Perreault, Bruce A. U.S. Patent Application Filed May 04, 2007
Perreault, Bruce A. U.S. Patent Application Filed May 04, 2007
Perreault, Bruce A. U.S. Patent Application Filed May 04, 2007
References Cited
Other References
Radiations from Radioactive Substances by Sir E. Rutherford, J. Chadwick, and C. D. Ellis 1951
Direct Conversion of Energy by William R. Corliss 1964
Delta ray definition by McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science & Technology Online
Alpha particles are directed and focused onto a delta-ray cathode target, where an alpha
fusion reaction is generated. Delta radiation or high-energy secondary electrons are
generated from the said alpha reaction. The cathode also becomes thermally active
generating thermionic electrons. The electrons flow in the direction of an anode that
absorbs their energy, generating electrical current in one direction, known in the electrical
field as direct current.
5 The present invention may serve as a 4Be + 2He4 (high energy alpha particle) → 6C12 0n1
(fast neutron)
source of electrical current that is
consistent a full 24 hours per day which 4Be
+ 0n1 (fast neutron) → 4Be8 + 20n1
8 4
is safe and non-polluting. 55 4Be → 22He (high energy alpha particles)
5 MeV, and Po with the energy release direct conversion of nuclear energy is
of 6.78 MeV; these elements can be used made apparent. The present invention
to generate 32Ge72 alpha fusion reactions. generates electrons that are the result of
Therefore, Po218 with the energy release atomic reactions that are efficiently
of 6.00 MeV cannot be used to generate 55 converted to electrical current, which is
10 a 32Ge72 alpha fusion reaction. Po210 with novel in the field. Converted atomic
the energy release of 5.30 MeV cannot energy within the scope of the present
be used to generate a 32Ge72 alpha fusion invention is directly available for driving
reaction. These two later radioisotopes motors, lighting, production of heat, and
cannot be used to generate a 32Ge72 alpha 60 can be used in electrochemistry, etc…
15 fusion reaction because their energy It is a further object of this invention
levels are below the threshold of 6.06 to provide a device for generating
MeV that is required to initiate the electrical current that results from a self-
reaction. Rn220 with the energy release of generating electron source that is simple
6.29 MeV of energy and can also be 65 in construction and compact.
20 used to generate a 32Ge72 alpha fusion Thus, in accordance with the present
reaction. It is a good choice because it is invention there is provided a method of
the daughter product of Th228, which is generating delta rays, or secondary
abundant on the earth. It is a daughter electrons through the prescribed fusion
product of Th232, which is said to be 70 reaction. The present invention provides
25 more abundant than lead. The sited a method and device that gives improved
equations are a few theoretical examples performance over prior art that utilizes
from whence the present invention the direct conversion of atomic reactions
obtains its energy. Numerous reactions to obtain electrical power.
are possible. Other radioisotopes, than 75 Other objects and advantages of the
30 what is sited herein, might also be used present invention will become apparent
and this will not depart from the spirit of from the following description of the
the present invention. preferred embodiment of the present
A number of electron emitting and invention, with references to the attached
electron collecting materials can be used 80 drawings, in which:
35 and this will not depart from the spirit of FIG. 1 is an embodiment in its most
the invention. Other cathode and anode basic form illustrating the alpha fusion
geometries may also be used and this valve which is unique in the present art
will not depart from the spirit of the of generating electrical power; and
invention. However, the target material 85 FIG. 2 is a block diagram that
40 or cathode must be a delta-ray emitter. illustrates the invention in a useful
In the scope of the present invention, “a embodiment. The diagram shows an
delta ray is characterized by very fast electronic high voltage, low amperage,
electrons produced in quantity by alpha high frequency power supply. A means
particles. Collectively, these electrons 90 to rectify the output of the high
45 are defined as delta radiation when they frequency power supply is provided. The
have sufficient energy to ionize further output of this power supply is coupled to
atoms through subsequent interactions the invention which activates the alpha
on their own.” fusion valve. The polarized current
In the present invention, a new and 95 coming from the output of alpha fusion
50 novel improvement in the art of the reaction vessel charges a storage
5 capacitor. The stored charge is then The vessel 1 contains a high work
connected to a voltage step-down circuit. function electron-collecting cylinder 3,
preferably made out of palladium
DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE because this metal can absorb a large
PREFERRED EMBODIMENTS 55 volume of gas. After a period of time,
10 the alpha particles lose their charge,
The method to generate electrical become helium gas, build up, and the
energy includes a cathode which reacts present invention eventually becomes
with alpha particles generating electrically blocked. This is because
electrically charged particles. 60 helium gas is electrically non-
15 The device that will be described conductive. A high work function
includes an electron generating cathode material that has the ability to absorb gas
and alpha source that allows for a will delay this process. Other alternative
practical and compact power supply. electrical collector materials, such as
Atomic reactions are converted to 65 activated carbon, which has the ability to
20 electrical energy with extreme efficiency absorb large volumes of gas, may be
within the scope of the present used and this will not depart from the
invention. spirit of the invention.
Furthermore, it will be understood that Radon gas emissive radioactive
the generated electrical current can be 70 material 4 is placed at the base inside
25 directly converted into a useful voltage vessel 1. The radioactive material 4 can
and amperage. be placed in a number of locations
The conversion of the electrons that within vessel 1 and still not depart from
are emitted from said cathode generates the spirit of the invention. The electron
useful electrical current that will be 75 emitter 2 can take the form of a wire,
30 made apparent and that the alpha fusion rod, cylinder, disc, plate, etc… The
valve is unique in generating electrical electron collector 3 can also take the
power. It will be made apparent in the form of a wire, rod, cylinder, disc, plate,
following descriptions; etc… I do not stake my claim on the
Referring now to FIG. 1 of the 80 form or geometry of the electron emitter
35 drawings, the said invention consists of a or electron collector. I stake my claim on
vessel 1 that is made out of an the method used to generate electrical
electrically insulating airtight material, power using an alpha fusion reaction.
such as glass, ceramic, plastic or the like. In the instant invention a negative
It is preferred that a natural alpha 85 charge of one-thousand volts or higher is
40 source be used but an artificial alpha applied to pin 5, which is electrically
source might also be used and this will connected to corona wire 2.
not depart from the spirit of the present Respectively, a positive charge is
invention. applied to pin 6 which is electrically
Vessel 1 includes a corona wire 2, 90 connected to a high work function
45 made out of a delta-ray emissive electron collection cylinder 3. This has
element, compound, or alloy, such as the effect of attracting and concentrating
germanium, silicon, or lead-sulfide, radon gas onto the corona wire 2 which
etc… delta-ray emissive substances emit becomes an abundant supply of alpha
delta-ray electrons when bombarded 95 reactive particles. A lower voltage may
50 with alpha particles. also be applied across pin 5 and pin 6.
5 The applied voltage will depend on the amperage per given density from what
parameters of the wattage design of the has been obtained from any previously
present invention, which are too known method or device in the prior art.
numerous to mention. The instant invention described can be
Electrically conductive pin 5 and pin 6 55 slightly modified to convert high
10 exit through an airtight seal at the voltage, high frequency, and radio
bottom of vessel 1, seal not shown. frequency currents into a direct current.
There are a number of sealants that are This feature is accomplished by adding
available in the field. The inner cavity of an electrically conductive substance such
vessel 1 is evacuated of air where a 60 as mercury, not shown, into the
15 vacuum is obtained. There are a number electrically non-conducting vessel 1.
of high voltage sources that can be used Any number of electrically conductive
to supply the required activating substances that will form a vapor or gas
potential through pin 5 and pin 6 and this when heated can be used and this will
will not depart from the spirit of the 65 not depart from the spirit of the
20 present invention. I stake my claim to invention. Said modification can also be
my new and novel method that directly utilized without the use of the
generates electrical power which results radioactive substance 4, if the input
from the alpha fusion process and I do source has enough energy to excite the
not stake my claim to the activating 70 vapor or gas into its electrically
25 external voltage source thereof. conductive state. The present
The speed in which the present modification of the primary invention is
invention will build up power depends more efficient than the prior art in
on the potential difference that is applied converting alternating or oscillating
to it and type of radon gas that it 75 currents because there is less electrical
30 contains. The quantity of the alpha resistance in the conversion process.
particle source determines the amount of Therefore, energy can be more
amperage that is generated. The target efficiently received and converted into a
material 2 is also a determining factor of direct current.
how much current will be generated. 80 Referring now to FIG. 2 of the
35 When the target material 2 temperature drawings;
rises, a greater number of electrons are The present invention is named alpha
emitted from its surface. The heated fusion valve 8 in the block diagram that
cathode 2 increases the odds of alpha follows:
particles hitting head on with its atoms, 85 The block diagram shown illustrates
40 thus, producing a greater number of an example of how an alpha fusion valve
alpha fusion reactions, which further 8 can be utilized in a practical
increases the surface heat boiling off application. Many differing types of
additional thermally generated electrons. systems are made possible using the
The surface area of the cathode 2 and 90 present invention and will not depart
45 anode 3 is also a determining factor of from the spirit of the invention.
how much electrical current will be The alpha fusion valve 8 must be
obtained. energized by an external potential
The present invention generates a high difference to function if it is initially
voltage direct current. The present 95 inactive or is allowed to become inactive
50 invention also generates a greater after it has been producing power, not
5 shown. This can be accomplished by difference that exists between the planet
applying a high voltage charge obtained and its atmosphere, although this is not
from an electronic power supply 7. The always practical. Charging capacitance 9
reactions will build up within the alpha with this method is unpredictable and
fusion valve 8 to the point where the 55 slow. Any suitable circuit may be used
10 surface of its internal electron emitter is to supply the required potential
totally bathed with radon gas. The alpha difference to energize the alpha-fusion
fusion valve 8 has to be primed with a valve 8 and this will not depart from the
potential difference to begin generating spirit of the invention.
electrical power. The alpha fusion valve 60 Having thus described the invention,
15 8 produces a high voltage direct current. what is claimed is:
The output of the alpha fusion valve 8 Having thus described the invention,
can be used to charge a high voltage what is claimed is:
capacitance 9. The high voltage is then 1. An alpha-fusion reaction that
lowered to twelve volts through a step- 65 generates electric energy comprising:
20 down converter 10. The twelve volts A vessel constructed of an airtight,
then charges a low voltage capacitance electrically insulating material, said
11 which can be a set of parallel- vessel containing;
connected twelve-volt storage batteries. (a) An alpha particle emitting
A set of parallel-connected high farad 70 substance;
25 capacitors could also be used. The stored (b) a delta-ray emitter;
energy in capacitance 11 can be used to (c) a low work function emitter;
provide power to electrical loads that (d) a high work function electron
require a twelve-volt direct current or it collector;
can provide a twelve-volt power supply 75 (e) a negative charge on delta-ray
30 to an inverter 12. The output of the emitter;
inverter 12 can be designed by methods (f) a positive charge on high work
known in the art to provide a voltage and function electron collector.
frequency that is required by specific 2. Increased alpha-fusion reaction of
electrical loads 13. It is preferable that 80 claim 1 due to increased thermal energy
35 an electronic voltage source be used to of a delta-ray emitter material.
keep the alpha fusion valve 8 in a 3. An electrical energy generator
constant energized state, which can be comprising:
alternating or non-alternating. Numerous A vessel constructed of an airtight,
electronic circuit designs may be used to 85 electrically insulating material, said
40 supply the potential difference required vessel containing;
to energize the alpha fusion valve 8. (a) A low work function electron
Such electronic circuits are known in the emitter;
field and are not what I stake my claim (b) a gas, vapor, or combination
to. Alternatively, a strong enough source 90 thereof, that can become electrically
45 of alpha, beta, gamma radiation or a conductive when sufficiently ionized;
combination thereof may also be used to (c) a high work function electron
energize the alpha fusion valve 8. collector.
A simple earth ground and antenna
raised to a suitable height can be used to 95
50 take advantage of the potential * * * * * * *
Sheet 1 of 2
FIG. 1
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FIG. 2