Corporate Gov. Area

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Corporate Governance Trends in the OECD Area: Where Do We Go From

Stilpon Nestor1

I. Introduction

Different people often mean different things by corporate governance. For the purposes
of this presentation, the concept is two-fold:

• Corporate governance encompasses the relationships and ensuing patterns of

behaviour between different agents in a limited liability corporation; the way
managers and shareholders but also employees, creditors, key customers and
communities interact with each other and give shape to a company’s strategy and
identity in the capital, goods and labour markets. This is, one might say, the
behavioural side of corporate governance.

• But corporate governance also refers to the set of rules that frame private behaviour.
These include company law, securities regulation, listing requirements. But they may
also be private norms, such as self-regulation in the form of codes. These are soft
rules that rely on reputational mechanisms for their implementation. All of this is
what we could call the normative side of corporate governance.

The OECD Principles address both sides. On one hand, they articulate some key
normative requirements for corporate governance (such as adequate shareholder
protection and equitable treatment under the law). On the other hand, they also urge
private sector action at corporate level. Such action includes active ownership and
governance by institutional owners and their intermediaries, high levels of competence in
boards of directors and a long-term value increasing behaviour by companies that take
into consideration various stakeholder interests.

II. The long term trends that drive corporate governance demand

1. In the world outside the US, the first few decades after the Second World War were
characterised by state-led growth. But during the last two decades all of this has radically
changed through privatisation (chart 1). Hence, the role of the private sector corporation
as an engine of economic development and job creation has been vested with a new
urgency and importance in the last two decades. Privatisation revenue in the world has
totalled more than USD 850 billion in the 1990s alone. This grossly understates the
amount of assets actually transferred to the private sector: many of these assets were not
sold but turned over to private owners through various schemes that generated little

Head of Division, Corporate Affairs, OECD. The opinions expressed in this paper do not necessarily
reflect those of the OECD. I would like to thank my OECD colleagues Simon Wong and Elena Miteva for
letting me use extensively their presentations and research on the third part of this report.

revenue for treasuries. If one accounts for this under-valuation and also adds the revenues
from the 1980s privatisation, the figure will be closer to USD1.3-1.4 trillion. This
enormous transfer translates into new ownership and control structures, possibly much
unstable and much tougher on traditional corporate elites than state ownership
arrangements. It also means new relationships with labour and a fundamental shift in
future employment creation to the private sector. Finally, it favours new patterns of
corporate finance, essentially a switch from debt to equity. With the state fading away
from corporate ownership, effective corporate governance (both norms and behaviour)
becomes essential to the efficient use of some of the most important and sensitive assets
of a nation.

But even in countries where the state remains a large owner, the need is perceived to
separate this ownership function from its sovereign regulatory role. For example, in
Sweden, good corporate governance of state-owned ownership stakes has become a
major priority, as the state is the largest owner in the economy. Rules for appointing
boards and an emphasis on their independence, clear shareholder value criteria on
performance and an institutional framework that separates ownership from other
functions are all seen as important tools for the improvement of corporate performance.

2. The phenomenal growth of equity markets (chart 2) has been another key driver of
demand for better corporate governance. Partly due to privatisation, countries like Italy
and Spain have seen the size of their market capitalisation grow from 14 and 23 % of the
GDP in 1990, to 49 and 73% in 1997 respectively. The US had seen its own market
capitalisation to GDP treble between 1990 and 1998—that is, when the NASDAQ was
roughly in the territory it stands today. An ever-increasing number of households and
financial intermediaries become residual claimants of the corporate sector; as their
savings diminish, their equity investments increase. Thus, the risk of equity exposure (i.e.
the risk of loss of wealth that equity represents) and the management of this risk become
central issues both to the equity owners themselves and to policy makers. In essence,
corporate governance can be seen as a constituent element of this “equity risk”. Bad
corporate governance (whether in the overall market of a country or of an individual
company) signals large asymmetries of information and a high probability of
expropriation of shareholder value. To put it in other words, among two companies with
the same earning potential, the one with better corporate governance should fetch a
higher price.

3. Equity market growth has also been driven by the spectacular growth of financial
institutions as equity owners in private corporations (see chart 3). Insurance company and
pension fund assets stood at128 % of the GDP of OECD countries in 1998, while in 1980
they represented only 38 %. Moreover, the percentage of equity investment in the
portfolios of these institutions has almost doubled over the last decade (see chart 4).
Finally, investment companies and mutual funds have also grown considerably, helping
to channel wealth onto the markets. Mutuals are especially important in countries that
have a relatively small pension sector--with the exception of the US where both are
strong. (see chart 5). US and UK institutions control 76% of all assets in the top 5 liquid
equity markets. They owned approximately 1.8 trillion of foreign equity in 1999-- 18% of

their portfolio--up from 8% in 1999. Recent research indicates that more than 95% of the
1.8 trillion is concentrated in no more than 50 institutions. From a geographical
perspective, a vast part of this equity portfolio is concentrated in the large European

These global shareholders are fiduciaries of millions of citizens. They have a long-term
view of investment because exit is often not an option for them: a big part of their
portfolio reflects stock market indexes and has to include certain large corporations. But
even in the absence of indexing, institutions are increasingly coming to regard some basic
corporate governance requirements as fundamental investment prerequisites. By
addressing them, they can claim to effectively and transparently manage risk in their
portfolios and thus discharge adequately their own fiduciary duties towards their
beneficial owners. While mutual funds are not the “natural” long-term owners as is the
case with pension funds they have been focusing on governance more. This is driven by
tax reasons and indexing; it also reflects high costs of exit in volatile and illicit markets.

4. International capital flows have grown tremendously since 1980—by a factor of more
than 20. Moreover, the recent crises in emerging markets have demonstrated amply a
fundamental shift in the nature of these flows: these flows are now largely private (more
than 85% as opposed to approximately 20% in 1980). In addition they are more and more
directed towards equity—very much confirming the trend towards equity that I have just
talked about (chart 6). Empirical research suggests that during the Asian crisis countries
with the lowest corporate governance standards -- in terms of protection of minority
shareholders in particular-- were also those which experienced the largest exchange rate
depreciation and stock market decline. Thus, from a global perspective, corporate
governance becomes an issue of systemic stability in the financial markets, providing
early warning mechanisms that might be a limiting factor to herd behaviour in difficult
market situations. This has put corporate governance in the menu of issues that the
architects of international financial stability have had to deal with. And this was the
trigger for the drafting of the OECD Principles, a multilateral effort by 29 governments at
a record one-year time. It is the reason for them being one of the 12 core principles for
financial stability, in the taxonomy of the Financial Stability Forum.

III. The response: main developments and emerging trends in corporate governance
reform in the OECD area

As a result of the above longer- term shifts in the financial markets, improving corporate
governance continues to be a priority in the OECD area and the level of corporate
governance activity remains high. In this part of the paper, I identify five recent
developments and six emerging trends that, respectively, mark the present state of the
debate and are expected to impact on the future shape of corporate governance debate in
OECD member countries.

One of the most visible developments over the past few years has been a proliferation of
company law reform efforts. No less than 17 OECD member states are going through
extensive company law reform efforts as we are speaking. They include some of the most
sophisticated markets, such as the UK, Japan, Sweden and Germany, as well as some of
our newer member states, that the market still views as “emerging”, such as Poland, the
Czech Republic and Mexico. Reforms touch upon all areas: shareholder protection and
treatment, board and capital structures, accountability issues and stakeholder concerns.

A second important development in the normative realm has been the promulgation of
corporate governance codes by private sector organisations and public sector bodies such
as stock exchanges and securities commissions. Among OECD Member countries, 1999
saw Greece, Italy, Korea, Mexico and Portugal adopt their first corporate governance
codes. In 2000, Germany promulgated its first corporate governance code, the first set of
guidelines for two-tier boards; EASDAQ, the European version of NASDAQ issued its
own voluntary code. Currently, the Czech Republic and Denmark are contemplating
drafting corporate governance codes for their enterprises and the European Commission
is conducting a study of corporate governance codes in Member states and, depending on
the outcome of this study, may draft a Euro code.

While each code is distinct and tailored to fit local conditions, there are a number of
similarities among them. For example, all codes urge companies to appoint independent
outside directors to their boards. Mirroring the German Neue Markt, the Italian new
market imposes in 2001 an obligation on listed companies to have independent directors,
a first for Italy. To be regarded as independent, a non-executive director may not have a
direct or indirect controlling stake or be part of a voting pact that does. The Corporate
Governance Code for Mexico states that outsiders should constitute at least 20% of the
board and Korea’s corporate governance code recommends that 50% of the boards of
large companies should comprise independent directors. As a counterpoint however, a
study by the Australian consultants indicates that companies with majority independent
boards have under-performed in the stock market. It is argued that directors who are too
far removed from the operation of the company can be misled or at least can be ill
informed about its day-to-day affairs. Conversely, the study indicates a marked positive
effect for shareholders when executives sit on the board. One of the main messages of
the report is that independence in itself is not a substitute for quality on a board and that
there is a clear need for balance between independent and executive directors.

Another development is the call for the creation and use of board committees, particularly
audit, nomination, and remuneration committees. According to most codes, these
committees should be made up primarily or entirely of independent directors. To provide
additional assurance that audit committees will in fact act independently, Korea’s
corporate governance code adopts a novel approach by recommending that shareholders
be provided with the power to appoint audit committee members during shareholders
meetings. In the US, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) – building on the
work of the Blue Ribbon Committee on Audit Committee Effectiveness -- adopted in
2000 rules that strengthen the audit committee’s independence and give its members the

tools to fulfil their duty to the investing public. The rules enhance the independence of
outside auditors, and improve communications, through greater disclosure among the
board, outside auditors and management

As a fourth development, there appears to be an increasing hardening of norms that call

for the disclosure of executive remuneration. In 1999, after a yearlong battle with the
government, the Irish Stock Exchange became the second stock market in Europe, after
the London Stock Exchange, to require disclosure of individual executive remuneration
figures. In France, a similar debate occurred between the French government and the
business community. In 2000, MEDEF, the French employer association, issued a strong
recommendation to companies to voluntarily publish such information. Legislation is
currently pending before the Senate that would make disclosure of executive
compensation mandatory. In Japan, a lower court recently ruled that the defendant bank
(Nanto Bank) must disclose specific bonus amounts when asking shareholders to approve
bonuses to be paid to retiring directors. In response to a dissident resolution at its June
2000 AGM, Sumitomo Bank became the first financial institution in Japan to reveal the
compensation packages of their executives. This move possibly anticipates regulatory
moves to this effect. In the Netherlands, the government has submitted legislative
proposals to require the disclosure of individual director and executive remuneration.
The German government is also contemplating similar legislation.

Shareholder activism continues to be a positive force for improving corporate

governance, with domestic and foreign institutional investors leading the way in many
countries. In Korea, domestic shareholders group PSPD (People’s Solidarity for
Participatory Democracy) has been successful in lobbying companies to appoint outside
directors, create board committees, and introduce cumulative voting. In Mexico, the
UK’s Hermes Investment Management played a behind-the-scenes role to persuade
Mexico’s largest retailer to adopt its own code of best practice. In the United States and
increasingly elsewhere, many US institutional investors—mostly public pension funds--
have filed dissident shareholder proposals in 1999 and 2000. For example, there was a
fierce battle with boards in many US corporations to remove the “dead-hand” poison pill,
which allows a pre-existing group of directors to control the outcome of a hostile take-
over battle even after they have been removed from office.

In addition to these developments, one can point to six “emerging” trends in OECD
Member countries that are having a profound impact on the global corporate governance
landscape. The first such trend is the emergence of an internationally accepted
benchmark on corporate governance, the OECD Principles of Corporate Governance.
Since their adoption by the OECD Ministers in May 1999, the OECD Principles have
gained widespread endorsements as a universally applicable set of corporate governance
standards, in spite of some initial resistance related to their less-than-universal origin.
This reflects, on the one hand, the need of an international reference in an increasingly
globalised investment process. For some countries the principles are a minimum
requirement, while for others they might represent a long-term aspiration; but they are
relevant to all. On the other hand, the acceptance of the Principles is also linked to their
open ended nature: instead of being a set of rigid norms, they are rather a conceptual

framework for addressing corporate governance issues, that can be used by countries at
different levels of sophistication and market development.

The International Corporate Governance Network, whose members manage an aggregate

$6 trillion in funds, has endorsed the OECD Principles in 1999 and major institutional
investors, such as CALPERS, have also given their stamps of approval. In addition, in
March 2000, the Financial Stability Forum adopted the OECD Principles as one of its 12
core international standards for sound financial systems. The World Bank has developed
a template modelled after the OECD Principles to conduct country assessments.
Furthermore, the OECD Principles have served as a reference for national and regional
corporate governance codes. Lastly, a few organisations are utilising the OECD
Principles as benchmarks for measuring corporate governance performance—S&P’s
effort on corporate governance ratings is explicitly based on them and so is a recent
template by the EBRD.

The second emerging trend is the increasing utilisation of new information and
communication technologies, particularly the Internet, to promote and improve corporate
governance. The Internet, for example, is being used to disseminate annual reports and
other company information, raise awareness of corporate governance issues, co-ordinate
shareholder actions, and facilitate the exercise of shareholder rights.

Both the public and private sectors have been active in harnessing recent technological
advances for corporate governance purposes. In the United Kingdom, the Parliament
passed in 2000 the Electronic Communications Bill, which would recognise electronic
signatures and allow the dissemination of company information by E-mail or over the
World Wide Web. In Canada, the proposed amendments to the Canada Business
Corporations Act would permit electronic voting and electronic dissemination of
information. The German Ministry of Justice is currently debating the introduction of
electronic share registers and electronic signatures for proxies, paving the way for a broad
introduction of electronic share voting. A new law was adopted in the US State of
Delaware that could replace physical annual meetings with all-electronic AGMs. About
half of US listed companies are incorporated in Delaware. Under the statute, a board
now can – without shareholder approval – hold a meeting entirely through remote
communication. According to numerous critics, meetings entirely relying on Internet
will lower accountability standards for boards by doing away with face-to-face dialogue.

In the private sector, commercial corporate governance services on the Internet for
institutional and individual investors have proliferated. In a number of OECD countries,
proxy analyses are available over the Internet and investors can also vote their proxies
online. In addition, CalPERS and other institutional investors have begun posting their
proxy vote decisions on the Internet one or two weeks prior to the relevant AGMs and the
number of corporate governance websites continues to multiply. Improving access to
cross-border voting by using new technologies is, as we speak, one of the key corporate
governance issues, among providers of proxy services and their clients. JP Morgan
Investor Services is currently launching an initiative for a common world-wide standard
for transmission of shareholder meeting agendas, notices and proxy voting forms and
instructions. A global initiative seems to be getting under way to agree on a single

transmission protocol. If successful, the initiative could pave the way for electronic
voting of shares in every market. Furthermore, investors can benefit from increasing
competition among providers of electronic access to worldwide proxies. For example,
investors are currently offered a choice by various proxy firms among companies
supplying electronic access to proxies in approximately 50 countries. This is likely to
boost the volume of votes by foreign shareholders.

The third emerging trend is closely related to the above. It concerns the development of a
market for corporate governance services, whether advisory to corporations and
investors, or of a rating nature. In Japan, the principal drafter of the Japan Corporate
Governance Forum’s principles formed a company in 1999 to help guide foreign
institutional investors on Japanese governance practices. In Germany and France, a
number of consultant firms have appeared over the past two years to advise investors and
company supervisory boards on corporate governance issues. Corporate governance
ratings have started to appear, with DEMINOR, a Belgian proxy firm, taking the lead in
Europe, while Standards & Poor’s has launched a pilot rating project for Russia. Other
ratings agencies, such as Moody’s are also contemplating entering the market.

The fourth emerging trend is that shareholder activism is increasingly taking a social
dimension. During the last couple of years, trade unions have been raising their profile in
the corporate governance movement. In November 1998, the International Confederation
of Free Trade Unions (ICFTU) formed an international task force to identify shareholder
activist strategies and draft core principles that define the role of pension fund capital in
the global marketplace. In 1999, the European Association of Employed Shareholders
(EAES) developed six-point principles of corporate governance intended to spur
employee investors to “take a supervisory role and exercise their responsibilities as
shareholders.” Last year, in the United Kingdom, the Trade Union Congress (TUC)
recently initiated a drive to mobilise labour’s influence as pension fund shareholders. In
the United States, trade unions have become increasingly active in monitoring the votes
of public pension funds, exercising muscle as their ultimate principals.

In addition, trade unions have also co-ordinated their corporate governance activities. In
November 1999, an International Confederation of Free Trade Unions strategy session in
Stockholm yielded an agreement among the participants to co-operate on promoting
labour shareholder activism on corporate governance. In 2000, Australia’s Council of
Trade Unions, Britain’s Trade Union Congress, and the US’s AFL-CIO came together to
co-ordinate a proxy campaign at mining concern Rio Tinto.

The second aspect of the emerging “social consciousness” in the investment process is
the rise of “socially responsible investment”(SRI). SRI funds comprise a small proportion
of the investment community, but have been growing rapidly in OECD countries in
recent years. There have been numerous examples of dissident resolutions and rebel
proposals encouraging progress in social and environmental issues in 2000 and 2001.
Large United States pension funds – particularly CalPERS and the State of Connecticut
pension system – have shifted to a more active policy on social issues. Furthermore, at
the beginning of 2001, CalPERS announced a change of its proxy voting policy to
increase the weight of social issues.

Pension funds in the United Kingdom have come under a regulatory obligation to
disclose their policies on social issues. Many have developed guidelines. This is a strong
warning to companies that their record on these issues will affect access to capital. The
increasing interest towards SRI has also led to growing awareness of the difficulty to
define socially responsible investing. FTSE, the index provider, is to establish a range of
global indices for socially responsible companies. The new indices will assess
companies on environmental performance, human rights, and social issues. They join
existing SRI Indices, such as the Dow Jones Sustainability series.

Increasing focus on socially responsible investment is a positive trend. However, it can

create important uncertainties for companies if the issue of subjectivity is not addressed
and a clear benchmark developed on a consensus basis. Moreover, there is a risk that ill-
defined social responsibility issues may be used as a tool by managers to avoid
shareholder and capital market disciplines.

The fifth emerging trend concerns the harmonisation of financial reporting standards.
Rising cross-border portfolio investments and the integration of capital markets have led
to the increasing adoption of International Accounting Standards (IAS) and U.S. GAAP
by companies in OECD Member countries. More than 65% of DAX companies provide
IAS or U.S GAAP accounts-- there were 17% in 1995. The continuing convergence of
IAS and U.S. GAAP, coupled with an increasing number of countries harmonising their
domestic standards to IAS, may signal that a single set of internationally recognised
accounting standards could soon emerge. This process has been accelerating following a
groundbreaking agreement in 1999 by IOSCO, the organisation of international stock
market regulators. IOSCO decided to back the use of IAS for cross-border offerings and
listings and subsequently, the US SEC for the fist time publicly supported IAS. In another
landmark decision dated February 2001, the European Commission unveiled a regulation
requiring European Union-registered companies to adopt International Accounting
Standards (IAS) by 2005 at the latest.

The sixth emerging trend concerns the incipient shift towards free-float indexes. There
has been a growing concern about the existing system of calculating market indexes
directly on the basis of market capitalisation, with no regard to the liquidity of the
underlying stocks. In response, some of the indexers have announced their intention to
switch to a free-float basis in the future, i.e. to take into account the proportion of
outstanding common stock in each company that can actually be traded, as opposed to
total market capitalisation.

For example, FTSE has introduced a free-float adjustment for new constituents in 2000.
Morgan Stanley Capital International (MSCI) has announced its intention to proceed with
free-float adjustment to the constituents of its widely tracked investment indices in 2001.
Deutsche Borse is debating the adjustment of the DAX-30 and the second-tier index M-
DAX-70, as of June 2002, to reflect only the capitalisation of one class of voting shares,
which are in free-float.

The introduction of weighting adjustments can be expected to have a significant impact

on the strategies of global fund managers. Passive investors will have to implement
substantial portfolio re-balancing in order to track an adjusted benchmark, while active

investors will have to consider their overweight and underweight stock and sector
positions relative to a new benchmark.

Re-weightings could have implications for equity markets with a relatively high
proportion of companies with state holdings, cross-shareholdings and family ownership,
which reduce the free-float. Consequently, they might accelerate moves to move away
from the above ownership and control structures.

Concluding remarks

In conclusion, the developments in recent years suggest that a convergence of approaches

is occurring among OECD Member countries. Across OECD economies, accountability
of directors and executives has been strengthened, shareholder rights enhanced, and
disclosure improved. In addition, governments are busy developing ways to take
advantage of new technologies to improve corporate governance. The OECD Principles
have facilitated this convergence by serving as a key reference for corporate governance

Let me finish with two thoughts on the importance of governance under current
conditions. As we speak, most markets are going into a bear mode. Whether this will be a
passing V-shaped development or a longer-term condition is not known. In any event,
volatility and lower levels of liquidity will be with us for a while. Most of the survey
evidence, most importantly that of the recent global Mc Kinsey investor survey, point to
the fact that the premia that investors are willing to pay for better corporate governance
are inversely proportionate to a market’s liquidity and depth. As market conditions
worsen and equity risks rise, the importance of corporate governance will rise as well.
The case of the Russian company Vimpelcom is an extreme example of this relationship.
This rare well- governed Russian corporation commanded a reasonable cost of capital in
the thick of the Russian financial crisis of 1998—when not even the Russian government
itself could find investors to buy its securities.

But containing the equity risk is only one part of why better corporate governance is
important. I have not really discussed the other part, i.e. the impact of corporate
governance on the actual performance of corporations. While formal evidence here is still
patchy, anecdotal evidence suggests that there is a clear positive link. In this respect,
some are arguing that the lack of any proper governance procedures in US dotcoms and
other technology start-ups, the fact that they were often run like mini-keiretsu by the
venture funds and private equity firms that financed them, might have a lot to do with
their inability to develop from the business plan stage wizards to solid earners.

These two open-ended “teasers” obviously raise more questions than they provide
answers. I hope that our discussion during the coming two days will throw some light on
these questions. If you wish, you can find more information about the Roundtables and
related corporate governance activities on the website of the OECD
( ) and the World Bank
( ).

Thank you.


Chart 1

The growth of the private sector

Privatisation totals almost USD 850 billion since 1990-- more than
one trillion since 1980



$ Millions 100,000


1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999

Total OECD Other countries

Source: OECD

Chart 2


(In per cent of GDP-Main & Parallel Markets)

(Excluding Investment Funds)

1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998

Unites States 56 72 75 81 75 98 114 137 157

Europe 33 35 30 42 42 44 52 69 87

Austria 17 16 12 16 16 14 15 18 17
Belgium 33 35 29 37 36 37 44 57 98
Denmark 29 33 20 30 32 32 39 55 57
Finland 17 12 11 28 39 35 50 61 124
France 26 31 26 36 34 33 38 49 69
Germany 22 23 18 24 24 24 28 39 51
Greece 18 15 11 15 13 14 19 28 67
Ireland - - - - - 39 48 64 80
Italy 14 14 10 15 18 19 21 30 49
Luxembourg 101 103 94 150 196 176 191 215 229
Netherlands 42 47 42 58 67 72 95 129 160
Norway 23 19 14 24 30 30 36 43 32
Poland - 0 0 3 3 4 6 9 14
Portugal 13 12 10 15 18 18 22 38 59
Spain 23 24 17 25 26 27 41 55 73
Sweden 40 41 32 58 66 75 95 116 123
Switzerland 69 75 78 114 109 130 135 225 260
Turkey 13 10 6 20 17 12 17 32 17
United Kingdom 87 97 89 122 112 122 142 156 175

Asia, Pacific 89 84 59 66 74 67 63 50 65
Australia 37 48 46 71 66 69 79 75 93
Japan (Tokyo) 99 92 62 68 77 69 65 51 64
Korea 43 33 35 42 50 40 29 9 38
New Zealand 20 34 37 56 53 53 56 46 46
- : Not Applicable
Source : FIBV and OECD data base

Chart 3

Over The Past Two Decades Institutional

Investors Have Grown Steadily In Size and

Financial Assets of Institutional Investors In OECD As a Proportion of GDP




Per Cent 38



1981 1991 1998 (p)

Chart 4

Trends In Financial Assets of Institutional Investors






1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998

Shares Bonds Loans Other

Chart 5



19 9 0 19 9 1 19 9 2 19 9 3 19 9 4 19 9 5 19 9 6 19 9 7 19 9 8
A ustria 9. 0 9. 1 8. 1 10 .0 11 .8 14 .2 17 .3 21 .8 30 .7 A utriche
B elgiu m 13 .0 15 .3 17 .0 25 .4 25 .7 25 .2 27 .8 33 .9 .. B elgique
Fra nce 32 .9 37 .4 35 .7 40 .7 41 .3 37 .4 38 .1 40 .5 49 .8 Fra nc e
Germa ny 9. 0 10 .1 8. 8 11 .9 14 .3 15 .3 17 .6 22 .7 30 .3 A lle ma g ne
Ita ly 3. 8 4. 2 3. 4 6. 6 7. 9 7. 4 10 .6 18 .3 34 .9 Ita lie
Luxe mbourg 92 8. 9 12 1 8. 6 16 1 3. 5 21 4 9. 2 21 5 1. 4 20 7 6. 3 20 5 1. 3 27 1 6. 4 34 0 1. 8 Luxe mbourg
Nethe rla nds 11 .3 11 .7 11 .3 15 .6 16 .3 15 .8 16 .8 19 .0 16 .6 Pa ys-B as
P ortugal 4. 3 8. 6 8. 8 12 .0 18 .8 15 .6 15 .6 21 .2 26 .7 P ortuga l
Spa in 3. 2 8. 5 10 .0 15 .6 18 .3 18 .4 24 .8 33 .7 43 .8 Espagne
Sw e de n 16 .9 17 .4 13 .5 19 .2 20 .2 22 .2 23 .9 33 .7 .. Sué de

Sw itze rla nd 8. 1 8. 4 7. 9 14 .3 14 .8 14 .4 16 .0 20 .8 26 .5 Suisse

Japa n 13 .1 11 .0 11 .0 11 .8 10 .3 9. 7 9. 8 15 .9 9. 8 Japon
U nite d K ind om 12 .9 14 .0 13 .1 20 .3 19 .8 21 .5 26 .9 26 .8 28 .4 R oya ume -U ni

U nite d Sta tes 20 .8 24 .1 27 .0 32 .3 32 .7 38 .8 45 .7 53 .5 61 .8 Eta ts-U nis

Sourc e : O E C D 1999

Chart 6

FDI and Portfolio Investment Have Increased Their

Share of International Investment Flows.
International Outflow of Investment




1,500 384
Billions of Dollars


1980 1998
Direct Investment Portfolio Investment Other Investment
Direct Investment includes equity capital, reinvested earnings and inter-
company loans.
Portfolio Investment includes equity securities, bonds, notes and money
market instruments.
Other Investment includes loans and other financial assets and liabilities
(both short term and long term), such as trade credits and currency


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