Writing Diary As A Media To Teach Written Recount Text Ability of The Eight Grade Students of SMP 1 Mejobo in Academic Year 2011/2012

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Writing Diary as a Media to Teach Written Recount Text Ability of The

Eight Grade Students of

SMP 1 Mejobo in Academic year 2011/2012

Presented to
Fulfill one of the requirements of Seminar of Languge Testing




Alhamdullillah, that God for blessing and giving favor to the writer, so the writer
accomplished my proposal research to fulfilll assignment of seminar on english language
teaching with the title “ Writing Diary as a Media to Teach Written Recount Text Ability
of the student of eight grade students of SMP 1 Mejobo in academic year 2011/2012.
Then, I would like to express my gratitude to:

1. Drs. Susilo Raharjo ,M.Pd as the dean of teacher training and education English

2. Fitri Budi Suryani S.S, M.Pd as the head teacher training and English department.

3. Rismiyanto, S.S., M.Pd as a teacher of seminar on ELT of English department

training and teaching faculty.

4. the head master of SMP N 1 mejobo, kudus…………. And the English teacher,
……….who gave me permission to conduct the research in this school.

5. Mr. Rumain and Mrs. Fathonah, my deep love and great parents who always give
their endless love, pray and support my study. Thanks you for giving me chance to
be your sweet daughter.

6. my betoved brother and my big family, who always encourage me to doing this

7. Abi, who always gives me happiness, saddness, motivation and support.

Thanks for your love and patience with me.

8. My special nephew Aya, with your smile I`m stronger.

9. The last but they are important, to “Balane Nyai” who help me from the beginning
until the end of this proposal, I can only say “thanks a million”.

Finally thanks are also due to those whose names called not been mention here,
their contributes have enable me completing this research proposal.
Kudus, 21 Mei 2010
The Writer


In this chapter the writer discuss about Background, Statement of the Problem, Objective
of The Research, Objective of The Research, significance of the Research, Limitation of
The Research, and Definition of term.

1.1 Background of The Research

Language is arbitrary system. It’s mean, language can be meant difference with other
people. The place, culture and behavior are influence from them. There are so many
languages that are used by people all over the world. One of them is English. Nowadays,
English is considered as the most important language. In English there are four skills/ability
that we must capable, because we are students of english department, they are: listening,
reading, speaking and writing. We must able to understand or to have mastery in each other
skil. Basically, the students have mastery all of the skills, but infact, they are not capable all
of the skills. Sometimes, they less in speaking,listening or writing.
Writing is the way of communication using written language. The communication is done
trough written products such as books, letter, short story and the other . written
communication the exchange is not done directly ,. Writing is one of English skills that have
gien an important contribution to human beings. It can be seen from the fact that scientific
books, novel, report, poems, letter, diary.newspaper and magazine are products of writing.
Moreover, writing is a skill-based subject, in addition to listening, speaking and reading,
which must be taken by student of students of junior high school. Writing is also can we
called as activity that explored an ide in our mind or express an idea that we think this is must
be transfer with writing. In activity of writing they are epected to be able compose well-
organized pieces of writing in English as their foreign language.
According to the curriculum of English subject in Junior High School, English students in
grade V111 are given writing lesson including writing recount text which focuses on
constructting sentences fluently, accurately in acceptable English sentences.
Diary is a statement, which is written on a piece of paper or more, it contains feeling
expression, private thing and so on. It can be seen in a personal diary. A diary is used as a
representative of individual. It means that can express the writer interest, feeling expression
and wish.
Unfortunately, almost of the students think that writing is difficult. The reasons are that it
takes a lot of time to think about the topics that they are going to write, they just only have
little knowledge about technique of writing and almost they feel difficult to explore their
idea. The writer used diary as media to express their ideas in written form, because diary can
make them to be more motivated and easier them to express their feeling by writing diary.
They can write about their feeling, experience and wish.
The writing thinks that by writing diary can help the students to explore, express their
ideas, in the written form especially in recount text. Writing English diary is one of the media
in teaching writing recount text. With diary the students can improve their writing ability,
because with diary the students can write their feeling, their idea in their mind. So, they can
exploreall of things with writing diary. In writing areas, exercing writing everyday will help
write English text approppriately. Habit of writing diary and they are all very up to date,
every single day, what they do, fun or things they find funny, interesting, they put it on their
diaries are good to improve students recount text writing. This study is to find out writing
diary can improve the students ability in written recount text.
Thus, i want to study about students writing ability, especially in written recount text of
the Eight Grade Students of SMP 1 MEJOBO who are taught by using writing diary. I hope it
can help the students to express, explore their idea in their mind when the teacher ask to make
some text especially to make writing recount text.
In doing the research, i found some previous researches that can be based of consideration
for my research, for example the skripsi arranged by Asti .......(2009). In her skripsi she
wanted to know the writing ability of the eight grade students of SMP 1 Mejobo with the title
“ writing as an alternative technique .............................” thus, i want to do follow up of the
previous research and i take my research to the Eight grade students of SMP 1 Mejobo in the
academic year 2010/2012.
Based on the reason above, I take the title of this research “ Writing Diary as a Media to
Teach Written Recount Text Ability of the Eight Grade Students of SMP 1 Mejobo in the
academic year 2011/2012.

1.2 Statement of the problem

In this pont, i want to deliver about statement of the problems. The problems of the research
1. How is the writing skill in written recount text ability of eight grade student of SMP 1
Mejobo in academic year 2011/ 2012 before taught by using writting diary?
2. how is................... after taught by using WD?
3. Is there any significant difference between the ability of writing before and after
taught by using writing diary of the eight......

1.3 object ot the research

here, i want to tell about the purposes of doing the research. On the statement of the problem
above, i take the purpose of this research as follows :

1.4 significance of the research

the writer hopes that the result of the research will be useful for the teacher and the students
of SMP 1 mejobo
1. to give students solution of their problem
2. .

1.5 limitation of the research

in this research the writer limits the topic of recount text on the students unforgettable
Here, i only focus on the students writing ability which encourages the students writing
ability for the students of smk negeri 1 kudus in the academic year 2009/2010, especially the
eight grade students. In teaching writing in the recount text taught the students by using
writing . i only teach recount text as the material in teaching writing by using writing diary.
The subject of this research in the eight grade student of smp 1 mejobo kudus in the
academic year 2011/2012 . the location of this research is in smp 1 mejobo kudus.

1. 6 definition of term
To avoid misunderstanding in reading this thesis, the writer would like to explain some terms
of the title as follows:
1. ability is a skill, capability to do something. Writing is an activity to compose, to
create sentences to be a text.
2. text is a set of language oral and written which has context of meaning to express
3. recount text is a text type which tells events in the past for the purpose of informing
and intertaining.

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