IIT Madras Placement Brochure

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iit madras

placement brochure
2010 - 11
IIT Madras: An Introduction 2
Message from the Director 4
Program Information 5
Academics 7
Research and Development 8
Extra Curricular Activities 15
Placement Office 17
Placement Procedure 18
Demographics 19
List of Previous Recruiters 20
Our Vision
“To be an academic institution in dynamic
equilibrium with its social, ecological
and economic environment striving
continuously for excellence in education,
research and technological service to the

E stablished in 1959, IIT Madras, an Institute of worldwide repute, has been

instrumental in nurturing the dreams and aspirations of some of India’s
brightest minds through a mix of intensive curricular and co-curricular activities.
The programs at IIT Madras aimed at developing in each student, a mastery of
fundamentals, versatility of mind and motivation for learning, have resulted in
well-rounded leaders of the highest professional competence. Our students acquire
various other entrepreneurial qualities and management skills by organizing and
executing a plethora of events and fests round the calendar. The multitasking
and highly competitive environment in the campus makes the standards of our
graduates commensurate with the demands of the Industry.

Our Mission
• To create and sustain a community of learning in which The primary objective of the IITs, in the words of
students acquire knowledge and learn to apply it profession- Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru was, “to provide scientists and
ally with due consideration for ethical, ecological and eco- technologists of the highest calibre who would engage
nomic issues in research, design and development to help building the
• To pursue research and disseminate research findings nation towards self reliance in her technological needs”.
• To provide knowledge-based technological services to
satisfy the needs of society and the industry In pursuit of fulfilling this objective, IIT Madras produces
• To help in building national capabilities in science, tech- graduates, postgraduates and doctoral students of the
nology, humanities, management, education and research. highest standards. The credentials earned by our alumni
stand testimony to this fact and our students continue to
remain an important engine of growth for the nation. The
Quality Policy slump in the job market which the world saw in the last
two years seems to have become history looking at the
• To pursue global standards of excellence in all our endeav- encouraging placement scenario last year. It is important
ors namely teaching, research and consultancy and continuing for students to ensure that they make the right choice in
education and to remain accountable in our core and support finding a career that suits their inclination. Such a choice is
functions through processes of self-evaluation and continuous increasingly important in the competitive world of today,
improvement. where innovation will be the greatest key to growth.

Our placement office, known for its meticulous work

Core Values strives to provide an atmosphere conducive for company
representatives who are pleased to come back each year
• Develop human resources to serve the nation to recruit from among the best minds of the nation. I
• Recognize teaching as a unifying activity congratulate the staff at the placement office for their
• Nurture integrity, creativity and academic freedom contribution to students’ placement and wish our students
• Retain a willingness to experiment with new paradigms the very best of luck in their attempts to build purposeful
careers in the future.

Prof. M.S.Ananth

s s s
Director, IIT Madras

Students taking this program The Department of Manage- Dual Degree
B Tech & Dual Degree are admitted through JAM (Joint ment Studies (DoMS) of IIT
These programmes are of-
Admission Test to M Sc). On an Madras offers a two-year, eight- Aerospace Engineering Mechanical Engineering and MTech in Applied
fered by 11 departments to stu-
average only 4% of the aspirants quarter, full time MBA program Bio Technology - Energy Technology Mechanics
dents screened through the JEE
who take the test are admitted designed to produce competent Chemical Engineering - Product Design with specialization in
(Joint Entrance Examination).
to the IITs. The 4 semester M Sc managers. The program places Civil Engineering - Intelligent Manufacturing BioMedical
Renowned for its fierce compe-
program is carefully designed to emphasis on knowledge of indus- - Infrastructural Civil Metallurgical & Materials Engineering
tition it has an approximately
impart essential knowledge in trial and business domains and Engineering Engineering - B Tech in Civil Engineering
2.2% acceptance ratio amongst
the respective departments with the development of soft skills. Computer Science & Naval Architecture & Ocean and
more than 3,00,000 applicants.
The B Tech programme is opportunities for specialization Engineering Engineering M Tech in Applied Mechanics
developed to impart fundamen- in all major areas. MA Engineering Design Applied Mechanics with specialization in Soil
tals of professional engineering. The unique five year inte- - Automotive Engineering - B Tech in Aerospace Mechanics/Fluid Mechanics
The students undergo an intern- MS & PhD grated programme, launched Electrical Engineering Engineering and MTech - B Tech in Naval Architecture
ship program in the pre-final These research programs in in 2006, leads to Master of Arts - Communication Engineering in Applied Mechanics with and M Tech in Applied
year and in the final year they various disciplines are designed (M.A.) degree in three major dis- - Micro Electronics & VLSI specialization in Bio-Medical Mechanics with specialization
do an engineering project. Both to cater to the needs of indus- ciplines – Development Studies, Design Engineering in Soil Mechanics/Fluid
are necessarily relevant to their tries and laboratories in cutting Economics, and English Stud- - Power Systems & Power - B Tech in Electrical Mechanics
academic curriculum. edge technologies both in ba- ies. The MA Programme exposes Electronics Engineering
Dual Degree students will be sic and applied research on par students to a wide variety of dis-
awarded a B Tech and M Tech with international standards. ciplines in the Social Sciences
degree at the end of five years Interdisciplinary and industry and Humanities, moving on to M Tech Degree
of academic programme. This specific problems are under- develop strong analytical, com- Aerospace Engineering - Construction Technology & Scientific Computing
programme gives more empha- taken to sustain the institution- munication and research skills Applied Mechanics Management Mechanical Engineering
sis on the project work and the industry interaction. In the first in the relevant stream through BioTechnology - Computational Engineering - Thermal Engineering
students do an exclusive M Tech year of curriculum strong foun- applied projects, quantitative -Clinical Engineering Computer Science - Mechanical Design
project in the fifth year. dations on theory are laid down subjects and a firm theoretical Catalysis Technology, - Computer Science & - Manufacturing Engineering
The academic exposure in- which is followed by a research backing. Chemical Engineering Engineering Nuclear Engineering
cludes a variety of courses from project. Tentative time taken for Civil Engineering Electrical Engineering Metallurgical & Materials
professional, humanities, basic the completion of PhD and MS - Building Technology & - Communication Engineering Engineering
sciences and management. program is four and two years Construction Management - Micro Electronics & VLSI Ocean Engineering
respectively. - Environmental Design - Petroleum Engineering
M Tech - Geotechnical Engineering - Power Systems & Power Physics
This programme is offered to - Hydraulic water resources Electronics - Solid State Technology
students taken in through GATE - Structural Engineering Mathematics
(Graduate Aptitude Test in Engi- - Transportation Engineering - Industrial Mathematics &
neering). The programme of in-
struction for each stream of spe-
cialization comprises core courses,
elective courses and project work.
The student will be required to
give one or more seminars and un-
dergo industrial/practical training
during the programme.

programs in m tech and
offered dual degree
Academics Research &
T he Departments and Centres of the Institute are
responsible for the academic activities which in-
clude teaching, research and industrial consultancy. The
courses of study are organized on semester programs Research at IIT Madras is nurtured through various
and each semester provides for a minimum of seventy academic programmes run by the departments and
instructional days. A number of conferences, symposia through sponsored programmes funded by national
and workshops are organized in the Institute which at- organizations and the industry.
tract participation from scholars all over the world.
Academic Research Programs
Departmental & Institute Electives These relate to research work undertaken by individual
In order to boost interest in other faculties of technology, faculty or specific research groups in each departmnent
the students take up electives and/or audit courses from de- running academic programmes leading to M.S or Ph.D
partments other than their core area of specialization. Stu- degree. Research is carried out by scholars admitted
dents also take courses in Humanities and Management Sci- to the programmes of study under the guidance of the
ences to broaden their perspective. faculty in each department.

Summer Internships Sponsored Research

Pre-final year students of BTech, Dual Degree & Organisation of research by funding projects is undertaken
MTech  courses undergo summer internship in various lead- by the faculty. The project details are forwarded to various
ing organizations from mid-May to end-July. Such industrial groups based on the nature of research and the interest shown
training provides students with adequate exposure in tack- by Government / Research bodies. Industrial Consultancy
ling live problems encountered by the industry. Students provides for faculty of the institute to undertake specific
are also regularly exposed to the latest industry practices assignments for the Industry, which may include project
through several industry visits. Internships are coordinated design, testing and evaluation or even training in new areas
by the concerned departments. You can contact the Aca- of industrial development. This is channeled through the
demic Affairs Secretary at [email protected] for more details. Center for Industrial Consultancy and Sponsored Research
Minor Degrees
Other than a professional major degree, IIT Madras offers
a student to choose a minor degree of his/her choice in one IIT Madras Research Park
of the areas given below: IIT Madras Research Park endeavours to enable
companies with a research focus to set up a base in
• Operational Research the park and leverage the expertise of IIT Madras. It is
• Bio Medical Engineering • Development Studies modeled on successful Research Parks such as Stanford,
• Industrial Engineering • Molecules to MIT and Harvard. These technology parks have been
• Ocean Technology Materials Structure, known to add value impetus to industry and business
• Computational Mathematics Dynamics and enterprises.
• Physics Functions
• Chemistry • English Studies
• Management Studies • Innovation and Social
• Materials Technology Entrepreneurship Student Projects
It is mandatory for all B.Tech, Dual Degree, M.Tech,
M.Sc., M.Phil and Ph.D. students to take up projects under
Percentage of Credits
the guidance of faculty. These include basic development
and application oriented research projects. With many of
Minor/ Free Humanities
6% Minor Degrees these projects being industry sponsored, they provide
9% both students and the faculty an opportunity to tackle live
Electives problems.
(Major) Core
9% Engineering
Basic 45%

AEROSPACE to state-of-the-art labo- COMPUTER
ratories, equipped with
Established in 1969, the Department of CIVIL cognizance of current SCIENCE
Aerospace Engineering at IIT Madras has The Department of Civil Engineering
developments coupled Global Excellence and
excellent experimental and computational at IITM has produced some of the fin-
with vast knowledge and Local Relevance in re-
facilities and has been actively engaged in est nation-builders known to the coun-
experience of highly eru- search, teaching, and
research activities of national importance try,  Mr.Santhanam, MD, Saint-Gobain,
dite faculty provides the technology development
by way of projects funded by various agen- Mr.K.V.Rangaswamy, Vice President, Lar-
students with a deeper is the vision of the Depart-
cies like ARDB, ISRO, DRDO, DST and sen & Toubro Limited, Mr. B. S. Sudhir
and practical knowledge ment. The Department
BRNS. Chandra, General Manager of Central Rail-
of Chemical Engineering was established as the
Approximately 35 B.Techs & Dual De- way to name a few. The Department offers
principles. Computer Center in 1973
gree, 20 M.Techs and 12 MS & PhD stu- B-tech, M-tech, MS and PhD program and with the acquisition of
dents graduate every year. The well planed embraces architectural planning, struc-
The department has an IBM 370, perhaps the
out curriculum assures that the fundamen- tural and pavement design, construction
produced some of the fin- most powerful computer
tals of the students are strong. Some of the and infrastructure management and  Geo
est chemical engineers in- in India at that time. To-
basic courses include – Fluid Mechanics, technical  and Hydraulic  engineering. Apart
cluding Dr.Lalit Chordia, day, the department has
Basic Strength of Materials, Aerodynam- from the core courses, students take up Mi-
President & CEO,Thar around 13 laboratories
ics, Flight Dynamics, Aircraft Structures, nor in other departments like Ocean tech-
Technologies, Mr. Shri- of international stan-
Propulsion of air-breathing and non air- nology, Operational Research etc as   a part
kumar Suryanarayan, dards. There is extensive
breathing engines, Vibrations, Aerodynam- of the curriculum.  Besides, students are
Former President (R&D), research in the areas of
ic Design. given very good exposure to the software
Biocon, Dr. Sankaran Sun- Intelligent Systems, Hu-
Over recent years, students have under- packages like AutoCAD, STAAD, MATLAB,
daresan, Prof. of Chemi- man Computer Interac-
taken a lot of hands on activities at CFI - MS-Project, Revit, SAP, ANSYS, ABACUS
cal Engineering and Asso- tion, Data and Knowledge
construction of simple R/C Aircrafts, VTOL and their industrial applications.
ciate Dean for Academic Engineering, Theoretical
aircraft model, Quad-rotor. Our Quad-ro- They undergo summer industrial train-
Affairs Princeton Univer- Foundations, Networks
tor team has won 2nd place at the ‘aerial ing program in reputable companies like
sity, USA. and Distributed Systems,
surveillance vehicle’ competition held by Schlumberger, L&T, PWC, IFC , Worley
Chemical Engineering Software System Design
DRDO. Parsons and complete a carefully moni-
undergraduates find in- and Hardware System
tored B-tech/Dual Degree project to evolve Design to name a few.
ternship and employment
into an industry- ready professional with a The Department is re-
BIOTECH strong grasp of fundamentals and the apti-
not only in core Chemical
nowned for its extensive
The Department of Biotechnology, IIT Engineering areas such as
tude to perform.  The department has 14 research in myriad areas
Madras, was formally established in 2004 Process Control, Produc-
laboratories, equipped with some of the in CSE. There is a also a
with a vision to make an impact through re- tion Engineering, Polymer
finest equipment in the country, to aid the library which stacks over 
search, technology based training, innova- Sciences etc. but also in
researchers here. Students from the depart- 7,500 books and 1,500 of
tion and service to society. The first batch FMCG, Finance and Con-
ment have competed in widely acclaimed back issues of journals.
of undergraduate students was inducted in sulting firms. In the past,
competitions like National Structural Steel
2002 and the department, growing admi- students have under-
Design & Construction Award Competition The Department offers
rably, currently has 23 faculty members, gone internships in firms
organized by INSDAG, Bending Moment BTech, Dual Degree,
about 170 undergraduate students, more like Reliance industries
quiz to name a few and taken up challeng- MTech, MS and PhD pro-
than 110 graduate students and associated limited, Hindustan lever
ing projects as a part of Civil Engineering grams. There are altogeth-
staff.  limited, ITC limited, Tata
Association fest and endeavored success- er 471 students enrolled
  chemicals limited, Gen-
fully .We have built Asia’s first Tensigrity in these programs who
The curriculum for undergraduate stu- eral electric, Bayer crop
tower, a bridge out of paper, concrete ca- are taught and mentored
dents focuses on imparting basic skills science limited, Shell,
noe and the list goes on by a set of 25 professors.
in analytical and computational biology Schlumberger etc.
and bioprocess engineering. The students The department has
supplement their coursework with sum- CHEMICAL Sponsored research proj- The course work lays em-
The Chemical Engineering department ects under ISRO, Engi- phasis on both theory and
mer projects and internships in reputed
of IIT Madras was established in the year neers India ltd., Dept. of practice. Most courses are
universities and companies which in the
1959 with a mission to impart knowledge, Atomic Energy, Govern- backed by a practical lab
past have included California Institute of
both theoretical and practical, so as to ment of India, Volkswa- course where in students
Technology, the University of Wisconsin-
enable the student to take on challeng- gen Foundation, Germany are asked to work on a
Madison, GE ITC, Biocon and Dr. Reddy’s
ing real world problems upon graduation. to name a few and a col- project in teams. More-
Laboratories Ltd. among others. Active
There are about 50 B.Tech, 12 Dual De- laboration with Chevron over each course has a
participation from the students in various
gree, 30 M.Tech and about 10 MS & Ph.D to improve teaching and PG student associated
biotechnology competitions has seen them
students who graduate each year from the research who assists the class in
win the silver medal in 2008 and 2009 in
department. Well-structured core courses, analysing core issues in
the iGEM competition held at MIT and the

inter-disciplinary electives and exposure an informal manner. All
third prize in ABLE BEST-India 2009.
this instills a knowledge pus with firms like Intel All the students gain real world expe- ceramic and composite materials. A wide
hungry and competitive and Texas Instruments. rience in the field by taking up design variety of labs including labs on non-de-
culture into the students, Students of the depart- projects in an industry for a period of six structive testing, SEM and TEM (electron
who strive for excellence. ment have won second months. The companies in which the stu- microscopy) characterization, mechani-
prize in Analog Design dents have worked in are Diamler ,Cat- cal testing and metal forming, electromet-
Contest by Texas Instru- erpillar, Phillips , Sabre , PARI, Bosch to allurgy, corrosion, naoscience, fuel cell,
ELECTRICAL ments. The team from IIT name a few. high temperature testing labs caters the
The Department of
Madras composed of many need for the courses and helps in research
Electrical Engineering
students from the depart-
MECHANICAL as well as consultancies for many indus-
at IIT Madras aims at in- This department attracts and features a
ment represented INDIA tries.
creasing research intensi- rich and diverse set of talented individu-
in ABU Robocon-2009 Around 25 B Tech, 10 dual degree, 20
ty and to become a leading als, with nearly 700 undergraduates, 500
competition held at Tokyo M Tech and many MS and Ph.D students
product innovation cen- post-graduate students who are trained in
following the victory at the graduate every year. Our previous recruit-
tre. It has a fine blend of the nuances of the field by over 50 distin-
Indian level competition. ers include TATA steel, IOCL, Ashok Ley-
renowned personalities as guished faculty members. Students can
land, Essar group, Reliance Industries,
faculty, and is involved in choose from over 100 electives offered to
Larsen and Turbo, TVS motors, etc to
providing quality educa- pursue their interests. Post graduate pro-
ENGINEERING grammes are offered in 3 streams- Manu-
name a few. Some of them also associate
tion at both Undergradu-
ate (UG) and Postgraduate DESIGN facturing, Product Design and Thermal En-
themselves with us for consultancy proj-
The Engineering Design ects as well as they provide internship and
(PG) levels. It has a broad gineering. The department also includes a
department was set up industry exposure to students.
based UG curriculum and total of 9 well equipped laboratories which
specialized M.Tech. and in the year of 2005 with cater to the needs of three streams listed
Dual Degree programs in an aim of catering to the above. Apart from engaging in the teaching OCEAN ENGINEERING
Communication Systems, growing need of design en- process for undergraduates, the faculty of The Department of Ocean engineering
Microelectronics, Power gineers with a good base the department actively pursues research was set up by the Ministry of Education
Systems and Instrumen- in engineering skills and through graduate students. and Social Welfare in 1977 as a center of
tation. The syllabi of the with a multi-disciplinary The students and the faculty of the de- excellence in IIT Madras to provide break-
courses are continuously perspective. The depart- partment also interact closely with the in- through technology in the field. The Na-
updated and the laborato- ment offers dual degree dustry through internships, projects and tional Board of Accreditation (AICTE, New
ries modernized to reflect programs with master research associations and hence keep in Delhi) has chosen our B.Tech program in
the rapid changes in tech- specialization in two touch with the latest trends in the indus- ‘Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineer-
nology. Elective courses streams, automotive and tries. The department’s industry associa- ing’ and the M.Tech program in ‘Ocean
are offered covering all biomedical (from the year tions include Shell, Schlumberger, TATA Engineering’ as benchmarks for accredita-
the fields of Electrical En- of 2009). motors, General Electric, Siemens, ITC, tion of similar programs in the country.
gineering. The curriculum of HUL, Caterpillar, General Motors and Na-  Students have to undergo training in
The Department has the department was de- tional Instruments to name a few, where various courses like Ship Structures, Fluid
strong Industry interac- signed while keeping the students get their 6-8 weeks; industrial ex- Mechanics, Ship Theory, Resistance and
tion and has been involved needs of the Industry in posure. Some of these companies also take Propulsion, Ship Design, Ocean Wave Hy-
in development of state-of- view. A group of high- pride in associating themselves with the drodynamics and Design of Offshore Struc-
art products for Industry. ly motivated professors department for their consultancy projects. tures to get a sound grip on the nuances of
It has extensive fabrica- teach the students the Some of the students have also won some the subject. The wide range of facilities in
tion, calibration and test- concepts of mechanics, prestigious competitions like GE Edison the department ranging from the Wave Ba-
ing facilities for carrying manufacturing, electron- Challenge, Staples Global EcoEasyChal- sins, Wave Generators, and Wave Flumes
out industry sponsored ics, mechatronics, mod- lenge etc.   to the Towing Tank is unparalleled.  
research and consultancy elling, automobile design, The department has Sponsored Re-
projects. Many of the stu- conceptual,functional and search Projects under DRDO, ONGC,
system design,ergonomics
Metallurgical & NIOT, NPOL and Volkswagen, Germany to
dents in the department
do internships at various and aesthetics. Adequate Materials name a few. Every year our students intern
leading organizations like amount practical expo- The Department draws on faculty’s ex- in esteemed organisations and companies
Qualcomm, Texas Instru- sure is ensured by having pertise in a variety of areas like physical including ONGC, Mazagon Dock Limited,
ments, Siemens, IBM, GE, more than 10 laboratories metallurgy, materials technology, metal Goa Shipyard, L&T Valdel and Vizag Ship-
Cisco to name a few. Some working on subjects rang- forming, joining and castings, steel prod- yard.
students also do research ing from rapid product uct manufacturing and process modelling
internships in foreign development, ergonomics to equip the students with an unmatched
universities and famous to vehicle dynamics. This skill set in core areas.
Indian universities like focus on fundamentals en- The students are exposed to courses in
IISc. The Department has ables the department to exciting and emergent areas like nanosci-

established labs in the cam- achieve leadership in de- ences, shape memory alloys, fuel cells, x-
sign. ray diffraction, bio mimietics, polymeric,
Applied mechanics ulty members of the Department. Research namics, Complex Fluids such as economic, politi-
The Department of Applied Mechanics monograph brought out by well-known in- and Biological Physics, cal and social. Students
has been in existence since 1959 and has ternational publishers from part of the re- Condensed matter and are exposed to three very
grown into a full fledged inter disciplinary search output of the members of the fac- Field Theory, Dynamical diverse modules: Gender
graduate research department over the ulty. The Department conducts research Systems/Statistical Phys- Studies; Science, Tech-
years. The Department focuses on aca- in Algebra, Analysis, Computational & ics, Mathematical Physics nology and Development;
demic activities in three broad areas viz., Theoretical Fluid Dynamics, Mathematical etc. and Urbanization, thus
Biomedical Engineering, Fluid Mechanics Physics, Stochastic Processes, Theoretical gaining a critical under-
and Solid Mechanics. It has excellent fa- Computer Science and Discrete Mathemat- standing of development
cilities for carrying out theoretical and ex- ics. Humanities and issues and debates. An
perimental research.  The faculties of this The department takes approximately 40 Social Sciences exchange programme
Department are drawn from Civil Engineer- M.Sc, 10 M.Techs, and 7 PhD students ev- The unique five-year with Hochschule-Bre-
ing, Mechanical Engineering, Electronics & ery year. The 4-semester M.Sc programme integrated programme, men,  Germany, provides
Instrumentation Engineering, Applied Me- is carefully designed to impart essential launched in 2006, leads an opportunity for stu-
chanics, Aerospace Engineering and Bio- knowledge in Mathematics with oppor- to Master of Arts (M.A.) dents to broaden their ex-
medical Engineering. tunities for specialization in all major ar- degree in three major dis- perience and gain a com-
The department exposes the students to eas of pure and applied mathematics. The ciplines – Development parative understanding of
both theoretical and practical aspects of Ap- M.Tech programme is conducted in Indus- Studies, Economics and development and green
plied Mechanics. The students are trained trial Mathematics and Scientific Comput- English Studies. The M.A. issues in the EU. Students
in the state-of-the-art technology to enable ing. The duration of this programme is two programme exposes stu- of this stream have gone
them to adapt to ever changing challenges. years. The curriculum aims at inculcating dents to a wide variety on to intern with organi-
Approximately 14 M.Techs and 10 MS & the knowledge of numerical methods and of disciplines in Humani- sations such as UNICEF,
PhD students graduate every year. also in simulation and scientific comput- ties and Social Sciences, Reserve Bank of India,
The M.Tech programme consists of two ing. The programme offers computer ori- inculcating strong ana- TERI, NABARD, and Ogil-
semesters of course work and two semes- ented courses and training in software such lytical, communication vy and Mather.
ters of project work. The M.S. programme as Mathematica, Mathcad, Ansys, Fluent, and research skills in the Students of English
has five courses followed by a dissertation. Matlab etc relevant stream through Studies are well-versed
The doctoral programme (Ph.D.) trains the The focus of research is in areas of Al- applied projects, quanti- in a number of areas, be-
candidate to pursue original research ideas gebra, Analysis, Applied Mathematical and tative subjects and a firm ing trained not only in
and prepares them for academic as well as Mathematical Physics, Applied Probabil- theoretical backing. the study of English Lit-
research and development careers. ity and Stochastic processes, Theoretical Students of Econom- erature, but in Linguis-
The major research activities carried Computer Science and Discrete Mathemat- ics are trained to accen- tics, Literary Theory and
out in the department are Smart materi- ics. tuate their quantitative Cultural Studies as well.
als modeling and design of structures , aptitude by developing While they study the tra-
ditional canon of English
Thin film flows and interfacial phenomena, Physics their econometric and
Literature through cours-
Quantification of optical nerve disorders, The Department carries out research optimization techniques.
Foot pressure measurements in diabetic Courses in Microeconom- es on Shakespeare; Chau-
in many frontier areas, including experi-
patients, Image/signal processing of biolog- ics, Macroeconomics, cer, Milton  and the Bible;
mental condensed matter physics, optical
ical structures / tissues, Turbulence model- and Money, Banking and and the History of English
and laser physics, theoretical and compu-
ing, Computational fluid dynamics, large Financial markets train Language and Literature,
tational physics. On the academic front,
eddy simulation, Computational Adaptive them to apply their eco- they also study literatures
the department offers ‘Master of Science’
System, Residual stress measurement in nomic reasoning to un- from around the world
(M.Sc.) program in Physics, a ‘Master of
glass articles, Buckling control of nozzle derstand consumer and through courses like Indi-
Technology’ (M.Tech.) program in ‘Solid
shell using smart materials, Ballistic Im- producer  behaviour  as an Literature, African and
State Technology’, and a Doctoral research
pact Simulation, High Ra Convection, Mi- well as the financial sys- African-American Litera-
(Ph.D.) program. Besides, a vibrant under-
croscale flows. tem. Students have gone tures, and Postcolonial
graduate program ‘Bachelor of Technology’
on to intern with the likes Literature. Courses on
(B.Tech.) in ‘Engineering Physics’ is of-
of Ernst and Young, Quet- Journalism and Linguis-
Mathematics fered in conjunction with the Department
tics provides the students
At IIT Madras, Department of Mathe- of Electrical Engineering.   zal, Reserve Bank of India,
Sundaram BNP Paribas, with specialised skills in
matics was set up in 1960. Abstraction and The department have approximately 38
University of British Co- these fields as well.
application rooted in quantitative reason- faculty members guiding more than 100
ing sustain all its activities. International PhD, 65 M.Sc , 14 M.Tech and 50 B.Tech lumbia, Max Planck In-
Collaboration through MOUs signed by (Engineering Physics) students. The major stitute for Human Devel-
the institute aids the exchange of faculty research areas include Alternative Energy opment and Economic
members and students. Several eminent and Nanotechnology, Applied Optics, At- Times.
mathematicians visit the Department from mospheric Sciences, Atomic and molecu- The Development Stud-
lar Physics, Classical and Quantum Dy- ies course covers various

time to time and collaborate with the fac-
aspects of development
EXTRA Shaastra
Shaastra is the annual technical festival of IIT Madras and plays
host to more than 20,000 engineering students across India. The
event is very popular amongst the student community owing

to the innovative competitions, workshops, lectures and demos
organised during the 5 day event. Shaastra also holds the unique
distinction of being the first student managed event in the world
to earn the ISO 9001:2008certification for implementing a Qual-

ity Management System. More details available at www.shaas-
Tech Soc
Tech Soc, short for Technical Society, organises year-
round competitions at the Intra-Institute level. TechSoc
presents innovative design and hands-on problems and is a
source of new ideas and inspiration for freshers to join the
Tech community.

The Centre for Innovation is a multi-purpose, open-to-
all laboratory cum workshop built on the concept: ‘Walk in
with an idea, walk out with a product’. Funded by IIT Ma-
dras Alumni, the Centre aims to promote informal learning
and foster innovation and invention in technology, with a fo-
cus on technologies aimed at contributing positively to the
environment and to the society.

Saarang is the annual cultural festival organised and hosted
by IIT Madras. debate, dramatics, music competitions and pro-
fessional shows are the mainstay of Saarang. More than 30,000
college students across the country attend the festival each year.
More details available at www.saarang.org

Lit Soc
The Literary Society at IIT Madras is a very active organi-
sation which conducts inter-hostel public speaking, music,
fine arts, and dance events throughout the year.
These student-led initiatives form the core of the extra-
curricular activities on campus; honing managerial and or-
ganisations skills; and give an additional dimension to the
IIT Madras student’s personality and character

Sports at IITM generate a lot of enthusiasm - not only
from within the campus, but from other colleges in the city
and the country as well. The academic calendar is crowded
with sporting events - be it the intra-hostel and inter-hostel
events, or the inter-collegiate and inter-IIT tournaments
like the Inter-IIT Sports Meet, Schroeter, The All-India In-
tercollegiate Invitation Basketball tournament, The Annual
Bridge Tournament and Sportstar Inter-Collegiate Cricket
Invitation Tournament.

Placement Placement Procedure
office 1. Invitation is sent to the company/organization with rel-
evant information and Employer Registration Form (ERF) by
placement office from 15 July 2010.

2. The company/organization is required to return the filled

ERF to Placement Office, IIT Madras, along with softcopy of
their Pre Placement Interaction (PPI) material by 30 Septem-
ber 2010.

3. Date Allotment Commitee (of students) presents the rank-

ing of companies to the Board of Placement on 01 Novem-
ber 2010.

4. Placement Office schedules the dates for campus inter-

views as per student rankings.

5. The Placement Office uploads resumes of interested stu-

dents on the placement website. This can be accessed by
the company using their exclusive login ten days prior to the

6. The company sends a shortlist to the Placement Office at

least 3 days prior to their visit to campus.

7. The company is required to furnish the list of final selected

students before the end of the scheduled day of interviews.

8. After the selection process, the company needs to send

the offer letters to the Placement Office to be handed over
to the students.

The placement office is well equipped and is designed to

smoothly handle and support the placement procedure at ev-
ery stage. Arrangements for Interviews, Pre-placement talks,
Group discussions and Interviews are handled by the staff at
the placement office.
We are equipped with the following facilities to aid the pro-
Auditoriums to conduct pre-
placement talks and tests.

Well furnished air-condi-

tioned rooms for Interviews
and group discussions.

Fully computerized office.

Placement volunteers to as- Placement Team 2009-10

sist on the day of visit.

Video conferencing facilities.

Demographics Recruiters of 2009-10
23 20
33 BTech
48 Acsys software Dr. Reddy’s KLA Tencor Sabre
82 Adobe Systems Dynatech Furnaces KPMG Safran Aerospace India
ADP Educational Initiatives Larsen & Toubro Sai Technology
Adventity Engineers India Lim- Laserwords SAIL
Air2Web ited Lister Technologies Saipem
Airbus Emergent Ventures In- Lovely Professional Schlumberger
Alcatel-Lucent dia University Schneider Electric
65 Alfaisal University, Ericsson Maharan International Scope International
33 Amada Soft Essar Group FZCO Secon
Amazon Evalueserve.com Mahindra & Mahindra Society for electronic
Analog Devices ETRI Manthan Semiconduc- Transactions & Secu-
Ansys-Fluent Flowmaster India Con- tors rity (SETS)
Areva T & D trols Manhattan Associates Shell Technology
Athena Health Francis Santiago & As- MarketRX India Shriram EPC

Atheros sociates Mazagon Dock Limited Siemens

12 6 11 11 12 6 11 11 Aerospace Aerospace Avaya Futures First McAfee Sony
44 44 Applied Mechanics Applied Mechanics
69 69
Bank of America Galaxy Surfactants McKinsey & Company SRF
Chemical Chemical BarCorr Coating General Motors Mechatronics Test Strand Life Sciences
Computer Science Computer Science Bayer Crop Sciences Genpact Equipment Stryker
Electrical Beceem Communica- Geodesic Information Mecon Sumitomo Chemicals
Physics Physics
Mathematics Mathematics tions Systems Microsoft Symantec
10 10
32 32 Mechanical Mechanical BeeHyv Software Solu- Germanischer Lloyd Modine Thermal Sys- Syngenta Biosciences
7 7 Metallurgical Metallurgical tions Global Analytics tems Synygy India
Ocean Ocean
43 43 50 50
Bharat Electronics Headstrong Morgan Stanley Sysbiz Technologies

Aerospace 18
5 2 3 7 3
12 PhD Beroe Inc
BGR Energy
Hindustan Aeronautics
Mu Sigma
Tata Motors
Tata Steel
Applied Mechanics
Civil 10 Bharat Dynamics Lim- Hewlett-Packard Nagarjuna Fertilizers Tavant Technologies
ited i2 Technologies Network Appliance Sys- TCE Consulting
Computer Science Butterfly Edufields IBM tems Tata Consultancy Ser-
Electrical CA India Technologies ICFAI Institute of Sci- Neyveli Lignite vices
Engineering Design
MBA Capital IQ ence and Technology Noble Denton India Texas A&M University
Mathematics 3
7 Capital One ICRA Management Novell Software Texas Instruments
Ocean 23 7
Consolidated Construc- iKoa Semiconductor NTPC Limited TIBCO Software
10 3 7 tion Consortium Lim- India Metamation NVIDIA TPSC
ited Indian Air Force Oil & Natural Gas Cor- Trane Design Centre
6 9
Centre for Develop- Indian School of Busi- poration Limited TVS Capital Funds
8 Applied Mechanics
16 7 Biotechnlogy

ment of Telematics ness Open-Silicon Research TVS Motor Company

7 Chemical
9 5 Computer Science

Centre for Study of Sci- Informatica Oracle Tyche

Engineering Design
ence, Technology & Intergraph Consulting Pacific Mindware Tyco International
10 Policy International Seaport Parallels & Propalms Value Fund Advisors
25 Chemfab Alkalis Dredging Patni Computers LLC
Chronus Corporation Indian Oil Corporation Petrofac Valued Epistemic
DUAL 11 9 16
Irevna Research
Pipavav Shipyard
PricewaterhouseCoo -
Verity Technologies
Verizon Data Services
12 Citrix R&D iRunway pers VIT University
45 14 Converteam EDC ITC Limited Prism Infosolution VMware
Cosmic Circuits IVY Comptech Prodapt Solutions Waterjet Germany
Couth InfoTech Jindal Steel & Power Qualcomm Yahoo!
Dar Al Handasah John Deere Reflexis
D.E. Shaw KEAS Controls Sys- Renault Nissan
Deloitte tems Robert Bosch
26 DRDO Keppel FELS RR Donnelley

Contact us

Prof. N Ramesh Babu

Placement Advisor,
IIT Madras, Chennai- 600036
email: nrbabu [at] iitm.ac.in
Tel: 044 22574675, 044 22578130

Lt. Col (Retd). Jayakumar

Deputy Registrar
Placement and Public Relations,
IIT Madras, Chennai- 600036
email: placement[at]iitm.ac.in
Tel: +9144- 22578130, +9144-22578131
Fax: +9144- 22578135

Anuraag Nallapati
Academic Affairs Secretary,
IIT Madras, Chennai- 600036
email: aas[at]iitm.ac.in
Tel: +919444005765

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