Major Checklist

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All ARAB courses must

receive a grade of "C"

Checklist for Arabic Major Requirements (2.0) or above to count
toward major.
last name first name email phone date

Taken Equivalent If equivalent

Semester/ at taken: Equivalent course Where equiv. taken,
Course name & number Hours
year taken UGA Course name taken authorized
y/ n number by whom

Required Courses

Ad. Mod.St. Arab I, Arab 3005

Ad. Mod.St. Arab II., Arab 3006
Islamic Arab. I, Arab 4107
Islamic Arab. II, Arab 4108
Ad. Con.& Comp I, Arab 4201
Ad Con. & Comp II, Arab 4202
Media Arabic, Arab 4300

Major Electives

Major Electives: Courses in a foreign Language (other than Arabic) through the third semester including Persian, Turkish,
Indonesian, Urdu, Pashto, Bengali, Swahili, French, German, Spanish, Russian, and Chinese (9 hours); any non-required
Arabic upper division course such as ARAB 4000, ARAB 4100; RELI 4300, 4301, 4302, 4303, 4304, 4305, 4307, 4310;
History 3561, 3562, 3564, 3570H, 3580, 4530, 4560, 4580; INTL 4370, 4490.

Area F: Courses related to major

Area F: ARAB 1001-1002 (Beginning Arabic), 2003-2004 (Intermediate Arabic), plus an additional 6 semesters hours of
course work chosen from any of the following areas: beginning/intermediate courses in Persian, Turkish, Urdu, Pashto,
Bengali, Indonesian, Swahili, anthropology, art, geography, history, international relations, linguistics, comparative
literature, music, philosophy, political science, religion, sociology.
(min 3
General Electives upper

General Electives: Upper division (3-15 hours); any level (9-21 hours).

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