Literacy Block Framework

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Literacy 2 Day Block Framework

Teacher Role Student Role
To use my time efficiently, teacher will Students will check and choose to read
8:30- conference students who are reading independently or write in writer’s notebook.
8:45 Arrival independently or writing in writer’s notebook.
8:45- Writer's Independent Writing: Students gather for a meeting.
9:30 Workshop Teacher will begin by conducting a “Writers Listens to “Writers Talk” on Patricia Polacco.
Talk” on Patricia Polacco. Participates in mini lesson on figurative
Gives a mini lesson on figurative Language language by giving example of similes and
using the book, Owl Moon by Jane Yolen. metaphors that they are familiar with.
Teacher conferences with 3 students The class works quietly on writing piece in
individually on their narrative writing pieces their writers note book, applying what they
-addresses their specific needs from their now know about similes and metaphors to
writing notebooks. their own narrative stories.
Teacher conducts one guided writing Two students will conferences with teacher
conference. regarding their specific writing needs.
Record instructional conversations/assessment. Students will volunteer to read aloud their
Conducts large group share asking students to narrative stories aloud sharing how they have
volunteer to read their narrative stories and applied figurative language in their writing
share where they have used figurative pieces.
9:45- Reading Independent Reading: Independent Reading:
10:30 Workshop Gathers students in the meeting area. Students gather for mini lesson in the meeting
Teacher will take a status of the class to note areas.
what students are reading to recognize their Students will report on what they will be
accomplishments. working on during independent reading.
Teacher will conduct a mini lesson using the Students will add book titles to his/her reading
book, Strong to the Hoop by John Coy to booklist in Reader’s Notebooks.
illustrate how authors use interesting ways to Student will actively listens to the book, Strong
help their readers learn about characters in a to the Hoop by John Coy during mini lesson
book. noticing the author’s monolog in the book.
Teacher will have students read silently and Students will read silently and independently.
independently. Students writes letter to teacher to conference
Teacher will conduct one guided reading group. about what he/she is reading.
Teacher conferences with three students Students enjoy their snacks while reading.
individually and has them read orally to check During group share, students turn with their
on behaviors and noting them. partners to share ideas from mini lesson on
Conducts group share at end of the class how authors use dialog to help readers get to
Teacher responds to student’s letter about know their characters.
what they have connected with in their
independent reading book.
10:30 Language/ Interactive Read Aloud: Interactive Read Aloud:
-11:15 Word Teacher gathers students in the meeting area. Students gather for read aloud in meeting
Study Asks students to make predictions about the area.
book, The Wretched Stone by Chris Van Students make predictions about what the
Allsburg. story will be about.
Teacher reads aloud the book, stopping at Students will be actively listening to hear if
times to notice unique features or to clarify. their predictions have been confirmed or not.
Teacher asks students to sharing if their Students share comments on if predictions
predictions have been confirmed or not. have been confirmed.

Teacher Role Student Role
To use my time efficiently, Teacher will Students will check and choose to read
8:30 - conference students who are reading independently or write in writer’s notebook.
8:45 Arrival independently or writing in writer’s notebook.
Word Study: Word Study:
Teacher will present a mini lesson on using the Students will apply the mini lesson by coming
8:45- Language/ suffixes “ible” and “able”. up with words that fit “ible” and “able” spelling
9:15 Word Teacher demonstrates how the rule that rules.
Study applies. Students record these discoveries in a word
study notebook.

9:15- Reading Literature Study: Literature Study:

10:30 Workshop Teacher instructs students to gather into their Students will be responsible to gather with
discussion groups and to meet in your assigned book club members in appropriate meeting
areas for literature study. area.
Teacher will navigates the room, stopping at Students will lead book discussions.
each book group to support students’ learning. Students will bring book to class and having
Teachers will facilitate and redirect student led prepared responses to the book.
conversations about the book they have chosen Students will be actively participating in
to read. discussion by sharing their thinking, opinions
Teacher may have to demonstrate thinking, and their connections to the text.
interjects, summarizes. Students will be collaborating and listening to
After discussion, teachers evaluate students’ other group members.
participation and success of book After the discussion, students will evaluate
conversations. their participation and success of discussion.
Teacher invites comments to help students to Students will Invite comments to help consider
reflect on their own thinking. their own thinking.
Teacher will work with student to plan next Students will plan the next step for their
steps in discussion. discussion.
10:30- Writers Independent Writing: Independent Writing:
11:15 Workshop Teacher takes status of the class. Students gather for a meeting.
Gives a mini lesson on using strong leads using Students informs teacher as to what they are
Meteor! by Patricia Polacco working in during independent writing.
Teacher conferences with 3 students Participates in mini lesson on strong leads.
individually on their narrative writing pieces by The class works quietly on writing piece
addressing their specific needs. applying what they now know using “strong
Teacher conducts one guided writing leads” by drafting a story.
conference Two students will conferences with teacher
Record instructional conversations/assessment. regarding their specific writing needs.
Conducts large group share asking students to Students will conduct peer edits regarding their
volunteer to read their narrative stories and narrative stories.
shared the strong lead the have used. Students will apply this knowledge to their
At end of class, Students will volunteer to share
their narrative stories sharing how they applied
strong leads to their pieces.

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