Average Normal Strain in a rubber band is '0 in. A rigid beam is supported by a pin at a and wires BD and CE. If the maximum allowable Normal Strain in each wire is Emax = 0.002 rnrn / mm, determine the maximum vertical displacement of the load P.
Average Normal Strain in a rubber band is '0 in. A rigid beam is supported by a pin at a and wires BD and CE. If the maximum allowable Normal Strain in each wire is Emax = 0.002 rnrn / mm, determine the maximum vertical displacement of the load P.
2-1. The center
diameter of d = 4 in. If
the balloon’s diameter to
average normal strain in the rubber.
Average Normal Strain
Bd~ Rd d-dh 5-4
“Hi Oin te, Ane
th of 10 in. It
2-2, A rubber band has an unstretched lengt
it is stretched around a pole having an outer diameter of
6 in., determine the average normal strain in the band.
Average Normal Strain :
1, =10in L=6n in,
L-ly _ 6x -10
Be pT ones inn Ans
2-3. Bar ABCis originally in a horizontal position. If loads
cause the end A to be displaced downwards Ay = 0.002 in.
and the bar rotates @ = 0.2", determine the average normal
strain in the rods AD, BE, and CE
4 = 0.002 + 6tan 02° = 0.02294 in.
3c = 0.002+ (2tan0.2° = 0.04389 in,
Average Normal Strain
84 £990 pas0( 10?
2.20% 9250(10%) inn Ane
(ag ® peg 20280107)
Cedag = Ste SM 089109) inline
‘ Loe
se oot
(eePhng = FE =O 84910") inti, Ane
Portion of the rubber balloon has a
the air pressure within it causes
become d = 5 in., determine thep2o4. The rigid beam is supported by a pin at A and wires
BD and CE. Ifthe load P on the beam is displaced 10 map
downward, determine the normal strain developed in wires
CE and BD.
Geometry :
See = 7.1429 mm
Average Normal Strain :
ee 109
(e, = ots 0 1.79( 107) mmm Ans
(ee Fe = gy = 910")
Cetolng #882 = 27143010) mmm Ane
Tyo” 3000
2-S. The rigid beam is supported by a pin at A and wires
BD and CE. If the maximum allowable normal strain in
cach wire is énax = 0.002 mm/mm, determine the maximum
vertical displacement of the load P.
Average Normal Strain :
0 * Emus lyg = 0.002(3000) = 6.00 mm
44 9X60 «600m
ce = Ean Lee = 0.002(4000) = 8.00 mm
= 38ce = 5800) = 112mm (comirols!) Ans
4p shee = (800) = 112mm (controls)2-6 Determine the approximate average normal strain in
the wire AB as a function of the rotation @ of the rigid bar
CA by assuming @ is small. What is this value if @ = 2°7
Geometry :
a (S22) s907= 0-8
z 2
aa’n2{3sin€ )=6sin 2
v 3) : 2
0 found) 20m )m[or
[rid arom Pond
J 12sine
= 4+ 18-18 cos 04 13 sin 6
= +39
Average Normal Strain :
BA'~BA _ 32-\Be0s 64 Dain 8-2
= (53-45 c0s O33 ain 1
is small hen, cos @ = L and sin 6 = 6
(ee aga *VES=ASSSB= |
21 teed00
1500 Ans
pos7150() «00535988 win
2.4( 10) maim
Ans2-7, The two wires are connected together at A. If the
force P causes point A to be displaced vertically 3 mm,
determine the normal strain developed in each wire.
Geometry :
Lye = ban = VE MOP TS ADOC TS
= 402.601 mm
Average Normal Strain :
(EaWaeg adore
802.601 - 400
= 650(107) mm/mm Ans
42-8, Two barsare used to support a load, When unloaded,
AB is 5 in. long, AC is 8 in. long, and the ring at A has
coordinates (0, 0). If a load P acts on the ring at A, the
normal strain in AB becomes ¢qy = 0.02 inJin, and the
normal strain in AC becomes €4c = 0.035 inJin. Determine
the coordinate position of the ring due to the load.
Average Normal Strain :
Lua = Lan + galas = 5+(0.02)(5) = 5.10 in
Lye = lac * Exckne = 8+ (0.038) (8) = 8.28 in
YE ~TIOT = 6.1268 in
$.10" = 9.2268" + 8.28" -2(9.2268)(8,28) cos
~6.7268) =-0.192 in, Ans
~{4.5490~ 43301) = ~0,218 in, Ans2-9. Two bars are used to support a load P. When
unloaded, AB is 5 in. long, AC is 8 in. long, and the ring
at A has coordinates (0, 0). Ifa load is applied to the ring
at A, so that it moves it to the coordinate position
(0.25 in., -0.73 in.), determine the normal strain in each
Geometry :
B= TBO = 6.7268 in
= 5.7591 in,
[(67268-O25}°+(43301 + OTE
42191 in
Average Normal Strain
Hoas in
2-10. The guy wire AB of a building frame is originally
unstretched. Due to an earthquake, the two columns of the
frame tilt 6 = 2°. Determine the approximate normal strain
in the wire when the frame is in this position. Assume the
columas are rigid and rotate about their lower supports.
Geometry : The verical displacements negligible.
Je = 0.03491 m
a -(0(aa)
4 =00(25\p 01396 m
1 (ia) sos
xp ot, = 410872
Average Normal Stress
_ S08416~5
=168(10") mim Ans
S— =168(10) mm
3m2-11. Due to its weight, the rod is subjected to a normal
strain that varies along its tength such that e = ke, where k
is a constant. Determine the displacement AL of its end B
when it is suspended as shown.
Normal Strain
ga ttnn
a gake
[ibs ot few
*2-12 The rectangular membrane has an unstretched
length L; and width L2. If the sides are increased by small
amounts AL, and AL, determine the normal strain along
the diagonal AB.
Geometry +
bas # WFO
(siya Aly +2080, +a
Average Normal Strain :
FSO Sady Fay aha TILT:
Neplecting the higher order terms
(: 2h thst) ri
fag =[ 4
Using the binomial theorem,
Geometry +
(Ly FAL,) = (14 EDL, = (146, dlygeos 8
(L44L) = (46, hy = (46, )Lygsin 8
(ga + Alga)? = (4 6, g cos @ 41+ 6, Ry sink
(byat Alyy)? = Lig( cose +26, cos + ecos'8
+s +26 sin'@ 6 chao)
Focemceinn = ed = 0
Lng + Slag = Lag ( 1+2c,cos'@ +2e, sin?@)*
Using be bom theorem,
Laat Alga = ya (14600898 +e,sin'@ +...)
Average Normal Strain:
Ans:ular plate is subjected to the deformation
Shown by the dashed line, Determine the average shear
Strain y,, of the plate
Geometry :
8c! = 0.0200 cat
0 (F+00200) rs
2-14. The rectangular plate is subjected to the deformation
shown by the dashed line, Determine the shear strain y,,-in
the plate. The x’ axis is directed from A through point B.
Geometry :
97 200
“sant = 52.1136 6 = 1200 53 5910
van = 52.7136 ton = 53.1301
9 = 90° + (53.1301% ~ $2.7136%) = 90.4165° = 1.57807 rad
Shear Strain:
@ = F~157807
= 72110") rad Aas
2-15. The rectangular plate is subjected to the deformation
shown by the dashed line. Determine the normal strains ¢,,
fn be &
Geometry :
a sy" = {CFO HE OOBF = 5.6604 in
Way's [Boa 25.6569 in
Average Normal Strian
. 201 = 250( 10") infin Aas
c= A 2 1.25( 10°) isin Ans
5.6604 ~ 5.6569
~sa569 —
= 0.627( 10°) in. Ans"2-16. The rectangular plate is subjected to the
deformation shown by the dashed line. Determine the shear
strains y,, and yyy developed at point A.
‘Shear Strain :
Since the ight angle of the element inthe x~y plane does
rot distor, then
m, Ans
and = e=0787272 nd
375( 10") nad Ans
2-47. The piece of plastic is originally rectangular.
Determine the shear strain 7, at corners A and B if the
plastic distorts as shown by the dashed lines.
Geometry : Forsmall angles,
(00662282 rad
(00896278 rad
Shear Strain
(M0), = a7 8
= 0.0116 rad = U1.6( 107) rad Ans
“00116 nd ==11.6(10") rad Ans248, The piece of
Determine the shear strain yy, at comers D and C if the
Plastic distorts as shown by the dashed lines.
plastic is -originally rectangular.
Geometry : For small angles.
100896278 rad
00662252 rad
Shear Strain:
(ebay =a +BY
200116 rad = 11.6107) md Ans
(oy 204
200116 rad = 11.6( 10) rad Ans
2-19. The piece of plastic is originally rectangular,
Determine the average normal strain that occurs along.
the diagonals AC and DB.
Geometry +
AC= DB = (400+ 300? = 500 mm
DB = (ASETIOF = 506.4 mi
AC = {BOT 3O0 = 500.8 me
Average Normal Strain
A'C~AC _ 5008-500
ese 300
= 0.00160 mm/mm = 1.60( 10") mo/mam Ans
DB’~DB _ 506.4~500
°00 =
= 00128 mm/mm=128(10") mm/mm Ans
52-20." A square piece of material is deformed into the
dashed position. Determine the shear strain ey at A.
Sheer Strain:
52810) eat ang2-21. A square piece of material is deformed into the
dashed parallelogram. Determine the average normal strain
that occurs along the diagonals AC and BD.
AC = BD /TSEF 1S = 21.2132 mm
= 21,5665 om
AC _ 21.5665~21.2132
ae aa
£01668 mm/mm=167( 10) mm/mm Ans
Bip’ aD _ 21.4838-21.2132
fo" Bp aaa
= 001134 mmv/mm-=11,3(10?) ma/mm Ans
2-22, A square piece of material is deformed into the
dashed position, Determine the shear strain ,, at C
(rhs, =F Ge)
=524(10”) rad S2-23, The square deforms into the position shown by the
dashed lines. Determine the average normal strain along
cach diagonal, AB and CD. Side D B- remains horizontal
Geometry :
AB= CD= (32+ 50
0.7107 mam
9.5860 mm
0+ S3sin 1.5°—3 = 48.3874 mam
AB‘ = 532+ 48.3879 253) (4B. 387A) cos BS?
= 70.8243 mm
Average Normal Strain :
= W82B-70N07 cigs
= SaTTF = 161(10") mn/mm Ans
2 OO 26(10
mm/mm — Ans*2-24, The square deforms into the position shown by the
dashed lines, Determine the shear strain at each of its
corners,A, Side D B_ remains horizontal.
Geometry :
BPC! = V8 +3)? + (S3sin BBS = 54.1117 mm
79.5860 mom
Dy +(8'CR (CDF
48.3874 + 54,1117" ~ 79.5860" 405°
Save see 2 7 }—3mm
Dae 3e7aysa Ty ~~ 070528 , z
cos =
180° = = 78.27" 50mm
Shear Strain :
2-25. The block is deformed into the position shown by
the dashed lines. Determine the average normal strain along
line AB
Geometry :
; im 30mm
AB = 100" + (70-30) = 107.7033 mm
AB’ = {1030 15)" + (1108 = 154) = 111.8034 mm
100 mm
Average Normal Stra
ea x
11,8034 107.7033
= 0.038 mn/mm =38.1(10) mm Ans2-26. The block is deformed into the Positi
the dashed lines. Determine the
Geometry :
Susur ssint( 15)
1.70759 = 1.43401 ea
Shear Strain
0h F605 1370739 «a9
7.84° = 1.70759 rag
jon shown by
hear strain at corner C
hc my
2-27. The bar is originally 300 mm lon
it is subjected to.a shear strain defined by
ig When it is fat. If
Yay = 0.02%, where
Sti ealimeters, determine the displacement Ay at the end
ofits bottom edge. It is distorted into the
no elongation of the bar occu:
hape shown, where
in the x direction,
Shear Strain:
4 Sw un 002)
rary: Zann (0022
JPrgy = Pun (002.2) de
‘Ay ==S0{In c0s(0.024)] 139%"
= 203 mm Ans"2-28. The rubber band AB has an unstretched length of
1 ft. Ifit is fixed at B and attached to the surface at point A’,
determine the average normal strain in the band, The surface
is defined by the function y = (x") ft, where x is in feet
bf Viste ae
= av TFaF ain (+ TE)"
= 1.478940
Average Normal Strain :
Lely _ LATa94-1
a T
479fut Ans
2-29. A thin wire is wrapped along a surface having the
form y = 0.522, where x and y are in inches. Originally the
end Bis at x = 10 in. If the wire undergoes a normal strain
along its length of € = 0.005x, determine the change in
length of the wire. Hint: For the curve, y = flx),
ds = VA + (dyldx} de,
Normal Strain :
Smeds whe c= 0005 an ds fi+(2) ae
However, yO? Tin ay
"(aos (Terex
1 Tawa
000s]2-30. The fiber AB has a length L and orientation 8. If its
ends A and B undergo very small displacements ug and vp,
respectively, determine the normal strain in the fiber when
it is in position A’B’
Geometry :
Lyy = VL e098 =m LO
= YU Fah + Uf + DLL SO ~ COB)
Average Normal strain:
Neglecting higher erms uj and vj
2 vp sind ~ uy cos8)
Using he binomial theorem
2-31. If the normal strain is defined in reference to the
final length, that is,
instead of in reference to the original length, Eq, 2-2, show
that the difference in these strains is represented as a second-
order term, namely, ¢, — €; = e¢)