, to remove the influences of souls and planets etc.

(1)For Good Health:

The following mantra be recited three times and infuse the water; the water to be drunk
by the patient or Sadhaka.One will be benefited.
"Om Asham Veshvanye Bhootva Praneenam Dahmakshiet Pranapan Samyukta
Pchamyananm Chaturvidham"

(2) To Prevent Abortion:

(1) If a woman does not conceive or is aborted due to some reason or other, then the use
of this mantra is very useful.
"Pumansam Patram Janey Tam Pumananu Jayatam Bhagvati Putranam Mata Jatanam
Jamyashyam Yan"

This mantra is form "arthaar veda 3/23"

At the time of prayer daily in the morning take a vessel full of pure water, keep it before
your Ishat or God .After finishing your daily prayer take a few drops of water and
reacting this mantra, shower the drops on the lady.A small quantity of water and reacting
this mantra, shower the drops on the lady.A small quantity of water may be taken by her.

(II) When a lady doesn't conceive after the birth of child or there are continuous
abortion after such state is called "KAKVANDYA".In such a case , when she wants one
more child , the following mantra be recited 108 times daily for 21 days.
"Om Nama shaktirupaye yam Griahe Putram Kuru Kuru swaha".
In addition to the above mantra , the following be also followed.
Bring the root of Ashvagand on Sunday during Pushya nakshtra and mix it with milk of
Buffalo. Make powder of it. This be taken by the lady with milk one or two tolas
daily.After seven days she will conceive.

(3) For birth of son:

This is a very strong and TESTED mantra , which is said to have been desired by lord
SHIVA to PARVATI for securing a son.
"Om Hareeng Haroong Putram Kuru Kuru Swaha"
Thee lady should recite this mantra on a branch of mango tree or under the mango tree at
a lonely place . The mantra be recited before lord SHIVA and PARVATI 108 times daily
and for 21 days continuously.

(4) To Cure Piles

"Kharman ki tenishaha khuni badi dauno jaay umto chal chal Swaha"

Infuse water with mantra thrice and wash the private place with this water.Take a red
cotton thread and put 7 knots in it. Infuse this thread 21 times with the above mantra and
tie on big toe of foot.Piles will be cured.

(5) Cure From Epilepsy :

When one suffers from the feet of epilepsy.Write this mantra on Bhooj Patra with Ashot
Gard and put it on the neck of the Patient.One will be cured.
"Hal her sargam Mandika Poodika Shri Ram Phoonk mirgi vayu sukhe om the tha

Title: Re: Mantra for all diseases

Post by: marioban29 on July 17, 2008, 04:28:51 AM


Elimination of Diseases through Mantra

The mantras of the 24 Tirthankars are found to be extremely useful in curing diseases of
various parts of the body. The Jain Acharya Kamalprabhsuri had included these mantras
in his original composition of the Jinpanjar Stotra. According to which body part is
affected, the respective mantra (listed below) should be chanted aloud, with eyes closed,
in the meditation position. One entire rosary of the mantra should be chanted daily. When
chanting, the mind should remained focused on the affected body part.


Sample of a Mantra

1. Brain and Forehead - Om Rhim Shrim Rishabhdevai Namaha

2. Eyes - Om Rhim Shrim Ajitnathai Namaha
3. Ears - Om Rhim Shrim Sambhavnathai Namaha
4. Nose - Om Rhim Shrim Abhinandanswamine Namaha
5. Lips - Om Rhim Shrim Sumatinathai Namaha
6. Teeth - Om Rhim Shrim Padmaprabhswamine Namaha
7. Tongue - Om Rhim Shrim Suparshvanathai Namaha
8. Palate - Om Rhim Shrim Chandraprabhswamine Namaha
9. Throat - Om Rhim Shrim Suvidhinathai Namaha
10. Heart - Om Rhim Shrim Shitalnathai Namaha
11. Upper arms - Om Rhim Shrim Shreyansnathai Namaha
12. Fingers - Om Rhim Shrim Vasupujyaswamine Namaha
13. Nails - Om Rhim Shrim Vimalnathai Namaha
14. Stomach - Om Rhim Shrim Anantnathai Namaha
15. Bones - Om Rhim Shrim Dharmanathai Namaha
16. Reproductive organ - Om Rhim Shrim Kunthunathai Namaha
17. Lower Back - Om Rhim Shrim Arnathai Namaha
18. Chest, Upper back, Shoulder - Om Rhim Shrim Mallinathai Namaha
19. Thigh - Om Rhim Shrim Munisuvratswamine Namaha
20. Toes - Om Rhim Shrim Naminathai Namaha
21. Legs - Om Rhim Shrim Neminathai Namaha
22. Whole Body - Om Rhim Shrim Parshvanathai Namaha
23. Soul - Om Rhim Shrim Mahavirswamine Namaha
24. Nails - Om Rhim Shrim Vimalnathai Namaha

Title: Re: Mantra for all diseases

Post by: marioban29 on July 17, 2008, 05:27:41 AM

OM Namo `stute Mahayogin Prapannamanusadhi Mam Yatha Twachcharanam

Bhoje Ratih Syadanapayini

Salutation to thee, O great Yogi! Pray direct me that have fallen at Thy feet, so that
I may find unfailing delight at Thy lotus feet.

This is the Mantra for self-surrender. It should be repeated with a pure heart free
of personal desires

Title: Re: Mantra for all diseases

Post by: marioban29 on July 20, 2008, 02:51:43 AM
mantra to avoid government punishment

to avoid punishment from government. if you are involved in a court case.

it is called vigyaanaakarshini mantra:
om vajramukhi sara sara phat

Title: Re: Mantra for all diseases

Post by: marioban29 on July 20, 2008, 11:13:25 AM
Mantra for Forgiveness

Here is a shloka you can say last thing at night:

Kara charana krutam vaak kaayajam karmajam vaa

shravan naya najam vaa maanasam vaaparaadham

vihita maavihitam vaa sarvametat shamasva

jai jai karunabdhe shri maha deva shambho.

This is the meaning :

Whatever I have done with my hands or feet, or speech, my body or my actions,

Whatever I have heard or seen, or thought, all my mistakes,
Whether knowingly or unknowingly, please forgive them all,
Great all forgiving God, Mahadeva Shambhu.

Title: Re: Mantra for all diseases

Post by: marioban29 on July 20, 2008, 11:13:45 AM
Mantra for Success

Krishna Krishna Mahaayogin

Bhaktaanaam Bhayankara
Govinda Parmaananda
Sarvey Mey Vash Maanay

O Krishan, O Krishna!
Thou art the Yogi of Yogis.
Thou bestoweth fearlessness on Thy devotees.
O Govinda! Thou art the giver of Supreme Bliss.
Bring everything to my favour.

Title: Re: Mantra for all diseases

Post by: marioban29 on July 21, 2008, 03:09:25 AM
Some Important Mantras

Some simple mantras are given which can be recited by anyone and help achieve what
the sadhak wants. They have simple or no methodology associated with them.

Panch Akshari - "Om Namah Shivaye" - It fulfills all desires.It leads to moksha and all
sins are destroyed. It has no methodology assocaited and can be recited by anyone

Asht Akshari - "Om Namah Narayanaya" - One can achieve and can be blessed with

Ganpati Mantra - "Om Gam Ganapataye Namaha" - It not only removes all obstacles but
also gives success in one's efforts.

Hanuman Mantra - "Om Hoom Hanumate Rudratamakaye hoom phut swaha" - There is
no favour that Hanumanji cannot bestow. Hanumanji is the embodiment of all good
qualities which he freely gives to his devotees.

Saraswati Mantra - "Om Aim Kleeng Saum Saraswatiya Namaha" - It makes a person a
learned scholar and he attains high profeciency in education. This mantra should be
recited all morning pujas.

Dattatreya Mantra - "Om Hareem Parambraham Parmaatmane Hari Harbrahyendraya

Dattatroyaye swaha" - Dattatreya can bestow everything on his followers.

The details of various mantras, their essence, time and number of times they are to be
recited, the rules for sadhak and complete procedure of reciting a mantra can be found in
the book

Title: Re: Mantra for all diseases

Post by: marioban29 on July 21, 2008, 03:11:17 AM
Division Of Mantra And Their Use

The uses of mantra is divided into six categories

1. SHANTIKARAN : These mantras deal with the cure of diseases and warding off the
malefic effects of the planets.
One example will be of no use as there is different mantra for different disease.

2. VASHI KARAN : Through these mantras one can put under one's control any woman,
man, officer, minister, devta, soul, animal, etc. and can fulfill your wishes.
"Om namo sarvlok vashikaraye kuru kuru swaha".
3. STAMBHAN : These mantras are used to stop all the persons, souls, devtas, etc. from
doing any harm to you.
"Om namah bhagvate shatrunam budhi stambam kuru kuru swaha".

4. VIDESHAN : these mantras are used for creating differences between two or many
"Om namo nardaya amukasya amuken seh vidheshna kuru kuru swaha".

5. UCHCHATTAN : These mantras deal with distraction of the mind of the enemy so
that they may remain away from their country, birthplace, residence, work and family
members. It is also used if the sadhak wants aperson to remain at war with others.
"Om shareem shareem shareem swaha".

6. MARAN : These are death inflicting mantras through which you can kill anybody at
any distance without disclosing your identity.
To avoid it's harmful use it is not been given.

Besides one mantra given in each category, there are many mantras with different number
of times they are to be recited under each category. Also specific time, day and the
articles used for different mantras vary from category to category.

The basic mantras for every day recitation and early siddhi attainment of one's mantras
are -
"Om Namo Shivaye".
"Om Namo Narayane Aye Namaha".
"Om Namo Bhagwate Vasdev Aye Namaha".

Title: Re: Mantra for all diseases

Post by: marioban29 on August 15, 2008, 03:14:55 AM
Rosary, Beej Mantra And Samput

Rosary : During meditation beads are a must.Different beads are there in rosary according
to the purpose.Beads may be padam beej, rudraksha, tulsi, shankh, pearl, gold, silver,
gem, root of khush. All beads in a rosary should be of equal size, free from decay and
unbroken. One additional bead of a bigger size than others is put at the top of the rosary.
The number and type of beads in a rosary vary with purpose.

Shiva shakti mantras - Rudraksha.

Vishnu and Lord Krishna mantra - Tulsi
Death inflicting mantras - Padam Beej
Mantras for wealth - gems, jewels, gold and silver.

Beej Mantra : A mantra is full of shakti and there are various beej mantra each with it
own power. When mixed with other mantras, they provide extra power to that mantra.
Basic beej mantra "Om" is further expanded into the following types of beej - yog beej
,tejo beej, shanti beej and raksha beej, which are respectively known as aeng (aim)
hreem, sreem, kreem, kleem, dum, gam, glaum, lam, yam, aam or um or ram.

There are some one word beej mantras which are particularly suitable to young boys and
girls who can repeat them with zest and faith, to secure good results. Few of them with
their purposes are -

1. Kshasraum - Narsimha bija.Removes all sorrows and fears.

2. Aim - Saraswati bija.Makes proficient in all branches of learning.
3. Shree - Lakshami mantra.Leads to prosperity and contenment.
4. Hareem - Bhuvaneshvari mantra.Makes a person leader of men and help get a person
all he needs.
5. Kaleem - Kamraj mantra. Fulfills one's desires.
6. Kreem - Destroys enemies and gives happiness.
7. Dum - Durga beej. One gets whatever one wants.
8. Gam Glaum - Ganesa beej. Removes all obstacles and promotes success.
9. Lam - Earth beej. Helps to secure good crops.
10. Yam - Vayu beej. Help secure rains.
11. Aam Um Ram - Beej mantras ao Brahma,Vishnu and Rudra.

Samput : Samput are some specific words used in the mantra. These can be used at the
start, middle or end of the mantra. The samput has great shakti and should be used

Gayatri Mantra "Om bhur bhava suha tatsa vetur vareneyam bargo devasyaha dhimi diyo
yona parachodayat." Few words can be added after Om bhur bhava swaha as samput to
fulfill various desires. Some samput with their purposes are given below.

Om aeeng kaleeng soo - for proficiency in words.

Om shareeng hareeng shareeng - for wealth and comforts.
Om aeeng hareeng kaleeng - enemies are destroyed, troubles vanish and the individual is
blessed with joy and happiness.
Om shareeng hareeng kaleeng - Blessed with progeny.
Om hareeng - Recovery from diseases.
Om aeeng hareeng kaleeng - Protection from all evil forces. Hopes and wishes are

Practical Uses Of Mantras

For education : "Om kreeng kreeng kreeng"

For attaining moksha : "Om shree hreeng kreeng krishnaye swaha"
For wealth : "Om namo dhandaye swaha"
For success in elections : "Om emminder vardhaye shteriyame ma emam vishmek
virsham kirinu tawan"
For fame : "Om giravargrateshu hirnye ch goshu cha"
For successful completion of all jobs : "Om namo sarvarthsadhni swaha"
For reduction of rash temper : "Om shante parshante sarv karodh pashnon swaha"
To attract one or all : "Om chamunde tarutatu amukaye akarshaye akarshaye swaha"

Besides these purposes given above,there are mantras for fulfilment of all kind of desires
and for reduction of all kind of flaws. There are mantras for worship of different Gods
and Goddesses and pleasing them to fulfill one's desires.

Title: Re: Mantra for all diseases

Post by: marioban29 on August 15, 2008, 03:51:36 AM

There are many mantras used for specific diseases or ailments such as the "ARUNA
MANTRA" for eye disease "Om Arun Haem Phut Swaha". This mantra must be repeated
10,000 times. Then water is purified by chanting the mantra 7 times and the water used to
wash the eye.


"Om Sri Haring Kaling Galeen" "Om Devekisut Govind Vasudev Jagatpite" "Dehi ye
Tancy Krishna Tawamahem Sharanam Gata"


"Pumansam Patram Jancy Tam Pumananu Jayatam Bhavati Putranam Mata Jatanam
Jamjashyam Yan"

This mantra from the Atharva Veda (3.23) should be chanted in the morning with vessel
of water during morning puja (worship). While reciting the mantra sprinkle a little water
on the woman, then give her some to drink.


"Om Aaham Veshvanye Bhootva Praneenam Dahmakshiet Pranapam Samyukta

Pchamyananm chaturvidham".

This mantra is chanted 3 times over some water to infuse it with potency, which is then


"Om Sharem Harim Klim Glaum Gam Ganapataye Namaha".

This mantra is always chanted first in all vedic sacrifices to remove any and all obstacles
in the way. Lord Ganesh (Ganapati) is the remover of obstacles, and also the giver of
success in endeavours.


"Om Gam Ganapatayte namaha"

Title: Re: Mantra for all diseases

Post by: marioban29 on August 15, 2008, 04:13:42 AM

The Janma Rashi is the sign occupied by the moon in the birth chart. Following are
the Rasi mantras :

Aries - Om Vishnave Namah

Taurus - Om Vasudevaya Namah
Gemini - Om Keshavaya Namah
Cancer - Om Radha-Krishnaya Namah
Leo - Om Hariharaya Balamukundaya Namah
Virgo - Om Hrim Pitambaraya Paramatmane Namah
Libra - Om Sri Ram Dasrathaye Namah
Scorpio - Om Narayanaya Namah Om Naraya Namah
Sagittarius - Om Hrim Shrim Krim Dharani Dharaya Namah
Capricorn - Om Shrim Vatsalaya Namaha
Aquarius - Om Shri Upendraya Achyutaya Namah, Om Krim Govinda-Gopalaya
Pisces - Om Krim Rathanga - Chakraya Namah

Rashi Mantra

Mesh Rashi Om kleem shreem lakshminarayana namaha

Vrashab Rashi Om gopalay uttar dhvajai namah
Mithun Rashi Om kleem krshnai namaha
Kark Rashi Om hiranyagarbhai avyakt rupane namaha
Singha Rashi Om kleem brahmane jagadadharai namaha
Knya Rashi Om namaha peem pitambarai namaha
Tula Rashi Om tatva niranjanai tarak ramai namaha
Vrshchik Rashi Om naranaya sur singhai namaha
Dhanu Rashi Om shreem dev krshnai urdhva dantai namaha
Makar Rashi Om shreem vtsalai namaha
Kumbh Rashi Om shreem upendrai achyutai namaha
Meen Rashi Om aam kleem udhvatai uddharine namaha

Title: Re: Mantra for all diseases

Post by: marioban29 on August 15, 2008, 04:24:37 AM

Title: Re: Mantra for all diseases

Post by: marioban29 on August 15, 2008, 04:29:01 AM
Mahamritunjaya Mantra


This Mahamritunjaya mantra is from the Rig-Veda and needs initiation for attaining
Siddhi. Anybody can recite this mantra and attain good health, release from bondage and
other problems.
This is the greatest reliever from all evils and can be recited at any time like any other
Maha-mantra. It should be recited preferably for forty days both in the morning and
evening, after lighting a jyoti and sitting on a woollen asana while facing east. Recite the
Maha-mantra 108 times (one rosary) or its multiples in each sitting. This is the greatest
work of Maharishi Vashistha. Before commencing the Mahamritunjaya mantra recite the
following small prayer to the everlasting spirit of the Maharishi for his blessings and



We pray to Brihaspati (the Lord of this Universe and the teacher of this Vedic
Knowledge), whose wishes are inviolable, for good thoughts (that will lead to good
speech and actions that cannot be violated as it will be the truth).


This is the prayer to Maharishi Vashistha (whose Holy Spirit is Omnipresent).

The initiated should practice the Pranayama ten times with the Beejakshara Mantra "OM
HOUM JUM SAH" . Others can skip this and go to the Maha-mantra directly.

This is to be followed by the Dhyana Mantra (Meditation) of Sri Tryambakeswara (One

of the twelve Jyotirlinga) and then meditate on Sri Tryambakeshwara (Lord Shiva) and
Sri Amriteshwari (Gouri or Parvati Shakti) with the relevant beejakshara and Rudra
Pooja. Meditate for at least 15 Minutes before starting the Japa (Recitation of Mantra).

Then repeat the following Mahamritunjaya mantra 108 times or multiples of this number.

The Mahamritunjaya Mantra reads:




It is important to understand the meaning of the words as this makes the repetition
meaningful and brings forth the results.

OM is not spelt out in the Rig-Veda, but has to be added to the beginning of all Mantras
as given in an earlier Mantra of the Rig-Veda addressed to Ganapati.

TRYAMBAKKAM refers to the Three eyes of Lord Shiva. 'Trya' means 'Three' and
Ambakam' means eyes. These three eyes or sources of enlightenment are the Trimurti or
three primary deities, namely Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva and the three 'AMBA' (also
meaning Mother or Shakti' are Saraswati, Lakshmi and Gouri. Thus in this word, we are
referring to God as Omniscient (Brahma), Omnipresent (Vishnu) and Omnipotent
(Shiva). This is the wisdom of Brihaspati and is referred to as Sri Duttatreya having three
heads of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva.

YAJAMAHE : means, "We sing Thy praise".

SUGANDHIM : refers to His fragrance (of knowledge, presence and strength i.e. three
aspects) as being the best and always spreading around. Fragrance refers to the joy that
we get on knowing, seeing or feeling His virtuous deeds.

PUSTIVARDHANAM : Pooshan refers to Him as the sustainer of this world and in this
manner, He is the Father (Pater) of all. Pooshan is also the inner impeller of all
knowledge and is thus Savitur or the Sun and also symbolises Brahma the Omniscient
Creator. In this manner He is also the Father (Genitor) of all.

URVAAROKAMEVA : 'URVA' means "VISHAL" or big and powerful .

'AAROOKAM' means 'Disease'. Thus URVAROOKA means deadly and overpowering
diseases. The diseases are also of three kinds caused by the influence (in the negative) of
the three Guna's and are ignorance (Avidya etc),falsehood (Asat etc as even though
Vishnu is everywhere, we fail to perceive Him and are guided by our sight and other
senses) and weaknesses (Shadripu etc. a constraint of this physical body and Shiva is all

BANDANAAM : means bound down. Thus read with URVAROOKAMEVA, it means

'I am bound down by deadly and overpowering diseases'.

MRITYORMOOKSHEYA : means to deliver us from death (both premature deaths in

this Physical world and from the never-ending cycle of deaths due to re-birth) for the
sake of Mokshya (Nirvana or final emancipation from re-birth).

MAAMRITAAT : means 'please give me some Amritam (life rejuvenating nectar). Read
with the previous word, it means that we are praying for some 'Amrit' to get out of the
death inflicting diseases as well as the cycle of re-birth.

Title: Re: Mantra for all diseases

Post by: marioban29 on August 15, 2008, 08:30:36 AM
Success In Business

To be a successful and rich business magnate has always been your dream yet in spite of
devoted and honest efforts the goal remains as distant as the horizon. More you run
towards it the farther it seems.

Whatever your problem may be - lack of finance, cutthroat competition or dishonest

partners-just try this marvellous ritual and see the result for yourself.

Early morning take a bath and get into clean clothes. Sit in the worship place. In a plate
place Uttishtthaa. Offer vermilion and rice grains on it. Light a ghee lamp. Keep your
eyes fixed on Uttishtthaa and chant the following Mantra continuously for 25 minutes.

|| Om Hleem Poornna Saafalyam Om Phat Kuru Kuru ||

Do this regularly for 11 days at the same time. After that leave Uttishtthaa in a temple.

Health Of Kids
Worried on this account? Is frequent fever, cold or some other persistent ailment proving
to be a bane for the health of your child? If yes, then don't waste any time; just try out the
following quick-acting remedy.

In a plate spread some red flowers. On them place a Gopal Dand. Offer vermilion and
rice grains on the Dand and light a ghee lamp. take water in your right palm and pledge
that you are accomplishing this Sadhana for the health of your child (speak his/her name).
Chant the following Mantra 25 times.

|| Om Soum Manovaanchhitam Santaan Sukham Siddhaye Om ||

Repeat for 11 days. On the 12th day throw the dand in a river.

Windfall Gains

Wealth is the fuel of life and to earn it one tries every means. But many times even
sincere efforts fail to help one win the favour of the Goddess of Wealth. If interested in
sudden, legal gains(e.g. lottery or shares) this is the ritual for you.

On a Wednesday place a picture of Laxmi before yourself and pray to the Goddess. Then
chant 11 rounds of this mantra with Kamalgatta rosary.

|| Om Hreem Hreem Ayeim Shreem Shreem Om ||

Do this for 9 days. If possible continue chanting one round daily even afterwards. If tried
with full faith amazing results accrue and one gains money from unexpected sources.

Enemy Trouble And You

Life is nothing but a confluence of good and bad. And when one's stars are unfavourable,
enemities spring up, enemy minds start working overtime, problems are created in one's
life and rumours are spread with an aim to mar one's reputation. Retailiation could get
one into further trouble; but there is a way out that is easy as well as effective. To Pacify
enemies and adversaries, light a holy fire and then make oblations of a mixture of black
pepper seeds, yellow mustard seeds and black sesamum seeds, chanting the following
Mantra. Do this for 25 minutes.

|| Om Bham Bheiravaay Vijayam Dehi Om Phat ||

And soon enough you shall feel all opposition whittling down. No Sadhana article is
needed in this ritual.

Don't Give Up Hope

There are goals, to achieve which one puts at stake everything one has. Yet in spite of the
best efforts one fails to make it. And then despair and frustation set in leaving one a
physical and mental wreck. Besides mental peace one also loses one's social standing and
respect and financial security. Failure can be prevented and even a seemingly lost
situation, brought under control through this marvellous ritual. Place a Sarva Kaarya
Siddhi Gutika in a plate. Sit before it and chant the following Mantra 103 times.

|| Om Hleem Kaarya Siddhim Hleem Om Phat ||

Repeat for 11, consecutive days. After the completion of the ritual throw the Gutika in a
river or pond. This shall ensure success in any and every venture you undertake. This is a
remarkable ritual that can help students, businessmen, family man, actors and politicians-
people from every walk of life.

Title: Re: Mantra for all diseases

Post by: marioban29 on August 15, 2008, 10:05:17 AM
A Mantra for Health

If you are physically weak, if your physical constitution is not satisfactory, chant this
mantra sincerely and soulfully:

Tejohasi tejomayi dhehi

Viryamasi viryam mayi dhehi
Valam masi valam mayi dhehi

In a week’s time you will see a change for the better in your health. It means:

I pray for dynamic energy;

I pray for dynamic virility;
I pray for indomitable physical strength.

The Money Mantra

In this world some people are poor while others are rich. Some people are desperately in
need of money to make both ends meet. Some years ago, a student of mine was having
tremendous financial difficulties. I gave her a particular mantra:

Ya Devi sarvabhutesu
Ratna rupena sangstitha
Nastasvai namastvai
Namastvai namo namah

In thirteen days she came to me and said that her finances had tremendously improved.
The meaning of this mantra is:

I bow and bow and again I bow to the Supreme Goddess who resides in all human beings
in the form of material wealth and prosperity.

Many people have used this mantra in India. In her case it took only thirteen days for the
mantra to accomplish its purpose. In someone else’s case it may take three months or just
three days. This particular mantra has tremendous power, but it is effective only for
bringing material wealth.

Mantras from the Upanishads

If you want to remain in supreme Ecstasy and Delight all the time, then you will have to
chant this particular mantra:

Anandadd hy eva khalv imani bhutani jayante

Anandena jatani jivanti
Anandam prayantyabhisam visanti

It means:

From Delight we came into existence.

In Delight we grow.
At the end of our journey’s close, into
Delight we retire.

If Infinity is the particular object of your aspiration, if you want to have infinite
Consciousness within and without, then the mantra that you have to practise is:

Purnam adah purnam idam

purnat purnam udacyate
Purnasya purnam adaya purnam

It means:

Infinity is that.
Infinity is this.
From Infinity, Infinity has come into existence.
From Infinity, when Infinity is taken away, Infinity remains.

Title: Re: Mantra for all diseases
Post by: marioban29 on August 15, 2008, 10:18:36 AM
Maha Mrutyuanjaya mantra against Accidentl / Untimely death.
OM JUUM SAA [name of sick person] PALAY PALAY SAA JUUM OM
1,25,000 jaap Homa with gudduchi and panchamrut.

For old diseases - Drug addicts, Chronic diseases, Diabetes etc...

1,25,000 jaap as above.

For Heart attack, High blood pressure etc....

7000 jaap.

For Mental tension, Depression, withdrawal, Timidity, Failure etc..

11000 jaap.

To get a Son, Impotency, difficulty to Control / Satisfy opposite Sex partner.

17000 jaap.

For Asthma and all type of Breathing problem, Cough etc...

21000 jaap.

For all round perfect health do Pranayam daily for 15 minutes, reciting
Inhale 16 times
Retain 64 times
Exhale 32 times


Title: Re: Mantra for all diseases

Post by: marioban29 on August 15, 2008, 10:38:15 AM



10 Feb 2002 @ 02:45, by Mahendra Bardiya


Surya Namaskar is a unique system that combines rigorous physical activity with mental
exercises & astrological healing.

Lord Sun as our scriptures put it, is central to existence of this universe. Even in
Astrology, Sun holds pivotal importance. Praying to Lord Sun helps overcome most of
the weaknesses that are generated by a bad horoscope.

Surya Namaskaar is a combination of Yoga Asanas, Pranayam, Sun Bathing & Sun
Prayer. As a system to rejuvenate the body & the soul, it is beyond compare. One round
of Surya Namaskaar is much better than a week of exercises done at a gym.

Surya Namaskar is included in the regular routine of prayer and worship. Means it must
be practiced regularly. Its greater importance has been described in the scriptures. As per
the scriptures, a single day worship of the sun has virtues equivalent to the bestowal
presentation of one lakh milk cows. Like worship, Surya Namaskaras too has their own
significance. Surya Namaskara means prayer (Vandana) of Lord Surya. Surya Vandana is
short. Surya Namaskara is an ancient system of Indian exercise. Stand facing the east at
dawn and peacefully chant the mantras to pray Lord Surya and offer red sandals, flowers,
rice grains (Akshatas) with water of simply the water alone as ARGHE (libation) and
perform Surya Namaskara. This whole process must be performed before the sunrise.

Take water in a metal pot and mix all the available veneration materials in it and hold the
pot in your fingers alone keeping the thumbs aside and facing the east and chanting the
following Mantra offer the libation thrice.



Surya Namaskar is included in the regular routine of prayer and worship. Means it must
be practiced regularly. Its greater importance has been described in the scriptures. As per
the scriptures, a single day worship of the sun has virtues equivalent to the bestowal
presentation of one lakh milk cows. Like worship, Surya Namaskaras too has their own
significance. Surya Namaskara means prayer (Vandana) of Lord Surya. Surya Vandana is
short. Surya Namaskara is an ancient system of Indian exercise. Stand facing the east at
dawn and peacefully chant the mantras to pray Lord Surya and offer red sandals, flowers,
rice grains (Akshatas) with water of simply the water alone as ARGHE (libation) and
perform Surya Namaskara. This whole process must be performed before the sunrise.
Take water in a metal pot and mix all the available veneration materials in it and hold the
pot in your fingers alone keeping the thumbs aside and facing the east and chanting the
following Mantra offer the libation thrice.



Now recite the following Mantra to pray Lord Surya.


There are twelve positions or a posture involves in Surya Namaskara. With all of these
twelve positions, each and every part of the body gets ample execrsie. Surya Namaslara
also enhances the vision.

Among these twelve positions, ten are Asanas only. The first one and the last one are two
positions. All these Asanas and position are very easy to perform and can easily be
practised by the people of all ages. Together these twelve positions constitute the process
of Surya Namaskara and twenty-five Namaskaras form one Avriti (frequency).

Surya Namaskar is included in the regular routine of prayer and worship. Means it must
be practiced regularly. Its greater importance has been described in the scriptures. As per
the scriptures, a single day worship of the sun has virtues equivalent to the bestowal
presentation of one lakh milk cows. Like worship, Surya Namaskaras too has their own
significance. Surya Namaskara means prayer (Vandana) of Lord Surya. Surya Vandana is
short. Surya Namaskara is an ancient system of Indian exercise. Stand facing the east at
dawn and peacefully chant the mantras to pray Lord Surya and offer red sandals, flowers,
rice grains (Akshatas) with water of simply the water alone as ARGHE (libation) and
perform Surya Namaskara. This whole process must be performed before the sunrise.

Take water in a metal pot and mix all the available veneration materials in it and hold the
pot in your fingers alone keeping the thumbs aside and facing the east and chanting the
following Mantra offer the libation thrice.


Now recite the following Mantra to pray Lord Surya.


There are twelve positions or a posture involves in Surya Namaskara. With all of these
twelve positions, each and every part of the body gets ample execrsie. Surya Namaslara
also enhances the vision.

Among these twelve positions, ten are Asanas only. The first one and the last one are two
positions. All these Asanas and position are very easy to perform and can easily be
practised by the people of all ages. Together these twelve positions constitute the process
of Surya Namaskara and twenty-five Namaskaras form one Avriti (frequency).

Surya Namaskar must be performed at some open and airy place. Perform Surya
Namaskara slowly without feeling tired (fatigue) or panting and puffing, changing the
feet every time, it must be performed on each of the feet successively.

The completely procedure of performing Surya Namaskara is thus: It begins with the
Mantras, one each for all the twelve Namaskara. These Mantras are as follows:












Procedure :
In the first position of Surya Namaskara contemplate the virtues of Lord Surya with
concentrated mind and feel that you are the friend of everybody and have friendship with
every creature on the earth. Immersing yourself with these feelings stand erect stretching
your hand, neck and all other parts of your body. Stretching both of your arms, touch
your thighs with palms and inflate the chest and point your vision on the tip of the point
your vision on the tip of the nose. This is a position of attention. Since you stand straight
in 'Daksha' position hence this posture is named 'DAKSHASANA'.

Disorders of the skin and waists are corrected, the back becomes strength and new life
and vigor are pumped into the legs.

Focusing of the vision on nose helps to control the mind.

The face becomes glorious

It is an easy and effective way of attaining good health and development of personality
for the students.

Meditating with concentrated mind enhances confidence.


Procedure :
Fold together both of your hands in such a way that that both the thumbs begin to touch
your chest. Expand your chest and pull in the belly as far as possible. Look straight
ahead. The head, the neck and the body should remain in a straight line. Closing the
mouth inhale the breath and hold it inside as far as possible and then expose the breath.

Disease of the throat is corrected and voice is enhanced. Both mind and body become


Procedure : Raising the arms up, stretch whole of your body backward while gazing the
sky with open eyes. Ben backward as mush as possible, expand your chest at the same
Both the shoulders and the food pipe (Esophagus) get exercise and diseases related to
them are corrected. Eyesight is also improved.



Procedure : Inhaling the breath through nostrils retain it and bend forward without
folding the knees. Ultimately rest both of your palms on the ground and touch your knees
with your forehead or the nose and exhale the breath that you held so far with audible
sound. If, in the beginning you are unable to rest your palms on the unable to rest your
palms on the ground, simply touch the ground with finger and practice slowly.

Disorders of the belly and digestive system are corrected. The chest grows strong, hands
too become stronger and your become well balanced, beautiful and good looking.

Disease of the feet, fingers are also corrected and new lease of life is pumped in week



Procedure : Inhale the breath through nostrils and pull your right leg backward in such a
way that the knee and the fingers of the foot touch the ground. Push forward your left leg
pressing the abdomen (belly) hard. Then raising your head as high as possible, look
upward. Push down the waist and hold the breath and stay in the osture as long as you

The posture stresses the small intestine as well as the seminal vesicles and these are
stretched. Thus this posture helps in correcting the constipation and diseases of the liver.

Thinness of the semen is also corrected.

Diseases of the Throat are also corrected.


Procedure : Inhale the breath deeply and hold it and pull both of your legs backward, so
that the thumbs of the feet, ankles and knees touch each other. Stabilizing the feet and
keeping the head, waist, the back and the elbows in a line bend forward and resting both
the palms on the ground keep your body like a bow.

One get relief from the pains specially of arms, legs and the knees, Bulging waist is
trimmed and slimmed this posture is like a panacea for the abdominal disorders.


Procedure : Holding the breath, rest both of your knees on the ground. Touch the ground
with your chest and touch the lower part of the neck with chin. Also touch the ground
with the upper part of the forehead and the nose. Please note that the abdomen should not
touch the ground. It should be pulled in. Exhale the breath now, Both the hands (palms)
must be kept on the sides of the chest
BENEFITS :This posture makes the arms strong.

If ladies perform this Asana before getting pregnant, the breast fed babies could be saved
from the attacks of many diseases.


Procedure : Keeping the legs, palms and knees in Ashtanga prampatasana position,
unfolding the arms rise up simultaneously inhaling the breath, push the chest out and
bend the waist in circle and backward. Look as much up as possible and exhale the
breath. (Fig.)
BENEFITS :Removing the dullness invigorates the body and makes the eyes glowing.
Correct all kinds of disorders related to male and female reproductive systems, corrects
the irregularities in females menstrual cycles.
Blood circulation is also corrected thereby increasing the glow on the face.


Repeat the process of Bhudharasana as described in the step six (6)


Procedure : Repeat the process of the fifth Namaskara as described in the step five (5)
just reverse the position of the legs.


Repeat the process described in the fourth Namskara, step four (4).


Procedure :Standing in the position described in step two repeat the second Surya
Namaskara. Thus performing all the postures for Surya Namaskara, each and every parts
of the body gets ample exercise whereas the religious significance is also fully met with.
Every human being must perform Suyra Namaskara and the anas related to it. By virtue
of Surya Namaskara, the poverty of the people is done away with and they remain
properous in many births. Results of Surya Namaskara are described thus in our



Meaning :The man who performs Surya Namaskara daily does not get poor in thousand
births. Hence, give Surya Namaskara an urgent place in your daily routine. And like the
daily rising of the sun. Surya Namaskara is indeed a daily routine.

When to perform Surya Namaskaar?

Surya Namaskaar takes 30-45 minutes of your time. It gives maximum benefit when done
at the time of Sunrise. In modern times however, one can do it as the first thing in the
morning after waking up & finishing the daily chores - but before eating anything.

Benefits of Surya Namaskaar

The benefits of Surya Namaskaar are enormous. It provides vitality & radiance to both
body & mind.
All disorders of eyes, nervous system, digestive system and lungs disappear within a
month of regular Surya Namaskaar.
The face of the practitioner also undergoes a sea change for the better. Regular Surya
Namskaar also helps one attain longevity of life.

The intangible benefits are also as many. The planetary afflictions are cured, and one is
able to get much more out of life and destiny.
How to do Surya Namaskaar
Complete your daily chores like bathing etc. and wear fresh clothes. But you should not
eat anything. Stand facing the rising Sun. Fold your hands as in "Namaste". With your
eyes closed, pray silently to Lord Sun.

"Hey Surya Dev , Mera Pranaam sweekar karen , Samasta Bhaagya Janit Sankaton
Se meri raksha karen" ( O Lord Sun, Salutation to you. Please protect me from all ill-
effects that fate may have in store for me).

You can keep a small carpet or piece of cloth to stand on. But it should be clean & kept
safely after the entire activity is over.

There are 12 names of lord Sun, that need to be chanted during the entire exercise. One
name/prayer before commencement of each round. Each round consists of 12
postures/positions and there are 12 rounds.


This yoga is performed at dawn. You need not look at the sun directly.
If not exercising on grassy ground, you may use a mat.
Wear simple, loose clothes.


Title: Re: Mantra for all diseases

Post by: marioban29 on August 16, 2008, 03:47:00 AM
Healing Mantras

The most powerful and instantly effective Healing Mantra that I use is ...

Hari Om
Hari Om
Hari Hari Om

(Begin and end with Om )

Very important note ... for liver problems

This is the most most powerful and provenly effective mantra

which heals the liver and all liver related illnesses.
This sound energy of the syllable

( the 'Ha' and the 'Ra' sound )

strengthens and energises the ' chakra ' ( energy center) supporting the liver.


the whole Cosmos is full
of Divine Powers.

Mantras are Divine Sound Energies

You can also get Divine Healing , Spiritual Healing ,Soul Healing , Energy
Medicine ... all different names to Miracle Healing from Divine Powers

2) Another Powerful Healing Mantra is

Hare Ram Hare Ram Ram Ram Hare Hare

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare

3) Here is a Mantra for all round perfect health ...

HUM PHAT SWAHA ; (keep repeating )

and all mantras having HUM PHAT SWAHA as a part of it ... have effect of healing
our body . So , you can also repeat these most powerful mantras

Om Hrim Strim
Hum Phat Swaha


Om Hum Hanumate Rudratmakaye

Hum Phat Swaha

4) For Mental Tension, Depression, Withdrawl and timidity ...


5) For Asthama and all types of Breathing problems , cough etc. ...


6) For Heart Attack ,
High Blood Pressure ...


7) For Diabetes , chronical Diseases, drug addicts ...


8 ) Om Mani Padme Hum

This is the most most powerful and famous Buddhist mantra which liberates us from all
our karmic bondages and heals us completely .

9) Om Aah Hum Vajra Guru Padma Siddhi Hum

This is the other most powerful Buddhist Mantra that gives you all
" Siddhis " ( accomplishments ) by invoking the blessings and grace of all Buddhas
especially the most compassionate Buddha - Padmasambhava
Hum connects your mind to the enlightened mind of the Buddha

Not only you get healing and a very healthy body in physical form
but also all worldly accomplishments and more than that
you also get super ordinary siddhis and attainments that will
free you from cycle of rebirth ...

10 ) Maha Mrutyunjaya Mantra

for protection against accidental and untimely death ....

OM JUUM SAA (name of sick person) PALAY PALAY



Title: Re: Mantra for all diseases

Post by: marioban29 on August 16, 2008, 07:28:04 AM
A chanted mantra to protect and to receive a miracle

Kodanda Rama Pahi

Kodanda Rama Pahi

Konda Rama
Pattabhirama Pahi
Hara Hara Ganga
Shiva Shiva Ganga
Shankara Ganga
Jai Panduranga

(Rama with the mighty bow Kodanda protect me

Coronated Rama sitting on the throne protect me
Power of devastation, giver of wonders, sacred river
Destroyer of evil, source of the Ganges
Bestower of peace and happiness
Victory to the white light of God)

Repeat this mantra as long as you feel joy to chant, to speak it or to think it.

The soft meditative vibration can help us visualize a more peaceful world
shimmering in the light of transformation, a world in which humans begin to honor
the godly nobility in both woman and man. According to the author Henry
Marshall, this mantra also calls for a miracle to protect the Earth's rainforests.

Title: Re: Mantra for all diseases

Post by: prettyprincess on September 01, 2008, 08:45:15 PM
Hello can you give me the mantra to relieve from black magic

Title: Re: Mantra for all diseases

Post by: dayalvasnani on September 01, 2008, 08:49:06 PM
Om Sai Ram

Om Triyambakam Yajamahe Sugandhim Pushtivardham

Urvarukmiv Bhandanan Mrityurmukshiya Maamrittat

This Mantra is powerful in any type of magic and diseases

Title: Re: Mantra for all diseases

Post by: prettyprincess on September 01, 2008, 08:52:32 PM
Hello Iam doing shiv mantra,gayatri mantra,ram mantra,krishnamantra,ganpati manta,kali
mantra for 108 times daily.Its not helping so far.But I iwill still keep chanting.
Title: Re: Mantra for all diseases
Post by: dayalvasnani on September 01, 2008, 08:59:30 PM
You Can Read Ram Raksha Strota and Aditya Hirdaya Strot Daily

Title: Re: Mantra for all diseases

Post by: prettyprincess on September 01, 2008, 09:22:00 PM
Can someone write Ram Raksha Strota and Aditya Hirdaya Strot.
thanking in anticipation

Title: Re: Mantra for all diseases

Post by: dayalvasnani on September 01, 2008, 09:36:27 PM
Aditya Hirdaya Strot

. atha aadityahR^idayam.h ..

tato yuddhaparishraantaM samare chintayaa sthitam.h .

raavaNaM chaagrato dR^ishhTvaa yuddhaaya samupasthitam.h .. 1..

daivataishcha samaagamya drashhTumabhyaagato raNam.h .

upaagamyaabraviidraamamagastyo bhagavaanR^ishhiH .. 2..

Rama, exhausted and about to face Ravana ready for a fresh battle was lost deep in
contemplation. The all knowing sage agastya who had joined the gods to witness the
battle spoke to Rama thus .. 1,2

raama raama mahaabaaho shR^iNu guhyaM sanaatanam.h .

yena sarvaanariinvatsa samare vijayishhyasi .. 3..

Oh Rama, mighty-armed Rama, listen to this eternal secret which will help you destroy
all your enemies in battle. 3

aadityahR^idayaM puNyaM sarvashatruvinaashanam.h .

jayaavahaM japennityaM akshayyaM paramaM shivam.h .. 4..

This holy hymn dedicated to the Sun deity will result in destroying all enemies and bring
you victory and never ending supreme bliss. 4

sarvamaN^galamaaN^galyaM sarvapaapapraNaashanam.h .
chi.ntaashokaprashamanaM aayurvardhanamuttamam.h .. 5..

This hymn is supreme and is a guarantee of complete prosperity and is the destroyer of
sin, anxiety, anguish and is the bestower of longevity. 5

rashmima.ntaM samudyantaM devaasuranamaskR^itam.h .

puujayasva vivasvantaM bhaaskaraM bhuvaneshvaram.h .. 6..
Worship the One, possessed of rays when he has completely risen, held in reverence by
the devas and asuras, and who is the Lord of the universe by whose efflugence all else
brighten. 6

sarvadevaatmako hyeshha tejasvii rashmibhaavanaH .

eshha devaasuragaNaa.Nllokaan.h paati gabhastibhiH .. 7..

He indeed represent the totality of all celestial beings. He is self-luminous and sustains all
with his rays. He nourishes and energizes the inhabitants of all the worlds and the race of
Devas and Asuras. 7

eshhaH brahmaa cha vishhNushcha shivaH skandaH prajaapatiH .

mahendro dhanadaH kaalo yamaH somo hyapaaM patiH .. 8..

He is Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva, Skands, Prajapati. He is also Mahendra, kubera, kala,

yama, soma and varuna. 8

pitaro vasavaH saadhyaa hyashvinau maruto manuH .

vaayurvanhiH prajaapraaNa R^itukartaa prabhaakaraH .. 9..

He is the pitrs, vasus, sadhyas, aswini devas, maruts, manu, vayu, agni, prana and, being
the source of all energy and light, is the maker of all the six seasons. 9

aadityaH savitaa suuryaH khagaH puushhaa gabhastimaan.h .

suvarNasadR^isho bhaanurvishvaretaa divaakaraH .. 10..

He is the son of Aditi, creator of the universe, inspirer of action, transverser of the
heavens. He is the sustainer, illumination of all directions, the golden hued brilliance and
is the maker of the day. 10

haridashvaH sahasraarchiH saptasaptirmariichimaan.h .

timironmathanaH shaMbhustvashhTaa maartaNDa a.nshumaan.h .. 11..

He is the Omnipresent One who pervades all with countless rays. He is the power behind
the seven sense organs, the dispeller of darkness, bestower of happiness and prosperity,
the remover of misfortunes and is the infuser of life. 11

hiraNyagarbhaH shishirastapano bhaaskaro raviH .

agnigarbho.aditeH putraH shaN^kha shishiranaashanaH .. 12..

He is the primordial BEing manifesting as the Trinity. He ushers in the Day and is the
teacher (of Hiranyagarbha), the fire-wombed, the son of Aditi, and has a vast and
supreme felicity. He is the remover of intellectual dull-headedness. 12

vyomanaathastamobhedii R^igyajuHsaamapaaragaH .
ghanavR^ishhTirapaaM mitro vindhyaviithii plavaN^gamaH .. 13..

He is the Lord of the firmament, dispeller of darkness. Master of all the vedas, he is a
friend of the waters and causes rain. HE has crossed the vindya range and sports in the
Brahma Nadi. 13

aatapii maNDalii mR^ityuH piN^galaH sarvataapanaH .

kavirvishvo mahaatejaa raktaH sarvabhavod.hbhavaH .. 14..

He, whose form is circular and is colored yellow, is intensely absorbed and inflicts death.
He is the destroyer of all and is the Omniscient one being exceedingly energetic sustains
the universe and all action. 14

nakshatragrahataaraaNaamadhipo vishvabhaavanaH .
tejasaamapi tejasvii dvaadashaatmannamostute .. 15..

He is the lord of stars, planets and all constellations. He is the origin of everything in the
universe and is the cause of the lustre of even the brilliant ones. Salutations to Thee who
is the One being manifest in the twelve forms of the Sun. 15

namaH puurvaaya giraye pashchimaayaadraye namaH .

jyotirgaNaanaaM pataye dinadhipataye namaH .. 16..

Salutations to the Eastern and western mountain, Salutations to the Lord of the stellar
bodies and the Lord of the Day. 16

jayaaya jayabhadraaya haryashvaaya namo namaH .

namo namaH sahasraa.nsho aadityaaya namo namaH .. 17..

Salutations to the One who ordains victory and the prosperity that follows. Salutations to
the one possessed of yellow steeds and to the thousand rayed Lord, and to Aditya. 17

namaH ugraaya viiraaya saaraN^gaaya namo namaH .

namaH padmaprabodhaaya maartaNDaaya namo namaH .. 18..

Salutations to the Terrible one, the hero, the one that travels fast. Salutations to the one
whose emergence makes the lotus blossom and to the fierce and omnipotent one. 18

brahmeshaanaachyuteshaaya suuryaayaadityavarchase .
bhaasvate sarvabhakshaaya raudraaya vapushhe namaH .. 19..

Salutations to the Lord of Brahma, shiva and Achyuta, salutations to the powerful and to
the effulgence in the Sun that is both the illuminator and devourer of all and is of a form
that is fierce like Rudra. 19

tamoghnaaya himaghnaaya shatrughnaayaamitaatmane .

kR^itaghnahanaaya devaaya jyotishhaaM pataye namaH .. 20..

Salutations to he transcendental atman that dispels darkness, drives away all fear, and
destroys all foes. Salutations also to the annihilator of the ungrateful and to the Lord of
all the stellar bodies. 20

taptachaamiikaraabhaaya haraye vishvakarmaNe . %vahnaye vishvakarmaNe

namastamo.abhinighnaaya ruchaye lokasaakshiNe .. 21..

Salutations to the Lord shining like molten gold, to the transcendental fire, the fire of
supreme knowledge, the architect of the universe, destroyer of darkness and salutations
again to the efflugence that is the Cosmic witness. 21

naashayatyeshha vai bhuutaM tadeva sR^ijati prabhuuH .

paayatyeshha tapatyeshha varshhatyeshha gabhastibhiH .. 22..

Salutations to the Lord who destroys everything and creates them again. Salutations to
Him who by His rays consumes the waters, heats them up and sends them down as rain.

eshha supteshhu jaagarti bhuuteshhu parinishhThitaH .

eshha evaagnihotraM cha phalaM chaivaagnihotriNaam.h .. 23..

Salutations to the Lord who abides in the heart of all beings keeping awake when they are
asleep. He is both the sacrificial fire and the fruit enjoyed by the worshippers. 23

vedaashcha kratavashchaiva kratuunaaM phalameva cha .

yaani kR^ityaani lokeshhu sarva eshha raviH prabhuH .. 24..

The Sun is verily the Lord of all action in this universe. He is verily the vedas, the
sacrifices mentioned in them and the fruits obtained by performing the sacrifices. 24

.. phala shrutiH ..

enamaapatsu kR^ichchhreshhu kaantaareshhu bhayeshhu cha .

kiirttayan.h purushhaH kashchinnaavasiidati raaghava .. 25..

Raghava, one who recites this hymn in times of danger, during an affliction or when lost
in the wilderness and having fear, he will not lose heart (and become brave). 25

puujayasvainamekaagro devadevaM jagat.hpatim.h .

etat.h triguNitaM japtvaa yuddheshhu vijayishhyasi .. 26..

Raghava, worship this Lord of all Gods and the Universe with one-pointed devotion.
Recite this hymn thrice and you will win this battle. 26
asminkshaNe mahaabaaho raavaNaM tvaM vadhishhyasi .
evamuktvaa tadaa.agastyo jagaam.h cha yathaagatam.h .. 27..

O mighty armed one, you shall truimph over Ravana this very moment. Having spoken
this, Agastya returned his original place. 27

etachchhR^itvaa mahaatejaa nashhTashoko.abhavattadaa .

dhaarayaamaasa supriito raaghavaH prayataatmavaan.h .. 28..

Raghava became free from worry after hearing this. He was greatly pleased and became
brave and energetic. 28

aadityaM prekshya japtvaa tu paraM harshhamavaaptavaan.h .

triraachamya shuchirbhuutvaa dhanuraadaaya viiryavaan.h .. 29..

Gazing at the sun with devotion, He recited this hymn thrice and experienced bliss.
Purifying Himself by sipping water thrice, He took up His bow with His mighty arms. 29

raavaNaM prekshya hR^ishhTaatmaa yuddhaaya samupaagamat.h .

sarva yatnena mahataa vadhe tasya dhR^ito.abhavat.h .. 30..

Seeing Ravana coming to fight, He put forth all his effort with a determination to destroy
Ravana. 30

atha raviravadannirikshya raama

muditamanaaH paramaM prahR^ishhyamaaNaH .
nishicharapatisa.nkshayaM viditvaa
suragaNamadhyagato vachastvareti .. 31..

Then knowing that the destruction of the lord of prowlers at night (Ravana) was near,
Aditya, who was at the center of the assembly of the Gods, looked at Rama and
exclaimed 'Hurry up' with great delight. 31

Title: Re: Mantra for all diseases

Post by: dayalvasnani on September 01, 2008, 09:52:48 PM
Ram Raksha Strot

शीरामरका सतोतम्
भगवान शी राम का धयान

धयायेदाजानुबाहंु धृतशरधनुषं बदपदासनसथं

पीतं वासो वसानं नवकमलदलसपिधरनेतं पसनम् ।
वामाकारढसीतामुखकमलिमलललोचनं नीरदाभं
नानालंकारदीपतं दधतमुरजटामणडलं रामचनदम् ॥

चिरतं रघुनाथसय शतकोिटपिवसतरम् ।

एकैकमकरं पुंसा महापातकनाशनम् ॥1॥
धयातवा नीलोतपलशयामं रामं राजीवलोचनम् ।
जानकीलकमणोपेतं जटामुकुटमिणडतम्॥2॥
सािसतूणधनुबाणपािणं नकतंचरानतकम्।
सवलीलया जगततातुमािवभूरतमजं िवभुम्॥3॥
रामरका पठेत् पाज: पापघी सवरकामदाम् ।
िशरो मे राघव: पातु भालं दशरथातमज: ॥4॥
कौसलयेयो दृशौ पातु िवशािमतिपय: शुती ।
घाणं पातु मखताता मुखं सौिमितवतसल: ॥5॥
िजहा िवदािनिध: पातु कणठं भरतविनदत: ।
सकनधौ िदवयायुध: पातु भुजौ भगनेशकामुरक: ॥6॥
करौ सीतापित: पातु हृदयं जामदगनयिजत् ।
मधयं पातु खरधवंसी नािभं जामबवदाशय: ॥7॥
सुगीवेश: कटी पातु सिकथनी हनुमतपभु: ।
ऊर रघूतम: पातु रक:कुलिवनाशकृत् ॥8॥
जानुनी सेतुकृत पातु जंघे दशमुखानतक: ।
पादौ िवभीषणशीद: पातु रामोऽिखलं वपु: ॥9॥
एता रामबलोपेता रका य: सुकृती पठेत् ।
स िचरायु: सुखी पुती िवजयी िवनयी भवेत् ॥10॥
न दषुमिप शकतासते रिकतं रामनामिभ: ॥11॥
रामेित रामभदेित रामचनदेित वा समरन् ।
नरो न िलपयते पापैभुरिकतं मुिकतं च िवनदित ॥12॥
जगजजैतैकमनतेण रामनामािभरिकतम् ।
य: कणठे धारयेतसय करसथा: सवरिसदय: ॥13॥
वजपञरनामेद ं यो रामकवचं समरेत्।
अवयाहताज: सवरत लभते जयमंगलम् ॥14॥
आिदषवान् यथा सवपे रामरकािममा हर: ।
तथा िलिखतवान् पात: पबुदो बुधकौिशक: ॥15॥
आराम: कलपवृकाणा िवराम: सकलापदाम् ।
अिभरामिसतलोकाना राम: शीमान् स न: पभु: ॥16॥
तरणौ रपसमपनौ सुकुमारौ महाबलौ ।
पुणडरीकिवशालाकौ चीरकृषणािजनामबरौ ॥17॥
फलमूलािशनौ दानतौ तापसौ बहचािरणौ ।
पुतौ दशरथसयैतौ भातरौ रामलकमणौ ॥18॥
शरणयौ सवरसततवाना शेषौ सवरधनुषमताम् ।
रक:कुलिनहनतारौ तायेता नो रघूतमौ ॥19॥
आतसजजधनुषािवषुसपृशावकयाशुगिनषंगसंिगनौ ।
रकणाय मम रामलकमणावगत: पिथ सदैव गचछताम् ॥20॥
संनद: कवची खडगी चापबाणधरो युवा ।
गचछन् मनोरथान् नश राम: पातु सलकमण: ॥21॥
रामो दाशरिथ: शूरो लकमणानुचरो बली ।
काकुतसथ: पुरष: पूणर: कौसलयेयो रघूतम: ॥22॥
वेदानतवेदो यजेश: पुराणपुरषोतम:
जानकीवललभ: शीमानपमेयपराकम: ॥23॥
इतयेतािन जपन् िनतयं मदकत: शदयािनवत: ।
अशमेधािधकं पुणयं समपापोित न संशय: ॥24॥
रामं दूवादलशयामं पदाकं पीतवाससम् ।
सतुविनत नामिभिदरवयैनर ते संसािरणो नरा: ॥25॥
रामं लकमणपूवरज ं रघुवरं सीतापितं सुनदरं
काकुतसथं करणाणरवगं ुणिनिधं िवपिपयं धािमरकम् ।
राजेनदं सतयसंध ं दशरथतनयं शयामलं शानतमूितर ं
वनदे लोकािभरामं रघुकुलितलकं राघवं रावणािरम् ॥
रामाय रामभदाय रामचनदाय वेधसे ।
रघुनाथाय नाथाय सीताया: पतये नम: ॥27॥
शीराम राम रघुननदन राम राम
शीराम राम भरतागज राम राम
शी राम राम रणककरश राम राम
शीराम राम शरणं भव राम राम ॥28॥
शीरामचनदचरणौ मनसा समरािम
शीरामचनदचरणौ वचसा गृणािम ।
शीरामचनदचरणौ िशरसा नमािम
शीरामचनदचरणौ शरणं पपदे ॥29॥
माता रामो मितपता रामचनद:
सवामी रामो मतसखा रामचनद:
सवरसवं मे रामचनदो दयालुनानयं
जाने नैव जाने न जाने ॥30॥
दिकणे लकमणो यसय वामे च जनकातमजा ।
पुरतो मारितयरसय तं वनदे रघुननदनम् ॥31॥
लोकािभरामं रणरंगधीरं राजीवनेतं रघुवश ं नाथम् ।
कारणयरपं करणाकरं तं शीरामचनदं शरणं पपदे ॥32॥
मनोजवं मारततुलयवेगं िजतेिनदयं बुिदमता विरषम् ।
वातातमजं वानरयूथमुखयं शीरामदूतं शरणं पपदे ॥33॥
कूजनतं रामरामेित मधुर ं मधुराकरम् ।
आरह किवताशाखा वनदे वालमीिककोिकलम् ॥34॥
आपदामपहतारं दातारं सवरसमपदाम् ।
लोकािभरामं शीरामं भूयो भूयो नमामयहम् ॥35॥
भजरन ं भवबीजानामजरन ं सुखसमपदाम् ।
तजरन ं यमदूताना रामरामेित गजरनम् ॥36॥
रामो राजमिण: सदा िवजयते रामं रमेशं भजे
रामेणािभहता िनशाचरचमू रामाय तसमै नम: ।
रामानािसत परायणं परतरं रामसय दासोऽसमयहं
रामे िचतलय: सदा भवतु मे भो राम मामुदर ॥37॥
राम रामेित रामेित रमे रामे मनोरमे ।
सहसतनाम ततुलयं रामनाम वरानने ॥38॥
॥इित शीरामरका सतोतम्॥
Title: Re: Mantra for all diseases
Post by: prettyprincess on September 01, 2008, 10:08:20 PM
Thanks I just finished reading Aditya Hirdaya strot.

Title: Re: Mantra for all diseases

Post by: manishbparmar on October 05, 2008, 11:38:50 PM
some where i read the foll mantra for success in business

Om Hleem Poornna Saafalyam Om Phat Kuru Kuru

it has to be chanted in front of 'Uttishtthaa'

what is Uttishtthaa ??????????

can anybody explain

Title: Re: Mantra for all diseases

Post by: marioban29 on October 17, 2008, 10:04:25 AM
Om Hreem shreem Kleem Mam Sarva Karya Sadhay Sadhay Swahaa
Om Shreem Mam Kaarya Siddhi Kari Kari Hreem Phat


Unemployment is the worst bane of modern life, which leads to depresssion and loss of
confidence. Struggle for survival becomes so hard that a person loses all hope and starts
to contemplate upon taking drastic steps. If only such a person could be guided into the
Sadhana world be could benefit much by employing this time tested method.

For gaining a good job place a Kaarya Siddhi Yantra on a copper plate in the night of
Wednesday. Offer flowers on it. Light a lamp and chant just one round of this Mantra
with a coral rosary (मूंगा माला).

Om Shreem Mam Kaarya Siddhi Kari Kari Hreem Phat

ॐ शी मम कायर िसिद करी करी ही फट

Repeat the ritual each night for 8 days, thus concluding the Sadhana on next Wednesday.
The Sadhak must leave the rosary in the roots of Peepal tree. The Yantra he should carry
to interviews and examinations, till he lands a job. After that it should be dropped in a
river or a pond.

Title: Re: Mantra for all diseases

Post by: leearora on December 20, 2008, 02:06:14 AM
[color=beige]"Om ApadAm apahartAram dAtAram sarva sampadAm.
lokAbhirAmam shri rAmam bhUyo bhUyo namAmyaham."[/color]
I feel their is a slight correction in the mantra. Also can anyone from the group tell me of
this mantra much more in details. I am saying this mantra for a dear one of mine as
suggested in the forum. om sai ram

Title: Re: Mantra for all diseases

Post by: marioban29 on December 23, 2008, 04:46:15 AM
Rama (Healing Mantra):
Om Apadamapa Hataram Dataram Sarva Sampadam
Loka Bhi Ramam Sri Rama Bhuyo Bhuyo Namamyaham

"This is a long mantra to put in a chapter for those just starting off, but is placed here
because it is the most powerful healing mantra I have ever encountered. The very rough
translation is, 'Om, Oh most compassionate Rama please send your healing energy right
here to the earth, to the earth (twice for emphasis.)'

I have seen this mantra completely cure one person from a schizophrenic break who was
in a locked ward. The psychiatrist said he would never lead a life on the outside again. In
the middle of a 40 day sadhana done in his behalf, he was living in a 'halfway house' for
those on the road to recovery. After 40 days of a spiritual discipline done on his behalf,
he was on his own. He has since graduated from Art School which he attended on
scholarship, and is working as an artist.

Another individual who was on medication, took off spurning his pills and disappeared
for a time. After a 40 day sadhana done on his behalf, he had stabilized his life and was
back on his medication without complaint.

A woman I know was in constant pain for four years. She undertook this discipline and
after just a few weeks was in less pain than at any time she could remember over the past
several years. She is still doing the mantra an expects to be pain free relatively soon.

Although the mantra is long, it is simple to say phonetically. If you can, say it 108 times
in a sitting. If you are just starting out, this may initially take up to one hour. After you
are comfortable with the mantra, it will only take you 30 minutes."


Title: Re: Mantra for all diseases

Post by: RashiMahajan on December 30, 2008, 10:48:29 AM
Hi My father is suffering from Liver Cirrosis & he has Hepatitis C too.. He is not keeping
well too
There is no medicine is available for this deadly cobination... Please give me some very
helpful & effective mantrs so i can save my father's life ...

I will be very great ful for u ..........

This is my request to evry one please help me........

On Sai Ram
Title: Re: Mantra for all diseases
Post by: geniusgera on January 10, 2009, 02:13:36 AM
Dear karma Ji

I have to find a right word to respect your knowledge.

As of now my poor knowledge can address you as Genius,Superb

I will write to you once i find the right word.



Title: Re: Mantra for all diseases

Post by: marioban29 on March 12, 2009, 06:01:00 AM
Moola Mantra (Om Satchitananda Parabrahma)
Om Sat-Chit-Ananda Parabrahma
Purushothama Paramatma
Sri Bhagavathi Sametha
Sri Bhagavathe Namaha

This Moola Mantra Sanskirt chant was given to humanity through the Grace of Sri
Bhagavan and Sri Amma. When you chant this Moola Mantra, even without knowing the
meaning of it, that itself carries power. But when you know the meaning and chant it with
feeling in your heart then the energy will flow a million times more powerfully. It is
therefore important to know the meaning of the Moola Mantra when you use it.

This Mantra is like calling a name. Just like when you call a person he comes and makes
you feel his presence, in the same manner when you chant this mantra the Supreme
Energy manifests everywhere around you. As the Universe is omnipresent, this Supreme
Energy can manifest anywhere and any time. It is also very important to know that
invocation of the Moola Mantra with deep humility, respect and with great necessity
makes The Divine Presence stronger.

OM has got 100 different meanings. It is said, in the beginning was the Supreme word
and the word created every thing. That word is OM. If you are meditating in silence
deeply, you can hear the sound OM within. The whole of creation emerged from the
sound OM. It is the primordial sound or the Universal sound by which the whole universe
vibrates. OM also means inviting the higher energy. This divine sound has the power to
create, sustain and destroy, giving life and movement to all that exist.
SAT means all penetrating existence that is formless, shapeless, omnipresent, attribute
less, and quality less aspect of the Universe. It is the Unmanifest. It is experienced as
emptiness of the Universe. We could say it is the body of the Universe that is static.
Everything that has a form and that can be sensed, evolved out of this Un manifest. It is
so subtle that it is beyond all perceptions. It can only be seen when it has become gross
and has taken form. We are in the Universe and the Universe is in us. We are the effect
and Universe is the cause and the cause manifests itself as the effect.

CHIT is the Pure Consciousness of the Universe that is infinite, omni-present manifesting
power of the Universe. Out of this is evolved everything that we call Dynamic energy or
force. It can manifest in any form or shape. It is the consciousness manifesting as motion,
as gravitation, as magnetism, etc. It is also manifesting as the actions of the body, as
thought force. It is the Supreme Spirit.

ANANDA means bliss, love and friendship nature of the Universe. When you experience
either the Supreme Energy in this Creation (SAT) and become one with the Existence or
experience the aspect of Pure Consciousness (CHIT), you enter into a state of Divine
Bliss and eternal happiness (ANANDA). This is the primordial characteristic of the
Universe, which is the greatest and most profound state of ecstasy that you can ever
experience when you relate with your higher Consciousness.

PARABRAHMA is the Supreme Being in his Absolute aspect; one who is beyond space
and time. It is the essence of the Universe that is with form and without form. It is the
Supreme creator.

PURUSHOTHAMA has got different meanings. Purusha means soul and Uthama means
the supreme; the Supreme spirit. It also means the supreme energy of force guiding us
from the highest world. Purusha also means Man, and PURUSHOTHAMA is the energy
that incarnates as an Avatar to help and guide Mankind and relate closely to the beloved

PARAMATMA means the supreme inner energy that is immanent in every creature and
in all beings, living and non-living. It's the indweller or the Antaryamin who resides
formless or in any form desired. It's the force that can come to you whenever you want
and wherever you want to guide and help you.

SRI BHAGAVATI is the Feminine aspect, which is characterized as the Supreme
Intelligence in action, the Power (The Shakti). It is referred to the Mother Earth (Divine
Mother) aspect of the creation.
SAMETHA means together or in communion with.

SRI BHAGAVTE is the Masculine aspect of the Creation, which is unchangeable and

NAMAHA is salutations or prostrations to the Universe that is OM and also has the
qualities of SAT-CHIT-ANANDA, that is omnipresent, unchangeable and changeable at
the same time, the supreme spirit in a human form and formless, the indweller that can
guide and help in the feminine and masculine forms with the supreme intelligence. I seek
your presence and guidance all the time.

Title: Re: Mantra for all diseases

Post by: anand.bajajallianz on June 03, 2009, 12:38:15 AM
Please guide me or write method as founfd in tantric treaties

1) Obtain Kamaruba siddhi - a magical power by which you can take any form you
desire. It is a long tedious sadana of certain tantric deity. If you are up to it you can try .
( If you are ready let me know I will write to you the method as founfd in tantric treaties)

Title: Re: Mantra for all diseases

Post by: anand.bajajallianz on June 04, 2009, 02:13:10 AM
under the topic from where i can get yantra and mala or other way is there . JOBLESS ??

Title: Re: Mantra for all diseases

Post by: prettyprincess on June 06, 2009, 10:58:46 AM
om sai does anyone know recitation of sri sudarsana gayatri,sri sudarsana
ashtakam,nrusimha sai

Title: Re: Mantra for all diseases

Post by: marioban29 on June 10, 2009, 05:52:49 AM
Sudarshana Gayatri Mantra of Sudharshana Chakra

Sudarshana Gayatri Mantra or Sudharsana Gayathri is a powerful prayer used to invoke

Lord Sudharshana, the holy wheel which Lord Vishnu uses as his main weapon.

Sri Sudarshana Gayatri Mantra Lyrics

Sudarshanaaya Vidmahe
Maha Jwaalaya Deemahi
Thannach Chakrap Prachodhayaad.


Title: Re: Mantra for all diseases

Post by: kamra_p on July 14, 2009, 07:09:32 AM

Title: Re: Mantra for all diseases

Post by: marioban29 on July 27, 2009, 05:40:04 AM
Hello kamra_p ji. I found a mantra for obesity.

After meals if a person chants the following mantra, it kindles the

> digestive fire which will help in proper and wholesome assimilation of
> the food consumed. Hence, this can be an effective mantra to control
> obesity.
> "Om Agasthyam kumbarnam cha shanim vrugodharam vatavaanalam
> Bhojanam pachanaarthaaya smaredhabhyaam cha panchakam."
> Chant this mantra for 3 times and gently stroke your stomach after
> your meals.
> You can sit in the vajraasana position after meals for about 2 to 3
> mins. to improve your digestion.
> Honey taken in with lemon and luke-warm water early in the morning is
> another technique to control obesity.
> Sarvaangaasanaa is a powerful aasanaa to control obesity if that is
> triggered by thyroid problems. Even otherwise, this yogic posture
> tones up all the internal organs of the body.
> Chakraasana, salabaasana, Dhanuraasana,Mayuraasanaa, etc. also reduce
> abdominal fat and tone up the digestive organs.

Title: Re: Mantra for all diseases

Post by: bharti1809 on August 27, 2009, 08:33:43 AM

can u please tell me the exact procedure of videshan mantra and vashikaran mantra and
the number of times these mantras should be chanted. Some one creating trouble in my
marriage , please help

Title: Re: Mantra for all diseases

Post by: Sai Mint2 on August 27, 2009, 10:48:23 AM
jai sairam all devotiz :)
here is a vdo i tried making a vdo out of it:)
its vibhuti mantra ..
as all r v much aware the importance of udi or say it vibhuti...
this mantra is v sweet and helpful
jai sainath :)
-Minty :)

Title: Re: Mantra for all diseases

Post by: kamra_p on August 28, 2009, 04:41:52 AM
i ve some scars problen on my face..
so if i eat baba ki udi will it work...???
suggest me how can i make use of baba's udi so dat my face problem can b cured...

Title: Re: Mantra for all diseases

Post by: biren1979 on September 06, 2009, 11:08:44 AM
hello anand,
i am biren from canada. i read your post about kamaruba siddhi. i am interested in this
siddhi. can u email me about this siddhi and vidhi. my email is [email protected]
i will wait for your reply.

Title: Re: Mantra for all diseases

Post by: -=≡{RAVI}≡=- on September 16, 2009, 03:01:43 AM
And I think u are simply spamming this forum and adding links not relevant to thsi
Forum. You are banned :)

Quote from: nelsonclassic on September 16, 2009, 02:33:54 AM

Hello friends,
Since I ma new to this forum so I wanted to start by "OM SAINATHAY NAMAH".
Thanks for giving such a wonderful mantras..
Can you give mantra of removing all bad thoughts which are continuously moving in our
minds,like jealousy,anger etc.
How can we make ourselves free from these feelings.

link removed

Title: Re: Mantra for all diseases

Post by: lms on September 18, 2009, 09:35:12 PM



Title: Re: Mantra for all diseases

Post by: nageshsriam on December 21, 2009, 04:47:43 AM
Quote from: anand.bajajallianz on June 03, 2009, 12:38:15 AM
Please guide me or write method as founfd in tantric treaties

1) Obtain Kamaruba siddhi - a magical power by which you can take any form you
desire. It is a long tedious sadana of certain tantric deity. If you are up to it you can try .
( If you are ready let me know I will write to you the method as founfd in tantric treaties)
Hi, I am intereseted in this please send me the details to my id ram.testin at
Sai Ram

Title: Re: Mantra for all diseases

Post by: sai ki beti18 on January 12, 2010, 11:59:38 PM
sairam to all..

i have been searching for downloads on :

dhanvantari mantram
mahamrityunjaya mantram
gayatri mantram

Title: Re: Mantra for all diseases

Post by: marioban29 on March 17, 2010, 06:38:13 AM
om sai ram om sai ram
om sai ram om sai ram
om sai ram om sai ram
om sai ram om sai ram
om sai ram om sai ram
om sai ram om sai ram

Title: Re: Mantra for all diseases

Post by: marioban29 on March 31, 2010, 01:08:43 AM
om sai ram om sai ram
om sai ram om sai ram
om sai ram om sai ram
om sai ram om sai ram
om sai ram om sai ram
om sai ram om sai ram

Title: Re: Mantra for all diseases

Post by: saishanti on July 11, 2010, 01:13:48 AM

I have lots of problems. Ta present I am undergoing financial, job, health and mental
problems. I want some mantra for stability of my husband job. He everytime says that he
will resign as he has problems in his job.Right now we have a small child and no
finanacial backing. I am very tensed.please help me what should i do.

Title: Re: Mantra for all diseases

Post by: pradhmi on October 30, 2010, 08:08:41 AM
dear brothers and sisters

thanks for giving lots of Mantras...

i ve some dobuts ... you ve given some mantras for getting good husband.. i want to know
how many times we want to chant or write per day....

to make our postive in all means .. thou, mind our universal engry what i have to do ???

Pls bro and sis tell me ..............

i want to live healthier ,happily till my life ends.....

Title: Re: Mantra for all diseases

Post by: punam s on November 21, 2010, 06:59:44 AM
my mother in law is suffering from back ache frm last 4 month , doc say's that there is no
such problem but still she is having pain , pls give me mantra s that it can be helpful for
her n get relief frm the pain pls pray for her . om sai ram..............

Title: Re: Mantra for all diseases

Post by: haribabu1111 on November 29, 2010, 02:17:16 AM
Thanks for your mantras. Looking forward to see list of more mantras in this forum.





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