Material Sheet Solution CH 4

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Material Chapter (4)


4.1) Calculate the fraction of atom sites that are vacant for copper at its
melting temperature of (1357 K). Assume energy for vacancy formation of
0.90 eV/atom.

copper at T = 1357 K, Q = 0. 90 eV/atom.

NV  Q   0.90 eV / atom 
= exp   V  = exp 
N  kT   5
 
 8.62 x 10 eV / atom - K (1357 K ) 

NV 3
= 2.195 X 10

4.2) Calculate the number of vacancies per cubic meter in gold at900 C.The
energy for vacancy formation is 0.98 eV/atom. Furthermore, the density and
atomic weight for Auare18.63 g/cm3 (at 900°C) and 196.9 g/mol,


4.3) Calculate the energy for vacancy formation in silver, given that the
equilibrium number of vacancies at (1073 K) is 3.6 x1023 m3. The atomic
weight and density for silver are, respectively, 107.9 g/mol and 9.5 g/cm3.

Q =?? ; The density, () = 9.5 g / cm 3 , Avogadro's number (N )=
v A
 6.023 x 10 23

atoms / mol , and the atomic weight (A)= 107.9 g/mol

NA  Ag
N =
A Ag

 6.023 x 10 23
atoms / mol  9.5 g / cm 3 
107.87 g / mol

22 3 28 3
= 5.3 x 10 atoms/cm = 5.3 x 10 atoms/m

N 
Q V =  RT ln  V 
 N 

 3.60 x 10 23 m 3 

=  8.62 x 10 -5 eV/atom - K (1073 K) ln   28 3 
 5.3 x 10 m 

= 1.11 eV/atom

4.8) What is the composition, in weight percent, of an alloy that consists of 5
at% Cu and 95 at% Pt?

' A
CCu Cu
C Cu = x 100
C' A C' A
Cu Cu Pt Pt

(5)(63.55 g / mol)
= x 100
(5)(63.55 g / mol)  (95)(195.08 g / mol)

= 1.68 wt%

' A
CPt Pt
CPt = x 100
C' A  C' A
Cu Cu Pt Pt

(95)(195.08 g / mol)
= x 100
(5)(63.55 g / mol)  (95)(195.08 g / mol)

= 98.32 wt%

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