Basic Circuit Pneumatic From Norgren

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Basic Pneumatic Circuitry

For control and automation

 Introduction  Sequential control
 Symbols  Sequence solution
 Circuit layout  5/3 Valves
 Actuator control 2/2 Valve  Poppet/spool logic
 Actuator control 3/2 Valve  Balanced spool logic
 Actuator control 5/2 Valve  Feedback

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 This module shows the  A message to pneumatic
methods of application of circuit designers:
pneumatic valves and  Use proven and reliable
components for control design techniques
and automation  Produce circuits and
 The methods of pure documentation that are
pneumatic sequential clear to read
control are confined to  Design for safety
simple examples  Do not try to be too
clever, the circuit will be
 The majority of modern
difficult for others to
systems are controlled read and maintain
electronically and is the
subject of electro-
pneumatic modules
 The standard for fluid power symbols is ISO 1219-1. This is
a set of basic shapes and rules for the construction of
fluid power symbols
 Cylinders can be drawn to show their extreme or
intermediate positions of stroke and any length above
their width
 Valves show all states in the one symbol. The prevailing
state is shown with the port connections
 Other components are single state symbols
Symbols single acting actuators
 Single acting, sprung
 Single acting, sprung
 Single acting, sprung
instroked, magnetic
 Single acting, sprung
outstroked, magnetic
Symbols double acting actuators
 Double acting, non-
 Double acting, adjustable
 Double acting, through
rod, adjustable cushions
 Double acting, magnetic,
adjustable cushions
 Double acting, rodless,
magnetic, adjustable
Symbols rotary actuators
 Semi-rotary double acting
 Rotary motor single
direction of rotation
 Rotary motor bi-
Symbols valves
 2/2 Valve push button / 12 10

spring 1
 3/2 Valve push button / 12
3 1
 3/2 Valve detented lever 2
operated 12
3 1
Symbols valves
 3/2 Valve differential 12 10

pressure operated 3 1
4 2
 5/2 Valve push button / 14 12
5 1 3
 5/3 Valve double pressure
4 2
operated spring centre

5 1 3
Symbols valves
 A valve function is known by a pair of numbers e.g. 3/2.
This indicates the valve has 3 main ports and 2 states
 The valve symbol shows both of the states
 Port numbering is to CETOP RP68P and shows:
 when the valve is operated at the 12 end port 1 is connected
to port 2
 when reset to the normal state at the 10 end port 1 is
connected to nothing (0)

12 10

3 1
Symbols valves
 A valve function is known by a pair of numbers e.g. 3/2.
This indicates the valve has 3 main ports and 2 states
 The valve symbol shows both of the states
 Port numbering is to CETOP RP68P and shows:
 when the valve is operated at the 12 end port 1 is connected
to port 2
 when reset to the normal state at the 10 end port 1 is
connected to nothing (0)

12 10

3 1
Symbols valves
 This example is for a 5/2
 This has 5 main ports and
2 states
 When the valve is
4 2
operated at the 14 end 14 12
port 1 is connected to
port 4 (also port 2 is 5 1 3
connected to port 3)
 When reset to the normal
state at the 12 end port 1
is connected to port 2
(also port 4 is connected
to port 5)
Symbols valves
 This example is for a 5/2
 This has 5 main ports and
2 states
 When the valve is
4 2
operated at the 14 end 14 12
port 1 is connected to
port 4 (also port 2 is 5 1 3
connected to port 3)
 When reset to the normal
state at the 12 end port 1
is connected to port 2
(also port 4 is connected
to port 5)
Symbols operators manual

General manual Lever

Push button Pedal

Pull button Treadle

Push/pull button Rotary knob

Symbols operators mechanical

Plunger Pressure

Spring normally Pilot pressure

as a return

Roller Differential pressure

Uni-direction Detent in 3 positions

or one way trip
Symbols 5/3 valves
 All valves types shown in the normal position

 Type 1. All ports blocked

 Type 2. Outlets to exhaust

 Type 3. Supply to outlets

Symbols function components
 Non-return valve
 Flow regulator uni-
 Flow regulator bi-
 Two pressure ‘AND’
ISO 1219-1 Old
 Shuttle valve ‘OR’
 Quick exhaust valve with
 Pressure to electric
switch adjustable

* Note: Traditional symbol in

extensive use (preferred)
Symbols air line equipment
 Water separator with
automatic drain
 Filter with manual drain
 Filter with automatic drain
 Filter with automatic drain
and service indicator
 Pressure regulator with
 F.R.L. filter, regulator,
lubricator simplified
Circuit layout
 The standard for circuit
 Circuits should be drawn
diagrams is ISO 1219-2
with all actuators at the
 A4 format or A3 folded to top of the page in order of
A4 height for inclusion in sequential operation
a manual with other A4
 Other components to be
drawn in sequential order
 To be on several sheets if from the bottom up and
necessary with line from left to right
identification code
 Circuit should show the
 Minimum crossing lines system with pressure
 Limit valves position of applied and ready to start
operation by actuators
shown by a marker with
reference code to symbol
Component identification
 The ISO suggested  Note: the a0 valve symbol
component numbering is drawn in the operated
system is suited for large position because the
circuits and those drawn actuator A is instroked
on several pages
a0 a1
 For this presentation a
simple code is used A

 For cylinders: A,B,C etc.

 For associated feedback
valves: alpha-numeric
2 2
code ‘a0’ for proof of 12 10 12 10
instroke, ‘a1’ for proof of a0 3 1 a1 3 1
 For cylinder B: b0 and b1
Example circuit
a0 a1 b0 b1 c0 c1


a0 a1 b1 b0 c1 c0

10 bar max 6 bar

To all inlet ports marked
Actuator control 2/2 valve
2/2 Valve actuator control
 A pair of the most basic
of all valve types the 2/2
can be used to control a
single acting cylinder
 The normally closed
position of the valve is
produced by the spring
2 1
 The operated position is 12 10 12 10
produced by the push
1 2
button OUT IN
 One valve admits air the
other valve exhausts it
2/2 Valve actuator control
 The button marked OUT
is pushed to operate the
 Air is connected to the
cylinder and it outstrokes
 Air cannot escape to
atmosphere through the
2 1
valve marked IN as this is 12 10 12 10
1 2
 The air at atmospheric OUT IN
pressure in the front of
the cylinder vents
through the breather port
2/2 Valve actuator control
 The push button of the
valve marked OUT is
released and it returns to
a normal closed position
 Air is now trapped in the
system and provided
there are no leaks the
piston rod will stay in the 2 1
12 10 12 10
outstroked position
1 2
 If the load increases OUT IN
beyond the force exerted
by the air the piston rod
will start to move in
2/2 Valve actuator control
 The button marked IN is
pushed to operate the
 Air escapes and the
piston rod moves to the
instroked position
 The push button must be
2 1
held operated until the 12 10 12 10
piston rod is fully in
1 2
 Atmospheric air will be OUT IN
drawn in to the front of
the cylinder through the
vent port
2/2 Valve actuator control
 If the button marked IN is
released the piston rod
will remain in the
instroked position
 Any leaks in the
installation can cause the
piston rod to creep
2 1
12 10 12 10

1 2
2/2 Valve actuator control
 To control the speed of
the piston rod, flow
restrictors are placed in
the pipes close to each of
the valves.
 Adjustment of the
restrictors will slow down
the flow rate thereby 2 1
12 10 12 10
giving independent
outstroke and instroke 1 2
speed control
2/2 Valve actuator control
 By repeated operation of
either button during
movement the piston rod
can be moved in small
steps for approximate
 This will only be
successful under slow 2 1
12 10 12 10
1 2
2/2 Valve actuator control
 With any compressed air
system that intentionally
traps air, the potential
hazard of this must be
 Unintended release or
application of pressure
can give rise to 2 1
12 10 12 10
unexpected movement of
the piston rod 1 2
 A pressure indicator or
gauge must be fitted to
warn of the presence of
Actuator control 3/2 valve
3/2 valve actuator control
 A 3 port valve provides
the inlet and exhaust path
and is the normal choice
for the control of a single
acting cylinder
 In the normal position 2
12 10
produced by the spring,
the valve is closed 3 1

 In the operated position

produced by the push
button the valve is open
 The push button must be
held down for as long as
the cylinder is outstroked
3/2 valve actuator control
 A 3 port valve provides
the inlet and exhaust path
and is the normal choice
for the control of a single
acting cylinder
 In the normal position 2
12 10
produced by the spring,
the valve is closed 3 1

 In the operated position

produced by the push
button the valve is open
 The push button must be
held down for as long as
the cylinder is outstroked
3/2 valve actuator control
 A 3 port valve provides
the inlet and exhaust path
and is the normal choice
for the control of a single
acting cylinder
 In the normal position 2
12 10
produced by the spring,
the valve is closed 3 1

 In the operated position

produced by the push
button the valve is open
 The push button must be
held down for as long as
the cylinder is outstroked
3/2 valve actuator control
 To generally slow the
cylinder speed an
bi-directional flow
regulator or fixed
restrictor can be used
 The flow regulator
setting will be a
compromise as the ideal 12
outstroke speed may not
produce the desired 3 1

results for the instroke

3/2 valve actuator control
 To control the outstroke
speed of a single acting
cylinder without
controlling the instroke
speed, a uni-directional
flow regulator is used
 The flow into the cylinder
closes the non return
valve and can only pass 12
through the adjustable
restrictor 3 1

 By adjusting the restrictor

the outstroke speed of
the cylinder can be set
3/2 valve actuator control
 For independent speed
control in each direction
two flow regulators are
 Installed in opposite
directions to each other
 Upper regulator controls
the outstroke speed
 Lower regulator controls 12 10
the instroking speed 3 1
3/2 valve actuator control
 A 3 port valve provides
the inlet and exhaust path
and is the normal choice
for the control of a single
acting cylinder
 In the normal position
produced by the spring,
the valve is closed
 In the operated position 12 10
produced by the push
3 1
button the valve is open
 The push button must be
held down for as long as
the cylinder is outstroked
Actuator control 5/2 valve
5/2 Valve actuator control
- +
 For a double acting
cylinder the power and
exhaust paths are
switched simultaneously
 When the button is
pushed the supply at port 4 2
14 12
1 is connected to port 4
and the outlet port 2 5 1 3
connected to exhaust
port 3. The cylinder
moves plus
 When the button is
released port 1 is
connected to port 2 and
port 4 connected to port
5. Cylinder minus
5/2 Valve actuator control
- +
 For a double acting
cylinder the power and
exhaust paths are
switched simultaneously
 When the button is
pushed the supply at port 4 2
14 12
1 is connected to port 4
and the outlet port 2 5 1 3
connected to exhaust
port 3. The cylinder
moves plus
 When the button is
released port 1 is
connected to port 2 and
port 4 connected to port
5. Cylinder minus
5/2 Valve actuator control
- +
 Independent speed
control of the plus and
minus movements
 In most applications
speed is controlled by
restricting air out of a 4 2
14 12
 Full power is developed 5 1 3
to drive the piston with
speed controlled by
restricting the back
5/2 Valve actuator control
- +
 Independent speed
control of the plus and
minus movements
 In most applications
speed is controlled by
restricting air out of a 4 2
14 12
 Full power is developed 5 1 3
to drive the piston with
speed controlled by
restricting the back
5/2 Valve actuator control
- +
 Valves with a spring
return are mono-stable
and need the operator to
be held all the time that
the cylinder is required in
the plus position 4 2
 Bi-stable valves will stay 14 12
in the position they were 5 1 3
last set
 The lever valve example
illustrated indicates a
detent mechanism. The
lever need not be held
once the new position
has been established
Manual control
- +
 Remote manual control of
a double acting cylinder
 Valve marked + will cause
the cylinder to outstroke
or move plus
 Valve marked - will cause 4 2
14 12
the cylinder to instroke or
move minus 5 1 3

 The 5/2 double pilot valve

is bi-stable therefore the 2 2
push button valves only 12 10 12 10

need to be pulsed + 3 1 - 3 1
Manual control
- +
 Remote manual control of
a double acting cylinder
 Valve marked + will cause
the cylinder to outstroke
or move plus
 Valve marked - will cause 4 2
14 12
the cylinder to instroke or
move minus 5 1 3

 The 5/2 double pilot valve

is bi-stable therefore the 2 2
push button valves only 12 10 12 10

need to be pulsed + 3 1 - 3 1
Manual control
- +
 Remote manual control of
a double acting cylinder
 Valve marked + will cause
the cylinder to outstroke
or move plus
 Valve marked - will cause 4 2
14 12
the cylinder to instroke or
move minus 5 1 3

 The 5/2 double pilot valve

is bi-stable therefore the 2 2
push button valves only 12 10 12 10

need to be pulsed + 3 1 - 3 1
Manual control
- +
 Remote manual control of
a double acting cylinder
 Valve marked + will cause
the cylinder to outstroke
or move plus
 Valve marked - will cause 4 2
14 12
the cylinder to instroke or
move minus 5 1 3

 The 5/2 double pilot valve

is bi-stable therefore the 2 2
push button valves only 12 10 12 10

need to be pulsed + 3 1 - 3 1
Manual control
- +
 Remote manual control of
a double acting cylinder
 Valve marked + will cause
the cylinder to outstroke
or move plus
 Valve marked - will cause 4 2
14 12
the cylinder to instroke or
move minus 5 1 3

 The 5/2 double pilot valve

is bi-stable therefore the 2 2
push button valves only 12 10 12 10

need to be pulsed + 3 1 - 3 1
Semi-automatic control
- +
 Manual remote start of a a1

double acting cylinder A

with automatic return
 Cylinder identified as “A”
 Trip valve operated at the
completion of the plus 4 2
14 12
stroke identified as “a1”
5 1 3

2 2
12 10 12 10

+ 3 1 - a1 3 1
Fully-automatic control
- + a0 a1
 Continuous automatic
A cycling from roller
operated trip valves
 Manual Run and End of
the automatic cycling
4 2
14 12  Cylinder will come to rest
in the instroked position
5 1 3
regardless of when the
10 valve is put to End
Run/End 3 1  Tags for the roller
2 2 feedback valves a0 and
12 10 12 10 a1 show their relative
a0 3 1 a1 3 1 positions
Sequential control
Circuit building blocks
a0 a1 b0 b1


 These circuits can be considered as building blocks for

larger sequential circuits consisting of two or more
 Each actuator will have a power valve and two associated
feedback valves. The first actuator to move also has
a Run/End valve
Repeat pattern sequence
 A repeat pattern  The signal starting the
sequence is one where first movement must pass
the order of the through the Run/End
movements in the first valve
half of the sequence is  Needs only the basic
repeated in the second building blocks to solve
half  Examples of repeat
 Each actuator may have pattern sequences:
one Out and In stroke  A+ B+ C+ D+ A- B- C- D-
only in the sequence
 A- B+ C- A+ B- C+
 There may be any number
of actuators in the  C+ A+ B- C- A- B+
Repeat pattern sequence
a0 a1 b0 b1


b0 b1 a1 a0

 The two cylinders A and B are to perform a simple repeat

pattern sequence as follows: A+ B+ A- B-
 Apply the rule “The signal given by the completion of each
movement will initiate the next movement”
 In this way the roller valves can be
identified and labelled
Repeat pattern sequence
a0 a1 b0 b1 c0 c1


c0 c1 a1 a0 b1 b0

 For three cylinders A, B and C also to perform a simple

repeat pattern sequence as follows: A+ B+ C+ A- B- C-
 Apply the rule “The signal given by the completion of each
movement will initiate the next movement”
Non-repeat pattern sequence
a0 a1 b0 b1


a0 b0 a1 b1

 If the rule applied to a repeat pattern sequence is applied

to any other sequence there will be opposed signals on
one or more of the 5/2 valves preventing operation
 This circuit demonstrates the problem
 The sequence is A+ B+ B- A-
Opposed signals
a0 a1 b0 b1


a0 b0 a1 b1

 When the valve is set to Run, cylinder A will not move

because the 5/2 valve has an opposed signal, it is still
being signalled to hold position by the feedback valve b0
 If A was able to move + a similar problem will occur for the
5/2 valve of B once it was +
 The sequence is A+ B+ B- A-
Mechanical solution
a0 a1 b0 b1


a0 b0 a1 b1

 The problem was caused by valves b0 and a1 being

operated at the time the new opposing instruction is given
 If these two valves were “one way trip” types and over
tripped at the last movement of stroke, only a pulse would
be obtained instead of a continuous signal
Sequence solution methods
 The main solutions to  Shift register circuits are
solving sequences are: similar to cascade but
 Cascade (pneumatic) use one logic valve for
 Shift register every step
(pneumatic)  Electro-pneumatic
 Electro-pneumatic circuits use solenoid
 PLC (Programmable valves and electro-
logic controller) mechanical relays
 Cascade circuits provide  PLC. The standard
a standard method of solution for medium to
solving any sequence. It complex sequential
uses a minimum of systems (except where
additional logic hardware electrical equipment
(one logic valve per group cannot be used)
of sequential steps)
Cascade two group
 The A+ B+ B- A- circuit is  Because only one group
solved by the two group output is available at a
cascade method time it is not possible to
 The sequence is divided have opposed signals
at the point where B  A standard 5/2 double
immediately returns pressure operated valve
 The two parts are is the cascade valve
allocated groups l and ll
Group l Group ll
 Gp l A+ B+ / Gp ll B- A-
 Two signal supplies are 4 2
14 12
provided from a 5/2 valve
one is available only in Select l 5 1 3 Select ll
group l the other is
available only in group ll
Cascade (two group)
a0 a1 b0 b1


Gp l

Gp ll

Gp l A+ B+ Gp ll B- A-

a0 b1
Cascade (two group)
a0 a1 b0 b1


Gp l

Gp ll

Gp l A+ B+ Gp ll B- A-

a0 b1
Cascade (two group)
a0 a1 b0 b1


Gp l

Gp ll

Gp l A+ B+ Gp ll B- A-

a0 b1
Cascade (two group)
a0 a1 b0 b1


Gp l

Gp ll

Gp l A+ B+ Gp ll B- A-

a0 b1
Cascade (two group)
a0 a1 b0 b1


Gp l

Gp ll

Gp l A+ B+ Gp ll B- A-

a0 b1
Cascade (two group)
a0 a1 b0 b1


Gp l

Gp ll

Gp l A+ B+ Gp ll B- A-

a0 b1
Cascade building blocks
 A two group building
block consists of a lever
valve to run and end the Gp l
sequence plus the 5/2
double pilot operated Gp ll
4 2
cascade valve 14 12
 For a two group system
5 1 3 Sel ll
consisting of any number Run/End
of cylinders this building 10
block and the cylinder 12
3 1
building blocks are all Sel l
that is required to solve
the sequence
Cascade building blocks
 This three group Gp l
building block
establishes an Run/End
pattern that can
Gp ll
be extended to Sel l
any number of Sel ll
Gp lll

Sel lll
Dual trip building blocks
 When a sequence has a Send A+
cylinder operating twice
a1 in x
in one overall sequence a
dual trip building block a1 in y
may be required for each
of the two feedback
valves A+ in A+ in
 The supply will be from Group x Group y
different groups and the a1
output go to different
 Example is for feedback
Note: can often be rationalised to less
valve a1 of cylinder A than these three components
when A is sent + both in
Group x and Group y
Cascade rules
 Establish the correct  Interconnect the blocks as
 The first function in each group
 Divide the sequence in to is signalled directly by that
groups. Always start a group supply
sequence with the  The last trip valve operated in
Run/End valve selecting each group is supplied with
main supply air and selects the
group l e.g. next group
R/E | A+ B+ | B- C+ | C- A-  The remaining trip valves are
 Select the cylinder supplied with air from their
building blocks respective groups and initiate
the next function
 Select the cascade  The “run/end” valve will control
building block the signal from the last trip
 Select dual trip building valve to be operated
blocks if required
Three position valves
5/3 Valve
 5/3 valves have a third  The majority of
mid position applications are actuator
 The valve can be tri- positioning and safety
stable e.g. a detented 4 2
lever operator or mono-
14 12
stable e.g. a double air or 5 1 3
double solenoid with
spring centre 14 4 2 12

 There are three common

configurations for the mid 5 1 3

position: 14 4 2 12
 All ports blocked
 Centre open exhaust 5 1 3
 Centre open pressure
5/3 Valve actuator control
 The valve illustrated has
“all ports blocked” in the
mid position
 Whenever the mid 4 2
position is selected the
pressure conditions in
the cylinder will be frozen 14 12
 This can be used to stop 5 1 3

the piston at part stroke

in some positioning
 Flow regulators mounted
close to the cylinder to
minimise creep
5/3 Valve actuator control
 The valve illustrated has
“all ports blocked” in the
mid position
 Whenever the mid 4 2
position is selected the
pressure conditions in
the cylinder will be frozen 14 12
 This can be used to stop 5 1 3

the piston at part stroke

in some positioning
 Flow regulators mounted
close to the cylinder to
minimise creep
5/3 Valve actuator control
 The valve illustrated has
“all ports blocked” in the
mid position
 Whenever the mid 4 2
position is selected the
pressure conditions in
the cylinder will be frozen 14 12
 This can be used to stop 5 1 3

the piston at part stroke

in some positioning
 Flow regulators mounted
close to the cylinder to
minimise creep
5/3 Valve actuator control
 The valve illustrated has
“all ports blocked” in the
mid position
 Whenever the mid 4 2
position is selected the
pressure conditions in
the cylinder will be frozen 14 12
 This can be used to stop 5 1 3

the piston at part stroke

in some positioning
 Flow regulators mounted
close to the cylinder to
minimise creep
5/3 Valve actuator control
 The valve illustrated has
“all ports blocked” in the
mid position
 Whenever the mid 4 2
position is selected the
pressure conditions in
the cylinder will be frozen 14 12
 This can be used to stop 5 1 3

the piston at part stroke

in some positioning
 Flow regulators mounted
close to the cylinder to
minimise creep
5/3 Valve actuator control
 This version of a 5/3 valve
is “centre open exhaust”
 The supply at port 1 is
isolated and the cylinder
has power exhausted
when this centre position 14 4 2 12
is selected
 The version illustrated 5 1 3
shows a mono-stable
version double pilot
operated spring centre
 The cylinder will be pre-
exhausted when
changing from the mid
5/3 Valve actuator control
 This version of a 5/3 valve
is “centre open pressure”
 The supply at port 1 is
connected to both sides
of the cylinder and the
exhaust ports isolated 14 4 2 12
when this centre position
is selected 5 1 3
 Can be used to balance
pressures in positioning
 The version illustrated is
mono-stable, double
solenoid, spring centre
Logic functions for poppet and
spool valves
Logic AND
 To obtain the output Z
both plungers X AND Y Z
must be operated and 2
held 12 10
 If X only is operated the 3 1
air will be blocked at port
1 in valve Y
 If Y only is operated there 2
12 10
will be no pressure X
available at port 1 3 1

 If either X or Y is released
the output signal Z will be
Logic AND
 To obtain the output Z
both plungers X AND Y Z
must be operated and 2
held 12 10
 If X only is operated the 3 1
air will be blocked at port
1 in valve Y
 If Y only is operated there 2
12 10
will be no pressure X
available at port 1 3 1

 If either X or Y is released
the output signal Z will be
Logic AND
 To obtain the output Z
both plungers X AND Y Z
must be operated and 2
held 12 10
 If X only is operated the 3 1
air will be blocked at port
1 in valve Y
 If Y only is operated there 2
12 10
will be no pressure X
available at port 1 3 1

 If either X or Y is released
the output signal Z will be
Logic AND
 To obtain the output Z
both plungers X AND Y Z
must be operated and 2
held 12 10
 If X only is operated the 3 1
air will be blocked at port
1 in valve Y
 If Y only is operated there 2
12 10
will be no pressure X
available at port 1 3 1

 If either X or Y is released
the output signal Z will be
Logic AND
 To obtain the output Z
both plungers X AND Y Z
must be operated and 2
held 12 10
 If X only is operated the 3 1
air will be blocked at port
1 in valve Y
 If Y only is operated there 2
12 10
will be no pressure X
available at port 1 3 1

 If either X or Y is released
the output signal Z will be
Logic AND
 To obtain the output Z
both plungers X AND Y Z
must be operated and 2
held 12 10
 If X only is operated the 3 1
air will be blocked at port
1 in valve Y
 If Y only is operated there 2
12 10
will be no pressure X
available at port 1 3 1

 If either X or Y is released
the output signal Z will be
Logic AND
 To obtain the output Z
both plungers X AND Y Z
must be operated and 2
held 12 10
 If X only is operated the 3 1
air will be blocked at port
1 in valve Y
 If Y only is operated there 2
12 10
will be no pressure X
available at port 1 3 1

 If either X or Y is released
the output signal Z will be
Logic AND
 This method must not be
used as a two handed Z
safety control 2
12 10
 It is too easy to abuse.
e.g. one of the buttons 3 1
could be permanently
fixed down and the
system operated from the 2
12 10
other button only
 Use the purpose 3 1
designed two handed
safety control unit
Logic OR
 Use of an ‘OR’ function
shuttle valve
 Source X and Y can be
remote from each other
and remote from the
destination of Z
 When X or Y is operated 12
the shuttle valve seal Y
moves across to prevent 3 1

the signal Z from being 2

12 10
lost through the exhaust X
3 1
of the other valve
Logic OR
 Use of an ‘OR’ function
shuttle valve
 Source X and Y can be
remote from each other
and remote from the
destination of Z
 When X or Y is operated 12
the shuttle valve seal Y
moves across to prevent 3 1

the signal Z from being 2

12 10
lost through the exhaust X
3 1
of the other valve
Logic OR
 Use of an ‘OR’ function
shuttle valve
 Source X and Y can be
remote from each other
and remote from the
destination of Z
 When X or Y is operated 12
the shuttle valve seal Y
moves across to prevent 3 1

the signal Z from being 2

12 10
lost through the exhaust X
3 1
of the other valve
Logic OR
 Use of an ‘OR’ function
shuttle valve
 Source X and Y can be
remote from each other
and remote from the
destination of Z
 When X or Y is operated 12
the shuttle valve seal Y
moves across to prevent 3 1

the signal Z from being 2

12 10
lost through the exhaust X
3 1
of the other valve
Logic OR
 Use of an ‘OR’ function
shuttle valve
 Source X and Y can be
remote from each other
and remote from the
destination of Z
 When X or Y is operated 12
the shuttle valve seal Y
moves across to prevent 3 1

the signal Z from being 2

12 10
lost through the exhaust X
3 1
of the other valve
Logic NOT
 A logic NOT applies to the
state of the output when
the operating signal is
present (the output is
simply an inversion of the Z
operating signal) 2
12 10
 The valve shown is a X
1 3
normally open type (inlet
port numbered 1)
 When the signal X is
present there is NOT
output Z
 When X is removed
output Z is given
Logic NOT
 A logic NOT applies to the
state of the output when
the operating signal is
present (the output is
simply an inversion of the Z
operating signal) 2
12 10
 The valve shown is a X
1 3
normally open type (inlet
port numbered 1)
 When the signal X is
present there is NOT
output Z
 When X is removed
output Z is given
Logic NOT
 A logic NOT applies to the
state of the output when
the operating signal is
present (the output is
simply an inversion of the Z
operating signal) 2
12 10
 The valve shown is a X
1 3
normally open type (inlet
port numbered 1)
 When the signal X is
present there is NOT
output Z
 When X is removed
output Z is given
 A logic MEMORY allows
the output signal state
(ON or OFF) to be
maintained after the input
signal has been removed Z
 Any bi-stable valve is a X
logic MEMORY 12 10
3 1
 With this lever detented Y
valve, once the lever has
been moved X direction
or Y direction it can be
released and will stay in
that position
 A logic MEMORY allows
the output signal state
(ON or OFF) to be
maintained after the
signal that set it has been Z
removed 12 10
3 1
 A bi-stable double pilot
valve can be set or reset
simply by a pulse (push 12 10
and release) on buttons X
3 1
or Y

12 10
3 1
12 10
3 1
 A bi-stable double pilot
valve can be set or reset
simply by a pulse (push 12 10
and release) on buttons X
3 1
or Y

12 10
3 1
12 10
3 1
 A bi-stable double pilot
valve can be set or reset
simply by a pulse (push 12 10
and release) on buttons X
3 1
or Y

12 10
3 1
12 10
3 1
 A bi-stable double pilot
valve can be set or reset
simply by a pulse (push 12 10
and release) on buttons X
3 1
or Y

12 10
3 1
12 10
3 1
 A bi-stable double pilot
valve can be set or reset
simply by a pulse (push 12 10
and release) on buttons X
3 1
or Y

12 10
3 1
12 10
3 1
Logic MEMORY (latch)
 A popular memory circuit
is the latch Z
 Will not re-make after 1 3
pneumatic power failure Y
12 10
 A pulse on X operates the 2

pilot / spring valve to give 12 10

output Z 3 1
 A feedback from Z runs
through the normally 2
12 10
open valve Y to latch the
operation of Z when X is 3 1
 A pulse on Y breaks the
latch and Z is exhausted
Logic MEMORY (latch)
 A popular memory circuit
is the latch Z
 Will not re-make after 1 3
pneumatic power failure Y
12 10
 A pulse on X operates the 2

pilot / spring valve to give 12 10

output Z 3 1
 A feedback from Z runs
through the normally 2
12 10
open valve Y to latch the
operation of Z when X is 3 1
 A pulse on Y breaks the
latch and Z is exhausted
Logic MEMORY (latch)
 A popular memory circuit
is the latch Z
 Will not re-make after 1 3
pneumatic power failure Y
12 10
 A pulse on X operates the 2

pilot / spring valve to give 12 10

output Z 3 1
 A feedback from Z runs
through the normally 2
12 10
open valve Y to latch the
operation of Z when X is 3 1
 A pulse on Y breaks the
latch and Z is exhausted
Logic MEMORY (latch)
 A popular memory circuit
is the latch Z
 Will not re-make after 1 3
pneumatic power failure Y
12 10
 A pulse on X operates the 2

pilot / spring valve to give 12 10

output Z 3 1
 A feedback from Z runs
through the normally 2
12 10
open valve Y to latch the
operation of Z when X is 3 1
 A pulse on Y breaks the
latch and Z is exhausted
Logic MEMORY (latch)
 A popular memory circuit
is the latch Z
 Will not re-make after 1 3
pneumatic power failure Y
12 10
 A pulse on X operates the 2

pilot / spring valve to give 12 10

output Z 3 1
 A feedback from Z runs
through the normally 2
12 10
open valve Y to latch the
operation of Z when X is 3 1
 A pulse on Y breaks the
latch and Z is exhausted
Logic arrangements for fully
balanced spool valves
Logic circuits (spool valves)
 NO / NC  5/2 OR
 Selection / Diversion  Single pulse control
 Latch  Air conservation
 OR, AND, NOT  Double flow
 Single pulse maker  Counting
 Slow pressure build

Click the section to advance directly to it

3/2 NO / NC
 A fully balanced valve
allows pressure on any
pot or combination of 12
3 1
 A single valve can be
used normally open or
normally closed
 For normally open the 2
supply pressure is 12 10
connected to port 1 3 1
 For normally closed the
supply pressure is
connected to port 3
3/2 NO / NC
 A fully balanced valve
allows pressure on any
pot or combination of 12
3 1
 A single valve can be
used normally open or
normally closed
 For normally open the 2
supply pressure is 12 10
connected to port 1 3 1
 For normally closed the
supply pressure is
connected to port 3
3/2 Valve selection / diversion
 Selection of one of two
supplies connected to
ports 1 and 3 can be 12
different pressures
3 1
 Diversion of one supply
to one of two outlets
 If it is required to exhaust
the downstream air a 5/2
valve is required 3 1

12 10
3/2 Valve selection / diversion
 Selection of one of two
supplies connected to
ports 1 and 3 can be 12
different pressures
3 1
 Diversion of one supply
to one of two outlets
 If it is required to exhaust
the downstream air a 5/2
valve is required 3 1

12 10
Latch with controls
 In this version of a latch
the push button valves 12
are connected to perform
3 1
‘OR’ and ‘NOT’ functions
 The ‘OFF’ valve must be ON 2
12 10
placed last in the signal
chain so that if both 3 1
valves are operated
together the ‘OFF’ 2
OFF 12 10
command will dominate
over the ‘ON’ command 3 1
z 2
 A single 3/2 pilot operated OR 12 10
spring return valve can be
3 1
use for any of these logic
x y
 x OR y gives output z
z 2
 x AND y gives output z AND 12 10

 x gives NOT z 3 1
x y

z 2
NOT 12 10

3 1
Single pulse maker
 Converts a prolonged
signal x into a single z
pulse z
 Signal z must be removed 12 10
to allow the valve to reset 3 1
then x can be applied
 The duration of the pulse
can be adjusted with the
flow regulator x
Slow initial pressure build up
 Choose a 3/2 pilot spring
valve with a relatively
high operating force e.g. 12 10
3 to 4 bar 3 1
 When the quick connect
coupling is made, the
output at port 2 is
controlled at the rate of
the flow regulator setting
 When the pressure is
high enough to operate
the valve full flow will take
 The lever valve can pre-
select the movement of
the cylinder OUT or IN 2
12 10
 The movement will occur
the next time the plunger 3 1
valve is operated 2
12 10
 The plunger valve can be
released immediately and 3 1
subsequently operated
and released any number 2
of times 12
3 1
5/2 OR function
 The valve at position ‘a’ is
reversed connected and
supplied from the valve
conventionally connected 4 2
at position ‘b’ a 14

 The cylinder can be 5 1 3

controlled from either
position ‘a’ ‘OR’ position
4 2
‘b’ 12
b 14
5 1 3
Single pulse control
 Each time the foot
operated valve is
pressed the cylinder
will single stroke + 4 2
and - alternately 14

 First foot operation 5 1

the cylinder moves 2 2
12 10 12 10
 Second foot 3 1 3 1
operation the
cylinder moves in
 Third….. out and so
12 2

3 1
Air conservation
 Power stroke in the
instroke direction only
 Differential area of the
piston gives an outstroke 4 2
force when the pressure 14

is balanced 5 1

 Air used to outstroke is

equivalent to a cylinder
with only the same bore
as the rod diameter
 Assumes the cylinder is
not loaded on the plus
stroke and low friction
Air conservation
 Power stroke in the
instroke direction only
 Differential area of the
piston gives an outstroke 4 2
force when the pressure 14

is balanced 5 1

 Air used to outstroke is

equivalent to a cylinder
with only the same bore
as the rod diameter
 Assumes the cylinder is
not loaded on the plus
stroke and low friction
Double flow
 Where a larger 3/2 valve
is not available
 Two flow paths in a 5/2
valve each with a 4 2
14 12
separate supply can be
arranged to give double 5 1 3
flow or supply separate
 Ensure the tube size to
the cylinder is large
enough to take the double
Double flow
 Where a larger 3/2 valve
is not available
 Two flow paths in a 5/2
valve each with a 4 2
14 12
separate supply can be
arranged to give double 5 1 3
flow or supply separate
 Ensure the tube size to
the cylinder is large
enough to take the double
 Counting applications are
best achieved with
electro-mechanical or
programmable electronic
 Pneumatic counting
circuits use large 2
numbers of logic valves
and can be slow
 The counting chain
shown will count to 4 1

 Red and blue are non-

overlapping alternate
pulses, purple is the reset
Counting application
a0 a1
 The counting circuit is A

applied to count 4 strokes

of a cylinder
 At rest all counting valves
are held reset by the start
 Start outstrokes ‘A’
 Alternate signals from
‘a1’ and ‘a0’ progresses
operation of the counting
valves up the chain
 On the 4th operation of
‘a1’ the green signal a1 a0
resets the start valve to
stop the cylinder
Feedback methods
Time delay
 A signal is restricted to
slow the rate of pressure
build up on a pressure Output
switch (3/2 differential
pressure operated valve) 2
12 10
 When the pressure switch
operates a strong un- 3 1
restricted output is given
 A reservoir provides
capacitance to allow less Signal
fine and sensitive in
settings on the flow
regulator making it easy
to adjust
Time delay
- +
 Manual remote start of a a1

double acting cylinder A

with a time delay in the
outstroked position
before automatic return
4 2
14 12

5 1 3

12 10

3 1
2 2
12 10 12 10

3 1 a1 3 1
Pressure decay
- +
 Manual remote start of a a1

double acting cylinder A

 Uses a low pressure

operated valve connected
normally open 4 2
 When the back pressure 14 12
in the front of the cylinder 5 1 3
falls below 0.1 bar the
return signal is given
 Connection taken 12 10 10
between the cylinder and
flow regulator 3 1 1 3 0.1bar
 Useful for pressing work
pieces of variable size
 The majority of systems  Circuit building block for
use electrical/electronic each cylinder
control due to the high a0 a1
degree of sophistication
and flexibility A
 Solenoid valves are used
to control cylinders
 Feedback signals are
4 2
from reed switches, 14 12
sensors and electrical
5 1 3
limit switches
 Logic is hard wired or
programmed in to a PLC a0 a1
(programmable logic

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