CHILD-parent Relationship Scale

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Robert C. Pianta

Please reflect on the degree to which each of the following statements currently applies to your
relationship with your child. Using the scale below, circle the appropriate number for each item.

Definitely does Not Neutral, Applies Definitely

not apply really not sure somewhat applies
1 2 Questions 3 4 1 2 5 3 4 5
1. I share an affectionate, warm relationship with my child.
2. My child and I always seem to be struggling with each other.
3. If upset, my child will seek comfort from me.

4. My child is uncomfortable with physical affection or touch from me.

5. My child values his/her relationship with me.

6. When I praise my child, he/she beams with pride.

7. My child spontaneously shares information about himself/herself. 8.
My child easily becomes angry at me.
9. It is easy to be in tune with what my child is feeling.
10. My child remains angry or is resistant after being disciplined.
11. Dealing with my child drains my energy.
12. When my child is in a bad mood, I know we're in for a long and difficult
13. My child's feelings toward me can be unpredictable or can change

14. My child is sneaky or manipulative with me.

15. My child openly shares his/her feelings and experiences with me.

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