Pages 16-18 from Issue 50 of The Space Gamer. "A guide to every game-related article from TSGs 15-49"
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The index provides a cumulative listing of articles, reviews, and other content related to games that appeared in issues 15-49 of TSG magazine.
The index covers articles, reviews, strategy guides, variants, mentions in other content, and other listings related to various games that were featured in the magazine.
The content is organized alphabetically by game title, with multiple listings grouped under a single game if applicable. Some general non-game related content is not included.
Computer Gaming World c48.
Conflict 2500 c45. Corsairs of Cythera c49. Cosmic Encounter f37. Cumulative Game Index Cosmic Encounter Expansion Sets 6&7 c44. Cosmic Patrol c34. The Count c45.
Issues 15-49 The Courier c34.
The Creature that Ate Sheboygan s25; v24; x38. Crown of Arthain c49. Crucis Margin c46. This is our third cumulative index to game Asian, Droyne, K'Kree c46. Crypt of the Sorcerer c30. articles and reviews, covering issues 15-49. Our The Assassin's Quest f33. Cults of Prax c27. first index, covering only numbers 15-29, ap- Asteroid c34. Cults of Terror c42. peared in issue 30. The second, covering issues Asteroid Zero-Four c31; m33. Cyborg f25. 15-39, appeared in issue 40. Asteroids c46. Cyborg (PBM) c49. All articles are listed by game. Some listings Astrogators Chartbook c38. D&D (in general) s41, 42; v41, 43, 44, 47, 49; may refer to more than one article; some arti- Atlantic Balloon Crossing c37. x33. cles may appear under more than one listing. Atlantis f16. D&D Monster and Treasure Assortment c36. Many articles of a general nature are not listed Attack Force c39. D&D Outdoor Geomorphs Set I c41. at all. The index is coded: Attack of the Mutants c41, 43. D&D Player Character Record Sheets c35. The Awful Green Things from Outer Space f26. Dallas c42. c = Capsule Review Azhanti High Lightning f32. Dargon's Dungeon c43. d = Designer's Article BananaQuest c39. Dark Nebula c33. e = Errata Barbarian Kings c32. Dark Stars c42. f = Featured Review Barbarian Prince d47, e47, f47. Darkover c34. g = Game The Barbarians c40. Darthanon Queen c34. m = Mentioned in Game Master Basic Role-Playing c41. Dawn of the Dead c40. s = Strategy Article Battle Fleet Mars v19. Death and Destruction c34. v = Variant Beachhead c31. Deathmaze c29. x = Mentioned in Contest or Contest Results The Beast Lord c30. Deathmaze 5000 c47. Example: "Pond War g19" means that the Beast of Burden c47. Death Test 2 c33. game Pond War appeared in TSG issue 19. Belter c27. Deities and Demigods c34. Beneath Apple Manor c35. Deluxe Traveller c44. Berlin '85 c30. Demonlord c46. ABM c43. The Best of Board Wargaming c39. Demons f28; m31. Abyss c33. Best of the JTAS Vol. I c40. Diadem c46. Abyss (magazine) c41. Beyond c42. Dimension Demons c36. Ace of Aces c45. Beyond the Stellar Empire d49. Diplomacy v43. Across the Bright Face/Mission on Mithril c32. Bill Budge's Space Album c33. Divine Right c29. Action Aboard c47. Black Hole d24; f22; v21. Doom of the Singing Star c46. Action & Bumping Games c41 The Black Tower c46. Double Star c30. Advanced D&D m37; v29. Blade of Allectus c40. Down with the King c48. Advanced Melee e29; f31; m33; d29. B-1 Nuclear Bomber c33. Dra'k'ne Station c32. Advanced Wizard e29; f31; d29. Bloodtree Rebellion c27. Dragon Tree Spell Book c47. Adventure c31. The Book of Ruins c41. The Dragonlords c45. Adventure Class Ships Vol. I c49. The Book of Treasure Maps c29. DragonQuest f31; m34, 39. Adventure Gaming c45. Break In at Three Kilometer Island c44. DragonQuest (computer game) c44. Adventure in Time c49. Breakout c41. Dragons c44. Adventurer c45. Broken Tree Inn c30. Dragon's Eye c48. Adventures in Fantasy f30. The Burgundy Pit c48. Dragonslayer c46. Aftermath f43. Bushido c29. Dragonslayers c34. Air Traffic Controller c34. Call of Cthulhu f49. Dr. Who c38. Air-Eaters Strike Back! c44; e44; m44. Campaign Series Grid Maps c35. Duck Pond c36. Airmail Pilot c36. Car Wars d45; m43, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49; v49. Duck Tower c29. Airraid c30. Cardboard Heroes c38; d34. Duel Arcane c39. Airwar '80 c37. The Castle c46. Dune f26. Akalabeth d39; f36. Castle Book I c39. Dungeon c38. Alaric the Goth c43. The Castle Perilous c47. The Dungeon c31. Alien Base c48. The Caverns of Thracia c29. Dungeon Drawings c41. Alien Invaders c30. Cerberus c33. Dungeon Floors c49. Alien Star c45. Champions c43. Dungeon Geomorphs c41. Alkemstone c48. Character Role-Playing c49. Dungeon of the Bear c28. All the World's Monsters Vol. III c29. Chitin: I s17; v24. Dungeon Masters Adventure Log c33. Alpha Omega e16. Chivalry & Sorcery c44. Dungeon Tiles c41. The American Wargamer c32. Chivalry & Sorcery Sourcebook c44. The Dungeon Trap Handbook c47. Amoeba Wars c42. Circle of Ice c35. DunjonQuest c31. Amycus Probe c47. Citadel of Blood c37. Earth Game c32. Animal Encounters c28. Cities c33. Elric c32. Ants c37. Citizens of the Imperium c28. The Emerald Tablet c37. Apocalypse c39. Citizens, Mercenaries, Patrons c40. Empire of the Overmind c49. Apple Lane c35. The City of Carse c35. Empires of the Middle Ages m41. Apple-oids c42. City of Lei Tabor c32. Empyrean Challenge f33. Arduin Character Sheets Combined Pak c31. City of Terrors c33. Enchanted Treasure c47. Arena of Death c38. The City State of the World Emperor c34. Encounters in the Corelian Quadrant c35. Arena of Khazan c28. The Compleat Fantasist c32. Encounters in the Phoenix Quadrant c31. Ares c28. The Compleat Tavern c39. Encounters in the Ventura Quadrant c34. Argon Gambit/Death Station c42. The Complete Book of Wargames c32. Enemies c47. Armor At Kursk c37; m37. The Complete Wargames Handbook c31. Engage & Destroy c34. Arms Law c33. Computer Acquire c45. Epoch c48. Artifact c31; d34; v34. Computer Bismarck c29. Escape From Astigar's Lair c30. 17 The Evening Star c34. The Human Adventure c47. Micro-80 Pinball Machine c40. The Evil Lord c41. Hydronaughts c46. Microsoft Adventure c49. Expedition to the Barrier Peaks c30, 36. Hyper Battle c45. Midway Campaign c45. Expedition to Zhodane c47. I.C.B.M. c43. Milestones c40. Expert D&D f38. Ice War d18; f22; s25, 39; v20, 23. Mind War f21, 27. Famous Monsters c44. IISS Ship Files c48. The Mines of Keridav c33. The Fantastic Wilderlands Beyonde c33. Imperium f15; v17, 19. Miniatures for Traveller c32. The Fantasy Cartographer's Field Book c31. In the Labyrinth e29; f31; d29. Mission: Escape! c44. Fantasy Squares Grid Sheets and Mapers [sic] Inferno c31. Mission to Zephor c35. Aid Template c48. Interplay c41. Modron c30. Fantasyland c45. Into the Ruins c43. Money Madness c39. Fantasy Master's Codex c41. Introduction to Traveller c44. Monster File I c42. Fantasy Master's Screen c41. Intruder c28. Monster Mash & Battleship c41. Fantasy Modeling c37. Invaders from Space c45. Monsters! Monsters! c34. Federation Space c49. Invasion: America f16; v18. Moorguard c30. Fictioneers c32. Invasion: Earth c48. The Morrow Project f39. Fifth Corps c39. Invasion Force c36. The Morrow Project Vehicular Blueprints c45. Fifth Frontier War f46. Invasion of the Air Eaters d23; s27. Mountain of Mystery c31. Fifty Starbases c43. Invasion Orion c32. Mythology c31. Fighting Ships c46. The Iron Wind c36. Navigators' Starcharts c43. Final Frontier c32. I.S.C.V. King Richard c42. Nebula 19 f45. A Fistful of Turkeys c41. I.S.C.V. Leander c41. Network c31. Fleetwatch c47. Isle of Dread c38. The Nightmare Maze of Jigresh c42. Flight of the Stag c46. I.S.P.M.V. Fenris and S.F.V. Valkyrie c41. The Nine Doctrines of Darkness c31. Flying Saucers c39. I.S.P.V.M. Tethys c40. Nithus c47. Foes c28. It c35. Norad c32. Food Fight x38. Jabbertalky c48. North Atlantic Convoy Raider c35. For Your Eyes Only c44. John Carter, Warlord of Mars f24. Nuclear War c34. Forest Wars of the Haven c31. The Journal of WWII Wargaming c28. The Nuts & Bolts of PBM c48. Fortress Ellendar c30. Journey c31. Nystalux c41. 4th Dimension c35. Journey to the Center of the Circle c49. Odysseus c31. The Free City of Haven c45. Junta c33. Ogre d15; m27, 34, 38, 41;s21, 24;v17, 23, Freedom in the Galaxy c31; v37. Keep on the Borderlands c37. 35;x38, 39. Frontiers of Alusia c42. Killer m46, 48; v43, 44, 45, 46, 47; x43. Ogre Miniatures c29. FSI Flight Simulator c31. King Arthur c29. O.K. Corral c33. Furioso c42. King of the Mountain c36. Olympica d15; v20. The Fury of the Norsemen c38. Kings and Castles c38. 1001 Characters c28. Galactic Attack c43. The Kinunir c28. One World/Annihilator c28; d26; m34. Galactic Empire c30. Knights and Knaves c37. Operation Pegasus c35. Galactic Empires f31. Knights & Magick c35. Operation: Rapidstrike c43. Galactic Trader c38. Knights & Magick miniatures c42. Ordeal by Eshaar c46. Galaxy Invasion c35. Kung Fu 2100 c44; e31; g30; m32, 36, 44; Oregon Trail c47. Galaxy II c29. x27, 29. Outlaw c34. Galaxy Wars c43. Labyrinth c38. Outpost Gamma c44. Gamer's Guide c39. Land of the Rising Sun c36. The Outworlds: A Starsector Atlas c46. Gamemaster's Shield and Reference Tables c49. Laser Tank c35. Overkill c31. Gamesmaster Catalog c37. Legend of Robin Hood c34. Panzer Pranks c28. Gamma World c32. Legion of Gold c41. Parsector V c38. The Gateway Bestiary c32. Leviathan c38. Party Brawl g22. The Generic Gangster Chase Game c45. The Ley Sector c36. Pegasus c44. Geptorem c41. Library Data (A-M) c46. Pellic Quest c42. G.E.V. d17; m27, 28, 36, 38; s21, 26; v19, 33; Lomodo IVa c48. Pen-Latol's World c32. x42. Lord of the Rings Miniatures f34. Personal Base Loads c48. Glimmerdrift Reaches c42. Lords of Karma c43. Personal Data Files c48. Global War c34. Lords of the Middle Sea f21. Personalities and Things That Go Bump in the Goblin Lake c28. Lords of UnderEarth c38; d38; e38. Night c46. Gondor f17. Lords of Valetia f15, 37. Pieces of Eight c39. Gorp c38. Lost Dutchman's Gold c34. Pigskin c30. GrailQuest c32. Mage c37. Pinball c36. Griffin Mountain c48. Magic Realm c28. Pirates Cove c36. Grimtooth's Traps c43; d45. Magnetic Fantasies c43. Planet Miners c32. Gunship 2000 f23. MAATAC c34. Playboy Winner's Guide to Boardgames c44. Gunship 2000 miniatures c29. MAATAC Miniatures c34. Player Character Record Sheets c44. Hall of the Fire Giant King c44. Magic Wood c35. Plunder c33. The Hammer of Thor c43. Maranantha-Alkhest Sector c49. Pond War g19. Handbook of Traps & Tricks c43. Marinagua c49. Pork Barrel c42. Hazard c48. Marine 2002 c34. Portals of Torsh c31. Hellfire Warrior c38. Marooned/Marooned Alone c46. Port Xanatath c36. Hellpits of Nightfang c32. Marooned on Ghostring c48. Prince of Thieves '81 c47. Helltank c49. Martigan Belt c45. Privateer c39. Hero c30. Master of the Amulets c49. Probe NCG 8436 c48. Hexagony c33. Masters of Mind c48. Professional Wrestling c33. Hexpressions c42. Mayday f18. Project Omega c42. The Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan c29. The Mean Checkers Machine c32. Purser's Magazine c44. High Fantasy f30. The Mechanoid Invasion c42. Quazar f23. High Guard c28. Melee m28, 29;v15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21, 23, 24, Quest f22. High Guard, 2nd Ed. f48. 25, 26, 27, 28. Queen of the Demonweb Pits c35. High Passage c40. Mercenary c28; f22. Quirks c36. Holy War c40. Merchants & Merchandise c39. Ragnarok c46. Hot Spot c29; d27; m34. Metamorphosis Alpha s42. Raid on Iran c36; m38, 43, 44. How to $ell Your Wargame Design c35. Meta-Trek c37. Ramspeed c34. 18 Raumkrieg f19. Star Sector Atlas I: The Terran Sector c45. Top Secret c29. Ravenscrag c45. Star Trek c30. Torpedo Fire c41. The Realm of Yolmi f21. Star Trek Maps c34. The Toughest Dungeon in the World c35. Rescue at Rigel c34. Star Trek 111.4 c36. The Tower of Ulission c28. Rescue from the Hive c48. Star Viking c46;d49; m47. Towns of the Outlands c45. Research Station Gamma c30. Star Warrior c39. Traders and Gunboats c38. Revolt on Antares c44. Star Warriors c44. Trajan's Treacherous Trap c37. Richard Berg's Review of Games c37. Starbase Hyperion c34. Transylvania c46. Rings of Saturn c46. Starcruiser c30. Traveller c28; m39; v15, 18, 20, 32, 35, 36, 37, Risk v37. Starfall c29. 38, 39, 40, 43, 44, 46, 47, 48, 49; x32, 34, Rivets s25; v17, 26. Starfighter f23. 37, 40, 42, 43. Robot War f45. Starfire c30. The Traveller Logbook c32. Robots! c33. Starfire II c35. Traveller Miniatures c48. Rogue Moon of Spinstorm c48. Starfire III: Empires c47. Traveller Record Sheets c36. Rommel's Panzers c30; m29. Starfleet Orion c30. Traveller Referee Screen c36. Round the Horn c37. Starfleet Wars c31. The Treasure Vaults of Lindoran c29. Runemasters c33. Stargate f24. Treasury of Archaic Names c33. RuneQuest c35; f19; m45, 46. Starlord f49. Trial by Fire c49. Saga c46. Starmaster c28. The Tribes of Crane f29. Salvage Mission c48. Starquest c33. Trillion Credit Squadron c46. Sapies c48. Starship Lay-Out Sheets c46. Triplanetary f41; v39. Sargon II c32. Starship Troopers x48; v33. The Trojan War c45. Sauron f17. Starships c30. Tulan of the Isles c41. Scouts and Assassins c32, 41. Starships (booklet) c43. Tunnels &Trolls c27. Sea of Mystery c49. Starships and Spacecraft c32. Twilight's Peak c34 Sector 57 c33. Starships and Spacemen d20; f18. Tycoon c30. Security Station c38. Starwars f16. UFO f16. 76 Patrons c36. Starweb c29; s45. Ultra-Warrior c44. Shadows/Annic Nova c29. Stellar Adventure c39. Uncle Ugly's Underground Doom c28. The Shattered Affiance f48. Stellar Conquest m40; s25; v25. Undead c45, m49. Shooting Stars c37. Sticks & Stones v23. Universe f44. Shuttlewars c42. Stomp! f21; v35. Universe Gamemaster's Screen and System Sigma Omega c28. Stones of Sisyphus c49. World and Environ Logs c48. Simba Safari c49. Stones of the Selt c45. Universe II f33. Simutek Package I c36. Strange New Worlds f24. The Unknown Gods c38. Skiing c43. Streets of Stalingrad c28. Uragyad'n of the Seven Pillars c49. Skull & Crossbones c35; x40. Strike Team Alpha c33. Valkenburg Castle c28. Slag c38. Sumer c40. Valley of the Four Winds c37. Slave Pits of the Undercity c35. Super Invasion/Spacewar c35. Vampyre c42. Snapshot f27. Superheros and Supervillains c42. The Vanguard Reaches c39. Sorag c43. Superman c31. Vector 3 c29. Sorcerer Solitaire c28. Supernova c36. Vehicular Base Loads c48. Sourcebook 2 c48. Survival/The Barbarian c41. Village Book I c39. Space c31. Survival of the Fittest c39. The Village of Hommlet c35. Space II c31. Swashbuckler c31; m34. Villains and Vigilantes c29. Space and Sport Games c35. The Sword and the Stars c43. Voyage of the B.S.M. Pandora c38. Space Battles c28. Sword for Hire c28. Voyage of the Valkyrie c48; d48. Space Empires c47. Sword of Hope c28. Warbor-Parn c46. Space Future c31. Sword Lords c46. Warlock (Future & Fantasy Games) c28. Space Games 3 c30. Swordquest c28, 41; m28, 29. Warlock (Games Workshop) c38. Space Marines c34. Swords and Sorcerers c45. The Warlord Game f16. Space Opera c33; m48; x43. Swords and Sorcery f19. War of the Ring f16; v18. Space Opera 2nd Ed. c49. Swordthrust d43; f43. War of the Sky Cities c30. Space Opera Ground & Air Equipment c41. T&T Survival Kit c43. War of the Sky Galleons f27. Space Opera Ground & Air Equipment minia- Taipan c32. The War of the Worlds f35. tures c44. Tancred c35. The War Machine c46. Space Opera Miniatures c49. Tarlkin's Landing c49. Warlords c47. Space Quest c33. Tartars & Martyrs g20. The Warp Factor f39; s39. Space Raid! c42. Tau Ceti 2015 c36. Warp Force One f33. Space Warrior c38. Temple Book I c41. Warp War v15, 16, 19, 33. Spacefarers c46. Temple of Ra c28. Warriors of the Green Planet f27. Spacefarer's Guide to Alien Monsters c34. TFT (in general) m48, 49; s41, 49; x26, 40. Waspwinter c49. Spacefarer's Guide to Alien Races c33. The Temple to Athena c32. Westward 1847 c34. Spacefarer's Guide to Planets: Sector One c32. Terrorist c31. Weapons c43. Spacefarer's Guide to Planets: Sector Two c33. Theta Borealis Sector c48. White Plume Mountain c37. The Spawn of Fashan c49. They've Invaded Pleasantville c42. Who-Dun-It? c40. Spellbinder c33; m35. Three Mile Island c34. Windfall c31. The Spellcaster's Bible c31. Thieves' Guild c43. Winged Samurai c33. Spellmaker f22. Thieves' Guild II c43. Wizard d15; m28, 31, 46; v21, 23, 26, 28. Spies! c45. Thieves' Guild III c44. Wizardry f46. The Spinward Marches c28. Thieves' Guild IV c46. Wizards and Lizards c38. Sqwurm c29. Thieves' World c45. Wizard's Quest f26. Star Cluster One c48. Time Lag c37. Wofan c40. Star Commandos c33. Time Traveler c39. The World of Greyhawk c33. Star Fleet Battle Manual f42. Time Trek c28. Wreck of the Pandora c31. Star Fleet Battles c38; d42; e42; f25; m32, 38; Time Tripper c31. Wyrms Footnotes c43. v36. Time Tunnels c45. Zargonians c29. Star Fleet Battles Expansion Kit 1 c37. Time War f38. Zargo's Lords c31. Star Patrol c47. Titan c33. Zhodani c43. Star Patrol Mission Master Pack c49. Titan Strike c33. ZISMV: Vlezhdatl c46. Star Rovers Module I c44. Tollenkar's Lair c31; e29; d29. Zorph War c45.
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